Zakir Naik – Religious Clothings Change with Time. Why has the Burka worn by Muslim Women not Changed?

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The speaker discusses the six criteria for clothing in Islam, including women wearing bur physically, men wearing bur physically, and the importance of avoiding clothing that will partner with a man. The six criteria include avoiding clothing that will partner with a woman, being a woman, being a woman with a head, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being a woman with a shirt, being
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My name is Ritesh and I'm a student studying 11 standard. My question is, all the religions have limitations of clothing. Let me be specific to the women. But they've changed with time. But why is the burqa still the same? Why hasn't that changed with time the brother said that by the passage of time, every religion has got clothing for men, but by the passage of time, the clothing keeps on changing. But why the Muslim woman yet wear the burqa? As far as the clothing is concerned whether in Islam, there are six criteria for clothing for the man, it from the navel to the knee, that is the extent it should be covered for the woman, the complete body should be covered, the only part
that can be seen, or the face and hands up to the wrist. Now, certainly scholars who say that even they should be covered, the remaining five criteria are the same for the man and the woman. The second is the clothes they wear, it should not be so tight so that it is difficult should be loose. The third is, it should not be translucent or transparent, so that you can see through the fourth is it should not be so glamorous, so that attracts the opposite *. Fifth, it should not resemble that of the unbeliever and six, it should not resemble that of the opposite *. These are basically the six criteria. And most of these six criteria are even mentioned in the other scripture. If you read
the Bible, it's mentioned the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter number 22 was number five. It says that the woman shall not wear clothes that will partner to a man and a man shall not make clothes that fit partner to woman, all those who do this, they are creating an abomination. It further mentioned the Bible in the first Timothy chapter number two was the name that the woman should be desktop with shame, faith, and sobriety. They should not be costly array, pearls and gold
and furthers mentioned in the first Corinthians. Chapter 11 was them five to six, that the woman that prayed with the head uncovered, her head should be shaved off. There is no worse than the Quran, the Hadith we save that the woman who does not cover a head should be shaved off but the Bible is the
Bible is stricter than the Quran, that if the woman that prays does not cover that that should be shaved off. The same thing and then the Scripture if reading the scriptures, it's mentioned Rama in that when possible rom when it comes to ROM. He says to his wife Sita that he the elder, therefore lower your gaze and guard your modesty. It further mentioned if you read Ridgeway book number 10 chapter five, verse number 30. It says that the woman who wears the clothes, of that of a man, she's defiling it, she should not wear the clothes of a man. Further, it's mentioned that in regret book number eight, that Brahma has ordered that the woman should cover a head. So in Hindu scriptures,
Christian scriptures, Muslim scriptures, modesty is there, covering the head is there by the passage of time, I do agree with you, that Christianity now
you only see the nuns covering the head, therefore pious, if Muslim women cover their head, they're called subjugated by double standards. If you see a nun covered properly, they fully see the photograph of Mother Mary, have you seen the photograph of Mother Mary, like a Muslim, and she was a Muslim, Muslim woman properly covered, the rest, only faithful. What I do agree with you, if you stick to the six criteria, by fashion, the types of hijab, the burqa ABA has changed. As long as you follow the six principles of Islam, and you change the color from black to blue to brown, no problem. As long as you don't break any of the six criteria. Therefore you see new new styles of
hijab, but some styles of Buddha there are so fashionable that they break the law of Islam. For many shiny sequins is coming, that you're attracting opposite *. So that is haram. But otherwise, you want to wear red you want to wear black color, no problem. People think black is compulsory. Black is not compulsory. If you were black. Maybe you may have to watch the burqa once in a week. If you have it may have to wash every day. The choice is yours. You were white and wash it every day you were black and wash it once a week choice is yours as long as it doesn't break any of the criterias six criterias of a job. So now there are new types of job coming as long as it doesn't break you
alone, but it should be modest. If it is modest. It's accepted