Yasir Qadhi – Have Some Faith

Yasir Qadhi
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Speaker 1 describes the concept of " Easter" as a positive timing for the upcoming year, as it allows people to celebrate Easter Day. He explains that people will be more likely to celebrate it, citing studies showing that people are more likely to be happy and productive in the future. He also mentions that Easter is a holiday for many people, but it is not a holiday for the individual person.], [The speaker discusses the idea of Easter and how it is a holiday for everyone. They explain that Easter is a time of Passover and that people may not be able to celebrate it. They also mention that people may not be able to attend the Easter celebrations and that they are trying to encourage people to go out to celebrate the Easter holiday. The speaker also mentions that they have a new product called the Faster Up campaign that is designed to increase the likelihood of people taking a meal before Easter.], [The speaker discusses the success of their new product, Faster Up, which is
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I don't understand how people of no faith can cope with tragedy because the only thing that allows us to cope with tragedy is faith faith Eman, it gives us hope when the situation is hopeless. It gives us courage when you would think why should we be courageous? It gives us optimism in the darkest of times. It allows us to understand to contextualize it allows us to think good thoughts of Allah subhanho wa Taala to hope for a better tomorrow even though today is very bleak, Iman faith Islam it gives us that optimism when the world is dark your iman will give you light when the world is cloudy when the world gives you nothing but disaster your eemaan will give you consolation and

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comfort and grief Eman is like an anchor. No matter what tidal wave comes no matter what tragedy come your Eman will make you firm. Your Eman will give you stability and courage

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