Abdul Nasir Jangda – Jumuah Khutbah 20-10-2023

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the tragic events of modern day America, including the loss of human life and negative impact on emotions. The speakers emphasize the importance of sharing experiences to inform oneself and finding a way to be medicated. They also discuss the use of magic to disrupt people's lives and offer advice on how to handle it. The segment emphasizes the need to testify against oneself and others while protecting their identities and personality, as well as fairness and justice in protecting their identities and personality.
AI: Transcript ©
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ah ah

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Ah Ah

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Hi me

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Allahu Akbar

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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah he already gets out your ugly Missy fatty Sammy is sematic OBD tion de Lille Khedira fear is the Creme otol mdj illegal berghahn for female izmi Mozilla told me was he hated me cathedral fron Jameela Sana agency law auto image EBIT da Sun surreal Hisar vicia didn't ecobee Aleem will either because he's his assault on when a shadow Allah Ilaha illa Allah who the hula charity gala Phil hello people when a shadow under Mohammed Abdullah rasuluh Alberto il us for the Willa Amara la manera to be shudder he said the word very thick was sallallahu alayhi wa ala Ali he was hobby Allah Xena hum hula SatoLA Arabella Raba will fade will holla at Buddle MBR I'm about

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to do for ya you have NASWA Allah for inner Tauheed SUTA RT What's up Allah phenotype Allah Milla Kula hasard we're on a combi sunnah. Find the sunnah to daddy Elektra, I'm gonna throw Allah What are Sula who forgot the Russia what what year come will be the thing that will be the either daddy like Marcia Omega Silla Huaraz hula hoop Mercado de la vaca wa Wa alaykum bill your son for in Allah who will mercy Nene, where the roofer in the home Mooji with Darrin was sofiero Whom did the Combi unwinding we're winning are with the villa Humana shaytaan Rajin

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Yeah, you hola Xena Amanu Kuno Amina Lila, shahada herbalist, while I get you the mana Commissioner, Amina Allah, Allah Tala de Loup de Loup, who are accurately Toccoa what's Akula in Allah habido me my time alone.

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Over the past so many days,

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we continue to watch and observe in horror, the tragedy and the travesty and the oppression and the indiscriminate violence against our

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Brothers and Sisters in Philistine specifically in Gaza.

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And there, this is something we have been talking about for a number of days for the past week or so. And something that we need to continue to talk about.

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I wanted to address something very specifically related

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to the tragic events as they are unfolding.

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Something that I personally, also felt and I have fielded and received inquiries, and I've had conversations with dozens and dozens of people in the community expressing a similar sentiment. So I felt that it was relevant and pertinent for us to speak about it here today.

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And that is, as we continue, and this is a part of just the tragedy of just the times in the culture that we live in.

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Where as we continue to watch the numbers climb.

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We're so sometimes fixated on just information,

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we should definitely be informed, but the way we process information

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and how we're watching like a counter just go up in numbers.

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As if we were watching the counter of, you know, some type of game, like you're watching the score of the game, and you see the score going up. They've dehumanized.

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Human life has become so you know, cheap, and without value. They've done this, that we watch the number of people killed,

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people, lives destroyed, lives taken.

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We watch those numbers rack up and climb.

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And it's so inhumane. It's no different than like watching the score of a game just going up.

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And it's gut wrenching. And there are moments where you sit there and it just,

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it's heavy on the soul.

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All the loss.

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And so, Allah subhanaw taala told the prophets Allah He said of a long, long time ago, more than 1400 years ago,

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while the prophets Allah, the sudden was watching Sahaba, being murdered in the streets in Mecca,

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and being forced out of their homes, being tortured to death.

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When the prophets alabi son was watching people being hunted down, in the hills, in the mountains outside of Mecca,

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when the prophets Allah, He said I'm had to hold in the battlefield, the brother,

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the dying body of his own cousin and his companions, when the prophets a lot he's about to bury loved ones and friends and students and people that were like little brothers and sons to him. In the aftermath of the Battle of Mohammed, when the prophets Allah is meant to watch his entire community starve to the brink of death.

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In in Hunter duck,

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it wasn't easy.

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And Allah told the prophet to love him at that time. We're coolin nakasu

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la come in Amba Eros, holy

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man who thought b2b for attack.

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They're all the stories of the prophets that we are telling you in the Quran. These are not entertainment.

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These are not just a good pastime. These are not bedtime stories.

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These definitely is mechana. How do you think you've thought, Oh, these are not fables and fairy tales.

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These are not even historical accounts. Like we're just Oh, interesting. We're reading history. None of though.

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What could you learn all of it nakasu Alagiah number iersel. All the stories of the prophets that were telling you, man with a b2b e fu ADEQ. It is to actually give you strength when you need it most.

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It is to give you hope, when you need it most.

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It is to comfort you and to console you. When you are suffering.

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When your heart is broken.

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When you're angry or you're sad, you're frustrated, you're upset. This will help you through it.

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And so thinking, experiencing that same kind of sadness and frustration and

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anger and disappointment and all the rage, the whole spectrum of emotions that we are experiencing witnessing this.

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And then unfortunately, no matter how hard we try to block out the noise, hearing the conversation surrounding it

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it's it's very difficult. It's very heavy on the heart and on the soul.

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And that's when I had to remind myself of what Allah said, and what Allah told the prophet Sallallahu ala husana what the Prophet says I'm gonna FIM and publikum

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Gan Fe mn publikum. There are half a dozen or more instances when someone came to the Prophet salatu salam and was struggling and was upset or was beat down was feeling defeated, and the processing will take on a fee mn publikum

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the people that were came before you, this is what happened with them. Connect with that fine strength. When the prophets Allah He said them was surrounded and they were trying to kill him and assassinate him.

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What did Allah say in Nicola Amin al mousseline

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there are people who have walked your path before you find strength and comfort by returning to that.

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So especially the loss of life,

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and this magnitude,

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of loss of life.

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It's so mind numbing.

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So I looked for some

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hope and inspiration in the book of Allah.

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And I was reminded of a very powerful incident that Allah tells us about

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Allah subhanaw taala, sent Musa alayhis salam to Pharaoh

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and told him to call him to Allah. And tell him for ourselves Maria Bani Israel eel release bunny Surah eel from subjugation and enslavement and oppression and violence.

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And he was given miracles. And when Mousavi some demonstrated the miracles that Allah gave him,

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fit own tried to find a way to be able to spin it. We see the spin happening even today. There's always some kind of a spin. There's always some kind of an angle.

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There's some way to obfuscate the truth and distract people from the reality. So what did he say? He said that this is a Jeep Denali to Crete. And I mean, are they not be SANIKA yamasa You're a magician. You're a sorcerer. You're a charlatan? You're playing games with our minds.

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So the the verses go on, but essentially, he said in her Danny, Lisa, Hey, Ronnie, you read Annie and your creature coming out of the compensatory VCR ima with her Barbie 30 article Martha. They are using their sorcery, their magic.

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And today the accusations would be of all kinds of other things.

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But they are using their sorcery their magic to oust you from your land.

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The irony, we get the hubbub article Mithra. And they want to ruin your way of life. For me. Okay, the common theme not to sufen Waka Flocka Yama masala. So then he amassed together all the talent he could find of all the, you know,

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magicians or illusionist, and everybody who practice these kinds of parlor tricks all throughout the land, gathered them all together, amassed them all into one place and said I want you to confront Moses in Khartoum, Musa and Harun are leaking masala, Fallujah Musa Emma and to Luca YAHWAH. Ima and Hakuna Willem and Alka. They said Musa will you go first or should we go first? Musa alayhis salam said but Allahu Iago first for either he by Lewmar I see you whom you hate, yell la him and care him and Nahata sa when they threw down their staffs, they played some kind of trick or illusion, where it looked like to all the onlookers, the audience that had gathered to witness the spectacle. It

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looked to them as if their sticks removing it for Oh Josephine FC Khalifa Musa. Initially Musa Ali Salam felt a little intimidated by the situation. He did, but then called now latter half. Allah comforted him, Allah consoled him, Allah gave him strength

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in Nikka until Allah you will when

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Allah told him was hardly some victory will be

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yours you are the one who will come out on top. Well I look at my feet I mean you could tell if my so narrow in my center, okay? What I used to hate, Allah commanded Musa let him throw down your stuff and it will devour and it will dismantle this trickery that they are engaging in. Because these deceptive kind of people deceivers they never ultimately succeed for opening a Sahara to Sujatha and then all the magicians they fell down and sujood before before witnessing the power in the might in the Majesty of Allah follow, I'm gonna be Robbie Haruna are Musa and then they believed in the message of Musa Lisa but this is the part that I wanted to mention here.

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Allah mentum LA who Avila as Ana la comme Farah own was outrage he said you believed in Moses, you followed Moses and I didn't give you permission to do so.

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And he says to them in a hula Kabiru

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he y'all were in on it together all the time, the whole time for the ad a Kumar Urszula. laughing I'm going to string you up. I'm going to sever your limbs from your body, your arm of the right side, your leg of the left side I will name you. I will mutilate you. I will commit horrible acts and atrocities and do all of this to you I will disfigure you, well that will suddenly gonna convince you to do nothing. Then while I have maimed and dismembered you and mutilated you while you are bleeding out as it is, I will then hang you from trees.

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I will commit one of the greatest atrocities that this world has ever seen. And the narrations mentioned even cathedra homolog Bucha Allah, you might want to be Alou, see, a Razzie all the Mufasa don't they bring these narrations that they say that some narrations mentioned, there were 70,000 of them.

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The Sahid own, there were 70,000 of them. The mind can even process

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like dismembering and maiming 70,000 human beings and then hanging 70,000 human beings from trees. Like where do you even find 70,000 trees to do that?

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It's just It's unfathomable.

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And the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala is such

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that Allah subhanaw taala let me read the ayat.

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Well, it was Sunday when the conflict judo and Nikolai will hang you when Attallah Munna au Nasha to adapt and why because then you will know who you really should fear. You fear Moses his God, you should fear me says fit on

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ALU they respond understanding and knowing what's on the line Lenovo theater aka Allah MA and Amina will begin at

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you can threaten us if you want. You can do whatever it is that you are capable of. But we will never defer to you over the truth.

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What's right is right what's wrong is wrong.

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And you cannot make us give up what's right. What are the Fatah Rana we are devoted and dedicated to our Lord fuck called the mountaintop ah then do what you can do what you will do your worst in the Matakohe the how they'll hire to dunya what's the most you can do? You can end quote unquote, you can end our lives in this world. In this dunya

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in nomina be Rabina we have believed in our Lord Lyon fear Allah Nahata Jana, Mama Accra, tena, leguminous and our Lord will forgive us for our misdeeds. And our Lord will forgive us for anything wrong we might have done out of compulsion of dealing with you, any missteps that we might have made,

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dealing with you, Allah will forgive us for that as well.

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What Allah who hate and we'll have a call, God is better and longer lasting, everlasting. And then Allah subhanaw taala gives us the verdict. And by giving us the verdict, this is the Mercy of Allah. Allah does not explicitly tell us what happened. But Allah gives us the verdict, the end conclusion instead.

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You know, sometimes you skip over some very graphic scene.

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That's what Allah does. Allah skips over that part.

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But the Quran makes it obvious and amorphous you don't explain to us in case somebody doesn't read between the lines.

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Sharon actually committed this atrocity.

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He named, disfigured to 70,000 human beings for no other reason than who they were in what they believed.

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And then he while they were already some half of them dead, half of them dying. Then he hung them from trees and left their bodies hanging there and left their, you know, severed limbs lying ground on the ground and let everything rot and decompose in plain sight.

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He committed this atrocity.

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But what did Allah say inhumane yet to you, Rob Bahu, Mooji demon, for Inilah, who Jahannam whoever goes and stands before Allah as a criminal, having committed this, having committed what these people are doing right now.

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Killing 1000s of 1000s of innocent people, children.

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For in Allahu Jahannam that person is destined and doomed for the fire of *. Now you're moot if you have well.

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They will not live there in nor will they be allowed to die. They will be made to suffer for all of eternity May Allah protect us. Well may yet to me none. But whoever goes before Allah with iman, with humility, with submission, but the AMITA suddenly hurt this person that these strived, tried to do the right thing for Hula, hula. Hula for them will be the highest stages in paradise, such high stages in paradise. Our messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told his beloved wife, our mother, I Isha Sadiq Hara the Allahu Taala Anna, that our Isha does the sky, the ceiling, the top of your paradise will be the outer shell of a man will be the throne of God, every time you want to

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look at God, you will just look up and you can see him

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the highest stages in paradise.

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Jana, to Arden integer team in tatty Hill and how they will be in gardens of Paradise rivers for all of eternity rivers and streams flowing from beneath these gardens. Cali Dena fie her enjoying them, they're enjoying their, their bliss, for all of eternity there in whether indica desert woman does occur. This is the reward of those who stuck to the right thing.

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They stuck to what was right and correct. They committed to following what is good, what is right and what is correct.

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This is the comfort in the constellation, the strength the Iman the conviction that we can find in the Quran. There's a lot of noise outside and I don't know how well somebody maybe you're better at it than I am. But it's hard to just deal with all the misinformation and all the noise and all the distractions out there.

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But we can always come back to the book of Allah and come back to life of the Prophet alayhi salam and cleanse, purge all that filth and misinformation from our hearts and our souls and recalibrate ourselves. It's like you know, when you wear glasses and you clean your glasses and you put them on, and then you can see clearly again, that's what the Quran does. Literally colourable Rana Allah Calabi him the Hadith of the prophets, Allah the sun, the Quran says, Your heart become stained, dirty smudged. You can't see clearly. And then the prophets Allah the psalm says that the remembrance of Allah the Quran is the cleansing of that.

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So it's like cleansing your lenses and then putting them back on and then you can see once again clearly, we need to come back to the Quran we need to come back to life of the prophets of salaam so that we can see things clearly. And I wanted to end in conclude with this as a reminder to myself

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as a reminder to all of you and also as a warning

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to the rest of the world

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that might not see things clearly. Allah subhanaw taala in Surah number five and pseudotumor EDA in iron number eight, Allah subhanaw taala says Yeah, are you here Latina Amano. Oh you who believe Kunal ko Wamena Lila

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remember that you have to stand before God shahada Christ

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and that you will have to bear witness you will have to testify against yourself. Honestly, because no one will be allowed to lie on the Day of Judgment. You can lie right now. You can have propaganda you can have this PR machine. You can have all the other tricks of the trade

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But on the day of judgment, nobody gets saliva Yamanaka anymore Allah for him, the mouths will be sealed.

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What you call Nimona ad him their own hands will speak against them. What does he do judo whom their feet will testify against them about what they actually did shahada blocklist we will all have to testify against our own selves on the Day of Judgment in front of Allah. And we cannot lie on that stage on that moment at that moment, while I get you the medina Commissioner Coleman, Allah, Allah Tadeu Do not let the transgressions of any group of people cause you to become unjust.

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Ei de Loup, who are Acropolis,

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er de Loup, who are Acropolis, er de Loup, who are Acropolis Taqwa. That's the call of the Quran, that is our call today. Be fair and be just

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be fair and be just

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because that is what is closest to Allah.

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If you want to be close to Allah, you want to be in the good graces of Allah, you hope to be a recipient of the Mercy of Allah, you hope to attain salvation, when standing before Allah, Be fair. And be just let us all remember, remind ourselves, remind those around us in our community, to continue to stick to either to continue to stick to fairness and justice. Talking about it, demanding it and praying for it, working towards it. And let us also issue that warning against the rest of humanity as well. Tell them in the loo who Acropolis Taqwa

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that Allah is establishing the proof.

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Allah this moment right now will be a proof on behalf of many people.

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And it will be a proof against many many people. May Allah subhanaw taala keep us on the right side of that scale.

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BarakAllahu Linda welcome fellow Khurana Ladin whenever I knew what he I couldn't believe it was a little hacky Mustafa Allah Hi Lea welcome Melissa. It didn't Muslim enough. Astok Pharaoh in now who who Allah for Allah

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa ala alihi wa Salatu was Salam ala so you didn't know Selena wa ala alihi wa sahbihi woman Tebbe our home BSN Nene like me Dean. Paola Hua Jennifer kita. Beginning Majeed brother are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. In Allahu wa Mala Itza who you saw Lunarlon Nabhi Yeah, you have Latina Amanu Sallu alayhi wa sallam moto Threema Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad in Africa so Lake wa salam ala mode meaning may not well you must see me and I will not see much of Africa ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala as Raji he was reality Allah miserly Islam only mercy mean Allah one sulili Islam or will mercy mean Allah Medina Allah had even our Anessa eliminated Allah Marina

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Allah decree commercial curricula her sorry about the chick, Allah Massena aka batana Villa Modi Kalia

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dunya our other Villa Clara, Allahu Monthsary one and FE Philistine Allah one so the one and I frequently makan

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call Allahu Allah azza wa jal in Allah He got Marula delivered anyway either way in her and in fact Shia you will Moncure you will bug your Adel Kamala Allah come to the Quran. The Quran Allah He has got to come with the Rahu usage of lecom well as a Corolla he Akbar Allahu Jana Mamata stone acumen Sana.

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