Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 086 – Instituting the Adhan

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of praying together in a church for the holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy. They stress the importance of diverse community, setting precedent, and sharing unique experiences and ideas. The importance of consultation and unique spiritual practices is also emphasized. The speakers emphasize the need for continuous improvement and innovation to enhance customer experiences, and for the importance of learning to properly identify the name of God and its meaning. They also believe their company is well-positioned for the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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You're listening to Calum Institute's podcast series. See the life of the Prophet by sheer Abdul Nasir Junga visit us on the web at Calum Institute dot o RG or find us on [email protected] slash Calum Institute.

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Smith lackey will have the level of salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He will be here at marine shala continuing with our series on the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a sirata number we are the prophetic biography. What we've been talking about over the last few sessions is the prophets a lot a sense of arrival and settling in Al Madina, munawwara the city of yathrib which now of course was Medina to Nabil al Madina, munawwara and Medina to nebia the illuminated city of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we've talked about a number of different things we talked about the prophets a lot, he seems arrival, his temporary stay at the

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place of Baba, which was a suburb of Medina. Then of course the prophets a lot. He said I'm advancing on into Medina, performing the first Salatu Juma that the prophets a lot of these have been conducted there in the city of Medina designating and establishing the not just a location, but the actually constructing the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam will measure the number we have Sharif, the prophets blessing mosque. We also talked about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam bringing in the rest of his family members and the prophets a lot. He said, I'm temporarily residing in the home of Abu Belen sadirah, the Allahu anhu. Then once his family members

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arrived, the prophets a lot of them had his actual apartments and his homes constructed and settled in with his family. Some of the other things that we've also talked about is the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, reached out and established certain ties and tried to build bridges and relationships with some of the leadership there in the city of Medina, both amongst the

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mafia boon, the hypocrites just so that they wouldn't have any valid complaint against the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Similarly the prophets a lot of them reached out to the Jewish leadership and the Jewish tribe and started to really scope out and figure out the situation in Medina, the profits a lot of them also established a bonds of brotherhood between among some of the Sahaba.

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So the profits, a lot of them also then, you know, established a bonds of brotherhood between the Mahajan and the Assad to make sure that he established a solid community and one that was able to work past a lot of the issues that they had in the past, such as the ongoing war or rather the the coral that was there too bad blood that was there between the tribes of the unsung heroes and husbands. He settled that and put that behind them, well, * Luna and sada became like brothers of one another. So the community was really starting to move forward. Now, one of the interesting things that the prophets a lot, he said, um, then, you know, he focused on was the establishment of

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the five times daily prayer. If you remember, in the last session, we talked about how when they first came and settled in Medina, there was that illness or that sickness, that most new residents or visitors to Medina would oftentimes be struck by whether it was some type of malaria or fever, or, you know, virus or whatever the case was, there were some bacteria, but there was something that would cause an illness, especially to people who are new visitors who hadn't developed a certain amount of immunity to that problem. That was Aaron Medina, and of course, we talked about how the prophets a lot of these are made to Allah and Allah subhanaw taala removed that until today, Medina

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has, as always been known as a place that is very comfortable, very healthy, very refreshing and very rejuvenating. So it's quite the opposite. Instead of affecting negatively affecting people's health, people oftentimes will feel recovered when they go to Medina. And that was part of the duo of the profits a lot. He said them to make Medina a place of blessing.

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The next thing that occurred was that the prophets, a lot of them really wanted to solidify the community. Now, there's an interesting little tidbit that I'd like to kind of reach back and recall from the earlier sessions of the Sierra that we covered. If you recall, we talked about back when the message of prophethood began, the nimbu was started. When the prophets a lot of them first received divine revelation and he came home and shared the message with his beloved wife, Heidi giannotti Allahu taala. And one of the first things that was done was gibreel Ali Salaam shows the prophets a lot he some how to pray, how to perform the

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A salon. And this is before on this route with mirage. So it's not the five times daily prayer that we know that would happen, you know, a decade later on the journey of an astrology mirage. But just a basic prayer I shout out the Allahu taala and her. She actually says it used to be two two cards at a time it was two units. They were like No offense, they were just extra prayers. Some scholars say that it was mandatory in the morning and in the evening, like fudger and Mother fudger in the US Sometimes, however, regardless of whether it was mandatory, or it was optional, they were to two units just to cause that they would pray and jabril Ali Salaam takes the profits a lot he seldom

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shows him how to do the will do and shows him how to pray. When Hadith or the language Alanna accepts Islam. The prophets a lot of them teaches her how to make will do teaches her how to pray and they pray together. When I live in a Vitaly radi Allahu talanoa accepts Islam, the prophets allottee some teaches him how to do will do teaches him how to pray, and then they all pray together. And this was one of the very first practices the prophets a lot dissembled establish. As soon as someone would accept Islam, he would teach them how to make will do you make will do with them. And then he would pray with them and teach them how to pray and they would pray together to

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solidify to strengthen the man. You know, one of my teachers always used to comment. He used to say that Salah is the you know the Shahada thing, the Shahada, Tina Chateau La ilaha illallah wa shawanda, Mohammed Abu rasuluh, that that the Shahada thing, which is the testimony of faith, the statement of our belief, can you play you buy la isla de la Muhammad Rasulullah that Salah is La La Mohammed rasulillah in physical form, Salah is the Shahada attain manifest. It is the Shahada to manifest because we pray to Allah obeying the command of Allah implementing the command of Allah, fulfilling the obligation ordained upon us by Allah in the way performed by Mohammed Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so we do what Allah said in the way that the prophets a lot of them did, and so is very unique in that regard. Of course, all forms of Eva we only follow the Sunnah of the prophets a lot he said them, but this is such a structured such a ritualistic form of a Baba in worship.

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This is such a structured and ritualistic form of Riba and worship,

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that it

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completely is implemented according to how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam performed the Salah, so that was always the first focus of it also lice allottee sin was to establish the salah, because that would help establish their eemaan that would help them realize their Islam that would establish their Islam and help them realize their eemaan Alright, so Salah, and that's why the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when he talks about his son as well, he talks about the aspect of worship, even though it's a broader concept than just Salah But nevertheless, Salah is a primary form where you can observe all levels of Islam a man and his son. Alright so Salah is very key very

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integral very central to the Islamic faith in the Islamic practice.

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Well, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam likewise implemented and realized that same exact practice

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to establish and solidify this community.

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So if he did that individually, with each individual believer in Makkah, and even collectively in the house of Arkham Arkham Arkham radi Allahu anhu de la pomme communally now for the city of Medina for this to be the first you know, proper full Muslim establishment. He likewise instituted Salah so that's why they put up the masjid they started building the machine the very first day they established they found located the masjid right groundbreaking if you will, on the second day, they started putting up the machine and the input immediately implemented the machine because Salah had to be there. And oftentimes I talked about this quite often I talked about it back then when we

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discussed this earlier in the seat all that you know,

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the reason why the profits a lot even prayed with his family, a family that prays together stays together. The prophets a lot of them pray together with the community a solid will Gemma, a Salam and Gemma because a community that prays together, sticks together. It's a community that is truly united. Right? And if you really look at our communities, there's so much diversity in our communities, which I'm not going to urban wakaba in, right, yes, Allah says Lita out of whom the only purpose why we have diversity is so that we have variety just so we can recognize and identify one another and know one another. But at the same time, a lot does not negate the fact that we are

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diverse. So we will be very diverse. We will have a variety of people within the community, and we will still be united in spite of that. But if you really think about it, the one thing that unifies

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Across all means, and across all boundaries is saw when we pray together and the mom says, we are going to do them put our faces down on the ground before Allah subhanho wa Taala. You have an 81 year old standing next to an 18 year old. I have the Koran standing next to somebody who doesn't know in fact you have you have a PhD standing next to somebody who didn't finish high school, you have a millionaire standing next to somebody who doesn't have food for dinner. You have everybody in anyone young and old. from all across the spectrum, everybody sends together and prays together. So saliva is a true unifier of a community. So Salah is very important, very profound in that regard.

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And the prophets, a lot of them focused on establishing the Salah when they came to Medina to munawwara. Now how did he go about establishing the Salah? Let's you know talk about that very quickly. The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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You know, one of the first focuses of the prophets a lot he said was, alright, how are we going to gather people together? So there are some narrations which allude to the fact that initially you would send out the Sahaba and he would initially he had even identified bulahdelah, the Allahu taala, and who, who was a close Companion of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, very beloved to the prophets a lot a seller. And he also had a very loud voice, meaning he had a very far reaching voice. So he had an identified Malala, the Allahu taala and who, and he was like the right hand of the prophets, a lot of him is very close to him. And the prophets a lot, you would depend on him

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quite a bit, belong to the Allahu taala would go everywhere the prophets, a lot of them went. So the prophets a lot. He said, I'm identified, beloved, the Allahu taala, who and you would go out and he would announce Assad to Jamia attune, a Salatu Jami, attune a Salatu jamya attune. Salah is gathering saliva starting saliva gathering saliva starting, and you would make this announcement and people would come and they would wait a few minutes, until the people congregating and gathered together and then they would pray. But the prophets a lot. He assumes that we need a better way to notify people that's alive starting because now we are a solid community. People are settling in and

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settling down. They're going to have lives, they're going to have work, they're going to have family, they're going to have business, they're gonna have a bunch of things going on. How are we going to create a proper announcement for the prayer? How do we go about doing that? So there are a couple of different narrations when narration says the prophets a lot of them gathered at the Sahaba. He said, here's the task in front of us. We need to gather people for Salah What do y'all think we should do? And there was a little bit of a what we will we call a Shula Matura a consultation and this right here exemplifies the teaching of the Quran what the Quran tells us we're

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Shall we

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write that consult them in matters. And this is a certain of the prophets law the cinema as well. Model A to accept on maturity may not rely solely solely on the companion say one of the wives of the prophets, Allah Nizam, in fact says I never saw anyone consulting people in issues and affairs and matters more than the messenger sallallahu sallam. Thirdly, the Quran describes what unblu rabina that are quality of the Sahaba. And the quality of believers is that the way that they handle issues is that they consult one another. So consultation is very important. You know, if anybody would be above and beyond the need for consultation would have been Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, he receives divine revelation.

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He receives divine revelation so he will shut up. right he receives divine revelation. But

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Allah subhanaw taala even instructed him to do so to set a proper example and a precedent. And even the way that the matters would unfold would practically teach us the good that was there in this act of Shula and Mashallah. So the prophets a lot. He's having consults, everyone says, What should we do?

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Some of the companions offered the suggestion that we should

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engage under bouken, Kabuki yahood. Right, that sounds some of them said that we can put up a flag or we can even sound a horn, and the prophets, a lot of them said, No, hallelujah, who said this is for something that the Jews do, we need to be unique, we need to distinguish ourselves in terms of our act of worship. And this, again, goes back to tell us that socially speaking, communally speaking, we might have collaborations and cooperations. There might even be certain things that we can learn from them and implement from them communally. Structurally, organizationally, administratively in worship, though we were told to be unique,

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right to it to create a unique religious spiritual identity as very profound and very important. In fact, I was actually doing a lot of research maybe about a couple of months ago, on the idea of religious identity formation, and it talked about the fact how all different types of identity, whether it be ethnic or whether it be, you know, political or it'd be nationalistic, and even religious, that it It talks about how like over generations over three generations, they continue to fade away until they become inconsequential. And we've seen that with a lot of different communities in front of us, but in order to maintain a strong religious

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identity, there's an important there's a necessity of teaching and maintaining a lot of unique, you know, spiritual practices. And that helps maintain and confirm the identity of future coming generations. So the prophets a lot, he said, I wanted something truly unique. And so somebody offered the suggestion, we should have a bell knock loose, and the profits a lot. He's him against that huddle in nesara. That this is what the Christians practice, we need something unique. And somebody offered the suggestion that we can light a fire, and it'll see the smoke or see the fire and they'll come and the prophets allottee Some said have that in my juice. This is what the

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Zoroastrian is a fire worshippers and produce, this is what they practice. And so there was all this discussion. Finally the prophets, a lot of them kind of told everyone will go and sleep on and go and think about it, and sleep on it. And let's see what what happens. One of the other narrations also comes that honorable Katara, the Allahu taala, on who, you know, with this free consultation was first done, or even before this was done, when the prophets a lot of them initially talked about it, he actually goes into the marketplace, to you know, maybe try to construct like a bell or some type of a device that could help kind of raise awareness and announce to everyone that it's time for

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the prayer and he had just bought like the initial like planks of wood that would use to be constructed maybe, and he went home. And this is where the story picks up from. So there's just a hobby by the name of Abdullah bin Zayed bin Abdullah Abdullah bin Zayed are the Allahu taala and who, Abdullah bin Zayed are the Allahu anhu something very interesting unique about him is that yes, he is also hobby of Rasul, Allah is a companion of the messenger, peace and blessings be upon him. But what's fascinating is that not by any means is he considered from key bottle Sahaba. For us, he is Kobi meaning he is somebody very respected, and very great in our eyes and to us. But amongst the

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community of the Sahaba, he was not in the ranks of the leadership. He was not in the ranks of the leadership. And his name doesn't come up very frequently as like a major,

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you know, person in that community, like a primary leader in that community. But he held a very unique position. And this was one of the very, very rare unique times where his name comes up in the divine wisdom in this as well is that Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us through the example of Abdullah bin Zayed or the Allahu anhu that anyone can be a contributor and didn't always have to be the Abu Bakar is in the Omar's in the earth man's in the alleys or the Allahu taala. But anybody could be a contributor. And a man whose name doesn't come up anywhere else in the Sierra was a contributor and a major contributor of something like the other than something that is Mencia in

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Islam. It is from the unique signs of Islam is one of the key identifiers and markers among Muslim community. All right, and so Abdullah bin cedro, the Allahu taala, who goes home and he goes to sleep. He says in his sleep, he sees that a man comes to him wearing you know, these two garments that are like green shaded, all right, green garments. He's wearing two of them, like I guess probably worn something like the head arm is worn. So two garments, a lower garment, and an upper garment. He's wearing these two garments, and he comes in and kind of, you know, he, he, he kind of walks around him, like he comes and kind of walks around him. And so he looks at him and he looks at

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him and then he sees that there is that Abdullah bin Zayed he sees himself in the dream that is holding a bell, Yamuna Kusum fee.

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So the

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the this man in his dream, he says yeah, Abdulahi at the bureau have an apples. Are you selling this bell? So Abdullah bin Zayed says to him Mamata snobby What if I am selling this bell? Why would you want to buy it? Why would you want to purchase it? And so he says that, you know, we can saw Abdullah bin Zayed or the Allahu anhu asks him, what would you want to do with it? And so he asks him, he asked Abdullah bin Zayed that what were you planning to do with the bill? So he says another ob healer Salah, we would use it to call people to the prayer. So the this man in the green clothes Hester Abdullah bin Zayed Allah DeLuca Allah hedeman Delica. Should I show you something better than

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that? So boo Mama, what is that? What would be better? So he says the puluh Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. A shadow Allah. Allah. Allah Allah. Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, a shadow no Mohammed Rasulullah Mohammed Rasulullah hyah Allah so Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa Allah. he recites the advanta him and wonder Asia Abdullah bin Zayed are the Allahu taala and who says that the man actually when he recites the that he actually goes and stands up like he goes, there's like a half wall. He goes and he stands up.

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On top of it and puts his hands to his ears, and he's kind of calls it out for a lot loudly, elongating the voice. And he in he demonstrates how we elongated the voice Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, right like elongated his voice. And he does this for him. In another narration, after he does that he gets down from the wall. And then he tells him that sweep. Sweep means when you want to let people know that now the salon is actually beginning. So that is to notify them that the time of the prayer has come in. So start getting ready, ready and working your way towards the machine for the prayer. Then when it is time to actually start to prayer. He gets down from the wall stands there at

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the place of prayer and then calls the karma. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Shadow Allah. Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah, there's two. There's two, two eyes about how he exactly called the karma, right, whether he called the mythical man oh bill ITAR, or he did it singularly and that's hospitalist he left. Both are completely authentically narrated from the profits, a lot of them and both our Valley practices and the football have given preference to different ones based on which of the Sahaba that they learned their Fiq from. In either case, he then calls the iqama with the addition of karma de sala de cama de Sala. All right, indeed, the prayer has has as like,

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initiated or the prayer has started, the prayer has stood up, indeed, the prayer has stood up, right. So he makes that proclamation and adds it to the comma adds it to the wording of the event. And then Abdullah bin Zayed wakes up. Now, Abdullah bin Zayed are the loved one when he wakes up and he's seen this in his dream. The narration says he runs to the prophets a lot. And it's even before the time of Salatin and he gets there and wait for the prophets a lot even when the prophets Allah does him comes out first a lot and fudge it in the morning. He tells the profits a lot to him. I saw this dream and this happened this happened that happened that happened this happened. So the profits

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a lot he said when the Sahaba gathered together he says tell them what you saw. And he tells him what he saw in his dream and then the profits a lot he said them then tells him

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fakuma mabie lol for alcohol ag for you as in Bihar. Farina who under Salta minca, then the profits a lot of assumptions. Okay Bilal you stand up and he says Abdullah bin Zayed you stand next to him and you feed him the words like one you know, Allah Allahu Akbar and a bill Allah The Allahu taala would call it a Lago, Allahu Akbar. And then you feed him the words basically you instruct him how to call the other end, and says that he should call the other fellow as in who are below and find out who and that Santa Minka because his voice is much farther reaching than yours. And even the way the prophets a lot he sent him says it has a lot of eloquence in it in the sense of not just

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physically but metaphorically and figuratively, that bill Allah The Allahu taala knew calling the man will have a greater impact. And of course, we know exactly what he meant by that impact that is shattered so many barriers that Mohammed Rasul, Allah ism is leading the prayer Bilal is calling the event and the karma. Think about the barriers that shattered bilateral dialogue with john who is an African man in Arabian society. If we think people are racist, today, people at that time were unbelievable. They treated people of another race lesser than the treated animals. All right, so it's shattered that barrier.

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And another barrier of belonging Allahu taala, who used to be a slave, he was born into slavery, born into slavery, and he was a free man. So again, though, again, those people unfortunately at this class system, were even though a man was free now, but because once upon a time somewhere, he was a slave at one time, they considered him to be a little bit lower than the rest of them, and the prophets allottee some shattered that false standard, right, he shattered that another prejudice and bias within the community. So he shattered some of these when he says his voice will be much farther reaching, meaning in terms of its effect and implications, right, and eventually, the day of atomica

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would come where the profits allow these modes to belong to the Allahu terlalu to stand on top of beta LA, gamma to sharifah. Right, you would have him stand on top of the house of ally itself and call the event from there, again, shattering all these different false standards, and all these ridiculous prejudices and biases that existed within that community at that time. And and it reminds me even of another, you know, situation, whether bilello the Allahu taala and he was physically present there or not, I can't recall. But it reminds me of another situation that honorable Hata radi Allahu taala and who, during the time of his khilafah, when he would have like a general

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assembly meeting, right, like a community town hall meeting, when everybody would come. He used to have a seating arrangement. Just like you know, even if you have like VIP seating, even if you're calling everyone, everyone can come and gang congregate and sit together. But you kind of have like some VIP seating, where you reserve some seats for some VIPs Armando Katara the Allahu talanoa in France right around him. He would have VIP seating that was reserved for people and some some

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narration say that no, he actually had like a seating chart, he would tell people where to sit. And that was the again kind of teach a lesson in the community. And it was people like beloved the Allahu taala. And who in the likes of Bill Allah de la Manu, which means that people who accepted Islam way back in the early days of Mecca and sacrifice with their blood, their sweat their tears, right, for the sake of Islam, and, and they they were there in the early days, and they made a lot of sacrifices, he would sit them in the front.

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And a lot of times leaders of the poor age

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who accepted Islam much later on, like Abu sufian, or the Allahu taala. Right, but except for Islam at the time of America, they would be sitting in the back, like at the entrance, or you know, people walking in walking out and they're all trampling all over you. And then maybe it's a shoe section, so the shoes are back there, so it's kind of dirty, and you're kind of like, man, where am I seeing why I gotta sit in the shoe area. And so some of them came to Katara de la Catalano. Afterwards, he said limitata Valhalla. Bina, like, why do you Why do you treat us like this? Why What are you trying to say? What are you trying to do? Don't you know that? You know, we're leaders of our

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people, and you have a sitting back there in the shoe area. Right? Like, what Why would you do this Yamuna? momineen like, you know, rebelling against you. But we're asking like, what is your wisdom and hikmah? And he said that and they said Why do you make a sit over there he says I didn't make you sit over there. Just to come come as a second moolah.

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I just make you sit where Allah subhanaw taala set you.

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This is the order in the sequence that you served Islam in. So I'm just maintaining the order first come first serve. Right. And so he took every literally. And so this, this reminds me of that as again. So the prophets a lot of these, honoring bilello, the Allahu talana honoring him, you know, and that's another thing we have to kind of think about is that and I'm going to talk about this towards the end of the session right now. But a lot of times I that is kind of like this responsibility. It's kind of like this thing like oh, who's gonna call it on you call? Me you call it? You call? Okay, fine, I'll call it on. Right like there's this mindset and this attitude. And

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there's like we almost maybe we don't in sha Allah humble over here. Everyone understands. A lot of times people perceive almost like a lack of prestige with calling the other now leading Salalah that's really prestigious leading salon. That's that's that's something special. Somebody asked you lead Salah. Okay, thank you very much Sokoloff hair, right? Somebody asked you to call it on. It's like, No, no, it's okay. Brother, you go ahead and call it on. I see this guy trying to make me call it on. right in. There's this weird mindset I can tell you like, from the perspective of like to Labrador Edelman, who follows up on and he in mind scholars like a lot of times there's this weird

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perception and mindset, when in reality, you know what it is? That what it is, is that calling the land is a great act of nobility and virtue and reward, and honor and distinction. And leading the prayer is like the greatest responsibility and the biggest obligation anyone can take on. If we realize how honorable calling bs on was, as to profits, a lot of them said, We'd argue, debate and fight about it. And if we knew what a grave responsibility leading to prayer was, we'd be hiding in the bathroom. Right? I mean, it's just is the god honest truth. Yes. When you are in a position of leadership, and you are the most and the most qualified to do, you should step forward and lead. But

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I'm just talking about perception. Everyone jumps forward to lead the prayer because that's honorable, and everyone ducks and runs and looks for cover when it's time to call it on. Because that's just like whatever. Calling do that is a real honor and distinction. And that's why the prophets a large sum bestowed that honor upon beloved reading Allahu taala, and who, and in fact, what's even more remarkable, to me personally, is that the two more ovens in Medina, of the machine of the prophets a lot he said them were beloved of the Allahu talanoa. And the other one was

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Abdullah Nomi Maktoum, who was elderly and blind.

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So one of the origins of the prophets, a lot of them was an African, freed slave. Again, think about that racist Arabian society at that time. And the prophets a lot of them bestows the greatest honor upon this man. And then the second one was an elderly, poor, destitute blind man who lived in poverty his entire life.

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And the prophets a lot of some bestows his honor upon him to again shattered these types of barriers within the community. Nevertheless, moving on, so beloved, the Allahu taala, who caused the Aranda narration says that for john semirara, who are Marabou katavi Beatty, Amara, the Allahu taala who didn't live too far away you heard the add on in his own for karasuma his allottee sama Jolla jewelry da who so he came out of his home running and he didn't even get fully dressed and clothed You know, sometimes you like put on your pants and you got like your undershirt on and then you got like your shirt and you run out like putting it on while you're jumping your car and button it down

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or whatever.

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You know, you got that look that would be willing to look on about you and you're like putting it on while you're driving and you're buttoning your shirt up while you're he was in that mode where he's just running and putting his shirt on while he's running. And so he died. He had the shawl and he's like, it's dragging behind him. And he comes in this state and he's panting and he's out of breath. And he says, Yeah, that'd be a lot. Yeah, that'd be a lot like from the door. He's like garrison, Eliana, Sula, oh, messenger of God, oh, messenger of God, when they're the boss, aka bill Hawk. And that's why he swears he's not swear. I swear by the one who sent you with the truth. I swear to god,

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look at Mr. Levy, rah, rah, I swear to God, I just saw the same thing in my dream that just happened right now. I saw this in my dream. And remember, I was telling you that Amara De La Hoya, Toronto the day before, had gone to buy two pieces of wood to maybe built like some type of a contraption or device to announce these time of the salon to the people will he buys some of the initial supplies, like a couple of pieces of wood, and he goes home and he goes to bed, he goes to sleep, and he sees in his dream.

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He sees in history, that what is this wood that you've bought, and he's like, Oh, you know, we're gonna build a bell or something like this. So let me show you something a lot better. And same way the angel gives him the other day. And he actually says in his dream that the angels descended down from the sky and stood there and called the Yvonne and then left,

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and so on Marathi Allahu talana. And so this kind of confirmed what Abdullah bin Zayed or the Allahu talanoa had seen in his dream, and the prophets a lot. He's affirmed this. There's another narration from some of the scholars of the Sierra like suhaimi and some of the others who actually say that gibreel when when Abdullah bin Zayed or the Allahu Allahu comes to the prophets, a lot he Solomon recites the van and tells him is what I just saw in my dream, that debris in the angel Gabriel gibreel, ali Salam comes to the prophets a lot, and affirms the fact that this is in fact, the will of God. This is in fact, the command of Allah. And this is to be established and Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. Again, why didn't the divine revelation come straight to the prophets allows him to involve the community

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to involve the community.

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Of course, the prophets, a lot of them understood this, but through the example of the prophets, a lot of them teaching the teaching the lesson that no leader will be independent of his flock in his community. But you have to depend on your community. And the best decisions are reached that are reached between that are reached by communication between the leadership ranks and the community, the leaders and the followers, they have to come together, and no leader is ever independent of his community. All right, and so this and then not only that, but like I said before, this was as a hobby was not very prominently mentioned, this is not an Abu Bakar or motto or mantra, Li Rob got a

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man being out, or, you know, they didn't know how to be thorough or someone else of that caliber, this is like an ordinary Sahabi, which of course, in ordinary, so hobby for us is still a really big deal. But relatively speaking, it's quote unquote, in the ordinary as a hobby, but you see how Allah subhanaw taala involved him within the process. So this is basically how the Salah came to be. And then the the excuse me, the oven came to be and then the amo was implemented as well. The narration says that when the following morning came, when it was the following morning, when bilello the Allahu taala and who came to call us now he's been calling us on all throughout the day, and he's

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got the hang of this. And he comes in the morning time to call the budget. And there were of course, he has hobbled so far and there were people sleeping outside the masjid. And he saw that, you know, maybe some of the candles weren't lit inside of some of the homes immediately around the masjid. So he kind of felt like maybe everybody was still a little passed out. Everybody was so sleepy. So hey Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah and then He kind of looks around and he's like a salad to hate him in a gnome right Salah is better than sleep is allowed to hate him in a gnome like seriously guys, Salah is better than sleep, right? And he says that and the

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prophets, a lot of them hears this and the prophets, a lot of them comes out from his home and he tells me a lot about the Allahu taala and who that this is good and established this in your other. I approve. And of course we know that some unfortunately very Unfortunately, some later deviant groups have come along and talked about the fact that all this is an innovation and the fact that you know they made it up afterwards and Ahmad put it inside of the avanti just kind of changed things up and do this and do that. It's all false. It's Bothell it's preposterous. It's ridiculous. It's authentically established from an authentic narration in the Hadees. That belongs to the Allahu

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taala who said it and the prophets a lot of them approved of it and that's the end of that. And we know when the prophets a lot of them approve something What does that tell us? Well my young did born in Hawaii he doesn't speak from his desires in Hawaii law when you have everything the messenger peace and blessings be upon him says his divine inspiration revelation and he speaks the will of God to the people all right so the This was divinely ordained by

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By Allah subhanaw taala. And from that day on, it became a sin of the amount of budget and it should be implemented in the event of budget would the event this is a fifth issue, there's a whole issue of fit other than we've gone through with the seminary students of hamdulillah. But maybe it's just a workshop for another day inshallah and we'll talk about this. But just in the short term, just to kind of show you something that if somebody called the budget without us allowed to hate them in unknown, would it be valid, it would be valid, but if somebody did, unintentionally, they will be sinful for contradicting to some of the profits a lot he said no, because our Deen our religion is

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one of obedience is one of following the example it's one of respect. We show respect to those who deserve the respect and at the forefront of those people who deserve our respect is Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu Alexandre messenger and the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Finally, I guess to kind of

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there's a very interesting narration that I found

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is Haku mentions this. And this is kind of talking about how like Yvonne is like, you know, there's a Hadith of the prophets of some authentic that says, doulas are accepted between vannini comma

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draws are accepted between them in a polymer. So it talks about this, that overall the Amazon is a very powerful thing. It's a time of acceptance of prayers into us. Right, that there's integration this woman from imra, Atomic Energy jar banana jar were the people that lived around the mustard. There was a woman from the people of banana jar. She says that my Ghana kind of beat him and utterly beaten hole and mustard, my wall, the like the wall of my courtyard was one of the highest walls, at least for the homes around the masjid. So a lot of times when beloved of the Allahu Tanana would want to call it on in one his voice to kind of project outwards, he would come he had taken

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permission, and he would come stand up on the wall of my courtyard to call the van from there so that the voice would reach out. And she said that I used to notice he would come early in the morning, before fudger time.

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And dvsa hadn't, he would have ensued with him you would fast. And he would come early, before lunchtime starting you'd have a couple of dates with him and maybe a little bit of water. And you would come sit down on the wall waiting gampo literally fetcher. He would sit and wait for further time and you would have ruled and you just kind of peacefully wait. And when it was time to call the other than when you would see that it was like time to call the event. She said that I would see him he would stand up on the wall. And before he would start calling the event he used to make the law

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he used to make the law and to recall his two other E's to make you say Allah maduka Allah maduka Oh Allah I praise you was there a nucala Qureshi and up Medina

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and I seek your assistance against the Quraysh

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that they do not get in the way of your dean being established.

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right he would make this

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he would make this door and then he would call the other and it just I thought it was very interesting that you know, Bill Allah The Allahu Jelani, the first more than from the very beginning establishes this practice of, you know, making at the time of calling the done. Now a couple of little beneficial points. Of course, the person will talk about the virtue of them other than himself will end with that to end on a motivational note. But what is the obligation? Of course, one person calls the event everyone else hears the other. What do those who hear the event, listen to the other What are they supposed to do? The student of the prophets, a lot of him he taught us is to

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repeat after the event. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar to yourself quietly Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Repeat after the event. When the President says the words hi Allah, Allah hi alfalah instead of that we say La La La La quwata illa Billah La La La La quwata illa Billah that there is no ability to avoid evil and no strength to do good except through the permission and the help and the will of Allah. So we say that at the time because he Allah Salah causes to the prayer causes to success, so that we say that in response that basically only Allah can make this possible for us. So May Allah make this possible for us and then the prophets a lot of them of course at the conclusion of the

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event Taurus and make the DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA or a lot the Lord You are the Lord have this complete invitation and call to Islam have the deputy Tama was selected in my You are the Lord in the master of this prayer that is about to stand at the Mohammed Anil was he letter will follow the law that gives the prophets it Mohammedan alwasy letter will follow the law gives the prophets a lot so them the means to intercede before you and give him the status in the place of virtue.

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What about atheroma karma mudan and raise him up on the variable

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praise worthy station and status on the Day of Judgment unless you add to that you promised them in ecologically for me, or law you do not negate you do not go against you do not violate the promises that have been made. And so this is a doodad that should be made afterwards. And it's an act of great virtue to make that do it afterwards as well. So this is a little bit about the act of performing the event, and how to conduct ourselves when the event is being performed. And the event is being called out rather. And it's it's like I said before, this was a tsunami, the profits a lot established from the very first day from the beginning of the community. real briefly and quickly

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just wanted to talk a little bit about the virtues of calling the avant and then I wanted to end with a very interesting tidbit that I found just kind of going through and looking back through some of the notes on the Sierra that we've done. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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He's mentioned many different virtues for calling of the oven. In one narration the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that the Luna, Luna Xia, Anakin, yarmulke, Yama, that the people who call the vanha will have the longest necks on the Day of Judgment. And some explained it literally. But it can be also be understood figuratively, meaning that they will stand out, they will stand out, they will rise above everyone else on the Day of Judgment. And there's a profound wisdom in this, the one who calls a dulu Allah vaidika fairly the prophets a lot, he tells us, somebody who calls to a good deed as is it's as if he has done a good deed.

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Meaning what if I call or facilitate a good deed for someone, he gets a reward of the deed, but I also get an equal amount of reward for him doing the deed. So the one who calls he has on and notifies everyone of the prayer not only gets a reward for praying himself, but he will get the reward of everyone else who prays as well. So it's a great virtue, so they will stand above everyone else on the Day of Judgment, the profits allottee sam tells us either nudie Elise allottee at better shape or no rot. When the oven is called the shape on runs away from their shavon he's not afraid of much. But when the oven is called, he runs away from their level to rot and he's breaking wind as he

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runs, right he loses control of his bodily functions. He's so terrified. He soils himself as he runs his mouth that Dean hetalia is smarter until he doesn't hear the oven he runs as far as he has to to not hear the oven anymore. You know, now that the oven can be heard in the parking lot. That just means that shavon has to run a little bit farther and Irving now Mashallah. All right, so he runs as far as he can no longer hear the event he runs the under loose, all right, for either for either Pollyanna de NIDA when the event is done a Kabbalah he comes back to mess with the people had died either through weeba. But until the economy is called again, when the farmer is called again

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underbara he runs again for his life until he can't hear the farmer. When the farmer is done. He comes right back up by Robin and Marie even fcg. And then he starts to mess around with people in their salon. And he says undo cassava with Coca Cola Think about this. Think about that. Look at this. Look at that. Remember this remember that then he messes around Hatha Yoga Villa Raja Lu, la yet he comes on right until he gets a person to a point where he doesn't remember how many cars he sprayed. Alright, so shaytaan that's the Trapper shades on but the reason is would defeat him. In another narration the prophets a lot. He seems as though he Allah Natsu mfine da he was suffering.

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From lm Gigi to Isla Vista he moved to LA he Lester hameau. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam says that if people knew how much reward there was in calling the event and praying in the first line, and the more often gets both, the oven gets both right, he calls the oven and he prays in the front row. If people know how much reward was in these two things, and the only way they couldn't decide who would do it, that they would basically have to like like you know, draw lots. Like Okay, today you get to pray in the first row then tomorrow. y'all get to pray in the first row. Today you have on tomorrow you day after day after like we have to end up doing that, like your mom's he had to come and be

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like enough. Right? Here's the official lavonne schedule. I'm tired of you people fighting right like in his very awesome British accent, right. So a few moms here had to end up coming and doing that. Like the profits. A lot of them said people would go to that extent, if they knew how much reward there wasn't calling the oven.

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In another narration, the profits allottee some sense of Hannah was so beautiful abou sorry to deliver the Allahu taala and was giving advice to another man. And he says that I've noticed in iaca to humble animal badea I noticed that when you go to graze your flock like your sheep and your goats and stuff, when you go you'd like to kind of go very far away from town and maybe even you know kind of like leave for a few days you camp out you sleep out out in the hills and you know you get to enjoy that little mini vacation. I noticed you like doing that. He's a guy I enjoyed getting away from it all the action sometimes. So he said that when you're way out there.

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The only things around you or your goats and your sheep and trees and grass and the hills and the stars and those types of things. He said when time for Salah comes called the dawn and farfalle, so

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called the Agon, loudly Allahu Akbar cordia. Don loudly. And then he says for in the hula, yes, Mero, Madonna, solten, merlini jianlin, Walla Walla, Sharon, Illa, shahidullah, who Yama, Yama, he said, everything that hears the voice of them, all of them, whether it's a human, whether it's a gender, whether it's anything, the grass, the leaves on the tree, the animals, the insects, everything that hears this, the voice of God, then when he calls it on, will testify on that person's behalf on the Day of Judgment, or law, he used to proclaim Your name in the world. He used to scream out your name all at the top of his lungs, a lot of work, but a lot of work. Right, so

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such beautiful virtues and rewards for calling of the van.

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so this was just a little bit about the virtues of calling the van. And one of the side notes that I should mention is, we should do everything we do with the sun. Yes, it's very virtuous and very beautiful to call the event and we should do so. But everything we do, we should do with great virtue and reward. And do it with the sun do it to the best of our ability. You know, when we want to do anything, we learn how to do it, so that you can do it properly. When we're doing something as noble and as beautiful and as bless it and as a great tradition as the other men going on for over 1400 years. From the time of Rasulullah sallallahu Salah, right? To follow in that great tradition

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called the be enthusiastic, be excited and want to call the dawn Yes. But just put in a little bit of time, maybe an hour with a half of with the mom with somebody to learn how to call the other improperly writes the name of Allah. We go to great lengths to speak properly and do everything properly and dress properly and you know, conduct ourselves properly. If I'm going to stand up and proclaim the name of Allah, just learn how to do it properly. As the only thing I ask, right that we learn how to do it properly. And that shows concern that shows real care and consideration that shows that I respect the deed that I will learn how to do it and doesn't take more than 30 minutes

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to sit down with a habit for 30 minutes, 45 minutes an hour at the most he'll teach you letter for letter sound for sound how to properly called the other. And it's not about beautiful voices. It's a bunch of enunciation pronunciation, because you are saying the name of God saying the name of Allah somebody mispronounces My name I correct him like that. If somebody walked up to me and said, Oh, brother, I'm doing this here. I'd be like, it's up to Nasir actually. While Aiko Salah

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you know if he says loudly, brother, I've done this here. I'll say my name is Aldo Nasir. And while he was I won't even say hello First I'll correct my name why he got my name wrong. Look at that dude, see my name wrong. Right like you know you correct your name right away the name of Allah subhana wa Tada. We can learn how to recite it properly inshallah. So learn how to call the event. The last thing I wanted to mention.

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And I was just fascinated by this.

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I was just looking over the old notes, because you know, we're talking about Medina. And of course, you'll recall and if you don't recall, go back and listen to this URL podcast. Calum institute.org slash podcast, the profits A lot of us have visited Medina, which was yesterday about that time in his childhood with his mother

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when he was six years old, and they stayed there for a month

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right that I just was looking back like, was there any connection between his arrival in Medina now and when he was there, you know

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47 years ago

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was is there is there any connection I can find, like anything that the books mentioned, and I found something and just blew my mind.

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Even sad mentions in his taba cart

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that the profits a lot of them had very strong memories from that month that he has spent in his childhood in that city of Medina when he was young. He had very strong memories when he went back for after the migration. And when you would pass by the homes of Bonilla D

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when you would pass by the homes of bhanwar D which was a tribe of hustler Jean Medina, he was passing by one time and he said for Paula hada national bait and levy marketed fee on me.

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He said, this is the same exact house he stopped outside our house and he said, This is the house that me and my mom stayed in when we came 47 years ago.

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And he said well how the * Baraka Allah. We're having a bit of cotton, lotta alum to Sabathia and there was a little pond, and he said, and this is the pond that I learned how to swim.

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This is a pond in which I learned how to swim when I was six years old. With the other Yeah, therapy kids with the other hazaragi kids the muddiman kid

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Welcome to Allah Abu fi heaven made done. And then he pointed to this open area open land he said this where I used to run around and play with the kids is the house we stayed in this the pond I learned how to swim in. And this is the field where we used to play in.

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And it just the reason why it struck me was it humanizes the profits a lot. He said.

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Like it makes them so real.

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They remember the childhood memories. And you can imagine, you know, when he thinks back at that, and he looks at this, it probably reminded him of his mother.

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He probably thought about his mother, and he thought about his childhood, and thought about all his experiences out where he started from where he had come to, and just thought it was so profound and so beautiful, and really humanized the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So inshallah we'll go ahead and conclude here. We'll stop here for today's session, sha Allah. May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us all the ability

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to learn about the life of Rasulullah salatu salam, and May Allah give us the ability to practice everything we've said and heard we learned some practical things about a van as well. Just not gonna lock in and so Hanalei will become de Subhana columbium Nick, Michelle will La Ilaha Illa into a soccer field going to the lake

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