Zakir Naik – Is Islam The Solution For The Problems Of Humanity

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The Crown discusses the history and meaning of the title of Islam, including the Glorious Q burying the message of Islam and the Glorious title. The use of various media strategies to portray Islam and the significance of " hungover" and "monster" in the title of Islam. The segment also touches on the use of misunderstood words and the importance of learning the fruit of Islam's teachings and its impact on one's behavior. The segment also discusses the history and implementation of Islam, including its use of fixed criteria for rape, devalued women, and the problem of " war on religion". Finally, the segment provides an update on the success of Islam in stopping falsehoods and the growth of its influence in society.
AI: Transcript ©
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wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah savage main, ama bad O's Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Baku, Huck was albertan in Alberta, Canada. Rubbish Elisa de we ascend Liam Lee. Hello, Melissa Neff, Coco Lee,

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honorable tunku,

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the Crown Prince of Perlis, and

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not only as landmann the chief minister of police, the respected dignitaries, and made our brothers and sisters are welcome all of you what they Samba greetings. Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah subhanaw taala.

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It is an honor and a pleasure for me to be back in Perlis.

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I was there in this wonderful state of Malaysia,

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about one year nine months back in February 2017. And this is my second lecture tour, to the wonderful state of polis. And it's my honor,

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that the Crown Prince of palace has inaugurated lecture of mine.

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The topic of this evening's talk is

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Islam, the solution to the problems of humanity.

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comes from the root word salam, which means peace.

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It is also derived from the Arabic word film, which means to submit your will to Allah subhanho wa Taala Almighty God. Islam in short means peace acquired by submitting your will to Allah subhana wa Taala Almighty God?

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is the best? Who can tell you? What is the solution for the problems of humanity?

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And the answer can only be one, the creator of the human beings, the creator of this world, the creator of this universe, there is no one better than the creator of humanity who can tell you what is the solution for the problems of humanity.

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The Glorious Quran

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is the last and final revelation of Allah subhanho wa Taala, which was revealed to the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

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The Glorious Quran is the most positive book in the world. It is a proclamation to humanity. It is a fountain of mercy and wisdom.

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It's a warning to the headless, a guide to the caring, and assurance to those in doubt,

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as well as to the suffering and the hope to those in despair.

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This Glorious Qur'an, which is the last and final revelation of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the creator of humanity,

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it has the solution to the problems of humanity.

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is a religion. It's a Deen, it's a way of life, which caters to both the spiritual aspect of the human being as well as the physical aspect of the human body.

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One may ask

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how can we prove

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that the Glorious Quran is the last and final revelation of our Creator Allah subhanaw taala.

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And the reply to this question is given in my lecture is the Quran God's word, as well as Koran and modern science? And inshallah I'll be giving this lecture on the fifth of December at members and that will be the last lecture of mature. So for the reply to this question,

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the proof

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that Quran is the last and final revelation of Allah subhanho wa Taala you can listen to my talk is the Quran God's Word on my last lecture of this lecture too

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many people have a misconception

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that the Glorious Quran was only revealed for the Muslims or the Arabs.

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In fact, the last and final revelation

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The Glorious Quran was not revealed only for the Arabs or the Muslims, but it was revealed for the whole of humanity.

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Allah says in the Quran in surah Ibrahim, chapter number 14 verse number one.

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We have revealed to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him the book so that he may guide the humankind from darkness to light. It doesn't say guide only the Muslims or the Arabs. But the Quran says that the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him so that he will guide the whole of humankind from darkness to light. Allah repeats the message in so Abraham chapter number 14, verse number 52. That here is the message for mankind. Let them take wanting to hear from let them know there is one God and let the men of understanding Take heed.

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Allah says in Surah Baqarah chapter number two was number 185. Ramadan was the month in which the Glorious Quran was revealed as a guidance to humanity as the criteria to judge right from wrong.

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Allah repeats the message in Surah Azuma chapter number 39, verse number 41.

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That Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him to instruct the whole of humankind, not only to instruct the Muslims or the Arabs

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and our last and final messenger, Prophet, Muhammad peace be upon him. He was not sent only for the Muslims or the atoms, but he was sent for the whole of humanity. Allah says in the Quran in surah ambia chapter number 21 verse 107, Allah says, WA salatu wa rahmatullah Allah mean that we have seen the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, not but as the mercy to all the words as mercy to all the creatures as a mercy to the whole of humanity.

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Allah repeated the message in Surah chapter number 34 was number 28.

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we have sent Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as a universal messenger, giving black tidings and wanting them against sin. But yet, most of the human beings do not know.

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Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

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He was not sent as a messenger only to the Muslims or the Arabs, but he was sent as a messenger to the whole of humanity.

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And today,

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it is commonly said

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in the international media,

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that Islam is the problem for humanity.

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So let us analyze today whether Islam is the solution, or the problem for humanity.

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According to an article that came in the Newsweek, about 40 years back on 16th of April 1979, that article said that more than 150,000 books were written against Islam in a span of 150 years, from 1800 to 19 150.

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And if you divide this 150,000

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by the number of days, 150 years, you get an average of more than one book written against Islam every day, in the span of 150 years.

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And after 911

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after the attack on the Twin Tower, on loving September,

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we find that this ruling propaganda against Islam, during propaganda about Islam in the international media has the reach to epidemic levels. Now, on average, several books are written every day against Islam.

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And some are just there are some feedback coming from the monitor

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audio technician to just reduce them

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from the television.

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And today, if any writer wants to become famous, only thing he has to do is write a book on his Islam. whether right or wrong, just right democratized Islam, the person who's unknown, will become world famous, and if he's less known, he'd become the top of the world.

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And all the mores any form so called inverted commas, Muslim

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writes a book against Islam. The international media makes him on top of the world and we have the example of Salman Rushdie

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when he wrote the book, Satanic Verses against Islam against Quran against a prophet masala Salam.

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We made him multi millionaire overnight. He was hardly known by a couple of

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A few 1000 people now, more than a billion people in the world, no salamander is the because he wrote a book on Islam. We have several example.

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We have the example of the semana stream from Bangladesh, who claimed to be a Muslim. When she wrote a book on Islam law, she too became world famous. She got multiple, literally awards all over the world. So if you write a book on Islam, there are high chances that you will get a Literary Award.

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There is virulent propaganda about Islam in the international media, especially in the last couple of decades.

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And the media uses various strategies

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to portray

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that Islam is the problem for humanity.

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What did they do? They pick up the black sheep of the Muslim community. And they portray in the net in the international media, as though they are exemplary Muslims.

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We have black sheep in every community.

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They pick up the black sheep amongst the Muslims and portray as though they are exemplary Muslims.

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If a Muslim does a crime, his name will come into media it will say Abdullah, a Muslim,

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practicing Muslim, he did so and so crime if a non Muslim does a crime only name will come without mentioning which religion he belongs to.

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If you want to judge how good a car is,

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you don't judge a car

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based on the diver.

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Suppose you have the latest model of mercedes 600, Sal

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2019 and if you put behind the steering wheel, a person who does not know to drive the car

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and if he crashes the car,

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I must asking the question Who will you blame? Will you be in the car or the driver?

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But the driver if you really want to know how good the car is, you have to try and study what are the specifications of that car?

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What are the safety measures? Does it have anti

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anti braking system?

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How many airbag does it have?

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is the efficiency of petrol?

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What is the pickup based on the specification, you will come to know how good the car is. And if you really want to test drive the car, put behind the steering wheel and expert driver. And then you will come to know how good the car is. So don't judge Islam by looking at the Muslims, Judge Islam by its authentic sources, the glorious Koran and the authentic hadith of the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. If you really want to test drive the car, you really want to know how good Islam is, then we have to observe the life of the best exemplary Muslim in the world. And that is the last and final messenger, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

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If you study and analyze the life of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. There is no human being on the face of this earth, who Syrah whose life has been recorded with so much accuracy, like the last and final messenger, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. And if you study his life,

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you will understand that he was the best exemplary human being on the face of the earth.

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The third strategy used by the media is that the many times quote

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the Quranic verses,

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or the hadith of masala Salaam, out of context.

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And one famous words that is commonly used by the critics of Islam is that these critics they say that the Glorious Quran in Surah Tauba, chapter nine, verse number five says that wherever you find

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a Muslim or non Muslim,

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you see them and you kill him, you slay him.

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And if you open the translation of the Quran, and you read Surah Tauba, chapter number nine was number five, it does say that wherever you find a mushrik

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a non believer, a non Muslim, you see them and you flame, but this was what the quote is out of context.

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For context, you have to read a few words

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Before and a few verses after, and you'll come to know in what context is Allah subhana wa Taala mentioning the statements in the Quran. And when we read the first few verses of Surah Tauba chapter number nine, it says, and it speaks about a peace treaty between the Muslims and the Muslims of Makkah. And this peace treaty was unilaterally broken by the Muslims of Makkah.

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By the time Allah subhana wa Taala reaches was number five, he's giving a warning anything to the machines

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that you put things straight informants time, otherwise, a declaration of war.

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And in this was for a Toba chapter nine verse number five. Allah says that in the battlefield, wherever you find the non Muslims, seize them and kill them, and wait for them in every stratagem of war. So this worse is revealed in the battlefield. It is telling you whenever the enemies come to attack you don't get scared,

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attack them and kill them. Any army general today to boost up the morale of his soldiers will budge natural say that in the battlefield, when you find the enemy, you attack them, you kill them, even not say when you find the enemy you run away.

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So this was was revealed in the battlefield. When the enemies break the contract. And when they come to fight, you don't get scared, fight them and kill them.

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Can you increase the volume of the speakers

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and when you read

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the books of the critics, one of the staunchest critics in India is our own Shuri and he writes in his book The world of fatwa, he quotes the same verse. So the Toba chapter nine, verse number five.

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And after quoting Surah Tauba chapter nine, verse number five, he jumps to verse number seven.

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Now any logical person will realize why we jump from verse number five to verse number seven because was number six has the answer to a sickness.

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Verse number six of Surah Tauba chapter number nine phase after seeing in verse number five, that when the enemies come to attack you fight them slay them, was the mistake this fixes that when the mushriks when the enemies when the non Muslims, if they seek asylum, don't have give it to them, but escort them to a place of security, so that they may hear the word of Allah subhanaw taala. Your the Quran says that if any of the enemies in the battlefield, seek asylum, seek peace. Don't just grant it to them, but escort them to a place of security so that they may hear the word of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Which army general today, even if he's very kind, he will not tell you soldiers maximum will say that the enemy won't be let them go. Yeah, Allah says in the Quran, that if the enemies want peace, don't just let them go. escort them to a place of security so that they may hear the word of Allah subhanaw taala.

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And almost all the verses of the Quran, whenever it talks

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about fighting, whether in the battlefield or about fighting with enemies, it always says after that peace is better.

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Because Islam is a religion of peace, of serenity.

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The fourth strategy used by the international media is

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they miss translate

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many of the Arabic words to create a negative picture of Islam,

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and one of the most misunderstood and Miss translated word from the Quran is the Arabic word jihad.

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And it is always translated as holy war.

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Holy War if you translate into Arabic, is horrible mocha. If you read the full Quran, or any Hadith of the Prophet masala, salaam, nowhere is this Arabic word herbal mocha phone.

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So holy war is a mistranslation of the Arabic word jihad. How did this holy war come? If you read the encyclopedia and history, we come to know that this holy war was first used by the Christian Crusaders. When in

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The name of Christianity they killed 1000s of human beings. This word holy war was used by the Christian Crusaders. And today,

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the Westerners, the enemies of Islam are using this to translate the Arabic word jihad.

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The Arabic word Jihad does not mean holy war. But the Arabic word Jihad comes from the root word Shahada, which means to strive, which means to struggle.

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In the Islamic context, Jihad means to strive and struggle to make the society better.

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If anyone, if a student is striving and struggling to pass an examination,

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we would say in Arabic, he's doing jihad. In the Islamic context, Jihad means to strive and struggle to make the society better. Jihad means to strive, and struggle.

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in self defense, Jihad also means to strive and struggle against operation.

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Jihad basically means to strive and struggles.

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We find many a times the international media

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they are giving information of Islam, which is alien to Islam.

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Islam doesn't fit, but the international media twists and turns it to prove that Islam is the problem for humanity.

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And many times,

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the international media

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when they say that this portion of Islam is the problem for humanity,

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many times it is actually the solution for humanity.

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Let me give you one or two examples

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that the Muslims

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all over the world, they are labeled as fundamentalists.

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And they say because of this muslim fundamentalists, humanity's in problem

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What is the meaning of the English word fundamentalist?

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By definition, fundamentalists means a person who follows the fundamentals of one particular subject.

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For example,

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if a person wants to be a good mathematician,

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he should know follow and practice the fundamentals of maths. Unless he is a fundamentalist in the field of Max, he cannot be a good mathematician.

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For a person, to be a good scientist, he should know follow and practice the fundamentals of science, unless he is a fundamentalist in the field of science, he cannot be a good scientist.

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You cannot paint all fundamentalists with the same brush, that all are good or bad, depending in which fields the person is the fundamentalist, you have to label him accordingly.

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For example,

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if you have a fundamentalist doctor, whose profession is to save human lives,

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but natural, he's good for the society,

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either been for society. On the other hand, if you have a fundamentalist robber whose profession is to rob and steal, he's bad for the society. So depending in which field the person is a fundamentalist, you have to label him accordingly. You can't be all fundamentally the same brush that all are good or bad, depending in which field the person is the fundamentalist, you have to live with them accordingly.

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As far as I am concerned,

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I Dr. Larkin, like say that I am a fundamentalist Muslim, and I am proud to be a fundamentalist Muslims.

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Because I know

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and I strive to follow the fundamentals of Islam. And I know that there is not a single fundamental of Islam, which is against humanity as a whole.

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There may be a few fundamentals of Islam with the non Muslims may think that needs Islam, but the moment you tell them the logical reason

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The logic behind the fundamentals, there is not a single human being on the face of the earth, which can point out a single fundamental of Islam, which is against humanity.

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to the Oxford Dictionary,

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fundamentalist means a person who strictly adheres

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to the ancient teaching of any religion.

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But when we read the revised edition of the Oxford Dictionary, there is a slight change. And it says that fundamentalism is a person who strictly adheres to the teachings of any ancient scripture of any religion, especially Islam. So the word is special Islam has been added in the revised edition of the Oxford Dictionary, the moment you hear the word fundamentalist, you start thinking of a Muslim.

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That is a fundamentalist. He's a Muslim.

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And the media labels Muslims, as extremist, and many of us Muslims, we go on the defense. No, no, no, I'm not a fundamentalist. If you are not a fundamentalist Muslim, you cannot be a good Muslim.

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Many of the Muslim one the difference No, no, no, I'm not an extremist. I say I am an extremist Muslim. I'm extremely kind. I'm extremely merciful. I'm extremely generous. I'm extremely just I'm extremely honest. Can anyone tell me what is wrong in being extremely loving, extremely generous, extremely merciful, extremely honest, extremely just.

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And Islam says that you should be extremely loving. You shouldn't be extremely just.

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Islam doesn't say that you be just when it benefits you. And if it does not benefit, you become unjust.

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So I'm proud to be an extremist Muslim.

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I follow Islam in its entirety.

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I am extremist in the right direction. You should not be extremist in the wrong direction.

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And other Allah says in the Quran, utkal office in Mecca, enter into Islam wholeheartedly.

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You cannot say that I want to be a Muslim person. You have to become a Muslim completely.

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To be a good practicing Muslim, you have to be a fundamentalist Muslim. You have to be an extremist Muslim, but you should not be a fanatic Muslim.

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Allah says in the Quran in Surah Nisa, chapter four was 171, Latin Lucy de nukem, do not commit excesses in your religion, do not be a fanatic.

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But extremists Yes. You have to follow the Quran completely. And the thing of the Prophet completely, why do you go on the defense? Why are we Muslims apologetic?

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We have to turn the tables over

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today, then flush the media,

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the label the Muslims, as terrorists.

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What is the meaning of the word terrorist?

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terrorist by definition means a person who terrorizes an innocent human being.

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And we find that many times two different labels are given to the same individual for the same activity by two different groups of people.

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And the best example I can give you

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is more than 70 years ago, when the Britishers were ruling India,

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there were many Indians, hundreds and 1000s of Indians who are fighting for the freedom of the country, India, these people by the British government, they were called as terrorist.

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But we Indians, we call these people are freedom fighters as patriots, same people, same activity, but two different labels. If you agree with the view of the Britishers, that they had the right rule or India, you will surely call these people as terrorists. But if you agree with the view of the common Indians, that the Britishers came to India to do business, they had no right to rule India, then you would call these people as freedom fighters as patriots, same people. Same activity, to different labels. And I'm sure you may have service as example in this country of Malaysia has

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more than 6070 years back militia to

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was ruled by the Britishers. And there are many Malaysians who are fighting for the freedom of the country.

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Surely, the British government may have called them as terrorists, and the Malaysian call them as freedom fighters, same people, same activity, but two different labels.

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And many times when I had press conferences in India, and when the reporter when the reporter used to ask me, you know, why are we read in international media? Why are the Muslims you know, most of the terrorists are Muslims.

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So I asked him the question

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the British government, more than 70 years back had told that Bhagat Singh was a terrorist. Do you agree with it? No. Bhagat Singh was not a terrorist, he was the freedom fighter. How do you know we have studied the history of India, and we know that the British are lying.

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So I said when the British are 70 years back, told the world that Bhagat Singh was a terrorist, you as an Indian journalist today, what happened 70 years back, you disagree? Because you did research. Now, when the Westerners are saying, Muslims are terrorists? Have you done research? Hey,

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why do you have double standards?

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And we have several such examples in human history.

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In the 18th century,

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when the Britishers were ruling us, America,

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we know of the

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the American Revolution in 1775.

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And at that time, one of the heroes of the American Revolution was George Washington, by the British government, George Washington was called as terrorists number one in the world.

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After America gets its freedom, George Washington is made the president of USA Can you believe there is number one of the world becomes the president of USA?

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simple person

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same activity to different levels.

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Yes, several such examples.

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We know

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before South Africa,

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it was ruled by the apartheid white government.

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And the belief that the white was supreme people.

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And at that time, they imprison Nelson Mandela for about 27 years in Robben islands. And they called him as terrorists number one.

00:32:38 --> 00:32:57

Later on, when South Africa got its freedom, Nelson Mandela was released. And he was given the Nobel Prize for Peace. Not that he was bad and he became good, the same person for the same activity. When he was called by the white apartheid government status number one, a few years later,

00:32:58 --> 00:33:01

he gets the Nobel Prize for Peace.

00:33:02 --> 00:33:31

Imagine terrorists number one, get the Nobel Prize for Peace. So that's the reason when any person gives any label to any individual, it becomes a duty of us as Muslims to check up whether the information is right or wrong. And for what reason is he given the label? Allah says in the Quran in Surah Surah chapter number 49 was the mistakes that when you get information, you check it up before you pass it on to another person.

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We Muslims should not be apologetic, we should turn the tables over.

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And the international media

00:33:43 --> 00:33:48

very often they say that Islam is an intolerant religion.

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I say yes, Islam is an intolerant religion. It is intolerant to those things, which the Westerners think things are good. And we say it is bad for society. Islam is an intolerant religion. Islam is intolerant to injustice, it's intolerant, to corruption, to dishonesty.

00:34:13 --> 00:34:27

It's intolerant, to racism, to victimization. Islam is intolerant to the evils of society, which the other human beings think it's good for society. Islam is intolerant to alcoholism,

00:34:29 --> 00:34:55

to drug addiction, Islam is intolerant to *, to prostitution, to fornication to adultery. Yes, Islam is intolerant to the evils of society and humanity. But Islam is the most tolerant religion overall for humanity. It's only intolerant to those things which are evil for humanity and cause disharmony

00:34:57 --> 00:34:58

amongst the human beings.

00:35:06 --> 00:35:07

Most of the religions,

00:35:08 --> 00:35:09

this be good things,

00:35:10 --> 00:35:38

that it should not rob, that it should not steal, that it should not molest a woman, you should not * omen. Most of the legend say this, Islam says the same. So what is the difference between Islam and the other religions? The difference between Islam and the other religions is that Islam, besides speaking these good things, it shows you a way how to practically achieve the state of goodness.

00:35:40 --> 00:35:42

Let me give you a couple of examples.

00:35:43 --> 00:35:54

Most of the agency that it should not steal, you should not rob Islam says the same. But the difference in Islam is, Islam shows you a way how to achieve a state in which people will not Rob

00:35:59 --> 00:35:59


00:36:01 --> 00:36:32

The third pillar of Islam is a cat. That is every rich, adult Muslim, who has a savings of more than the nisab level, more than 85 grams of gold. Every lunar year, that Muslim should give 2.5% of that excess wealth in charity. If every rich human being in the world gives a charity, poverty will be eradicated from this world, they will not be a single human being who will die of hunger.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:37


00:36:38 --> 00:36:39

just recently,

00:36:40 --> 00:36:53

just a couple of months back, it gave the statistic the wealth of the 10 richest human beings in the world. And it said that the 10 richest human beings in the world have about 25% of the wealth of the world.

00:36:59 --> 00:37:00

Only 10 individuals

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and the 100 most richest men in the world will be having more than 50% of the wealth of the world.

00:37:13 --> 00:37:24

If all the human beings in the world, follow the second pillar of Islam of giving Zakat, poverty will be eradicated from this world, there will not be a single human being who will die of hunger.

00:37:29 --> 00:37:31

After saying that the cause is fun.

00:37:33 --> 00:37:38

Allah says in the Quran in surah majda chapter number five was limited. As to the teef

00:37:39 --> 00:37:46

beat a man or a woman chop off his or her hand as a punishment from Allah subhanaw taala. People may see

00:37:47 --> 00:37:55

the non Muslim will say, champion of the hands in this age of Science and Technology. Islam is a barbaric religion. It's a ruthless way of life.

00:37:57 --> 00:38:12

And they think that every second person you come across in Saudi Arabia obey this law as read this law is practice. They think that every second person will have his hand chopped off, believe me, have been going to Saudi Arabia for the past 20 years.

00:38:13 --> 00:38:21

I've been there more than 100 times, I have not come across a single person with his hand chopped off. Surely there will be a few selected few.

00:38:23 --> 00:38:28

But it's not as though the non Muslims think that if you go to Saudi Arabia, every second person has to be chopped off.

00:38:30 --> 00:38:39

Do you know today the country which has the maximum crime in the world, the maximum test maximum Robert in the world rich country? Can you guess?

00:38:42 --> 00:39:04

America easy, USA, which most of them in the world considered to be the most advanced country in the world? Do you know it has the maximum rate of crime and theft in the world? Every second, there is a crime taking place in America according to the statistics of FBI and the bureau every second.

00:39:06 --> 00:39:08

I'm asking you a simple question.

00:39:09 --> 00:39:11

That if you implement the Sharia

00:39:13 --> 00:39:26

in USA, that every rich person who has a savings of more than the nisab level more than 85 grams of gold, he or she should give 2.5% of that wealth, every lunarian charity and after that,

00:39:28 --> 00:39:40

If any man or woman robs chop off his or her hand, I'm asking the question, will the rate of crime theft and robbery in USA village increase? Will it remain the same or will it decrease?

00:39:42 --> 00:39:44

Increase remain the same or decrease?

00:39:45 --> 00:39:47

decrease. you implement the result.

00:39:49 --> 00:39:54

you implement the law for creators you get resolved. And people have a misconception

00:39:56 --> 00:40:00

that you know in Islam anyone drops dropping hands is very easy. It is

00:40:00 --> 00:40:00

Very difficult

00:40:03 --> 00:40:05

if you read the McCarthy Sharia

00:40:06 --> 00:40:08

that if a person drops

00:40:11 --> 00:40:17

there has to be more than 70 criteria to be fulfilled before the judge can give a punishment of chopping up the hands.

00:40:19 --> 00:40:30

The mocassins of Sharia is not to chop the hand mocassins of Sharia, the purpose of the Sharia is to be as a deterrent. Allah is the most possible but Allah also just

00:40:32 --> 00:40:40

the reason is not to chop people hand, but the reason is to be as a deterrent. So people will not drop so that justice can prevail in the society.

00:40:41 --> 00:40:43

So most of the cases

00:40:45 --> 00:40:49

of robbery and theft, the judge fees reason

00:40:50 --> 00:40:52

to avoid giving the maximum punishment of HUD.

00:40:54 --> 00:41:06

Therefore, if you see whether Sharia law is practice, there are very rare cases where this takes place when all the criteria fulfilled, but the deterrent is so much it prevents

00:41:07 --> 00:41:09

most of the human beings from robbing

00:41:10 --> 00:41:17

unlike in other secular countries, there is so many number of theft and robbery because they know they can get away very easily.

00:41:20 --> 00:41:32

So Allah subhanho wa Taala our Creator knows the best what is the solution for the problems of humanity that there is in the least rate of robbery and theft in any country in the world, it's in Saudi Arabia.

00:41:34 --> 00:41:51

And previously 3040 years back, if you go to Makkah, the gold souk, gold market Gold Shop, you know how to close the gold shop with just a string ometer just a string to indicate that the shop is closed or going for Salah everything was open.

00:41:53 --> 00:41:55

Millions of dollars worth of gold is open.

00:41:58 --> 00:42:03

Today if Saudi Arabia relaxes this law, property will even start in Saudi Arabia.

00:42:04 --> 00:42:15

It is not that the Saudi police is very intelligent. It is the law of Allah subhanho wa Taala which acts as a deterrent for injustice, humanity. Islam is the solution to the problems of humanity.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:19

Let me give you one more example.

00:42:20 --> 00:42:22

Most of the religions say

00:42:23 --> 00:42:42

that it should not minister woman that it should not * a woman Islam says the same. So what is the difference between Islam and the other religions? The difference is Islam. Besides saying that it should not molest a woman, you should not * a woman. It shows you a state where it's possible. That woman would not be molested woman would not be raped.

00:42:44 --> 00:43:24

If you read the Quran, Allah subhana wa Taala first speaks about the modesty of the men then speaks about the modesty of the woman. Not only when people talk about his job, his job, his job, they normally talk about the job for the woman, but Allah subhana wa Taala in the Quran in Surah Surah chapter number 24 was number 34 speaks about the job for the man and then for the woman. Allah says in Surah chapter number 24 was number 30 said the believing man that when any man he looks at a woman, and any brazen thought comes he should lower escape. That mean whenever a man looks at a woman and any brings in thought energy and thought comes into mind, he should lower his case.

00:43:25 --> 00:43:26

One there was a Muslim

00:43:28 --> 00:43:43

who was staring at a girl for a long time. So Tony, Brother, what are you doing? It's not allowed in Islam. He told me our beloved prophet masala Salam said that the first glance is permitted. The second is prohibited. I have not completed half my glance.

00:43:45 --> 00:44:04

What did the Prophet mean when he said that the first glance is permitted, the second is prohibited. He did not mean saying that you can look at a woman for 10 minutes without blinking and saying that I have not completed my glance what the prophet meant that if you look at the moment, if you look at the moment accidently do not stare at her to feast on the beauty.

00:44:07 --> 00:44:30

Then the next was talks about the job for the woman. Allah says in Surah Surah chapter number 24 verse number 31 said to the believing woman, that she should lower the gaze and gather modesty and display not the beauty except what appears ordinary of and to draw a head covering over the bosom except in front of her husband, her sons, a father and a big list of Miriam, who she can't manage given.

00:44:32 --> 00:44:40

There are basically six criteria for hijab which is mentioned in the Quran and authentic hadith of masala Sol The first is the extent

00:44:41 --> 00:44:50

for the man it from the level to the mean for the woman, the complete body should be covered the only part that can be seen as the face and hands up.

00:44:51 --> 00:44:53

Some scholars say that even the face should be covered.

00:44:55 --> 00:44:59

The remaining five criteria are the same for the man and the woman. The second is the clothes

00:45:00 --> 00:45:21

The way it should not be so tight so that it reveals the figure. The third, it should not be translucent or transparent so that you can see through fourth, it should not be so glamorous so that it attracts the opposite *. Fifth, it should not resemble that of the unbeliever, and six, it should not resemble that of the opposite fix. These are the basics with fixed criteria for

00:45:23 --> 00:45:24

the first

00:45:25 --> 00:45:28

Allah says in the Quran, the Hadith, that

00:45:29 --> 00:45:31

the men and the woman they should practice it up.

00:45:33 --> 00:45:51

After this, the Islamic Sharia says that if any man raped a woman, he gets capital punishment, he gets that penalty, non Muslims a death penalty in this age of Science and Technology. In the 21st century. Islam is a barbaric religion, it's a ruthless law.

00:45:53 --> 00:46:04

But when I ask this question, and I've asked this question to 1000s of non Muslim brothers and sisters, when asked this question from a non Muslim Brothers, that God forbid,

00:46:05 --> 00:46:06

if someone raped your mother,

00:46:08 --> 00:46:15

and if the * is born in front of you, and if you are made the judge, What punishment will you give? Believe me

00:46:16 --> 00:46:34

100% told that we will put him to attack someone to the extent of saying we will torture him to death. So when someone rapes your mother, you want to put him to death, someone raped somebody else's mother who said that penalty is a barbaric law. Why these double standards? Why?

00:46:38 --> 00:46:41

There was one smart Alex,

00:46:42 --> 00:46:45

a smart non Muslim, and I went to USC, he told me Dr. Sokka.

00:46:47 --> 00:46:50

I will give him five years of imprisonment if someone if my mother

00:46:54 --> 00:46:58

so I told him do know according to the statistics of USA,

00:47:00 --> 00:47:20

the penalty for * is seven years rigorous imprisonment. I'll come to it later on. But after those people when they come out of jail, more than 95% commit * again. So if you want your mother to be raped again, you're most welcome. I would not want that. So he says if that's the case, I will put him to death.

00:47:24 --> 00:47:28

Do you know today the country which has the maximum

00:47:29 --> 00:47:32

rep in the world, which country

00:47:33 --> 00:47:34

which country,

00:47:35 --> 00:47:35


00:47:36 --> 00:47:40

USA, which is supposed to be the most advanced country in the world,

00:47:42 --> 00:47:44

which all over the world they look up to.

00:47:45 --> 00:47:52

According to 1990 statistics of FBI report every day 1756 * took place

00:47:54 --> 00:48:03

in the year 1995. According to the statistics of victimization of US Bureau, they said every day,

00:48:04 --> 00:48:19

every day 2000 more than 2000 find a dip took place. According to the statistics of 2014. Every day, about 4000 rapes are taking place. Every year, the Americans are getting bold, every 22nd one rep is taking place in America.

00:48:21 --> 00:48:21

We are here

00:48:22 --> 00:48:24

for about one and a half hour,

00:48:25 --> 00:48:38

hour and a half a year. Since the time we are here. already more than 100 rapes may have taken place in USA. From the time we have started this program. already more than 100 rapes may have taken place in America.

00:48:40 --> 00:48:44

I must tell you the question that if you implement the Sharia in USA,

00:48:46 --> 00:49:04

that whenever a man looks at a woman and any unashamed thought comes they should load if give, the woman should wear the proper job, complete body cover except the face and hands up the wrist. And after that if any man rapes a woman death penalty, I'm asking the question, will the rate of * in USA will it increase will remain the same only decrease?

00:49:05 --> 00:49:23

decrease. It's a practical law. you implement the Sharia and you get result. That's the reason I say that Islam besides prescribing good things, it shows you a way how to achieve the state of goodness, Islam is the solution to the problems of humanity.

00:49:26 --> 00:49:27

Whatever problems you have today,

00:49:29 --> 00:49:39

Islam has the solution because it has been prescribed to us by our Creator Allah subhanho wa Taala in the last and final revelation, the Glorious Quran.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:43

You can you can keep on giving several examples.

00:49:46 --> 00:49:55

Today, the international media they're maligning Islam by saying Islam does not give rights to the woman

00:49:59 --> 00:50:00

and they

00:50:00 --> 00:50:02

Say hey job degrades the woman.

00:50:03 --> 00:50:06

Exam does not degrade the woman it uplifts the woman.

00:50:08 --> 00:50:47

The Western talk of women's liberalization is nothing but a disguised form of exploitation of a body of degradation of honor and deprivation of a soul. The Western society claiming topcliffe the woman has actually degraded her to a status of concubine, mistresses and society butterflies, which are mere tools in the hands of pleasure seekers, and * marketeers, hidden behind the colorful screen of art and culture, in the name of art and culture. They are selling their mothers, they are selling the daughters, they are selling the woman for the Muslims don't want to sell our mothers, our sisters and a woman.

00:50:49 --> 00:50:52

And very often, you will find

00:50:53 --> 00:50:56

that in advertisement to attract

00:50:57 --> 00:51:05

the men, the use of woman even though the woman is not linked with the product, when you want to sell a motorcycle,

00:51:06 --> 00:51:08

who rides a motorcycle mode, the man or woman

00:51:10 --> 00:51:11

you'll find a woman

00:51:13 --> 00:51:13

in that,

00:51:14 --> 00:51:20

and someone told me about the whim, a very famous ad, the BMW ad, someone told me

00:51:22 --> 00:51:33

that in that BMW ad, in front of the BMW, there was a lady which was standing with a bikini and the ad read test driver now who the girl or the car

00:51:35 --> 00:51:54

What are you doing, you're selling your daughter's, you're selling your wife, you're selling your mother's V in Islam, we love our woman, we love our daughters, we love our wife, we love our mothers, we respect them. And we all know them. Islam has the solution to the problems of humankind.

00:51:57 --> 00:51:59

When they say we want to liberate the woman,

00:52:01 --> 00:52:12

Allah is very clear in for a surah chapter number 17 was the title we save come not close to adultery for it's a shameful lead and evil opening other routes to evil.

00:52:14 --> 00:52:17

Adultery is primarily Islam. But at the Western society, it is common

00:52:18 --> 00:52:31

according to statistics of USA, on average, and American have a different sexual partner before you sit down with one after you settle down how many partner there that's not mentioned in the statistics.

00:52:34 --> 00:52:37

Some maybe even five or maybe 10, maybe even 20.

00:52:41 --> 00:52:51

Islam has the solution to the problems of humanity. How can you have the love in the family when all these open faiyaz opportunities there.

00:52:53 --> 00:53:00

That's the reason the international media maligned Islam by saying Islam does not give rise to the woman.

00:53:01 --> 00:53:09

But hamdulillah sama hamdulillah. However much the media is trying to suppress Islam, that much it is growing

00:53:10 --> 00:53:35

according to the statistics, which came in the Reader's Digest, digest or manicure book, in 1984, it gives the statistics of the increase in the major world religion in a span of 50 years from 1934 to 1984. And it said that number one increase in any major religion, it was Islam 235%.

00:53:36 --> 00:53:42

Christianity, only 47% I want to ask the question, which war took place?

00:53:44 --> 00:53:49

between 1934 and 1984, which forced

00:53:50 --> 00:53:54

millions of non Muslims to become become Muslim,

00:53:55 --> 00:53:58

which thought it is the sort of the intellect.

00:54:01 --> 00:54:11

And after 911, it does reach epidemic levels. People are reading books against Islam, and the more they're attacking Islam, you know, war on war for peace, war for peace.

00:54:13 --> 00:54:20

It is not war for peace. It is war on peace, war on religion of peace, war on Islam.

00:54:21 --> 00:54:23

It is this guy form

00:54:24 --> 00:54:30

but a humble Allah. In spite of that, in spite of the fabrication of the international media against Islam,

00:54:31 --> 00:54:44

in a span of nine months in USA alone, after 911 after 11th of September 2001. There were 34,000 Americans in USA were accepted Islam.

00:54:46 --> 00:54:56

According to you on readly in Europe, in the span of one year, more than 50,000 Europeans accepted Islam, the more they're trying to suppress Islam that Islam is growing.

00:54:57 --> 00:54:59

Then the media is seeing Islam

00:55:00 --> 00:55:22

subjugating the woman. Do you know out of those non Muslims accepting Islam? Two thirds more than 65% of woman? Islam is subjugating the woman. Then why are the Westerner woman accepting Islam? Why are the American woman accepting Islam because Islam has the solution to the problems of humankind.

00:55:24 --> 00:56:09

Today, the fastest growing religion in USA is Islam. The fastest growing religion in Europe is Islam, the fastest growing religion in the world Islam. Allah says in the Quran Surah embrun chapter number three verse number 54. Allah says Makoto makalah O'Hara marketing day planned and plotted Allah to plant Allah is the best of planners, the more that time to attack Islam, the more they're trying to suppress Islam, that Islam is growing because Islam is the solution to the problems of humankind. I'd like to end my talk with the condition of the Glorious Quran, which I started my talk with a surah chapter number 17 verse number 81. Well, law says vocal Jarl Huck was a battle in

00:56:09 --> 00:56:17

melawati lacunas oka, when truth is Halligan falsehood false to false to perish for falsehood. It's by its nature bound to perish.

00:56:18 --> 00:56:20

While true Dhawan Alhamdulillah Bellamy

Dr Zakir Naik Public Lecture in Perlis, Malaysia on 1st Dec. 2018

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