Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafseer Of Surah Muminoon 01

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The title "Art of the Bible
AI: Transcript ©
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Every summer, I have the distinct pleasure of spending an entire month with people from all over the world here in Dallas, teaching the Arabic language or onic Arabic the language of the Quran, and discussing and exploring the timeless lessons and wisdoms of the book of Allah. We call this experience for all intensive, please check out begun smr.com that's b a YYINH summer.com. To get more information, sign up, I look forward to seeing you hear insha Allah at the Quran intensive

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alright Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. So inshallah beginning with surah number 23 sort of mean

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there are 118 is inserted to the moon. Now, before actually I delve into any more detail, one of the things I'd like to explain here at the very beginning of our inshallah study of this particular sutra, that again from the methodology of the scholars is that whenever we engage in the study of a particular sutra, there are certain introductory

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issues that have to be covered, a little brief introduction to the sutra itself. And that will involve and include a few different things. Namely, we'll be talking about the sequence or the placing of the of the sutra in the sequence of the Quran. We will also be talking about the number of ayat within the sutra, we'll talk about the central theme and concept of the surah. We'll talk about a little bit about the structure of the suta. And we'll finally conclude by taking a look at are there any virtues of this particular sutra or any comments, a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam specifically pertaining to the sutra as a whole.

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And so those are a few introductory things that we're going to take a look at inshallah, in order to be able to better appreciate the sutra and be able to have kind of an overview of the sutra. Before delving into the specific details. One of the things as well is that this is a little bit of a lengthier souta. It's about based on how we kind of divide up the most half the peran in order for for purposes of kind of organization, which is the size of what you can basically call about half pages, which is in very, very lengthy, but is still a very good sizable suta. Now, we are going to spread it out over the entire duration of our course of study here in sha Allah, which will allow us

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does a few things for us. So number one, we don't pick anything larger. So that we can pay enough attention to detail, we don't pick anything shorter. So at the same time, we have a consistent flow kind of going, but we will have some you will start to kind of feel maybe a little bit more from tomorrow, that we will take a very micro look at not every single not just every single ayah but even every single word of the particular sutra in sha Allah. And that's in order to again have that nuance and a deeper appreciation of the sutra and its message as well. Having said that, a lot of times and a little bit, maybe in a longer course of study in our lengthier souta, you can start to

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feel kind of like kind of lost within the sutra. So it is important at the beginning to kind of take a little bit of an overview of the sutra and when we conclude, we will again conclude by doing the same thing. So you're able to piece the two things together in sha Allah.

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So to talk about a little bit of the introduction of the surah the first and foremost thing that I I'll explain very briefly, again, this is kind of from lumen Quran the study of the Quran itself, that the Quran has two sequences. The Quran has two sequences to keep the word in Arabic is that a team? There are two teams from the Quran two sequences from the Quran, there is what we call a 31 Lazuli

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a 31. Usually that is the sequence of Revelation, the order in the sequence of Revelation. When was it revealed?

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And where does it place not only historically but also in relation to the rest of the Quran in terms of when it came down and how it came down.

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The second 30 of the Quran is what we call a 31 most happy

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or a turntable, January, which basically means the compilation of the Quran, that even though it was being revealed in a particular sequence, every

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Time The Quran came down to the prophets, a lot of him he was given the placement of it within the Mazel Tov. So that finally when the revelation of the Quran was completed, it all fell into its proper place. But it was not the exact sequence in which it was revealed.

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Okay, many of the end solos of the Quran the last few words of the Quran, many of them are from the early or mid mccunn period, but they fell at the end, they were placed at the end of the compilation. And you have some of the earlier what you'll find some of the earlier Sutras, or some of the first suitors when you open up a must have, like Baqarah and Lisa and other suitors that are in the beginning of the most have, they were actually revealed towards the end of the life of the prophets, Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So these are the two sequences of the Quran. And we'll talk about both sequences in order to have a proper appreciation of the suta. So first, we'll talk

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about the sequence of revelation because that's very important in the sequence, and where it falls within the most have is also very fascinating. But the sequence in which it was revealed is very, very important. And really remarkable in terms of further kind of shedding light on what is being said and why it's being said and why it's being said, the way it's being said. Right. So it really helps to kind of unlock a lot of the beauty and a lot of the relevance and even the tone of the message of this hula. So from that particular perspective,

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some of the scholars they come and they comment on when exactly it was revealed. So

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Allah Allah Lucy Rahim Allahu taala, he actually brings a few narrations even from Abdullah basadi Allahu taala on Houma, where he actually common saying that this surah was revealed in Makkah. So this surah is machiya

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imama cu t Rahim Allahu taala. And again, this is not abnormal by any means. But he Mama suti Rama Allahu taala actually theorizes that there's a section of the surah from Isaiah 64 to 77. That was actually revealed later on in the Medina and period. But again, that is his own individual opinion, overall majority of the Mufasa Luna scholars are of the opinion that this surah is mucky. in its entirety, it was revealed in the Macan period. Now before I comment any further, what does that tell you right there. All right. So a pseudo being revealed in the makan period tells you a few things. Number one, it most definitely tells you that the Muslims are a minority. It tells you that Muslims

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were an embattled minority, that the message and the community was still in its early stages.

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already going into the sooner you can expect that the sutra will not be delving extensively, at least into legal issues, and legal matters, fix what we call jurisprudence.

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There won't be a lot of different akam and rulings. But rather, it'll have primarily a more spiritual and philosophical message. Because that is when the foundation of the religion which is the belief system of Muslims, was being established the spirits and the identity of the Muslims was being fortified. And so it's going to focus on a lot of these very fundamental issues. It obviously is going to be talking a lot about different challenges faced by Muslims, especially when they are an embattled minority.

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Some other scholars of the Quran have actually gone a little bit further. And they have said that if you look at the tone of this law and its style, and exactly the topics, which it is addressing, and you kind of correlate that to a similar tone, and style and message in other places in the Quran, you're able to discern that this sutra was revealed not only just in the computer, but you're able to narrow down the gap a little bit more than this was revealed in the mid mccunn. Period.

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The mid marking period. Now what does that exactly entail? What does that mean? What that means is that the mccunn period itself was divided into three phases. There was the first phase which lasted about three years in which the profits a lot he said him, was not commanded by a lot necessarily to take his message public, to the entire city of Mecca. word was spreading, but to gradually slowly at an individual level, continue to talk and explain to people exactly what his message and his cause was, what his mission was, and that's what they were engaging in.

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The second phase rather, was the next seven years after that. So from here 14 years 10, those seven years, were basically when the profits a lot of time was told to take his message public, and to invite all of mcca to this

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to this call.

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And that is when the word spread in Mecca, the prophets, a lot of the symbols publicly preaching the number of Muslims was growing. But as a consequence, and as a result of that, the persecution also became very, very intense.

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And that's when basically, the torture and the persecution of Muslims not only just started, but reached unfathomable levels, intolerable levels, even to where many Muslims were even sent by the prophets, a lot of them to go and seek and live in refuge in East Africa in Abyssinia.

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And then the third phase of them are computers, when the profits are lovely, some started looking to taking the message outside of Makkah. And there this also coincided with the passing of the uncle and the wife of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, but particularly in relation to this point, the passing of the uncle of the prophets, a lot of some review removed a huge barrier between him and people who wanted to take more aggressive action against the prophets, a lot of them wanted to basically incite violence against even the prophets, a lobbyist who himself not just the muscles, but against him. And so now there were assassination attempts, and it was an all out attack against

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the profits a lot of the time, which eventually culminated in the migration to the city of Medina. And from there, the Medina and period begins. So that's Macau versus Medina and the phases within Mecca. So when we say the mid marking period, again, a few things that we know now, number one, the Muslims very much, were still a minority. Number two, the message was being preached publicly, there was dialogue and conversation happening. Why, what do the Muslims believe? What do they say? Why do they believe what they believe? Why do they say what they have to say? What is the response of the majority McKinnon's to the Muslims and to the Prophet? Salallahu, alayhi wasallam? And then what is

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the counter response from the Muslims back to the Croatian regards to their objections? And then what is the fallout from all of these conversations? And so again, some of the commentators of the Quran, have basically said that the tone of the sutra implies that this is maybe right before, things have started to become very, very violent, that there was a lot of argumentation and a discussion taking place publicly.

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There was, of course, very, unfortunately, the, you know, individual cases, there were individuals who were maybe being tortured, specifically, like Malala, the Allahu taala, who because he was a slave, and the slave owner was specifically torturing him. And so there were these very unfortunate individual cases, but at a public level, it had still violence and are broken out into the open against the Muslims. But we were they were right on the cusp of that occurring, and maybe just the tone of the suta. And kind of the finality of the tone and the message of the surah might have actually even led eventually to that, which is not a bad thing. But it was basically because of

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Muslims, due to the message of this sutra. And similar types of other, you know, ai authors who are within the Quran, that they became so firm, and convinced and absolute and resolute, within their stance in regards to what they believed

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that the opposition came to the realization that we are going to have to physically break the will of these people, because we cannot, socially or psychologically, or emotionally or spiritually, ever deterred these people from what they believe in. So the only thing we have left is physical aggression.

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So that is a little bit about

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kind of when the pseudo was revealed.

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A last little bit of detail that is, again, quite fascinating

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is that

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even our shooter have Allahu taala. And Mr. fsid, he actually mentioned that this was the 67th surah of the Quran that was revealed in terms of sequence sequence of Revelation. This is the 67th surah that was sent down. Now if you think about 114, pseudos within the Quran,

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and 67.

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I mean, we're talking about even past the halfway point. That's a lot. And if we're saying we're in the mid marking period, and the marking period is longer than the median period, right 13 verses 10. So we're talking

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About the mid marking period, which is maybe six, seven years into the mission.

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And out of 23 years, you take six of them out seven of them out, you're left with what 1516 years.

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So for there to still be another 16 years remaining, but less than half of the Quran remaining to be revealed.

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In terms of number of Sutras, it might raise, it might it might make some people, you know, might be intrigued, you might, it might make you ask some questions like, how does that exactly work? It seems like the revelation of the forum was very front loaded, that more than half the forum came down within the first, third or fourth of the era of prophethood.

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That's very interesting.

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So there's a couple of things to understand and realize, remember what I told you that some of the sutras that you see towards the end of the Muslims, like the 29th Jews, the 30th Jews, those were all revealed in the early modern period.

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Just the 30th Jews itself, I forget off the top of my head how many suitors were are just

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37 sutras within just the 30th Jews itself.

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37 Sooners, right, which is near it's it's almost a third of the Quran. It's just contained with in terms of number of pseudos. Right, not the IRS, but just the number of pseudos. It just contained within that 30th years. So that's how you would answer the question about how is it possible that the 67 Sutra in terms of sequence and revelation is coming down only six years into Prophethood?

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Right, what about the next 17 years?

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So that's the explanation for that because one Surah Surah Al Baqarah, another pseudo pseudo Tunis, ah, another pseudo pseudo tilma. EDA is just these three, four pseudos. These are Medina and I mean, just think, think about what that tells you. Right? Those three, four pseudos combined together are equal to six absorbed by themselves versus 37 suitors in just a 30 30th choose itself. So that's how you would kind of answer that particular question. If that question occurred, this sutra was revealed after pseudo to tune in the opinion of even our shoe.

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And it was revealed the next sutra to be revealed after soon after moving on, was similar to milk, tobacco Lesiba the milk.

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Alright, so that's just a little bit of detail to kind of no doubt about the revelation of the sutra, and when it was revealed in terms of time, now in the placement

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of the must have,

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which basically means the compilation.

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This sutra, as I've already commented, excuse me, is the 23rd Sutra,

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within the Quran, within the compilation of the Quran, the 23rd Sutra, the sutra that comes before it is called sort of to hedge,

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sort of to hedge, and the sutra that comes after it is casilla to noon suta news.

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Now, our comments on how the end of so there's again, two schools of thought within the scholars of the Quran, that even the sequence sequencing of the sutras, how much attention do we pay from the end of one pseudo to the beginning of next sutra, and kind of the segue in the correlation and the connection of the end of one sutra to the beginning of next surah. In terms of its compilation, there's two schools of thought scholars are both opinion some scholars say it is divine, there's a lot of detail there, it's something we should pay a lot of attention to. Some scholars are of the opinion that it most definitely is a divine design. But nevertheless, that's not it's specifically

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an area of intense focus or study. I particularly do ascribe to the school of thought where I'm quite fascinated by the study of even the sequence in terms of compilation and how it segues from the end of one surah into the beginning of the other and that kind of shows the perfect fit of the Quran, not only in its sequence of Revelation, when did it fit perfectly, but in the sequence of its compilation, which is very different than its revelation, it's still man, Matt manages to fit exactly perfectly and that can only be the product of divine design that can only be done by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that's an element of the miraculousness of the Quran. So the previous sort of

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sort of hedge.

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Now, again, for somebody maybe, you know, even the students here you can make a little note, I don't think that we've published our materials yet at the time we're conducting this Dallas, but we did record that of Seattle. So little hedge at the previous

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Last year's for an intensive class, but maybe inshallah, maybe if somebody's listening to the recordings by now they've been published but that's something that you can go back and inshallah hopefully, we're able to put that online and you're able to kind of go and maybe even listen to the end of a little hedge if nothing else to kind of see the sequence in the segue. But very quickly, I'll mention a few things. And if you do have almost half in front of you, or you have your device in front of you, this might require you kind of flipping back and forth a little bit, but it's a worthwhile exercise. So many of the scholars of the study of the Quran, who pay a lot of attention

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to kind of the sequencing of the sutras and the structure of the sutras, many of them also say that Surah Surah, surah, number 22. And so number 23, sort of hides and so often won't be known, are almost like a pair of soudas. They are like a pair of pseudos that they have a very deep profound special relationship between the two of them. All the sutras of the Quran are interconnected, but these two sutras very specifically are a pair amongst all the specific others who rose and there are many students of this particular nature, sort of medium, sort of Aha, and actually even sort of Colombia, all three of them are kind of like a grouping of three students together. So similarly

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sort of to hedge and certain won't be known are kind of like a special pair of pseudos at the end of pseudo toolhead so number 22. If you go to Ayah number 77.

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If you go to IRA number 77. Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, you are Latina, I'm an old Carol, West you do wibu Robuchon,

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Allah Allah.

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Allah subhanaw taala says that, oh you believe for just a brief translation that those who have claimed to believe claimed faith that

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bow down in front of the lost power tele performed the real core, what you do, put your face on the ground in front of a law prostrates why we do Robuchon enslave yourselves to your masters to your master Allah subhanho wa Taala enslave yourselves to Allah subhanho wa Taala to your master Allah, what's the I don't hate, and do good strive to realize good Lala come to flee home. So that maybe hopefully possibly, you are able to achieve success at some point into the future.

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So that is what I said nine number 77.

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And when we look at so we talked about the prospect or the potential of success.

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And so number 23 begins by saying a flat movement on the believers have already achieved and attained success.

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So the scholars explained that sort of two heads talked about the foundation of our Deen and our religion and the prospect of implementing that within our lives and reaching success, the station of success and sort of their momentum picks up from where they left off and talks about now really realizing it and culminating into actually actual success. Similarly, if you look at the last III number 78 which is a little bit of a lengthier I'm not gonna go into any detailed explanation of it. But Allah says what Jackie do feel like you have a god, that striving the cause of a law for the sake of a law. How could you have the as he deserves? What's the back home, he has selected you he

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chose you? Oh my god, I didn't even have Raj. He has not placed any type of difficulty or adversity upon you. Tragedy upon you within this religion within this Deen meloetta abracadabra him that this is the legacy of your forefather Ibrahim, who has similar common muslimeen He called you or he named you Muslims. Min Ave. Wolfie has not only before, have you been referred to Muslims in previous revelation? Well, he had that. But even within this revelation, Leah coonara solutia hidden Aleykum and the messenger will testify on your behalf that you were believers, what's Yahushua aliveness? And you will testify?

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You will testify in regards to the people that how did the people conduct themselves with the prophets and messengers who were sent with them? Because this knowledge was given to you through the book of a lion through the Messenger of Allah for our famous Allah. Now how can you be true to this, you've been given a responsibility now you've been given a task, you have to strive for the sake of Allah, you have to realize the legacy of Abraham, you have to live up to the expectations and the honor that has been bestowed upon you by being the selected people by Allah by being named as Muslims by Allah by being able to stand on the Day of Judgment, being able to vouch for profits, so

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that the Prophet can then Mohamed Salah ism can then vouch for you

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and that's

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A huge responsibility and expectation that has been placed upon our shoulders. So what will help you to live up to these expectations? Three things for our famous salon. So establish your prayer will add to Sokka, giving charity spending from that which Allah gave you in a cause that is pleasing to Allah, when Allah and always making sure that you put Allah first, and that you interpret, and you decide, every single every time you are faced with a decision in life, you go about that situation in a way that would be pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala, who am otaku because he is ultimately your caretaker

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and your guardian phenomena Mola when you have an athlete, and he is the best Guardian, and the best of

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the best, who can assist and help. So this kind of talked about how can we live up to our expectations of the honor that has been placed upon our shoulders? How can we live up to this, and it said that stablished prayer and give charity. Now, the next sooner superluminal basically picks up again, where this left off by saying, success has already been guaranteed for you as well. You just have to be able to live up to the title of won't be known believers here, you talked about Muslim. Now it's saying now live up to this title of being a believer? And how will you now live up to the title being believer here at the end of so number 22, give me three things, establish prayer,

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give charity, and then hold firmly on to Allah subhanaw taala. Now in terms of becoming a believer, now he talks about seven attributes, and seven qualities. So it's kind of taking it a step further, it's taking the education of the believer a step further, that how do you graduate up to the next level, because if you can do that, there is not only just an expectation, now, success has been guaranteed for you.

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And that's where the pseudo picks up.

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So this is kind of the beautiful correlation that we are able to observe between the previous era in terms of compilations that are 22 selected hedge answer number 23, which is similar to what we know.

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to comment a little bit about the structure in the layout of the sutra itself. So of course, I've mentioned that

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the surah has 118 118 is

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one of the very interesting things in a few scholars are, particularly again, have kind of specialized in this area and paid a lot of attention to this particular

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angle of the study of the Quran, even Ashura, Allahu taala being one of them. And there are other more recent researchers within the Quran, scholars of the onweb also really elaborated upon this particular you know, area of study of the Quran, and that is kind of looking at the structure of the sutra. And so the first thing that we kind of observe is what is the central theme, and the central concept of a pseudo? What is the central pillar of the sutra? And what does that exactly tell us? So

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even our shooter, Allahu taala, for instance, he comments by saying that the central theme, and the concept of this particular sutra is that this sutra again, talks about the battle, or rather the struggle between belief and disbelief

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and the challenges and the adversity that comes along with that.

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So the the struggle and the challenge of belief versus disbelief in all its struggle that it involves. Similarly, some other scholars have also explained that this sutra very centrally revolves around the idea of what does it exactly mean, to believe? And that's why some of the scholars actually go as far as saying that this sutra is specifically taught is, is a surah that is very devoted to providing support to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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It talks about his message, what is his message elaborates a message and again, who can elaborate the message better than Allah subhanaw taala himself, so elaborates What is the message? Then it talks about? Why is the messenger upon the truth? Why is anyone and everyone who has any type of problem or contention with him in the wrong by bringing examples of previous prophets and talking about the consistency of the message of all the prophets that by declaring this one

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messenger of Allah, a liar will either Billa or problematic God forbid. That by declaring him to be such, you are forced into a corner where you then have to refute and deny any message that ever came from Allah subhanaw taala that any profit or messenger that was sent by Allah.

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Thirdly, it goes on to then specifically not only mentioned, what are some of the challenges and the objections of the disbelievers. But then it goes as far as providing an answer to their objections and their questions. And it goes even further by calling them out

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for being hypocritical. And really what's remarkable is even goes as far as calling them

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disingenuous, almost flaky

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for a lot of their claims, and their objections, because they themselves don't really abide by the principles that their objections are based upon. So it exposes their hypocrisy and their inconsistency.

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it concludes once again, by detailing signs, and evidences and proofs, within people in the world around them. That how it is so clearly obvious

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that they are wanting and demanding, and insisting that there be all these grand miraculous displays and signs of the truth of the message of Islam and the Quran and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, but Allah subhanaw taala says that any miracle that might be manifest, any miracle that would even be produced right now, at your insistence, would actually be wasted on you.

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That Allah subhanaw taala is saying you people are such a waste of space, and gifts and blessings and resources.

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That what Allah has already given you is beyond miraculous. The intellect

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and the eyesight and the hearing and the ability to think and reflect that Allah has granted you is such a miraculous thing and ability that allows provided you that the human being is the center of all of God's creation.

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And that you're not able to just simply take a look at your own self or look at what's right in front of you and around you and be able to come to that obvious conclusion of the truth of the message of Allah subhanaw taala and the truth of what the messenger Salafi someone's delivering to you.

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And then finally concludes, and this is when we get there, inshallah, we'll talk about this in a lot more detail. It concludes with something that's very, very pertinent and relevant to a lot of discussion going on in the world today, particularly in the Muslim community, in the Ummah or it needs to be a discussion, that finally, Allah subhanaw taala tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that number one,

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as far as their in justices, and biases and prejudices, and even their aggression is concerned,

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do not ever respond with the like,

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Do not ever respond to their mocking with mocking, with violence, with violence with indiscriminate violence with respond to indiscriminate violence with similar indiscriminate violence.

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That that is not befitting the view and the message that you are relaying

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that that would be dishonorable and insulting to you and your status and this the message of Allah subhanaw taala the Quran, but rather respond

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with dignity and honor.

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And if that ultimately necessitates and requires and leads to

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what people might interpret as inaction.

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That is their own misgiving and misunderstanding, that's their feeble mindedness.

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Because their work could work Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah

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like entrusting your matter to Allah, handing your issue over to Allah. Going to Allah and connecting to Allah and interesting yourself in your issues over to a law is the ultimate action.

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If somebody is able to understand and comprehend what level of spiritual fortitude is required in order to be able to do that,

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and it is people who lack that time

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for spiritual insight, who interpret that to be an action

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or passiveness, or whatever other label people would like to put up put on it, what is the ultimate action

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because any type of action that is taken without a connection, and first and foremost entrusting your matter over to Allah is the very essence of vanity and delusions of grandeur, that somehow I have some capability and control that is beyond the grasp of Allah subhanaw taala here, that is foolishness.

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So that's basically how the sutra and then the pseudo concludes ultimately, by Allah subhanaw taala. And this was very beautiful.

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It's, it's one of my personally for me, it's always a very powerful and very gripping and touching aspect of the study of the Quran. That when Allah subhanaw taala comforts and console's the prophets, Allah

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is beautiful. And through the Messenger of Allah, Allah is him. He's comforting and consoling every single Muslim and believer

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that Allah Spano without even though a love doesn't have to explain himself at all, he doesn't have to do anything on our behalf or say anything for us.

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But Allah subhanaw taala, then at the end of the surah, very powerfully, Allah talks about the ultimate outcome of all of this.

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That everything that you see going on in front of you, as chaotic and crazy as it may seem, what is the ultimate outcome of all of this will be the reward of those people who believed and stuck to their beliefs, what will be the May Allah protect us all, but the punishments and the doom and damnation of those people who not only just did not believe, but opposed those who believed and mocked and ridiculed and tortured and persecuted those who believed

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and what they believed that what will be the ultimate outcome of all of this. So law talks about the scene of the life of the Hereafter, very powerful. So that's a little bit of a layout of the sutra. In terms of the segment of the ayat, this, again is kind of like just a reflective exercise. So different scholars might have some different perspectives and disregard.

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But generally, many of the scholars they explain

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that is one through 11 are the first passage is one through 11.

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where he talks about the qualities and the traits of the believers,

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who is deserving of this success

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is 12 through 22.

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Now talk about the

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again, the kind of Allah elaborating himself jallianwala what is exactly the message and the mission of the prophets allottee setup

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is 23 through 54, not only a huge number of ads, but also very lengthy ayat, there'll be a huge discussion about the objections, the doubts, the criticisms, that are raised against the prophets, a lot of them are against Islam and the Quran in general.

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And then the response to them accordingly,

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is 55 through 67, which I explained, or rather, that's coming later is 55 through 67. is Allah subhanaw taala, talking about kind of what is what is called and again, if you look at the sequence of Revelation, if you look back at your notes, I told you this sooner was revealed after Surah

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Surah Two, two, very good solitude. So another place in the Quran similarly, in Sultan fatin, Allah subhanaw taala also talks about this, that what is the Sunnah of Allah?

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Will intentionally soon Attila hit Abdullah, you will not find the Sunnah of a lot changing.

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That the system that was put into place he's not bound by it. But Allah has implemented a system for our benefit.

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And so the sooner of a law, the system of a law is such that all the prophets and messengers who came before how they all dealt with adversity, and how all the people who oppose them were diluted by maybe some of the material things and possessions what they interpreted as prosperity, and how that diluted them

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and how the truth was Quite to the contrary, then is 68 through 7768 through 77.

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Kind of again, tie up the message of the Prophet

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Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Again, kind of elaborating on what is exactly the proof of the message of the prophets. A lot of the sermon is Prophethood. And this is a little passage that Mr. masucci Rahim Allahu taala says that was actually a later Medina and Revelation. And then is 78 through 95 are more of a reflective exercise, look at the world around you, and pay attention all the proof. As they say the proof is in the pudding. It's all around you. You just have to open your eyes, your ears, your mind your hearts, to let it sink in.

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And then is 96. Basically, to the conclusion is that consolation to the prophets allottee sermon talk of the ultimate outcome of everything. So this is these are the general kind of passages or segments of this particular sutra.

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The last thing that I'll conclude with here in sha Allah,

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and then we'll begin with the first ayah in the next session is

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some of the virtues of this particular sutra, or any type of specific comments, or ahaadeeth. That might

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be mentioned about this particular sutra that would kind of give us an understanding. Again, I'm going to interject in just for just a minute. This is definitely noteworthy especially if this is your kind of first time delving into more in depth study of the Quran intercede is that the vast overwhelming majority of very, very specific narrations

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that you might have heard or come across that specifically talk about specific surahs. I realize I'm using that word a lot, okay. But there's a reason for it. I'm not talking about just general, a Hadith of the prophets. A lot of them would talk about the virtues of the Quran and talk about the benefits of studying the book of Allah, but very specific narrations which are mentioning very specific virtues for specifically named sutras of the Quran.

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The majority of them are unfounded. What, again, the Hadith intensive students will come to learn what is called Mirador. They are fabrications. They are fabricated narrations.

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And how that came about why that is, is something that inshallah you will learn in class. But one specific thing that I mentioned, which kind of is a lesson in and of itself, that there were actually certain even certain sects and groups, and definitely some individuals, misguided individuals. At the same time, there were some deviant groups, and some misguided individuals who employed a particular philosophy or idea which was obviously wrong, where they basically said that any and all means that we can employ in order to encourage people to maybe read a little bit more on or studying a little bit more later on, it's completely worth at the end totally justifies the

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means. And unfortunately, again, what they were kind of missing from their thought process was a Hadith of the prophets a lot of time and again, I'm going to employ some Hadith terminology. So the Hadith intensive students need to pay attention very closely, a type of narration that we call mutawa tinned tomato, which basically means that and different scholars have different standards of what leads generation to reach the level of tomato or mutawatir. But basically, if I was to roughly translate the concept, it means that a narration reaches the point of becoming completely indisputable, and irrefutable, indisputable, and irrefutable, it becomes absolutely proven.

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And that, according to the standards of some of the scholars sometimes takes even 70 different people from the very first even 70 different Sahaba narrating the same Hadees a minimum of 70 and that number only continues to exponentially multiply going forward into future generations, a minimum of 70 Sahaba marrying the same exact hobbies to make it reach that level of authority. And one particular and some scholars say that it is one of the most highest love highest graded and most widely reported narrated a Hadith of the prophets a lot. He said that the prophets a lot he said them said, Man, Kelly balagia Mohammedan finally, at about what makhado hoomin And now, that

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whosoever deliberately unintentionally attributes a lie to me

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Puts words in my mouth says something on my behalf that I did not say intentionally deliberately, then that person should already go ahead and reserve their seat in the firewall.

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That sounds very harsh. Somebody's saying, to me,

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that's very harsh. No, because the prophet SAW someone is looking out for us, because what the words coming out of his mouth are the demon the religion or the not.

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Its law.

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So that's distortion of the religion as the greatest crime against humanity, that God's revealed religion, to distort that greatest crime against humanity.

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So the prophet SAW some is actually being very compassionate, merciful to humanity, when he issues such a warning. So anyways, getting back to the point that a lot of times very, very specific narrations that if you read this souta at noon, on a sunny day, on top of a mountain on one leg, then you know, you'll go back home to a pot of gold or, you know, really bizarre narrations. And there's a ton of them. And of course, you know, my

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daily, I have to have a daily rant against the internet's the students are very familiar with this. But the internet definitely has not helped the issue and only further proliferated a lot of these fabrications. So you have to become a student. That's what we're here to do, to be able to verify and confirm your knowledge and your information.

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But, so that's why a lot of times these specific virtues are unfounded. But there are some virtues of DeSoto that are particularly mentioned. There's a narration found in the book of Timothy. And in the book of nessa he

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honorable hottub radi Allahu taala. And who he says can either masala Rasulullah sallallahu nesma, or in the what he said

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that when revelation would come down on the profits, a lot of some of you were sitting close enough to him, we could almost hear kind of like this buzzing type of sound, which was the revelation coming down upon him. Phone zilara here, man. So when he received revelation we could tell for Sudan who until eventually he the effects of revelation were gone from him for stackable Tabler. He faced turned around and he faced towards the Qibla for a day he raised his hands in supplication. And he said how long was it now when I've done cosna Allah increases and do not decrease us? Well, I kinda wanna to hinder honor us Do not humiliate or debase us. We're out in our lives. And grant us give us

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Do not deprive us what I think now when I do theater, Alena and

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give us preference. Do not cast us aside what is the Anna verbena be pleased with us and please us, meaning be pleased with us and give us that which will also lead to satisfaction and gratitude and contentment

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color and then he he made this, of course, everyone was amazed by this law, benefiting learning digital art from the profits a lot of them and this is an authentic supplication. Then the prophets, a lot of them addressed the companions and he said the cardones era Talia Asha 1010 iaat 10 verses were real to me. manakamana Hallelujah, Jana, whoever is able to observe these 10 iets be able to realize them within their lives doesn't matter. Young or old man or woman out of barragem doesn't matter, man, whoever can realize these 10 ions within their lives, the whole agenda that person has entered paradise.

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That person has been guaranteed paradise. And then he started reading me known hotter, hotter menasha. Then he started reading from the beginning of the sutra until he finished and if is the virtue of this. If we can implement even just what we're gonna learn in the 10 first 10 out of the sutra, and then the rest of the sutra Of course, will elaborate and build on that message. But if you can just implement that paradise has been guaranteed to us by the words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and remember Allah subhanaw taala honors the word of His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Similarly, another very beautiful narration also mentioned by Imam

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nessa he and his staff see in in the in key tablets of seed within his compilation of the sunon

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it's another authentic narration dad's

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job Jaffer. Or rather abou Emraan narrates from yazeed been bad news. So he has even bad news says who is a Tabby Gary? He's a successful

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To the Sahaba, he says would not be, shall

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we send to the mother? A shadow the Allahu taala on her, may Allah be pleased with her, gave her kind of Hulu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how was the character, the lifestyle? How is the lifestyle of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Paulette scan of Hulu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on

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the lifestyle of the messengers a lot he said was the Quran

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and then for karats and then she said, let me give you a sample. A very good sampling of what I'm talking about them in demonstrate this, what I'm talking about, and she began to recite, but me known until she reached the Iowa Latina whom Allah salata him, you have done, basically till were a little bit before from where we stopped in the recitation earlier today. So again, it should be a lot more I'm saying, the lifestyle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the Quran. And that further can be specifically observed within the first passage of Sultan wamena. That's a huge virtue of this particular school and especially the first part of the sutra. And then the last thing

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that I'll share with you here before I conclude, even I should mention a few narrations again from the unauthentic narration from Mr. nessa IE that Abdullah bin Zayed, not the Allahu taala and who says that huddled to Rasul Allah has a lot. In fact, I

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approached the Messenger of Allah ceylonese him on the day of the conquest of Makkah. The day of the conquest of MK I approached the prophets a lot he sent him, like I came to sit with him for Sundar fibulae carrabba. He prayed towards the Kaaba near the Kaaba right there. First time after a long time, he was praying near the Kaaba for helana. Allah He removed his shoes for what

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he took off his shoes and he put them to the left of him. And then he prayed towards the Goblin near the Kaaba. Foster has full autonomy. And he started by reciting Sultan won't be known surah number 23. For the magical Moosa or Isa, when he reads the portion where Moosa and a Salah Hema Salaam are mentioned, and we will get to that particular portion of the sutra, in the middle of the surah, a cadet who Salah tune farakka he became so overwhelmed with emotion, that then he went into record. So this again tells you that number one, this was a very special sutra to the prophets a lot is a very,

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very powerful effect on him. Number two, the profits, a lot of them chose to recite the sutra and read the sutra for his own personal reflection in the shade of the Kaaba on the day of his greatest victory in his personal life. And that was the conquest of Makkah.

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That this is a sutra that he went to,

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to kind of process what was going on at that time.

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by mentioning Moosa and he sallallahu wasallam. And how some of their own followers,

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let alone their enemies, some of their even own followers, were not very, we're not completely devout and loyal to them, unfortunately, that they were turned on by some of the people who were supposed to follow them, that the profits a lot of standing here with the most devout and loyal oma that any messenger and prophet has ever experienced. And not only that, but to achieve victory even over his enemies, lifelong enemies, who had tormented them for 20 years, that this was a pseudo that he kind of went back to, and we reach that particular point he was overcome with emotion, and he went into court.

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So inshallah I'll go ahead and conclude with this and like I said, before, inshallah tomorrow we'll begin with the first idea and the discussion on the first idea, may Allah subhanaw taala grant us all the ability to practice everything that was said and heard some Hana light would be handy he Subhana columbium digna Chateau La ilaha illa Anta suffer Ghana to be like

Tafseer of Surah Muminoon – Part 1

Dec 21, 2016

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