Youssra Kamel Kandil – Duaa Supplication For Beneficial Knowledge
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The speaker shares their experience praying in a library for a book, which brings together knowledge and passion. They emphasize the importance of having beneficial knowledge to achieve success in sport and in life.
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. So I'm sharing with you today the place that I usually like to pray in when I'm at work, and it's actually in the library between the books around all these lovely books over here. Something about being surrounded with books and knowledge, I don't know. But um, it just brings to mind at the heart that Satan or Mohamed Salah Salem uses say, and he used to say Allahumma inni as a Luca eliminare fan, oh Allah truly I asked you for beneficial knowledge. Now, he didn't just for ask for any knowledge because we all have knowledge of something or the other, whether it's, you know, who's the best, you know, team in such and such sport or I
don't know who won what or what singer this or how to do this or to do that. But the importance of having beneficial knowledge is that it benefits benefits or sorry in this dunya and helps us get where we want to be in the accident sha Allah, so it benefits us here and in the ACA. So, again, along the knee as alcohol moneta and always ask Allah subhanaw taala to give you not any knowledge, but beneficial knowledge. Oh Allah, truly I ask you for beneficial knowledge and mean