Yasir Qadhi – Praise Be to Allah
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AI: Summary ©
The conversation discusses the importance of praise for Islam and the Prophet system. It touches upon the concept of the highest form of human and the importance of actions in relation to the Prophet system. The speakers also discuss the concept of hamster's booster, a reward for doing things, and the belief that only Allah is doing.
AI: Summary ©
Shall a very brief and short Hatha today about a very basic topic a topic that should all inshallah we will find it every once in a while and that is the concept of hemorrhage and the blessings of Hemd Alhamdulillah every heartbeat every lecture Alhamdulillah the Quran begins with Alhamdulillah so what is hemmed? And why should we be constantly saying it and what does the Quran and Sunnah tell us about the blessings of Hemd Allah azza wa jal chose to begin the Quran with this phrase Alhamdulillah and Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that Hemd is due to Him, Hamed is due to him unconditionally. There is no other entity that Hammond is due to unconditionally we may do harm to
somebody at a time and a place and for a reason specifically, but Allah hem does do unconditionally and only to Allah him does do unconditionally. Well I will handle Phil Gula will fill out Kira to Allah belongs to him from the beginning of time till the end of times we'll have him do sistema what you all to Allah belongs the hamlet the heavens and in the earth. Time and space means nothing hemmed is due to Allah subhana wa taala. What is hemmed in okay him says hemmed is the highest praise that the tongue gives, while the heart is in awe and in majesty, the highest praise that the tongue gives, because of the blessings or because of the status of the object that is praised, while
the heart is full of its land of Majesty and of respect to Allah subhanho wa taala. So Hammond means you are praising an entity, the highest form of praise, while your heart is full of humility, and of all, and the being that you praise is worthy of being praised. This is what Hemd means. And that's why the name of our Prophet system is Mohammed that he is worthy of being praised for his attributes. And his name is Muhammad, he is worthy of the highest form of human praise, but Allah is Al Hamid and that is as we said, unconditional Amadis to Allah and the other being conditional Hemd he is praised for specific things, he is praised for a time and a place, but Allah is Al Hamid, he
is do hemmed at all times and all places and so Allah azza wa jal informs us that the angels are constantly doing him to even around the Throne of Allah subhana wa Tada what are all Mala? Ekata have fina fall How will you sit behind the behind the rock the hem will kill Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen around the Throne of Allah subhana wa Tada the angels they are gathering and they're going around and around. And they are saying Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen the Hadith tells us that when ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada created our father, Adam Alayhis Salam. And when Allah blew the roof into Adam, the roof went from his head down. And when it entered into his face, it tickled his nose. And
so before his body could move, His face became conscious. The first thing our Father said Alhamdulillah so the first phrase ever uttered by the human being, the first genus of speech was Alhamdulillah. And Allah responded your hammock Allah hiya Adam, Allah shall have mercy on you. Oh, Adam, your Outlook Allah Adam. This is the first speech that Allah gave to any mankind the default is that Allah's Mercy is going to surround you and the default of us were praising Allah Alhamdulillah the first thing that our Father said fitrah and he wasn't taught, it came from him. Alhamdulillah every single human being wants to praise Allah subhanho wa Taala Alhamdulillah and
Allah azza wa jal mentions in the Quran about the Prophet no Alayhis Salam, for it is the way to antebellum America and in full key for Khalil Hamdulillah. When you get on the ship, that is gonna save you say Alhamdulillah so you and your followers Oh no, say Alhamdulillah. And Allah tells us in the Quran when Ibrahim alayhis salam built the Kaaba, what did he say when he finished building the caliber? Alhamdulillah Hilda the Wahhabi Allah Kibriya Izmailovo is how Alhamdulillah he has given me all of this and he's given me a smile on his house, even though I'm so old. When he finishes building the caliber, he says Alhamdulillah one that wouldn't serve a man they are looking at what
Allah has blessed them with. They're looking at the entirety of their kingdom. What do they say? We'll call the both of them said Alhamdulillah Hindi for Donna either. cathedra mini Hamdulillah He has given us so much more than any others we have been given an hamdulillah the prophets are saying Alhamdulillah
done in the Quran multiple times our Prophet sallallahu I think he was setting them as commanded. Well Kunal Hamdulillah, say Alhamdulillah and we learned from the Hadith, our Prophet says, And when he would wake up in the middle of the night he would wipe his sleepiness off his face and wake up. The first thing he would say Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah praises due to Allah subhanho wa taala. So all of the prophets they are saying they're Hemd and the Quran tells us that Allah should be praised for everything Alhamdulillah Hilda the Halacha sama wa T will all Al Hamdulillah He created the heavens and the earth Alhamdulillah Hilda De Anza Abdullah Kitab Al Hamdulillah. He has sent the
book down to us Alhamdulillah Hilda de hada, Anna the hada warmer Hakuna Lena, Teddy Allah, Allah, Allah and Allah all praises due to Allah He guided us to this religion of Islam Alhamdulillah he guided us to Islam we would not be guided without the guidance of Allah subhana wa Tada Alhamdulillah is the constant praise we say Alhamdulillah our prophets of Allah Who are they he was sending him said that no entity loves Hamed more than ALLAH. So he has hanged himself and he's commanded us to do Hamed of him. Allah has praised himself in the Quran, and he's commanded us to do Hemd of him, and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there is no blessing that a person is
given. To which he says Alhamdulillah except that the blessing of Hemd is bigger than the blessing that was given to him. I want to repeat this idea here. When you're given something good. When you're given you see something and you say, Alhamdulillah the reward you get for Alhamdulillah is more important and more blessing, then the reason why you said it. hamdulillah that's what the processor is saying. Your hand is more blessing and is more precious than what you are saying him for. So understand this point, yes, say Alhamdulillah. But the hand is actually more important than that entity that you have said Hamed for and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said hadith is
in Timothy abodo decree La ilaha illallah wa foto dua Alhamdulillah, the best dhikr La Ilaha illa Allah and the best dua Alhamdulillah dua here it means the best way to praise Allah dua is means also praising Allah and two armies asking Allah there's two types of dua. So a vicar La ilaha illallah wa, dua Alhamdulillah the best way you can praise Allah is by saying Alhamdulillah and that's why every blessing that we get, we should say Alhamdulillah the Prophet system said, Allah loves when a servant of his gets a blessing, he says Alhamdulillah and it is mentioned in our books of history and an effort that no highlight his salaam, no highlight his salaam, every Look, man,
every morsel of food he would eat, and every sip of water, he would say Alhamdulillah not at the end of the meal. Every single morsel hamdulillah taken out Al Hamdulillah every time and that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the Quran that remember Our servant nor in the whole kind of evidential Quran, he was a thankful servant by the way, quick footnote here shakur unhemmed, they are similar but different, Shaka is always done in return for something done to you. So, you are showing thanks because something has been done to you. As for Hemd even if nothing has been done, Hamed is do hum does do because of the one you are praising. He is worthy of Hammond. So even if we
did not exist, Allah is worthy of HEMT. As for Shaka, it's always a retaliation or giving back when you have been shown you show Shuker to somebody and sugar is also done in your actions. But hamd is a higher concept and Hamed is not done in actions. Hamed you cannot repay back. It is simply an acknowledgement of the praise and acknowledgement of the majesty and acknowledgement of the status of the entity that you are praising Alhamdulillah Oh Allah, you are so perfect. I'm acknowledging your majesty, I am submitting to your perfection. That's what unhemmed means. And so I'll Hamed has all of these blessings here it is narrated that once the prophets of Allah who I sent him was
praying and he stood up in the sutra, he says Semia Allah Hanuman Hamidah Allah here's the one who does have give him hearing here means Allah pays attention, and Allah will send blessings and ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala will bless the one praising him. So a new companion, he stood up, he heard the process, some say this, so he said Alhamdulillah he Hamden? Kathy, you're on the Yerba mubadala confini Mubarak and Allah He mill Osama What's your middle aluminium I shoot dementia embargo so he made a beautiful hemp right and hamdulillah
up to the amount of the heavens and earth, and to the amount of the entire creation and to the amount of everything beyond this ham that is pure and ham that is good and ham that is exalted. So he made a phrase of a ham devil, Allah subhanho wa Taala the process and when he finished the set up, he said, who said that Alhamdulillah who said it? Everybody became scared. So then the process who said it for by Allah, He said, good. So then the man said yes, although it was me. So the process I'm said, I swear I saw 30 Angels, right what you said and racing back to Allah which one can show him your phrase the first which one can show him what you said the first meaning when you
say a ham from the heart and you say it in such a pure manner. Even the angels get happy and they rush back to Allah subhana wa Tada to give the good news that this is your servant that is doing Hamza view and in the Hadith and Abu and Mr. Lima, Muhammad, the prophets have said Allah loves the servant who does Hamed of him. Allah loves the servant who's constantly doing Hamed of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So, to summarize, Hemd is the concept of the tongue, acknowledging the perfection and the majesty of the one that is being praised. And only Allah is do hummed unconditionally. You may pray somebody, as we said, for something specific, yes, unconditional Hamed, Al hamdu only for Allah
Alhamdulillah so we're supposed to say Hamlet in the morning and evening, and we're supposed to say how much for every single reason, and we begin everything with Hemd and we end everything with Hemd and that's why in the Quran, when the people of Jannah enter Jannah What do they say? Alhamdulillah Hilda the end handle hasn't the first thing they say when they enter Jannah Alhamdulillah and in the Quran, what do the people of Jannah say throughout Allah subhanho wa Taala says Dawa whom fee has Subhana Allah whom what to hear to envy her salaam, what? Who to whom, and then hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen throughout Jana, all the people are doing is they're thicker into spear and Salem. And the
last thing they say last year means they're always going to finish everything with hand. The last thing they say Alhamdulillah so Hamed even in Jannah will continue when we enter Jannah we will say unhemmed And in our conversations we will say him and we're going to finish everything with him. So indeed unhemmed is due to Allah subhana wa Tada we pray that Allah azza wa jal makes us of those who constantly do him, we pray that Allah subhana wa Taala makes us of those who do Hamden in this dunya and who say Hamed upon entering Jana and who say ham throughout their time in gender was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
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