Zakir Naik – Irrefutable Proof from the Bible that Jesus Christ (pbuh) is not God

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
A caller asks if the Bible can prove that Jesus is not God, and if anyone claims to be from the Bible, and if anyone claims to be from the Bible. The caller also asks about Jesus Christ's peace upon him, and if anyone claims to be from the Bible. The representative explains that the Bible has no single statement, and that anyone who claims to be from the Bible is not a Christian.
AI: Transcript ©
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The next question from our boss can Pakistan. Sir, can you please tell me from the Bible the verses from which I can prove that Jesus Peace Be Upon Him is not God?

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Regarding can I

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prove from the Bible that Jesus is not God,

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peace be upon him. If you read the Bible, there is not a single unequivocal statement. There is not a single unambiguous statement in the complete Bible, where Jesus Christ peace be upon Himself says that I am God always in worship me. In fact, if you read the Bible,

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the Bible clearly mentions it mentioned the Bible, in the Gospel of John, chapter number 14,

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was the 20th. Jesus QSP upon Himself says that my father is getting in I know sort of John, chapter number 10, was number 29, Jesus has peace be upon him says that my father has given them all.

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If you read, it's mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter number 12, verse number 28, that I cast out devil with the Spirit of God GCSB will says in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 11, verse number 20, i with the finger of God custo devil, gospel of John, chapter number five was number 30, I can have my own self do nothing as I hear, I judge and my judgment is just for I think, not my will, but the will of my Father, anyone who says, I seek not my will, but the will of Almighty God is the Muslim, Muslim by definition mean the person who submitted to God,

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Jesus Christ, peace be upon him as a Muslim.

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He never claimed divinity. In fact, it is mentioned clearly, Jesus gives peace be upon him says, In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter number five, was the 17 to 20 gspb upon faith, that thing, not that I have come to destroy the Lord, the prophets have come not to destroy, but to fulfill. Until the heaven and the earth pass away. one jot or tittle shall not pass away until all be fulfilled. Anyone who breaks one of the list of the commandments, and teaches men to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, and anyone who teaches them

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and believe that this will be called great in the kingdom of heaven, unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees. In no way shall you enter the kingdom of heaven. So Jesus Christ's peace be upon him said that if you want to enter the kingdom of heaven into if you want to go to Jannah, if you want to go to Paradise, you have to follow all the laws and commands of the Old Testament that you should not make an image of God you should not do idol worship, you should worship God Almighty alone, everything. Jesus Christ, peace be upon him never claimed divinity. He never said he was God. In fact, he said he was sent by God. It's mentioned in

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the Gospel of John, chapter 14, verse 24, Jesus Christ peace be upon him, says that the word that you hear are not mine. But my father's always sent me. It further mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew,

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chapter 19, verse 16, to 17, that when one of the scribes comes and asks to Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, that

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good master, what good things should I do so that I achieve eternal life? So Jesus Christ will be upon him replies, why thou calls me good.

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There is no good, but only one, that Almighty God, and if you want to enter eternal life, you keep the commandments. He never said that if you want to go to Paradise, you believe in God. He never said that believe that, or died on the cross for our sins. He said, If you want to enter Paradise, to keep the commandments,

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and Jesus KSPs beautiful said in the Gospel of John, chapter number 17, was number three, this is life eternity so that you may know there's only one God and Jesus Christ whom I sent.

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It's mentioned the book of Acts.

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Chapter number two was number 22. GPS purposes, a man of Israel.

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Listen to this, Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God amongst you, by wonders and miracles and finds which God did by him, and your witness to it, a man approved of God amongst you by miracles, and wonders and signs, which God did by him and your witness to it. And when Jesus case Peace be upon was asked that which is the first of the commandment, he replied, in the Gospel of Mark, chapter number 12, verse number 29. What was earlier said by Moses peace be upon him and he said, Shama is ready. Look at the line of naked, that here, O Israel, the Lord, our God, is one Lord.

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So unequivocally Jesus Christ peace be upon him said that he was not always

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God and you have to worship only one God and he will send by God so there is not a single unequivocal statement and the complete Bible with Jesus QSB upon himself said that I am God always the worship

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