Zakir Naik – Ana Asks “Are the Miracles of Jesus pbuh Greater than the Miracles of Muhammad pbuh?”
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Hi, my name is Anna, I want to ask what happens to non Muslims who have never been exposed to Islam? And what if a non Muslim says that the miracles of Jesus are bigger than the ones that Mohammed performed 52 questions basically, what a non Muslim who says, who has no been exposed to Islam? What happens to them? And secondly, if a non Muslim comes and says that the miracles of his or less arms are greater, what happened to them? Point Number one, if a non Muslim comes and tells me that they have not been exposed to Islam, today, in this world of science and technology is difficult. Maybe if you asked this question 50 years back, it was possible. Today in this age of science and
technology, especially the media bombarded misconception about Islam. you're exposed to Islam, maybe the wrong Islam, maybe pseudo Islam, that Muslims are terrorists, Muslims, a fundamentalist. Islam is a religion of killing.
it degrades a woman, it's subjugates the woman they may be exposed to Islam, but wrong Islam. Now what happens to a non Muslim who's not exposed to the right teaching of Islam?
I feel if a non Muslim hears something in the media, or any human being, hear something in the media should not take it for granted. The Quran says in Surah Surah chapter 14 verse number six, whenever you get information, check it up before you pass it on to the third person. Whenever get information, it is important that the person checks up whether the information is right or wrong. As far as the message of Islam is concerned. What if a non Muslim may be living in Ireland may be living in Timbuktu or living somewhere where he doesn't have any knowledge of Islam? First, it's the duty of every Muslim to convey the message on Muslim irrespective whether we can be or not, Allah
says in the Quran in surah facilite chapter number 41 Muslim 53 Allah says sonori him i atina filla fahie Wolfie unfussy him Hatha Yoga by you know,
that soon we shall show them our signs in the furthest region of the horizon, until it is clear to them that this is the truth. Allah says that he will show the signs to every human being, before the human being died, he will show His signs in the further his regions of the horizon until it is clear to them that this is the truth. So Allah takes it upon himself, that he will convey this message to each and every human being, whether he's born in a Muslim family or non Muslim family, whether is born in a Muslim land or non Muslim land, Allah will give this message to every human being, that the reason there were some surveys done 1950 in two tribes, now these two tribes, the capoue tribe,
and the Austrian Aborigines, these two tribes did not come in contact with modern civilization till as late as 1950.
When the researchers went and tried to find out what was their way of life, these people they believe that God was one they believed he alone should be worship, they believe he did not beget anyone. They did the such that they did prostration for worshipping that God, it was everything of Islam but the name. So when no external influence comes down to human being, that person submits his will to God. That is the reason a beloved prophet masala Salam said, Every child is born in the new fitter. Every child is born in the innate religion. He is born as a Muslim.
Our beloved prophet masala, someone said, Every child is born as a Muslim Muslim means a person who submits the will to God. Later on, that person may be influenced by his parents, by teachers, by the elders, he may start doing fire worship, he may start doing idol worship, and then we deviate on the wrong time. That the reason when a non Muslim accepts Islam, the more appropriate word is revert. He was a Muslim, born as a Muslim, he gets converted to a wrong religion comes back to the original faith that is Islam. So the right word is revert. So coming to your question,
every child, if any child if you take three children, one bond or Christian, one bond or Jew, one bond to Hindu, isolate the three children completely from any external influence. And when they grow up, and you try and find out what is their way of life, it will be nothing but Islam. Only after external influence. They start deviating and worshipping wrong things and having wrong ideas. This is scientifically proven. Furthermore, sister, where your second question is concerned that what if someone doesn't know Islam and things that Jesus Christ did miracles?
I do agree Jesus captured miracles. But sister miracle is not the test. If you believe in Jesus, guys, peace be upon him. If you read in the Bible, Jesus Christ, peace be upon him.
It says in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 24, verse number 24 faith, that for the shall arrive many false Christs and false prophets, and will do wonders and miracles, and if it for possible shall deceive the very elected to Jesus case peace be upon him says miracle is not the test, they shall arise many false Christs and false prophets, and shall do wonders and miracles, and if it were possible, shall deceive the elected, that means Jesus Christ peace be upon him says, miracle is not the test. Miracle does not make a person a god. Miracle does not make a person superior because all the miracles that were done the all the prophets were done by Almighty God Himself. All the
miracles, all the miracles that by Moses, the parting of the sea, when he threw the stick, it became into snake. It was done by Almighty God. All the miracles that he saw the film Jesus case will be upon did one more Mighty God, saving Prophet Muhammad peace be over spending of the modern world mighty God? I will tell you that Islam is the only non Christian faith which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus case, peace be upon him, no Muslim in the Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. We believe that he was one of the mightiest messengers of Almighty God. We believe that he was the Messiah transmitted Christ, we believe that he was born miraculously
without any male intervention, which many modern dekoration today do not believe. We believe that he gave life to the dead with God's permission. We believe that he healed those born blind lepers he's got permission, the Christian and the Muslims. We are going together.
But one mask, then where is the parting of ways? The Parting of ways is that most of the Christians that believe that Jesus Christ peace be upon him was Almighty God. They believe that Jesus Christ peace be upon him claimed divinity.
In fact, if you read the Bible, there is not a single unequivocal statement. In the complete Bible, where Jesus Christ peace be upon him himself says that I am God always worshiping a sister. You can point out any unequivocal statement, any unambiguous statement from any version of the Bible, in which Jesus Christ peace be upon himself says that I am God always worship Me, I am ready to accept Christianity today.
In fact,
in fact, if read the Bible, Jesus Christ peace be upon him said it's mentioned the gospel of john chapter number 14, verse number 28, Jesus peace be upon him said, My father is good, then I will have john chapter number 10 was number 29. My father is greater than all Gospel of Matthew chapter number 12, verse number 28, I cast out devil with the Spirit of God, Gospel of Luke chapter 11, verse number 20, I read the finger of God cast out devils, gospel of john chapter number five, verse number 30, I can have my own self to nothing, either you're a judge, and my judgment is just for I think, not my will, but the will of Almighty God, anyone who see the thing, not my will, but the
will of Almighty God. He's a Muslim, Jesus Christ being another Muslim, he never claimed divinity.
He never said that he was Almighty God. He clearly mentioned it's mentioned the gospel of john chapter number 14, verse number 24. He said, that the words that you hear are not mine, but my father who has sent me is mentioned the gospel of john chapter number 17, verse number three, this is life eternal, so that you may know that if one God and Jesus Christ with our sin, it clearly mentioned that Jesus Christ was the messenger. It's mentioned the Gospel of Matthew chapter 19, verse number 16, to 18, that a person approaches Jesus Christ peace be upon him, and asked him, that good Master, what good things should I do so that I shall enter eternal life? So Jesus Christ peace
be upon him says, Why thou college me good. Liver said, God, God, why thou college be good God, for there is only one good, and that is the Father in heaven. And if thou want to enter eternal life, to keep the commandments, Jesus didn't say that if you want to enter eternal life, if you want to go to Paradise, believe in God, he didn't say that you believe that or died on the cross for your sins. What he said, if you want to enter eternal life, if you want to enter Paradise, you keep the commandments. And this clearly mentioned the book of Acts, chapter number two was coming to me to that a man of Israel. Listen to this, Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God amongst you by a
wonder that miracles which God did by him, and your witness to it, what does it say? Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God amongst you by a wonders and miracles and signs which God did by him, and you are listed regarding a question of miracles. What does the Bible say? Book of Acts, chapter number two was number 22, a man approved of God amongst you by a wonder that miracles and signs which God did buy him a new administrator. So all the credit goes to Almighty God, and Jesus Christ was a man. All the miracles are done, were done through Almighty God to all the miracles all the
messenger did for Dunbar, Mighty God, they came to testify, there was one God. But Jesus case also said in the Gospel of john, chapter number 16, verse number 12 to 14, that I have many things to say unto you, but he cannot bear them now for even the spirit of who shall come, he shall guide don't all through, he cannot speak of himself all that do shall he speak, he said, verify me. Now this prophecy is prophesied no one but the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. So if you're a true Christian, and if you believe in Jesus case, peace be upon him, Jesus Christ peace be upon him said I have many things to send to you, but he cannot buy them now for even the
filter through shotgun he's a guy who also does not speak of himself. All the DHL is p he shall glorify Me, this prophecy is prophesizing no one but the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. So if you're a true Christian, you should believe in the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad peace be upon hope the answer the question is, is done.