Zakaullah Saleem – 30 Riyad asSalihin
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The transcript is a series of audio-placed information about the wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa
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Hello hello Amanda Rahim. hamdulillah Hello Bill Alameen
will have to go to remota clean wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Karim
while early he was BH Marine, my bad Bible your kini, whatever call
God Allahu Taala What am me No no xaba Kalu Marwaha done Allahu wa
rasuluh who was sada Kola who was Zulu. Omarosa, whom Illa Iman what
is Lima? We'll call it the Allah Allah Dena kala humanness who in
Sakata Gemma hula come for show home fossa the home Eema animal
Makalu mahalo husband Hola. Whenever Milwaukee from Colorado
we never met him in a law he will fugly lamium says Holmes who
whatever wouldn't want a law well law who do fugly now the we'll
call it Allah whatever color I'll hire a lawyer the lawyer moot or
holida Allah Allah Allah He full yet our cut me noon, we'll call it
the Allah for either Azzam Fatah wa colada law.
This is the seventh chapter of the book criado Salah Hain titled Alia
15 Watt Tawakkol certain certainty and reliance on Allah subhanahu wa
the island trust in Allah Azza wa Jalla wa Quran
mama Novita mo Allah has said this chapter after the chapters of
Taqwa and the maraca and the sobble that after you have
achieved the quality of patience having suburb
and you are mindful of Allahu Jayalalithaa the Quran you are
conscious of Allah subhanahu wa taala. And you know, with
certainty and your team that Allah subhanahu wa taala is watching
you, Allah subhanahu wa taala is seeing you. Then once you have
achieved all these qualities, then all of them together lead to one
greatest fruit and the outcome of all these qualities which is none
other than certainty and Tawakkol in Allah subhanahu wa Dawn
you attain certainty and Tawakkol trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala
is the result of the strong Iman and it is the thermal and the
fruit of strong and solid EMA. The stronger you are in your belief in
your iman the greater certainty or stronger your team you will have
in Allah ghulja.
The weaker your iman is the lower your teen and certainty you will
have in your heart and you will have little trust in Allah will
Jelani MiniCon
that is why Allah subhanho wa Taala has Allah subhanho wa Taala
has praised those who put their trust in Allah.
And Allah subhanahu wa taala has made the mention of some of the
outstanding characteristics and qualities of the believers that
they have the word coolin Allah Azza wa Jalla wa Quran having
tuberculin Allah is something that not every believer, not every
Muslim has.
Because this is from the father of Allah, this is from the bounty of
Allah and your iman and especially when you Iman is tested in times
of hardships and difficulties. Then at that point, you truly can
judge yourself or you can judge the level of your iman
when you are tested and when you are putting trials and
tribulations brought by Allah subhanho wa Taala then you can
truly test your Eman or you can judge yourself. Otherwise talking
about Tawakkol talking about certainty and the 18 having trust
in Allah subhanahu wa taala is easy. But when someone goes
through a difficult situation, through a hardship or someone is
afflicted by great calamity, then to keep in trust in Allah subhanho
wa Taala This is the true Iman and this is the sign of the strong EMA
because when you go
through a difficult situation when you are afflicted by a calamity or
any issue any problem. That is the time when shaitan takes it as an
opportunity to attack your ima.
Generally we are okay. If you have no problem, no big issues in your
life, then you can claim that I'm Muslim I'm a believer I have trust
in Allah I have certainty in your teen everything. But the truth
test comes when you go through a very tough and intense situation.
And that is a time when kinky keeping hold on Iman is very, very
good quality and it's the quality or characteristic that is required
from a believer from a true believer.
Allah subhanahu wata, Allah says in the Quran in surah Al Ahzab
surah Allah hisab the word HAZOP means troops or groups.
And in that surah Allah subhanahu wa taala has mentioned some of the
aspects of the battle hisab which is also known as a buzzword 200
The Battle of trench
and in that battle Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
himself as well as his companions. With one law he had image Marine,
they went through very, very difficult situation.
To the extent that Allah Azza wa Jalla reclame himself says in the
Quran, the one who, the one who has put them in trial and test he
himself says, who nearly Kabuli you may know, the believers were
tested at that point during the Battle of zap. They were tested,
was Uzi losings, zahlen Shalida. And they were shaken. They were
shaken with sweet quick. So Allah subhanho wa Taala himself says
that they were tested that the believers were tested, and they
were completely shaken by that trial, and by that test,
and then Allah subhanahu wa taala announces the outcome and the
result of that test.
And those who went through that trial and those who went through
that test, they were of two types or two categories. There were
strong and true believers and amongst them, amongst those who
took part in their battle, there were some hypocrites as well
munafo And Allah subhanahu wa taala has announced the result of
both of them. In the following ayah Allah says where if you're
cool munaf your code when Latina few Kuru be him Mara. Remember the
hypocrisy and the munafo code. When they went through this test?
They started saying, not only munaf your own wala Deena few Kuru
be him Mara, and those who had any kind of illness, illness here in
this ayah refers to the weakness of the IMA.
The hypocrites and those who are weak in the Eman they started
saying what ma are done Allahu wa rasuluh who Allah hoorah
they said Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they
never promised us except a deception, Ruby Lemond
certainly the Prophet Salah Salem, Mohammed Salah Salem he was saying
that we are going to conquer Kaiser and Kisara and this and
that, and we are going to overtake the superpower and this is what we
are going through.
This is this was nothing other than a deception.
And this was the outcome and this was the result of those who were
weak in the emaan and those who were Munna fuchal Few Ayat later
and then Allah subhanahu wa taala explains further. In the next few
ayat, Allah subhanahu wa taala talks about the qualities, the
characteristics and the signs of the weak Iman or the signs of the
hypocrisy. And then few Ayat later Allah says, What am Meanwhile, on
the other hand, when the believers so all those big troops and the
enemies and the armies of the kuffar who were ready to attack
the whole Medina when the believer as soon as they saw those troops
what they said Ma were other call who had Marwan Allah who was they
said, Yes, this is what Allah and His Messenger Salah send them had
promised. So as soon as they thought that calamity
by seeing that calamity and that trial, they were increased in the
emaan and they had champagne
uncertainty and said this is what Allah and His Messenger sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam had promised us was Sadaqa Allahu wa rasuluh and
Allah and His Messenger have spoken truth, why Amasa whom Illa
eemaan waters Lima and Allah subhanahu wa taala says, this
event did not increase them except in Iman and more submission.
So this was this is the difference between a hypocrite and manavi or
the person of weak Iman and the true believer.
When you are afflicted by a calamity, the sign of Your strong
Iman is that you go back to Allah and you reconnect yourself to
Allah subhanho wa taala. That is why am I even Okayama Rahim Allah
has said that the calamities and hardships and difficulties are
Niyama are the blessings from Allah for a true believer because
as soon as a believer is afflicted by a calamity, he goes back to
Allah He connects himself to Allah, he increases his worship,
he increases his dua, he increases the remembrance of Allah subhanahu
wa taala and in result of this, his Iman becomes even stronger.
And he has more and more Yaqeen
to Allah subhanahu wa taala praise those believers and those
companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who
showed trust in Allah subhanahu wa taala and they had strong European
certainty in Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah the Quran
in another place in the Quran in surah, Allah Imran
Allah subhanahu wa taala has made the mention of another battle.
That was the Battle of offered the battle in which the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself was injured, and he was
70 of the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they
were martyred, including, so you don't know Hamza Radi Allahu
Allah, Allah and the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam and one of his best friends from childhood. Hamza told the
Allahu Taala he was martyred. Many other companions Edwin Allah He
elements remain such as Musa have been made out of the Allahu
Tarlton and many others 70 of the companions with one Allah He and
image marine they were martyred in that battle. It was very tough.
And at the beginning, then we should be keen and the enemies of
Islam they had taken over.
And it seemed that the Muslims were defeated. But later Allah
subhanahu wa taala granting them victory. So during that battle,
shake on because the Muslim the believers when they saw 70 Amongst
them, martyred and killed in the battle field
is actually affected them really badly. Shut down took this
opportunity to whisper in their mind and to create fear.
Fear of the enemies and Allah subhanahu wata Allah says in the
Quran Allah subhanahu wa taala repose that particular event.
Allah says Allah Venus dejavu Lillahi wa Rasool mimbar Dima
Asaba, humble Korea,
Allah subhanahu wa taala praises those companions, who are going
through very difficult situation during the battle field. And also
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, when when the
enemy is actually attacked. And obviously, you know, there is a
you know,
there is a detail of this battle of this was what are heard in the
in the books of the sea era. And, and, and we don't have time to go
through all the details, but actually what happened the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam had appointed some of his companions
on one of the hills and those who have visited Madina Munawwara you
must have visited that mountain or heard that is on the skirt. They
used to be on the outskirts of Medina, but nowadays it's part of
the Medina and next to the mountain, Ohio, there is a small
hill called Jamel Romano, a small hill and on that hill, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam had appointed some of his companion
and he had instructed them not to move from that place. Even if the
enemy is the army of the Mushrikeen or the Kufa have gone
back. Even if they have left the battlefield. You have to remain
But when they saw in first place at the beginning of the battle,
that the Mushrikeen they were going back and they were fleeing
the battle field. They thought that, that the battle is over, and
they came down and they left that hill, they came down, and they
started gathering the booty and the minima of the battle.
But actually, that army was led by Holly Duke Novalee, that of the
Allahu taala, who was not Muslim at that time, and he was a great
leader, and great warrior. So he had actually used that trick, and
he went to the other side of the hill, and he attacked them from
the back. And during that attack 70 of the companions with one hola
heritage Marine, they were martyred and they were killed. And
when the Companions one ally remain the Saudis and the prophets
of salaam during the attack, he himself was also injured. The head
of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam in the cheek and the
blessing phase of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam got
injured and he was bleeding. During that time the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called on his companions and he called
them to get together.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala reports that event and he said
Alladhina stage Abul Allah He were Rasul mimbar Dima Asaba Homolka
those believers who responded to the call of Allah and His
Messenger SallAllahu Allah He was the limb although they were
wounded. They were badly wounded.
Alladhina Sofia Boutella who Rasul him embody ma Saba Homolka, Lil
levena axon Omen whom taco the whom agile Nazim Allah says, Those
amongst them who excelled those who performed really good during
their better Allah says for them is great reward. And then in the
following I Allah says Alladhina kala humaneness they were those
believers Allah humaneness in a NASA called the Jama ruler Co.
That some of the hypocrite some of the Munna, Philippine and some of
those who had weak Iman, they started whispering in the mind, of
these believers in the NASA called the German ruler, you know, the
whole Arab and all the tribes of the Arab have gathered against
They were already affected by that, that triggered that attack.
And during that time, while they were going through this severe
difficulty and that calamity and that test and trial,
people started saying to them that the tribes of Arab they have got
gather together and now they are going to finish you off
completely. But the tomorrow look, all of them they have gathered
against you.
But Allah says as soon as these believers because they had strong
Iman as as soon as they heard this, what Allah says
show him fossa, the whom Iman email so people were telling them,
You have to be fearful of the tribes of other they are ready to
attack you. They are going to finish you off. And Allah says
fossa the whom Iman as soon as they heard this, this very
statement, increase them in the email Makalu husband Allah who
went to Milwaukee and they said Allah is sufficient for us, and
he's the best who can take care of our affairs.
Fun Paula boo Vinny Amati Minella then in the following ayah Allah
subhanahu wa autolysis when they express this strong Iman and this
type of Tawakkol and Yaqeen in Allah subhanahu wa taala in the
most difficult situation they put their trust in Allah and they have
strong Iman, Allah says fun kala Bobigny I met him in Allah. So
when at the end of the battle when they returned, they returned back
the homes binaire muddiman Allah with the bounty of Allah subhanho
wa Taala with the favor of Allah wa fogal and with the bounty of
Allah azza wa jal aliquam lamb yam says Home zoo and after that no
harm afflicted them Wallah who do for whatever Oh did one Allah and
D these were the believers who truly follow the pleasure of
Allah. They saw the pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa taala Wallah
who do funding in our limb and Allah subhanahu wa taala is the
owner of the great bounties.
So the point is that you are tested or your iman is actually
tested in times of hardships and difficulties.
And that is the time when shaitan takes it and opportunity to attack
your iman and it is for you to stay connected with Allah azza wa
jal requirement to the deen of Allah subhanahu wa taala. Continue
practicing your religion continue offering your five daily prayers
And in even increase your worship, increase your remembrance of Allah
subhanahu wa that increase your DUA draw yourself closer to Allah
who will challenge you cram so all these things can help you become
even stronger in your iman and in your theme and in our Quran Allah
Bucha Allah Allah Karim Allah subhanho wa Taala says, in another
iron water work Allah Allah al Haj Illa de la jolla moot trust on the
Ever Living Allah who tell Allah Karim Allah de la jolla mood the
one who never dies.
So rather than putting your trust in so and so, all putting your
trust in worldly means or any other thing to work cool Allah
Allah, put your trust in Allah, the One who is Ever Living, Leia
moved who will never die. Put your trust in Allah subhanahu wa Tada
where Allah He fell, yet our calling me known in another ayah
Allah says, upon Allah, the believers should put their
Tawakkol and they put their trust in Allah subhanahu wata Allah. And
Allah also says for either Azim Fattah Wirkkala Allah Allah, once
you have taken a decision, then put your trust in Allah.
You want to do something
you want to
make a big decision take a decision after consultation. And
basically this particular part of of this is for either Azim taffeta
fatawa Corolla this statement is the part of a Long Island in which
Allah subhanahu wa taala has advised his Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam to consult with his companions in one language
Marine who chose the importance of consultation
getting the opinion of those who know those who are wise getting
their opinion and consulting with them. And Allah says we're Shall
we room fill for either? Assumpta fatawa Carla? Yes, you Oh Mohamed
Salah Salem you should consult with his companions. Although
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was directly instructed
by Allah subhanho wa taala. So Allah subhanahu wa taala could
have given him every single instruction do this and don't do
this. Because he was receiving he was receiving the revelation from
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah the Quran, but Allah
subhanahu wa taala says, Allah subhanho wa Taala wanted to
highlight the importance of Shura and consultation. So Allah said,
We're SHA we're home Phil amor in every single,
you know, every single great matter, or the big metro big
decision. Consult with you, Sharon falam consult with your companions
for either Zonda fatawa Khalil once you have taken the decision,
then put your trust in Allah.
And this is this is a great principle that we need to apply in
our life. Once we have taken a decision. Once we have taken a
decision to start a business once you have taken a decision to take
on a job once you have taken a decision with regards to your
marriage or with you, or with regards to your study or with
regards to anything.
Once you have taken your decision, after consultation after making
his taharah then the Wakulla Allah Allah put your trust in Allah,
even if you fail, then you must use must have Tawakkol in Allah,
there is always held in that failure.
This is a true Tawakkol
people start questioning that before taking this decision. I
consulted I made this Vihara but I still failed. I failed in my study
I failed in my marriage and the I failed in my business. So why why
is this?
This is a question that should you should be asking yourself
that why do you think you know this has happened? You Allah
subhanahu wa taala wanted a greater good for you.
And this probably this was a test from ALLAH SubhanA who would test
for your iman, Allah subhanahu wa taala wants you to test your iman
Oh Allah subhanahu wa taala want to tell you how strong you are in
your iman and in your Torquil in Allah, the world calling Allah
subhanahu wa taala does not mean in any form of shape that
everything will go according to your desires. Then what's the
point of having Tawakkol in Allah than
putting Tawakoni in Allah means whether it is good or bad. You put
your trust in Allah and you accept it.
This is a true meaning of Tawakkol you take all the means and
precautions and then after that once you have taken the disease
Put your Tawakkol even if you face a failure, you must still have the
work coolin Allah subhanahu wa taala and believe that they must
be hired and good for you in this.
For example, you consulted with your family members, with your
siblings, your parents with regards to your marriage, and you
made this to heart as well. And you got married and after a few
weeks or months, it did not work. And it ended up you know,
completely finishing the marriage
then you can't really question the why this has happened.
Although I consulted I pray this Tahara not only once or twice i
May I made this harder many times at this I did this this this this,
then what what what why am I married has failing?
If you have to work cool and get clean and certainty and strong
email and Allah subhanho wa taala. The answer is day that the lesson
that you have learned through this whole process, they will help you
make a stronger or even better to see you in the future. And now
only with regards to another marriage. Rather, you must have
learned lessons to apply on other similar situations. When it comes
to interacting with other people or dealing with people, you must
have taken lessons. And if you don't take lessons and you start
blaming the color of Allah, then it is a clear sign of the weakness
of your iman. Then you truly
then in this case you truly be questioning your iman, your iman
what level of human or what kind of human you have in your heart,
in times of difficulty than hardship, you cannot stay
connected with Allah to Allah subhanahu ATOD that is where Allah
Allah, Allah the Quran says for either Assumpta Fatah wa collana
Allah, once you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah.
And whatever happens whether you whether you like or you don't like
whether it is in your favor or against you, you accept it, having
trust in Allah that there is always higher and good for you in
And Allah subhanho wa Taala also says Romania toward Kunal Allah,
for who has
and the benefit of having Tawakkol and you're keen and certainty in
Allah subhanahu wa taala is that whoever puts his trust in Allah,
Allah is sufficient for him.
If you have Tawakkol in Allah, Allah is sufficient for you. Allah
will never leave you alone even in times of hardships and
difficulties. You feel alone only when you do not have that link and
that connection with Allah will Jana Unicron
and Allah subhanho wa Taala also says, praising the believers again
in surah Allah and fall in normal Moon
Valley the true believers are those Alladhina Eva Luquillo Allah
wa Ji let Kulu that when Allah is mentioned to them when Allah
subhanho wa Taala is mentioned before them, ayat of the Quran are
recited to them with utterly utterly heme iron to when the
verses of Allah subhanahu wa taala are recited on them. leadin ADA
Ducat Allah Who was that could overcome that when Allah is
mentioned before them Waje let Kulu go home, the hearts become
full of the fear of Allah, ye that truly utterly him to and when His
Verses are recited on to them, that the tomb Imana every single
verse of the Quran increases them in the emaan were allowed to be
him yet our cologne and they put their trust in Allah Who Jalil
Bikram, and then Allah says Allah Dena up Munna, Salah Swami
Maharaja Karna, whom you feel goon there are those who stablish the
five daily prayers and they continue giving in the way of
Allah subhanahu wa taala from the wells that Allah subhanahu wata,
Allah has blessed them with and then Allah says Allah Iike
humulene me know the haka. They are the true believers. They are
the true believers.
And based on this standard based on this criterion, we shouldn't be
judging ourselves and we should be judging our own Iman.
If we have these qualities, then we must thank Allah subhanho wa
Taala and must remain firm and steadfast on the path of iman but
if we lack these qualities, then we need to work on our
improvement. We need to improve our iman we need to improve our
year clean and our Torquil in Allah subhanahu wa taala and we
must try our best to achieve these qualities
so that we are closed amongst, I will move me know in a hubcap
those believers who are truly actually certified by Allah
subhanahu wata Allah. And Allah says Lahoma zero to nine, la Honda
Raja to Narendra being more macrophylla to what is conquering.
And for such believers they are greater ranks in Jana for them
were microfilariae and the forgiveness of Allah what is going
Kareem and noble provision, noble provision for them in this dunya
as well as as well as in the hereafter.
So these are some of the verses from the Quran that Imam and now
will be rahamallah is quoted at the beginning of this chapter and
then under this chapter, he has quoted many Hadees of Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But today we are going to go through
the first one famous Hadees you must have heard many times, but
this is very important to ponder and reflect on this hadith the
hadith is reported by Abdullah Hypno Abbas or the Allahu Taala
anima. Who says, Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the
messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam said we're already
about Allah Yellowman
previous nations were presented to me, I was shown those previous
nations for IE to Nabi wama, who are Rohit, I saw a prophet and he
had very small group of believers with Him. Very few people who
believed in their prophet, one Nabhi wha hoo, Rajul whare Julian
and I also so a prophet, who had only one companion or two
companions, only one or two individuals believed in them. One
Nabi walay, Samara, who are heard and I also saw a profit that he
had none of the company, he had no one with him.
But all these profits,
but are they successful or not? They were successful.
Despite having no companion at all, or having very small group,
Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, in Al Anon Su Su Lana
will Lavina Amano filha to dunya Allah as promised, Allah says, We
definitely help our messengers. And the help of ALLAH is never
measured by the number.
This is the fact Allah says Khattab Allahu Allah Allah Allah
subhana wa Rusu Lee. Allah has decreed that I Allah and my
messenger will always overtake and they will overcome.
In Allah Huckabee Yoon Aziz, Allah has assistance. Allah has LPS with
the with his prophets and messengers. But if the prophet if
a prophet or if a messenger has no companion and no one accepted his
goal, and no one believed in him, it does not mean that that the
Prophet was not successful.
Rather, every single prophet, every single messenger of Allah
was successful. Because they conveyed the duty they fulfill the
responsibility of calling people to Allah subhanho wa taala. So
this is the great lesson for us. As long as you continue fulfilling
your duties and your obligations to Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
Vikram, you don't really need to look at the number, how many
people are pleased with you, amongst your relatives, or other
than relatives, how many friends you have made. This really doesn't
matter. How many people actually accept your home how many people
have praised you, it doesn't really matter as long as you
continue fulfilling your obligation to Allah subhanho wa
taala. But in fact, if we look at the seed of Rasulullah,
sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam, as well as the sila CRO of the
previous prophets and also the predecessors we all become to know
that good people are always in small lump
majority, Allah subhanahu a most of the place in the Quran, Allah
use the word axon home axon to whom Allah Yachty loan Xsara whom
Allah Allah Moon at Federal Home, Leia Sharon, most of them do not
perceive many of them do not understand many of them do not
believe well my youth Mindworks her own Billahi Allah, Allah says
majority of them do not be so the truth is not always with majority.
In fact, the truth is with the minor with those who are small in
number, so number doesn't really matter. What it what matters in
the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the quality of your iman
and your trust and your European in Allah Azza wa Jalla lucra. So
the Prophet salallahu Salam says that I will show on the previous
Asians and I saw some of the prophets, I saw a prophet who had
a small group with him. I also saw a prophet who had only one or two
companions. I also saw a prophet who had none of the commands and
no one believed in him. And then he says is roofie Ali Sawada
Naveen and all of sudden Allah subhanahu wa taala showed me a
huge crowd, big crowd. And as soon as I saw that big crowd one and
two unknown Almighty, I told that they were the people from my
ummah. But then Allah subhanahu wata fortina lead and I was said
and I was informed her that Musa como rather this is not Yo Ma
Mohamed Salah Salem, Radha, they are the followers of Musa alayhi
salatu salam, this is Musa and his followers. Well I can even go to a
URL go folk. And then I was told to look on the other side. So I
look on the other side for Nevada to for either Sawada now then, I
looked on the other side, there was a huge crowd. And then I was
told Omar Adel overkill, I say oh Ilhan Omar Al afocal Arthur look
on the other side and then I looked on the other side and on
that side was also huge crowd for clearly how the humor took then I
was told that this is your OMA and then Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
says we're ma home several Runa alfen Get the Haroon al Jana Tabby
Ray sobbing wallaga up and all those I saw on my boat size and
huge crowd and huge number.
He's awesome says Amongst them were those 70,000 believers who
will enter into Paradise be radio SRB wala adab without being held
to account or without any punishment. Stage shortcut,
superfine expressways of Annaleigh yet hormonal Janita be ready, they
will enter into paradise. Without any question Allah is not going to
question why did you do this? Why did you not fulfill this
obligation? No question. Well, are they up and no punishment?
And then the sahabi Abdullah, who above some of the Allahu Tahnoon
says the prophets of salaam after telling us this dasa semana haba
for the Holloman z. Then the Prophet SAW Selim got up from that
gathering. And then he went home for Habana Sufi Ooh like Alladhina
Al Quran agenda TV, radio asrb wallaga. And we companions. We
started our discussion about these people. And we started guessing
who these people can be. Some of us were saying laleham alladhina
Sahibi rasool Allah He Salah Sana, perhaps these are the people who
had the opportunity to meet with the prophets of Salaam, those who
are in the company of Rasulullah, Salah Salem referring to the
Companions, those who have the opportunity to obviously the
believers are going to be after the prophets Allah Salaam. And
after his companions, we saw probably those who had this
opportunity and this great virtue of being with the Prophet sallahu
alayhi salam, probably because of this, Allah subhanho wa taala,
granting them this virtue.
We'll call a bag Hoola Allahumma Alladhina Hooli to feed Islam, and
some others amongst us said, Perhaps these are those who are
born as Muslims who were born as a Muslim, meaning the parents are
already Muslim. Bear in mind that many of the companions of
Rasulullah sallallahu Allah He was the NEMO you can say, vast
majority of the companions of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam,
they were revert, they were converted to Islam. Most of them
they were not born Muslims.
And they always looked upon those who were born as Muslim within the
Muslim household, that that child or so and so is so blessed that he
has been he has been born in in Muslim household.
So they said we thought that they are probably those who are born
within Islam for them usually cupola he Sharia and they never
associated any partner with Allah. They never committed ship. Because
many of them as he said, many of the companion they were converted
to Islam, and before accepting Islam they had committed Sheikh so
they told you know, although Allah subhanahu wa taala has accepted
our repentance, but we It seems, you know, we have missed this
virtue. So while we were discussing and we have we, and we
were having all these different kinds of guests, the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam appeared before us holiday
I like him Rasulullah Hassan Salam, the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam came, and he said maladie Tahuna fee said on my companion,
what are you discussing here? We said, We are discussing about
those 70,000 people all messenger of Allah you informed us, and we
are having our guests
and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Let me tell you the
qualities of the 70,000 people, he said whom will leadin Allah your
Pune wala yester Pune wala yatta yatta una wala ACTA Woon, what
Allah the Henrietta wakanow
The 70,000 people are those who have certain qualities. The first
one is humulene leadin Allah your goon these are the people who do
not do rupee or
those who do not do Rukia okay with regards to this particular
word, the scholars have explained it in two ways. One of them is
that majority of because this hadith has been reported by many
more Hadith in and amongst all of them only Imam Muslim rahamallah
when he when he reported this hadith, in that particular ration
this word, Yara Khun exists, which means that they do not do Rukia a
rest of the Hadees or rest of the narration, they do not contain
this word. And the scholars have said this is probably a mistake
from one of the narrators of the Hadith because doing Rukia is
something that is recommended. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam has said that whoever can do Rukia on someone in order to
benefit them, he should do so. And also doing Rukia Rukia means to
read certain verses of the Quran, and and
verses of the Quran or the two R's and particularly those verses and
the two R's that the prophets Allah Salam has recommended and
reading them upon yourself or reading upon someone else.
So this is something that Rasulullah Salallahu Salam himself
used to do.
Do we now know that the Prophet Salah seldom used to do rupee on
himself every single night before going to sleep he sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam the last thing he would do, he would recite
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam last three Surah of the Quran. So to
Nikolas and circle follow up and to NAS he would recite them and he
would blow on his hands and then he would wipe over his body. Three
times he would repeat it. And this was the practice of Rasulullah
Salah Salem every single night. So this is Korea and the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to do Ruqayyah on his
grandchildren has an unassailable the Allahu Taala and uma
so how can it be something seen as against of the Tawakkol putting
trust in Allah subhanho wa taala. So that is why it's so this is one
way, but the other scholars have said no, the explanation of this
word is different. In this hadith, the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam
has actually referred to the Rukia that is impermissible as the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, The Rukia that is
permissible is the Rukia that contains the ayat of the Quran,
the DUA and the remembrance of Allah or the words of the praise
of Allah subhanahu wa taala. This is the Rukia that is permissible.
But amongst the Arab at that time, particularly, there were many
kinds of Rukia and people used to utter the words of Sheikh in the
Rukia. So, this is what the prophets Allah, Allah, Allah is
Allah mente that those 70,000 people they first qualities that
they never uttered a word of Sheikh when it comes to the Rukia.
So, in both cases, you know, we can explain this, but the next
word, the next quality is wala yester Hoon. And this is very
important. Their quality is that they do not request Rukia
they do not request Rukia
meaning when they are afflicted by magic by Blackmagic by Sahara, oh
when they are afflicted by the you know, by any calamity or by evil
eye or they are possessed by Jannat or Jin they do not request
others to do Rukia on them.
Because to certain extent,
it is a sign of the weakness of your own Iman and it can also
weaken your iman
because when you are pro and this this is a reality and
unfortunately nowadays, this has become something very very common
amongst us. Very common.
You feel that you are afflicted by your Sahara or by evil eye rather
than doing Rukia on you
yourself rather than reading the ayat of the Quran yourself, you
want to take a shortcut, a quick solution, approach karate, give
him 20 pound, 50 pound one session 100 pound. Okay, that's it, get
the job done. This is not how the Rukia works. And that is why
unfortunately, we fie and we find most of those who rely on the
Rockies. They go through these problems for years.
And their problem is never sorted.
Why first and foremost, because of their own mistakes. And secondly,
the weak Eman that we came on.
If they had strong Iman and Tawakkol and Yaqeen in the ayat of
the Quran, in the hadith of Rasulullah, Salah Salem in the DUA
was then they would do themselves they will do Rukia on themselves
and asking someone else to do Rukia on them.
Or if you ask someone to do ruukki on yourself, then it is a clear
sign that your iman is weak. Rather than reading the ayat of
the Quran yourself, you think if the other person reads of ayat of
the Quran on you, it will have more effect more impact. So what's
so special about that individual
so there is an element of weaken or weakening your Tawakkol or your
your kin certainty and your iman in Allah subhanahu wa and that is
why we see nowadays that the person may approach one Rati and
that rocky, you know does one or two or few sessions and they feel
no change and the situation is still the same or even worse. And
then they try to find out someone better than him. They say you know
this rocky has little experience the other one has because his
rookie is very popular. His rookie has what what was this to do with
the rookie year. He decided I have the Quran and he's going to recite
a, the ayat of the Quran. So what's the difference? What is
going to have effect and impact the individual or the ayat of the
Quran, the power is of that individual of this individual,
that individual or the ayat of the Quran, the actual power is in the
kalam of Allah in the words of Allah.
So this is the Iman that you need to have in your heart, the actual
power is in the ayah the actual power is in Hoon, who Allah who
are hugged Allah Who Samad lamb nearly Do all of you in these
words, is the actual power not in my recitation or your recitation.
So that is why the prophets are Salam said, la yester goon,
and those and yeah, in in some situations, you know, it is
permissible. I'm not saying that it is not permissible to request
others to do to creando Yes, in some cases, it is permissible. And
that you know, those cases are exceptional, exceptional case, for
example, someone is afflicted by your three year kind of illness,
and the person himself cannot read
or someone is unconscious, they cannot read themselves, then in
this case, there is no harm, if one of their relatives or their
family members asked you or request you to do Rukia on the
person who is going through that illness, then there is no harm it
it is it is permissible. But for you, whenever you are afflicted by
a problem or you feel that you have an evil eye, oh, you have no
black magic done on you or sir or you are possessed by jinn, you
straightaway you approach others and you never make efforts to read
the Quran yourself, then this is the sign of the weakness of your
iman. That is why the one who does this is out of the category of the
70,000 people who are going to enter paradise without Reckoning
and without punishment. And then the Prophet SAW Selim also said
third of their qualities is liar data your own they do not believe
in bad omens.
And the word data you will comes from by by it in Arabic means
And amongst the Arab, they used to believe in bad omens, looking at
the birds, so for example, someone would come out of his house in
order to do a task and he would look at the bird bird is sitting
there and he will come he would focus on that bird. If bird is
going to fly on the right side it means the task I'm going to do is
is going to be achievable and I will be successful, but if the
bird goes other side, then it means it is not good sign
and to certain extent naroda Bilaam
indelicate with regards to the birds we still have amongst the
amongst the Muslims
especially you know we have seen how in our childhood in Pakistan
India, you know if if you see a crow crow sitting on the on you
know, on the wall and and he makes the sound and you see and you say
yeah this is a sign that today we are going to have guests now the
Okay. At night if you see a black cat, they say this not good sign.
You have seen what kind of Iman and Islam you have in your heart.
bad omens. The Prophet SAW Selim said these people do not have you
know, these kind of superstitions and believing in bad omen. This is
a sign of the weakness of your ima, no bird, no animal can do
nothing to you. You must have your trust in Allah and Allah subhanahu
wa. So lie yourself goon wala Yatta young and then he is also
living concluded he said, Why Allah be him yet our cologne, the
outstanding characteristic and the quality is that they have complete
trust and Tawakkol in Allah
and those who have this
they will be amongst the 70,000 people.
There is another ration that is cluttered by mama Timothy Rahim
Allah that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam out of His mercy
for his ummah. He said to Allah, who will tell you Crom Oh my lord
70,000 From my ummah, who are going to be allowed to enter
paradise without Reckoning and without punishment is a very small
Very small number, my ummah is going to be very large. All the
believers all the way up to the day of judgment, they're going to
be big, huge in number amongst them only 70,000 Very little.
So the prophets, Allah Salam requested Allah to increase his
blessing by increasing the number. Then Allah subhanahu wa taala
accepted the DUA and the request of our NABI sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam for his look as his mercy Rama to lil al Amin. Allah says in
the Quran, Hadith sunnah Aleikum Bill Mininova
Harrison alikhan Molina Oh friend, the one who used to always smile
at the faces of his companions during the day and at night, he
would cry for his own before Allah will generika this was the mercy
of our Nabina Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad Kamal Zuleta Allah
Ibrahim Allah Allah Ibrahim Minakami de Majeed Allahumma barik
ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Muhammad come about Tala Rahim Allah Allah
Ali Ibrahim in the Gambia Majeed So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
says that I requested Allah and Allah subhanahu wa taala accepted
my request, and he blessed me with the greatest number.
So how great this number is going to be. And you may take the
calculator out and then see you know, the prophets Allah Salam
said Allah subhanahu wa taala promise me that with every 1000
amongst the 70,000 with every 1000 I will allow 70,000 From my ummah,
from your ummah to enter into paradise without Reckoning and
without punishment.
So 70,000 Multiply by 70,000
with every single 1000 No actually if 70 by 70, actually, with every
1000 will be 70,000
and that is going to be huge number we ask Allah subhanho wa
Taala that he will tell you, cram grant us and bless us with that
type of Iman and Yaqeen and Tawakkol in Him do Jalili Vikram,
so that he Subhanahu wa Taala blesses us to be amongst these
people who are going to enter into paradise without hisab and without
The Prophet sallahu wa salam when he told the companion with one
Allah and will remain about these people, because you know, at the
beginning of the Hadith, the Prophet SAW Selim says, I saw my
ummah and amongst them I saw 70,000 as well. So the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam was informed by Allah subhanahu wa
taala about the 70,000
so when the Prophet Salah Salem gave them the description of the
70,000, a companion with the name of Akasha Prakash had been messin
around the Allahu Taala and he stood up, he said, Ya rasool
Allah, Allah Allah, Allah naman home or messenger of Allah please
make dua for me that Allah counts me amongst the 70,000 Subhan Allah
very clever, very clever. I have word for us nowadays we say it is
okay if Allah Allah
allows me to put my foot into paradise it is sufficient, but for
companions, they never told like this. They wanted higher rank in
paradise, entering into paradise without reckoning without
punishment. So this companion took the opportunity and straightaway
he said, O Messenger of Allah, please ask Allah that Allah counts
me amongst them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
and demean him Yarrow, Kasha Okasha, you are already amongst
He Salam gave him this glare tidy he said you are amongst them and
then another companion and he thought you know this is
opportunity to take he said Oh mercy of Allah please make dua for
me. The prophets of salaam said no saba caca, Bihar Okasha Akasha has
he has proceeded. So no, no any more Doha because if the prophets
Allah would have opened that door, then all those companions will
have taken that number. So the prophets Allah Salam said no saba
caca Bihar, okay, but means we still have the opportunity and we
don't know the 70,000 All we can do is strive and try our best to
achieve these qualities. And the main thing in all these qualities
is Allah or Bohemia to walk around having Tawakkol interest in Allah
subhanahu wa taala. So this is, as I said, the beginning this is the
fruit and this is the outcome of iman. And especially in times of
hardships and difficulties, you must stay connected with Allah
Bucha Jana NuCalm and have strong Tawakkol in trust in Allah
subhanahu wa taala then Allah subhanho wa Taala will never leave
you alone. And rather Allah subhanahu wa Allah has promised
we're making yet our work call Allah Allah for who has who I will
put his trust in Allah, Allah subhanahu wa taala is sufficient
for him.
Allah subhanahu wa taala is probably one in nama I loosely use
Allah after difficulty after hardship is always ease is always
ease. And this is the statement this is the Promise of Allah and
we must believe in it and we must accept it We ask Allah subhanahu
wa taala the Teagle generic rom gives us trophies and ability to
strengthen and enhance our iman and our Yaqeen in our Tawakkol in
Allah Allah Jalla Vikram Subhana Allah Morbihan dig a shadow Allah
Allah heyland A soul Furukawa