Yousef Bakeer – Who is A Real Muslim

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The characteristics of Islam, including its focus on fulfilling obligations, its use of words like Islam, and its use of words like "bringing on" and "naughtful" are discussed. The importance of leaving a mark on one's identity is emphasized, along with the promise of showing one's identity and leaving a positive impact on their lives. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of embracing the Prophet's promise to fulfill one's duties as Muslim and leaving an impact on their lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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The Sleeman Kathira and my bad man Zelena theory had a Minnesota

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Beautiful is that just recited in the second record so that was

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solid at number 30. Allah subhanaw taala says

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you know in the Levina call Rob Boone, Allah from Mr. Calm tetanus

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Zelo Allah he will Mala Allah to half wala Tarzana, whatever Shiro

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Bill Jannetty allottee quantum to Adam, in my opinion, this is

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summarizes the entire Deen of Islam.

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It actually tells me and you what Allah wants to see from us. What

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Allah wants to see from us. Allah here described who is the real

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Muslim? The characteristics of the people of faith have Eman. So he

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starts out by saying in the Levina call or a boon Allah, what is that

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exactly mean? The scholars in the automat spoke about this and said

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it means two things. Number one call or a boon Allah saying that

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Allah is my master, it means that you're constantly mindful of Allah

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subhanaw taala you're thinking about Allah subhanaw taala day and

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night, literally day and night, the first thing you do when you

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wake up, you're conscious, you're mindful, you're thinking about

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your Lord. Experts say that the first thing that you think about

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in the morning will have an impact on you the rest of the day. The

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first thing that you think about in the morning will have an impact

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on you the rest of the day. So imagine you're thinking about

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Allah subhanaw taala once you open your eyes, and you're seeing

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Alhamdulillah a levy Jana Barddhaman Americana we're liking

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the show ya Allah we praise You, because You give us life after

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death. And to you yet Allah will be restricted you're conscious of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala you're watching Allah subhanaw taala and

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you know for a fact that Allah is watching you that what means to be

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saying all with a boon Allah. Second thing scholars spoke about

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saying a boon Allah means that you're not shying away from your

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own Deen. You're not afraid to declare your faith in public.

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Despite all of the societal pressures, despite all of the

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society consequences. You're saying, I am Muslim, and you're

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not apologizing, apologizing for your own faith. You don't need to

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apologize for your own faith. I am Muslim, my name is Mohammed.

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Regardless you like or not, listen, suited facilite was

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revealed in Mecca. It's a McKeehan surah. And at that time, it was so

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hard to declare your faith. It's so hard to say I'm muslim. You

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have to sacrifice your life. You have to sacrifice your family's

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lives. You have to sacrifice your wealth. It's so hard. And yet

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Allah subhanaw taala is asking the Sahaba say Rob Boone, Allah.

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Now it is a little hard to say that you declare your faith as

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well. And so this is the first characteristic you don't shy away

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from your faith. You're not apologizing for me Muslim, you say

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Allah is my Rob.

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The second characteristic that Allah subhanaw taala mentioned in

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the list I didn't call upon Allah through muster calm

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is the karma means steadfastness. What does that mean? Well, the

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scholars give multiple definitions about what is the karma means. I

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really love what Abdullah does for the Allahu Anhu said, he said,

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basically, simply,

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is the karma means that you fulfill your obligations, your

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duties, your Salah, your CRM, your hash. Wallahi Islam is very

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simple. Sometimes we make it complicated. Islam is very simple.

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You're saying Allahu Rafi, you have that faith, you're conscious

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of Allah. And then you're publicly saying Allah is my rug, and then

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you're fulfilling your duties. In the Latina, Kaltura boon, Allah,

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semester, calm. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, There is

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Hydra word for those kinds of people. He said, tetanus xello

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Ali, whom will Mala Iike Allah alert Hafele wallet, what apps you

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build? Jannetty let you continue to add, he said on your deathbed,

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as you are departing from this dunya if you wish to live life,

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that basically having this mindfulness of Allah subhanaw

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taala and you're not shying away from your deen and you're

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fulfilling your duties along with what I mentioned the day before

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yesterday, you're giving Dawa as much as you can within your

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The you're leaving a mark in this dunya. This is all what Islam

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about, by the way, there's no more than this. Having your faith,

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you're not shying away from showing your identity. You're

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fulfilling your duties, and you're trying as much as you can to

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deliver the message of Islam to others. That's it. This is all

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about Islam about it's simple. The Promise of Allah subhanaw taala

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said that unnecessarily.

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The angels as they're leaving this world as their departure from this

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dunya The angels will descend to them. And this angels will have a

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message, the first meeting with those who are departing this dunya

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The angels will tell them latter half a lotta Don't be afraid. It's

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terrifying facing death. And leaving this world is terrifying

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because you don't know. You have this uncertainty about your

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future. I mean, the next world, you didn't know, where are you

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going? And so every single one will be terrified, of course. But

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then the angels in this moment, in this very hard moment, the angels

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will come up to you until you laugh. Don't be afraid. What a

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Don't be you know, don't be sad. No grief today.

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No grief about anything that happened to you in your world.

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Today, you should not be even concerned about the dunya that you

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left behind. The answers will come to you until you actually will

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build Jannetty let it continue to argue. Now we're bringing to you

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the good news. We promise you Jana allottee quantum to assume that

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you were continuously were promised today, we promise you

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that gender that you were looking for Subhanallah

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I would say this, you know, I would say

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what gives me certainty and you're clean about my faith after college

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was being in the service of washing a motor that they bought

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go into the room and washing a Muslim body.

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This experience gives me certainty. Because Wallahi every

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time you go and walk in the room, I highly recommend you to do it at

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least once at once. It's a life changing experience. At least once

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a life it's highly rewarded by by Allah subhanaw taala but once you

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walk in that room, you will feel one of two things.

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Either you will feel that your your heart is open.

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You just feel tranquility around. You just feel peace around. You

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just feel you smell that good smell you you will see that the

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deceit is comfortable, you will feel it Wallah you will feel the

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angel the angels around.

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We don't see it because the only one who sees it is this is the

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deceit. There's just like Allah subhanaw taala says in this area,

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but Wallahi you can feel it. And sometimes you just walk in the

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room and you feel like you would really want to get out of this

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room ASAP. You cannot stay. You just don't want to stay. Your

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chest is getting tighter. You don't want to stay in this room

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anymore. You will just feel it. Wallah, you will feel it. So again

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the believers and Eman the people faith that again, we have to count

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it again. Number one, declaring your faith in public you're not

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afraid or saying I'm Muslim. You have that faith mindfulness of

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Allah subhanaw taala declaring it fulfilling your duties as Muslim

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leaving an impact as much as you can. Allah's promise is that the

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angels will come to you and will bring you the good news last thing

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in the hotter weather inshallah so beautiful how Allah ended this

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area. He said app should have been generated, let me continue to

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assume you know, what does that mean?

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You know, we're bringing you the good news that you are going to

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enter Jannah that you are continuously being promised,

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meaning that you were actually embracing that plan, and actually

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repetitively hearing Allah subhanaw taala is telling you that

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you will be promised gender if you don't ever touch the Quran. You

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don't fall into that category of people that they were promised

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Jana can't continuously. You see my point. So this is this is one

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of the qualities in praising that Quran

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embracing and reading those eyes that Allah subhanaw taala prompts

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is huge and may Allah subhanaw taala make us among those who will

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go meet the angels with this beautiful news Yara bulahdelah

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mean, does that come along later on salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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wa barakato.

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