Yasir Qadhi – Reality of Sin Sisters Halaqa
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The speakers stress the importance of avoiding major and minor punishments and avoiding major and minor punishments in order to avoid forgiveness. They also emphasize the history of racist behavior and the importance of forgiveness and minimal deeds. The speakers stress the importance of embracing change and embracing the possibilities of the future, specifically embracing the possibilities of the future of a "monster" category.
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah who Allah Allah he will be here one way to him about him the dads, our regular sisters Halaqa our sisters Halaqa which is are we live or not? We are live okay hamdulillah because they have technical issues, we're starting late apologies about that. Our sisters had alcohol, which is supposed to be in our sister section. But as you're aware, we are under lockdown mode right now. And so we are broadcasting from our green studio. The topic that wanted to do today is a topic that is relevant to all of us brothers and sisters. And it is a topic that deals with the issue of sins and the effects of sins. And this is going to be part one,
there's also going to be a part two inshallah. Next time, we have our sister's house. And I mentioned in my husband that I gave epic last night this Friday, but the Friday before that, that we do need to be frank and understand that what we are seeing now of this lockdown and of the spread of this virus, we have theological certainty that this is a generic type of punishment for our collective sins. Now, this doesn't mean that every one of us is guilty. It doesn't mean that every one of us is necessarily being punished at an individual level. Rather, the goal is that we want to come out protecting our individual level punishment, and the collective punishment will only be
lifted when collectively we return to Allah subhanho wa taala. So in today's talk, I wanted to discuss the reality of sin, and what are the categories of sins. And in order to get there, we have to first of all begin by talking about the reality of iman the reality of faith because since contradict faith, and of course, Iman, is the Quranic term for belief in Allah subhanho wa taala. But Iman is more than just belief. And that's really something that deep down inside, many of us understand but very few of us have really studied in detail. Iman is more than just believing that there's a God out there. Eman actually consists of many different facets and included in that is of
course, a knowledge of the heart and knowledge of the intellect that Allah is my Creator, that the Prophet salallahu Salam is my prophet that the Quran is from Allah subhanho wa taala. But that knowledge that is conceptual, that is theoretical, in and of itself, it does not equate to the Quranic term, Iman, and there are many, many, many evidences for this. But the most obvious evidence that really should be very clear to every Muslim out there is the reality of a bliss che upon himself. Because if you look at Shavon bliss, in particular, the first shaytaan because she had done a generic term, if you look at a bliss, bliss knows that Allah exists that Allah is the Holic that
Allah is the rub IBLEES knows that there is a piano. In fact he made dua to Allah cholera beyond litany, Allah, Yahweh veritone, O Allah allow me to live until the day of judgment. So he called Allah Rob and he made dua to Allah subhana wa Tada. And he believes in a Yama and he believes in his heart and when he knows that Allah has sent these prophets, and yet it is obviously not a movement. So if Iman had only been acknowledging Allah, knowing Allah subhana wa Tada, then a breeze would be number one in the mind, because he has seen what the majority of us have not seen. But imagine, as we said, is more than just theoretical belief. There is, of course, belief in Allah, but there's
also emotions that come with iman. So these emotions are also in the heart. And so for example, love of Allah subhanho wa Taala for example, having some type of fear of Allah, for example, having some, you know, attachment to the Quran. These types of things that are in there, they're called the emotions of the heart and there are many emotions of the heart. But the three main ones are love, fear and hope, love, fear and hope you love Allah subhanho wa Taala and you love what Allah loves and you love the Quran and you love the prophets of Allah or you say, you're scared at some level, every believer has to have some fear of the punishment of Allah subhana wa Taala and of the anger of
Allah, you're hopeful in Allah subhanho wa Taala you're hopeful for good and you're hopeful for forgiveness. These are the three main emotions and the other emotions as well. So we said that Eman consists of knowledge and belief. A man consists of emotions. Eman also consists of actions of the tongue for those that Allah has blessed to speak those that don't obviously they cannot and they are forgiven, but those that are able to verbalize, they need to verbalize the Kalama they need to do as God read Quran say certain things that demonstrate that they are Muslims and believe
resent Allah subhanho wa taala. And then there must also be pointing to the next point after this is some actions of the body. In other words, if a person says that he or she is a believer in Allah subhanho wa taala, that Iman must have some impact on one's life and lifestyle. If that Eman has no impact whatsoever, then in reality, this is not technically Iman, even if it is a type of knowledge. And as I said, a bliss is the classic example of this that he knows in his brain in his heart, he knows but he does not act upon it. And of course, that's scary for all of us. Because the question arises, I mean, what do you do when somebody says he or she is a Muslim, but then doesn't do
anything of that Islam tells him or her to do. And the fact of the matter is, those who have abandoned Islam in totality, there is no Salah there is no Zakah there is no hedge or desire to go for Hajj there is no fasting of Ramadan, and they're committing every major sin in the book and they have no concept of a hereafter even if they say we believe in it. Fact of the matter is that type of person frankly, his Eman is under doubt whether he's actually has a mount or an archer she has a mount or not. Now we're not talking about the one who commits a sin we'll get into that. We're talking about the one who flouts Islam and doesn't care. That's the one we're talking about. The one
who his lifestyle or her lifestyle does not at all demonstrate an atom's bit of following the Sharia of Allah subhanho wa Taala Can you imagine somebody never prays in his entire life never lowers his head to Allah subhanho wa Taala never answers the Jumeau out or any Gemma never cares if it's Ramadan, that type of person, frankly, our scholars, many of them have said that that type of person, if there's no Salah throughout his or her entire life, there's no symbol of religiosity. Many of our scholars have said this person, you know, at least from an athletic perspective, we're not talking about this world, in this world. We treat people based upon what they say if they say
they're Muslim, they're going to be buried in the Muslim cemetery, you know, their marriage is valid, their inheritance will take place. But we're talking about the akhira Helcom are the ruling in the hereafter that theoretically speaking, we don't pass a judgment on individuals, theoretically speaking, anyone who completely completely abandons any semblance of Islam, and in particular, the Salah, and the zakah and fasting of Ramadan. These are like the main pillars. And can you imagine a Muslim Ramadan is around the corner? Can you imagine a Muslim is eating and drinking without an excuse every single day of Ramadan? Not even once? Is he or she, you know, listening to the Quran or
praying to Allah in the month of Ramadan? Not even once? Or is he or she concerned about any symbol of Islam? Then in reality, the question arises, what is their level of iman? Is it acceptable in the eyes of Allah subhana wa Tada. And as I said, some of our some of our scholars of the past have said that that type of person in this world, if you say you're a Muslim, it's not our job to go and make a checklist. Did you pray? Did you find that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada, and then the angels that are assigned, but in the next world, theoretically speaking, a number of our scholars have said that the one who abandons the salah completely and the one who abandons all of the symbols of Islam, that
this person is not considered a Muslim and that's something that should bring us pause. Now, we also know from our religion, the Quran and Sunnah is very clear. And this is something we actually experience we don't even need evidences from the Quran and Sunnah because we know this in our own daily lives. We know that our iman in Allah, it goes through phases, right? It's not stagnant. There are times when we are far more religious. And there are times when we're not that religious. There are times when we're much more conscious of Allah. We are We are We are trying our best we're praying regularly. And then there are times some of us get lazy and we are falling short of our
obligations. So imagine increases and Eman decreases. And of course this is very explicit in the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions for example, in Surah that unfold verse two in number mineral Alladhina either Luca Allah Who would you let perubahan were either totally utterly him to who's the tone Imana the believers are those who when Allah is mentioned, their hearts tremble. And when the verses of the Quran are recited to them, their Iman goes up, their Eva goes up. So Allah explicitly says Eman is going up. And this of course means that it must have been down in the first place for it to go up. And of course there are many other verses in the Quran was the now whom Hoda
we increase their guidance that Allah azza wa jal says that whoever the answer is Sakina Fiocco noble Minelli as Dadoo Iman and MA Imani him, he has sent down the Sakina upon the hearts of the believers so that they can increase their Eman from the Imam that they had. And so it is very clear that Eman is of levels in our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
that whoever is able to change and evil with his hand, let him do that. If he cannot do it, let him change it with his tongue. And he cannot even do that. Let him hate the evil in his heart. And then he said without awful Iman, and that is the weakest level of iman. So he clearly is saying a man is strong, and the man is weak. That is the weakest level of Eman. And so Eman increases and decreases. And the reason why all of this is important is that obviously because one of the main factors that causes a man to go down is the concept of sins. And that's what we're going to all of this is an introduction to the reality of sins that we need to be careful of the sins that we commit. And we
need to understand what a sin is, we need to understand the repercussions of the sins. And that's why I'm beginning by talking about Iman, that as Eman increases, sins decrease, and that's something that is common sense. And the Quran is very explicit about this. And as Iman decreases since increased so they have a inverse causal relationship, the more the one is, the less the other is going to be. So Iman is a various levels and Eman has many stages and data set. And our goal is to have obviously the highest level of evil. And the highest levels of Eman means that our lifestyles will have the minimal minimal minimal number of sins. And that's really the goal of this lecture
today. Now,
we said that we're going to have this topic about the reality of sin and the dangers of sins. Before we get there. We have to understand what is a sin and what are the categories of sins? Well, sins are of different categories. And the Quran mentions two primary categories of sins. The Quran classifies sins or disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala in two primary categories, so the surah najem verse 32, Allah subhana wa Tala says in the Quran that the righteous the good people that are going to Jannah they are those who Alladhina Yoji attend a wound care Iran. Meanwhile, FIBA Asia Illa lemon, they are those who avoid kava your Ethem they avoid the major sins and they avoid the
shameful deeds. As for the lemon and the lemon, it means a touch type of thing. Like it literally just means like a touch type of thing, which is the expression that Allah is using for the minor sins. So Allah is saying there's something called kabbah era Kabira and there's something called Yianni The Quran does not mention in this verse, but another verse mentions Sahira. So the distinction in the Quran, there's something called a major sin, and there's something called a minor sin. And in Surah, An Nisa verse 31. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, in touch with any Bukoba aroma to encounter and who knew Catherine come say your article, when you fail Komodo Island
Kadima. This is a very, very important verse, I want you to ponder over, look it up again. Sudha Nyssa verse 31, look it up, read it and understand it. Allah is saying, If you avoid the kabbah the big sins, then we shall cause your smaller sins to be forgiven, we will overlook the small sins Nuka fear uncom say I want you to fail come Moodle, Harlan Karima, and we will cause you to enter Jannah a noble abode. This verse is very, very optimistic you should make us happy that if we avoid the major sins, if we avoid the kabbah Insha Allah, there is a guarantee from ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala that we will not enter Jahannam Now this does not mean there will not be any punishment. Because
there might be other punishments. There's punishments in this world. There's punishments at the time of death. There's punishments in the grave. There's punishments at resurrection, there's punishments on Korea itself, there's punishments while crossing over, they'll set off all of these are punishments that might be for crimes that we have done that we have not repented from, but Allah is promising us that the worst punishment and that is the punishment of jahannam. The worst punishment will not be given to those who conscientiously avoided the major sins, and therefore it becomes imperative on all of us to know these major sins, and then to avoid them to know what they are and
then to avoid them. Now, the issue of major and minor sin, perhaps the most explicit verse in the Quran is Surah Al Qaeda, verse 49. This is perhaps the most explicit that there are two categories of sins. There's something called a Kabira and of course can be an Arabic means big Kabir or feminine because the sins in Arabic are feminine and Solly era so a minor sin a major sin and a
miners, what is the Vertica verse 49? Allah subhana wa Tada says, well, we'll be al Kitab and the book shall be placed Fatah al Majid Amina Marshfield Peter Murphy. So the sinners are going to be terrified in what is in it while you're coluna Yahweh let Anna Marie hurdle Kitabi la you heard it also Leah Ratan wala kabhi Ratan in La Isla and they will say, what is this book? What is the problem with this book? Why is this book here? I don't want this book here. There is not a single Kabira or a Savera except that I see it in this book. Well, what do I do? I'm you know how the raw and whatever they themselves did, they will find it in that book. This book is not anything other
than you are the author. You can't blame anybody else. On the Day of Judgment, you will see that book and that book will be brought in front of you and you will recognize it as your own book. You are the actual author of it. And you will say Molly huddle. Kita Oh, the sinner shall say we seek Allah's refuge that we are amongst those people. We don't want to be amongst those people, but they will because some of us Inshallah, we will be amongst them to be forgiven, but those that are not going to be forgiven. Those whose punishments will be based upon everything that they have done. They will say Marley had Kitabi la You hardly Rosalia Ratan wala can be rotten Illa they will say
what is the matter with this book? Why is this book here? It has captured every Solera and every Kabira and it has put them in their charts. So Haha, it's all tabulated for us. It's all been, you know, put there for us. And this is of course, very explicit that there are two types of sins Kabira and Salah era. The notion of Kavita and Salah era major and minor sins is also found in the Sahara and the authentic hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. For example, in the Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari, our Prophet so I said, I'm said mineral kava 80, of the Kabira of the major sins is a man cursing his own father, so impetuous young man, if he gets angry, and he utters curses at
his own father, this is not a minor thing anymore. This is a major sin. But notice the first phrase we are interested right now in the concept are prophets instead of the major sins, which means there are something called major sins, and there are something called minor sins. We also learn that minor sins, generally speaking minor sins, they can be forgiven with our regular good deeds. And that's a very, very positive point, minor sins can be expedited Cafaro, they can be washed away, they can be cleansed by our regular performance of the rituals of Islam. And this makes perfect sense because Allah is saying that if you avoid the major sins, then you will come on the day of judgment and your
minor sins will not cause you to go to jahannam. And I will make sure when we deliver komoot Highland kennemer, I will make sure that you enter the noble place of Jannah. So what's going to happen to the minor sins when they're not going to be problematic on the Day of Judgment, necessarily, we're going to get to the obviously all of what I'm saying is a introduction, we're gonna get to the more detailed nitty gritty in a while, what is going to happen to the minor sins? Well, for the righteous, the minor sins will be absolved by their good deeds, the good deeds that they do, will serve as a mechanism to forgive the minor sins. And the evidence is for this are many,
for example, in the Hadith that I want everybody to understand and memorize our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, The Five salawat and one Joomla to the next Joomla and one Ramadan to the next level lon, is a forgiveness for all the sins that is done between them, as long as the major sins are avoided. So the five prayers that we pray, and Joomla to Joomla are going one Joomla to the next Joomla and we ask Allah to lift this Wubba and this plague upon us because these days, we're not able to even perform our Juma prayers but of course we are forgiven Allah knows our intention, and Allah knows we want to pray to them why and in the Malama Lavinia so from one July to the next
June moi, and Ramadan to the next Ramadan fasting. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, They shall forgive a Farah, all of the sins between them, as long as the major sins are avoided. This is a very, very important Hadith it is in Bukhari and Muslim, the one who prays five times a day, the one who prays five times a day, the prayer itself shall act as a cleansing for his minor sins, the one who
goes regularly to Jumeirah. The one who fasts Ramadan and eagerly waits for the next Ramadan, the one who is a practicing Muslim. In our vernacular, we say the practicing Muslim, the one who is observing the observant Muslim, we call this person, the one who is observing the rituals by the fact that he or she is observing the rituals in and of itself, it will be a cleansing of all of these minor sins, which indicates by the way, that a major sin is not forgiven simply by doing the rituals. So if you do them to somebody else, if you steal somebody's money, we're going to come to the the issue of major sins and what they are, you know, if you're out there to murder somebody or
you slander somebody, these types of sins are not forgiven. By simply doing the rituals, doing the rituals is not going to get you off the hook for the major sins that you have done. That is a separate issue. Now, how do we get rid of major sins? We're going to talk about this Inshallah, in part two, but right now, just to briefly, understand that major sins can only be forgiven with a specific Toba or repentance that is done for that major sin minor sins. You don't need a specific though. Doba you need a generic tilbyr You need a Toba that is broad that Oh Allah, I've done a lot of sins. Forgive me, that is generic Toba. You don't have to list every single sin that you've done
that's minor in nature, you know, a nuisance or maybe as lustful gazes is an example of a minor sin, right? That, you know, you did something that you shouldn't have done, that your thoughts wandered, and your eyes wandered, and you did something you saw something you shouldn't have seen. And it's not good to do that. It's definitely not good to do that. But that's not the same as killing somebody is it right? It's not the same list as that, right? So what our Prophet sallallahu sallam was saying is that you know, if you have a slip that's of a minor nature, and you are regular in your Salah, this is not an excuse to commit this lip of as we're going to come to but we're seeing
somebody who's done a minor sin, then you pray regularly, you do we'll do you fast Ramadan, those ones then you raise your hands to Allah and say, Oh Allah, I have a lot of sins forgive me. So in your mind, you don't have to think of every single time you just overall though Allah, I have a lot of sense. Now, the same does not apply. When there is a major sin, a major sin cannot be forgiven, we're just doing will do and praying. A major sin requires a specific act of repentance for that major sin. And in case somebody's hack has been taken, in case you have hurt somebody harm somebody embezzled from somebody stolen from somebody, another person is involved, then you also need to make
up to that person as well, in order for your acceptance Toba to be accepted by Allah subhanaw taala. So understand that a major sin cannot be forgiven with the rituals. Now, what exactly is a major sin versus a minor sin? What exactly is a major versus a minor sin? And the reality is that this topic is one in which you have quite a lot of technical definitions. You have a lot of scholars discussing
advanced issues and I don't want to go into the different opinions out there. I'm going to be very generic and say, some group of Allama has defined a major sin as that sin in which Allah subhanho wa Taala has sent down a punishment that is explicit or that Allah azza wa jal links with his learner or his whole job or his either job. So any punishment that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada has said, there is a worldly any sin excuse me, in which Allah has said there's a worldly punishment for so for example, for when you kill somebody, a murder, there is a worldly punishment, right? You're the you will go to the court of law and the court of law will then enact a punishment against you, you know,
if you slander in a very evil manner, and of course, slander here means to accuse chaste people of indecent and lewd deeds. If you accuse a person, male or female, of engaging in a type of you know, like a basically adultery or whatnot and you don't have the witnesses or you don't have evidence for this, then this is a type of slander and the shady I will punish you for slander. There are laws that are in place, if you steal, you break and enter and you steal and you terrify somebody. So, by the way, the shutter a punishment for for theft, it is only enacted after a lot of conditions are met, which most people gloss over and of those conditions according to the stronger position and
opinion out there. There must be an act of intimidation or there must be something that is done that you are breaking and entering and you're causing people to be terrified and scared. highway robbery is another example that is punished and you literally
The stop in those days when there was caravans going between cities, you would have gangs called them the mafia, right? This is basically what it is where you will stop the caravan. And you will take out a weapon or something as they hand over your stuff that is highway robbery. And the sheriff has very explicit that the punishment for highway robbery is very, very clear and very harsh. These are major sins. You cannot compare a lustful gaze or you said something that was untrue. That's definitely a sin to say something that is untrue. You know, to tell a lie, that is definitely a sin. And you have to answer to Allah azza wa jal for that sin. And it is something that is not good. And
it is something that is leading to jahannam. And it's a sign of a bad character. And somebody who does this a lot is on his way to hypocrisy. All of this is right. But in the end of the day, if you say something that is not true, it is a sin. But it's not the same as highway robbery is it? It's not the same as murder is it? So this is why our Sharia has come with gradations of sins, not all the sins are the same. And we need to be very, very clear. Saying that sins are minor, doesn't mean that they are trivial, not at all. It simply means that compared to the major sins, relative to murder, if you say a lie that is minor, that's really what it is about, right relative to murdering
somebody relative to highway robbery, you know, lustful gaze is not healthy, you shouldn't do that. And it is overall a very bad thing. But it's not in the same category. So it is a minor sin in comparison to the major one, it is not minor in the sense that you don't have to worry about it. And our scholars have said that don't look at the gravity of the sin, look at the McCombe or the status of the one against whom you have sinned. Don't look at whether it's my don't worry about these technicalities, that's for fic. For the spiritual side, look at the fact that you have disobeyed the one that who created you so we need to be careful about this issue of major and minor, it does not
mean at all that a minor sin is negligible, is overlooked, that we can ignore it. Also, we said through there for the shady I divide sins into major and minor. Within major, there are also there's a category that is called the most major of the major sins a Komodo kabbah. Some of them have also called them that the Hadith term is a movie apart, or the seven deadly sins. So even within major sins, not all sins, even within the major ones are of the same level, there are the seven extra Deadly Sins al mobile caught, and of course we will talk about all of these in sha Allah to Allah, over the course of this lecture and the next lecture in sha Allah as well. So for example, the
greatest sin out of all sins and there is no sin, that is a greater sin than this is the sin of Schilke of worshipping other than Allah subhanho wa taala. And this sin is, even though it is a major sin, in reality, it has its own category, because that sin is so big, that you cannot remain a Muslim and worship other than Allah subhana wa taala. So sheer because of categories and to believe in another God besides Allah is sure to believe in another creator besides Allah is shit, to give an act of worship to another entity knowing it is an act of worship, intending it to be an act of worship, this is shit. And obviously for a Muslim, we firmly believe that the one unforgivable sin
in Islam, if you die in that state is the sin of schicke. So the biggest of all big sins is Sheikh Akbar Al Qaeda. Number one, the person said at the Chautauqua will lie to Allah is committing Sheikh with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So that is not anything that is at the same level, even as other sins. And we believe that a Muslim can commit a major sin and remain a Muslim, there are bad Muslim there are Muslim that has to repent to Allah subhanho wa taala. But there's still a Muslim, the one sin that if a person does it, he or she leaves the fold of Islam is this category of essentially schicke with Allah subhanho wa taala. And of course shidduch has many categories and types. And this is not
the place to get into this. And there are things that a person can do that are symptomatic of Sheikh and they would be considered expelling one from Islam if it is done intentionally, and our scholars give examples of this that the very mentioning of these examples should make our skin stand on end and our heart skip a beat and we fear even the mentioning of it should make us terrified. For example, our scholars mentioned that if a person or with a biller or with a biller for even saying this or to take the Quran, knowing it is the Quran and intentionally disrespect the Quran intention
really were our hearts should stand on our hair she was done on end the very thought of somebody doing this because you are challenging the status of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the nobility of the speech of Allah subhanho wa taala. Now somebody can say this isn't technically shidduch you're not worshiping other than Allah and the responses. It's you are technically correct that it's not sure if you disrespect the Quran, but it is Cofer. And Cofer and sherek are, the technical term is mortality man, or one of them leads to the other end. Let's leave that for maybe another class discussion. But for now, I just wanted to say we're talking about categories of sins. And we said
there's something called major and there's something called minor. And I said, within major, there is the worst of all categories, and that is shit. And you can also say, Cofer over here, this is the worst category of sin. And it is different than other categories of major sin. Because if a Muslim intentionally, I will say intentionally because if I didn't know that this was the Quran, and I accidentally dropped it, obviously, we all know, accidentally not intending is a different thing. So that's why I say intentionally commit an act of Cofer intentionally does something that is displeasing a challenge to the authority of Allah subhanaw taala. And there are many examples of
this, that if a person does that, then this is no longer just to sin. It's one thing to commit a sin, for lust, for power, for money for anything, and that is a sin. And it does not negate Iman in Allah subhanho wa taala. And it is another thing to do something knowing that it is should come Cofer and knowing what it is. And in that case, we say this person has left the fold of Islam. And if they want to repent, this requires a new shahada and a new re entering into Islam. So the concept therefore, of a major sin itself, there's something called a major sin that least or that it should cover, and then there are other major sins as well. Now, another issue that is very commonly said
is that somebody who commits a habitual minor sin, somebody who is addicted to a minor sin, some of our scholars have said that a habitual minor sin is considered a major sin. Now, this is an opinion out there. And many famous scholars have said this, but technically speaking, a habitual minor sin does not necessarily become a major sin. And it is possible for a habitual minor sin to remain a minor sin. And it is also possible that habitual minor sin, if you're addicted to something that is a minor sin, and you are always doing this, does that make you a major sinner? Does that lead you to the level of Kabira or not? And the position that I follow? Is that potentially Yes, but also
potentially, no. And it really depends on the person's state of mind and frame of mind. So if a person becomes completely lackadaisical in his heart, he feels no big deal, he feels a complete lack of any sense of higher of any sense of guilt of any sense of um committing a sin, then it is very possible that a habitual minor sin becomes a major sin not because of the minor sin, but because of the somewhat arrogance that comes in the heart because that arrogance is the major sin not the sin itself. And it is possible that if a person commits a minor sin and feels guilty and knows it as a minor sin, and asked Allah for repentance, and then falls into it again and then falls into it
again, that this person remains in the realm of committing minor sins, and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best also our scholars have mentioned it will claim is one of those who goes into this in a lot of detail, that sins are really also performed for different reasons. So, you have a sin that is performed out of lust, out of desire, and you and then you have a sin that is performed out of arrogance, and between the two, there is no question that the sin that is done for lust, the sin that is done for desire is a lesser sin than the sin that is done out of arrogance. And the classic example is a bliss, an Adam, a bliss and Adam, the both of them disobeyed Allah subhanho wa taala.
One of them our father, Adam, he is our Father. He, why did he do what he did? We understand exactly why he did because we were all his children. He wanted something. There was a desire in him to live a long life, right? It was the desire to live a long life and he lusted for a eternality and he committed the sin.
That is a sin, and Allah forgave him.
IBLEES committed the sin. And what was the reason for Iblees committing the sin? Why did IBLEES commit the sin that he did? It believes committed the sin out of arrogance out of pride. Allah says in the Quran, Abba was stuck Bara Wirkkala, middle caffeine. IBLEES was arrogant and he rejected and he became of the caffeine. So the sin of Adam Alayhis Salam was the sin of desire and lust in Arabic, we call it Xiao Hua. And that's bad. But much worse than this is the sin of arrogance. And that is the worst category of sins. And if you look at most of the sins that most Muslims do,
they are done out of lust and desire. And that's something that is definitely bad. We crave a sensual pleasure, we crave intimacy, when we should not be having it with somebody, we crave drinking something that is haram for us to drink, you know, these are showered, and they're definitely not good that should not be done. But these are Adamic. Since these are sins that are father Adam, that type of genre we're talking about, which is the shower. And the other example of this is the sin of the bliss and the sin of the bliss is the sin of, of I don't care what Allah says, I don't care. Allah said to me, please bow down to Adam. And he believes that No, I'm not
going to bow down, I'm better than him. And that is the sin of arrogance. And that is very, very, very difficult to imagine coming from a Muslim, a Muslim, a true genuine person of Eman might commit sins of Shaohua. But the sin of Kibera, the sin of arrogance, this is the sin that comes from those who reject God, reject religion, reject religiosity, that is a sin that is unforgivable in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa taala. Now, we also said that sins in and of themselves, you can be a Muslim, and you can commit major sins. And this is something that is very, very important to point out that
sins that are major or minor, do not expel one from being a Muslim, unless we go to that category that is called shitcan. Cofer that we already mentioned. Right? Worshipping other than Allah, or rejecting Allah or rejecting something about Allah subhanho wa Taala knowing it is from Allah, that is a sin that it is inconceivable that comes from a Muslim. However, the major sins that we're all familiar with, like drinking or gambling or drugs, or you know, all these types of sins, you know, sensual pleasures, these are all major sins when they're done in an improper manner. Drinking alcohol or you know, these types of things. These are major sins.
A person who does these sins still remains a Muslim. No one has the right to call a sinner or the biller, a Kaffir, or with a biller, because that sinner remains a Muslim. And there are many, many evidences for this of them is the very famous
evidence which is we just quoted it that sort of thing this verse 48, that Allah subhana wa Tada says, in the law hola yo, foo unusual raka behave. Well foo ma junuh, daddy California SHA, Allah will never forgive the sin of sugar, but Allah may forgive anything lesser than sugar, this is very explicit. So drinking is lesser than sugar. Gambling is lesser than schicke. sensual pleasures is lesser than sugar. So Allah is saying if I want I can forgive this, which clearly shows that this person remains a Muslim and has the potential to enter enter gender. Also, there are so many narrations that mentioned is the famous one of Abu Hurayrah the Allah one that our Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever says La Ilaha illa Allah from his heart shall enter Jun our scholars say this Michelle eventually enter Jana and Abu Huraira Surya, rasool Allah, even if he drinks alcohol, and even if he commits Zina or fornication, and the person said, even if he drinks alcohol and commit Zina, meaning eventually, because some of those people will enter Jahannam and then enter Jannah, and some shall be forgiven because of their repentance to Allah, and some shall be forgiven because of their good deeds, and some shall be forgiven because of the Shiva. All of this is, again, we've covered in other lectures and just going over it quickly enough. But the
Hadith, Abu Hurayrah said, O Messenger of Allah, what if he drank? And what if he fornicated? And the President said even if he shall eventually enter agenda? What if he drank and for the second time, even if the third time operator said this, I will prophesy as some said that even if he did this, and even if Abu Huraira doesn't want him to enter meaning of already, you can object as much as you want, the Muslim shall eventually be forgiven. Now, this should not be taken as an excuse to say Oh, in that case, let me go and drink. Let me go
And fornicate On the contrary, those who take this as an excuse, or exemplifying the sin of arrogance, which is the bigger sin in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala than the sin itself, bigger than drinking is the sin of arrogance. I don't care what Allah set bigger than the sin of fornication is the sin of caring, not even caring that it is haram. That is the bigger sin. And so the one who embraces this lifestyle and doesn't feel anything in his or her heart, this person has committed a bigger sin by the nature of being disconnected from Allah subhanho wa Taala as well as well. Even if the one the the the person who commits the sin remains a Muslim, this does not mean
that they will not be punished in the hereafter. Because we know from many traditions in Sahih, Bukhari and Muslim we know from many traditions, that there shall be people who were Muslims, and they shall enter the fire of * we seek Allah's refuge for major sins that they have could remember, minor sins, minor sins, can never cause a person to enter Jahannam minor sins, whatever punishment is done, it's not going to be punished in jahannam. But a major sin potentially will be punished in Jannah. Now, the question to any one of us here, would you like to even consider and contemplate being in that place of Jahannam, even for a fraction of time? Is it worth 10 minutes of
pleasure, 50 minutes of pleasure, a lifetime of pleasure to remain even 100 years or 50 or a half a day? Remember, one day is 1000 years. So a half a day is 500 years, right? Is it worth that pleasure to be facing Allah's punishment on the day of judgment for that period of time, and obviously every sane and rational person will say it is not worth that punishment. And so from this we get to the point which is again very, very explicit in the Quran and Sunnah. The one who commits a major sin that is not confidential, such as stealing, such as gambling, such as drugs, such as fornication, even such as murder, murder is the worst worst worst thing you can do, and still remain a Muslim
murderer is the worst thing you can do. And we learn in the famous Hadith and cyber hottie that our Prophet Sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, There was a man who killed 99 people in his lifetime. 99 people, he's a mass murderer of the worst type. And then he decided to repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala and turn over a new leaf. And long story short, he kills 100 person and people and then he journeys away from that land and he wants to repent, turn over a new leaf and he's sincerely guilty for what he has done. And on the way to turn over a new leaf he dies and the angels come to take his soul, the angels of punishment come they want to punish him, the angels forgiveness, they want to
forgive him and eventually basically, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada forgives this person, even though he had killed 100 people, but he had genuine repentance genuine, I want to be a better person. May Allah forgive me, he wants to turn over and the one way that causes any sin to be forgiven, even the sinner shidduch by the way, because when Allah says, Allah shall not forgive the sin of Shiva, what he means, which is clear in the Quran, and from the lifetimes of the Sahaba Allah shall not forgive the sin of Schilke if you don't repent from Schilke How do you repent from Schilke by embracing Islam, many of the Sahaba were idol worshippers before they accepted Islam ALLAH forgive their sins,
I made them the best of the best. How many amongst us are converts they would worship a false god they worship an idol they will worship a human being and then they accepted the Kalama has not Allah forgiven their shit, of course. So Allah forgives the sin of schicke when the person himself or herself asks for forgiveness and that is accepting Islam. If a person does not and remains worshipping a false god and dies in that state, then that sin shall never be forgiven. So back to our point of major sins are up to Allah. If Allah wants to forgive Allah will forgive and if Allah wants to punish, Allah will punish but the person remains a Muslim of the evidence is for this is
the famous hadith of Aruba, even Assam, it Aruba, Ibn Assam it that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took an oath of allegiance from the first batch of Muslim women that converted and he said to them, give me your oath of allegiance that you will not commit Schick and that you will not steal, and that you will not find a Kate and that you will not kill your offspring. Remember, they would bury their daughters alive. And then he said that whoever fulfills this and manages to pass the test you're rewarded is with Allah subhana wa Tada. Whoever falls into any of these sins, so you're not going to fornicator
are murderers that are still whoever falls into any of these sins or prophecies have said, and is punished in this world, that punishment shall be a Farah. If you are caught and you are punished. That's a Kuffar up and whoever commits these sins secretly, we don't catch you, you will be left to Allah subhana wa to Allah. If Allah wills he shall forgive. And if Allah wills he shall punish this hadith in Sahih Bukhari and it is as explicit as humanly possible. Those people who committed major sins and they didn't repent. Again all of this is for not repenting dear Muslims, I've said this five times, I'll say it again. Repentance, forgives all sins, all of them even shirk, course the
question arises, have you fully repented, and that's something you always are going to be have I done enough to make up for what I've done. That's definitely a fear and attention. That should always remain until we die. But theoretically, conceptually, repentance forgives all sins, the person who does not repent. Let's give a standard example. There are those who are addicted to drinking, when every once in a while they'll drink and they'll drink and they'll drink and they have in their houses. May Allah protect us or the biller, they have in their houses Yanni, you know many bars and they have it shut up in their houses and they're drinking till the day they die and the
janazah is done. And in their house is their beer and their wine or with the villa or with the biller, so they didn't repent, clearly, they're still there. What is their fate, this hadith of Abba, even Assam it, remember it, whoever commits a sin, and is between them and Allah, we don't, we're not obliged to go open his house and see what he's doing is between him and ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. Our Prophet system said, it is up to Allah. If Allah wants, he shall forgive, why would ALLAH forgive, maybe just maybe this person did a lot of good deeds, and they know they're a sinner. And they recognize, you know, what I know, I'm a drunkard. I know I'm addicted to alcohol. And because
of that, I have to do extra going, I'm going to sponsor an orphan every month, I'm going to build a hospital, I'm going to make sure that I'm extra good to my relatives and parents and whatever it might be. Allah knows the struggle that he has, in himself, you don't know, I don't know. And Allah knows what he's going through. And Allah knows he feels very guilty for his sin. And He knows it's a major sin, and he tries to make up in other ways. We never know, Allah is the judge, not me, not you, and so on. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will say to this person, you are a major sinner, and you deserve to go to jahannam. But in light of all that you have done, I shall forgive you, and he
might be forgiven and enter Jannah even though he was a drunkard in this world, that's up to Allah, or the other the process and said, And if Allah wants, he might be punished as well. So this person can be brought, and Allah will say to him that you drank, and you don't have any semblance of guilt, and you're a regular drunkard, and he might be punished for a while in jahannam. But if he was a Muslim, and he had salah, and he had Zika, and he had Siyam, and he's doing some basic, minimal things of Islam, and he has a man in his heart, as our Prophet CISM said, Whoever has an atom's weight of eemaan, shall eventually be taken out. So he shall be in Jahannam, for as long as his
punishment was to be in jahannam. And then he shall enter Jannah after that, and this is again very clear that you can commit a major sin and still remain a Muslim. And that's something that when, unfortunately, unfortunately, some people they are too hasty, and in their ignorance, they will say things that are very, very dangerous to say, and they'll make accusations against other Muslims, and they're going to call other Muslims. Oh, you're not a Muslim, because you're doing this in arugula with the Bella sins, no matter how many they are, do not expel one from Islam, unless the sin is conferred and shared that something else as we said, otherwise, the generic sins do not expel one
from Islam. And I'm going to conclude with two traditions and inshallah our time is up over the evidences that sins do not expel one from Islam or multiple things of them. Number one, the famous Hadith and SIBO hottie that Abu Bakr Al Rifai, Radi Allahu Taala and he addressed Bilal Ibn of Europa. He addressed beloved Ivanovna Raba with a very derogatory term, as you know, Bilal was a person who was of an African background and heritage and a Buddha was from what was considered to be a noble heritage. And one time a Buddha got very angry I'd beloved, and he said a slur a very bad thing. And he said, you son of a black lady, or with or without, with a biller, you son of a black
This is a major sin to be arrogant and to be a racist IBLEES was the first racist to think that you are better than somebody else or who the biller This is a major sin, and to think that your race is better than somebody else's race, and then to make fun of and to denigrate a person because of another race are with the biller. Our Prophet says and passed by, and Abu Bakr was saying this to be
the prophets of some said to a Buddha. I yield to who be angry on me in the Cameroon fee Caja Helia Did you criticize him because of his mother, you put to demean him because of the skin color of his mother. You are a man that has Jai Helia inside of you. This was the verdict, harsh, immediate, but it was not Cofer. It was not sure. You can be a racist and a bad person, but you're still within Islam. You can be a person who is drunkard, but still within Islam, by the way, when the Prophet says some said this, a Buddha began crying. He literally literally fell down on the ground and put his cheek on the sand. And he lifted Beloved's head. And he said, Put it here and I asked for your
forgiveness. Because foot sorry, he literally begged for Beloved's forgiveness in front of him. And Bilal kissed him on the forehead and said, I'm not going to put my feet on you kissed him. And he put him up and that's why bill is the noble biller that he is that he forgave it was an after that Buddha never returned to this, this is this is exactly what the Mothman does. He falls into a sin, He recognizes the sin. And he turns over a new lead that was a one off mistake of without did it and he never returned to it after that. That is the essence of Eman. All of us make mistakes. The true believer, once that mistake is done, you recognize it and say no, I'm not going to do this again.
And you turn over a new leaf. So this is an evidence that clearly indicates that you can commit a major sin and still be a Muslim because of without our Prophet system set to him. You still have elements of Jaya Helia, which means elements of Cofer, but he didn't call them a Kaffir. That's the meat. The key point here. You're a person who has these elements of copper, but he didn't call them a Kaffir. And the final evidence I'm going to mention, which shows you the dangers of thinking yourself better than other people. hadith is as a Muslim, that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there was once two people, two neighbors, one of them would go to the mosque or the
the temple. This was in the bene Israel time. So he's going to the temple all the time, he was going to the synagogue all the time. And the other one was a drunkard. And every time the guy from the going to the masjid back and forth would pass by, he would see him drinking. Okay? So he would say to him, leave your drink, stop drinking, and he would go back and forth, back and forth. And then one day, the guy who was drinking got irritated at the guy going to the masjid all the time. Listen to this, this is really eye opening. And it is terrifying for any one of us who thinks that we are better than other people. The guy who was drinking, got irritated at the one going to the masjid all
the time and said, Why don't you leave me mind my own business? Who are you telling me all the time to give up drinking? Go mind your own business? Did Allah make you my manager? Now he was being rude, no doubt about it being rude. And on top of that he is drinking. These are two major sins the contentiousness of like just mind your own business and his own drinking. But what was the response of the masjid goer? What was the response of the guy who was not drinking? And who was giving advice? He became arrogant. And he said, wala he, you are so evil, Allah will never forgive you. Subhanallah the sin of the first person now became his own ego. I am the one going to Jana, and
you're going to Jana. You see, sometimes a little bit of worship causes your ego to become so big that you forget you're also a sinner. So this man, when he got irritated at the drunkard, and the drunkard responded back with rudeness, it was rude it wasn't Cofer. It was harsh, but it was still within the realm of back and forth and minor says his his drinking is a major sin and then his irritation is a minor is like saying get out of here. Who are you to mind your own business, right? But the first man, the one who's the masjid the core and whatnot, right? What he said, infringed on a laws, right? Who are you, Oh, son of Adam, to assign Heaven and *? And that is exactly what our
prophets have said that when the man
said this, Allah said, Did you use my name? You said Wallah, he did you use my name to deprive him of my own punishment and reward? Who are you to speak in my name. This is what the Hadith says, Who are you to make a promise that Wallahi, Allah is not going to forgive you. And because of your arrogance, Allah says in the Hadith, because of that, all of your good deeds have gone to vain. And I have forgiven the drunkard meaning the drunkard was a drunkard. But deep down inside, there's still a level of I'm a sinner, I know I'm a bad person, and I hope Allah forgives me. Whereas the first person had lost humility, and he had become arrogant. And the sin of arrogance is a bigger sin
than the sin of drinking. That's the point here that we know the point, of course, I'm going into the other tangent which we need to go into this tangent. But the point here, the drunkard did not cease being a Muslim simply because he was a drunkard. And in the Hadith, hadith is authentic as a Muslim. Allah Himself says, I shall forgive the drunkard, but you, Oh, son of Adam, who has used my name, to speak on my behalf, who appointed you to pretend to be God. And so that person is not going to be forgiven. Even though outwardly he was the religious man, the righteous man going back and forth to the masjid and whatnot. But in his heart, there was that level of arrogance. That is the
bigger sin than the sin of drinking the point here, of course, what we're saying is that drinking in and of itself is a sin, but it doesn't expel you from Islam. We've come to the conclusion of part one. There are some questions here show Allah to Allah, and I'll do some of them and it will will continue Inshallah, in our next Hello, in this regard, that the first question we have, is that you said that the greatest major sin is Schoodic and worshipping others and ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. How about atheism, when what one doesn't believe in anything. So atheism is a type of shit. Atheism is a type of shit. And that is because when you assign the powers of creation and of Holika, to other
than Allah, you are essentially creating a God besides Allah, even if you don't call that God, God. So when you say that nature created all of us, right, then in your minds, you have stripped away the hack of Allah, and you have given it to the another entity that you have created. And of course, as Allah says, of the idols, these are mere names that you have said, there is no reality to them in here in a smartphone, some may to move into what about when you call upon a lot a loser? monad, Allah is saying, they don't really exist. They're simply names. So when modern Atheists say science tells us this nature, what is science and nature? What is it you have mentioned these names, you
have to remove Allah from the picture. And you have to say something else, according to the laws of nature, what are the laws of nature, who decided these laws, you can remove God verbally, but you have to assign something else in his place. And so you use these words. So from the technical standpoint, an atheist has committed shipwreck because they have taken away the hack of Allah and they have given that hack to another entity that is a false word. It's just a name that has no existence, just like the majestic has done as well. Question we have over here is that
somebody's very irritated we have closed the masjid so he's in is closing the masjid schicke they're very angry that the masjid has been closed. May Allah reward you for your sincerity dear brother or sister.
Closing the masjid is a major sin when it is done with the intention of preventing people from worshipping Allah without any reason. Allah says in the Quran, woman of lemmo mimma men and massaged Allah He who does more volume than the one who shuts down the massages and prevents people from coming there. This is an act of volume. As for us shutting the massage down, it is not done for volume, it is done for your protection and my protection, it is done for the protection of the Muslim ummah. And Allah says in the Quran Wallah to be a de comida de Luca tea and do not cause your own destruction with your own hands. And that is why, dear Muslim, I understand your pain Wallahi
all of us are pained. And yet I say to you, that this is the fatwa not just of myself in the fifth counselor, North America but across the globe from Morocco to Turkey to emirates to serve the Roma across the globe who know this religion better than me and you they have understood we are not telling people to not worship Allah. Neither are we telling people to not do Gemma in their homes amongst family members. We are saying now that we understand what the dangers are of congregating and the fact that this virus is potentially lethal, and that this is going to be a major problem that it is not wise in fact it is
sinful to flout this ban. So I understand your concern, but it is not in its place. We'll take one more question that inshallah will continue next time, as well. That
what happens if you feel that you are not worthy of Allah's forgiveness and you become anxious and paralyzed that you're always worried that Allah will not forgive me. So two things. Number one, this is from the greatest tricks of shape, one of the greatest tricks of shaitan is to make you feel you are not worthy of being forgiven. And number two, to persist in this. And to make it something that you believe eventually it's one thing to feel that way and fight it which is fine. It's one thing to be overcome by doubt. And then you fight those doubts and you seek Allah's repentance, it's another, to allow those doubts, to seep into your heart, and to then start believing I'm too guilty. Allah
can never forgive me. Allah is never going to forgive me. If you actually believe this than our other biller with Ebola, you have committed one of the biggest of all sins, which is to accuse Allah's Rama, of being insufficient for you. I mean, subhanAllah dear Maha Look dear created being Who are you and all of your sins, to challenge the atma of Allah? Do you understand how foolish it is? Frankly, how arrogant it is to say, my sins are so much that Allah cannot forgive them. You are dealing with a Rahman r Rahim Allah Muhammad Rahim in you are dealing with the one who is Rama was divided into 100 parts, one of which was sent down to this world. And all of the drama from the
beginning of the creation to the end of the creation is manifested in that one out of 99. And Allah says on the Day of Judgment, all of that 99 will be used up for my creation. And then you come along single handedly and you say I am to sinful Allah cannot forgive me so bad Allah, who are you? And what are your sins in comparison to the Rama of Allah, that very attitude itself is a bigger sin than all of the sins that you have ever committed? And that's why our Prophet system said hadith is in the Muslim and Muhammad and listen to this Akbar Al Qaeda and Iraq who Billahi to Allah will all know Tamil Rahmatullah heeta Allah, the biggest of all sins, number one, to worship other than
Allah, number two, to give up hope of Allah as Rama think about that this is a Hadith a Muslim by my authentic ideas, the biggest of all sins is number one to worship a false god. Number two, to say that the real God Allah subhanaw taala cannot forgive me that is linked to the sin of Sheikh because by limiting Allah's Rama, you have shown an arrogance and impetuousness, that is truly mind boggling. Allah could forgive you and an infinite amount of you and his Rama would still be infinite. So for you to come along and say I am too sinful. On the contrary, that in and of itself is a bigger sin than all of your sin sins and that is why Allah says in the Quran, that what I
assume are Rohilla do not give up hope of the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the hola yay SML Rohilla il como Vadim Manila will Catherine the only people who give up hope of Allah's mercy are the home of volume one and the home will Catherine and we are not from the mobile Catherine dear Muslim sister, dear sister in Islam. Never ever, ever, ever give up hope of Allah's mercy. Allah forgives all sins. I'll conclude this part by reminding ourselves in the Quran, that Kalia Eva dear lady and Astra for other unforeseen Himmler, taco Natoma Rahmatullah. Allah is speaking to those of us who have committed sins upon sins upon sins and Allah says, Don't give up hope of Allah as Rama
in the law, her yellow field with the law Berger me, Allah can and will forgive all sins if you ask Allah us forgiveness. So we ask Allah to forgive all of our sins, the big of them, the small of them, the major of them, the minor of them, we ask Allah subhana wa Tada to absolve us of all that we have ever done and all that we're going to do, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to allow our good deeds to be Kufa rot our Salah and our Zakah and our fasting and our thicket and our Quran and our will do we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala that he we that we leave this world without any sin of ours that we are cleansed, like a white cloth is cleansed as a Profit System said that just like a white
cloth, you don't even leave any trace on it. That is the type of of cleansing that we want. We ask Allah subhana wa Tada that our evil is actually converted into good and we'll talk about that in the next lesson how that is possible. We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to worship the Rahim the Rahman Rahim, they are humble Rahimi, we ask Allah subhanaw taala for his infinite Rama and Mo Farah
We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to be of those whom Allah subhanaw taala mentions in the Quran that those who repent and do good deeds Allah shall convert their evil into good and inshallah I will continue this in our next lesson when we will talk about the types of sins and some of the examples of sins and also we'll talk about the dangers of committing sins and until then sit on why do you come to law what about a catch
in Mussolini now almost Lima one meaning Mina on et now look on it that he was slaughtered in pain. I was born in Poland he wants to add no Slavia rod Do you want to follow Sherry You know
what employ Shireen I want to force one down one BP now one downside the party was all any now was all in
one heavy lean affordable gentleman one half of what the was that good enough? Guess
what's going on? I
a gentleman Now lean