Zakir Naik – 7 Under the Shade of Allah

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the historical and current success of Islam, including the son of the famous urato and the son of the famous doctor in Arabic. They stress the importance of reading the Glorious Quran and following the seven categories to achieve flawless and decisive human status, as well as the importance of shaping one's behavior to fit under the guidance of Islam and following the seven categories for a flawless and decisive human status. They emphasize the need for regular prayer during the month of Beatles and finding a friend who is more important than being a friend with a man.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ladies and gentlemen, for your information this program is organized by Islamic religious council in Malaysia custom of Perlis state move department and the peerless Islamic religious department.

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All guests, please be seated.

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I am Mohammed Hafeez bin Tasmin from Islamic University College and also volunteer for one center. Malaysia. Perlis will be your emcee today. They're all for your information today even will be conducted

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in English, only normally.

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Greetings to doctors zakian like public urato and scholars on comparative religion. Mr. Zamri Vinod, Chief operation officer, one center Malaysia Perlis, chef who si ne founder and president of Taiwan, Aloha Dean, and also international di

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and last but not least Mr. phonic NYGH, son of Dr. Zakir Naik and also international preacher. Officers.

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Mr. * Romley Jurusan chairman of algo fron mosque police officers lectures, honorable guests

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and committee of Masjid algo fron students and fellow Yes, praise to Allah Subhana Allah Allah. We have been graced by the change together in this momentous event. Alhamdulillah blessing and peace be upon our great prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family, his descendants his companions Alhamdulillah with his blessing and mercy we can get in this glorious ceremony comfortably and comfortably and full of grace. And together, we will enliven this event.

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To start for our evening tonight, I would like to invite Mr.

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Corey Marcin in bin Saladin

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in Sahara din,

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from Masjid from Taqwa Islamic Primary School. To recite the Holy Verse of Al Quran Al Karim before respect the events welcomes

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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so the Allah Who knows even thank you for the reading for the recitation the holly verse of Al Quran will carry early. Ladies and gentlemen, let us reflect on the translation of the Holy Verses of Al Quran Al Karim that were read just before

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Verse 30, indeed those who have said, our Lord is Allah, and then remind on arrived course, the angel we descend upon them, saying, Do not fear and to not give, but receive good tidings of paradise, which you were promise

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We Yani engine, where your allies in worldly life in arceau in the Hereafter, and you will have there in whatever your soul desire. In you will have there in whatever you request all wish was 32 as accommodation from a Lord who is forgiving and merciful,

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verse this 33 And who is better in speech than one who invite to Allah endorse right to nurse and says, Indeed, I am of the Muslim, verse 34 and not equal, are the good deeds and the bad, repairing evil, by the deeds, which is better, and the upon the one whom between you and him is enmity will become as

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he was a devoted friend, verse 35, but none is granted is except those who are patient and non is granted. It's except one having a great portion of good so Allah Allah Allah.

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Next, I would like to read the background of our speaker for this evening

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and a little introduction of him.

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Our speaker for this evening, which is Mr. Farik Knight is the son of the world famous urato in Islam and comparative religion, which is Dr. zakian like he has completed his A Levels CIA, UK Islamic international school and junior college, Mumbai Alhamdulillah faria become a half east of the Quran at the age of 13 While studying at school at the tender age of eight,

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while on our trips with his father Parekh started giving short talks in English and Arabic in front of 1000s of people in Chennai, Hooni, Dubai, Italy, Trinidad and otter cities of the world in 2003. At the age nine, he addressed over 50,000 people in Srinagar and the large audience in Hyderabad in 2006. At age 12, after his brief presentation on Peace TV, he has been invited to give talks on Islam in different parts of the world, including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Italy, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Maori, Teus, Gambia, Trinidad and otter countries their travels have bonded his understanding for international downward fabric is also an accomplished

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sportsman particularly in football, swimming, karate and judo. Here he is. On one he has won the school, this sport boy trophy for five consecutive years, Alhambra Alhamdulillah. He is also a black belt in Taekwondo and karate. Along with formal worthy education, he aim to master

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Arabic and specialize in Islamic knowledge he hopes to insha Allah follow in his father's footsteps and exhaling backward.

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Farik was youngest speaker at 15 years old. Among the over 30 Islamic speakers that came from 15 different countries. In one of the world's largest Islamic conference, the International Islamic Dawa conference peace the solution of human humanity held in November 2009 In Mumbai, India, Parekh his complete his Arabic language diploma in his present li in his final stage of bachelor's study in Sharia in Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Riyadh Saudi Arabia. phallic is an inspiration for the youth being the youngest regular speaker in on piece TV. He appear once a week in the program teams thought that's the introduction. Now I would like to invite Mr. phonic Mike's

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son of Dr. Zakir like and also international going to deliver his speech on the topic seven under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala with highly respect the events will come.

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Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah while Allah Serbia Jemaine Ahmedabad. I was bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillahi r Rahmani Raheem Saba Toniolo Humala Horfield, literally, yo, bella bella bella bella,

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rubbished Ali Sadri, where suddenly, Emery was located at a melissani E. Coli.

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I welcome all the viewers

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watching us on the PCB network, as well as the people watching us on the various social media platforms, that is YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, as well as the people watching us live on the alHuda platform, as well as the brothers and sisters. I welcome all of you with Islamic greetings. Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah subhanaw taala of Almighty God be upon all of you.

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The topic of this evening stock of mine is seven under the shade of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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According to NASA, the sun is 149 point 6 million kilometers away from the Earth

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in terms of miles, it is 92 point 9 million miles away from the Earth.

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This is the distance of the Sun

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compared to the earth, this is the distance of the Sun to the Earth.

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Even if the sun is point 1% closer or away from the Earth survival would not be possible.

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And because of the distance of the sun from the earth, we have the different seasons. In some parts of the world, it is extremely cold. For example the North Pole in some parts of the world it is hot for example the countries that lie on the equator

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and because of the distance of the sun from the earth, we have variations in the seasons

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our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him said it is mentioned in Sahih Muslim volume number seven Hadith number 28642 The nurse shampoo yo ml piano mineral help the son it will be brought close to the creation on the day of resurrection on the Day of Judgment

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had Taku min whom can make a diary meal until it will be at the distance of one mile.

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Fire Kuno nurse Allah Qadri Amanda

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In Florida,

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so the people there will be submerged in their respiration based upon their deeds.

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Fermin Khomeini Hakuna Illa Cabaye. Some will be submerged, some will be in their preparation and their respiration it will reach up until the ankles. woman whom money aku Illa ruku Betty, and some

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for whom the respiration will reach up until their knees.

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woman whom man yaku Illa harkaway and some for whom the respiration will reach up until their waist, one min human eulogy Mahul Araku in German, and some who will have the brittle of respiration, which will reach up until their nose and their mouth,

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color or Ashara Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Brd Illa Fie, and our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him, he pointed with his hand to his mouth.

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This is the situation on the Day of Resurrection, this is the situation on the Day of Judgment.

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In the life of this world, we take so much precaution in order to protect ourselves from sunlight. Many parents they tell their children not to go out in the sun, not to remain under sunlight for a long duration of time.

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Because a person may get a sunstroke,

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how much precaution do we take? How much are we concerned of the Day of Resurrection? On that day when the Sun it will be brought close to the creation? Not 92 point 9 million miles but Rado only one mile.

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People, they will feel the intense heat on this day of judgment.

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Unfortunately, we do not realize the importance of the Day of Judgment.

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Unfortunately, we are more concerned about the life of this world. We are more concerned about the heat in the life of this world as compared to the heat on the day of resurrection as compared to the heat on Yom Okayama.

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It will be

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a horrific day. People will be scattered and there are a series of events that will happen on the Day of Judgment.

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Allah subhanaw taala says the blood is crunch total Ibis. Chap number 80 was verses 34 to 42 yo maya ferule Moromi in a fee. On that day, a man he will run away from his

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blood or from his own brother will own me he was a B and his father and his mother was Liberty he will Bernie and his spouse and his sons legally marry men whom Yama even Schatten yovani each person will be concerned only about himself. Would you tell me the most Veera ba hiker to mastaba Shira on that day? Some faces will be beamed laughing and rejoicing. What will do we owe my Ethan Ali ha ha Barra da Haku ha Katara hula eco Homolka Farah al Fajr, while other faces they will be like dust they will be blackened. Such as a situation of those who reject Faith

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and the people of iniquity.

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So there are a series of events that will happen on the Day of Resurrection, the sun it will be brought close to the people and there will be no shade except for the shade of Allah subhanaw taala our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him said and we will be discussing this hadith.

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In sha Allah in detail, and this hadith it is mentioned in several books of Hadith. It is mentioned no less than three times in Sahih al Bukhari and at least once in Sahih Muslim, our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him said it was mentioned sahih al Bukhari Volume number one Hadith number 660, as well as sahih al Bukhari Volume number two Hadith number one four to three, as well as sahih al Bukhari, volume number eight and this number 3806 as well as Sahih Muslim volume number three Hadith number 1031.

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Saba to nobilo Whom Allah who feel Billy yo Mala villa in louby Loo

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seven people will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala on that day when there is no shade except for the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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what is the shade of Allah subhanaw taala in another narration, it is mentioned that seven people will be shaded under the Throne of Allah subhanaw taala so the shade of Allah subhanaw taala it refers to the Throne of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala

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on this rainy day of judgment people will long for some sort of shelter for some sort of shade.

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And the seven categories of people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala they will be the blessed people, they will be the honored people.

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Now, who are these seven categories of people? The first is Imam Luna idol that is adjust leader.

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The second is shabu Nasha. Fei badda. Tila, a young person who engages in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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The third is Raja lune talbo, whom Allah can fill massage in a person whose heart is attached the massage and

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the fourth is

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Roger Lun. radula Anita Hiab aphylla, Eg tama, Allah He was the former colleague, the two people who love each other for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala Andy meet for this reason and they depart for this reason. The fifth is

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Roger Luanda to Imre tune that to man CB newer Jamal, for color in the Afula a person who's called by a woman who's of good lineage and who's beautiful. And he says, I fear Allah subhanaw taala the sixth is Roger lun Posada, Tabby sada 13 for alpha Had Allah Tala Mishima Allahu Mata and 50 Amina had Tala Tala mushy Malou ma tune, FIP Yemeni

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a person who spends in the way of Allah subhanho wa taala. And he spends it in secret to the extent that his left hand does not know what his right hand has spent.

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And the seventh category of those people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala is Raju Loon, that girl la Hallie and fowl Latina. A person who remembers Allah subhanaw taala in private, and his eyes shed tears.

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Inshallah, in this talk, we will discuss all of these seven categories of people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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it is not restricted only to these seven categories of people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala. But there are other people who can also be shaded and the deceit of Allah subhanaw taala but our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, he is emphasizing and stressing upon these seven categories of people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanho wa taala. For example, Allah subhanaw taala says rota for upon chapter number 25 verses 63 to 71.

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Allah subhanaw taala talks about the qualities of the man of the servants of Allah subhanaw, Taala and 13 qualities of the Riba man, I mentioned in these words of throttle for upon.

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Now, these 13 qualities are not the only qualities of the badass man.

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But there are other qualities also. But Allah subhanaw taala in these words of suitable for God, he is stressing and emphasizing upon these 13 qualities of the badass man. In no way does it mean that these are the only qualities of the bad man in no way does it mean that these are the only qualities of the servants of the Most Gracious.

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So we as human beings, we as believers should strive and struggle in order to be from among the seven categories of people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala. And if we want to be from among these seven categories of people, who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala then we should read the Glorious Quran with understanding and read the authentic hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him.

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We should stick to the Glorious Quran and to the authentic hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him.

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The first category of those people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala is Imam Hoonah ideal, that is adjust leader.

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Many translations they translate this category that is Imam on Idol. They translate it as a just ruler, but appropriate translation is

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Adjust leader

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because the scholars they say that this category it is not restricted only to a ruler. It does include a ruler, but it is not restricted only to a ruler and it includes everyone who has some authority over someone else.

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So does include a ruler, but Imam on Idol it is not restricted only to a ruler.

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But rather the appropriate translation is in Imam on idol which means adjust leader.

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And if he translated as adjust ruler

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99.9% of the people they will not be included in this hadith. In this category. That is mentioned this hadith Sabella Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him, but rather it is adjust leader. And many people when they hear this hadith. Most of the people majority of the people that think that they are not included in this category, because they think that they are not the president of a country they think they are not a prime minister of a country they think that they are not a ruler, but rather most of the people. In some or the other way they fall into this category of Imam on idol that is adjust leader if they rule if they deal with justice and if they

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follow the Glorious Quran and authentic hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him.

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So everyone who has a responsibility over someone else, he can fall into this category of Imam, an adult that is adjusted to the leader.

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Some people may have a bigger responsibility. Some people may have a lesser responsibility. But most of the people, most of the Muslims, they will fall, they will fall into this category of Imam on idol that is adjusting leader

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includes the Khalifa of the muslimeen the person who is the Caliph of the muslimeen and he has the biggest responsibility and he has the highest authority as far as the Islamic empire is concerned.

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It can also include

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a king who is ruling a nation but he needs to rule with justice. And according to the teachings of the Glorious Quran and the teachings of our of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him.

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It can also include a prime minister of a country a president of a country, but he needs to deal with justice. He needs to follow the Glorious Quran and authentic teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him. The Khalifa needs to take care of

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his people.

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The Khalifa needs to deal with justice. The same is the case with a prime minister or a president of a country he needs to deal with justice. He needs to take care of his people.

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He should give them their due rights, he should provide them with the appropriate services that are required. He should provide them with the medical aid with the health facilities and other facilities that are required to the best of his capability.

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It can also include a Chief Minister.

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It can also include a member of the parliament who represents his constituency for his country. It can also include the member of legislative assembly who represents his constituency for his state. It can also include an MLC, the member of the Legislative Council, who represents his constituency for responsibility.

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But all of these people who have authority and who have leadership, they should.

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They should deal with justice and they should follow the Glorious Quran and authentic teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him.

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It can also include a person who's a head of an Islamic movement. It can also include a person who is the head of an Islamic organization, for example, at our organization, for example, a charitable organization. It can also include a person who is the head of an educational institute, for example, a university, a college or school.

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He may be the rector of a university. He may be the head of a department in the university. He may be the head of the Department of Biology, the head of the department of medicine, the head of the Department of Engineering, if it's an Islamic University, he may be the

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Head of the Department of an Islamic faculty for example, fsid, Hadith, fiqh etc.

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It can also include the purse a person who is the head of an industry, it can also include a person who is the head of a company or for business, he may have a million employees under him, he may have 100,000 employees under him, he may have 1000 employees under him, he may have a few employees for example, five employees under him.

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So, a person may be a head of a company, it may be a small scale, company or business or it may be a large scale business or a company

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but he needs to take care of his employees. He should give them their due rights, he should pay their salary on time, he should not delay the payment of their salary.

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And he should not deal with them with injustice. He should deal with justice with his employees.

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And our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him said

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it is mentioned

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in Sahih al Bukhari Hadith number 2406

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Kulu Qumran where masala Yeti, that each person is a shepherd and he is responsible for his flock. So each person is a shepherd. Each person is a guardian, and he is responsible for what is in his custody.

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So every person who has a responsibility over anyone else he should fulfill this responsibility.

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Unfortunately, today, we have the politicians who are more worried about their seat in this dunya as compared to securing their seat in the Accra.

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They're more worried about They're more worried about accumulating wealth, and being rich in this world. Rather than being concerned about the afterlife.

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It is very rare to find a politician or a leader who follows the Glorious Quran and authentic teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him.

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Many times we find the leaders they make their sons, for example,

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a minister just because he's their son, he may not be capable. Many a times when a budget is allocated for a particular project by the government, the politicians they consume majority of this budget. For example, if a budget is allocated by the government for building roads, or for building a hospital, the politicians and the people under them they consume majority of this property they consume majority of this wealth.

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So it is very important that we should be concerned about the akhirah and we should give

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the afterlife more priority as compared to the life of this world.

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If the politicians if the leaders they follow the Glorious Quran and authentic teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him, the world will be a better place to live in. We will find peace, justice and equality in the world.

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And we have the best example of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. He was known for his justice and equality.

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And there are several incidences from the lifestyle of our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon which clearly tell us

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and which clearly show us that our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him. He was just an he was equal.

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There's a hadith our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him that is mentioned sahih al Bukhari Hadith number 3475, as well as in Sahih, Muslim Hadith number 1688.

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A woman had robbed something

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and the people and she was from a noble lineage. She was from a noble clan, so the people of that clan, they want to intercede on her behalf in front of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him. So they approach Osama bin Zayed or the Allah one and the request Osama bin Laden, Osama bin Zaid, probably Allah one to intercede on the behalf of this woman in front of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and approach our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Osama bin Zayed he

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approaches our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him and He intercedes on behalf of this woman who was from a noble clan.

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Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him.

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The color of his face it changes and during the hotbar he addresses this issue and

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He says that there are certain people who want to intercede for a woman who's from a noble clan. They want to intercede on her behalf after she has robbed something.

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By Allah, Fatima, my daughter would have robbed I would have chopped off our hands. Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him. He says that even if our tomorrow the Allahu Anhu if she would have wrote, a beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon would have chopped off her hands. This is the justice of Islam.

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How many leaders how many politicians do we have today? Who would serve justice?

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah, two insalata Nyssa chapter number four was number 135. Yeah, you Hallerin Manu Kuno Amina bill, kiss the shahada and Allah, that all you believe stand up formally for justice as a witness to Allah subhanaw taala. Even if it be against your own self, even if it be against your parents, even if it be against your relatives, even if it be against the rich or poor for Allah subhanaw taala provides for everyone.

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Allah subhanaw taala in this world is telling us to deal with justice, even if it'd be against our own self, even if it'd be against our parents, even if it'd be against our relatives.

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Even if the person be a rich person, or a poor person, for Allah subhanaw taala provides for everyone.

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Someone might think that, why is Allah subhanaw taala talking about the poor people in this was

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how to deal with justice with the poor person. Allah subhanaw taala in this was of the Glorious Quran is telling us that we need to deal with justice, even if the person is a poor person. For example, if a poor person has done some crime, and if he comes in front of the judge, the judge may think, Oh, he's a poor person, he does not have money, I should let him go, I should not deal with Justice just because he's a poor person. If a poor person has done some crime, he should be dealt with justice, even if he's a poor person,

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the appropriate punishment should be given to him. So in Islam, justice is served in all situations.

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Even if the person is a rich person, or the person is a poor person.

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A similar message has been in the Glorious Quran in surah. Maya chapter five, verse eight. Yeah, you have Medina, Manu, Kuno, Amin and Allah in shahada will test that all you believe stand up firmly for justice.

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Stand Out firmly

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to Allah subhanaw taala.

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And deal with justice.

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So Allah subhanho wa taala, he is telling us that we need to stand firmly and we need to be just, we need to deal with justice in all situations.

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Whether it be a situation, wherein we have benefited, or whether we are not benefited, many times we see many people they avoid dealing with justice, if it is if it will harm them.

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Wherever they see that is benefit, then only the deal with justice, if they see that justice will cause them harm. So they do not deal with justice.

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But Islam stresses upon justice. We are the example of the Four Rightly Guided caliphs, the hula fire or Rashi. Dune

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they were known for their justice and for their equality. We are the example of Formula One, he was known for his justice and for his equality. When our O'Meara Viola one appointed any governor

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for a particular area, the wealth of the governor it was calculated before he was appointed as a governor. And any wealth that he earned after this during his tenure as governor, when he left this position, this governor would have to return back all the money to the Baitul mal

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because amaro the Allah one, he feared that a governor may use this position in order to earn money, he may misuse this. There is no problem in earning money, but O'Meara the Allah one he took utmost precaution that no governor should use this position and its influence in order to acquire money in order to accumulate wealth.

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O'Meara Viola one he was known for his justice

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a Jewish and a Muslim man. They had a dispute over a particular issue and they

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Come tomorrow the Allah Juan for justice and Omar Ali, Allah Juan, he deals with justice and he gives judgment in favor of the Jew, the Jew he shocked and he is impressed with the justice of Amara, the Allah one. He thinks to himself that I being a Jew, I am served with justice under the Islamic rule. He's impressed with the justice of Islam.

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A person needs to deal with Justice irrespective whether the person is a Muslim or non Muslim irrespective whether the person is rich or poor, irrespective whether the person is black or white. Justice needs to be served in all situations, and all human beings are equal in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah surah chapter 49 wisdom 13 Yeah, you have NAS in Kalapana comin Zachary wotja alaikum. So Ruben Wakaba Elita Araku in Accra, Macomb and De La Jolla taco in the LA Hanuman hobby, all mankind We have created you from a single pair of male and female and divided you into nations and tribes so that you may recognize each other

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not that you will despise each other and the most honored among you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. And Allah is all knowing, well acquainted the criterion for judgment in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala it's not cast, it's not color, it's not wealth, it's not gender, but it is righteousness. It is God consciousness it is taqwa it is piety.

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So all human beings are equal in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala. What makes one human being superior to another human being? It is taqwa, it is is God consciousness, it is piety.

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So we should see to it that we deal with justice, we should not commit injustice. And the Glorious Quran is stressed upon this. Several a hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him have strength have stressed upon justice.

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The second category of the people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala is shabu Nasha Fei badda. Tila, a young person who engages in the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him said it is mentioned in authority but for him

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ever tell him Hamsun Abraham's that take advantage take benefit of five before five. What are these five things? The first is Shabaab, Boko Haram ik that your youth before you get old. The second is sahak of Lhasa comic that your health before you get sick. The third is Vinaka Kubla fuckery your wealth before you get poor, the fourth is for all hook for all published solely for our hook published solely that your free time before you get busy before you get occupied. And the fifth is higher, took a blow molding your life before you pass away. Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon stress upon these five things. The first is Shabaab Abrahamic, your youth before you get old,

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Why has our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him stressed

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upon this period, wherein a person is young,

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because when a person is young, he's full of energy, he's full of

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his desires are at its highest.

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His temptations are at its highest. And if this time he dedicates for the rabada of Allah subhanaw taala, if we dedicate this time for the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala, it is loved by Allah subhanaw taala the most a person when he is old,

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he is weak, he may not be able to walk, he does not have

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the maximum strength. If he does a bada inshallah he will be rewarded, no doubt about it. But the Rebbe of a young person is far superior in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala as compared to the body of an old person.

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So we should see too that we dedicate our youth in the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala we should see too that we dedicate our youth in a bada we should see too that we dedicate our youth in conveying the message of Islam to non Muslims to those who are unaware of it.

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And we have several examples from the lifestyle of the Sahaba we are the example of Allah or the Allah wa

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He embraced Islam at a very young age. And even though he was young, he was close to our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him. This did not deter him to acquire knowledge, to dedicate his life for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala to dedicate his life for the sake of Islam, via the example of Anna's Rhodiola one and has been Malik. He was a young Sahabi

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and he narrated several a hadith via the example of eyeshadow, the Allah Juana who narrated no less than 2210 a hadith.

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Even though she was young, she acquired knowledge she was an expert as far as Falah as far as far as far as Marathas inheritance is concerned Sahaba used to approach her and ask her regarding inheritance, we have the example of Zubin awam, we have the example of of the liveness obey. We are the example of Osama bin Zayed who was sent by Beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him when he was very young, approximately 18 or 20 years of age, he was the head of an army. So we have several such examples of the sahaba. We should learn from the examples of the sahaba. Even though they were young, it did not prevent them from acquiring knowledge, it did not prevent them

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from dedicating their life for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. Many of them when they embraced Islam, they were thrown out of their houses, they had to give up all of their wealth.

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But yet, the preferred Islam over the life of this world, they knew the importance of Islam, they knew the importance of the afterlife. That's the reason they gave it preference as compared to the life of this world.

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We should learn from the example of the Sahaba and there is no problem with someone having fun with someone enjoying, but it should be halaal enjoyment, it should be within the purview of the Islamic sharia and a person he should not having fun and enjoyment should not be surprising focus in life. A person can spend a few hours in a week in order to enjoy in order to do exercise, some people define it relieving some people define it as a sort of relaxation in order to exercise. Some people define it as a sort of relaxation in order to when they go out to work. Or they go for a walk or they go along the Corniche. But all the entertainment all the fun, all the acts or actions of relaxation, it

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should be within the purview of Islamic Sharia. Some people they may spend, for example, an hour a day in order to play some sports for example, football, basketball, volleyball, etc. There is no problem in it. Islam is not against fun and enjoyment, but a person should not keep his prime focus as fun and enjoyment.

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In order to relax in order to

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have some time of relaxation, there is no problem in it.

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But applying focus, it should be in order to serve the deed we should be concerned of the afterlife as compared to the life of this world. Allah subhanaw taala he loves the Ibadah of a young person who dedicates his youth in the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala. So let us be from among the people who dedicate their youth in the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala and even those people who have crossed this age, better late than never, we get half time in order to do a bother in order to serve the deen in order to be good and righteous human beings.

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The life of this world it is only for a few years, but the home of the Hereafter it is everlasting and it is autonomy.

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The third category of the people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala is Raju loon. Caribou whom Allah can fill massage is a person whose heart it's a person whose heart is attached the masajid

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what does this mean? Imam nawawi Rahim Allah may Allah have mercy on me said Ma who? Allah hope Basha deed, that a person who has excessive love for the masjid

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Well, moolah Zama to who lil Jana, and he is the person who's regular as far as the obligatory prayer are concerned, but natural referring to the five obligatory prayer.

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Imam Halford Hydra Kalani Rahim Allah may Allah have mercy on him in his commentary of Sahil Buhari that is phulbari He says, what our hero who?

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I know who Minetta look

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that the apparent meaning of this is that it is attachment.

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Ghana who Shabba who be Shay Elmo Alok fille masjid,

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as if it is compared to something that is attached in the masjid.

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calkin Deely masala for example, a lantern

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is SHA Ratan Isla

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de Lam al Mulas Emma e SHA Ratan Illa moolah Zama T Bartleby while we can adjust to Horace Mann

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as an indication that he continuously is attached to the masjid with his heart, even if his heart is outside the masjid

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he shall Ratan Illa Mulas Emma t be kalbi, he can just add origin as an indication to his attachment to the masjid with his heart, even if his body is outside.

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And a person who's attached to the masjid it does not mean that 24/7 He is in the masjid physically. It does not mean that a person he has to be in the masjid his entire time. What does it mean? It means that a person he longs to go to the masjid when he leaves the Masjid. His heart is attached the Masjid. It is as if he has left his heart in the masjid. And he longs to go back to it. Even though physically he's outside the Masjid. But his heart is attached to the masjid. He longs to go back to mass to the masjid. And this person is the person who's regular as far as his five daily prayer are concerned. He offers the five daily prayer in the masjid and he's regular as far as the

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five daily prayer are concerned. He offers these five daily prayer in congregation the masjid and he's the one who offers also the Sunnah and waka and the soonerlater and Makeda. And he's the one who offers and is regular as far as the Tahajjud prayer is concerned.

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Unfortunately, many of us, we go to the masjid and moment the Salah is over. We just want to leave the masjid immediately.

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are not attached the masjid many times when it is time for us for Salah. We think oh it is time for her salah. Oh it is time for us or salah. Now I have to offer Salah now I have to go to the masjid. We think it as a burden. But this person who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala he is the one who always longs to go to the masjid.

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Even when he is away from the masjid physically, his heart is attached to the masjid.

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He always longs and vicious to return back to the masjid and he waits for the next salah. Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon himself it is mentioned in Sahih Muslim volume number one Hadith number 251 Isla de Luca Allah may Allah be Hatha wire fire will be the Raja, our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he tells the Sahaba that should I not inform you have something which will erase your sins which will erase the sins and which will raise your ranks? So the Sahaba said Indeed Oh prophet of Allah. So our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him said it's bad Alou is it's bad aloo Allah mCherry that to do properly, to do

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properly when you find it difficult to do, what Deathrattle Hoopa Lal masjid and to take many steps to the masjid.

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That is, even if the masjid is far from your place, a person yet goes to the masjid

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one theological sala de banda salah, and to wait in from one Salah until the next salah. For that Ali Kumar rebelled. So that is Riba. What does rebirth mean? Rebirth. It refers to those people who are in the front lines in the battlefield when fighting for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala.

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So our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he's talking about these people

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who do properly when it is difficult, who take many steps to the muscle that is even if the masjid is far they go to the masjid and they are the ones who wait from one slot to the next salah. It is like those people who are in the front lines in the battlefield. What a great honor

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for the believers, those people who are attached to the masjid, we should see too that we are attached to the masjid and a masjid it is not only a place of Salah It is a place where we can have Islamic activities. It is a

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place where we can have lectures like Alhamdulillah. We are having the lecture today it is a place where we can have Islamic competitions, wherein the youth can be called to the masjid.

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So a masjid is not only restricted to Salah.

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The way these other Islamic activities can that can take place in the masjid. So we should see to it that we are attached to the masjid. If we want to be from among those people who are shade under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala we should see to that we are attached to the masjid

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The fourth category of the people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala

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is are those two people radula Anita hab aphylla Eg Tama la Waterford Acari the two people who love each other for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala they come together and the depart for this purpose.

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What is this category of people referring to whom does it refer to? It refers to a person having another friend and the purpose of this friendship is for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah Jeremiah chapter five verse 55 In Mr. Walia Kula who are a Zulu one lady in a man who Larina up Muna salata where you tuna SOHCAHTOA home rocky Oh, that your friends are none but Allah and His Messenger, and those people who believe and those people who establish prayer, and they are the form the ones who bow down.

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So we should see to that we choose good friends.

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Do we have friends?

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Who love Allah subhanaw taala and His messenger? What is the purpose of our friendship? Many times we keep a friend because he's rich. Many times we keep a friend because he's influential. Many times we keep a friend because he is for example a person who always jokes or who cracks nice jokes. What is the purpose of our friendship? We should see too that we choose friends who draw us closer towards Allah subhanaw taala who draw us closer towards the deen. Friendship is very important in Islam.

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If we do not have good and righteous friends, if we have friends who are involved in Haram activities, there are high chances that we too will come with these haram acts.

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So this category is referring to those people who choose friends. And the purpose of this friendship is because their friend draws them closer towards Allah subhanaw taala the purpose of this friendship is that this friend, he does Islamic things and he gets his other friend closer towards Allah subhanaw taala.

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And on the Day of Judgment, these people

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they will be called by Allah subhanaw taala Angel muta Hara Boone Abbey Jalali where are those people who used to love each other for My Majesty for my sake, I'll Yo Ma OB Lu whom Billy yo

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yo Mullah Avila lovingly that Allah subhanaw taala he will tell to these friends who loved each other for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala that where are you? These friends will be called by Allah subhanaw taala on the day of judgment.

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And Allah subhanaw taala will say that on this day I will shade you when there is no shade except for my shade. What a beautiful honor. Imagine the Lord of the universe are created Creator Allah subhanaw taala he will call us on this day, he will call these two friends. And he will ask where are those people, those two friends who loved each other for my sake? What a great honor

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that the Lord the universe he will call us would we not like to be from among these people.

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So, this is the fourth category.

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The fifth category of the people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala is Raju loon da to imra tune that to mumsie. Meanwhile, Jamal, for call in Hoff Allah, a person who's called by a woman of great stature. A person who's called by a woman who is

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from a noble lineage and who's beautiful.

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But he says, I fear Allah subhanaw taala

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the glorious Christ Rosina chapter number 13, was cemetery to wala taka

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Xena do not come close to adultery for it is an evil opening towards other evils. Allah subhanaw taala in this was of the Glorious Quran he's telling us that do not come close to adultery, leave aside,

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committing this major sin.

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It is a major sin.

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And this person

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who is called by a woman in order to commit this major sin, a woman who's beautiful, and he knows that no one is watching him except Allah subhanaw taala but he feels Allah subhanaw taala in this situation.

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He knows that his Lord Allah subhanaw taala is watching him

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even though no one may be watching him in this situation.

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Allah subhanaw taala says the Glorious Quran is written Isaiah, chapter number 79.

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For a man puzzle, where I thought I'll hire the dunya for in Naja Hema he'll

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ask for the one who transgresses all bounds were Arthur L higher dunya and he prefers the life of this dunya the life of this world.

01:06:17 --> 01:06:33

For NLJ Rahim he'll Mattawa then is aboard it will be held fire while I'm Mammon Hoffa mcomber Obi Wan Han NAFSA Anil Hala and as for the one who fears the standing before his Lord,

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and he prevents himself

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from the Hawa from the desires for inhalation at the heel met over his abode, it will be paradise.

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Those people who fear Allah subhanaw taala those people who control their desires in all situations, even if they are in private, these are the lucky these are the ones who fear Allah subhanaw taala these are the people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Would we not like to be among these people? Would we not like to be shaded by the shade of Allah subhanaw taala on that day when there is no shade, except for the shade of Allah subhanaw taala

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the sixth category of the people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala is Raju loon pasado de kabhi sada Curtin for alpha hat Tala Tala Mishima, aloo matar Amina, a person who spends in the way of Allah subhanaw taala in secret in private to the extent that his left hand does not know what his right hand has spent.

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What does this mean? It is a figure of speech that this person he spends in secret.

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Allah subhanaw taala says the glorious answer to baccarat chap number two was number 271. In total sadhaka, Tiffany Mahi that if you spend in the way of Allah subhanaw taala, and you disclose it,

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so there is good in it

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into Southern California in Mahi we're into for how to help Pokhara for Phytolacca but if you can steal it, if you hide it, and if you give it to the poor or those who need it, then it is better for you and Allah subhanaw taala He will forgive your sins.

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Allah subhanaw taala is talking about those people who disclose and they give charity that is the general people. But the higher level of Taqwa the highest level of Eman is when a person spends in secret

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when people are not watching him, and he gives charity for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala he helps a poor person he helps a needy person.

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In certain situations a person may give wealth or may give charity in public. For example, if he is an infant, if he is an influential person, if he is a person who has a huge following, if he is a person who has people who would listen to him or who would follow his actions and he knows that if he gives it in front of people, people will be encouraged his purpose is not to show off, but his purpose is to encourage other people.

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So in this situation, there is no problem. In fact, in this situation, it is better for him to give

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in public to give charity in public, but generally a person it is better for him to give charity in secret.

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Because this is known by Allah subhanho wa Taala and other people, they are not present in the situation. And if it gives in secret so he's solely giving it for Allah subhanho wa Taala he's not giving it in order to show people he's not giving it in order to show off so

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This kind of charity is superior in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and the seventh and the last category of the people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala mentioned this hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him is Raja Luna that Allah has * and foul but Aina a person who remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala in secret and his eyes shed tears. He is a person who in secret, he engages in them in the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala he is the one who calls upon Allah subhanaw taala he is the one who kleis in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala he is the one who gets up in the last 1/3 of the night and he calls upon Allah subhanaw taala cries in front of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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So we should see too that certain acts of worship, we do it in secret, at least certain acts of worship.

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So this person, he is a servant of Allah subhanaw taala, who in secret, the stress is upon the word Holly and that is in private in secret hidden members Allah subhanaw taala and we as Muslims, if we want to be from among these seven categories, we should see to it that we are good righteous Muslim, we should see it that we offer the five daily prayer in congregation in the masjid as far as the men are concerned. And we should see too that we offer the Sunnah and Moqtada and the soonerlater Makeda. And we should be regular as far as the Tahajjud prayer as far as the night prayer is concerned, we should give the obligatory charity that is Asaka. If our wealth is more than if our

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wealth is more than a sub level,

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there is more than 85 grams of gold. And besides this, we should see too that we dedicate a percentage of our wealth for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. We should fast in the month of Ramadan which is compulsory and these people who are shaded on the shade of Allah subhanaw taala. For example, the young person He is the One Who besides fasting in the month of Ramadan that is obligately fast. He even fasts, the voluntary fasts for example, fasting on the Day of Arafah fasting on the day of Ashura fasting on

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this, the first 10 days of the ledger fasting, the six days of show while fasting on Mondays and Thursdays fasting during the Yamo build, that is the 13th 14th and 15th of every Islamic month. And if the person he has the means to perform hajj, he is capable for performing hajj, he should see too that he performs Hajj and we should see to it that we engage and we dedicate our life for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and we should see to it that we are involved in Dawa Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran Surah Al Imran Chapter number three was 104 Walter comin come on Matsuya donated Hey, where?

01:13:00 --> 01:13:16

Why and how Nan Mancha, what will I come home, let that arise out of you a band of people calling towards what is good in joining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, the other ones to attain Felicity. Today in our community, we are full time doctors full time lawyers full time engineers.

01:13:17 --> 01:13:19

How many full time days do we have

01:13:20 --> 01:13:45

and those people who are full time dies, they are the ones who will attain Felicity we should see to it that we dedicate our life for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala we pray to Allah subhanaw taala that May He make us from among all of these seven categories of people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala on that day when there is no shade except for the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala

01:13:47 --> 01:13:52

I would like to end my talk with a quotation from the Glorious Quran from Surah Al Anam chapter six was the 162

01:13:53 --> 01:13:56

Holiness Allah T were norsu Uzuki

01:13:57 --> 01:14:11

Mattila herbal al Amin see indeed my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are all for Allah. The Sustainer of the worlds were our hero Davina and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen.

01:14:18 --> 01:14:42

Thank you to Mr. For each night for the speech and insight. Ladies and gentlemen. Once again, I would like to give a soft reminder that this program is organized by the Islamic religious council and build a custom of Perlis through one center in Malaysia, Perlis and poorly state move the department and the purpose Islamic religious department.

01:14:46 --> 01:14:59

Ladies and gentlemen, for your information after Mr. Farik makes pitch the event has provided two microphones for the question and answer session. Ladies and gentlemen in this session we will like the following

01:15:00 --> 01:15:29

into the observe. First question asked must be on the topic itself, which is seven under the shade of Allah subhanahu wa taala any creation outside of the topic will not be entertained. Second, what whatever question you have posted directly do not give a mini lecture. If you want to give them in the lecture, maybe you can organize your own program and we can and we will come to your program

01:15:31 --> 01:15:47

that you may ask one question at a time, but you may have more than one question that you need to do is to go back into the queue behind the queue, then wait for the next for your next 10.

01:15:49 --> 01:15:57

There are two microphones located in this mosque for your convenience to ask the question, Mike, one

01:15:58 --> 01:15:59


01:16:00 --> 01:16:30

for the brothers and my two for the systems. We will take question from both microphones. Before you post your question, please state your name and your profession. Therefore, the speaker can give you a relevant answer to your questions. Now that not to waste time to people to come to the mic one by one, I will request you to have the queue if you have any question just come forward to the queue

01:16:31 --> 01:16:34

can we have patient from the buttons mic?

01:16:58 --> 01:16:59

Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

01:17:01 --> 01:17:03

I'm in my bakey.

01:17:06 --> 01:17:10

As you stated from Hadith in this, Baba

01:17:11 --> 01:17:18

Magellan, who has Sahaba because of Allah Subhana Allah He be under the shade of Allah Azza wa taala.

01:17:19 --> 01:17:25

So I want to ask whether finding a friend who is more Eman if

01:17:27 --> 01:17:27


01:17:29 --> 01:17:37

input can you move a little bit away from the mic? I cannot hear you clearly. Can you move little bit behind? Yeah, please and speak a little bit slowly please. Yeah. Okay.

01:17:39 --> 01:17:45

So I want to ask whether finding a friend who is more if said Eman,

01:17:46 --> 01:17:53

important or be a friend who who is more in my instant to others brothers Muslim

01:17:55 --> 01:17:56

is more important.

01:17:59 --> 01:18:06

Brother, can you repeat a question? I didn't understand your question. You said that. Is it more important a person was a man. And what is the second part of the question? Oh,

01:18:08 --> 01:18:11

I want to ask where are you finding a friend?

01:18:13 --> 01:18:29

Who is more Eman and Isa Islam is more important than being a friend with a man and he said to other brothers Muslim is more important.

01:18:30 --> 01:18:34

The brothers asked the question that is it more important to have a friend

01:18:35 --> 01:18:43

who has high Eman high axon etc. Or is it important to have high Eman high axon with the other friend.

01:18:46 --> 01:18:54

As far as the seven categories of people that are mentioned in this hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him which we have discussed.

01:18:56 --> 01:19:13

It is not restricted only to the seven categories as I said in my lecture. So if a person has high Eman, high Taqwa high axon, but natural he will have high Eman, higher sun with himself as well as while dealing with others.

01:19:15 --> 01:19:59

Because a son It is the highest level of faith and it includes worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala and also dealing with others in a good way. And our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him. He was asked when a person who was dressed in complete White, who came to our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him. And this hadith mentioned sahih al Bukhari and he asked our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon regarding Islam What is Islam and Abloh Prophet Muhammad peace be upon he said the five pillars and then he asked what is a man and a beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him told this person regarding a man and then he asked what is axon

01:19:59 --> 01:19:59

and our beloved

01:20:00 --> 01:20:22

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said and taboo the law can Nakata file lambda Contura fine now you're out there to worship Allah subhanaw taala as though you can see him and if you cannot achieve this, then at least think that he's keeping an eye on you. So this is the highest level of faith and the highest level of faith but natural, it includes

01:20:23 --> 01:20:49

all the aspects of Islam, that is as far as personal Ibadah is concerned, worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. And as far as dealing with others is concerned. So there are two important aspects. The first is Heroku Cola, that is the rights of Allah and the second is Heroku called admin, that is the rights of human beings. Both of these are equally both of these are important.

01:20:50 --> 01:21:30

In fact, if you have done wrong to someone, on the day of judgment until you don't forgive this person, Allah subhanaw taala will not forgive you. So when you are choosing a friend, you should see to it that this friend, He is a righteous Muslim. He is a person who practices Islam, he is a person who draws you closer towards Allah subhanaw taala. So, it is very important that we choose such friends and at the same time, you should also be good with this person because it comes in the category of Haku kala admin, there is the rights of other human beings. So it is very important that we choose a friend who will draw us closer towards the religion of Islam who will draw us closer

01:21:30 --> 01:21:32

towards the dean. So I hope that answers your question

01:21:37 --> 01:21:40

can we have a question from the sisters?

01:21:43 --> 01:21:45

This is episode number 10 Konsolen

01:21:46 --> 01:21:51

berkenaan topic to Joe golongan Bebo dibawa nomon Allah.

01:22:24 --> 01:22:27

Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, Allah Moloko Mara

01:22:29 --> 01:22:34

Alhamdulillah Mashallah. Very beautiful topic tonight and also before from police.

01:22:36 --> 01:22:38

I have a question regarding the topis.

01:22:40 --> 01:22:49

The question is with the seven whom Allah shares with his chairs on the refer resurection day will then be brought to account.

01:22:56 --> 01:23:03

The sister asked a question that the seven people who will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala will they be brought to account

01:23:05 --> 01:23:47

as far as these people being brought to account, certain people among these, they may be exempted from the accountability whereas others they will be brought to account. So, it depends upon the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala on this day of resurrection, but there is no Hadith which says that these seven categories of people, they will be exempted from the accountability. So, certain people on the day of judgment based upon the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala, they will be exempted from accountability and some people they will have the accountability go easy. And you pray to Allah subhanaw taala that May He make us from among those people who enter paradise betray the facade

01:23:47 --> 01:24:02

without accountability, as we know, our blood Prophet Muhammad peace be upon here stressed upon a hadith that there will be certain categories of there will be certain people who will enter Jannah without accountably those who do not do Rokia.

01:24:03 --> 01:24:12

So again, this hadith is talking about this category of people. And there are other Hadith also of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. So some among these they will

01:24:13 --> 01:24:52

enter Jannah without accountability and some they will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection, but in general, each and every human being will be held accountable on the day of resurrection on the day of judgment for his deeds, certain people, they will receive the intercession of our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him and because of this intercession, they will be removed from * and they will enter into Jannah into paradise we pray to Allah subhanaw taala that may He grant us in the intercession of our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him and may he admit us into the gardens of Paradise into genital

01:24:52 --> 01:24:55

feitos. I mean, so I hope that answers your question.

01:24:57 --> 01:24:59

Can we have a question from the brothers

01:25:01 --> 01:25:02

So under

01:25:13 --> 01:25:19

the lonely Kumar on Allahu workato. My name is Israel. So, after the lecture, I believe

01:25:20 --> 01:25:29

it's hard for me to say that category that I come to and I believe that I also

01:25:31 --> 01:25:32

maybe I can try to push myself

01:25:33 --> 01:25:34

try to

01:25:36 --> 01:25:41

put in that into that category or maybe six categories, which are

01:25:42 --> 01:25:46

attached to the most and this category is

01:25:48 --> 01:25:52

a spin off Allah. So, however,

01:25:54 --> 01:26:11

the question is, and I believe the big challenge is to have this authentic Eclass thing. So, what should you do to have this kind of authentic Eclass everything? It is because sorry, authentic, authentic class, the sincerity the rules.

01:26:13 --> 01:26:22

The brothers asked a question that as I discussed in my talk regarding seven categories of people, who will be shade under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala. So, how to have a class

01:26:24 --> 01:26:30

our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him said it is mentioned in Sahil before, in fact, the first hadith of sahih al Bukhari

01:26:31 --> 01:26:39

in normal, Mr. Lubin, yet, we're in Namale equilibria in Manoa. But the deeds are based upon the intentions.

01:26:41 --> 01:27:27

So whatever actions we do we should have a hulless or Nia, what does it Lawsonia mean? It means that whenever we are doing any good deed, we should solely do it for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. And it should be free of RIA it should be free of pride. Now, how do we attain a class? How do we achieve this class? The first and the foremost thing is that we should stick to the Glorious Quran and authentic teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon read the Glorious Quran along with understanding. So there are two aspects as far as reading the Glorious Quran is concerned, there is the Quran which is superficial reading of the Glorious Quran and there

01:27:27 --> 01:27:31

is a de bourree Quran which is in depth understanding of the Glorious Quran.

01:27:32 --> 01:28:01

So we should read the Glorious Quran if we know Arabic as a language, this is the best if we do not know Arabic as a language, then we should try to read the translation of the Glorious Quran in the language we understand the best. So, this is the first and the foremost step in order to achieve a flawless and in order to be a good righteous human being. And at the same time, we as believers should see to it that every action that we do, it should be for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala.

01:28:02 --> 01:28:09

The second important thing is that whenever we are doing any action, we should

01:28:10 --> 01:28:13

keep this action free form RIA free from Pride.

01:28:15 --> 01:28:36

So, for example, if we are delivering a lecture or for example, if we are reciting the glorious plan in front of people, we should purify our intention, we should see to it that we do this only for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala solely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala that is free from Pride and free from so off, this is very important.

01:28:39 --> 01:28:55

And at the same time, we should be involved in Islamic activities. And as our stressed upon the seven categories, we should see to that we keep good friends, and we can try to be from among all the seven categories even a person if he is old,

01:28:57 --> 01:29:43

yet he can do Reba, there is no age restriction as far as a body is concerned. So he can do any bada. But as you have said in your question that if Lawsonia is very important and we are all aware of it, but the way we achieve is first is read the glorious climate understanding and implement upon the teachings of the Glorious Quran and the second is that whatever action we do, it should be free from RIA and it should be free from Pride. So whenever we are doing any act of worship any act of Ibadah we should always purify our intention before for example, we are delivering a speech or before we are offering salah. We should wait for a few minutes before we start the bada and we

01:29:43 --> 01:29:54

should think to ourselves, why am I doing this? Hi Baba. Am I doing it in order to show off? Am I Am I doing it to gain popularity? Am I doing it just because my parents are telling me to do it.

01:29:56 --> 01:29:59

If a person he contemplates and he thinks

01:30:00 --> 01:30:41

about this before doing any act of worship, so Inshallah, when he does this act of act of worship he will have a class A Nia that is the purity of the intention and at the same time we should see to that we read the seat of our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him and even the Sahaba they dedicated their life for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah they had, through a class, a beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, he if he wanted, he could have been the richest man in the world. But he chose the home of the Hereafter as compared to the life of this world. And we as believers should always think of the afterlife as compared to the life of this world and we should

01:30:41 --> 01:31:00

always be connected and close to good Islamic people, good Islamic friends, if a circle is good, and Islamic inshallah we will have a class A Nia that is the right and correct intention and will do I bother for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. So, I hope that answers the question

01:31:05 --> 01:31:08

Do we have a question from the sisters

01:31:10 --> 01:31:11

at the purpose Alden

01:31:14 --> 01:31:15

in this one

01:31:17 --> 01:31:19

from father's equation

01:31:23 --> 01:31:24


01:31:45 --> 01:31:48

to marine so Mani Kumar Rakata.

01:31:49 --> 01:31:55

My name is story I am I'm a student, I want to ask

01:31:57 --> 01:32:07

do we need to fulfill all the seven criteria to be headed under the shade of Allah?

01:32:13 --> 01:32:53

The brothers asked a good question that do we need to be among all of the seven categories in order to be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala these are seven categories that we have discussed in this lecture in this talk and it is not compulsory that a person if he wants to be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala has to be among all of the seven categories even if he's in any, even if he's among one of these seven categories, then inshallah he will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala. But an important aspect is that if a person wants to be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala then he should follow the Glorious Quran and follow

01:32:53 --> 01:33:33

the authentic hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him and in addition, he should do all of the things that affirm and abstain from all of the things that are haram that are prohibited, if he follows these two aspects, inshallah he will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala and he may be in one category, he may fall under one category, he may fall under two categories, he may fall under three categories, he may fall under all the categories and we as believers should try to fall under all of these categories, try to be adjust leader and try to be a person who is engaged in the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala a young person all the

01:33:33 --> 01:33:37

categories that I have discussed in this talk. So I hope that answers your question.

01:33:42 --> 01:33:47

Do you have last question from the sister or the brother

01:33:54 --> 01:33:56

with the end of the last question just now

01:33:58 --> 01:34:01

will we end the session of

01:34:02 --> 01:34:05

Mr. Halleck like

01:34:06 --> 01:34:08

Mr. ferulic, please be seated.

01:34:11 --> 01:34:16

We can take one last question if anyone has a question. Maybe the brothers or sisters before we end the program

01:34:24 --> 01:34:24

you do?

01:34:36 --> 01:34:37

An eco

01:34:38 --> 01:34:44

assuming but can you lower your mic little bit and remove your face mask please can lower the mic a little bit.

01:34:45 --> 01:34:47

Lower, lower it lower it down.

01:34:49 --> 01:34:59

ceramide ECAM. So as I mentioned before that one of the times a lot of people that are in a shave of Allah subhanaw taala on the day of judgment and I

01:35:00 --> 01:35:18

I was just wondering that the growth of a man and a woman birth each other, because for the sake of Allah is not referring to married or unmarried. I mean what I mean about unmarried is actually a man instructs a woman to the path of Allah in your explain all

01:35:19 --> 01:35:21

me yeah some explaining that

01:35:27 --> 01:36:11

the brothers asked the question that in my lecture I discovered I discussed regarding one category, which talks about radula Anita harbor Fila, ah Tama la Waterford raka Ali, when two people they love each other for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. They come together for this reason and they depart for this reason. Now this category it is basically referring to friends, when a person chooses another friend, he chooses a friend who will draw him closer towards Allah subhanaw taala. He chooses a friend on the basis of Islam, he chooses a friend because this friend is Islamic. So this is basically referring to choosing a friend who is Islamic,

01:36:12 --> 01:36:40

but natural if a person he is good to his wife, and if he's Islamic with his wife, if he's kind with his wife, he will be rewarded. And if he is kind with his wife, he also can be shaved under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala as I have said in my talk, that it is not restricted only to the seven categories of people. But this category of two people loving each other for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala it is talking about friendship.

01:36:42 --> 01:36:50

But if a person is good to his wife, if he is kind to his wife, as Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah Nisa, chapter number four was number 19.

01:36:52 --> 01:37:11

That treat your woman with a footing of kindness and equity why she ruhuna Wilma roof and treat your woman woman with a footing of kindness and equity. So if a husband and wife if they lead their life in an Islamic way, and if they encourage each other,

01:37:12 --> 01:37:25

to get closer towards Allah subhanaw taala inshallah they will be rewarded and we hope that inshallah they will also be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala because the shade of Allah subhanaw taala it is not only restricted to the seven people.

01:37:26 --> 01:37:30

Allah subhanaw taala is mercy It is never restricted,

01:37:31 --> 01:38:06

and even his shade it is never restricted, he is the Lord of the universe, He is our Creator Allah subhanaw taala. So how can his shade be restricted, but in this hadith, our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him he is emphasizing on these seven categories of people. In general, if we want to be under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala and we want to enter the gardens of Paradise, we should do all the things that are foreign, and abstain from all the things that are haram. And if you want higher levels of Jannah if you want to enter Jonathan for the dose, we should see to it that in addition to this, we try to do almost all the things that are most the hub and try

01:38:06 --> 01:38:18

to abstain from most of the things that accrue in Islam. So I hope that answers your question. With this, we will inshallah conclude the question answer session. We're after with Alana and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen.

01:38:19 --> 01:38:35

The end of the last question then the end of the session of q&a with Mr. Farik. Knight. I'm now request, Mr. Farik like to go to the seat that had been provided.

01:38:39 --> 01:39:01

Ladies and gentlemen, once again, I would like to give her a soft reminder that this program is organized by Islamic religious council MLA custom of paralysed through one center Malaysia police, the police state nifty platform and the Islamic religious department. Next, I would like to invite the chairman of Masjid

01:39:02 --> 01:39:14

* rumbly and deputy of Chairman massive fun Shoukry Mr. Shoukry Abdul Rashid to be on the stage for giving a souvenir to the speakers.

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