Yahya Ibrahim – 023 Taraweeh & JuzADay Summary

Yahya Ibrahim
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AI: Summary ©

The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:00 --> 00:00:00
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			hungry they haven't been ironed I mean Arash Manuel
00:00:20 --> 00:00:25
			Marie Jiang made the cannot go to a chemist I
00:00:27 --> 00:00:34
			did not serve Apollo Stephanie so already in and non tiling or even
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			more on the
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			this awesome young man February actually what
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			we were saw Hey Betty he were there any equanimity in room young man shall we
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			do we
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			Musa Musil ball
00:01:34 --> 00:01:38
			Mustafizur or do we even
00:01:41 --> 00:01:43
			taro Harpo Patera
00:01:50 --> 00:01:50
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			me on mom
00:02:42 --> 00:02:44
			how to relate your opioid the old
00:02:45 --> 00:02:46
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			Marie Keo with the fear cannot go to a canister in the dyno sir all Paulo stepping sir open
00:03:02 --> 00:03:12
			way you didn't know we either using one or the
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			either as Zillertal loses
00:03:28 --> 00:03:30
			Well, Roger it was called
00:03:32 --> 00:03:32
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			sad or mad
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			young man
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			had this
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			no rock back
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			the only Ed Sloan nurse who asked to leave
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			many men with scholars of rotting value
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			by many men with all
00:04:04 --> 00:04:05
			shoved Roy
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			see me on law
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			semi Log
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