Zakir Naik – Was Jesus (pbuh) Really Crucified

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the history and use of signs in the Bible to prove Jesus Christ's legitimacy. They question the accuracy of the Bible's statement about Jonah's death and the importance of understanding the concept of his death. The segment ends with a suggestion to read the Bible and obtain a condition to prove the theory.
AI: Transcript ©
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How can you prove that Jesus was not crucified? Then how can I prove that Jesus was crucified peace be upon him? The Quran says in Surah Nisa, Chapter Four is 157 they killed him not needed to crucify him it was only made Tapia so so Quran is clear, bamaca Luba masala boo, they killed him not neither did they crucify him. If I have to prove to him Are you Christian, whether,

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if you read the Bible, it's mentioned in the Bible in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter number 12, was the Messiah did when people come to Jesus Christ peace be upon him and tell him that Oh, Master, show us some signs. So Jesus Christ will be upon him replies, II will an adulterous generation seeketh the after the sign, no sign shall be shown to you, except the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish, social the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

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Brother, do you know the story of Jonah?

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Jonah, Jonah, do you know now Almighty God tells Jonah that go to Nineveh?

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Jonah being a prophet of God, he said the people of Nineveh they will not understand they will not listen to me. He goes to jopa it uses guna Nineveh so while he is going in the ship in a boat to jopa there is a storm that comes into the sea. This is mentioned in the book of Jonah book of Jonah in less than two pages. At that time there was a superstition that the storm in the fee is due to some person not obeying the commandment of the master. So Jonah being a prophet of God volunteers, I'm the one who disobey my master. And at that time, it is a superstition that if you throw the person in the water the water will become come. So Jonah volunteers, I'm disobeying my master throw

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me overboard. I'm asking the question when Jonah was thrown overboard was he dead or alive?

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Jonah when he was thrown overboard into the sea, when the storm comes, was Do Not Dead or Alive.

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Alive, alive, very good. When a person is thrown in the fee, where there is a storm, a person or to die, was to not do alive when he was thrown in the sea.

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Alive. If he dies, no miracle, as Tom a normal person dies, he's alive. It's a miracle. A fish come then gobbles them up or fish components follow them up. When the fish swallow them up all do another live.

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Live three days and three nights. The fish take him around the sea, in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights do not preach to Almighty God while he was in the belly of the fish while Donado alive, alive, alive, alive, alive, the fish moments him out. Do not come on to the show. Was he dead or alive?

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Alive, alive, alive, alive, alive, alive, alive miracle after miracle after miracle of a miracle.

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I'm asking the question, when Jesus Christ peace be upon him according to the Bible. When he was taken down from the cross, he was put in the grave. In this Apple Car, in this Apple Care was Jesus dead or alive, was dead, that dead? If he did that he fulfilled the sign or not.

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But he was raised to work in the sepulchre in the gray Baazi dead or alive that led her life then, if he was dead, if he fulfilling the prophecy, Jesus Christ will be upon him said, no sign shall be given to you accept the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish, soul shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. If Jonah was alive for Jesus Christ to fulfill the Prophet peace be upon him he shouldn't be dead or alive.

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Dead or alive you shouldn't be. You shouldn't be alive you shouldn't be alive and you other life. Why do you say Evil Dead? Are you dying to say that Jesus Christ be upon him lied?

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If you say he was dead, that means you are seeing Jesus was a liar knows biller.

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That means Jesus was alive. What has been told to you by the church is wrong. Do you believe in the church or do you believe in Jesus gave me the Bible says Jesus was dead whether you will forgive me the reference.

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I'm not not that much known. But do you know the sign of Jonah yes or no?

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Wall Do you know dead or alive in the belly of the fish?

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So Jesus Christ has to be dead or alive in the earth.

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Why it is not mentioned in the Bible that he was alive in the 80s mentioned? Where does it say he was dead? It was viewed the Roman soldiers thought he was dead. They poked a spear

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the POTUS paper the other life

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so if you see my video cassette was Christ crucified, there are umpteen numbers

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proof. I give you one proof this guy's peace be upon him did not say that, you know I gave life to the dead therefore I'm a man of God. He put all his eggs in one basket, as Jonah was dead or alive. You're saying Jonah was a life peace be upon him. So Jesus also built upon him as to be alive. Why do you say that? Just because the police told you. So do you believe more in the preacher? Do you believe in the Bible? I believe in the Bible.

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Do you believe in Jesus Christ will be upon him as a priest. And you believe in Jesus, Jesus Christ, peace be upon him said as Jonah was in the belly of the fish, social the Son of man be in the heart of the earth. So Jonah was dead or alive. Chana was alive. So Jesus Christ peace be upon you have to be dead or alive.

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So the Bible says he was dead and he writes back to life. Where does the Bible say?

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I have to find it. But what I'm telling you Gospel of Matthew chapter number 12, verse number 38. You know the sign of Jonah, and that time you did or life life, we know the sign of Jonah and you don't know where it is said he's dead, you have to follow what is in red letter. There are many things which are mentioned by Paul, which is not part of the sayings of Jesus QSP be upon him. If you know there is something like Red Letter Bible Red Letter Bible means whatever Jesus gives peace be upon him said isn't reading. If you caught me something in blacking I will not believe why that is not the word of Jesus Christ peace be upon him. Do you give more preference to Jesus guys peace

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be upon him or send ball? Jesus Christ.

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What I'm quoting to you is in read the Gospel of Matthew noted down, Gospel of Matthew chapter number 12, verse number 38. So don't get me a condition of backing. To prove this wrong. You have to get me a condition in reading that for Jesus Christ. peace be upon him said I request you to go home. Read the Bible, and when you're convinced inshallah come to the truth.

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Thank you

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