Yahya Ibrahim – Mental Health & Muslims
![Yahya Ibrahim](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/yahya-ibrahim-150x150.jpg)
AI: Summary ©
The importance of mental health for Muslims is discussed, including the need for resilience and a process of adapting to in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, loss, and loss. The speakers emphasize the importance of prioritizing relationships and finding purpose for one's life, as well as learning and practicing to improve one's sleep, eating healthy foods, and nutrition. Personalized and authentic learning is also key for achieving success, and the need for help and personalized and authentic learning is crucial for personal growth.
AI: Summary ©
All right, aloha Sanjana. Nabina Muhammad Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah handshake Karim wa Salatu was Salam O Allah say even more saline say you didn't want to be you know have you been a Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa, early he was offered he was sending to Sleeman kathira Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik Allah, you know, have you been known to you know, Mohamed, Salah levani, who either early he was lucky he was sending, it's a pleasure and honor and I'm delighted to be able to connect you even though it's virtually and from a distance. I come to you from a corner of our living room here in Perth in Western Australia. And I pray that Allah
subhanho wa Taala, who has gathered us from our different localities that were different time zones, that Allah subhanho wa Taala always gathers us physically or virtually, in that which is pleasing to Him in His thought. And that if we don't get to meet in this dunya, again, that Allah subhanho wa Taala allows us to reconnect with the best of people, I will never be Mohammed Salah lavon he was lm and all of us together in Jeddah to feel those a lot of them I mean, it's an honor and a privilege at hamdulillah to have a few minutes to speak about mental health.
Not just in the context of a COVID response. But just in general, it is important for us as Muslims to speak about mental health, as it is something that was prominent in the lifestyle in the times of the prophets I send them. So you see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to take care of his community, there were people in it, who were balanced. And there were also people who lived in his time who were unbalanced. And when I say
those who were experiencing an imbalance due to the stress or due to pain, you find as a wide cross section of Hadith, where the prophets I send them would react in particular ways. So one has eaten so as a Muslim that there was a woman or the lover and how often a lot when no, one of us will have a yet of the prophet SAW Selim, who was known to have an adverse mental health condition. She was a person who is consistently just talking just just wouldn't stop. You know, people at times you see them on a corner, just rambling. So she's one of these people, and she stops the Prophet sallallahu wasallam after the prayer as he's leaving the masjid, and she says, What are you doing, Kelly? Man,
I want to take a word from you. Yano Sula, Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has a southern right you know, he's a he's a person who welcomes all in all times, in all conditions in all circumstances, for all reasons. But the lady had stopped him right at the entrance of the masjid in the pathway where people are going back and forth. And we know from the sooner Yeah, come when you lose a naturopath we don't frequent sitting, blocking access and and and passageways. We don't sit there or congregate there. So the prophets I tell him says in one in one type of rewiring one on one discussion, he says, look, Holly Toria, let's move
out of the path of people and take many words for me take as many words as you would like. And
she stood with her some a lot more, and he would sell them in some in some narrations between voter and house. So he spent a considerable time with somebody that other people would push to the sides of the pathway and ignore, but I want to be a solidarity with them. There were moments where he came upon one of the the women of the Sahaba, who had lost her husband were in one of the battles institution, he had a you know, he was martyred. And she was by his grave side, and she was weeping and she didn't know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was the one who with his companions had come up upon her and the prophets eyes, lm is, you know, commands her to patients, and she
doesn't turn around to see who it is. She doesn't hear the voice. Clearly. It's dark, you know, there's so many reasons. And she just says, leave me alone. You don't know what I'm dealing with. You don't know the pain that I'm experiencing. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam moves back, or does the Sahaba to move back? Nobody says, Hey, don't you know who you're speaking to? This is the Messenger of Allah, he can make your eye and the prophets I send them says leave her to grieve, and leave her with her pain for a few moments. And authentic hadith also until a Muslim, we see that there was a man who used to, you know, frequent the masjid by holding his son's hand. Yes.
However, who Elon Musk did, he would walk with his son hand in hand to the magic. His son was, you know, three, four or five years old and Subhana Allah the Prophet misses this man misses his boy coming to the masjid doesn't see them for one day, two days, three days and asks where are they? And they say to me, Allah suta Lafond, Mehta went to his son May Allah subhanaw taala protect our homes and your homes from ever experiencing this. He's lost his son, but what are the habits and if several he's he's locked himself in his home, he's not eating, he's not drinking. He's not bathing. He's not praying.
He's not coming to the gym, because back then it was unheard of that somebody would just pray at home. Right. So, you know, he was somebody who left a left prayer in Jamaica behind Mohammed. So I send them and the prophets I send them went to visit him. And you know, we get, you know, this inspiration from that all sorts of Lola usnm that he would visit people in whatever stresses that they were in the famous hadith of, you know, about Romania and the brother of Ennis of nomadic or the Allahu anhu. He had a he was maybe four years old, he was just off weaning, his mom had just stopped feeding him. So maybe two, he's now three, four years old, just growing as a young child.
And he used to have no II little Sparrow that he had a cage for it, and would feed it. And when Anna says to the prophets, I send them that the bird died and his son ever made his brother ever made his upset. The Prophet went to the home and made dassia and said, Yeah, I borrow money, man, if I didn't know what happened to your bird, so the Prophet would visit and check in on people and do these kind of things. So we know that there was a response that you can see in the student of the prophets, I send him a communal issue and, and things like that, and we I want to address that as we proceed in sha Allah. But I wish to speak about building resilience in mental health. So I don't want to
itemize what are some of the feelings people display and, and these are things of course, that all of us, you know, at times, we get down and we get sad and we get upset when we get a level of depression. There's a difference between being depressed and being clinically depressed. There's a difference between the word
host and has an in the Arabic language and the depression that is a clinical depression that is a persistent more than a two week journey, unable to get out of bed having eaten having drunk having, you know, that kind of thing is different to the context that sometimes we read in the Hadith, because sometimes there's this confusion where Oh, if I make this dry, it removes depression. You find it in his non Muslim that that removes the bridge and a lot of making the abduction abduction emetic now cltv and the Knesset fee I hope you guys know for Jacobo Luca policemen who Allah cemaes w e nepsac anzaldo Viki dabiq alimento Adam halka and Jalan for Ana la v. murghab. We are kulu Vina
whether habba Houma, Amina Wilhelmina, your Mr. Amin. So this hadith was taught to remove sadness. But that sadness is not is limited to a sadness that one is coping with that is non permanent in its nature, that isn't a mental health issue that is a clinical issue in that sense. So I want to separate between the two so that people are not misunderstanding, the context of our discussion, the mental health issues that I'm speaking about are ones that all of us endure, and the ones that all of us will experience, there will be moments where we enter into happiness and then move out of it and move back in towards it, the profits or I sell them at the loss of the job, or the alarm or the
loss of his uncle. He it's not known as the day of sadness, or a week of sadness, or a month of sadness. It's known as
a month of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam experiencing that moment of strain and difficulty where he had to develop resilience. And this is the word. So one of the hallmarks of prophethood. And one of the teachable aspects of faith is the demonstration of resilience. Now, there are a number of words that we use to describe slobber, the best of them, in my opinion, as a translation of the concept of sovereignty, not just the translation, but the concept of slobber is resilience. And if we were to define resilience, it's that we understand that so for psychologists, for example, will define in a particular way, it's a process of adapting to in the face of adversity, trauma,
tragedy, threats, hardships, significant stress and loss, to being able to navigate through it and overcome it. And resilience means it is a process of fighting back against those emotions that want to bring you down and hold you down and make you incapacitated. Resilience is something that is taught to us in each of the five pillars of our faith. Yani a Sabra is built into everything that we do as Muslims, Sabra in Sudan, and you know, the month of Ramadan is called the month of sub Shahada sub one of its nicknamed Salah is sobre we're in the Halla kaviraj Ilana hajjarian it's an enormous such a difficult task you have to be patient to endure it. A Sabra sobre la more patients in the
You are ordered to fulfill
slubbed is definitely a part of your HUD journey. So Pamela is beautiful, right? And now our offer wonderful so kavala g da no arguing No, look at the things that are law commands you not to do in hajj. We have patience with your sexual desires, hold back your tongue and don't argue even if you're right, like, just be quiet, just hold it in, be resilient in the face of what will occur. And, of course, in zeca, you know, knowing that your wealth is going to somebody else, and we all work hard for it, and Subhanallah we all hope that a lot returns it to us of life and whatever. But there is an element of resilience that established in it. And it's important, therefore, to
understand that whatever adverse events COVID-19 loss of one's job, family, dissension and difficulty,
the trauma, the the car wreck of divorce, when it is done in a way that is unsupported and beyond the capacity of our wakeful heart, and there isn't leadership that leads a process to clarity and ease. All of those become severe, severe issues. But in particular, I'm speaking to a younger audience. And I want to define what is resilience as it is for somebody who's beginning their life, somebody who is not necessarily in the in the need of looking after others, but is in the occupation of being primarily occupied by looking after themselves. being resilient doesn't mean that you will not experience difficulty and therefore the life of the prophets is defined sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Island and big marine Rasul e al Al Quran
that their whole life is defined as journeys of patients journeys of resilience, journeys of proving that if you hold firm, if you are resolute, if you are resilient, if you are commanding sub to another and he came in as many more that will be of the things of the greatest import in your life and my life. The province is lm says in authentic hadith available Muslim from Mr. Raja la mine who met author of the novel and Elsa, our M for our Abdullah hamina slub. No human being has been given anything that's more comprehensive, more prevalent, more beneficial, more important in all of the different dimensions of their life, then to develop and have a capacity of patience. Patience is the
root of and Mohammed of all of the things that we praise at courage is because you're patient, what makes a person brave is that they're able to go beyond where other people stop. The person who rushes into that building that is on fire and other people don't is because they're able to withstand and pulled away their fear to go and commit themselves to others. What makes a Mujahid one who struggles in the defense of the of his people of his family of his countrymen of his of his land, and noble person that we witness that they are sacrificing themselves for the path of God and and of the establishment of truth is that they're able to do what other people cower from and are
unable to move forward. So resilience isn't that you won't experience difficulty it's that you respond to wit with nobility is that you train yourself through incremental processes to gaining ascendancy success. Now, I know you guys are in California, there was actually an experiment, it's called the marshmallow experiment, anybody who studied a little bit of psychology or begins to understand a little bit about the growth mindset, and so on. And there was an experiment done in the 50s 60s, where they would bring young kids in, and they would sit them in a room and they'd have a camera filming them without them knowing. And they would put a marshmallow in nice, big, fluffy,
juicy, beautiful marshmallows smelling nice and they bring the kids before lunch, and they're hungry. And they'd sit them down at a table, and the person will say to them, Listen, this marshmallow is your marshmallow. But if you wait until I go to my office and come back, I'll give you another one. Or you can eat it whenever you want. But if you can wait until I come back, I'll give you double. Now they found that there were certain kinds of children and this was done with four or five, six year olds, right.
Some children before the guy walked out the door, it's gone, Mashallah. It was like I am waiting for nothing. It's here. It's mine. I'm hungry. I'm taking it. That's it. And they were very impulsive and very, you know, they enjoyed it quickly. There were others who were a bit, you know, in two minds, they lick it. They take a bit off the bottom and try to hide that they you know, and they smell it.
You know, all this kind of stuff, and then they put it back and or they take a little bit of it. And there was a little bit of give and take, there were others very few about 10 15%, who just looked at the marshmallow, and they knew the moment they heard, they would get doubled, they weren't going to touch that. And they would do things like turn their body not looking at it, they would start singing to themselves or you know, dramatizing things or push it away to the corner of the desk to help themselves overcome the urge and the impulse to have it right now. And that ability to delay gratitude became one of the things that they measured these students with over the next 40 years. So
they looked at these kids to see what was the trajectory of their life, the resilience that they naturally had, or that they were taught at home? What was the trajectory of it? Where did they end up? Well, guess what, and you and I would be able to now easily kind of come to terms with that, that those students who are young kids who were very impulsive, gobbled it up, couldn't hold themselves, they usually didn't fulfill their educational capacity to what what they could have done, they didn't get advanced degrees, or even graduate undergrad, they were people who bounced from job to job from place to place who were likely to come back home after having lived alone, and
not really settled. The other side of it, those 15% were the ones who became high fliers. And guess what they that pattern of behavior was also set by their parents. And of course, there were economic disparities and racial issues that came into it. Because if you were a poor child, and you were, you know, you you had to fight for scraps of food in your home, and somebody's giving you a marshmallow, you've been trained to just take it now before your older brother comes and takes it or your dad drinks, the juice that's in the in the fridge. So there were different, you know, things like that. But in general, resilience, and the ability to control oneself in moments of hardship and difficulty
is something that can be trained, and something that you can put in yourself. And that's what Allah does with us, you know, through fasting through waking up are fed us through praying and departing from our workplace, to make sure that we're able to attend to joumana. All of these are things that build a level of resilience. So when a person is feeling that they are just not right, they're feeling blue, they're feeling down, something is not as it should be in their life, and there's reason for it. And they want to help themselves and they or they notice somebody in their life who's in that condition, and they want to help them. Let's speak first about how to help ourselves. So the
first number one can, number one step is to prioritize your relationships with others. So make sure you do not isolate yourself, make sure you do not disconnect. And that's why our faith is a very communal faith. We pray in the masjid when we can and therefore you know, when you find it, unable to attend the masjid in COVID, and unable to do Tuttle, we, during the month of Ramadan last year, with some kind of law, it was difficult for many people in many parts of the world where they were affected by this, right because our faith is communal. So Allah Subhana Allah guides us to a similar situation. And when Pharaoh was governing the people of Moosa and Moosa came to deliver them Pharaoh
ordered that nobody could leave their homes. So Allah says, ej, do boo, you take him turn your household into a kidnap, and they had to adapt, right? So adaptability is a part of that resilience, but you prioritize your connections with your phone with your internet with your group chats with your WhatsApp, your to okay not WhatsApp telegram now, right? Mashallah, there's been this Exodus on shallaki, everybody left, the dark side came to the normal shala wait until they hear about signal right anyway. So you know, prioritize relationships, prioritize your connection with people. And if you're not in a group, join a group. And if you're not with one actively joined for something that
you can belong to, and something maybe that is opposite to what you've been normally doing and normally had, as a part and process and habits in your day to day lifestyle, so join and commit to an activity that connects you with other people, whether you know them or whether you will get to know them, that becomes important. research in the area of organizing yourself. Prioritizing relationships, connecting with family and beyond family shows that this is one of the best, one of the best ways to help oneself come out of feeling blue. Another one is what is referred to as generally you know, foster wellness, and try to, you know, there's a lot of talk about wellness and
self care and take care of your body but that's as soon as the properties of them says indelible.
Then he got I think a hug your body has a right over you as much as a law has a right over you in that he's only got a copy your wife has a right over you your body has a right over you your friends have a right over your community has a right over you. When in any rumpy Kanika your Lord has a right over you so you must sleep well and eat well and drink and hydrate well and exercise. Well in my country of origin Egypt I remember you know, growing up my grandmother, she would scold me I was a little bit chubby or when I was, you know, a few years ago met Allah soprano without a demon a nappy near me. Oh, it was a big struggle, you know, to drop a considerable amount of weight. But
it's something that's always on my mind my grandma, she would say, Yeah, well at least study for dismissal. In a good mind the sharp intellect the sharp, clear thought can only come from a healthy body you got to move in how Raka Baraka are lucky my grandma had double ended and recovery hallelujah. She would say yeah, movement gives Baraka gives you energy gives you the ability to be a mover and a shaker, right. That's how we talk about life. What is life? What is the concept of higher meaning how you attune tests are something that has movement, the difference between our saw and the high here in the desert was they both look like branches. Outside is a branch of timber in
the in the in in on the floor? What's the difference between that black thing that looks like a snake? Or it could be a branch? Is it high? Yeah, it's higher meaning it moved than it's a snake, right? The concept of hyak is movement in our Arabic and Islamic context, right? So take care of your body. I know it's a buzzword, I know you hear people saying it. But it's something that becomes important for you to have a physical mind. mindset that you're concerned with your physical body, and an emotional, taking care of your body, taking care of your heart, taking care of your mind, and an intellectual exercise and stimulation and reading and connecting and, and reading something that
you haven't ever studied before, right. And you know, there's different apps that kind of summarize books for you or you can listen to the books being read. All of these are different things that are important. Having proper nutrition, my thought I just mentioned three verses that have been valuable to me in sha Allah. And in my journey, the first idea was to eliminate matte color, shade and hide everything that has been given life that walks in and moves around this earth in one way or another connects itself to water and as much water as you think you're drinking. You're not drinking enough, right? You're not drinking enough. So hydrate yourself coolly. Wasabi, will probably Allah says to
money, my name is salad, drink, eat and drink and find your mindfulness and contentment. That's you know, it's a step right? We talked about soul food and things like that. Coolio
Jimena metacognition, hi, number two kulu washer ah boo 1234 Eat Drink but don't go to excess. Don't ever hold yourself back and say oh no, I can have this and so many calories, take a bite take two you will never be able to have a self discipline and self control that you will never enjoys sugar again or sweets again or you know these kind of no be balanced Don't be excessive in your negligence or in your addition. And third Allah says watch it and then lay the better the night was destined for sleep. I'm not talking about those who are doing shift workers are forced into it or whatever I'm talking about. In general, you should make your body heal. In your night's sleep your body only
creates new cells only detoxifies only removes those kind of things that are medical doctors can educate us more when you are sleeping at night. And the sooner of sleep of course was in a dark room put out the lights. The Prophet would say turn out any of your candles and all this so that it was pitch black in the house of the prophets I send them when there was time to sleep your body as much as it enjoys the sun by day, relishes and craves the darkness by night, right. So learn how to sleep, learn the sooner of sleep, learn about our food intake and nutrition becomes important. Practice Salah notice always at practice Allah, I didn't just say pray. I'm saying practice it. Like
son Luca Marie Timonium, slowly try to improve yourself. Try to add a new soon as you go along. As you become better and better. Try to learn new verses that you're going to recite, try to know the meaning of the verses that you're going to recite. Read the translation before that before you do your so that oh, this is I'm going to read I may have to say I do and I and I'm going to remember a little bit about its meaning before I begin my solder, all these kinds of things become a part of practice but they increase your
Mindfulness and they take your mind off some of the other things that may be distracting you from your connection to Allah. Avoid negative outlets. So avoid gossip sessions, avoid going out with the wrong people avoid sleeping, excessively, avoid
self harm by running too much, or going to the gym too much or not eating, and those kind of things. May Allah subhanaw taala protect all of us alone, I mean,
another important category, and I don't want to take too much in the discussion, but I want to give enough information that you can then go forward with it in sha Allah. So he said, First, you know, have a focus on yourself. Prioritize yourself. Number two is finding purpose. So you need something to wake up for, right? And my purpose and your purpose don't have to be the same, but they will include similarities. So one purpose that I have maybe you can have is help others, right. So I'm taking time out of my day to speak with my dear brothers, my dear sisters in different parts of the world. And I'm you know, putting in this effort because I want to help others that what am I going
to what do I get from this is that the thought that insha Allah, even if it's one person who puts into practice, something that I've shared, that helps them win their life, Allahu Akbar, that is light for me on the Day of Judgment, through the help of others, and a lot promises me, madam, and I've dupioni Effie can allow me only the prophets I send them says that Allah promised that when a person commits himself to helping others, a law becomes their aid, Allah becomes the one who assists them. Number two, in helping others, and when we say what do you mean by helping others. So, you know, it could be that you volunteer that you cook for others, and you say, brother, yeah, I can
barely cook for myself, Well, you know, get yourself doing something right? check in on your neighbor, make a call to your end, you know, do something, it doesn't have to be something significant. For it to be worthwhile, right? Get yourself out there in support of your friends. You know, ask about them doing do something, something tangible. And if all that you got is a nice smile to buzzsumo coffee, which
we will be watching, pardon me, others with a good face and a good demeanor, even though there's hardship that you're experiencing, show your resilience and show that you can be a support of others. Number two in this category is be proactive, don't wait. Don't wait for people to say I need help. Be proactive, right? and acknowledge and accept that your emotions are going to go up and down during hard times. Be proactive in seeking to help yourself through the help of others and finding purpose. And you know, you can ask yourself, Well, what can I do about this problem? How can I change this problem for this person? or How can I change my own problems. And there's powerful
Hadith in that regard in the student of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of fixing the pain of others
as being the root cause of healing and finding closure and assistance in moving forward with the pain that we have. Move consistently towards a goal finding a purpose. And you know, it could be a degree. And you might say, Oh, you know, I got to work part time, okay, but don't give up. Always continue moving forward. Don't leave it off. Don't just abstain from it. There's always a movement forward, there's always something that I'm moving forward. And whether it's memorizing the whole portal and before you pass away, and it might take you 40 years, it took the prophets iserlohn 23 years. Yeah, and nobody's better than him. So the law it was seldom right. No Sahaba
you know,
you know, exceeded the love of the prophets, I send them but Allah said nothing better before and as you keep moving, as you move towards your goal, you will feel feel a sense of accomplishment. And that's why you'll hear people say you know, you want to attain goals quickly in each and every day making your bed in the morning I've done it checklists done done done ironing my shirts or my pants or you know, it might seem like a random insignificant act, but it's something that you've ticked off you've attained a goal big or small Mashallah
look for opportunities
to learn and discover
new things about yourself. And somehow in the law, there are talents that we all have that we didn't know we had. And there are things that we are capable of that we never thought we can do. So learn more about yourself getting caught you know, get get get more touchy feely, my brother
Right, you know, the system as much i love it might be a little bit better with that. But there's no shame in you and I, you know, picking up art. And, you know, I sent this to the brother The minute I said, So how many of you guys Mashallah, who wants to start an art class? And they looked at me sideways, they're like, Yeah, come on man. And some kind of lie, you know, there's some budding artists, man learning calligraphy, you know, just learning the script of the whole ad. Right? Well, I, one of the things I wish it was nearby, you know, I have a must have. And you can buy this right, you can buy a blank must have. So it's, it looks like a must have, but it's blank on the inside the
page is bordered and it's the same as the Medina must have, you can get the three sides the big size, or the smaller size. And the first few pages, it has the writing faded out, and then you you know, you start, you start fading it in, and then you get to, I think, I think it was like page 10 of Soltan buffet other pages blank, and then you begin scripting it. So you write your own kind of horror and and you try, obviously, you're going to try it your best. So you do it with pencil first, and then you go back over with a fine liner, but it's art, its art isn't, you know, Sufi woofie kind of stuff man you can do you can enjoy your, your your your art as a Muslim, and the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam appreciated beauty, the Sahaba appreciated beauty, the appreciated, and Muslims appreciated the mastery of geometric designs and so on. So yeah, connected things that you never thought were there for you. And now let's talk about dealing sometimes with our emotions. And I'll end with this being the Lady Diana,
with whatever you encounter in life, keep things in perspective. And I, you know, I feel, I don't want you to misunderstand me or think that, you know, people say, if you don't know what I'm dealing with, you don't know you don't know what I'm going through, you don't know the pain I'm in. But I want you to understand how you think about something allows you to frame how you can deal with it and how you can move forward with it. So learning to keep things in perspective to compartmentalize things. And I speaking to the sisters in particular becomes an important art, learning to, you know, hold ourselves and restrain our emotion is strength. It's the root of the Hadith and the prophets. I
send them inside a Muslim saying the one who is shady laces shady du Soleil, the one with strength isn't the one who can pin people down when recognition dedeman tan Melaka Look at this, the one who's strong, who's mighty who's powerful as the one who can control themselves at a moment of heightened anger and a moment of heightened emotion. A lot describes Moosa as being fear, fearful, that oh just that fi Neff see he He further Musa, Moses, Moses when he came and stood in front of it I own and you know, the Egypt and the gold and all and the Army's Moosa stands and a love described that inside himself internally, Moosa was terrified. Oh, just a fiend, FC he in himself, he fatten.
Now how he fetid, deep seated fear
called Allah. Allah says, I said, don't be fear. Don't be afraid.
Right? Don't be scared, I'm with you. Right? So understand that what is inside can be governed, and can be assisted with our remembrance of Allah and that's why Allah says every victory letter for you know for you. It is through the remembrance of God that the heart can find peace meaning it's through knowing Allah is a part of my life. Allah is here with me along this journey in the s ma I hear and I see and I know the condition that you are in some kind of an island so if you feel overwhelmed by a challenge remind yourself that for whatever happens it's not an indicator of what will the rest of your life be you know sometimes Oh, I didn't do well in my high school that's it
I'm going to be a fairy that's in my life. I didn't get into the university or the college or whatever. All I you know, I washed out of this or that and my life is over. Oh my God, my wife and I were not doing well. We're gonna get a divorce. It's over not put things in perspective. I know that Allah subhana wa tada is always with us. Except change. panela be willing to accept that there are certain things you want that are not going to happen. There are certain things you planned on
a loss plan.
is different. And there's certain things that you were banking on that you invested in that you gave, you will, I'll give my life for this and it's not going to happen. And, and that's and be willing to accept that. And finally, may Allah Subhana, which Allah allow us, to learn to be able to forgive ourselves for the past, and learn from it, and to go beyond the shackles of what haunts us, from the days of past and what has happened to us, that we are able to grieve but move past it and really, you know, emerged stronger as a consequence of it. And such within a V Salalah. Hardy was telling me gave people those opportunities, always seek help. And there's no shame in speaking to a
clinician, to a doctor, to a psychologist to being referred to a psychiatrist. And asking for help is the hallmark of a believer, right. musante SLM, he asked the loss of Hannah Montana, he says, Oh, my Lord, and john Lee was he, I mean, he sent for me somebody from my family to carry the burden of this message to Pharaoh, how una se, let it be my brother Hold on, he knows who he wants. But he asked for help, although he's speaking to a lot of good reasons. So head on with Alan, learning to ask for help is a phenomenal, phenomenal way of success. Many people, the root cause of the failures they experience in life is that they asked for help but it was too late. They asked for help, only
after they needed to. They waited too long to say I need help help me. So if you feel that you need help reach out. And if you see somebody who you think might need help, check in May Allah Subhana Allah makers, you use us for good in the assistance of others in this life and in the next Allah home. I mean, I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala grants you and I clemency forgiveness, peace and ease and comfort in whatever experiences that we have, in whatever traumas that we may see in life, that Allah Subhana Allah
allows you and I to pass through the Phaeton the difficulties of trials and tests that are being experienced with without a loss of our Eman. We live at a time with a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us to behold model. Mina William C. Kafeel there will be moments where a person in human history will rise up as a believer out of their bed but by the time that night comes, they've lost their faith and they enter into sleep as an unbeliever May Allah protect us from this era. A lot of my left edge I fit net NFV de Nina or law do not make our test in life and none of our family as a test in our faith and in our relationship with you. While some law was suddenly lahoma was
selling was it robotic Allah CD No. Have you been known Amina Mohammed. So Lola one of the early was like we were selling to Sleeman kathira was said Mr. alikum warahmatu lie he