Yasir Qadhi – Is Wearing A Necklace or Earrings Permissible For Men – Ask Shaykh YQ #139

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the "fit and fashion" rule, which is the rule that people should act in a certain way, and how it is often found in media. They also touch on the "fit and fashion" rule, which is the rule that people should act in a certain way, and how it is often found in media. The speakers emphasize the importance of maintaining aclassic culture and not imitating people of different gender, while also discussing the use of tattoos and shrooming for shitty people. They emphasize the importance of not wearing necklaces during World War One and not depicting women wearing necklaces during the war.
AI: Transcript ©
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I think okay, it says is a question about I think it's the middle fashion question it says are fade haircuts allowed and is wearing chain necklaces and rings around from one

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Illa de Jalan no he him first Blue Lake Erie in

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okay um we need to have a talk now this is going to for every single question Okay.

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Oh gold necklaces what is going through Jamar? Okay? chain necklaces oh not gold okay? Still

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ouch Subhan Allah Jamar, I don't want you to wear necklaces that having been said.

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Because see, here's the point Every family has the right to negotiate right every single family has the right to discuss this and have its own rules. I don't want my sons wearing necklaces from a purely filthy perspective.

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The Prophet salallahu it he was seldom did not allow men to act effeminately or dress effeminately nor did he allow women to act or dress masculine. This is authentic IDs. And in fact, he invoked the curse of a lot on such people. Now that's the generic ruling. The nitty gritty is where the controversy occurs. Who gets to define what is effeminate and what is masculine, right. That's the 50 per perspective who gets to define you know that which is a feminine that which is masculine, and the responses it is culture, unless the shitty AI defines it. For example, the Shetty has defined two things as being effeminate for sure. Right? What are they number one silk and number two gold.

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The Prophet says and picked up silk and gold and he said these two are for the women of my own and they're not for the men of my own. So there Shetty has defined End of story. Okay, any gold chain or gold ring or gold necklace or anything that is pure gold obviously we're talking about is not allowed for men to wear anything that is made out of silk or majority silk. I have a whole foot about ties you can listen to that I'm talking about a silk shirt ties or had a silk shirt or a silk jacket or a silk pant or even a silk pajama doesn't matter if you're alone doesn't matter. If you're alone you don't wear a gold so the Shetty eye has made that effeminate Okay, what if the Shetty eye

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has made it if any, if feminine, but the culture has made it a feminine in this case, we follow the culture because one of the principles of film is that where the shediac is silent cultural play a role. This is one of the Maxim's of film is called coherence fealty, one of the principles of the Maxim's of filk says a little more haccombe that that which is the culture is going to play a role where the shediac is silent. So the simple example I give you many example, okay, give me an example, a simple example. Allah says to be kind to your parents, and Allah says, Don't be rude to your parents, okay? In one culture, when I was growing up, it was rude to sit with your feet facing

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your mother and father. in that culture, it would be haraam to sit in a living room, and you intentionally put your feet towards your mother and father, because a lot has made it harder to be rude. And the culture says if you sit with your feet that way, it is rude. Okay, that notion is by and large, not known in the West. So if a convert or if a person of this culture, you know who's embraced Islam were to then do that, we will say that's not how long for them not to talk because there it's not it's not something that they know to be rude. So, there is an element of culture manifesting with the shittier has come as a generic rule, what is the generic rule men should act

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like men and women should not act like women, okay. Therefore, certain things are very clear. Okay, for example, wearing skirts, generally speaking to this day, no respectable you can always point to that one exception that proves the rule. How do you know the rule, the rule is respectable members of society the rule is people that are considered to be the the Paragons of virtue people that the culture looks at looks up to as being basically embodiments of, you know, who they represent, you will not find a person of repute, who is male, you know, dressing in a skirt or in a blouse, it doesn't happen, and vice versa as well that there are certain things that are considered to be

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masculine. Now, the problem comes the question that you're asking me, the problem comes that there are always transitional phases. And there are things that in one era are clearly not feminine. In another era, they become

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feminine in one ear are not masculine in another area, they become masculine. And there's this intern in the middle. And the classic example for this, for example is earrings. Okay, earrings, that when I was growing up, I remember Believe it or not the 70s I'm actually that old. I remember the 70s. I grew up in the 80s. And I came to age in the 90s. Right? When I was growing up, growing up, men did not wear earrings at all, it was just not done. It began in the late 80s amongst the rap culture, okay. And people that obviously in the entertainment industry, so they started doing this slowly, but surely, it's spread to other people as well. But still, generally speaking, you don't

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find, let's say, a mainstream politician, okay. Or, generally speaking, a reputable CEO of a, you know, s&p 500 company. Generally, of course, you find the odd exception. But generally speaking, there's something that is considered to be dignified. For example, tattoos on the face of the tattoos are hot, I'm just giving an example. It's not considered to be dignified even for the culture that we live in. Even if they do a tattoo for the culture that they've been, they do it on their arms and legs. That is, that is hidden. For example, by the way tattoos, of course, we don't consider them to be permissible in the first place. My point is cultural notions here. So

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if somebody were to say, but these days to wear a certain type of earring is considered masculine in some subcultures, they might have a point. I'm not even saying that they might have a point, which is why it's a gray area, and which is why as well, that we as Muslims should strive to maintain a dignified presence. We don't imitate people who subcultures don't exude dignity. And generally speaking, the types of people who are dressing in these types of matters, their

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lifestyle, in terms of drugs, in terms of alcohol, in terms of gender relations, in terms of what they're promoting, is not something that is Islamic. So the Shetty does not want us to imitate people of ill repute, the shediac does not want us to imitate people of the other gender, the shitty AI has no ability, right, the Profit System was a noble person. So what you're asking about is a gray area, I can see some people saying that wearing a generic necklace is now considered masculine, I can see that which is why I am not saying it is how long, I can see some people making that argument that argument would not have been made 3040 years ago, by the way, it would not have been

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made maybe another 3040 years, it would be the norm. In some cultures in. In Africa, men do wear necklaces. And women wear necklaces. By the way, even in those cultures. By the way, the necklaces that men wear are markedly different, you can tell you can look at them and recognize this is a man's necklace. And another one would be a woman's necklace. So even they they have differences between the two in that culture. If one of them were to embrace Islam, we're not going to tell him Islam requires you to get rid of your masculine necklace, because in his culture, that necklace is masculine. Okay. But in the culture that we're currently living in, which is North American culture,

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it's an ongoing process, there's an organic change taking place. And Allah knows, maybe in 30 years, 40 years less or more, all men will be wearing a certain type of necklace, right? When that happens at that stage, clearly, it would not be sinful, or even a crew for a man to wear that type of necklace, because that's the norm. However, as we speak, and the year is 2020, it is not the norm. Nor is it something that generally speaking, people of repute, do. Also the fact that you are my son, and I have some privilege over you has a role to play as well. And I don't want my children to go down this path. And therefore, again, and I'm very frank here, not everything that I'm not gonna

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allow for my children, we're gonna say is how long I'm going to be very clear here. You know, my son knows this that, you know, I have certain standards, and I'm not enforcing it. Anybody else. So me personally, I do not want my children to or my sons because you're asking about a man doing this to do this.

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But to use the word head arm is not something I'm going to do. I'm going to say the least that can be said is that you're opening up a door that is better to be shut at this stage. And I would not want men to start wearing jewelry that is still somewhat effeminate, even as if I even though I understand that. It is now the norm in some subcultures. Not all because again, it's not the default. I mean, the example is a watch, right? Every man wears a watch nobody considered to be effeminate. Believe it or not 100 years ago.

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It was considered to be effeminate. 100 years ago, men had watches you'd pulled out of your pocket. The pocket watch was the masculine one, okay? And it was not considered to be not only by the way this is history should always show I'm teaching you this. This became fashionable to wear only after World War One Pilots Believe it or not, okay, after world war one pilot started wearing wristwatches. And of course pilots are always pilots, right? So there's always this this aura and this romantics have given to them. So then men started wearing wristwatches otherwise pre World War One no man, there was no such thing as a wristwatch for a man who was considered to be a decorative

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piece that only women wore slowly, but surely more men begin to wear it until now it is a part and parcel of our culture. And there are men's wristwatches and you know, I have some wristwatches you have some wristwatches we all do right? And there are women's with stretches. As I said, we have to be clear here the Shetty does not forbid an item that she attributes a concept and the concept. Men should act like men and women should like like women. I hope that is shallow that answers the generic question and me and Amar that answers a specific question as well as shallow data.

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