Zaid Shakir – Ramadan And Allah’s Mercy – 8 -3 -12

Zaid Shakir
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The discussion covers the history and importance of Islam, including its rise as a monogen and the "med strict" rule. The "med strict" rule is the military rule and the church's rule. The "med strict" rule is the church's rule, and the "med strict" rule is the military's rule. The "med strict" rule is the military's rule, and the "med strict" rule is the church's rule. The importance of fasting, expressing one's love for someone, finding one's own pleasure, and achieving security from the "any event" is emphasized. The importance of security and natural rhythm in shaping the world is also discussed.

AI: Summary ©

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			Hello Hello.
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			Hello Oh
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			and then it hadn't any law learning medal winners stayed on as coal fuel
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			when a stock fell over one or two who even won over Billa Himanshu Rory and fusina women say
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			usually he loved Moodle Allah wanting you to live further ahead. Why Chevron?
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			In no more way the hula Cherie Taylor as Shadow and say you Donna Mohamed and you are a fool
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			you Hello the couple Allahu Akbar to party house party he will tell you tune in lower into sling.
Yeah. Are you headed NASA Takamura Docomo lady Kadapa
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			Hida Hello Carmen has Oda of FM in Houma. Regina and Kathy are Omani
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			with Taku and Lady tends to be he was our ham in a while. Hey, can I need from ropey back? Yeah, are
you Hello? Taco Hola. Hello Pulu Holand Sadie that your select local animal we all feel a kung fu
back on one main Yota inlet Rasulullah who found out first Fosun of the map and map alpha and
stockpile Hadith he Kitab La La Jolla Ron had he had you Mohammed and Allahu RNA he was selling
them. Were showing more to have the cooler Masha.
00:02:28 --> 00:03:01
			Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah 10 phenom Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, he led the head Erland he has
120 or Lola and head down a walk. All praise is due to Allah has guided us to this to Islam, and we
will not have been able to guide ourselves had not Allah guided us. So when we say Alhamdulillah he
had done and he had all praise is due to Allah Who has guided us to this. What is this? What is
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			This is this love. This gathering is Islam. The ability to bring people together. Despite race
ethnicity, gender class, is Islam, the ability to create bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood between
human beings from disparate races and ethnicities and social classes and different backgrounds and
and linguistic families. This is the power of the snap. And this power has been demonstrated from
the earliest days of Islam. If we look at the earliest days of Islam,
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			the beginning of Islam we saw the Arabs were brought in such as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
send them in Abu Bakr and Omar men and our need and the Hadith and I shall fault him or Radi Allahu
Anhu as nine the Arabs were brought together with the Asians such as Salman and Pharisee. And with
the African such as beloved and Habashi were baraka and have a Shia Amon and many others and brought
together with the European such as to Hey by Rumi. Islam from the V from his onset, brought people
together, not only from different races, the Asian the Arab, the European, the African. It also
brought people from his onset of different social classes together Zaven Hadith and one of the first
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			Muslims the first four, to accept Islam was a servant was a liberated slave who had absolutely no
wealth. And even at the toilet was an orphan, a young person with no wealth, Khadija, or the other
one had the very first Muslim, the very first human being
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			To believe in the mission of Mohamed Salah wine he was Saddam was wealthy as we all know, she was a
wealthy business lady. Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah. One of those first four Muslims was a wealthy
individual. And then he brought him in his friends into Islam, such as Earth man Radi Allahu Anhu
was wealthy man that was wealthy, and they joined those who will convert subsequently such as VLAN
Rhodiola Huang, who was an impoverished slave, slave and many others. So we see from the onset,
Islam had this power to bring people together, despite their races, despite their social classes,
and that ability has continued throughout history. This is Islam.
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			This is Islam learn hamdulillah Ramadan is lead this beautiful opportunity Allah to Allah has given
us there are people who make an empty claim. But unfortunately, sometimes empty claims fall on empty
heads, which have nothing between the two ears, and then they resonate in the hearts of individuals
who are living empty lives.
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			Then hamdulillah and empty claim
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			that Allah subhanho wa Taala is a mercy this guy.
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			You've all heard it.
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			They Allah. That's how the people who events these empty claims usually pronounced it. Allah
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			is a stern God
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			is the Mercy this guy. Ramadan alone is sufficient to refute that claim. We don't have to look at
any other teaching of the sneath except Ramadan, which is a month of mercy. The Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam he described this month oh well who Ratanak
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			what all sorts of hormones Farah were feeling at covenant law is first days of mercy. Its middle
days a monk Farah. The days were in now, and his latter days and liberation from the fire of *.
But as if the Rajiv and humbly mentioned all of that is mercy, and all of that is forgiveness, and
all of it is liberation from the fire of *.
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			All of that is mercy.
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			The entire month is an embodiment of mercy. And the entire month is an embodiment of forgiveness,
and the entire month provides us an opportunity to liberate ourselves from the fire of *. While
one manifestation of the Mercy
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			is the incredible opportunity, Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us to build up an unimaginable
storehouse or treasure trove of good deeds for our soul. We mentioned in the nightly lessons here.
When the prophets Allah Allah RNA was said to mention as related by Ebihara, Iran and the whole
right on top of the Allahu Akbar Khan, Allah rasool Allah his solo Allahu alayhi wa sallam coulomb
Kula I'm living the Adam Allahu Allah has center to be as union 30 have a less severe mirror this
will call Allah who has the word Jan. in lessly. Emma fit into who Lee when Anna sGv Terra, Terra
Kashia wetter water animal Sharada human as the last saw me for Hatton Farhat owner in the factory
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			he will Farhat en en de Luca and Ravi whether Hulu for water Hulu for family saw in the app to go
and Allah and Marie and mist. So he says that all of the actions the human being does are for him or
her and good deeds are multiplied 10 times over up to 700 times over and then another version of a
similar Hadith Allah Allah often cathedra many times over 700
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			will call Allah who has the widget and Allah Tala says except fasting that is mine I will reward the
servant for that or with that the fasting being Allah Tyler's is a manifestation of His mercy had a
lot Tyler left the fasting in our possession as he left the reward for our prayer and the reward for
for our Qur'an and the reward for our ADKAR the reward for our hearts and the reward for our own
branded reward for our Qur'an reward for all the good deeds that we do. Have he left the fasting in
our possession? And y'all know if those people we have wrong they call
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			And they take from our good deeds and they take from our good deeds, they will be able to take from
the reward of our fast but that isn't ours. And so some people who've oppressed people or animals or
trees or the environment to such an extent that all of their good deeds will be exhausted
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			no one will be able to take the reward from for the fast and the reward for the fast will be
returned to the servant and for many people they will be entered into paradise based on the reward
of the fast alone because that's all they will have.
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			This is the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			reserving the reward from the fast for himself in LA Ciana for inner who Lee when an ACV Allah Tala
says to us one man to hug the movie and physical men Hayden Ted you do and Allah will hire on we're
on the edge era was self law in Allah Allah for Rahim wherever you sin for for good deeds you will
find it with Allah
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			and what are we sure to find? It's the best thing we'll hire on the edge era and it's the greatest
reward what are we sure to find with Allah the reward of our faculty?
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			We might find other things but for sure we will find the reward of assassin because the law says
that's mine for in New Who Lee
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			when they select a apna Adam It's for me it's not yours Oh son of Adam.
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			It's the law times who will hire Ron and whatever is associated with the law is surely the best.
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			What I love the edgy rock and whatever reward Allah Thailand has reserved for himself to convey to
the servant yo piano is surely the greatest reward what are the edgy rock?
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			What are the Euro was so through our knowing that? Is there any thing we can do except seek Allah's
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			for our shortcomings
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			for our mistakes.
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			Far transgressions are stuff who are in Allah Allah for Rahim Verily Allah is Most forgiving, Most
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			Allah is Most forgiving, Most Merciful. Amongst his mercy. The other verse interpretation of in law
see an offender will leave that all of the deeds will be multiplied 10 times or 700 times. And
Ramadan is one occasion for the 700. The normal deed is multiply 70 times and the normal do is
multiply 10 and 10 times 70 is 770 near death, or many times over that we'll call Allah azza wa jal
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			in normal liwan SVB, another interpretation the URL and that they say the reward for the fast thing
has no numerical limits. Or the other actions will be multiply 10 times 700 times many, many times
over that. We'll call the law as the word Jen in Los crmf In the holy war and HCB, except fasting.
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			Why fasting? As you read an essay because fasting is a manifestation of patience.
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			It takes an entire month it takes an entire long day to get through the fast. The believer has the
patience to persevere. It's not over in five or 10 minutes like the prayer is not over as soon as
you write the check or gather up the livestock and give it to the person who's collecting it. Like
this cat. It's not over him for five or six days like the hatch.
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			It takes an entire month.
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			It takes there is no downtime in the fasting.
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			* there's downtime
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			there's no downtime and fasting
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			so it's a manifestation of patience. What is the reward for the patient? Allah Tala patient person,
Allah Tala mentioned in the Quran and Nana you were for sabe Runa as your rahoon the Rayleigh he
said the SAS is the patient people will be given their reward with no numerical limits be a lady he
said. In Nana, you were foresaw the goona edge era who believes it he said so it's only fitting that
fasting be a manifestation of patients should have an unlimited reward and the unlimited
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			It rewards from fasting is one of the manifestation of Allah subhanho wa Taala has mercy
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			and what nothing in this world
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			can rival the reward of our fast
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			because something was no numerical limits, anything in this world is finite.
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			Anything in this physical universe is finite.
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			It has a limit.
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			And so what does Allah Tala say emphasizing manifestations of His of His Mercy of Allah say to the
Mohammed Khan the fourth nila, he won't be rahmati Febi daddy Kefalonia Farah who who will highly
wrote the message,
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			say in the Mercy of Allah, and the unlimited reward of the fasting is one of the manifestations of
Allah to Allah's mercy, say in the mercy of the Grace of Allah rather, and His mercy in this let
them rejoice, called the family name will be Rometty he said his daddy can sell Yahoo. Who are high
yield on Monday, yes, Merrill is better than anything that got other from this world. Why? Because
anything, anyone at any time in any era, any any part of human history can gather from this world is
limited and finite.
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			And the manifestations of Allah's mercy are unlimited and infinite and infinite. And the grace and
mercy of Allah that the believer collects for himself or for herself in this month is from the
infinite grace and the infinite mercy of Allah subhanho wa taala. And so is bound to be better than
the finite things, anything, anyone rather can collect from this world, the fugly let go of you
right Murthy? Febby then he carefully Afra who in this let them rejoice, who are higher on lineage
is better than anything they can collect or gather from this world? Because this finite world, this
world of limitations
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			Febby then he can sell your front row. So in the Hadith, the Prophet and this them rejoice.
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			In this let them delight the prophets Allah Allah who I knew was suddenly mentioned.
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			In the Hadith, we opened the cookout with a saw me for Hatton Farhatullah, and a three or four
Hatton and aloha erupted. The first thing person will have to delights two times of rejoicing when
he or she
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			breaks their fast and when he or she meets them.
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			And a factory he won't be
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			the delight when we break our fast is palpable. We all have experienced
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			we all know
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			it's great. And it's a manifestation again of Allah's mercy. That number one, Allah subhanho wa
Taala has given us the inclination and the motivation to fast
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			everyone knows someone here everyone here knows someone rather
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			who claims to be a Muslim who isn't fast.
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			They might not be many everyone knows someone
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			that can be any one of us. We're not for Allah Tala has mercy upon us to instill in us the desire to
have SASS
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			or the that he kind of filling up fro This is an occasion for rejoicing that Allah Tala gives us
something to break the fast with.
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			Allah Tala gives us something that they break the fast. The simpler, the better.
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			Sometimes it's just a cold glass of water. Sometimes it's just a sucking in date.
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			Getting hungry.
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			But you had the Silkworth tar then you had to do something you couldn't deal with the big meal and
found so much satisfaction in that glass of water. Maybe you couldn't eat for two or three hours
after that because of whatever you will wrapped up with. Or that one day managed to put in your
pocket or somewhere. Maybe a little less messy than having a data in your pocket.
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			And then you're on the run. Hustling, pull the data out. Allahu Akbar.
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			And the Mercy was palpable. You can feel the mercy.
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			This is great, a great great manifestation of Allah's mercy and Allah says, Allah Allah, the Prophet
of Allah brother says this will be one of the great delights for her to end the fifth three. And the
delight also comes in knowing that I'm not just eating or drinking, and eating and drinking based on
the commandment of Allah subhanho wa Taala just as I broke off eating and drinking in the morning
based on the commandment of Allah, and this is how the fasting builds up the taqwa of the
individual. One of the great rationales for the fasting as a long mentions in the end Yeah, you
handed in Amman. Yeah, you handed in cootie binding almost Australia, Canada cruelty violent lady in
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			publikum law. Dr. Cohn, oh, you believers fasting has been enjoined upon you as it was enjoined upon
those who preceded you, and order that you will grow in your taco you will grow in your
consciousness of Allah subhanho wa taala. So over a period of a month,
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			when every day, a person stops eating, and stops drinking that which is lawful, based on the
commandment of Allah.
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			And then in the evening, a person resumed eating and resumes drinking, based on the commandment of
Allah subhanho wa taala. And as you mentioned last night,
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			breaking the fast property once one is affirm that the sun is actually set
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			is virtuous, there is no virtue in waiting until midnight to eat.
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			There is no virtue in waiting to the next day, you know, I'm a tough guy, I can tough it out. And I
want to eat tonight. There is no virtue in that. The Virtue is obeying the commandment of Allah
subhanho wa taala. So when Allah says, don't eat, we stop eating. And when Allah says eat, we eat.
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			Based on his commandment, this is what inculcates the taqwa into our hearts.
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			And this is what allows us as we leave Ramadan, through the rest of the year to move based on the
commandments and prohibitions of Allah subhanho wa taala. And that's the essence of catalyst
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			to move and live a life based on the commandments and prohibitions of Allah. subhanho wa taala.
That's the essence of Taqwa.
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			In fact, that's the essence of the *.
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			Now law gives us autofeed
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			Farhaan, and the fifth three, so one has joy and knowing I have successfully obeyed My Lord, I have
successfully undertaken the commandment of my Lord, I have successfully done that which is pleasing
to my Lord. And this should be an occasion for great delight. Why? Because the believer when Lady
Anna Anna, who a sheikh to help them he left, those who believe are more intense in their love of
Allah, a believer loves his Lord, or she loves her Lord. And when someone loves someone, they get
great delight out of doing those things that makes their beloved happy,
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			true or false,
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			give great delight
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			in making their beloved happy.
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			So knowing I've done that which is pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala is a source of joy.
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			And that enhances the love
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			that deepens the love.
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			And this is the highest level of fasting. There is fasting from food and drink, and there's fasting
from anything that preoccupies the believers heart from Allah subhanaw taala.
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			That's the love
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			and those are the people and who had boom.
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			Those who love Allah subhanho wa Taala and those who Allah loves. Those are the people
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			who will change the course of nations. Those are the people who will change the course of history.
So when Allah Tyler talks about the believers and the mission of the believers in this world, what
does he say? Yeah, you have lady in Amman who may or take them in command Dini for Sophia Tila, who
be called you hit Go home, we hit buena and synlett in Ireland meaning or is it in Ireland, Kathie
Lee uj he during the feasts of the
00:25:00 --> 00:25:46
			Hola Hola yo ha phone Hello Metalla em there Lika fotball loyalty Manisha wala who is your ally? Oh
you believers whoever returns back on the mission may or take them in command Dini working for the
religion, sacrificing for the religion, making efforts to establish the religion in the land and in
the hearts of the servants for Sophia yet to know with herself yet dilemma will be a common Allah
will bring another people and what is the first characteristic of those people who will bring who
are not turned back on the mission who will not stand down but will stand up you hippo home while
you hit buena? They love Him and He loves them.
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			He loves them rather and they love him. You hippo whom will you have boon.
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			So Ramadan is an opportunity for us to cultivate into the depths of our consciousness, the love of
Allah subhanho wa taala.
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			Seeking the pleasure of the Beloved, rejoicing and pleasing the beloved, * just hang on a second
Elon said Febi a la Europe B Kuma to Cathy ban is the reward for good ever anything other than good.
If you love Allah with sincerity for sure, Allah Tyler will love you.
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			And there's a huge difference between us loving a lot Allah and Allah to have a loving us.
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			Our love comes from our jaded hearts. But Allah Tyler's love comes from his infinite mercy, quality
and purity
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			big difference
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			now a lot of tile have blessed us to be amongst the lovers. More importantly male law tile have
blessed us to be amongst the Beloved of Allah Subhana
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			Allah Ramadan be a great boost for us and are striving to attain to that station
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			may this be a great impetus for us striving to attain to that station so those of the people you
have born on your hip boom
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			blesses to be amongst them were far Hatton and Ravi and delight when they meet the law
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			if you love someone but your love can only be expressed and correspondence
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			What is your state when you meet you have enough
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			you've only been corresponding
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			then you meet him or her somehow a lot
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			some people melt
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			some people become so ecstatic. They just they don't even know where they're at.
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			The love of Allah and the meeting with Allah can even be compared you name it, Romeo Juliet whoever
the deepest love of any lovers in this world,
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			the delight that they find when they meet each other cannot even be compared there are no human
terms that we can use to express how infinite the infinite the rather greater the delight of the
believer will be when he or she meets a loss.
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			And so Allah Tala in the Quran, can only express it and increase not in trying to describe some
beautiful scenes flowers or rivers or Allah Tala just says Linda the absolute listener was Yeah.
00:29:01 --> 00:29:16
			For those who do good in this world, they will have good listeners. Jana and Kristen is Jana was
here. And an increase in increase will be the meeting last. Wouldn't
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			that be a terrific vision?
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			So largest says Z
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			and increase y z app because it's increased over anything anyone could imagine is greater than that.
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			Little lady in Assam
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			Krisna Masha
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			Allah Allah blesses to do good.
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			Mariam Nestle Allah subhanho wa Taala ninja Alana Amina lady in Assam
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			theory, t have Wi Fi hayati, Wi Fi, RT Wi Fi cliched. Your kimono be here
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			The military or odd we have had the
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			honor solo law and FirstNet and Jana Lana welcome
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			for the Jamia Ness
00:30:17 --> 00:30:17
			for everyone
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			some people out there are Muslim yeah some people in here are Muslim that yeah
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			visitors if you're visiting not Muslim yet after the prayer you can become a Muslim
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			not now but then raise your hand and inshallah we can take care of you and shall
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			we want all the people to enjoy the blessings of Ramadan
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			we can go there's much more we'd like them to do this is Ramadan. This is a sufficient stop
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			for anyone that and
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			then the law. Farhan endocardial OB
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			Abdullah holy riverbed is finally here.
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			Man I know Laura at Walla Rhuddlan semi Wella Katara Allah Combi Basha, Allah has prepared for his
righteous servants in paradise, that which no eye has ever beheld. That which no ear has ever heard,
that which has never been imagined by any human.
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			Now Allah blesses us to see what our Prophet is speaking up to hear what our Prophet is speaking of.
And to experience that which we have never and could never even begin to imagine. A polo pony had
the worst awful lot it would have really set me
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			last fall, that was Santa Molesey, in any
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			say, Do you know Mohamed El Juana and he was saying,
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			if you're all in a lot of women,
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			rural and
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			so he was a new test me in warm, most nervous anymore, but
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			she didn't even
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			want to be in our property. I mean,
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			he was, he was
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			a lot of time has blessed us
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			with something some Muslims don't enjoy. And something we should never cease thanking Allah for.
That's security,
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			security, to meet the security to travel freely between our homes and whatever destination we
choose. This is a great blessing of Allah which should never be underestimated. We should never fail
to give thanks for it. Of course the violations and individual cases for our general state is that
we live in a state of security.
00:33:42 --> 00:33:53
			A lot of tiny mentions. One of the great blessing is the courageous experience. We experienced both
that I mentioned and Lady Adamo home in Zhu
00:33:54 --> 00:33:55
			Min how
00:33:57 --> 00:34:08
			he was fed them and driven off starvation and hunger from them. And we enjoy Apple food and drink
and then a human
00:34:09 --> 00:34:11
			and made them should secure from fear.
00:34:12 --> 00:34:41
			And we live lives our general experience we secure from people sisters leave for 12 Midnight after
the town and go unmolested to their cars. And we should always be security conscious of brothers
should be on the corner looking out. But generally if something happened, it will be anomalous, it
wouldn't be a normal, a normal situation. And this is quote unquote, one of the bad parts of town
00:34:48 --> 00:34:59
			people park their cars all around come to the Juma park three blocks this way three blocks that way,
walk freely to the gym and go back to their car to go about their business and safety as you
00:35:00 --> 00:35:00
00:35:01 --> 00:35:04
			with some of our Muslim brothers and sisters,
00:35:05 --> 00:35:06
			their security is threatened
00:35:08 --> 00:35:11
			and is can be violated as a norm.
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			Now we know the situation in Syria.
00:35:16 --> 00:35:23
			The security situation is extremely tenuous. And many of the cities cities and villages
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			same can be said in Afghanistan or Iraq or some parts of Yemen.
00:35:32 --> 00:35:34
			Philistine, of course
00:35:35 --> 00:35:37
			are now Burma, Myanmar.
00:35:40 --> 00:35:53
			So we should never neglect and fell to pray that the security we enjoy that Allah Tala extends it to
all of our brothers and sisters and faith and to all of our brothers and sisters in humanity.
00:35:54 --> 00:36:23
			That the dignity that Allah Tala has conferred upon us that Allah Tala blesses everyone to enjoy
that dignity. Because every human being has a right to live a dignified existence. A lot of times I
mentioned before and while Kolomna Benny Adam, we have been noble the human being and the Muslim is
dignified of humanity, the Muslims, the most noble and the most dignified.
00:36:25 --> 00:36:32
			And he or she should carry themselves with dignity. Even in Ramadan, we're fasting the days are
long, hold your head up, don't
00:36:35 --> 00:36:38
			hold your head up, show the dignity of Islam.
00:36:39 --> 00:36:48
			And who doesn't realize the hypocrites and that's a reflection just as the process of a Salam is a
reflection of the light of Allah.
00:36:50 --> 00:36:52
			And the believers reflect the prophetic life.
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			And one manifestation of that is the prophet reflects the dignity of the loss.
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			And the believers reflect the dignity of the prophets Allah and Allah mentioned in the Quran is the
truth. On your off duty he will invoke me Nina when I can when
00:37:13 --> 00:37:22
			Allah has honor and dignity as those the Prophet Messenger as do the believers it is the hypocrites
who realize it now
00:37:24 --> 00:37:28
			and you can extend this analogy inshallah the next Joomla
00:37:30 --> 00:37:56
			you have an opportunity and remember we can talk about this analogy of the Sun the purity and source
of light Allah Tala having his most perfect reflection in the prophets Allah Allah Allah Allah send
them so when the Prophet approached Medina What did the people say is Thailand that arrived at the
full moon has risen over us and the believers reflect that life and in the charity,
00:37:57 --> 00:38:01
			Allah Tala his charity all the things that we mentioned
00:38:02 --> 00:38:28
			at the outset of the hook by these are manifestations of Allah tireless generosity to us, and then
the process of self reflecting that to the fullest extent how is he described cannot Rasul Allah He
sold Allah and he was selling Edward and NASCI the prophets Allah Allah I knew a sudden was the most
generous of all people. And one characteristic that doesn't
00:38:29 --> 00:38:39
			attach itself to the believer is a miser. Levers, not a miser. Why? Because they reflect the
charitable nature of the prophets, some of love it will send
00:38:41 --> 00:39:31
			some Allah to Allah bless us to be fitting reflections of the nobility and dignity of Islam. A lot
of our field Muslimeen or needs the man or mean no, not me not. Even when am I open to the Kulu
banner that is head Atena will have lent him a little Kurama in the content we're have Rob banner
from Allina sovereign was set up there another one Soren Coleman Kathleen Rob banner forgotten in
Scotland was set up Adana will tell us the mean whilst one whilst you learn and waterhemp and no
Nana phones for a little while McAfee Allah him and Nana Ruby come in and and we will hazard when a
road to becoming an icy when kesin when a rule will be coming and Jubilee will buckle when Rosa
00:39:31 --> 00:39:35
			became an elevated Dane mocha who reached out when a rodent became in a
00:39:37 --> 00:39:37
			million house.
00:39:39 --> 00:39:55
			Allah Mata cabin Mina Zina wanna tell us that Allah has abandoned them Nagar Lake official Ramadan
Hola Hola, daddy Lana Sina the admin Sharika Ramadan, Allah Who Mata Abdullah minizinc Nevada
00:39:56 --> 00:39:59
			and tanto Lana en su not a little problem caffeine Eve
00:40:00 --> 00:40:02
			Subhana rafiqul Rumblers