Yousef Bakeer – Imam Bukhari and His Credibility
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The history of Islam is discussed, including the birth of Islam in the Middle East and the return of Islam in the United States. The transcript provides information on various figures and figures of Islam, including the return of Islam in the Middle East and the return of Islam in the United States. A chef and a woman named Emmanuel Buhari discuss their past tests and narrations, as well as the importance of credibility and building trust with companies. A woman named Malmo Buhari lost $100,000 worth of dinars and was in a hardship situation, but was able to cover the loss and had a record to determine her credibility.
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While at Hamilton Illa and to Muslim moon, he says all believers
have taqwa in Allah subhanho wa Taala and Taqwa means that we
should be conscious of Allah subhanaw taala, who should be
aware of him, and we shouldn't allow ourselves to die, except in
a state of la ilaha illAllah Muhammadan rasul allah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam. I began my hotbar by asking Allah Who Subhana
wa Taala first and foremost, to send blessings and prayers among
our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Aloha
masala sending more and more barik ala Nabi you know, have you been a
Muhammad in Phil Abilene or suddenly we're selling one mo
barik ala Nabina, Medina, Muhammad and Phil Ashlyn are suddenly we're
selling more and more than Rick Allen Urbina, Wahhabi Bina
Muhammad in Philomela in Allah Illa yummy Dean, My Dear Brothers
and Sisters in Islam, as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa
listens and the life
of Imam Al Bukhari
Rahmatullah hiya Ali is a subject of so many books
and in today's hood by insha, Allah Tala,
I'm going to give you a very quick overview about his life and about
one of the most beautiful qualities that Imam Al Bukhari
has. So a man his name is Abu Abdullah that his cornea, Abu
Abdullah Mohammed, even Ismail Ibrahim Emil movie era, Al
Bukhari, that's his full name. His grand father, Aloe Vera was one of
the people who witnessed the Sahaba and revert to Islam at that
And Emmanuel Buhari
was very passionate about one subject and which is Al Hadith.
And we're gonna go in depth with this in sha Allah Tala. But in his
childhood was very interesting. He lost his eyesight at the age of
And then, with the tremendous desire that his mother made for
him, Allah subhanaw taala has returned his eyesight back.
In the Islamic books in the truth, we don't have a lot of information
about who his mother was. But we know her through this do is that
she made for ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala for her child to gain his
eyesight back. And subhanAllah. Just think about this. at very
young age, Allah gave him this huge tiller.
All of the legends, all of the hearers in the human history, had
to go through these kinds of hardships. No one actually made it
the easy way. If there are no hardships, no development, so Imam
Al Bukhari had to experience this at very young age. And then he had
a dream one time that he was one of the people who actually got to
change the world. And he woke up from that dream and said, I want
to be that one who actually changed the world. He had that
passion, how and when, and all of these questions, he did not have
answers at that time. But he said that he had that dream at very
young age. And then he realized that he had a lot of passion to
memorize al Hadith, right? So at the age of six, one time, he was
in a halacha.
And then his teacher was a scholar of Hadith. And he was actually
seeing one of the Hadith with the chain of narration. So he's saying
Zubayr, and you know, Sophia, and ismail and Ibrahim. So
Emmanuel Buhari at that time, six years old kid, raised his hand and
told him oh, by the way, there is something wrong with this chain of
narration, someone has to be missing. And then his teacher
looked at him was like, Who this who this kid, they wanted to show
me up with my halacha and then he said, go and review your love
your notes, and then the CHE went and checked his his low hands and
came back and realized that Imam Bukhari was right. So he told him,
you're right, but now tell me what what is actually the chain of
narration, the correct one, and then Imam Al Bukhari told him it
is Sophia and zubaid and eau de and you forgot all day. And then
Annie Brahim. And then the the teacher looked at him and told
him, say, a cool new Lukashenko.
Alvi. You have a great future bright future ahead of you. And
then at the age of 16, he actually decided to travel to Mecca to
study Hadith. That was his passion. I want to actually study
the words of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he
had that passion. So he went and he started his journey there. Fast
forward a little bit, the age of 22. He actually decided to go to
get the blessing of meeting Al Imam Muhammad and humble Radi
Allahu Anhu in Baghdad, so he got to travel like about 1000 miles to
go from Mecca to Baghdad to seek knowledge from Imam Muhammad
before his death.
Imam Al Bukhari at that time was will knowledgeable about Hadith
towards the age of 30. He was a great scholar. Everybody knows who
he is, if they're actually want to check any any of the Hadith or the
authenticity of a hadith, they got to travel all the way to Baghdad,
to look for a memorable hurry to ask them questions. And now
there's some jealousy we're around and some people you know, we're
questioning you know, that that qualification of Emmanuel Buhari
and there's like he has so much hype and we're not sure if this
hype is true. So the actually got to quiz him in public one time.
So in Masjid
Al Kabir feedback that one of the biggest massages in Baghdad at
that time, they told him come and we will test you and the Hadith.
And as As humans, we love drama. So a lot of people came and showed
up to the masjid at that time just to watch this kind of public test
with Imam Al Bukhari.
And then
the chef started reciting or reading 100 Hadees from Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam style
and he did something you know, he wanted to trick him honorable
curry. So he makes a match the Senate with the Mexican Senate, I
promise this is not I'm still a hadith class, but senate is the
narrator's and Ulmerton is the actual words of Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu wasallam. So, in number Armelle, orbignya, that's a metal,
right? These are the words of Prophet Homosassa. who narrated
this hadith. These these narrators we call it Senate. Right. So the
chef wanted to trick a mammal Buhari so he makes the match. So
he can say, A, B and C narrate it in an envelope in the yard. And in
fact, C, D and F, who are the ones who narrated that hadith? So for
me and you if we hear it now that I'm Albania to say like yeah, that
makes sense this hadith, but for Imam Al Bukhari, because he is a
master of this, if this knowledge, it won't make sense then because
there is something wrong in the narrator's. So every single Hadith
that the sheikh recited at Imam Bukhari, he used to say, I don't
know this hadith. I don't know this hadith. I don't know this
hadith until he completed the hundreds. And then he was like, in
a position where people will say that he's ignorant that he doesn't
know hundreds Hadees he doesn't, you know, people wouldn't realize
why he denied all of these Hadees. So Emmanuel Buhari because he had
this incredible sharp memory. He got to recite to him all of the
100 Hadees back with the wrong narrators. And he then he told
him, and these are the right narrators.
100 Hadees he memorized the wrong ones that he gave him, and he
fixed it and give him the 100 Hadees back with the right
narrations. The scholar said this is incredible, incredible talents
that Imam Al Bukhari had and then
fast forward a little bit. Emmanuel Buhari.
Was someone not just very knowledgeable about this field,
the field of Hadith? He got this honor to actually preserve our
deen because we drive our religion from Al Quran. Well, Hadith
not just that he was mastering that knowledge, but he had one
unique quality Subhanallah you know, I was just doing a research
about this concept of credibility and in the University of Nevada
They had a study for about three decades. And the asked people very
simple questions. They said, What makes a company very sustainable?
What makes you buy a product from a specific company?
And the second question was, what makes you follow a leader
to questions and the ask these questions to around 7000 CEOs and
managers in the US. And then the asked the same questions to people
that they live overseas, Africans, Asians, Latinos, Europeans, people
from different social classes,
people, different professions, engineers, doctors,
the asked every single one from different ethnicity and different
background, the simple questions, two questions, what makes a
company successful, sustainable,
and makes you buy their products? The second question was what, what
makes you follow a leader.
And of course, they got a lot of answers. But they say what was
very interesting is that on the top of this list, was this concept
of credibility.
They say, if some, if a company has the credibility, if the
company has this credibility, build that trust has this good
reputation, it makes me go and buy their products. And then they say,
for me to follow a leader, he has to have this sense of credibility.
If he doesn't have the sense of credibility, nobody will follow.
They will see them as fake. These are the words, summarize the
summarization of this study. Now Subhanallah, right before the
football is talking to one of my my friends who was the CEO of a
big company here, and I told him, would you hire someone who has all
the qualifications, he will get your job done. He's very
knowledgeable about this field. He will get all of your needs for
that work for that job to get to get it done.
And he has, you know, incredible skills. Would you hire that if he
doesn't have the sense of credibility? He told me absolutely
credibility for him. He said it's a veto power. If he doesn't have
credibility, he's not qualified for that job. Now, let's go back
to Imam
Emanuel, who had his credibility.
I will say this and you can quote me on this.
What made Sahil Buhari what it is now, even though so many scholars
and shaves tried to actually write books like Sahil Bukhari and it
never got the authenticity of that book. What made Suhail Buhari what
it is not because he demanded Buhari was the most knowledgeable
man, not because Imam Bukhari had the sharpest memory ever, not
because of all of this, it is because all of these reasons, in
addition to his credibility,
his credibility, and Subhanallah I'll give you a story that's very
unique story from his life. That actually summarized his his
concern about his credibility, one time towards the end of his life.
So he spoke about his childhood, spoke about a little bit about his
teenager life, and then towards 30s. Now we arrived almost to his
death. One time he was named this journey
for a business transaction, it was going for a business trip. And he
was in a ship.
Now, he was just sitting there, and then a random guy came up to
him. And, you know, he started chatting with him. And
Malibu Harry told him, You know, I'm going, you know, to that place
for for business purposes. And I have with me 100,000 dinars, you
know, 100 100,000 dinars. It's an equivalent of a quarter million
dollars. That's a lot of money at that time. So then I had this
100,000 dinars, and I'm actually pursuing that business. So we're
traveling towards that destination.
And this guy who was talking to Imam Bukhari was a man with low
character who was out
Today a thief.
So what he did
he spread the news that he lost 100,000 dinars.
Do you know, what did he do here? He flipped it around. He said to
everybody, I lost 100,000 dinars. Now when actually the captain and
the police will look for this 100,000 dinars they will find it
with who Emmanuel Bukhari so remember, Harry was in a very hard
situation now what's going to happen now the captain decided to
search the ship from the top to the bottom. The wanted to actually
see who stole this 100,000 dinars.
Emmanuel bahariya At this point, did something very unique. He
put the money on his on his sleeve and went all the way to the top of
the ship
and threw the money in the water
was something unexpected why you put it why would you put the money
in your sleeve like this going all the way to the top and then
through quarter million dollars.
And then when the search the ship, they couldn't find anything? So
the thief came to Malmo Buhari and told him, come on, where did you
hide the money?
I know you have that money. So remember how you told him you
know, I throw the money in the water. This like, are you fool.
You just got to throw all of this money to the water, you could have
just defended yourself. And honestly, like he can remember how
he knows the characteristics of this money. He can easily prove
that this money is his. But listen to what Emmanuel Buhari said. He
said, I've worked all of my life to make my credibility clean.
For the hadith of Rasulullah, sallAllahu wasallam to be accepted
from me.
And I'm not willing, I'm not willing to compensate this. This
is more worse than 100,000 dinars. So I would rather get rid of the
100,000 dinars for my credibility, to be very clean for my
reputation, to not be challenged. May Allah subhanaw taala make us
among those who are very cautious about our credibility. Zack Kamala
Jairo. Nakoda herself Allah the medulla
Smilla salatu salam, ala Rasulillah sallAllahu alayhi wa
sallam brothers and sisters, every one of us has a record
and this record will be determined based on our credibility. And this
this record affects us in our time in our lifetime, and even after
our death, so may Allah subhanaw taala help us to keep that record
very clean. So we go to him as exactly we were born, Allah
subhanaw taala give us Baraka in our lives. May Allah subhanaw
taala accept from us may Allah subhanaw taala bless us all with
acceptance. Allah subhanaw taala forgive us all. Lama fildena
lubaina as often Fe M Rena with a bit of Domina on so now
communicate three Nakula Cody Heather stuff Allah you welcome
welcome Salah