Yusha Evans – Eid Mubarak 2024

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The speaker discusses the upcoming celebration of the Khubban, emphasizing the importance of taking action and respecting the community. They also mention the upcoming celebration of the end of humanity and offer a recitation for those affected by it. The speaker emphasizes the need for action to prevent future events.
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Today is a auspicious day. It's a it's
a day of celebration.
But with that we have to also try
to remind ourselves that while we celebrate, there
are many parts of this Ummah. There are
many Muslim brothers and sisters throughout our ummah,
especially our brothers and sisters in Gaza who
are not able to celebrate. They are going
through days of mourning still. So So we
have to keep that as an undertone insha'aamahu
ta'ala. But for one thing I can assure
you is that we have to celebrate the
days of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and this
is one of the auspicious days the prophet
alaihi salatu wa salam said there are there
are 2 aids for the Muslims.
So may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
reward all of you for making it to
this day. This is an accomplishment. A lot
of people don't understand that making it to
this day at the end of Ramadan
is by the favor and grace of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala. The only reason you were
able to make it through this Ramadan and
meet the very end of it was through
the favor and mercy of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala. There are many people who were alive
last year hoping to make a better Ramadan
this year that did not make it to
this Ramadan. There were people who are alive
at the beginning of Ramadan
hoping to see the end of it and
see this day of Eid that did not
make it. So it is only by the
favor of Allah that you have made it
to this day. So we must celebrate that
and we must understand that not only is
this a day of celebration,
but today what I would like for us
to do insha'allahu ta'ala is make this a
day of new beginnings. This is a day
of new beginnings for all of us, insha'allah.
1st and foremost, the day of new beginnings
for masjid Saladin.
Alhamdulillah has honored us and favored us to
be able to have something that is called
the house of Allah, Baydulillah on earth. The
Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, These are
the most beloved spots
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala on this planet.
The most beloved pieces of land on the
planet to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala or the
masajid. And Allah has given us the favor
and honor to be caretakers and and responsible
for one of those most beautiful and most
honored places with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So
So it's a new beginning for Mashid salahadeen.
But I also want you to make it
a new beginning for you. The point of
Ramadan is changed, is to become a new
Allah says, so that you can obtain taqwa.
So the whole point of Ramadan
is to start new. You've been given a
chance. We've done whatever we've done over the
past 11 months before Ramadan, and now Allah
has given us this favorite and honored month,
where we turn to him. We give we
fast for him. We give extra salah for
him, we do extra qiyam for him, we
do extra qira'a, recitation of the Quran for
him. And the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
said, no one receives a complete Ramadan accepted
by Allah, but it is forgiveness for them.
It is forgiveness for everything that came before
it. So this is a chance for new
New beginnings.
The scholars have said that you can tell
and accept the Ramadan
if you are a different person after it.
If you're a different person after it, has
it changed you? So let us keep up
some of these habits. We've developed many habits
during Ramadan. The habits of abstaining from food
and drink, you don't have to do that
as much anymore, unless those of you who
want to keep the fast of Mondays Thursdays
or you want to keep the white fast
or the white days, that that's good. It's
also good for your health, by the way.
But some of the habits that we kept,
keeping away from vain talk, keeping away from
idle talk, keeping away from things that were
haram, keeping away from things that distracted us
from Allah
Let's keep some of those things up. Because
what happens if we're able to keep some
of those habits to Ramadan next year, then
we can increase next year, and we can
become a better and better person every single
year. That is the goal. The goal is
that every single Ramadan, we get a little
bit better and a little bit better and
a little bit better. So now that Allah
has given us a clean slate, let's not
run out there and, you know, just start
dirtying it up again right away. Kind of
like when your your wife cleans the house.
What is the first thing she tell you
to do when you come home? Don't make
a mess. I just clean this place. Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling you, I've just
cleaned you. I've just given you a new
start. Don't go right now and make a
whole mess of the place. So let's take
this opportunity to celebrate with our family and
friends. But I want to remind you as
we end the Khubban, sha Allah,
that this a'id
a small
kind of
circumference of what will become a great Eid.
What will the great Eid be? The great
Eid will be when
we all meet in Jannah. When we all
meet in Jannah, the great Eid will happen.
said, when all of us have entered into
when everybody's gone to Jannah, and all of
us are there, we're enjoying ourselves,
a caller will call throughout Jannah and say
peace be upon all the people of Jannah.
Allah has asked you to come to to
a place to visit him. And there's this
big field in Jannah. This is the great
day. This is our This will be the
aid that we'll never ever forget.
And when we're all brought to that place
This is this is a long story you'll
find in it's
a collection of different hadith. When we're all
brought to that place, we know our place.
Some of us will have thrones
light and jewels and emuls. Some of us
will be sitting on cushions of green brocade.
Some of us, you know, like myself, we
probably just be sitting in the back on
the grass somewhere, I'm okay wherever I'm at,
inshallah. Long as I get there, it don't
matter. But then, Allah will have his throne
brought near to that place. And he will
come to the people of Jannah, and he
will say, peace
be upon you, oh people of paradise. And
we all respond and say,
Oh Allah, you are peace and from you
comes peace. And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will
say, today is the day of increase that
I promised you. Today is the day that
I promised you. So ask me for anything,
and I'll give it to you. And our
response will be, have you not already made
our faces bright? Have you not already lightened
our scales, and made heavy our good deeds,
and entered us into this place? What else
could we want? And Allah says, yes I
know but still I want to give you
something so ask me anything. And there is
only one thing we can think of. There's
only one thing all of us can think
of on that day.
And we say, my lord,
let us see you. We worshiped you for
so long.
We worshiped you on this earth and we
never saw you. We never we never saw
you. We worshiped you as though we did
see you. This is the the element of
of of of having good consciousness of Allah.
To worship Allah as though you see him.
If not, know that he sees you. We
never saw you so let us see him.
And the prophet
said that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will lift
his veil because Allah has a veil of
light that prevents
him from being seen in this world. They're
being seen anywhere.
And the prophet
said, there will be a light that will
shine all throughout Jannah. And that light is
so bright and it is so powerful, that
if Allah had not willed, it would have
destroyed creation. It would destroy everything.
And that day we will be able to
meet Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And he will
call each and every single one of us,
1 by 1 on that day. Remember, time
is not a concept anymore. Time doesn't matter.
He calls us 1 by 1 by 1.
And what does he do? This is the
beautiful thing about this. What does he do?
He starts telling us about our sins.
SubhanAllah. We go for Allah and he starts
telling us, you remember that day you disobeyed
me? You remember this sin you committed? You
remember this transgression? He keeps repeating to us
our sins over and over and over again.
Until we are afraid, we're gonna be thrown
out of Jannah. We're so worried. We're like,
oh, we we thought we made it, we
didn't make it. So we ask Allah, my
lord, can you not forgive me? Can you
not have mercy on me? Yes, I know
I did all of those things, but can
you not have mercy on me? And the
Lord reminds us, my slave,
had it not been for my mercy,
you would not have made it this far.
So I have forgiven you. But this is
Allah reminding us of his beautiful bounty and
mercy. How great is his mercy to us.
This is his reminding us. This is the
great day of
that I hope we all get to celebrate
together in Jannah.
May Allah
accept our fast. May Allah
accept our PM. May Allah
accept our salah. May Allah accept our recitation
in this beautiful month inshallah.
Stand up and greet everybody.
If I literally just got over a call.
I I don't think I'm contagious, but if
you have a weakened immune system, then just
say salaam to me from a distance inshallah.