Yousef Bakeer – Spiritual Strength & Mental Health

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of faith practices in dealing emotions and mental health. They outline two scenarios where individuals experience anxiety and stress around tests and exams, including a study where a Prophet sall dollar was allam's friend made a beautiful note about the test. The speaker emphasizes the need for practice and practice to detox from anxiety.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah Madhu who want to stay you know who want to stop

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Now to be late I live in Cerulean fusina or sejati I'm Melina in the

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home and yeah de la Fela medulla. Woman noodle fella had yella wa

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shadow Allah Allah illallah wa sallahu lashari Kala Well, I shall

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do anna muhammadan I will do who was Sulu Allahumma salli wa sallim

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wa barik ala Nabina. Habib ana Muhammadan. While early he was

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sabe he was telling him to Sleeman Kathira Ahmedabad, Allah subhanaw

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taala says in the Quran

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you have the man who can all it all. It took hello how cotton

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cotton he wallet, to

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Wallet more to love and to Muslim.

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He says all believers have taqwa in Allah subhanaw taala which

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means that we should be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala we

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should be aware of him and we should protect ourselves from his

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punishment and his wrath. And we shouldn't allow ourselves to die,

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except in a state of submission to Him. The state of Islam instead of

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la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam. I begin my whole by by asking Allah subhanaw taala first

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and foremost, to send blessings and prayers upon our beloved

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prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allahumma Salli ala

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Sayidina Muhammad infil Pauline was Allah Allah he will act 18 was

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only Allah if Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Yama deen and my bad

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My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, as salaam aleikum wa

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rahmatullah wa barakatu.

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two weeks ago, had an interesting conversation with one of our

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Muslim youth

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came to my office, and he had really legitimate concern about

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his faith about Islam.

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And he said to me, sure, I'm sick and tired of hearing

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things related to mental health, when it comes to the religion,

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you'll always say, Pray, and your depression will vanish, pray, and

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your anxiety will be gone. And the practicality is not true. Because

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prayer is not helping me go over my depression.

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And subhanAllah it was it was it was a deep question. It was really

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profound question that got me to think about the subject in in a

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deeper level.

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And my response to this brother, I told him,

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first and foremost, define to me what depression you're talking

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Because according to what you are going to say, I will be able to

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give you the right response.

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Where to draw, I think the question that you need to ask, is

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that where to draw the line between the spiritual strength and

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mental health?

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In other words, when can you say that prayer will actually help you

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grow spiritually? Or you really need to see and seek medical

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intervention? Just make it very simple. Does prayer? Very simple

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question. Does prayer, help your mental health? I told him the

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direct answer is, yes, it does.

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Yes, prayer can help you in terms of your emotional growth.

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And this is not only the Islamic approach, this is the secular

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approach as well. Many studies, many studies spoke about how

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religion and how faith activities, engaging in faith activities will

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have an impact on your anxiety and your depression. There is a study

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that study that was published recently from international

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congress and religion and mental health. They spoke about how

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practicing your own faith makes you grow emotionally, and it will

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have an impact on your anxiety and depression. We say by increasing

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Your faith practices, it will decrease your depression or

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Now, he told me but in practicality I'm not seeing this.

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I'm not seeing that prayer is helping me.

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Didn't my answer to him I told him

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there are. And this is also, you know, experts, even secular, you

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know experts, Sikh, secular mental health professionals speak about

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They say there are three things that every one of us have

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our feelings,

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our thoughts, and our actions. We want you to memorize these three

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things very important. Everyone experiences this, everyone has

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these three things, you have your feelings, you have your thoughts,

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and you have your actions.

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Experts say that you have control over two of the three things, and

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you have absolutely no control over one of

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the things that you have control over me and you is our thoughts

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and our actions, we have no control over our feelings. In

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other words, we don't really control how we feel. But we do get

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to control how we think. And therefore, it will have an impact

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on your actions. So I told this brother, I'll give you two

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scenarios. And you please tell me if that plays a role in your

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mental health or not. I told him, imagine you wake up in the

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morning. The first thing you do in the morning, the first thing you

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do in the morning,

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you are actually feeling a little depressed. You're not demotivated

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to start your day. You just don't have any energy for the day.

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And you're still in your bed.

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Scenario A

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you actually give up getting off the bed, you hold your phone, and

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then you start scrolling on your phone getting to from Tik Tok to

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Instagram and then from Instagram, to other apps and just going

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through some videos

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and you stay in your bed for you know a little while in the

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And then eventually you start your day. That's Scenario A.

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Scenario B.

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You wake up in the morning

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and you're feeling demotivated

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and then you say do I always say call them in unknown? You say the

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dua of the morning. You say Alhamdulillah Allah de Yanni by

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them at a matinee where he lay him assure ya Allah I thank you

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yeah Allah I thank you for all the blessings that you have bestowed

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upon me. Your Allah I acknowledge all the blessings that you have

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bestowed upon me.

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And yeah, Allah, I'm grateful for you giving me life after minor

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death after sleeping. Yola, I thank you for giving me a new day.

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What you lay hidden issue, and yeah, Allah. I know for a fact

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that to you, or you will be resurrected. You're reminding

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yourself, you're refreshing your faith, you're reminding yourself

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by the day of judgments. You're starting up the first thing, now

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you're actually controlling your thoughts. You're forcing your

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thoughts to be positive in the morning to think about the

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blessings of Allah subhanaw taala and to refresh your faith, and

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then you force yourself remember two things that you can actually

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control your thoughts and your actions. So you force yourself and

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you get up.

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And you will make will do and you go and you praise Hydref

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and Allah he will be amazing. If you attend pleasure in Gemma, ask

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anyone who regularly attends first in JAMA. How do you feel getting

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out of the masjid when the winter when you see traces of light in

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the sky and it's about to be Sun sunrise. Sun is about to be

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rising. Ask anyone who experiences this what how do you feel? Well

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Allah he will tell you the I feel this very special feeling of

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sweetness. I feel happier. Just getting out of the masjid after

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fajr prayer after in engaging in in this beauty

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Before activity of a federal prayer, and then getting out and

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starting off my day, and before even praying Salat al Fajr. It's

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sooner the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is to perform a wholesome

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before any social gathering. So just imagine like this, you're

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starting your day, you're making dua to Allah, you're conscious of

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Allah, you are reminding yourself with your own faith, you go and

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you take a cold shower. And then you head to the masjid and pray

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these are two scenarios, I want you to tell me.

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Because experts say that the first thing that you do in the morning

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will have an impact on you the rest of the day, the first thing,

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the first, the very first thing that you do in the morning, it

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will have an impact on you the rest of the day. So imagine, you

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start off your day this way,

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versus the other scenario

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Wallahi by experience, by experience, scenario, B, you will

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feel more productive, you will feel more content, you feel that

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you have connected to your Rob, your Creator. And definitely that

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will have an impact on you the rest of the day. Imagine you do

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this on a daily basis. Imagine how your life will look like does

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mental health. Does your religiosity has an impact on your

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mental health? The answer is absolutely yes. Absolutely. Yes.

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The way you control your thoughts, you're thinking positively about

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Allah subhanaw taala many people that they go through difficult

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time or depression.

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One of the reasons why they're depressed is because the beat up

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themselves, they go hard to hard on themselves. And they think

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that's a punishment. And then the Islamic perspective will comes and

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tells them no.

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Islam and Allah subhanaw taala is actually rewarding you based on

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this difficult time that you're thinking you're you're going

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through the prophet Sallallahu sallam said, every single pain you

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feel. Now you saw my OC will Muslim. He said every single pain

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you feel even it's even if it's a little pain, if a little pain, it

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is rewarded from Allah subhanho wa taala. So imagine you're going

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through this difficult time, but yet, you're not beating up

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yourself, you're thinking that Allah is rewarding you going

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through this time, this this difficult time? Does Islam have

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anything to deal with anxiety? Absolutely, yes. And here is the

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line, there are two levels of anxiety that we're talking about.

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And that was so crucial for that for this brother to to understand,

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I told him there are two levels of anxiety.

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There is this normal level of anxiety that every human

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experiences me and you experiencing anxiety on a daily

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basis. And this is this is from the realm of Allah subhanaw taala.

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To actually process when we are in a dangerous position. processing

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this you have to have, you have to be a little anxious. When you're

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going through, you know, a position where you need to be

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cautious. The idea of being cautious comes from being a little

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anxious. And this is from the ROM of Allah subhanaw taala every one

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of us at some point of our lives, we will experience a level of

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Growing up, you have a test you will be anxious about your tests.

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In college, you're a little concerned, you're a little

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anxious, you have a little bit of an anxiety of your exams. And then

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when you graduate.

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People tend to be also anxious and have a lot of anxiety because you

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don't know whether you will get a job your very first job is

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something that you're you have an anxiety over and after this the

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process of seeking a spouse and getting married, you will

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experience some of the anxiety and then after getting married, after

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getting married, you will have an anxiety whether you have children

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or not. And after having children you still have some anxiety

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whether these children will be righteous or not. You have an

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anxiety over their health.

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You have an anxiety over their well being.

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And so you have two scenarios in the first level of anxiety. Either

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you give up yourself to this anxiety to to have control over

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you, or religion comes in place until you have Tokelau Allah

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subhanaw taala do everything within your means. And remember,

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remember that there is a Creator that has absolutely control over

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your affairs.

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People have an anxiety because things are

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uncertain, uncertain in the future you don't know. And Muslims

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believe in the sermon and that is Allah subhanaw taala over what's

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uncertain which are the things that you have control, no control

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Now tell me if Islam has an impact on your mental health or not?

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Absolutely, yes, absolutely. You know that Allah is in control

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therefore you will face yourself towards Allah and you will make

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the ayah Allah Ya Allah grant my children she fat your Allah grant

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my shoulders success your Allah grants me a good job. Yes, you're

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doing everything within your means.

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within your means you're doing absolutely everything that's

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needed from your side. But then there is a part that you have no

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control over. And Islam comes in this moment.

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Where you feel and you think you remind yourself by being you by

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putting your ultimate trust in Allah subhanaw taala that he will

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take care of you. Second level of anxiety that is more advanced,

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more serious, measured in anxiety that's crippling you from your

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daily activities.

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This moment, you definitely need to seek medical assistance, you

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will see a therapist and therapist will determine whether you

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actually need to see a psychiatrist, whether you need

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medical intervention or not.

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But that's the major and anxiety and the major depression. And even

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through this process, you're reminding yourself by Allah

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subhanaw taala because Allah is the Sheffy. Allah is the One who

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Now tell me

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if Islam has an impact on your mental health? The answer is

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absolutely yes. Then he told me another question. The second

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question, he said, Chef, did the Prophet sallallahu wasallam ever,

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you know, consider mental health as something that is really

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that the Sahaba considered mental health.

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Because nowadays you talk about religion and mental health, but

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even the Prophet didn't even it wasn't even concerned about mental

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health. I told him no, that's false.

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The Prophet sallallahu wasallam was definitely concerned about

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mental health. And there are a couple of occasions for the sake

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of time I'll share briefly in sha Allah to Allah, that you know that

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the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was actually concerned about his

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companions mental health.

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One of these incidents when Hasani beneath habits habit, while the

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Allahu anhu, one of the Sahaba, one of those who used to make

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beautiful poems for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, and he was

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very dear to the Prophet sallallahu Salah

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and Hassan Hassan hypnotherapist came to the Prophet in one of the

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battles the battle of 100 Duck,

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and he said to the Prophet Rasul Allah, I don't think I will be

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able to fight.

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I just, I get overwhelmed.

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And I don't think I'm going to be able to fight in this battle, the

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Prophet salallahu alayhi salam sent him to stay in the back and

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to, to stay in a castle with the children and the women. And he

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have excused him from being on the battlefield.

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And then some of the, you know, of the soldiers

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of Quraysh, sneaked and actually were too close to attack, the

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castle that has the woman and the children, along with her seventh

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episode, Allah Anna, and one of the Sahaba told him, aren't you,

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you know, you know, a fighter, go and defend us. And he said, I said

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to her, you know, that's why the I asked the prophets Allah sent

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excuse me, I don't think I'm going to be able to fight.

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Thinking about her sentiment type situation. In modern psychology,

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we have a diagnose for it.

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This man clearly had PTSD. He cannot process any sounds of the

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of the swords, because it triggers him and therefore, he will not be

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able to fight the Prophet salaallah alayhi salam has

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acknowledged his mental disability of being in the battlefield of

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Another situation that happened when this little boy lost his

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And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam approached this little boy and

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told him why are you actually you know, sitting alone.

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See, like, this is how we do in chat.

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When to go to hospital or go to God speak to patients is how we do

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it, to start to start off a conversation to see what's going

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on. And then after opening a conversation, just like the

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Prophet salallahu Salam did the second step, any Chaplain will

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tell you this. The second step is to actually acknowledge somebody's

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feelings. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told him Madatha

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Allah and no wife

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and his name was about oh, my wife, so he told him mad foul and

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no i Yeah, about oh, my is like, he came up with the beautiful

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rhythm that can actually make the kid excited to engage in a

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And then the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, like, how beautiful

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even the question is, he didn't tell him. What did you do to the

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He told him, what did the bird do?

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He did not want to overwhelm him. The guy's already crying. He's

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going through a difficult time, he acknowledged his feelings.

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And he did not give him any sense of guiltiness. He just told him

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like, what is going on with you? What's up?

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That was the approach of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, the other man other occasion, multiple, multiple

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incidents that happened at the time of the Prophet salallahu

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Salam, it showed you that mental health mattered to the prophets of

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Allah, Allah, your Salah when this man came to the Prophet and told

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him, I'm just overwhelmed with negative thoughts and I have a lot

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of debts to pay off and I'm just feeling not very well and the

00:21:38 --> 00:21:42

prophets of Allah, Allah Salam actually had a conversation with

00:21:42 --> 00:21:45

him acknowledged his feelings and he gives them a beautiful dua that

00:21:45 --> 00:21:48

we all know now Allah, how many how to become an Al Hamdulillah.

00:21:48 --> 00:21:52

Husband? Well, RGZ Wilkerson. Well, Bulkeley will jump in, why

00:21:52 --> 00:21:54

would you become an elevated day in your career as well beautiful

00:21:54 --> 00:21:57

da, that we can talk about later in sha Allah to Allah but this

00:21:57 --> 00:22:01

beautiful dua the Prophet SAW Selim, give him as a prescription

00:22:01 --> 00:22:05

to this brother, who came with a legitimate concern. Yes,

00:22:05 --> 00:22:09

psychology, knowledge was not something very advanced at the

00:22:09 --> 00:22:12

time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. But that did not mean

00:22:12 --> 00:22:15

that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam disregarded people's feelings and

00:22:15 --> 00:22:19

people's mental disabilities. In fact, in cutable, Burkinshaw,

00:22:19 --> 00:22:22

Allah, Allah will enter this incredible faith.

00:22:23 --> 00:22:25

If you open any Kitab, for

00:22:26 --> 00:22:31

any classical fifth book, you will find that some one of the

00:22:31 --> 00:22:37

conditions and why or whether your prayer, you're eligible for a

00:22:37 --> 00:22:41

prayer eligible for the cavalry eligible for fasting, one of these

00:22:41 --> 00:22:43

conditions is a lock,

00:22:44 --> 00:22:49

your intellect, your mental ability to practice that

00:22:49 --> 00:22:54

particularly better. And if you're not in the mental capacity, to

00:22:54 --> 00:22:58

practice your own religion, then you are excused. And guess what

00:22:58 --> 00:23:02

that was actually formed by the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and by

00:23:02 --> 00:23:06

the Sahaba and by tambourine. So to wrap all of this up,

00:23:08 --> 00:23:09

does Islam

00:23:10 --> 00:23:14

have an impact or faith have an impact on your mental health?

00:23:15 --> 00:23:22

Absolutely, yes. Does that disregard? You seek mental seeking

00:23:23 --> 00:23:27

help from professionals? Absolutely not? Absolutely not.

00:23:28 --> 00:23:31

Did the Prophet salallahu Salam acknowledge people that they have

00:23:31 --> 00:23:36

mental disabilities? Absolutely, yes. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe

00:23:36 --> 00:23:39

Salam did acknowledge those who are going through a difficult time

00:23:39 --> 00:23:41

with their mental well being.

00:23:42 --> 00:23:46

And so I encourage everybody in sha Allah, Allah, Allah, to always

00:23:46 --> 00:23:53

constantly reminding ourselves that yes, embracing engaging in

00:23:53 --> 00:23:58

salawat and NW sallallahu alayhi wa sallam engaging on the eyes in

00:23:58 --> 00:24:02

the morning, engaging in our silhouette will definitely have an

00:24:02 --> 00:24:08

impact on the way we feel and the way we process life and the way we

00:24:08 --> 00:24:11

look at life, may Allah subhanaw taala make us among those who will

00:24:11 --> 00:24:15

actually engaged in these beautiful acts of worship me hon.

00:24:15 --> 00:24:17

Allah Mina Kulu Kalia there was nothing Allah you will.

00:24:25 --> 00:24:28

Smilla Rahmanir Rahim o salat wa salam ala Rasulillah sallAllahu

00:24:28 --> 00:24:31

alayhi wa sallam Allah mafia Lana del bene were thrown off and FE M

00:24:31 --> 00:24:35

Rena with a bit Akadama on sadhana common, Catherine alone Marina

00:24:35 --> 00:24:39

haka. konasana Tobiah were in a bottle about and I was looking at

00:24:39 --> 00:24:41

stiniva Robinair habla and I mean, as well as you know what to react

00:24:41 --> 00:24:45

in a Kurata ion channel Matakana in mama welcome salah.

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