Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 018 – The Sacrilegious War

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The conversation is difficult to follow and appears to be a bit of a stalemate. The speakers discuss various topics, including war spaces, negotiations, political parties, and national pride. The conversation is silly and should be forgotten. The conversation shifts to discussing the process of surrendering and the American nationalism. The conversation also touches on the huddled feet of Islam Subhana Allah and La La ilahainking.
AI: Transcript ©
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jungalow Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was with me edge marine

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shala picking up from where we left off in our series, on our sessions on the prophetic biography of Satan, via the life of the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Last time where we left off, we talked about the teenage years of the Prophet of Allah ceylonese. And I'm basically the early years of his adolescence, the early part of his teen teens. And what we talked about was how the profit of a loss a lot of them grew up in a community in a society as a young person. And he had similar experiences to that any young person would growing up, meaning there was a certain element of family, there was some socializing, meaning he of course, had other youth around him that he was

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growing up around, and even to where a young man starts to want to take on some responsibility, maybe help out the family. And that was also something to profits a lot he said, and was involved in what we talked about last time was how the trials and tribulations of youth and the temptation of youth is something that's been there from day one from the beginning of time. And so at that time, in the pre Islamic era, when you have widespread corruption, and widespread social evils, so the Prophet of Allah Salafi sin was, of course tested with that as well. But we saw how not only was his his own amazing character, that the prophets a lot of them naturally just did not have any

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inclination towards engaging in those activities that other youth are engaging in. But we also saw divine intervention. We also saw saw how Allah subhanaw taala divinely arranged for the protection of the profits of the lavalas that I'm from engaging in such social evils or such type of, you know, activity that might exist in a youth culture, in such a society, very similar to what we have today.

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Now talking about the mid teens of the profits, a lot of a sudden, when the profits a lot of the books of Sierra, the books of history mentioned that when he was about 15 years old. And so now the profits, a lot of them is moving further and further into adulthood. He's a young adult at this time, the profits, a lot of him had a couple of very, very profound experiences that had a huge impact on him, and gave him a very unique perspective that we would see later manifests itself within the life and the teachings and the preaching of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. One of those very profound experiences that the prophets a lot of them had was that when he was about 15 years

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old. Now there are two narrations here.

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Even his hop rahimullah in his classical book of Sierra, he mentioned that the prophets a lot of a sudden was 20 years old, while even he Sham and other historians mentioned that the Prophet of Allah celebration was 14 or 15 years old. The reconciliation between the two narrations is the fact that at the beginning of this experience, the prophets allottee son was about 14 and 15 years old. And this basically continued until the age of 20. And the situation that I'm talking about is that there was a war that occurred at that time.

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In Hijaz in Arabia award occurred, and that war was is known by the name of how to how to pull feet out how to pull feet out, which literally translates to the sack religious war. And I realized that's kind of a fancy word, but basically, if the job means something that is inappropriate, something that is like like we say food is something that is inappropriate is in violation of ethics. And in our case, islamically when we use the word food or free job, it would mean in violation of the religion. So this horrible feature was a word that was in violation of ethics and morals, and the religion of the people of that time. Now you can imagine, we spoken at length about

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the immorality and the lack of any type of religious structure or construct that existed already at that time for for a war to be so sacrilegious for a war to be so blasphemous that even the people of that time would call it a horrible feature. You can imagine what the nature of that battle or that war that situation was. What basically transpired at that time was, there was a man from crash. There was a man from Croatia, his name is also mentioned in some of the historic narrations that this man of British who I believe his name was roadwatch or Rehan, or whatever, or whatever when he was called to Ottawa to Rehan. This man, he ended up getting into a conflict and attack with a man

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another man of another tribe by the name of

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Or rather excuse me about Rob, who was from Quraysh. He got into a conflict in a fight with orbital Rahal. So bhairav this main man by the name of Bharat belong to crush ki Nana vannucchi Nana, you belong to crush. And he got into a conflict with a man by the name of Otto Rahal who was from the tribes of Hawaii as in from the tribes of Whoa, whoa as in who were other powerful tribes of that time, they were basically tribes located in thought if and if you go back and you look into the history of the region, even the Quran makes reference it talks about Korea taneous Lee, it talks about the two big cities at that time. You know, when we think of Arabia, we think of the two big

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cities when it comes to our mind right now it's McCain, Medina, right. But that's from a religious perspective. But you have to understand, Medina pretty islamically yesterday was a small little town full of a bunch of farmers. Nothing more than that. The two major cities of that time were MCI and PA if. And that's why when the prophets a lot, he said them felt that he had exhausted all of his means in Mecca to preaching to the people later on in this era, which we'll talk about. At length when that time comes. The prophets a lot of times first attempt to try to preach outside of mcca or try to establish or find a base or support outside of Morocco was the city of thought if the journey

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to thought if happened long before the prophets a lot of them became interested in the prospects of the city of yesterday, which were later become Medina. So far, if in Mecca, these were the two major cities in the two most powerful tribes lived in these areas. in Mecca, of course, we have Quraysh. And in fact, if you had the tribes of housing in a thief, so a man from Croatia got into a personal conflict with a man from the tribes of Hawaii as him. And even the narrations, the historical narrations talk about what was the nature of the conflict, that basically the man from Croatia borrowed, he had some type of a, he had some customers, he had some clientele for business, and

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demand from houses in Ottawa. He also approached those same clients, those same customers, and he was trying to cut a deal with them, you're trying to give them a better deal trying to create some competition. But Rob became extremely offended when he went to his customers as regularly scheduled, and he said, You know what, we're getting a better deal from this guy named Anwar, from over a year. So but rod was very, very upset. He was very angry. While traveling. One time, he coincidentally he comes across unwell on the travels as well. And they end up introducing each other, they end up introducing themselves to each other, and he says you're unwell from housing, he said, yeah, that's

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me. He goes, haven't you been trying to do customers with these these people? Haven't you been trying to do business with these customers of mine? And he said, Yeah, I offered them a deal. What's the problem with that? You know, it's a free market. So what if I tried to do business with someone. And so they kind of exchanged some words, and they kind of went about their own ways. But they were camped out, they were staying at a very similar same region. You know, like, when travelers and these traveling businessmen who travel, there were certain spots where they would kind of camp out like a rest area, or a truck stop or something like that in our times. So they were stopped over in

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that place.

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But Rob, sees that roadwatch is kind of off his guard, he's kind of not paying attention. He's doing something, and Bob is just fuming the entire time. So he sees an opportunity. He goes in, he attacks him, they end up getting into a little bit of a physical fight and a confrontation and end up physical fighting confrontation. But Rob ends up killing Ottawa.

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And not only does he end up killing him, but this ends up happening in the sacred months, the four sacred months that we know about. So this ends up happening in one of those sacred months in Vail, Colorado. So this occurs in vilcabamba, one of the sacred months. So there's two things. First of all, you have one man of a major tribe killing another man of another major tribe without, you know, unjustly he ends up killing him unjustly, which is obviously a problem and it's wrong. Secondly, you he kills him during the actual sacred months. So this is why it's called a horrible feature. Because it was very, very sacrilegious. It was very blasphemous. It was very inappropriate, how this whole

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situation came down.

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Now when the people of Hawaii didn't get the news, that one of their very respected, respectable businessmen, a respectable member of their community, has been killed by this man from Quraysh dare infuriated, so they immediately you know, get a little bit of an army together, they gathered their soldiers and their men together, and they start marching towards Mecca towards

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that we demand retribution.

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Now, but Rob goes back and

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the barrage goes back to markets operation, the newspaper

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reaches what he's done. Some people in Croatia are very, very upset that Bharat has done this. Some people in MCC are very upset because he's created a problem where there was none. But nevertheless, now it's all about honor and dignity and tribe and etc. So again, this adds to the feature this adds to the sack religiousness of this war, that even the people the tribe didn't have the sensibility to say, okay, somebody did wrong, why don't we offer him up for retribution? Why don't we offer him up as a consequence? Or, you know, why don't we try to pay the blood money, etc? They take it personally. And they said, No, how dare they think they can march our way. And they think that they

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can attack us who do these people think they are, don't they know who we are, we're crazed. Were the keepers of the huddle, etc, etc, etc. So now they formed their own little army, they get their soldiers together, and now they march out towards

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to fight the tribes of the tribe of Whoa, as in, they ended up meeting and they there's a bit of a stalemate, and they basically have a little bit of a standoff. Around this time, the profit of a loss of law lesson was about 14 to 15 years old. When this happened, they kind of stopped there, some negotiations start to take place, neither tribe really wants to engage in full scale war because they realize what's at stake. Alright, these are two very, very big tribes that are this, you know, centers of business, you know, thought it was considered like the vacation spot. But it was the vacation spot. It's where everybody went to vacation, even when you go till today, I thought

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it has nicer weather thought it has the mountains and the valleys, and has very nice, you know, scenery and things like that. So, but it was the vacation spot. So they weren't in any, you know, they weren't interested in getting involved in any type of full scale war with another tribe. Quraysh is the center of business, the keepers of the hot arm, they host, you know, hundreds of 1000s of people from all over the all over Arabia, you know, every single year at the season of Hajj, they weren't interested in getting into this situation. So it's as if they just kind of stopped there, set up camp against each other. And the narrations go on to say that this conflict

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remained for about five years.

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For five years, they had this kind of a standoff like like something very reminiscent to what we would remember as the Cold War. You know, where you have two major tribes or in our case, it was two major nations kind of facing off against each other kind of having a standoff against each other, but not really engaging in any type of actual warfare. There's no battle that's taking place. So it was this type of a Cold War, that set up and that they had this situation for about five years. And what's very interesting is that the narrations mentioned that there were only five days of actual fighting. During those five years, there are only five days in which battle warfare actually ensued.

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Battle actually ensued during these five during these four years, five years, there was only five days. And in fact, these

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these were so

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these days were marked in history. Because imagine for five years having a standoff two major nations having a standoff, but only actually fighting in the battlefield for five days. So even those days were given names. Even those days were given names, young ones, the first one was called Yom shumba. The second day was called Yamuna Abdullah. And both of these happen near are cows, which was an area outside of Macau where major markets used to take place that basically festivals and festivities used to take place at the at the place of love. And so to have these bat battles took place near there, the third one was called the almost Shut up. And that was the day of the most

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major battle, the fiercest day of fighting was the third day of fighting called yomo. Sharp. And after that, there were a couple of more days that were bad battle took place fighting to place. So these were five days that actual fighting took place. And this was throughout the late teen years of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. So much like people who grew up, you know, in a similar situation, you know, when when people grow up during tensions between two countries, and they grow up during that time, there's certain sentiments that are developed, there's a certain culture that is developed, you know, I don't know how many people are old enough to remember. But if you're in

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the United States, and you were, you know, of adult age, during the actual years of the Cold War, it was a very interesting culture at that time. You know, there's a lot of rhetoric, there's a lot of culture and even you even see it in, in entertainment, and things like that, that that same rhetoric, and that same culture is established, and it almost creates a mindset for those people that grew up during that time. So the prophets, a lot of the sermons growing up during this time where he sees this basically standoff and so there's a lot of tribal pride. There's a lot of nationalistic pride and a lot of rhetoric that was very popular in the

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Culture in the entertainment the media, which was poetry during that time, when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was growing up to become a man, he was in his late teen years, he was basically becoming a man he grew up during that time. And so the prophets allowed him was able to kind of sit back again, because of his own nature, where the prophets, Watson was very mature. For his age, he was very thoughtful, he was very intelligent. And he was very reflective. And he didn't have a lot of interest in these types of things, he would often not go to the festivals and the festivities and these things, because he didn't approve of a lot of the types of activities, people would engage in

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not just purely the worship of idols, but even the drinking and the partying and the singing and dancing, the prophet SAW some didn't have a keen interest in these things. In fact, he had an aversion to these things. So he would often stay back from these things, he would look at them and they made an impact or left an impression on him to where he disapproved of a lot of these practices. And you would often be in deep thought, or deep reflection, even as a young man on how to avoid these types of things, or how we can remove these elements from society. So the process is I was growing up during this time of war and battle. And he's seeing, and he's observing the impact

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that a war like situation has on a society and has on the people. And he obviously sees how this is very negative, has a negative influence on the people. Similarly, the nationalistic pride or pride or the tribal pride, that was being instigated within people, he again sees that and sees the problem with that.

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Now, when the battle actually happened on those five days, remember, now the prophets, a lot of them is a older teenager.

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And in that particular culture and time, even in our age, you know, 18 years old, 18 year olds get recruited into the military, you know, by the 1000s. And in that time, those days that day and age 1314 years old, meant you were old enough to take place in battle, you were in fact expected to go try to go out to battle and it was a sign of your manhood and you were supposed to, and you're supposed to love your tribe, and you're supposed to be passionate about supporting the dignity and honor of your forefathers. Of course, this was a bunch of nonsense, but nevertheless, it was sold like this. So the prophets, a lot of them did not have any interest in actually going out to the

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battlefield. But his uncle's who were going out to the battlefield said, you got to come with us. You're old enough to take part what are people gonna say? What are people going to, you know, assume, you know, people are not going to like the fact that one of our, you know, young men, the grandson of Abdulmutallab, who's the greatest leader in the history of grace, our Father, the greatest leader in the history of our people have been looked on his own grandson will not take place in the battle. How dare How could that happen? What will people say? What what an ape? What an odd, right what a What a disgrace to our family. So you got to come you got to come you got to come

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and they forced him to basically go out. And so the Prophet says and was basically able to, you know, avoid going out to the battlefield, the first two days of fighting.

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But the third day of fighting yomo sharp, which was the most fierce is day of fighting, he was forced to go out with them. And it actually talks about this. Now, even this is disputed whether the prophets a lot of them went out there and not some scholars, some,

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you know, scholars of Sierra or the youth have disputed that none of the prophets, Azzam never went out. The vast majority of the books of Sierra make it very clear that the prophets Allison was forced to go out, and his uncle's forcefully took him with them out to the battlefield. But what the prophets a lot of them did out there at the battlefield is very interesting. So the prophets, a lot of them pleaded and spoke to his uncle's because he again saw that this was not the defense. This was not in defense of truth, or justice, or the rights of people. In fact, if anything, the profitsystem was very conscious of the fact that we're in the wrongdoing. Quraysh is in the wrong

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here. One of our guys killed somebody from their people, and instead of owning up and fessing up and handing them over, at least offering the blood money, the DIA instead of doing that, we're out here fighting for honor and dignity, and it's been years now nobody even remembers why we're fighting. This is nonsense. This is silly. So now that the proposition was forced to go out to the battlefield, what did he do? And this is from the honor and the dignity of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam never unjustly raised a sword or arms against anyone that this is from the dignity of the prophets, a lot of them even going back to his pre Islamic

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experience, meaning pre revelation experience, that even in the youth when he was forced to go out, and he was in the battlefield now what is he going to do? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam engaged in the activity that could be called attainable,

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attainable, which they will basically have mutina balloon they would have people who are given this

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responsibility and what that what that responsibility. what that word means is, it comes from Neville. Neville basically refers to arrowheads. Neville refers to arrowheads. And what that responsibility are those people that were given that responsibility, what their job will be, what that would mean is that some of the some of the people in the battlefield as the arrows would fall from the enemy side. In fact, what's interesting historically, and this would later on, this will later on become very relevant when we talk about one of the last battles from the life of the prophets a lot SLM, when we talk about won the final has a lot, which was what to name, which was an

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alien, which they fought. The Muslims fought against the tribes of Hawaii as an entity, if this will become relevant. They're the tribes of housing and leave were known for their archery. But he was known for their bravery for their valor for their sword fighting skills. All right, and they were very, very brave and very proud of their sword fighting skills. While the tribes have Whoa, adding therapy for expert archers, not just marksmen, not just simply marksman, but they were also expert archers in the sense that they were strategists, they had a very, very interesting strategy, where they would create files and ranks and flanks. And they would basically in they had like a sequence

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they were synchronized, where they would launch different roles would launch arrows at different times. So basically, at all times, you had arrows coming down, and while the other ones are launching, then they would reload. And so it was like this automatic system where from wherever you were, there were arrows coming at you from all sides constantly. So it was a very, very interesting strategy. And it made them very difficult to fight.

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So not that these arrows were falling in abundance. So the Quraysh decided that we needed we need some people to basically pick up these arrows because they're just launching arrows, that's their strategy. So a lot of the arrows are just falling on the ground, and they're perfectly serviceable. Alright, these arrows are serviceable, we can pick them up and relaunch them back over to the other side. So they needed somebody to run around and gather the arrows and come and stack them up and line them up so that the Warriors could then take these arrows and launch them back over. So it's, you know, kind of making the best of a bad situation. So the profits a lot of him was there, he was

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forced to be there. Now he's being expected to do something. And he's got that pressure on him. So the prophets Allah is him, as a last resort said, Okay, how about I just pick up arrows, I'm just going to pick up arrows, I'm just going to bring them I'm just going to put them here in the stack of arrows. And that's basically what the prophets a lot of them did for some time during that day, until the day finally ended. And then the prophets, a lot of them left again. And that was basically the entire experience of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, in this herbal feature,

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but like I said, this left a very, very deep impact on the prophets, Allah, they sell him. So a lot of the, you know, what we could literally call the Islamic philosophy, you know, the attitude of the prophets all of a sudden towards battlefield toward towards war towards battle. Now, somebody might say, but didn't so many has a lot take place during the Medina and period during the lifetime of the prophets a lot. He said, um, Yes, they did. But it does not change the fact that the vast majority of the cause a lot of the actual battles from the life of the prophet SAW sent him to Medina and period where the vast majority of them were defensive battles. And they were, even the ones that

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could be argued were somewhat offensive. And even some scholars have debated that, nevertheless, even if they were offensive, but even those offensive battles were, the Muslims were basically catapulted and were forced into those situations, it was a defense mechanism. Nevertheless, even in defensive battle, even an offensive attack can be a defense mechanism can be basically motivated from self preservation. And the prophet SAW some had very little to no interest in actual bloodshed. And we see this attitude of the process of on multiple occasions, where the taboo, which was one of the most major displays a Muslim might, that the prophet SAW some that, you know, so many 1000s of

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Muslims marched out, and basically make a display and make a show when they camp out. And what did they do, they end up returning back without a single drop of blood being shed these days, they come back without engaging in full scale war. We look at America, right where they marched out, and they have every opportunity to shed blood. But what ends up happening, the second abuse of young comes to the process and says we'd like to surrender. Okay, Helen was Alan marhaba McComb, he welcomes the opportunity. salehoo davia, where the, literally hours ago, the process has taken an oath from Sahaba under the tree, La da da da, da,

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da da, right that taken an oath under a tree that will fight to our last breath. We're ready to fight and we're ready to do whatever it takes, whatever you ask of us. But the second the opportunity presents itself to engage and to enter into some type of Treaty. The process of welcomes the opportunity

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Even the Sahaba which we know that the Quranic I attend the Parana conjunction later on reprimanded the prophets Allah Leeson makkonen, inna be in a akuna Allahu isotta Youth enough in the process of was reprimanded because of his decision with the prisoners of war and by that,

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that he decided to release them with ransom, that Allah subhanaw taala said, No, you should have set some type of an example. And you should have sent a message to the people of parish. And then offered was consequently, the the what was a consequence was an outcome or a result was a response to bother, which, you know, of course, everything is in the divine plan of Las panatela that they were meant to be released, and then what was meant to happen. But nevertheless, the Quranic IR, there were a last panel, which Allah is telling the prophets a lot he said, that this is what would have been another course of action. And if you would have taken that course of action, it would have

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made it very unlikely.

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So we see repeatedly throughout the life of the prophet SAW that the process of had an aversion to actual bloodshed, that, you know, one thing we have a lot of emphasis, because you know, it's also very motivating, it's very inspiring, and at times, it's also miraculous, the stories about how angels are coming down to the miracles that take place in the battlefield, and the very miraculous victories that Muslims are able to achieve during those otherwise those battles from the life of the Prophet system. But what doesn't get highlighted enough is what the prophets a lot of them would do the night before the battle.

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The processor would engage into a ha, and he would pray to Allah subhanaw taala, for safety, for forgiveness, for protection,

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that the Prophet of Allah ceylonese him sometimes even during the actual battlefield, the prophet system could be found making engaging indicative that we have a law, praising and glorifying Allah asking Allah subhanaw taala for apphia for protection, when the profits also would be requested to curse people, to dam people to Doom people to prey upon people, may they be destroyed. Even in the battlefield, the processor would pray for their guidance, and then would reprimand his own companions. That How dare you ask me to curse people? That's not why I was sent. That's not my job. That's not why I do, I was sent as a mercy. Because the prophets a lot, they said, um, early on, in

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his early adulthood, during his teenage years, the prophets, a lot of him was able to see the evil of war, he was able to see the evil of battle. And even when the Muslims did engage, or had to engage, and there was no other political, politically speaking, Realistically speaking, there was no other option but to engage in battle. The prophet SAW some still very, very emphatically, very, very,

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with a lot of emphasis the prophets, a lot of them would, you know, advise the Sahaba, you would emphasize to the Sahaba the importance of ethics and morals, even in battle.

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You know, the the, the ethics and the morals of even engaging in war and battle, the process of emphasize them, that respecting, you know, having respect for your deen, like, the Quranic injunction about if somebody says something, you don't say that you're not a believer, there were situations during the life of the prophets, a lot of them were, you know, Sahaba were trying to basically clear out an area, and they were trying to make sure that, you know, there wasn't anyone sneaking or hiding or trying to ambush the Sahaba. And they found some guys, some people, and when does Sahaba started to approach them? They were like, slowly goes on a go slowly go. And some of

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those haba were like, No, no, no, that's a cop out. You're just trying to get out of this situation. And they ended up attacking them. Right. And once one, one situation, they actually ended up killing some of them. In another situation, they ended up taking them prisoner in both situations, the process and reprimanded the Sahaba said, How dare you do that?

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If they give you Salaam You have no right to say that they're not believers.

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Those types of ethics and morals were in place. And so that was because the prophets a lot of them had witnessed war had witnessed battle early on in his years, that was done horrible. fija was very sacrilegious, was very offensive, it was very inappropriate, it lacked any type of morals and ethics. And so the profitsystem was so turned off by that overall experience, that that had left an impact on the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Now, that horrible feature and I talked about how that lasted overall for five years, when that ended up happening was eventually after five years that the leader of the Federation throughout this battle was a man by the name of Harbin omega.

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have been omega it's mentioned that he was one of the narrations actually mentioned that he was actually killed during one of these days of fighting, but eventually later on

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there there's it mentions that eventually the coloration the horizon, Bernacchi Nana and Havas and they basically bouquets when I when I learn they

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Basically sat down eventually at the end of this five years, and they said, annamma 214? Why are we even fighting? Do we even remember why we're fighting? And so he wasn't said mattered? Or really, what do you propose? They both gotten tired of the situation. So the question is, why don't we just, you know, settle this, why don't we have some type of a treaty? So he said, How are we going to settle this matter? So they said that, alright,

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you've, we've killed some of your people, and you've killed some of our people, we will end up forgiving any people, any of our people that were killed, we don't want any blood money. We don't want any retribution. We don't want anything in return or in consequence, we go ahead and we forgive it, we're willing to put all that aside. And we would just like to move on.

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How was him? They ended up similarly saying that, and actually the parish offered to her was in that, you know, will will offer the blood money on behalf of the very first person who was killed, because that's what started this entire situation. Then some of the nations mentioned that the people of Hawaii and ended up saying that you know, what, we're not really interested in anything as well, we would just like to put this all aside and be able to move on. And so they ended up forgiving them for any indiscretion on their part. How was it ends up forgiving any indiscretions on their part. And they end up saying, All right, let's put all this aside. Let's everybody go back to

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our lives. Why were you in fighting? It made no sense. This was silly. This was stupid. It was ridiculous. One one other horrible feature. And that's how the sack religious wars eventually ended. And

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they basically went on to living their lives.

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The next thing that's mentioned in the seal of the prophets a lot he said them was naturally a consequence of this sacrilegious war, because people had grown so tired. For five years, they engaged in a war that was started inappropriately, that they couldn't even remember why this was started. They didn't understand why it was started, that eventually, this created the sentiment within the people where they wanted to move on, and they didn't want to have any such type of experience ever again. And so a very profound experience of the profits. A lot of these setups, again, young adulthood, early adulthood, and part of his pre revelation life, which is called

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healthful food is called healthful food, which basically refers to a very noble treaty, a very virtuous pact, that the people have that the pradesh

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entered into, and the prophet SAW him was actually a witness to this, he was able to experience this. This is what we'll talk about inshallah in next week session, which was a consequence of the huddled feet out of the sack religious wars. And may Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to properly learn and understand and benefit from the life of the messengers of Allah Subhana Allah who would be hungry he some Hanukkah Levin will be Hamed ignition La La ilaha illa Anta sakurako Nobu Lake

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