Zakir Naik – To Understand any Religion do not Observe the Followers of that Religion
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The transcript discusses the importance of understanding the Glorious Quran and the authentic sayings of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. The discussion touches upon the topic of the Sun parah, the source of Islam, and the importance of understanding the holy Bible.
AI: Summary ©
wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah sabia Jemaine Ahmad altavilla him initiate honor redeem Bismillah R Rahman Rahim good
to Allah Allah, Allah.
Allah illallah wa initially COVID ba, ba ba ba, ba ba minella fine de la. banda muslimin rubbish.
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With a shaft mohammedi manufactured elders and my division sisters, I welcome all of you with Islamic greetings. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
my peace, mercy and blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala of Almighty God be on all of you.
The topic of this evening's talk is similarities between Hinduism and Islam.
I started my talk
by quoting a verse from the Quran from Surah Allah Moran chapter number three was number 64. It says cool. Yeah, look it up. say Oh, people have the book. The ILO electoral meetings are in banana winner can come to come in terms as between us and you.
Which is the first term I learn the law that we worship men but Allah will unleash Africa he show you that we associate new partners with him. While I talk is about Nevada, urban Manila, that we erect not among ourselves, lords and pages other than Allah. Allah, if then they turn back to Lucia do say a bear witness be anonymously moon that we are Muslims bowing our will to Allah subhana wa Taala to Almighty God. This was of the glorious Koran. Those specifically it mentioned
that the Jews and Christians but in general, it can be used for different types of people. According to me, this was of the Glorious Quran is the master key for conveying the message to different types of people for coming on a common platform. Allah says to Allah Allah calm within Sawa in binary Amina can come to come in terms as between us and you, which is the first term I learned in law that we worship man, but when Almighty God will unleash the cabeza yo that we associate to partner with him.
In order to understand any religion, it is not appropriate to try and understand religion by observing what the followers of that religion do, because many times the followers themselves are not aware about their own religions and about the scriptures.
Therefore, the best and the most appropriate method of understanding in religion is to try and understand the authentic sources, the authentic scriptures of the religion.
If we have to understand Hinduism, we have to understand the authentic sources, the authentic sacred scriptures of Hinduism and the most Sacred Scripture
and Hinduism or the Vedas.
The way that the followed by the punishers by DTS, Rama and Baba Bhagavad Gita by the Puranas, Manu Smithy, etc. So if we understand
the VEDA and the other Hindu scriptures, we should understand Hinduism in the correct perspective.
If we have to understand Islam, we have to understand the sacred scriptures of Islam. That is the Glorious Quran, which is the last and final revelation of Allah subhanho wa Taala of Almighty God to the last and final messenger, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
And in order to understand the Quran, the supplementary source in Islam is the Sunnah of the Prophet, the authentic hadith,
the authentic saying of the last and final messenger, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. So if we have to understand Islam, we have to understand the Glorious Quran and the authentic sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him