Wasim Kempson – Islami QA 11 (20062022)

Wasim Kempson
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The importance of practicing Islam and fulfilling obligations is emphasized, along with the need for fasting on the day of the birthday and avoiding dangerous behavior. The importance of fasting and setting boundaries for travel is also emphasized. The importance of hedging during the hedging process is emphasized, as it is the most crucial part of the hedging process. The speakers emphasize the need for individuals to perform the actions necessary to achieve their obligations and avoid false accusations.

AI: Summary ©

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			Yeah, you have
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			M remian
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			Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam o Allah Shadowfell Ambia
he will say Eden or saline. So you didn't want to be in a Mohamed and what I learned early by you
being a boy he didn't want to solve it I don't do him at all my dean or praise belongs to Allah I
made a peace and blessings of Allah Allah Allah be upon His final messenger Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi salam i The burden Sisters of us at home as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Welcome
to another episode of Islam Mecca where you are given the opportunity to put your questions to us
and we'll do our very best Inshallah, to Allah to answer those questions. According to the Quran and
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			the Sunnah and authentic sources.
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			You do that by calling us here in the studio with a number that's appearing at the bottom of your
screen. And if you don't want to call it you can also have the option of putting your question via
the WhatsApp
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			option that you have then you can put your questions to us as well. Inshallah tile so as you know,
the Islamic show Alhamdulillah is one of the very popular shows here on Islam channel. And it runs
twice a day Masha Allah, it runs at midday 12 o'clock. And there's also another episode live both of
course episodes everyday are live also in the evening. And this Al Hamdulillah is a great headman
has a great service to the Muslim community where especially in times where
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			Muslims may become a little confused concerning how to practice their religion, or certain things
that may pop up in their daily lives, whether it's to do with their worship, or whether it has to do
with interactions with entities or whatever the case may be. It's very important as you know, Allah
subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, first Alou decree in contumely Attalla moon, but you should
ask the people of knowledge, if you don't know. So, this opportunity that is is given to you
hamdulillah is a very important service.
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			Wasn't everybody can go to the masjid. Not everybody has access or can go to find somebody who's
able to answer the questions. So it's very important for us to refer back to those who can show that
to shed some light on those affairs, which are maybe a little bit unclear to you. And this is, you
know, as I mentioned the verse
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			in the Quran there from Salter MBA, there's also the practice or the way of the companions that are
the Allahu Taala I know that if they were maybe unclear on a particular matter, that they would go
to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam and ask him for clarity on the matter.
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			Very, and it's, you know, if you've like suitable with the time of year is that during the Hajj and
when the Hajj of the Prophet RSM was made. And as we know that the profits are selling made hydro,
he once said his life is out of Salem, on the day of Eid,
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			or Yo Ma day of sacrifice, where
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			the previous day people are in the plains of Africa.
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			And they are you know, making dua to Allah subhanaw taala, the next day is a DVT. And there is a
sequence of actions that is an ideal or a preferable sequence of events that you do. And this is the
Rami, this is the throwing of the stones, the sacrifice the trimming or shaving of the head and then
throw off. There were some of the companions who actually weren't sure, or who had actually done
this in a different order. So they went to the Prophet eraser to set them to ask what to do, or if
they had done what was correct. Okay, so maybe there's something is in front of us, we don't know,
how do I do this? What's the best action or best course of action for me to take? Or secondly,
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			I've done something. Now it's come to my attention. I'm not quite sure. Was it correct?
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			I forgot something in my prayer.
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			There was an element of or something to do with my Zakka I wasn't sure of something happened during
the month of Ramadan.
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			It's important to retrospectively look at that what you did as well, it may be the case there's
nothing upon you because you just didn't know. But there was clarification now for further
situations in the future, that you now know that if this happens, if this happens, then you can not
fall into that again, the shadow turn and also you can pass that beneficial knowledge on to on to
others. So button sisters, this is an opportunity for you to ensure that Allah to
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			put your questions to us with the telephone number that's at the bottom of your screen and the
WhatsApp option as well. And I want to shadow to continue with some of the WhatsApp questions that
have been previously asked. But isn't it later Island
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			what constitutes having the ability to go and make Hajj? Okay, it is a very, very important
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			We know that Allah subhanaw taala mentions that in the Quran and also in the Sunnah of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam
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			that the performing of Hajj is, of course, one of the pillars of the prayer, but both the verse in
the Quran and the Hadith mentioned, the condition of celestial Torah, or the pre condition of being
able to do so
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			what comes under being able to do so there are two elements to this, there is the financial ability,
and there's also the physical ability. Okay, two elements to that, when we talk about STLR. The
first one is physical, and the second one is financial.
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			So this is not too much of a,
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			we don't go into too much depth, but to explain it briefly to you. Firstly, financially, which comes
to most people's minds, you know, that you are able to afford to go to Hajj
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			as an individual, and if you're going alone, and you are responsible for others, meaning that you
can pay for your hedge. And also while you are away, that those whom you are responsible for
financially are also taken care of financially. IE, let's say, I could use all of my savings, all of
my savings, I can perform hedge. And when I go, that I leave my family in a state of poverty, okay,
this is not acceptable. You have to be able, if you leave your family that you leave them
financially secure for the time that you are away, that needs to be taken into consideration. Okay?
Or, for example, if you have debts, that you're not tied to paying off because paying off the debt,
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			if that is required, now that is older, that that needs to be paid off first, before you make the
hedge. But if a person has a debt, meaning that if you perform your hedge, you pay for your hedge
and it doesn't impact you paying back your debt, it doesn't delay it in any way, then you can go to
college if you have a debt. Okay, so having a debt has two different situations. There's a debt that
needs to be paid back now. And if you making which will delay that then no, you pay the debt, the
debt first. And then there are those where you have an agreement, a long term paying off the debt
that you're paying or you're going for Hardrada it does not delay
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			you performing the hajj then you can go for Hajj inshallah Tada. So this is the financial side and
in general that's what the physical is that your health permits, that your health permits for you to
go away to perform Hajj and it doesn't cause you any great harm. Lee can have a lot of witnesses in
there was almost found out that does not burden assault beyond its capabilities. So these are in
general what we mean by istithmar or the ability to make the hutch and if all of these conditions as
well as the others are fulfilled then the hedge becomes an obligation upon you and Allah's patronage
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			Okay, now the question
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			is it advisable to fast on out of her day only if it's on Friday because we can't fast on the day of
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			Okay, so first and foremost, it is highly recommended to fast on the Day of Arafah
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			It is highly recommended to fast on the day of alpha
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			and if it if alpha happens to fall on a Friday, okay, so you have because you consider free Friday
in the lead. And he does I wouldn't allow too fast on that aid. Okay. We'll make a distinction
between the two aids meaning either aloha and Adel fatale. Okay, those leads on that day of eight It
is haram to fast on those days. Okay, it is not haram to fast on a Friday
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			even though it is given the term the lead of the sport or the you know, the end of the week, it is
not of the same level as the two other leads as we mentioned. Okay.
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			So therefore, if alpha was on a Friday, it is absolutely permitted for us to fast on that day. Okay,
absolutely permitted. No problem Charlotte Taylor. And this will be coming up in Chinatown and this
is maybe another topic about the importance of knowing the best days of the year and the best days
of the year or the first 10 days of the ledger. Okay. And we should strive as much as we can in
short Attalus to do as many good deeds
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			on those days as we can, especially the Day of Arafah it falls on a Friday. You fast on that day in
Charlottetown Walla Walla
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			next question, what is the best dura best dura obligatory for a Muslim to repeat
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			I don't understand.
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			What is the best dua for a Muslim to repeat with it or take away the word of
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			regulatory, I'm not sure what our what is the best draft for a Muslim to repeat whether in the Salah
or otherwise?
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			the best things that you can do in your Salah is to fulfill what the obligations are. Okay? The
obligations are the most beloved actions to Allah subhanaw taala. So at every stage in the prayer
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			where there is a draw which is involved and that is an obligation, that's the best thing for you to
do at that time. Okay, that's the best draft for you to make. At that particular time and remember,
is of two types there was a drought of praising Allah subhanaw taala. And there is
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			a polyp, there is the doer of you requesting something Oh ALLAH forgive me. Oh Allah provides for
me. Okay, so do I have two types and many of the duras you may not think but you are making lots of
dua, in the Salah, when you are praising Allah subhanaw taala Do I own a vida?
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			So this is the best Dewar's that you can make in your Salah as for which is then voluntary added by
yourself which is permitted for you to make dua then that was specific to your situation. Okay, the
best tool for you maybe it's or it goes without saying asking for fair bet and this is something
that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to say very very frequently in Salah yarmulke liberal groups
a bit can't be led Nick Oh the one who is the turn of the hearts keep my heart firm upon the Dean
This is a very important to our to make.
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			Institute for example,
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			now and Allah's pattern is best. Now the next question what is the intention before slaughtering a
ram on the Daveed?
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			Well, as we know in the metal and metal binder yet actions are by their intention or in memory
equilibrium and that every person shall get to that what they intended.
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			And it is, at the very least, at the very least a highly, highly recommended for those who are
financially able to have what you know as a quarterback, okay to have a sacrifice done on the day of
Eid, okay, you can arrange that in the country that you're in, or you can arrange that in a country
somewhere else, whatever is easier for you. There are many charities around the world. If you can't
do it yourself, then they can have it done on your behalf in a different country Inshallah, tada.
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			What is the intention? Well, the intention is for you to fulfill the Sunnah.
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			That is your intention, okay? To fulfill that what the prophets Allah, they said, taught us for this
sacrifice to be done on the day read, okay, and it is done after Salah too late.
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			This other rulings pertaining to that maybe we can maybe go into a little bit later. But that's the
intention that is made is to fulfill the Sunnah, that what the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us to
do to have the sacrifice done on the day of Eid, while on
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			another question, is it permissible for a woman to request a divorce because she cannot have
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			so if she cannot have children, meaning that we have a married couple, it's just an example, there's
a married couple, and after five years, they have not had any children. And this can happen.
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			They go through a number of medical tests and so on. The Doctors determined that there is a medical
issue with the wife, that she may not be able to bear children for whatever reason. Now she wants to
request a divorce. Why would she want to request a divorce, because she cannot have children with a
husband not is no fault of hers is no fault of her husband, it's really shouldn't really be a reason
to ask for a divorce.
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			Maybe if it's written a little differently, ie that if it comes to a conclusion that it is the
husband, who was unable to have children, because of some medical issue, then there may be grounds
for that. Because the HAC or the right of the woman, that if she wants to have children, for her to
have children. And if she marries an individual who then medically it becomes established.
Therefore, you know, whatever the medical reason is that he cannot have children. Then she decides
that, you know, that's a really big issue for her to have children. Then there could be grounds for
to ask for a divorce. But again, it goes through
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			a number of steps and things like that to try and find solutions for the internal toilet. I mean,
personally, and heard many, many stories myself personally, I've heard stories,
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			that there are people that they were married for 10 years had no children and hamdulillah after a
period of time I lost pounds that I wanted them children, and now they have I think four children or
three children Subhanallah Okay, so I ask Allah subhanaw taala to
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			grant those who don't have children may Allah grant or grant new children. May Allah subhanaw taala
quote, new patients, may Allah subhanaw taala grant ease to your situation
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			Should and join the hearts times when it is the Chevron is trying to pull you apart.
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			And Allah Subhana Allah knows best. Okay.
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			Next question is concerning that if one intends to make the payer or the quarterback money, are
there any special rulings concerning this? Yes, there are some. So the person who intends and those
who are financially able, they should have the qurbani
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			arranged where they can do it themselves, or somebody is going to do it on their behalf maybe
somewhere else or in a different country that's permitted in Charlottetown. But if that is the case,
and what is correct, is that one sheep would be sufficient for a household. Okay, so let's say you
have husband and wife and some children, and the husband arranges he's the one who arranges the
Carboni that is sufficient for his household
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			meaning for his wife and children, that one sheep that's gonna be slaughtered is enough for him and
his family. Okay.
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			It is him who will refrain from
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			clipping nails and taking clipping any hair. Okay, you should refrain from doing that in the first
10 days of oral hygiene until the sacrifice is done. Okay, so it's not upon the wife nor is up on
the children because it is the husband who arranged it. Okay. Is it then permitted for if the wife
she wants to have a Carboni done? Absolutely, absolutely fine. Okay, so you want to do maybe war,
the husband wants to arrange a Kobani the wife wants to arrange a Kobani Bismillah that's fine. But
if you personally arrange it, then you will refrain from cutting any nails and cutting any hair for
the duration of the doll hedger until the sacrifice is done. Once that is done, then inshallah to
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			Allah, you can have your nails trimmed and, you know, go back to the normal state. Okay. So these
are some of the rulings concerning the Carboni.
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			Some of the element, as I mentioned, do say it's an obligation.
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			It's an obligation if you have the financial means to do so.
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			Then you have to have the court Barney done, which is a very strong evidence concerning that, but at
the very least, we will see that if you have the financial means lay and believe
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			that it is not befitting is not befitting to leave it, okay, you shouldn't just okay, I don't have
to do it. So therefore I won't, it's a very good thing to do is how to Allah. And if it is, you do
it yourself, mashallah is good. And if you have it arranged in a different country, where you're
able to feed, you know, poor people, and who people are in a poverty stricken situation, and maybe
many times or for the majority part of the year, they don't have access to or able to eat meat at
that kind of level, then this is a great thing to do shout it out. So, brothers, sisters, you know,
encourage one another, and educate yourselves concerning cam or rulings concerning the quarter
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			Bernie or the other here, which is to be arranged in Sanatana for the first 10 days, for the, you
know, the month of hajj itself, when I went into the Hajj is performed. And also, you know, educate
yourselves about the 14th or the virtue of the first 10 days of oral hygiene. And as the Prophet
alayhi wa sallam explained to us that there is no action that is more beloved to Allah subhanaw
taala that is offered than the first 10 days of Asha, Mental Hygiene than the first 10 days of the
ledger. We are all fully aware of, you know, the blessings of Ramadan and Les little powder and you
know, the old knights and everyone is striving to attend the masjid and so on and so forth. But you
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			know, as it is well known,
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			amongst many of the element as they say that the best nights of the year, the best nights are the
last 10 nights of Ramadan, but the best 10 days are the first 10 days of Elijah, not Ramadan. The
best days of the year are the days of little hedger. So we should educate ourselves as best we can,
Inshallah, tada and educate one another,
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			you know,
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			encourage one another to know about the first 10 days of the ledger, so that you can get the most
and get the very best out of those days. Imagine Subhan Allah giving charity on those days is like
giving charity on no other days of the year.
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			And fasting on those days is like no other days in the year and whatever goodness that you have on
those days in Charlotte is like no other days in the year. So just a quick advice. We've come to the
end of this first part by the sisters so please join us on the other side of the break. Just like
Malankara Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
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			LT o law Hello LT O
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			M remian
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			Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu
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			Villa are salatu salam ala Rasulillah Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh my brothers and
sisters views at home Welcome back to the second part of Islamic where we are still waiting for your
callers and Chautala for you to put your questions. And also you have the opportunity to put your
questions on the WhatsApp. Both numbers are appearing at the bottom of your screen inshallah to
Allah. So please please feel free to use those numbers to put the questions towards inshallah Tada.
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			Okay, so we have another question that's come through on the WhatsApp May Allah Subhana. Allah bless
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			is actually linked to that what we were talking about just before the break, what is the
significance of the first 10 days of oral hygiene?
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			For those who are just joining us now, we were talking about the virtues and the blessings of little
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			And these are the first 10 days is with specific reference to the first 10 days of, of the ledger,
the hadith of adverse Radi Allahu Anhu means that the most beloved days to Allah subhana wa Tada
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			are the first 10 days of oral hygiene that there are no actions that are done within the whole year
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			that are more beloved to Allah, terracotta Allah than those those actions that are done on the first
10 days of the ledger.
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			What are those actions
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			it was left on. Or if you'd like it was left unrestricted.
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			It was left general, meaning that not something specific except for the ninth day of the ledger.
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			The ninth day of the hijab, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam recommended for those
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			who are not performing the hedge
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			too fast on that day.
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			And the reward for that is a forgiveness of your sins of the previous year in the coming year.
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			So this is a great reward for us to shadow
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			too fast on that day.
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			There's another question actually is it recommended to fast 10 days of Lord hedger including the
David Reed. Well,
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			it's good to ask the first nine days Yes, the 10th day meaning the 10th day which will be the day if
you eat it's not allowed for us to fast on the day that eat itself. And remember we discounted
Friday, okay. Yes, it is considered at the end of the week. But the not the same status of read
aloud ha or Adel feta, which is not allowed for us to fast.
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			Therefore fasting, the first nine days is good to do. And there are some narrations from the
integration of our actual audio line that the Prophet Allah is assembled fast nine days. There's
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			authenticity to that. So fasting, the nine days is absolutely fine. Fasting the first nine days of
good hedger is good to do, giving charity each of the days
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			offering more Sunon acts you know from Salah
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			being doing extra effort and helping other people, whatever goodness righteousness that you can
offer on those days. Then you should go and do the insha Allah Tala
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			Wallah to add Ireland. Okay.
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			The next question
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			can a woman go to Hajj without Muharram is a very, very common question. Can a woman perform Hajj
without a Muharram?
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			Okay, so what's the starting point on this the starting point is that pretty much there is an
agreement amongst her element that a woman should not travel. But aside hajj for the time being a
woman should not travel without Muharram.
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			Next question is what do you mean by travel? What's the journey? Well, many of the elements define a
journey as what one can traverse within a day and night.
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			That is to be understood for the distances that one could travel at the time of the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam because that is what the Prophet sallallahu sallam said
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			in terms of distances, the ALMA leela, and then when you interpret that what you could travel in one
day in one night at the time of the Prophet alayhi salatu. Salam, that is equal to about 49 miles,
okay. 49 miles,
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			49 miles, about 82 kilometers or something like that? Where does that distancing? Where does it
start from, from the edge of your city? So from the edge of your city, if you're in London, you got
the M 25. Okay, from there to about 49 miles, anything within that distance would not be considered
a journey, anything beyond that would be considered a safari, shot on a safari. And then you start
getting into issues where if you're on a journey cipher is allowed for you to you know, break your
fast during Ramadan or to shorten
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			and join your prayers. So there are rulings pertaining to that. So it's very important for us to
define suffered because there are rulings that are based upon that. Okay. The overwhelming majority
of Earlimart say that a woman should not travel without a Muharram if she's going on that suffer on
that journey beyond 49 miles from the edge of the city
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			exceptions to the rules Yes, there are always exceptions to the rules which are specific to each
situation and if a sister has a
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			you know, a pressing situation which she needs to discuss, she goes to a personal knowledge and then
she gets something which is tailored for her situation is Allah Tala. Okay. What about HUD, you
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			some of the elements they say well, because of the placement and the importance of Hodgetts a pill
of Al Islam, okay. And that if a woman if she is going with,
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			you know, a security or a safe environment for her, and if I'm okay, then you know, maybe it is
allowed for her to go, okay that she's going within a group
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			with you know, men and women and the safe for her, you know, the part of the wishes going as safe.
Things are taken into consideration. It's meant for security for some, some scholars allow that
because of Hajj.
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			This is one view.
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			There's always on most issues, I say, other views, but what seems to be based on evidences
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			from the madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa Ahmed Rahim Allah Allah is that it is not allowed
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			for a woman to travel
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			to Hajj without a Muharram she needs a Muharram and that's one of the conditions
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			that needs to be fulfilled for her to make the Hajj inshallah to Allah. And Allah subhanaw taala
knows best
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			is hedge
00:26:50 --> 00:26:53
			which hedges better voluntary hedge or charity?
00:26:56 --> 00:27:04
			Well, you know, charity, and it's just general form. I mean, it comes in so many different ways. And
you know, smiling is, is a form of charity.
00:27:06 --> 00:27:11
			A voluntary hedge, I mean, no doubt hedge itself is, you know,
00:27:13 --> 00:27:27
			an amazing act of EBA in which the profit is explained in great detail with regards to its reward
and Hjelm abroad. The accepted hedge, lace Allahu La Jana has no other reward except the paradise
00:27:28 --> 00:27:31
			okay has no other reward except paradise.
00:27:32 --> 00:27:56
			And you know, that the individual man had the whoever performs the Hajj for them yada while on the
FSOC that he was not engaged in any marital relations does not engage in any swearing or arguing
Raja Kaoma WELEDA to me that they will return like the day that they were born from their mother
Jani meaning sinless below the loop. Again, this is a very special reward for Hajj.
00:27:57 --> 00:28:00
			On the other hand, we are fully aware of a person who
00:28:02 --> 00:28:12
			the person you know, the person cannot I would object Tamra you know, fear the Fire, protect
yourself from the fire even if it means giving half a date in charity.
00:28:14 --> 00:28:30
			If you have the option of doing both file, then do that. Okay, charities is something that as
Muslims we should all be doing, we should all be doing all the time, in whatever way that we can. If
you have the opportunity, no doubt to make Hajj then this can be a life changing
00:28:32 --> 00:28:56
			experience for you even though you may have made Hajj before. If you have the opportunity to make
Hajj before if Allah subhanaw taala you know, as facilitated that you have the financial means you
have the physical means to make that hajj. Then I would say you know go ahead and try to do that in
sha Allah Tala. And if you do that, does it mean that you stop giving charity doesn't mean that at
all, it means you can do both in sha Allah and Allah Subhana Allah has missed
00:28:58 --> 00:29:01
			what is meant by Omar in Ramadan being equivalent to Hajj.
00:29:03 --> 00:29:35
			So there is a Hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu sallam said in the meaning that whoever
performs the Omar in the month of Ramadan Tierra de la hija that it is equal to the performing of
Hajj. Okay. Now if a person goes to Makkah to perform their formula in the month of Ramadan, they
can expect inshallah to Allah, if done correctly, sincerely, that they will be rewarded with a
reward that one would do if they went to Hajj, Allahu Akbar, meaning that you get that reward,
inshallah to Allah. Does that mean?
00:29:36 --> 00:29:45
			You have to make this very clear that if I did my ermera in Ramadan and I get the reward of Hajj,
does that mean now I don't have to perform Hajj
00:29:46 --> 00:29:59
			will say absolutely not because you didn't perform Hajj, the performing of Hajj is an obligation
upon you, the reward of Hajj or something else, the reward of the Hajj is something separate. Okay.
Let's say for example,
00:30:00 --> 00:30:25
			that the person who attends as the prophets or somebody is you know upon the premise that the hadith
is Hasson is acceptable. And many of the dilemma has said no, I say it is acceptable Hadith, that
whoever prays in the Juma in the masjid doesn't move from their place. remembering Allah subhanho wa
Taala until the sun rises and then offers to raka then they have the reward of Hajj.
00:30:26 --> 00:30:31
			This is another action that a person can take to attain the reward of Hajj Inshallah, tada.
00:30:33 --> 00:30:48
			Does this then mean if you, you know, you pray the Salah that you don't have to perform Hajj? No, of
course, this is not the meaning, but you get that reward in Charlottetown but the obligation of Hajj
if you haven't performed the Hajj is still remaining and Allah subhanaw taala knows best
00:30:52 --> 00:31:00
			play if my father wants to take me to Hajj, but my husband does not want me to go, what do I do?
00:31:02 --> 00:31:02
00:31:05 --> 00:31:17
			The answer quite simply is for the three of you to get together to sit down and to communicate.
Okay, if once if the father wants to take his daughter to Hajj, this is a great
00:31:19 --> 00:31:22
			and beautiful thing that the father wants to do for his daughter Mashallah.
00:31:23 --> 00:31:31
			If we talk about the husband now, if there's a legitimate reason, if he sees there's a legitimate
reason, no, you don't take your daughter, my wife, you don't take her for Hajj.
00:31:33 --> 00:32:01
			And you know, the wife really wants to perform hajj, maybe she hasn't performed Hajj before. Even on
the premise that she had made Hajj before she will be traveling with her father. She's with Muharram
Messiah, but what is the reason you say don't go to Hajj maybe there's a reason maybe there's
children involved. It means leaving the children we can't find somebody to go after the children and
because you have already made Hajj maybe there's a great difficulty in that point being you should
absolutely discuss the matter. Okay, and not just have absolute Snoke you're not going
00:32:03 --> 00:32:22
			to try to you know pick on the husband Okay, Mashallah. No one's questioning whether your husband or
not, but you know, if somebody wants to perform a bad and you say no to something, then you know,
explain the situation. So communication, communication communication on this issue, so that you can
arrive at a suitable solution, but isn't it either.
00:32:25 --> 00:32:45
			If I don't have just a young child, do I need to do it as an adult, okay. Now, with regards to
obligations, which are upon the shoulders upon every Muslim, and if they are fulfilled, be when you
are a child, this would not fulfill the responsive ability of you performing it.
00:32:47 --> 00:33:06
			As an adult, you're rewarded for it shout out to either we know in the Hadith when the woman She
raised her child when they performing Hajj, or the how the Hajj that amongst the Companions, a woman
raised her small child in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, O Messenger of Allah does
this small baby that they have had
00:33:07 --> 00:33:14
			the prophets Allah serving them responded yes, and you have reward as well. But for this small
child, is this their Hajj of Al Islam?
00:33:16 --> 00:33:46
			No, it is not. Meaning that if you want to fulfill the responsibility of performing hajj, fulfilling
the pillar of Islam in Islam, to remove that obligation from your shoulders, it needs to be done
after you have reached the age of puberty once you're Islamically considered an adult. That's when
the if you if you perform the hajj, that's when the responsibilities removed. If it is before, then
you're rewarded but isn't Alitalia but you would have to perform the hajj of Islam while you are an
adult? And Allah subhanaw taala knows best
00:33:49 --> 00:33:51
			should I do Hajj or Umrah first?
00:33:54 --> 00:33:55
00:33:58 --> 00:34:03
			the ease of performing Amara is is that it is easier so quite simply to perform ombre than hedge.
00:34:05 --> 00:34:18
			putting aside what's happening in past two or three years with restrictions and corona and so on and
so forth. But that's one side in general, you know performing Amara is easier. Okay, you can go any
time of the year and in general it's cheaper. Okay, so
00:34:19 --> 00:34:22
			it's much easier for you to perform Umrah.
00:34:23 --> 00:34:32
			Now, if a person has the means, meaning that they've never performed ombre Hajj before and at one
time they have the ability to make hatch.
00:34:33 --> 00:34:44
			Well, if you're traveling to the UK, you're going to make Ramadan Hajj, okay, you're more than
likely going to perform you know, the Hajj with Matamata means that you're gonna perform your camera
00:34:47 --> 00:34:52
			or Hatchard tomato, you're going to have perform your ombre first and then you'll perform Hajj so
you'll be doing both.
00:34:54 --> 00:34:56
			That's one situation. Another situation
00:34:57 --> 00:35:00
			is that you don't have the means to perform how
00:35:00 --> 00:35:09
			much, but you have the means to perform. Amara, okay, go perform, I'm gonna hamdulillah go and do
that first inshallah. Tada. So what should you do first? Well,
00:35:10 --> 00:35:16
			it depends on your situation what you're capable of, you know your status or your, your ability to
do so.
00:35:18 --> 00:35:36
			You know, the Hajj is the obligation that you have to fulfill. If that passes you by in your life,
you have the means to do that you have to do that in Chinatown. But they say you can't do that
before that. Then you do the umbrella. And there was a view actually to say the organizer is also
worship is an obligation of you to do and Allah subhanaw taala dismissed
00:35:39 --> 00:35:39
00:35:42 --> 00:35:46
			Can I get an interest based loan to go hedge?
00:35:48 --> 00:35:53
			Which is similar to a question I mentioned earlier, performing hedge with HUD on money.
00:35:58 --> 00:36:00
			If we look at Hodge and what he represents in Islam,
00:36:02 --> 00:36:06
			Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam which is mentioned in the Quran.
00:36:08 --> 00:36:20
			in various places, its obligation even to the detail of what you do in the places you go to
machariel Haram and our effort, okay. These places are mentioned in Surah Baqarah.
00:36:22 --> 00:36:26
			There was a great emphasis on explaining and the status of Hajj.
00:36:29 --> 00:36:50
			The ability to do Hej, which is one of the conditions is that you're physically as we mentioned the
beginning the show physically and financially able to do that. Now, no doubt the money that you
spent on performing Hajj is part of your worship as part of your striving. You know money doesn't
just come to your door for you to go perform how to do anything you have to work
00:36:51 --> 00:37:09
			for your money for then you to go and perform your acts of aviator here you're doing it for Hajj,
you have to absolutely no questions asked have to ask you absolutely make sure that your morale your
wealth, in general Hajj or otherwise, not your money is pure.
00:37:10 --> 00:37:18
			that your money is free from haram. It's free from interest. It's free from anything which Islam has
00:37:19 --> 00:37:47
			If you want Allah subhanaw taala to bless your wealth, or how you spend your wealth, if you to be
rewarded with that wealth, you have to ensure that your wealth is pure, the in the law Hapa Yep,
lawyer Corolla believer that almost panic is pure and only accept that what is pure. Okay. So, big
emphasis on hutch, taking out a robber, taking an interest to get haram to perform a burden. No,
don't do that. Don't do that.
00:37:49 --> 00:37:51
			You carry the sin of taking out
00:37:53 --> 00:37:57
			an agreement which is haram for you to perform something so great and beloved to Allah subhanaw
00:37:59 --> 00:38:02
			The Clash, you know, don't do that. If you want the reward of hedge
00:38:03 --> 00:38:14
			in an accepted hedge, the ability to return you know cydnus And you've used filter money to perform
your hedge there No.
00:38:15 --> 00:38:30
			If you don't have the means brother or sister Alhamdulillah Allah, Allah will not take you to
account for that a lot. But I will not take into account for that what you did not do because you
couldn't Alhamdulillah Allah Subhana Allah is Allah hamara he mean, Allah Allah, Allah is the Most
00:38:32 --> 00:38:33
			And all this pattern is best.
00:38:36 --> 00:38:40
			What is better for me going to hedge are using my wealth to pay off my parents debts?
00:38:42 --> 00:38:43
00:38:44 --> 00:38:53
			So with regards to debts of others, the debts that your your parents took out are their debts
00:38:55 --> 00:38:57
			and it has an obligation upon them to fulfill those debts.
00:39:00 --> 00:39:07
			If you have the means, I mean, there's that big this is quite general questions beyond scope and so
on Situ mate situation may differ from another
00:39:08 --> 00:39:26
			that you have personally the means for you to make Hutch that is an obligation upon you
individually, which you have to fulfill. And that would come before as us as an individual because
Hajj is farther line is an individual responsibility
00:39:27 --> 00:39:37
			for the one who has fulfilled those conditions. Okay. And so therefore, you performing that hedge
would be an a priority for you to perform first.
00:39:38 --> 00:39:45
			That would be to make that very clear. But there may be situations which, you know, differ from one
person to the next.
00:39:48 --> 00:39:53
			But again, the question didn't ask those different situations. So that's just a general ruling, and
our last pattern is best. Okay.
00:39:55 --> 00:39:58
			Is it permissible to travel with a father in law
00:40:00 --> 00:40:01
00:40:02 --> 00:40:03
			husband, his wife,
00:40:05 --> 00:40:24
			she wants to travel somewhere and he cannot but his father he can take her to the father in law. Is
that allowed? Yes, his mom he is Muharram to her. So there's absolutely no problem and then going
wherever they're gonna go for God, okay, he qualifies as a Muslim. And so therefore can travel with
her wherever she's going Shana Taylor
00:40:25 --> 00:40:27
			will allow her to earn Ireland.
00:40:28 --> 00:41:05
			Does each of the 10 days have a specific significance and what are the or is it that the 10 days are
generally generally special? Okay, so maybe you've come across a little booklet or a leaflet, say
that the first day of the hijab is special for this, the second day of the hijab special for this,
the third day is special for this fourth day special for this had a little salehoo this has no basis
in Islam. Just as you find the person making throw off the first shout the first time you go around
is special and you have to say this and then the second one you have to say this
00:41:06 --> 00:41:52
			this is was invented by somebody and it has no basis for you to say that. So in general, in general,
the 10 days are all special insha Allah Allah, okay, as for the one who's performing Hajj, the no
doubt there are certain days which are specific and special for them. Meaning that the eighth of the
ledger they are, you know, it's good for them to be in Minar sunnah to be Yamato here, and then on
the ninth to be an alpha. Okay, and then intends for you to perform the rest acts of the Hajj. So
there are certain days if you're performing Hajj, yes. Or for example, fasting the ninth of January,
that's something you should specifically do on that day. Other than that, other than that, then the
00:41:52 --> 00:41:56
			days aren't specific as to you know, what you should be doing individually
00:41:57 --> 00:41:59
			and Allah subhanaw taala his best.
00:42:02 --> 00:42:11
			Next question is Allah to Allah? Is it okay to say Juma Mubaraka. Juma mo Baraka Have a blessed
00:42:12 --> 00:42:13
			This is,
00:42:14 --> 00:42:34
			you know, maybe like 10 years ago, maybe 15 years ago, never really used to hear your mom water
could to be honest with you. It was something very rare you would hear now, you hear it quite a lot.
Okay, you share around on the Friday oh do mumble baraka and then they will say oh, it's better.
It's an innovation into the deen to say Joomla Mubaraka
00:42:36 --> 00:43:11
			is there was the correct view on this, then we say well, because this was not the practice of the
early generations, which is true. The Prophet also didn't teach us to say Juma Baraka but like any
day, any time you know, you can say to somebody have a special, have a special date, or have a
blessed date. Okay. As long as people aren't taking it as an ad, as you know, this is a weekly
custom, okay, because then people might start thinking this is from the deem that you do every week.
So it's not from the Dean every few to say every single drama if it was said every now and again
then not a problem. Charlotte alum is best. So we've come to the end of the show brothers and
00:43:11 --> 00:43:22
			sisters. May Allah subhanaw taala continue to bless you all so until we meet again Inshallah, next
episode of Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh ya Are you Hello
00:43:24 --> 00:43:25
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00:43:29 --> 00:43:30
			M remian.
00:43:31 --> 00:43:32
			That is
00:43:34 --> 00:43:39
			VHA in do in a law he was odd
00:43:40 --> 00:43:41
			to me.
00:43:42 --> 00:43:43
			He wasn't the only