Yousef Bakeer – Dua that guarantees you will be guided, protected and defended

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a video of a picture of Islam, with various speakers discussing the importance of guidance and guidance in one's life. The video also includes a statement from a speaker about a person named Jesus who believes in guidance and promises to do anything with them.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah Hiral Anam Sedna, Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam

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to Sleeman Kathira la masala Soleimani mo barik ala Nabi and

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our Habibi now Mohammed infil Pauline, also Leo Salim one mo

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Barik. Ala Nabina Wahhabi Bina Mohammed II feel sad or suddenly

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yourself anymore and I'm what barik ala Nabina Wahhabi Vina

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Mohammed in film Allah, Allah Allah yummy Deen. In today's

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short, Hatha Inshallah,

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we're going to be talking about one of the most beautiful dias.

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These guys is very short, very short, simple words simple.

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But the real word is huge, tremendous reward.

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So, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in a hadith reported by

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nsmt Malik Radi Allahu Anhu. He's said,

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if you say this dua

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if you say this, in a daily basis,

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you will be protected.

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You will be guided and you will be defended.

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Kavita, wha hoo. DITA will kita three things. Kavita,

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Kavita you will be defended.

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Mu kita you will be protected. What

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can feed our will kita Wahoo data and you will be guided three

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things. So as Paula think about this. So Allah is saying if you

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say this,

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you will be guided first. And this guide this is not just guiding to

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Islam. There are so many different forms of guidance.

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Imagine Allah is guiding you is giving you guidance, showing you

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the right path, guiding you to make the right choices in life

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guiding you to raise your children the proper way

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or to treat your spouse the right way. guide you to bring blessings

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in your house. Beautiful word. Beautiful word who DITA then he

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said you will be defended.

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Imagine Allah is by your side.

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In a hadith Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said lower stem out in OMA

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and your guru cabbie Shane Laniado Ruka inlab che in Calcutta Allah

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Holic while I will stem at OMA Allah and Yong Zhao, cabbie Shane

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Lenny and sow okay Elizabeth che in Kolkata, hula hula, if the

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entire Ummah gathered together, to benefit you with something and

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that goes against Allah's Will, that will that will never happen.

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And if the entire Ummah is coming to harm you,

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and Allah is defending you, then you will never be harmed.

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Surah sola Salah Salem here saying if you say this da, you will be

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defended. And then he said the third thing, you will be

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protected. As we're going on our day, there's so many things could

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go wrong. So many things could go wrong.

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Someone might give you an evil eye, some of my hurt you. You know

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you are going on your day and you need and that's for you and for

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myself. We all need Allah's protection.

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And so pursue Allah again is saying, if you say this dua, these

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three things will happen to you. Now the question, who knows this?

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What do you think? What is this dua?

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I'll give you a hint. You say this dua,

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you suppose to say this die every time you leave your house.

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Halawa Bismillah. In the Name of Allah, just imagine this, you

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know, feel the words. Every time we're getting out of your house.

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You're saying I'm getting out of my house with the name of Allah.

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And Mr. Naito Allah, Allah was with me, I feel it Bismillah and

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then power Cal to Allah Allah. I put my ultimate trust in Allah

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subhanho wa taala. Allah is my Joaquin.

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Allah is my Joaquin. He is the one who is planning for me he is the

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best planner.

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As you're making your plans, and you are getting out of your house,

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say Allah is the best planner that will kill to Allah Allah.

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Talk kill to Allah, Allah. And then you say, Well, how Allah wala

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Quwata illa biLlah there is no power, no strength you

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except with Allah subhanaw taala by the power of Allah, by the

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strength of Allah, we are powerless when it comes to the

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power of Allah subhanaw taala you feel that you feel it you feel

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every single single word while you're getting out of your house

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with your children. Teach them that every time we leave our house

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Bismillah our culto Allah Allah wala Howler wala Quwata illa

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biLlah in this Hadith also Lhasa Sam saying, If shaitan wants to

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hurt you, the other shaitan will come to him and tell him there is

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no way he said that ah. And he got the promise of he did who ditto

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Tito Kavita. You can do anything with him. That's an authentic

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hadith by the way. Reported by NSE Malik Radi Allahu Allah subhanaw

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taala make us among those who are consistent with with these Dias,

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Amin, amin Allah Allah, me and Zack come along.

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So smart man right

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