Yousef Bakeer – Powerful Dua of Prophet Yunus a.s

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the implementation of Prophet optimization, including the use of the term "the center of the heart" to describe anger and weaknesses, and the implementation of-thee optimization to describe pride and arrogance. The history of Prophet Luca's anger is also discussed, including his apologizing for mistakes and his name of the people in Iraq. The Nguni's origin is also mentioned, along with a woman named Kamala Ch irritia.
AI: Transcript ©
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Tell us up you're selling to Sleeman Kathira and my bad

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Alhamdulillah we're resuming the Quranic dua hamdu Lillahi Rabbil

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Alameen. We addressed 10 of those doors of the Quranic doors, and we

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said that there are 50 about 50 doors in the Quran and this is

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going to be inshallah Tada our 11th Da. And we're discussing

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today that of Prophet Yunus alayhi salam, as you see in the screen,

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this is a dua that was mentioned in the Quran Allah subhanaw taala

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says, where the Nguni is the hubba mahal demon forever one Allah naka

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de la la Fernanda fugu Lumet, a la ilaha illa Anta Suba Han in the

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con two min of volume in shallow they're working on the screen

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being Elijah. So this da

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was mentioned

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in a very critical time of Prophet Yunus. Alayhis Salam is life.

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And so

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and so, Prophet Yunus, Ali Salam, he was giving Dawa to his people

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for so many years. And his people was as tough as the people of

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Prophet Muhammad salah they rejected his message.

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And he was actually given power to large numbers of people Allah

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subhanaw taala describe in the Quran, there were actually more

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than 200,000 people

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meet at elfin rbse, dune 100,000 people or more. And imagine you

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have this responsibility on your shoulder to preach 200,000 people

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and these people are being very mean and the hurt your feelings

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and they're humiliated you and they're not accepting your dollar.

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So Prophet Yunus, Ali Salam, Allah starts with a new known in Arabic

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language means Hoot, another name of Ruth. Ruth means well, so well

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then noon, Allah has given him this title, that one with the

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whale. Why? Because the most important moments of his life

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happened during the will. So Allah has given him that title. So Allah

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said, and remember the man with the will, when he went off

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angrily, thinking we could not restrict him. The hubba mahal

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demand for one hola naka de la la. So first he was in a state of

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Second, he decided to leave his people because he didn't see any

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hope and these people, so he left. And when he left, he thought that

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Allah would not hold him will not restrict him. By the way. Some

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people think that Prophet Yunus challenged Allah and thought that

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Allah will not be able, Allah is not capable to restrict him. This

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is not what Allah meant here and this is not what Prophet Yunus

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alayhi salam has done. Yeah, so there are a means that he thought

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that Allah within, within, restrict him from leaving his

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Now, there's so many lessons we can glean from this from these

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words, actually. Prophet Yunus was angry, was in a state of anger.

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And some of us were were when we are in a state of anger.

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What we do is that we let anger control us. We don't control

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anger, we let anger control us.

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Here, Allah is addressing what Prophet knew the characteristic of

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Prophet Yunus Alehissalaam.

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Prophet Tunis did not let anger control him. Here. Allah said,

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Fernanda, the fair in Arabic language means hard facts means

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almost Sahaba it's a conjunction letter. It means that right away,

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he controlled his anger. And he turned back to Allah subhanaw

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taala. And he made dua for Allah to forgive him. And he admitted

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his faults. He said, I have done wrong. Wallahi this is so

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Because sometimes sometimes, our ego gets in the way to accept the

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truth. When we're so angry. Our arrogance sometimes gets in the

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way to humble ourself and accept the truth.

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Prophet Yunus, Ali Salam,

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he actually was in a situation where he was very furious, but he

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decided to call down

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to not let again anger control him, and then he turned back to

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said, Oh Allah, I have done wrong, please forgive me.

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Brothers and sisters,

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sometimes when we go on our day, either in our, you know, workplace

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or even in our houses,

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and we get involved in a situation where we're very angry.

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The first thing that we do is that we point the fingers.

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The first thing that we do that sometimes we play the victim,

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the first thing that we do, that it's so hard for us to admit our

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flaws, to admit our weaknesses, to turn the mirror towards ourself.

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And then look at this mirror and acknowledge your flaws.

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Here hear Allah described in the Quran and said, the best people,

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those who are in when they are in a state of anger were either mild

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or the Boo whom Yaffe rune. Allah does not want you to calm down.

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When you're angry. Allah wants me and you to take stuff a step

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further, and forgive those who made you angry. That's so hard. By

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the way, Prophet Yunus or Islam did not even mention to Allah that

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my people got me to that state of anger. Yes, I apologize. I

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apologize to Allah. But at the same time, I want you to know

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Allah that these people got me to this state of anger. Prophet Yunus

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was so concerned about himself and his action. When he got in this

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state of anger, he said, You know what, I will not get my arrogance

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in the way to humble myself and turn back to Allah and apologize

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to him.

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Prophet Yunus, Prophet Adam, and Iblees the three of them made a

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Profit Adam, and profit No. Prophet tuna salad Salam are

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granted the highest level of Jannah and a bliss is promised

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And that's because even though the three of them made a common

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mistake, or a mistake, but the difference between the three of

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them, Prophet Yunus Alayhis Salam, it admitted his faults.

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It admitted his mistake, acknowledge his mistake. And

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Prophet Adam Alayhis Salam did the same thing. But benna Valentina

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and fusina Oh Allah, we have done wrong,

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we have done wrong. So here Subhanak in the container volume

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in you are perfect, I am imperfect. Subhanak glorify You

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Allah, in the container volume in I have done wrong. Brothers and

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sisters. This is

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a dog that has a high a very high fuddle virtue. Prophet Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam rarely uses the eyes of prophets. But

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here, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam recited that I have Prophet

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Yunus and said, whoever is going through hardships, whoever a

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catastrophe hits, or whoever is going through a calamity, and say

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this dua, Allah subhanaw taala gives him a relief of this pain,

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and this hardships and these calamities. That's the promise of

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Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So again, the Nguni is

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dabba mahal demon prophet, a prophet UniStar is Salam Verba

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Madiba, he was very angry, fun Allah Nakamura la he thought that

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Allah wouldn't restrict him. Fernanda fille de Lumet right

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away, he acknowledged his flaws, he acknowledged his mistake, made

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dua to Allah in the depth of the night in the depths of the

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darkness and La ilaha illa Anta there is no god but you Allah,

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refreshing his faith Subhana cure perfect, I'm imperfect, in the

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content of volley mean, I have done wrong. Now.

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The question in sha Allah, Allah to the adults first,

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where Prophet Yunus or a Salam

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give dower to his people, what is the name of the place where

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Prophet Yunus Ali Salam give Dawa to his people and I see some

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people are in their phones searching for the answers.

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Yes, Dr. Mom

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Iraq when we were in Iraq

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that's wrong. They say it again because maybe I didn't hear you

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Summer rock No. It's very close to summer, but it's not summer. It's

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it's an expensive

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Blackseed honey

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I want to make sure you get

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the right answer right here. Yes

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Masha Allah wrong answer.

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It's actually

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from the sisters. Yes, sister.

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Oh, did you search it up? You promise? Okay, that's that's

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that's a right answer mashallah, it's 901. And that's very close to

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L Mosul city. There is a very Musa land very famous land in Iraq.

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That's right. And Sister you get the Blackseed. Honey.

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Congratulations. Now for the younger brothers right here.

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Prophet Yunus Alayhis Salam, I'm assuming that you guys learned

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this story in weekend school or something.

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I'll ask you a very simple question. You're ready.

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Okay. Who is the father of Prophet Yunus? What's his name? It's very,

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very easy question.

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I'll give you a hint.

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The first week after Ramadan? There is a brother give hotbar

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here it was that there was a second hotbar his last name is the

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name of the Father of prostitutes

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Is it too complicated?

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Come on, guys. Whoever says the answer I will put his picture

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inshallah next Saturday on the on the screen as an acknowledgement.

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What do you guys think?

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It is something.

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Okay, so I think yes, yes. The way he came now. Yeah.

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So the man, you're very close. So his name, Prophet Yusuf is a

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prophet Eunice's name. This hartron messing up the names of

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the prophets of Allah. Prophet Yunus. His name even though he's

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my brother. My brother's name is Jonas. His name is Eunice Edna

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Okay, you will lose in a matter that's his name Charlo tal. So now

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we're going to go over the tin tender as in sha Allah to Allah

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and this da so please say after me in sha Allah, where the Nguni is

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the hubba mahal Dibben

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I can hear you guys everybody insha Allah let's go whether Nguni

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Yvette hubba Mohammed ibn

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for one Allah naka de la la.

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Fernanda for volume at

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Allah Illa illa Anta

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so the Hanoch in the consuming of volley mean

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Robina attina Dunya Hasina?

00:12:53 --> 00:12:54

Well Phil ferati Hassan

00:12:56 --> 00:12:58

Joaquina either but now

00:13:00 --> 00:13:03

Rob be in the Lima and delta em in hiring for clear

00:13:07 --> 00:13:11

Rob bigil Nemo key masala tea will mean the reality

00:13:15 --> 00:13:16

Rob Bish roughly Saudi

00:13:18 --> 00:13:19

wire silly Emery.

00:13:21 --> 00:13:23

Why Lulu aka data melissani

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You have Kaku holy

00:13:29 --> 00:13:31

war called Rob be at the killing me mode holla set

00:13:34 --> 00:13:36

what Regeni Maharajah set

00:13:38 --> 00:13:39

watch our Lee

00:13:40 --> 00:13:44

Miller don't care soltana Masirah

00:13:47 --> 00:13:49

well Levina coluna

00:13:50 --> 00:13:56

pro bene heavy learner. Men as where Gina

00:13:57 --> 00:13:58

whether Rihanna Tina

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Kurata Yoon

00:14:02 --> 00:14:07

wa jal wa Jalna lil Muth Akina Imam

00:14:10 --> 00:14:13

Robbie letter any further

00:14:15 --> 00:14:17

we're under Hyrule where the scene

00:14:20 --> 00:14:22

for interval low

00:14:23 --> 00:14:29

for call has been hola La ilaha illa who?

00:14:31 --> 00:14:33

Allah les heater what CELT

00:14:34 --> 00:14:36

we're who are up pull out of Silla have him

00:14:39 --> 00:14:41

Rob be in the Lima

00:14:42 --> 00:14:44

and Zelda Ilya

00:14:45 --> 00:14:47

min hiring for kill.

00:14:49 --> 00:14:50

Rob benna

00:14:51 --> 00:14:53

TNF duniya Hasina.

00:14:54 --> 00:14:56

Where Fil A Herati Hasina

00:14:58 --> 00:14:59

Joaquina Banagher

00:15:00 --> 00:15:04

Does that Kamala Chiron Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

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