Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafseer Of Surah Maryam – Day 06

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of practicing the Quran and achieving spiritual maturity in older generations. They stress the need for individuals to practice learning the Quran properly and not just read it. The transcript also touches on the historical context of the title of Islam, including the use of "has" in Arabic language to describe emotions and personal experiences. The importance of parenting and parenting in older generations is emphasized, as it is difficult to keep up with a child in their early teens. The transcript also discusses the use of " bid" in Arabic language to describe love and respect, and the challenges of parenting in modern day entertainment.
AI: Transcript ©
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shallow we'll be we'll go ahead and start from number 12. Again, we've discussed it number 12. But we'll just start from there because it's kind of a passage from 12 to 15. It's a one small little passage so we'll cover it all together inshallah

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mina shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. Yah yah yah hoo. Dil kita Babu. Wha, wha

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hoo. hochma sobia Rihanna. Mila

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what can a tepee

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What? Baran Viva la de he will amiko Jabbar on Ron I'll see ya. What's going on a yo yo Mahmoud do ya? Oh my yoobao through hi yah.

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And hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa

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wa salatu salam ala ZD mursaleen wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa tobiano homie son, Elijah Medina about yesterday, we talked a lot yesterday, you could pretty much say was a kind of an introduction to this entire passage. And it talked at length about

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we talked at length about how there is something omitted from the sequence of events here and the wisdom and the beauty in that. So now a lot basically yahia was born, he he was given birth to he came into this world, and he's growing up now. He's being raised, of course by remarkable parents like his equity and his wife. And at that time I lost kind of hotel addresses him and Allah says yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yah, hoo, del kitabi. hold firmly. Hold could grab on hold on to grab, hold, take take hold of the book. And the book unanimously, the facilitators, this refers to the total, who didn't get abiku Watson, B CUDA. And CUDA here, of course, refers to strength,

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conviction, firmness. And we talked a lot about the CUDA that it doesn't just mean to read it. But it means to understand it, it means to memorize it, it means to live it, practice it, and dedicate one's life to implementing it. And that's what it refers to so unless telling him to stick to this book, and one thing that needs to be pointed out here, there's a lesson in this for us too often. And I tried my best in the previous passage where he talked about the supplication of zaccaria how we can extract lessons and how we can extract benefit from that because too often it happens when we're reading about somebody like Zachary and he said, I'm a prophet and a messenger of the past.

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It's a long, long time ago, in a faraway place, there was a man and this happened, a fairy tale. It comes off as a fairy tale, but we got to make it relevant. And that's why we made observations about what was the supplication of zirconia? How did he supplicate? What did he ask for? And we talked a lot we talked at length about that. What lesson Can we take a lead selling zecharia? To hold on? Excuse me a life selling? Yeah, yeah. The center of zirconia hold firmly on to the Torah. What can What lesson can we take from that the lesson we can take from that is the Kitab. The Al Kitab of that time was the Torah, the Al Kitab of this time is the Quran. And so we need to implement that

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same code, that same mentality that we need to hold firmly onto the Quran. The Quran must be the foundation and the basis of everything that we do in life. And because one thing that is another predicament of our oma is when we hear Dota. And even for that matter in Jean. We know these were revelations of a law revelations of God Himself. But we also know that it was in the past. And the Quran tells us you had an infernal Kelly Mohammadi, and he went,

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Ruby, that they altered it, they changed it, they conveniently forgot parts of it. We know that it's been messed with, to put it in very plain terms, that it's not in its original revenue revealed form any longer. So too often when we read about the total, again, we don't have that same mindset we don't reflect on in the same way that this is this was the revelation of Allah, how we feel about the Quran what we think about the Quran, the Torah was exactly that. It was the it was the column of A lie was the word of God Himself revealed upon a previous Prophet Musa alayhis salam. So for the followers of Musa for the followers of Zakaria for the followers of yahaya. For them the total was

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like what the Quran is to us, the same level of commitment, that same level of reverence and that's something that we can often get disconnected from Allah tells us and operon and pseudotumor EDA is number 45

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Allah says well internetowe ratafia houden one neuron and we revealed the Torah in it

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was or in its is who then guidance were neuron. And it's a node in illuminating light. And that's exactly what we know about the Quran as well, right? The Quran is hidden. It is Ramadan, it is Shiva on what the total was the same exact things for the people of that time. As long as it was it was in its original form. So that's what we have to understand. So the lesson we extract from yours that photo was guidance for them and ally saying, You hold on firmly to this, because you cannot succeed without it. The Quran is guidance for us and we cannot succeed without it. We need to hold firmly onto the Quran. Well, attina will hook masovian and Allah says and we gave him we gave you a locum

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and I described an hokum in detail yesterday. That all the different opinions about it, that it basically refers to a spiritual maturity. It refers to a spiritual maturity refers to knowledge and wisdom and understanding, a spiritual maturity. Alright, so let's say that we gave them that spiritual maturity even though he was a child, because typically, this is something that people mature more spiritually later on in life. That's why the MBR aleikum wa sallam the messengers of Allah would reveal Prophethood at the age of would get received Prophethood the first divine message at the age of 40, most often, and that was the exact reason for it, because that spiritual maturity

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sets in a lot later on. But yeah, one of his distinct qualities was that he was given that spiritual maturity very, very early on, he was given it very, very early on. So Allah says, What atina masovian and I talked about how Similarly, there are observations there is guidances, he Daya from people in our own mind, like even our best of the long lines. He says the Quran will play the same role for people, it for the people of our oma that the people of our oma will be able to achieve more spiritual maturity. If they are the earlier they are introduced to the veranda more earlier, they will mature spiritually speaking. And that's that's a very, very common predicament across the

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board today, that and I want to be very, very straightforward about this.

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We can become very extreme in our rhetoric, sometimes we can become very extreme in our rhetoric. And we have a problem today. The problem is that, especially in the non Arabs, Muslim speaking community, excuse me, non Arabic Muslim community, non Arabic speaking Muslim community, we have, we do have a certain commitment to teaching our kids how to read the Koran, even when their children, we have a commitment to that at least,

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you know, etc, etc. So we have a commitment to that. And that's, but we do have a problem. And that is there is absolutely little to no emphasis on the understanding of it on the practicality of it on the spiritual guidance that it has. So too often, when we get into preach preaching mode, we start preaching with that, and we lose a little bit of what is moderation and balance in our preaching. And we start saying like there is no benefit to knowing how to read the Koran without understanding Hold on there, buddy. All right, back that up just a little bit. That's a little bit Hold on there.

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reading it is the gateway to understanding it. Because I can tell you have the opposite extreme that also exists within our communities, where somebody will read translation after translation after translation after translation. And to not absolve myself of the situation. Somebody will listen to Tafseer lecture after lecture after Tafseer lecture recording after recording after recording, and use put in front of them juice ama, and they'll look at it. And it's they can't make heads or tails of it. Um, yeah.

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Luna, that would be a blessing. And I'm not criticizing those people. But I'm saying that situation that that condition exists. There are people like that in our communities, more often than not. And so what we have to do is we have to instill a sense of balance, we have to achieve balance, and that's what the situation of Yeah, Haley said, um, I talked about that, how the Sahaba and the Tabby and they interpreted the Hukum and hudl keekaboo. Within that it was the recitation like I'd mentioned a quote from Alito the loved one I knew that the person committed to the Quran is not just a one, you know, halala where you heard him or her Rama, he lives the * out of it. He lives the

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hot Rama he abstains from the hot arm of it. way out. maluma mocked me he acts on the confirmed and the authoritative parts of it. Well, you'll be it'll be much too shabby. He believes in the things that he might not even understand from it. Were to Lou who have gotten our tea, and he recites it as it does

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To be recited, as it was meant to be recited. So we need a great amount of balance in this regard. So we need to continue the education of how to read and recite the Quran properly. Why don't you look around at our Tila? Alright, I even feel embarrassed talking about this. I mean how to do this, I'm sure if you've probably heard him talk about this many, many number of times. Why don't you look around 13th the Sahaba till karandi understood this Allah Allah one who's quote, in the Tafseer of desire is that it is wajib It is thought of the eyeline. Which means just like praying five times a day is fun. It is first on every Muslim to learn how to recite the Quran properly. So that balance

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needs to be instilled. So we need to take our children very early on, give them the tools to be able to recite the Quran properly, which to some extent we are doing, but we got to take the next step, we will not i'm not going to sit here and diminish the importance of learning how to recite. That's the mistake we make when we preach. But what I am going to say is, we need to move on to the next step we need to be implementing the other aspect of learning the Quran simultaneously at the same time. So when my child sits and reads three lines to me on a daily basis, or when my child goes for 30 minutes to look for an teacher to recite half a patient, I also need to make time on a regular

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basis where my child can understand that

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he or she can understand the Quran and begin to see how this is a practical code of life, a way to live my life and that's what we need to be implementing even know about says the sooner we do that for our children, the sooner they will start to come into knowledge and wisdom and most importantly spiritual maturity. The next II in number 13 it goes on now describing Yeah, hey Ali Salaam It started off by describing him. Well, Tina will help them sob and we gave him wisdom. We gave him knowledge and spiritual maturity even though he was a child. Now he goes on describing him and Allah says what Hannah Mila Donna was a Katanga Karnataka Well, hi Nana, Henan in the Arabic language,

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the best. The closest term I could find in English to describe the meaning of Henan was affectionate, affectionate, alright, affection, it comes from the root, which means affection. All right, a shift to what is called to instruct for recall. It means to be soft and to lean towards someone. It also and it has some very interesting derivatives and classical Arabic honey no Napa when the camel would like moan or cry, because he would want affection from its owner. The moaning sound that the camel would make they would call it the honey of the camel honeymoon Napa. It's moaning because he wants affection and wants to be petted. There is a story from the life of the

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Prophet sallallahu aleyhi instead of that a camel came to the prophets a lot of a sudden started moaning,

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started moaning the promises and walked up to the camel and placed his hand on the head and started basically petting the camel. Like you pet an animal show affection. He showed affection to the animal the animal became quiet. Then the prophet SAW some turned and he said who owns his capital? And the man said I own him jasola so the profits a lot he said him said I liked the tequila.

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I like the tequila. Don't you fear a lot. Don't you have duck? Why don't you have cognizance awareness of a lot. You push this camel hard, you make it work excessively and then you don't give it time to rest and you don't feed it properly. It's moaning. It's crying to me. Why don't you fear God. So that the hinein of the Napa the camel came and moaned to the promises I'm looking for affection. There's also another beautiful story about the prophets a lot. And that is a honey of algae, algae, the algae that refers to the trunk or the stump of a date palm, the trunk or the stump of a tree in general actually gytha is the trunk or the stump of a tree. So in the mustard of the

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profits a lot ism there was a tree stump, there was a tree stump and the profit system would lean against the tree stump when you would talk to the Sahaba. So when he would preach when you would be giving a lecture when you would be explaining things when need be answering questions, he would go he turned around lien against his tree stump. And that's where you would talk to people after some time from based on an instruction from the prophets a lot. He said I'm the first member was constructed. The first member was erected. So when the first member was put together and was set up and the prophets a lot of them got up from the they said yellow Silla, we've completed the member.

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So he gets up from the tree stump, and he goes and he sits down on the member, the Sahaba to get on with the loved one and they actually say we heard moaning sound coming from the tree stump. We heard a moaning crying sound coming from the tree. So this is one of the margins out of Rasulullah alehissalaam. The prophets a lot of them went back over to the tree stump and placed his hand on it basically showed it affection and the prophet SAW something

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elaborated that when he got up and he went over there to the member of the tree stump was crying, because it was going to miss the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, and it was going to miss being used for such a noble cause, which was the preaching and the teaching of the people Subhana Allah. So the word hinein is also used in that meaning of moaning and crying looking for affection seeking affection.

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And also like the the love that a mother has for her child is described as he is described as is Hannah and Hannah, that is that type of an affection. The mother feels affection towards the child, she strongly leans towards a child. And the best term, like as an expression that I could find in the English language that would describe this, Hannah was, you know how we say in Arabic language that excuse me in the English language, we say that you have a soft spot for somebody in your heart. You know, we say that little phrase we have you have a soft spot, I have a soft spot for him or I have a soft spot for my child. I can't say no to my child, it hits right here. Right? That's

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basically what this describes when you have a soft spot for someone you feel a great amount of affection for someone. So now what Hannah says second yahia excuse me, yeah, Ali Salam is being described as henna. Now, what does that mean? Again, this is that hyperbolic exaggerated form derivative pattern of the root word. And this can go in two ways. It can either mean that he himself was very affectionate. He himself was very affectionate to the people around him, not limited to but including, you know, his his family, his friends, the his followers, humanity in general, that he was very, very affectionate towards people. But it could also be referring to the fact that he was

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shown affection. He was showing affection, so both active and passive. Not only was he affection, but he was showing a great amount of affection. So who was he showing affection by obviously from his parents. And then more importantly, from a loss, Rotella himself. And we just see the levels of favours upon the yahia li Salam and his parents, his father's equity, yada yada, and we can see the affection that Allah subhanaw taala had towards Yeah, and his father's academia, the first of all, the existence of yahia the birth of yoga is a miracle in and of itself. If Allah did not love that family so much yahia wouldn't even exist. Number one, number two, we then see in the previous II and

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number 12, Allah subhanaw taala is saying he gave him wisdom, knowledge, spiritual maturity, that is even reserved for the profits that are much later later age. Allah subhanaw taala gave it to him even though he was just a child.

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Even just a child, even though Salah says he needs some ICT in order to fasciae to say maybe he was three, maybe it was four, maybe it was seven. That's why yesterday I said like the under the age of 10 a child so maturity that was reserved for even messengers to get at an older age was being given to yahia even when he was such a child, Allah subhanaw taala a great amount of affection and love for YALI Islam. So it can mean both meanings. Either he was affectionate or you were shown a great deal of affection both by his parents, and of course, by Allahu subhanho wa Taala himself. So here it says, Well, hi Nana Mila Donna. So whether he was affectionate himself, or whether he was shown a

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great deal, a great amount of affection. Where did this come from? Allah says min from LaDonna let's Madonna. All right. Ludden in the Arabic language. All right, it means especially from especially from

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like a special favor from someone.

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All right, I was explaining it to the Arabic students. So it's kind of like we say in English when you get hooked up by somebody. You know, somebody hooks you up. somebody gives you the hookup. That's the dude.

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So Mila, Donna mille aduna, especially from us, especially from us a las panatela he's saying so second yahia was so affectionate.

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Because this was a special gift from Allah especially given to yahia the ability to be so affectionate to people to humanity. Secondly, yeah, was shown a great deal a great amount of affection, again as a very, very special favor from Allah. This was a special favor from Atlanta it's easily understandable. Well, hi Nana Mila Donna. And you know one thing that's very interesting about this term, Allah says Mila do not as a special favor from us as a special gift from us. When zecharia the father may do our to Allah. Alright, going back to I am number

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I in number four, no excuse

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Use me.

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I, I number five, going back to iron number 512 fathers that can EGA make dua for

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yahia for a child for the son. What word did he use when you go back to number five? You said we're in the 15. Mohali, amuro eva Canada Moroccan family, or like gift me, Min dunka as a special gift in favor from you when, again, somebody I can trust and rely upon. So when Zakaria asked for a child, he said mila dunka I don't just want any child Oh Allah. I want a special child. I want a special gift of a child. So Allah says yes, we made yeah here really remarkable. Hi Nana Mila, Donna, Allah use that same term, my that my slave zecharia had asked for a special gift of a child. And last month I was saying, We accepted this application. I accepted this application and gave him a special

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gift of a child. Well Hang on a minute, Donna was a Katherine was a godson, the next quality of yahia alayhis salam

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the cotton Zakat in linguistically literally in the Arabic language means to internally purify something, for something to be internally pure.

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bahara refers to external purification, or even more. So actually, Shahada is a general term can mean both internal and external, Nevada nuleaf, Nevada, Nevada is external purification. But zakka is internal purification. That's why the term desica does get to the test gear to knifes comes from the same root internal purification that got to man, the annual charity we give, it's for that same reason when you give that charity, it spiritually purifies you, it allows you to, you still have your wealth, you still have the bulk of your wealth, the vast majority of your wealth, remember, you only give two and a half percent of your savings on an annual basis. So you Only you still retain

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the majority of your wealth. But behind a lot, one of the blessings of giving Zakat in a very disciplined fashion

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is that it makes you emotionally disconnected from your wealth, emotionally disconnects you from your wealth, and that's a blessing. Because getting too emotionally attached to your wealth is where problems start. It's where problems come from. So when you become regular and disciplined about giving your guts, you naturally will gain the ability to give some thought

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to start giving more and more charity above and beyond the call of duty. Why? Because you starting to become emotionally distant from this wealth. Easy come easy go.

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Who cares? Just money.

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Right? So you know, usually we say that's what rich people say people who have money say that? No, no, no. People who don't care about money say that. All right. And people who don't care about money are not necessarily rich people. That's not a qualification. It's people who realize that there's a higher spiritual calling. And my money is a means to an end. It can be a means to an end of luxury and comfort,

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or even sin. But more importantly, it could be a means to an end to the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala. That end is the pleasure of Allah. And this could be my means of reaching that end. All right, so is the cat here refers to that internal purity, that he was eternally very, very pure. Some of them have us they don't have said that. No, this can also refer to the fact that he was very charitable. And there's nothing denying that remember, I've mentioned this already a couple of times, when you have a word that can have multiple meanings, and it's using the Koran in the Quran, we never limit the meaning of the word. Because Allah subhanaw taala in his divine infinite wisdom

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chose that word, because it has those multiple implications. Allah subhanaw taala has the ability to say a whole lot with very little he says a lot of things at the same time. So this both refers to so yeah, yeah, was very, very affectionate. And he was shown a great deal of affection. Number two, yahia was very internally pure. He his heart was clean and pure. And number three, or embedded within that same meaning as a third meaning you could almost add is that he was also very, very charitable. He was very charitable, because it's one thing to be affection. One thing to be affectionate, right to show affection. All right, you know, I'm talking about sisters like to do

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that. Right? So one thing to show affection be affectionate. It's another thing to actually do something with it. You can take off and then move right on next one. Oh, how sad. All right, let's go for lunch. Right so and that's too often of a situation that's happens way too often. All right. I know brother as diseases here, you know, my fellow his work with Islamic Relief. He probably sees it very often. He can show like this photo slide or a video of the suffering and you know different parts of the world and people

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They're crying and they're tearing. It's like, Alright, let's help these people now. Like, Oh, brother and I have to go to work tomorrow morning. Right? So could you speed this up just a little bit. So that happens way too often. So yahia was not just somebody that felt was affectionate. We just have a soft moment or we just shed a couple of tears, but then he would live, he would practice, he would live it, he would then spend in charity on whoever that he was so affectionate towards whatever cause he would see that was worthy and deserving of that charity. And the last quality Allah subhanaw taala mentioned here is what Ghana toffee Yun Subhan. Allah ocana Takia.

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jockey is the, again the very hyperbolic active derivative, from the root word, which comes from taqwa with higher taqwa quad. So this is the duer form. This is the, again the sefa, the SM obala form, from dakwah. So takua means to be cognizant, to be aware, to protect yourself to be conscious of what you're doing at all times. Tolkien. Tolkien isn't just somebody who lives who who is very conscious and aware and cognizant of his actions and his surroundings and what he's doing. But somebody who is very, very cautious and careful and Cognizant, so it has hyperbole in it. Mobile ever. It's like the exaggerated form of the word. So Allah says that, yeah, he wasn't just somebody

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who was very cautious and careful, didn't have adequate. He wasn't just somebody who worked up while he was somebody who had a lot of stuff was somebody who was very, very conscious, very aware, very cognizant, always on top of things, very careful. And then Allah subhanaw taala, before he described him as being lucky, Allah subhanaw taala added a word in front of that, and that is Ghana.

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Ghana doesn't just simply mean he was, it has more meaning that the word Ghana also incorporates the meaning of at least Demerol, Alice Demerol, which means continuity, consistently, that he constantly was in this state was in this condition, who have been very cognizant, very aware, very conscious, very careful. He was constant in this regard. He always that's how that he maintained that, if nothing else, he was always careful about what he was doing what he was saying, and how Allah subhanaw taala how we would be viewed in the eyes in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala would it went into favor of Allah would it bring the wrath into the anger of Allah, he was always very, very

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conscious and aware of this fact.

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Now, a few observations after understanding the entire Ayah a few observations, the first and foremost is

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Allah subhanaw taala describes him as being Heinonen

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affectionate or being shown a lot of affection.

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Then Allah describes him as a cotton, very pure sincere, then Allah describes him as being constantly very conscious and aware and cautious. Now when we kind of connect all that together, let's connect it back to the actual story, the story that it's a part of, and that is yahia. is born to parents. How would you describe the parents of yahia Zachary Ali salam, the first description that comes to mind old and we only say that because earlier in the suta, he himself spoke about how old he is. Now you know, and again to you sometimes.

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And this is a this is another issue and a problem on how we study the Quran. The Quran is the column of Allah, no doubt. All right, it is a great, great thing and amazing thing. But at the same time, we can be a little too formal with the Quran. Like we don't really extract the practical aspect of the Quran, not often enough. And that's what I want to highlight here. What's the predicament of old parents? You know, parents that might have had like children when they were in the prime age of having children, you know, in their 20s and 30s. And then they have that one last child into their 40s what ends up becoming the problem with that one last child

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All right, most of you are younger here Mashallah. Right. So you might not really be able to speak from firsthand experience Well, what could you guess would be the problem in that regard?

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Taking care of that child. Looking after that child, parenting is is hard work. Alright, so by the way, since most of you here are young, all right, you need to understand it's really really hard work to parent. All right. So your parents put a lot of hard work into making you who you are today. There's a reason why you're here away from home away from vacation time for an entire month setting Arabic a good quarter on that's not

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Normal these days, just so you understand that that's not normal these days. All right. And that speaks to how your parents raised you and what they instilled within you. So parenting is hard work. It's, it requires diligence. It's a nonstop job all the time. And so when a parent when parents have a child much, much later on in age, all right, the one big problem in issue is that they can't, you know, they say, we can't keep up with him anymore. I'm too old for this. Right? That's exactly the issue. Because that therapy of that child raising that child, explaining every little thing with that to that child, doing every little thing with the child, that gets harder and harder and harder.

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It gets hard for people when they have a child in their 40s.

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Can you imagine? Zachary alehissalaam I told you their narration saying that he was 70 at their examination saying he was upwards of 100 years old, triple digits

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100 years old. Can you imagine what it would have been like to try to raise a child at that age so hon Allah so Allah is describing these things, and Allah is giving them all these unbelievable remarkable qualities in that childhood. He's still a child. So be because Allah subhanaw taala has taken care of the therapy of

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Allah gave because what was zirconias motives are good he has motive wasn't that Oh Allah, I want a child. So I can make you know, babies hounds. hoogly boogly No, that's not why you wanted a child. So Allah give me a child so I can go have a photoshoot with the child. Right so I can have a cute baby to walk around with. That's not why he wanted the child. Why did he want the child yet he threw me Why get into me and Alia poobah would be the one. I want him so that he will take this knowledge and this wisdom and this hikmah this blessing for me of this Deen and you will be somebody that will strive to please you, Oh Allah. That's why you wanted a child. So this is the intention was so

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sincere, so pure, so good that Allah gave him the child. But then Allah subhanaw taala realizing the condition of course, a London was best, the condition of Zachary alehissalaam wahana lava mini shaybah, that Allah subhanaw taala took care of the tibia of his child,

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that this child right off the bat is henann. He's affectionate.

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He's very, very kind and considerate and compassionate. A child. A boy can imagine a boy being compassionate. Boys are mean. There's your boys do. They are mean, right? to animals to people. Two things break. That's like number one like reaction to anything. They see whether it's a glass, or it's a door, or it's anything the first reaction let's break it. Right. So that's that's what boys are like, right? They're rough. But some handler very affectionate. That's a sign of maturity.

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And then the curtain so pure. He's not having to go through all the tests and trials of life get tested, get tempted. This happens. That happens. Did that learn the lesson there have been there, done that none of them the pattern, pure. And then we're kind of Athenian and then having such a high level of taqwa a child SubhanAllah. So this is the other reflection here that a lot to care of that that'd be a view here. All right. And this is another form. What did the beginning of the sutra say the kuramathi Rebecca Abu Zakaria, this surah is a reminder about the mercy and the blessing of your Lord and how it showered down upon the slave zecharia we see that Mercy is still continuing.

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The mercy wasn't just a lie, give him a son when he was old. The mercy continues that only did not give him a son when he was old, Bella Chucky took care of the tibia, ready to go, no assembly required. He's ready to go. No assembly required.

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Okay. The other thing that I wanted to mention, which is very, very interesting here, and that is that the scholars he actually mentioned something very beautiful about this description. Henan Hannon, and they say refers to the condition of the soul of yoga.

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Very soft, very compassionate, very affectionate.

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The cotton refers to the heart, the spirituality. So you know, like a soft soul, a kind soul, we say a kind soul, a generous soul, a kind spirit. Right? So that's how you're here was. The God like I explained refers to the purity of his heart. So he wasn't like, attracted and tempted and pulled by sin. And then Katia refers to the actions the man the actions, that even in actions he was very, very conscious in terms of what he said and what he did. So requires a complete condition.

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Have a salon I number 14 it continues with the description and with the praise of yahaya what type of a person who was? Allah says what Bertram bydd. He, what barlaam bhiwadi de he all right, but run comes from Bill.

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Again, Baron is the exaggerated form of the word, which means somebody who has a very high level of bitter. Now what does better mean? So been in the in the Quran in the Arabic language, it's got a very interesting route. I'll talk about that in just a little bit. In the Quran. The usage of the term bid is higher than taqwa. It is like a combination of dakhla and eemaan and subud and chukar. When you combine all these good qualities together, it the epitome of it, the the collection of it, alright, is that the at the apex of all of this is that it manifests in the condition of what is called bid. That's why I lost hunter uses that word bid, and so tillbaka to describe that perfection

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of Deen and religion, will I Kindle better? Ah, man, I'm gonna be like you when you when you read on that ayah it covers all the different facets and aspects of life and action in common. So that's what the word bid refers to. All right, so bid is the highest level of piety Lenten aloevera had gotten 50 a boon. That's why you can reach bid until you spend not just in charity until you spend that what you love the most, because it's the highest level. So you got to spend that which you love more than anything else. And that's what gets you to bid. So bid is the highest level.

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Now let me explain the linguistic nuance about this term. The the etymological nuance from this term.

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This word bid, which is the highest level of piety comes from the same root as the word for dry land.

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But run, filled battery well battery. Baron refers to dry land,

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the opposite of wetland, the ocean and then dry land. Now, the what's the, again nuance here that it comes from the root word which means dry land, because naturally speaking, naturally speaking, there's always the exception. Naturally Speaking, do people feel more comfortable when they're on dry land or when they're out in the ocean, even on a boat?

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Right? Everybody feels more comfortable, more stable, more solid, more firm, when they're on dry land. It's natural. It's human nature. We weren't created to live on the ocean, we were created to live on dry land, it's a blessing of Allah mentions that he gave you the ability to be able to travel in the ocean in the sea. But that's more of a temporary condition, not the permanent condition. The permanent condition or residence of the human being is dry land. So you feel comfortable, you feel safe, you feel secure, when you are on dry land.

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Similarly here, when a person has reached that level of piety, when he has become so connected with Allah, that person finds that comfort, that security that that person feels when they're on dry land, being distant from Allah is like being out on a rocky boat out in a store in the stormy seas, where the boats being tossed around and you're vomiting off the side of the boat. That's not a good feeling. That's not a good time. That's not lots of fun. All right, similarly, being distinct from Allah. Being in disobedience of a lot is not a lot of fun. Nobody likes that. All right, so that's the condition that it describes. Now having understood the word properly. The beautiful thing is

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that Allah subhanaw taala when he refers to being good to the parents, the terminology that is used both in the Quran and the Sunnah, the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, which refers to being kind being good to our parents. The word bid rule valid in the same word bid is used, which is in another place in the Koran refers to the highest level of piety,

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the highest level of piety that same term is used for being kind, being good, respecting, honoring our parents bedroom validate bitter

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and that's something that we find consistently throughout the Quran and we see right here as well.

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And you probably have seen this or read this or heard this and I'll reiterate here for you.

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Allah subhana wa tada whenever he he mentioned being good to the parents right after mentioning what

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his right upon us and then he mentioned to parents right upon this will come out or bucola tabula Yahoo your Lord has decreed that you worship no one other than in what meanwhile the rainy Santa and then you be good to your parents a loss right and then the parents right mentioned one right after another, even in the universal values, way, way, the hunting.

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mitaka bunnies La la la buena de la la, a la even took a covenant and an oath from beneath la in that you will worship no one other than a la weapon rally day near Santa, and you will be good to your parents. So the rights of the parents are mentioned right after the right of Allah, to show the importance of it. And the the necessity of it. That allows pentelic gives it that honor and distinction by mentioning it right after he mentioned his right upon us. And not only that, but what we are now learning is that Allah uses the same word, to describe being good to the parents being dutiful to the parents, the same word that he uses to describe the highest level of level of piety

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and closeness to Allah and that is the word bid.

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That is the word bid.

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All right, and that we can make so many lessons from that, number one, we see the importance of it. So after realizing the right of God upon us, it is then incumbent upon us that we realize the right of our parents upon us the rights of our parents upon us. Number two. Number two, if you truly and I'm pretty sure no Muslim, no believer

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at known regardless of what level of faith that a believer is at, no believer would ever say, I don't care about a loss right upon me, I don't care what God has told me to do. Well, if at the least you have some problems, some issue with your parents, but you say no, no, no, I got no problem with Allah. Well, Who told you to be good to your parents, Allah and uses again, that same term to describe it that this is part of that piety, that you will not reach that level of piety. Unless, Unless Unless and until you have realized your duties and your responsibilities to your parents. Unless and until you can be good to your parents, you will never realize that highest level of piety

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which is a bear,

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a bear.

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So this is what this describes. Secondly,

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and the last note, I'll tell you here about this connection between the right of a line the right of the parents, and this is, I think a little bit more of a message to the parents. And I'd like to point this out for parents. And that is

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what will teach your child to respect your rights is when you teach your child to respect a law.

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Because look, we're all human beings. We're all human beings, a child should respect the parent regardless.

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But we're all human beings. As a parent, nobody can sit there and claim that I'm perfect. I'm the perfect father. I'm the perfect mother. Nobody can claim that. All right. So you are going to slip up, you're going to mess up, you will have faults and shortcomings.

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When those faults and shortcomings happen when you do mess up, the thing that will still make your child respect you. The thing that will still make your child respect you is that you instilled within your child the respect for a lot in the last command, then even though you've done, you slipped up, you messed up as human nature, you slipped up, you messed up and you did something horrible to your child.

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You did something horrible to your child.

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Even at that time, that child will pick up and read the book of Allah and will say we're bill Wiley Dini, Santa.

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Well, Bill Valley, Dini Santa, and that child will say I still gotta be good to my parents. I still gotta be good to my parents. And so that's very important connection, through just simply the word bitter. So now it describes yahia what but ROM bhiwadi de he Well, baramundi walidah he so he was extremely dutiful. So that hyperbole that exaggeration is built into the meaning here. He was extremely beautiful, good, kind, respectful. All right, towards his parents BYD day he with his parents.

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Well, me according Jabara na Seon,

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wollemi, akun Jabbar on ASEAN. All right, let me akun and he never was. He never ever was. Alright, let me a concrete set, meaning he never ever was that's consistency. What was he never ever, ever in any capacity at all. jabatan

00:44:23 --> 00:44:42

Jabbar comes from the root word, which means Jabba the root of the word Java, it means to apply pressure to something, to push something to apply pressure to something to push something down. That's what the term that's what the word means. Our agenda from that we have the Arabic derivative

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algebra, which refers to a splint because applies pressure to the broken bone in order to correct it. All right, so it means to apply pressure to push something. Jabbar is somebody who applies pressure. Now, this is one of the attributes

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Allah, Allah is Allah Jabbar. Because what what that basically means in that sense when we talk about Allah, it means that Allah subhanaw taala applies pressure to us when we need it in order to straighten us out

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in order to straighten us out. And there's a very beautiful reflection on that, because you don't like when you're ironing your clothes. And you have one big old crease of one big crease where you folded your clothes, you got one big old crease right there. All right. So when you're ironing your shirt, when you get to that crease, what do you have to do a little extra to push a little harder, right, you have to press a little harder. All right, to get that crease out. So it looks nice, as human beings will have certain wrinkles, certain creases, certain wrinkles, that just won't come out the easy way. Now, would you rather have those wrinkles, those creases taken out here in dystonia,

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or in the era

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in this dunya, right, without a doubt. So similarly, that's why Eliza Jabbar, he applies pressure to us when we need it, how we need it. And it's for our own good, it moves the creases and wrinkles from us, so that when we go to the doctor, we're in better condition, we show up looking good. All right. So that's the understanding. But when it's used for human beings, that is a law. And that is a laws right? To apply pressure. When it's used for human beings. It basically means somebody that forces HIS WILL upon other people. A human being, when it refers to a human being, it means it's very negative. So it's positive for Allah, like with a cup, it is an attribute of a line, it's

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Because Allah is proud,

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Allah has a right to be proud, right? But it's negative when we say about a human being if a human being is with a company, that's bad.

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Human beings should not be proud. So when a human being is jugaad, that's bad, because he's forcing his will upon other people wrongfully without their consent, without them agreeing to it. So yeah, I was never the type of person to force his will on somebody else. He was never pushy. He was not bossy. He wasn't pushy. He wasn't bossy.

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I'll see ya. I'll see you in his again, that exaggerated form of the word which means somebody who is disobedient, somebody who is disobedient. And something interesting about being disobedient that I've spoken to, to the Arabic students about during the daytime, that disobedience is the result of

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undergrad ungratefulness in gratitude. This obedience is the result is the consequence of ingratitude being ungrateful. So the fact that yah, yah was never ever disobedient, not even the least bit means that he was a very, very grateful person.

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Now, again, I'd like to kind of take that step back and see how this kind of fits in with the entire sequence of I outs. So it's describing this beauty, this wonderful, unbelievable, amazing human being, that is yahia. Allah says, starting off, that he was given that wisdom and knowledge and spirit and spiritual maturity as a child, he was affectionate or he was shown a great deal of affection. Then, as a special gift from Allah, he was very pure and sincere. He was very, very cognizant and aware of his deeds and his actions at all times. Then it says, so I explained how he described the soul of Yahuwah. He was a kind soul, he was a generous soul. All right, then it

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described the fact that he had a very pure, sincere heart. Then it described that his actions were of the utmost caution and care. All right, then it describes the last piece of the puzzle, and that was family relations, family relations, he was very, very good in terms of his family relations.

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He was very good in terms of his family relations. And that's another very common predicament in our community. All right, we met we have not fully understood the scope of what it means to be spiritual spirituality. And we have, we have separated spirituality, from the practical aspect of our Deen the family relations part of it. So I can be praying five times a day reciting Quran daily basis, doing a lot of Vicar doing all of that, but maintain horrible family relations. And still not only consider myself a bit, but the horrible thing is to be seen by others as being somebody who's very, very spiritual, somebody who's very pious and righteous. And that's the biggest contradiction in the

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world. Because the prophets a lot he said him said potato comb. I said, Look only only the best amongst you is the one who's the best for his family well, and acid ogam, Leah Lee, and I'm the best out of all of you, when it comes to dealing with my family. So family relations is very, very important. It is a key component.

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It is part and parcel

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parcel of spirituality in general, so abundant on bydd, he had the full package of spirituality, that he was also very good in terms of his family relations. And the most important in those family relations are the are the parents. And again, what an unbelievable contradiction that that's usually where we fault the most, where we falter the most is in our relationship with our parents. That's the most important so in fact, the prophets a lot a simple design of Day of Judgment be will be great with their friends, but not so great with their with their dads.

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him you know, know what he's talking about. Old man.

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But when they you know, and you know, sometimes I don't want to go into the whole rant and tangent I did plenty of that yesterday, all right. But even in terms of like, very, very, they they package it in innocuous forms in modern day entertainment, the packaging and very, very unassuming innocuous forms, like cartoons. When Bart Simpson talks about his dad, what how does he refer to him? Does he say my dad, my father, what does he say? Homer calls him by his first name.

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even speak to him with his first name, Homer Subhana Allah.

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But it's not some horrible dude. Right? Who's like drinking alcohol. And he's got drugs in one hand and a beer in the other hand, and he's got tattoos and he's got earrings. And if they don't present it like that, it's a cute little cartoon character who writes a skateboard.

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Right? And then he refers to his father as Homer. So you have to be very, very careful. All right, so we're better on bydd. He was very good in his family relations. Whenever we are quoting Jabara Nasir, and he was not bossy, and he was not disobedient and ungrateful. That doesn't mean that he wasn't bossy with other people. And he wasn't disobedient, grateful to Allah. He wasn't bossy with his parents, and he wasn't ungrateful and disobedient to his parents. And so behind Allah, why is that such an amazing thing? Because again, the parents of Yahuwah, how would you describe them in one word, old. And let's just again, let's just say it like it is, it's not a very pretty truth.

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It's an ugly truth. But older parents are easier to take advantage of. Older parents are easier to neglect. Older parents are easier to abuse.

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Old, quiet.

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Leave me alone. I'm busy right now. Very easy.

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But you see here yahia is very affectionate and kind, very pure, very good. He's very good, very nice and kind to them. And he's not bossy at all. Because that's what happens when you start maturing, and you become the responsible one, the man of the household,

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then it becomes very easy to boss your parents around.

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Then they're just a burden.

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Such a burden. You're such a problem. There's such a headache. I see it, but he wasn't ungrateful. He realized who his parents what his parents meant to him, and he was good to them. And this is a bit of naseeha is often quoted as a hadith. It's not authenticated as a hadith. But this is mentioned as an OC ha, that the scholars would give. And they would say,

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boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo,

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boo, boo,

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boo, boo, boo, boo, boo. Be good to your parents, and your children will be good to you. Be good to your parents, and your children will be good to you. And that's the biggest test of that is when they're old. And he goes on to say

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while they move to LA he feels sucked in validating that the anger and the wrath of a lie is embedded in the anger and the wrath of the parents. When your parents are displeased with you. Allah is displeased with you. Why not? Oh Babu lai akuna illa either of our uncommon Valley Dan and realize this, that the pleasure of Allah you will never attain it unless and until your parents are pleased with you. When I shake on yes III do feel normally when you buy a coffee recently mithila bitter in one day and he was so little

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and realize this, that there's nothing that puts more butter aka and blessing into the life and into the sustenance of a person as much as being good to the parents and joining family relations. What better on bhiwani day he was on Jabara na sia and then it finally ends by saying, I am number 15 was that am on La he oma Juanita, while y'all may have moved to Wyoming ubr through high end, and peace, peace and safety so here the word saddam is used in two meanings. One is it the literal meaning which means peace and safety, peace and safety be

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upon him, it is upon him said I want to add a peace and safety is upon him upon yahia. And it's also used in the figurative meaning the figurative meaning is like giving greetings to someone. And getting greetings to someone is a sign of showing honor to someone. A sign of showing honor to someone. That's why the Quran tells us when the people of Paradise agenda will enter into their gardens of Paradise. What will the angels angels line up and say to them, Salaam Alaikum Salam aleykum it's a way of showing honor to someone. So it means both things your number one, Allah is saying that peace and safety was showered upon yahia but it also means here that Allah is showing

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honor and dignity to ya. Allah is honoring yahia here so now Manali He is a very honorable person, when Yama walidah the day that he was born, because the day that he was born, a great miracle of Allah had arrived on the face of this earth that a child was born to very old parents, which had no explanation no logical explanation to it. Well, y'all may have moved to and the day that he will die, peace and safety and honor and dignity will be upon him on the day that he will die. And we know from rebuy ads that are mentioned in the books have fancied that yahia died as a as a Shaheed as a martyr. So ladies, this is kind of like that prophecy that foretelling that good news that

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congratulations being given that there will be honor and dignity and peace and safety upon him on the day that he will die because he will die as a martyr before Allah. While Yama Yama do ye oma Yuba through hayyan where Yama Yama zu Hey yen, and the day that he will be revived again, meaning the day of judgment that he will find the same honor the same dignity, the same benevolence from Allah subhanho wa Taala on the day of judgment as well he will be honored by olana Day of Judgment. May Allah subhana wa tada give us all the ability to practice everything that was said and heard Subhana Allah He will be humble he subhanak alone will be humble ik Michel de la ilaha illa Anta the

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sakurako when a two week

Ayahs 13-15

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