Abdul Nasir Jangda – Hope In Allah

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The importance of hope and its potential for delivering the message of Islam is discussed in various narratives and narratives of Islam. The speakers emphasize the need for acceptance of Islam and finding forgiveness for one's life, as it is a fundamental belief in Islam. They also discuss the use of words like "verbal" and "by the way" in the language used in Islam, and the importance of not giving up on oneself and others. The segment also touches on the topic of the upcoming messier than their father, the importance of forgiveness, and the potential for change in one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Allahi wa sahbihi Marine, Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

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So the topic for my session is hope.

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And hope is a very, very powerful fundamental concept. Hope is an idea. It's a concept it is a force actually, that has caused drastic change in the world multiple times. Throughout the course of human history. Hope has been a tool or resource that has been utilized by many people for many different purpose.

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Different people have utilized hope, and inspiring hope within different groups of people to achieve and acquire many different things throughout the course of human history.

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When we talk about Islam, when we talk about belief in Allah when we talk about our religious spiritual journey and experience, hope, once again is a very powerful, important fundamental concept.

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And hope is something that a lion is messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam invoked

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hope is a command of Allah. Hope is a Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hope is our main vehicle of delivering the message of Islam. Hope is one of the primary themes of the Quran of the book of Allah.

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And hope has been a tradition of our scholarship in this oma for 1400 years.

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So hope is really actually a very powerful, very, very powerful thing.

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And the scholars, they've, what they tell us is because of everything I've just said, losing hope is the death of the heart. See, our experience as believers

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requires the entire body and the entirety it's in a complete human experience. It starts with the heart, it involves the tongue and eventually requires dedication from the whole body of a person, the wealth, the life, the body of a person, but it all begins with the heart and it offers dies with the heart as well. That's why the Prophet of Allah salon he said when he talks about the fundamental placement and the importance of the heart, in this big equation of life and Islam and spirituality in our relationship with the law, the prophets a lot, he said, and that's why he said, Allah in the field just had the moonwalk, either solid Hudson, Ohio Jessa Dooku Ada fossa that fossa, just

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Sudoku. Allah here called that the prophets a lot. He Some said that there's an Oregon within the body, that if it's correct, the rest of the body will be corrected, if it is corrupted, the rest of the body will become corrupted, and know and understand and realize and write down and never forget that that is the heart.

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And the scholars say that the death, the corruption of the heart, oftentimes begins with a loss of hope.

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And so now when talking about hope, what I'd like to do is I'd like to split this discussion into three portions.

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The first is hope in Allah,

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what is the understanding? What is the realization and what is the

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what is the proper full understanding of hoping Allah subhanaw taala? And how do we go about in having hope in Allah,

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the very first thing that are saved here by something that Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala says, cool. So this was an announcement that was given to the prophets a lot, he sent him something very interesting. Every single time Allah tells us to do something or not to do something, some places he doesn't directly.

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Some places Allah gives us a command directly. Some places he forbids us from doing something directly himself. Some places Allah subhanaw taala tells the prophets a lot easier than they you tell them

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and usually when Allah subhanaw taala is telling the profits a lot he said, um, they you tell them to do this, or you tell them not to ever do that. There's a lesson for that there's a lesson in that for us. And the lesson that we need to take home from that, what we're about to read what we're about to say what we're about to listen to, is that the reason why Allah subhanaw taala could have told this directly, but the reason why he told the profits a lot he said them to say that is because that will be very important. This is a message that every believer needs to carry on. Allah is giving the prophets a lot of them the tools, the instruction, the guidance on,

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on how to spread the message of Islam.

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So he's telling the promises and this is how you invite people to Islam. So Allah tells the prophets a lot he says, that means we all need to listen up because what the prophet is being told to say

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is an instruction in a guidance to us as to what we need to say to people the message we need to have, and we can only deliver a message if we have first internalized it ourselves. And that's what we're here to do. So he says, Yeah, sorry, buddy. Oh my slaves, Allah says, and Latina sarafa, unfussy him which of the slaves that the ones who have crossed all lines and boundaries against themselves the ones who have harmed themselves, the ones that have done severe harm to themselves by living a life of sin, by living a life of hopelessness by living a life of disobedience to Allah, by living a lifestyle that is harmful to them, not just spiritually, but maybe even socially and

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familiarly and physically they're living a life that is very harmful to them.

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So life specifically referring to these people, but something beautiful that the scholars point out Allah still calls them my slaves a lie still saying your mind slaves

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we still have a relationship with Allah so Allah speaking to the worst of the worst, the most sinful people

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the ones that are walking on very thin ice

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yeah everybody Oh my slaves I Latina. I sort of for Allah unfussy him, the ones who have done severe harm to themselves, unless it gives them an instruction. he forbids something. La takanobu Mirage Mati La, la Takara to Mira Mattila never ever, in the slightest bit, lose hope from the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala.

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And when you lead to him, when now you lead to him, this is an Sula. fick is a principle of jurisprudence that when Allah subhanaw taala uses the forbidding tone when he uses the verb that is used to forbid something that makes something impermissible, it makes something haraam alleging that it is her arm, it is not allowed for you under any circumstance to ever in the slightest bit, lose hope from the mercy of Allah. Why? Allah subhanaw taala didn't just tell us something and not give us reason to believe it. Why in the La Jolla, firouzja Luba Jamia because Allah will forgive all the sins. Why? How is he capable of forgiving all the sins in the who who Allah foodora him because he

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and only he most definitely he is a local food, constantly forgiving and constantly merciful. Nothing is beyond his capacity or beyond his reach. A low will and can forgive anything that anyone has done so never despair, never lose hope from the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala lathi assuming rohilla yaku Bani Salam tells his sons law they assume a rohilla don't ever lose hope from the mercy of Allah. Why in the hula, assuming rohilla he carried on because the only one who loses hope in the mercy of Allah

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is the one who is ungrateful to a lot the one who disbelieves in Allah, losing hope is tantamount to disbelief.

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And the word that's used here in this ayah to talk about hope is that always which comes from root, because it's the spirit of our eemaan it's the soul of our hearts. It's what keeps our hearts alive is that hope, that connection to Allah subhanho wa Taala the prophets a lot of them invokes in a supplication why not or do Rama Taka, we we tie our hopes, we pin our hopes of Allah on your mercy.

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And the higher the more powerful the greater Allah's mercy is, the more we need to have hope in the mercy of Allah.

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Allah subhanaw taala is so merciful,

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so forgiving, so kind so benevolent, that just in the Quran itself in the book of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala, when he talks about his ability to forgive,

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Allah subhanaw taala mentions three different attributes for himself. In terms of forgiving, that come from the same root, the root word is kafala, which literally means to cover something up, it means to forgive a sin, as if it never even existed, like it was never even there.

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But he says there's three different ways. One place Allah subhanaw taala calls himself Garfield with them. lawfare which means that one who immediately forgives another place Allah calls himself God file.

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How far the one who abundantly forgives The one who has no limitation in terms of forgiveness, the one who can continue to forgive, no matter how much the sins might be. The third attribute is for food constantly forgiving, immediately forgiving, abundantly forgiving, constantly forgiving. That's what love is. That's our introduction to Allah.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the right moment he was he had goodness a

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Allah says that most definitely My Mercy it encompasses and surrounds everything in the rush. mateesah katabi Allah says My mercy in a hadith bootsy in his

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Sacred tradition, Allah says, You know, I don't know if there's any sessions planned at the conference here this year, but it's not very hard to go and read for yourself. Read solitude. Read surah number 11. When you read surah number 11, what you'll find is Allah talks about four or five different nations that Allah destroyed. The Wrath and the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala fell upon these people, it ravaged these people, it eradicated these people from the face of the earth, and when you read it, you'll you'll feel overwhelmed the profits a lot of them felt overwhelmed. The Sahaba looked at the prophet SAW some Abubakar on the alarm, wondering wonder he looks at the

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profits at 70 cents shipped to rasulillah you've got an older messenger of a lion saw some white hairs. So he says you've got you've grown older messenger of Allah.

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And the profits a lot of assumptions shaky about me who do Alcoa to suit who'd made me old

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sudo who's made my hair my hair go gray. Think about that. So when you read that you're overwhelmed by reading about the wrath and the anger and the punishment, punishment of Allah. And then take that into consideration. How fierce how powerful the wrath and the anger of Allah is. And then listen to this. Allah himself says, no matter how powerful or overwhelming my wrath and my anger might be, in Mirage Mateen, Saba katabi, but my mercy, it supersedes and it overcomes my wrath and my anger.

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Imagine how powerful the anger of Allah is. But then imagine how powerful the mercy of Allah is that it's more powerful than that.

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That's who Allah subhanaw taala is

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Allah. In another sacred tradition, Allah subhanho wa Taala addresses each and every single person individually Yabba. Adam, when you read a hadith go to when you read sacred traditions, you find two types of addresses in some of us as Yeah, a body, all my slaves. That's a communal address. It's a collective address, some places Allah subhanaw taala says Yep, Anna Adam, oh, human being a child of Adam.

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That's an address to each and every single one of us individually. process that on your own, he's speaking to you directly.

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Allah says Yep, Anna Adam, lo Bella got Zulu Boca and Anna sama that if your sins were to reach the limits, the peak the height of the sky, when you stand and you look up in the sky, as far as your eye can see into the sky, the clouds, if your sins were to stack all the way up to the sky. My teacher when explaining this, he said that if every time you committed a sin, a bottle appeared.

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And when you committed another sin, another bottle appeared and they stacked up right next to each other. After a while the whole earth was covered with bottles, normal places to put the bottles, then you start stacking them on top of each other, and you continue stacking them up until the entire Earth all the way to this guy is completely filled with these bottles that are representative of our sins, one person sins, one person sins. The last kind of attendant thing that if you one human being committed that many sins through muster for Tony malita, his family therapy. Summa means after some time, then after you committed all of these sins, you took your time and you did all the

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things you could possibly do. It's up for Tony welfare.

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doula Mara

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Mara, that the past tense verb means this action happened once. So must have for attorney then you ask me for forgiveness once

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you ask me for forgiveness once

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referred to LA, I have forgiven you while I do Bali and it's no big deal. Don't worry about it ain't no thing. Without urbani this is what las panatela is, this is our introduction to a la and this is what it means to have hope in Allah subhana wa Tada. There, you know, the theme of this conference is something that really really piqued my interest.

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The theme of the conference, is Sharia, the overall economic conference, it's about Sharia. And when talking about Sharia, there's a lot of discussions to be had. There's a lot of different things that are discussed a lot of different things that we can talk about. And one of the key conversations one of the big things that comes up when talking about Sharia is the who dude.

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The punishments that are issued in Sharia.

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It is a lack of information, a lack of knowledge, a shallow understanding of our and reading of our own Deen and our own religion, that we're not able to answer these questions that we're not we don't we don't even know what to think. And we don't even know how to answer these questions to somebody else.

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When there are very, very clear indications and narrations and instructions from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on how to deal with and how to understand these things. In the light of

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The Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. There's a narration which talks about that there was a man and has been Malika the Allahu anhu in the Sahara remember Harding? he narrates a hadith from the prophets a lot. He said he says that a man came to the Prophet of Allah Salaam. And he said, O Messenger of Allah, I've committed a sin. And I've committed a sin that there is a prescribed punishment for there's a prescribed punishment for the sin. It was time for the congregational prayer. So the prophets a lot of them said, Leave, leave it let's go pray first. And they the man went and made will do and he prayed with the prophets a lot. He said him after the

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prayer he comes back to the process. I mean, he says on messenger of Allah, I did a sin and there's a prescribed punishment for that sin. So apply to me whatever punishment I need to be given

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the prophets a lot he said, I'm asked him how he asked him how verticillata mana?

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Did you just pray with us? Did you just pray with us? And the man said, Now I'm jasola of course I did. You will allow a messenger of Allah, the prophets Allah himself by the houfy roloc you've been forgiven?

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Now go about your way. Go do go do what you need to do. You've been forgiven. Another narration abou Mama, Radhika love mine who this is also mentioned in the Sahara female Muslim and as soon as mama Buddha Buddha, Allah, that he says that a man came to the prophets a lot of time and he's saying things that I've done a sin and there's a prescribed punishment for that sin. The prophets, Allah Nizam remained silent, did not want to answer the man's question. He kept coming back to the process and repeating himself over and over again.

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Finally, the time for the prayer came in. They stood up and they prayed.

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After the prayer, he comes back to the prophets a lot. He's him and again, he asked him the question, the prophets a lot of them says are ATIA Hina carrucha mean basica Elisa Tabatha center

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that when you left your house, don't you understand that when you left your house you made will do and you made a goodwill do and then you came here and then you prayed with us? And you prayed a good salon and the man said guess what messenger of Allah. The prophets a lot of them said for the lava photographer, Allah Haddock Allah has forgiven that punishment from you now go.

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This is within our Deen This is within our tradition. This is the relationship with the last panel and Allah we need to have we need to understand the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us

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about sinning and a lot of times about the

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about our attitude and what we need to understand in terms of living our lives. The Prophet of Allah Salah, a sermon another narration of in depth mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim, the prophets a lot ism says I've never I don't remember. A slave commits a sin for kala, Allah finlays and b. He says Allah Please forgive my sin for college. Allah.

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Allah, Allah, Allah.

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Allah says that my slave committed a sin but then he knows that he has a Lord that will forgive his sin.

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We wouldn't be done.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala basically takes the sin away from that person through my either, then that person goes back and commits the sin again for us never. And he says, My Lord, please forgive my sin. Allah says my slave committed a sin, but he knows he has a Lord that will forgive his sin.

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And Allah forgives him. Then he goes back and he does the sin again. And he says, My Lord, please forgive my sin. And Allah again says my slave committed a sin but he knows he has a Lord that will forgive his sin. So I'll remove this in

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a faulty law. Now go about live your life your sin has been forgiven. This is the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala His forgiveness This is the hope that we need to have in Allah subhanaw taala

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There's even an aeration a lot of times we talk about the influences the things that can bother us the things that can try to distract us from the hope and the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala

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abou Sarita hoody radi Allahu anhu narrates from the prophets a lot of a sudden this is mentioned in the Muslim Ummah Mohammed in the East Allah ropey Azerbaijan, that shavon said to a law, barrister at CoverGirl Alec. He swore by the power of Allah and by the majesty of Allah, la obra de la abre hooey bunny Adam Amma domitilla Allah who feed him I will not stop distracting the human beings as long as they have souls left in their body I will not stop distracting them I will stay added non stop

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I got no quit in me.

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Call Allahu Allah Allah subhanaw taala responded to this, this this challenge. This threat from shavon from Iblees by saying Bay City what Jelani Allah says I swear by my power in My majesty La Habra who

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must have

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faraone I will not stop forgiving them. As long as they keep asking me for forgiveness, you do what you got to do, and I'll do what I can do.

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That is the last panel attalos ability to forgive. that's who we're dealing with. So this is hoping Allah subhana wa Tada.

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The second area of hope that I wanted to talk about is hope in yourselves.

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Having hope in yourself, not giving up on yourselves.

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This is something that profits a lot he seldom left us with clear examples, time and time again, was demonstrated in his life, to remind us to never give up on ourselves.

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The heroes of Islam, the remarkable, amazing person that we all look up to, says before Islam, he would drink and fornication.

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But he was told not to give up hope on himself. Allah did not allow him to give up on himself. Allah sent him reminder as a reminder, after a reminder, never letting him give up on himself.

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At the same time, the third area of hope is not giving up on others, not giving up on yourself and not giving up on others. And there's a lot of overlap here. And I'll tell you why.

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Because when we as a community, have the attitude, and the approach of not giving up on others that actually inspires people to not give up on themselves. When we start when the community judges, people. When we judge people and we give up on people forget about him. He's hopeless, forget about her, she'll never understand. When we start to give up on people, they start to give up on themselves. It's an infectious attitude, hopelessness is infectious,

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just as hope is as well.

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It spreads like wildfire. So we as a community need to adopt the attitude of not giving up on people. The list of stories go on and on and on.

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Nkrumah the Serra puja when his dad was Abu Jamal folks.

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His dad was Abu Jamal, as far as bad as he gets. Not only that, but he himself fought by the side of the by the side of his father against the prophets, a lot of them multiple times, he raised his sword against the Messenger of Allah, this young man named Nkrumah

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the promise of something, give up hope on him.

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Continue to have hope. When his wife comes and says, I think I can convince him and bring him back. He says, Bring him back.

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When he arrives, look at this. Look what it means. I'm not talking about rhetoric where we just stand on the stage and we say don't give up on people. As soon as Ralston says, I check that dude out.

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No, no, no having implementing it. When Nkrumah is arriving the prophets a lot. He's in terms of the Sahaba or the alojado. And he said, Nkrumah is coming and I hope I'm hopeful. He will join us. He will accept Islam. So he says when he is here, I don't want anyone to speak ill of his father.

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When he's here, I don't want anyone to speak ill of his father don't refer to his father as Abu Jamal, because obviously that wasn't his real name. Right? Nobody names their son abou john, that'd be pretty terrible. Okay. It means father of ignorance. That wasn't his name. His name was Ahmed bin the shop. He was called double haccombe, the father of wisdom. He was called the Buddha Hall because of his actions towards Islam. But the prophets of autism tells us Sahaba don't refer to his father as Abu Jasmine.

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Otherwise you're judging this guy before he walks through the door, you're hurting his feelings, you're not giving them a chance.

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embrace him accept him. A Chroma not only accepts Islam, but and people oftentimes don't know how Nkrumah left this world how he died. He died as a Shaheed as a martyr in the battlefield, fighting on behalf of Islam, going from fighting against his son to fighting for Islam,

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from a soldier of Abu john to the soldier of Mohammed rasulillah salam ala.

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That's what hope does, not giving up on people. That's what it accomplishes. Why she, the man who assassinated the uncle of the prophets, a lot of them caused severe pain to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the process of being given up on him. He sent message after message after message to one to two washy asking him to accept Islam, come to Islam. seek forgiveness for your life, for the way you lived your life build a relationship with Allah

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and why she redeemed himself by killing maceda

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hope, Hint, Hint beans odva hinden, the daughter of Earth by the wife of Abu sufian She is the one who arranged and paid for the assassination of the uncle of the Prophet talathi. So she hated the prophets a lot. He sent them with a passion.

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But she comes in she accepts Islam and the prophet SAW some welcomes her.

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Not giving hope not giving up on people.

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Here's a personal story.

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Someone that I came into close interaction with I've told this story multiple times, but it gets me every single time.

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What not giving up on people does and when we as a community can learn how to do this.

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How people can live up to their potential and how what people can achieve and realize

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I was at a Masjid I was the Imam of the masjid. And it was time for Salaam to Lhasa. So much is not too busy at that time.

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Right. As soon as the Salah was starting, a man walked in for the prayer.

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When he walked in for the prayer, it got your attention because

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there were some very distinct things about his appearance.

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He was covered with tats, all from his fingers all the way up to his neck. So even though he was wearing clothes and everything like a full shirt, you could still see it all over his hands. You could see it on his neck.

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So he walks into the machine

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comes in prays with us, after the Salah.

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I turned around, I'd never seen him there before. So I said Salaam Tim asked him if he was new to the community. And he said, Yeah, he just moved here a couple of days ago. And he found a machine online and he came to pray.

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We got to talking and we realized I knew his mom from the community where he moved from. So we kind of had some common ground and we started talking.

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And he opened up to me because I knew the mom from where he was coming. He opened up to me a little bit. And he told me a little bit about his life. And he said that

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when he was 23 years old.

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his uncle's were heavily involved in crime. He's from California, his uncles were heavily involved in crime. And his mother had tried to protect him from that lifestyle for as long as she could, until he was 14 years old. And he dropped out of school. And he started selling drugs started, you know, basically joining into the business with his uncles, and doing all that stuff.

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And he said it led him down a very dark path.

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And he said when he was 23 years old, he was arrested for the third time in California, three strikes, and that's it, you're in for life. And when he was arrested for the third time,

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he was putting the cell at night to be presented before the judge in the morning.

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And sitting there in the cell, he realized that at the age of 23, his life was over.

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His life was over. He was about to go to prison for the rest of his life.

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And something clicked and something just just he realized at that moment what had happened, what he had done. And he said he fell into such that he was born and raised as a Muslim, of course didn't practice fell into such that he said for the first time and maybe a decade, put his face on the ground before Allah subhanaw taala. And he said he cried all night long, begging Allah for forgiveness. And he made intention that our life you forgive me.

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I'll change my life.

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And he remembered one thing that as a child growing up, his mother always wanted him to memorize a prom. So he said that's the only thing he had in his head.

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That's the only thing you could think of so you made a promise to a law or law. When I get out of here I'm gonna go and memorize the Book of Allah. I'm gonna memorize the Quran

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says when he went before the judge in the morning,

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the judge looked at him,

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close the file and said stand up.

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Said I'm tired of seeing young people come in here and just getting locked away for life. He said, If I was to let you go right now, what would you do with your life? He said, it's funny you asked that because I made an intention to change my life. I'm going to go and study my religion. That's what I'm going to do with my life.

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So the judge says cases Miss, get out of here. Don't let me see you in my court again. He says he walked out of the court asked his mom how much money she had.

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whatever amount of money she had, he jumped on a bus went to the closest Masjid ask them where can I go to memorize or on they told him there's a there's a ground memorization school a couple of 100 miles away from here. He got some means together went to the school he said literally just showed up. No luggage, no clothes, no nothing. And then there's walk through the door. Hey, how's it going? Who are you? My name is so and so I want to memorize it. They said come on in.

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He said I literally did not even know how to read elisabeta he said the day I walked in that day. Eight months later, I had memorized the entire Quran.

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I met this brother about eight years after this story.

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When I met him he was a husband. He was a father of three children. his oldest child was six years old, who was memorizing the Quran from his father

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completely changed and he sat there and he told me this story himself.

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Hope does not giving up on people.

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And I'll leave you with

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two last stories from our history to put these two things into perspective, not losing hope and alone, not giving up on others and not losing hope within ourselves. Musa alayhis salam

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in the timer. musala ceram. Even Kodama mentions his story in keytab hotel lobby, at the time of moose Alexandre was a drought. Allah commanded him to alleviate the drought to get rain take all the people, everyone the whole population, take them outside into an open field and pray and ask Allah for rain.

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So they go out there and they bag and they cry and they ask a lot for rain and it won't rain. musante said I'm asking the lower light won't rain we did exactly what you asked to do to yellow but it won't rain.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells musallam there's one person in this crowd that hasn't repented yet. There's one person in this crowd that hasn't repented hasn't come back to me yet.

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Musashi Salaam turns around to the people and says there's one person here who hasn't repented hasn't turned back to Allah. And it is not raining because of that person. That person, whoever he or she was, Allah knows, standing there hearing this thought to themselves, it's because of me.

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And at that moment, that person realized what they had done what they were doing. So in their heart, that person turns back to a law and as a law or law, please forgive me in their heart and says, Oh, no, please don't embarrass me and announced me in front of everyone. I'm sorry, I messed up. I didn't realize what I was doing. And it starts to pour.

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It starts to pour.

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Rain like crazy.

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Everyone's celebrating and running around and dancing and screaming and happy.

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Musashi Salaam because he's Musa alayhis salam, he turns back to a lion, he says all along, what changed?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells musante salaam before it was not raining because of that person. Now it's solely rains because of that person.

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Now I've made it rain. Now I'm sending down this rain and this blessing from Allah simply solely for my love for this person because out of my love for this person, musante salam because he's musante salaam says Allah, tell me who that is. I'd like to see this person I'd like to meet this person. This is a very remarkable human being to be so disobedient to a law on one two at one moment, to where it alone will deprive everybody of rain because of the sin of that person. And then I'm second later to become so beloved to Allah. Allah will showers blessings upon everyone. Because of that one person. I want to see this person I want to meet this person. Allah subhanaw taala says, Oh Moosa,

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when he was sinful, I didn't disclose his identity and tell you he was now that he's come back to me You think I'm going to tell you who he is so that you know his previous sins? No way.

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This is our relationship with Allah and our relationship with other people and our perspective and how we view and see other people. I'll leave you with a story from the life of Mr. Mohammed Mohammed Rahim Allah.

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Mr. Mohammed is a great scholar,

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a great contributor to Islam.

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Imam, Muhammad Rahim Allah dealt with some very difficult circumstances in his lifetime, where there was a king, who had corrupt, corrupt beliefs, and he was enforcing you as imposing his corrupt beliefs upon the people.

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And the scholars resisted at first, and then he tortured the scholars.

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So they started to give up and there's a permission, there's a concession within Dean within Islam, that if you fear for your life, you can say one thing, but you still have a man in your heart.

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If you fear for your life, so the scholar started to back away from this fight,

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until you know, humble status ground.

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One day, finally, the king is tired of these antics, he's tired of this song and dance, he sends the soldiers he says, arrest him and bring him to prison.

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And they hang the lashes in the whips and they change everything in front of him, to let him know what's going to happen tomorrow.

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And he says, sitting there thinking to myself, I thought

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that I can tolerate death.

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Because if I die, I die and I go to the mercy of Allah.

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I go to Paradise, I can deal with death. I can deal with imprisonment, Yusuf Ali Salam was in prison, I can deal with imprisonment. That's no problem.

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But what I can deal with as a person, what's tough for me, is getting tortured. I don't know if I'll be able to deal with that.

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And he's thinking to himself and he starts to tell him so if he says that man, what are you doing to yourself?

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Take the concession that Allah has given you take the easy way out.

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So the next day the king sends the soldiers and he says bring Ahmed into the open field. That

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center of the town, chained him up and we're gonna whip him till he drops.

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We're gonna lash until we kill him.

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And he says, as he was walking out, he was thinking to himself, let it go, just let it go, just give up. It's okay.

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It's just as he's being led, there was another prisoner

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of a very famous thief, a very famous thief of Baghdad

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by the name of Abu Hasan, who's very like a legendary crook, a legendary thief.

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And he saw his face and he saw fear on him on his face. And he stops him and kind of grabs him for a second.

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And he says, Don't be afraid.

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Says Mike, do you know who I am? He said, Yeah, you're that famous thief. Everyone talks about he goes, Yeah, I'm a Buddha Haytham.

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He says, I've been whipped 18,000 times meaning I've received 18,000 lashes. The dude was counting.

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So you can tell this guy was kind of a boss, right? Like he would count like, while they would whip me like 123 like that.

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So he was keeping count. So he's like, I've been lashed 18,000 times.

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Well, Anna Alan Barton.

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And I'm doing something bad for you, but I still stood my ground. I didn't give up. I do something bad. And they whipped me lash me 18,000 times and I didn't give up

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until Alan Huck. But you're doing something good here. fastboot sustained your ground. Don't give up.

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Stand Your Ground. Don't you dare give up. And he says when he went up. Mr. Mohammed says when he said that to me, I just found my energy. I found my strength. And I went out there and I stood my ground and the man who was entrusted with lashing you by Muhammad, he says I was lashing him as hard as I've ever lost anyone in my entire life. He said literally every single time I would lash him I thought he would die. The man says that if I would have hit an elephant with these ashes I would have with these lashes I would have killed the elephant. And every single time I lost him, I'm a hermit. He just stood his ground and he just kept going.

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And the children of

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the children of human Muhammad. They say that for the rest of his life. Every night before Mr. Mohammed went to sleep, and he would make dua for himself. He would make dua for his family. He would make the offer oven Haytham and his son asked him one time he goes, but father that he's a bad dude. He's a crook. He's a thief. He's a criminal. You sit here and you make driver a criminal every day. Allah bless him all I'll reward him all I have mercy on him. He's a crook. He's a thief. He's a bad person. Mr. Mohammed says no, no, but he did a huge good deed in my life.

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I wouldn't have been able to stand that day if it wasn't for him to hate them. That is the potential you never know what somebody is capable of. You never know what they have to offer. That's why the profits a lot SLM said, and that's why I didn't come up with football. People are gold and silver minds. Each and every single one of you. Each and every single human being out there is a golden silver mine. We just got to mind their potential. And we got to put them in a place where they can shine. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that's been said and heard. Some kind of like it would be nice for Hanukkah long.

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