Wasim Kempson – In the light of the Sahaba – Episode 2
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The story of Cabot nomadic is discussed, including the Prophet's delay and bravery. The lack of cooperation with the news media and the news of the cabbage led to a loss of power. It is emphasized that being truthful is crucial to avoiding loss of power.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh My dear brothers and sisters and welcome to another episode of In the light of the Sahaba with us today inshallah Allah and this episode is a very famous companion, who has the most beautiful story and one of the poets of the Prophet alayhi wa sallam His name is khabib nomadic. It is a story of never heard before, then it is a story that kept himself he relates, and the story is found in elbow high, it is an amazing story. So panela kavaratti Allahu anhu. He says that there was never a time that I was more well off than at the time of this particular incident. And when did this incident take
place? It took place in the ninth year, maybe two years before the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam said to all of the companions, and 30,000 companions went on this journey north to go to give our feasable illa cabnet nomadic he said, Never there was a time I was better off I had two rights. I two camels that I could travel on, never in my life that I have two camels except at that time, he was fully prepared to go out with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Although it was a very difficult time, it was very hot. It was the time to harvest the dates maybe people would have to make a sacrifice concerning their wealth.
Growth minded not affirmed not only alone, he donated so much so many camels and so much of his wealth to the Muslims who didn't have anything. Cabot nomadic rhodiola when he said I would get myself ready, I will prepare myself and I will leave tomorrow. The Muslims are leaving tomorrow, I'll get myself ready tomorrow. This is a story in which case of nomadic or the Allahu and constantly delayed, he kept delaying the preparation of leaving with the Muslims. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he left with 30,000 of the Muslims and they left Medina. Cabot nomadic radi Allahu Allah when looking around in Medina, he said, the only people I found left back in El
Medina were the women, the children, and the old companions would reach old in their age. And those individuals who are accused of being hypocrites, these were the only people that remained in Medina.
He said, I will get myself ready and he kept delaying kept procrastinating. Until SubhanAllah. It got to a stage where there was no way he was going to be able to catch up with the army of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam.
When this happened, and that time had really gone too far. He felt a great regret. There was no intention that he had within himself not to go. He had a full intention of wanting to go, but because he kept delaying, delaying delaying the time actually passed
the Prophet alayhi wa Salaam with the companions, they arrived at their destination. When they arrived there. He looked around and he said, has anybody seen cab?
One of the people said, O Messenger of Allah. Something kept him back. And there was a saying in Arabic, he said he stayed back looking at the beauty of his clothes. This was seen as a great insult. Where this was a time of chivalry and bravery for a person to accuse another person to stay back because he was looking at his clothes. He equated him with a person who was maybe very weak and not brave at all.
The Prophet sallallahu I listened did not say anything. However, more I did know, Giovanna rhodiola who and he looked at the man he said midsommar could indeed you have said an evil thing. Or messenger of Allah. Kagame no Malik is an individual who we only know good about. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam again, he remains silent. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remained away from and Medina for a long time. He stayed in the destination there for 20 days. And then he came back to Medina. When news came that the prophet Elijah shalom was returning with 30,000 of the Muslims. Cabot nomadic or the Allahu anhu was thinking to help thinking to himself, what am I
going to say to the messenger sallallahu wasallam. Many of the hypocrites they were preparing themselves to lie, to stand there and swear by a law that they had an excuse and they couldn't do this. And they couldn't do that. khabib nomadic wrote the law and he said, I could have quite easily told a lie, and said something that was not true. And the messenger Sala law is and would have accepted that. So one by one these hypocrites. They went to the messenger sallallahu nslm and they swore by Allah that they had an excuse not to go, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
Allah knows what is in your heart and May Allah forgive you. And then kavaratti Allahu and he said,
It was my turn to come to the messenger at a Santos lm cab he said what are the Allahu I knew as I approached the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I saw him he was smiling the smile of an angry person.
He said, O Messenger of Allah, that I could say something to you, I could lie, I could make an oath. That was not true. And that maybe you would forgive me. But I know that Allah subhanaw taala would know the truth. And maybe Allah subhanaw taala would expose me kind of nomadic or the Allahu, and he was completely honest about his situation, and explained in full detail, why he did not participate. He had full intention to participate, but he kept delaying, he kept delaying. He kept delaying until it got beyond the time, and it was too late to join the army. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to Caleb, I accept what you have said, and you can go, we will wait for Allah subhanaw
taala to make clay clear in the matter, what is your situation
kind of know Malika rhodiola when he left the Prophet Alayhi Salam in a very sad way.
The Prophet alayhi wa sallam said concerning three particular companions, one of them being cabbage, no Malik, no one should speak to these three individuals. Nobody should speak to them. Shake hands give Selim nothing, they should be abandoned. Completely. Target nomadic or the Allahu anhu says in the story in the writing of himself. He said, I was between my own people, my family members, my friends, however, I felt like the loneliest person in the world. And this went on for 40 days, he would give salams to people. He would look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from afar, hoping that the Prophet alayhi wa sallam would look at him, but the Prophet Mohammed Al Salam did
not look at him.
When he reached the 14th day, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the families the wife should stay away from her husband.
Subhana Allah This was very difficult for Cabot nomadic.
Even his own wife was to stay away from him. And even Allah subhanaw taala mentions the situation of khabib nomadic in the Quran in surah Toba with a loss of power that describes the situation and the feelings that he had. He it is said that is though that the whole world the dunya was crushing him. He did not know where to go. He felt so pressurized and so sad about the situation. He was waiting for Allah subhanaw taala to make clear on what was the future for him until he reached the 50th day 50 days had passed. That candidate pneumonic rhodiola, Han had not spoken to anybody and everybody else was ignoring him. And he was sitting after salata ledger, he was sitting on the roof of his
home. Then in the distance, a man came running towards him, saying Yeah, cab, oh cab. Somebody was speaking to him. SubhanAllah what had happened, what changed this individual who is from his family, and said that Allah subhanaw taala had revealed Quran concerning your situation and the other two as well. naka turb Allahu Allah, that Allah subhanaw taala has forgiven you all COVID nomadic or the Allahu Allah could not believe what had happened. Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed Quran concerning my situation, capital the Allahu anhu immediately stood up, and he went to the masjid of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. When he walked in, he saw the companions one by one, looking at him and
smiling. SubhanAllah Then he looked to the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he smiled at the messenger it says to them, the prophet Mohammed Al Islam, likewise, smiled back at him. This was a feeling that Cabot nomadic rhodiola one that he was waiting for, he had never felt so happy. So Panama and Alhamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala forgave karibib nomadic and the other two companions that were with him. Now what do we take from this story? My dear brothers and sisters, we take from this story, that no matter what you have done, no matter what you have said, As Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, you handed in Allah, O you who have believed faith, Allah will call no matter what side
you're in and be with the truthful people. Be truthful, stand up for the truth, that as Muslims regardless of the situation, even if it means incriminating my own self, I will always say the truth. Why? Because even though I may say something, and I'm able to deceive the person who is sitting in front of me, I can never deceive Allah subhanaw taala I can never get away from being held accountable for what I have said and what I have done when I face a loss or pinata either. And even though cabnet nomadic rhodiola who and was given a goal
The opportunity to lie to make an oath that the Prophet Alayhi Salam was making to Allah saying, Oh ALLAH forgive these people who made excuses not to go, but they were known to be from the monarchy when they were known to be from the hypocrites. But as we know that Cabot nomadic wrote the alarm, I had a beautiful character, there was no way that he was going to lie to the messenger sallallahu wasallam there was no way he was going to say something like this. What he said, was completely the truth. And he lost a pinata absolved him of the issue concerning him in fact, Subhanallah until this day, in Surah, tober we recite verses talking about what had happened to Cabot nomadic, what an
honor was given to a cadre of nomadic or the Allahu anhu in the Quran was revealed concerning his situation. My dear brothers and sisters, first and foremost we are truthful to Allah Subhan Allah to Allah and then we are truthful to every single person that we come in contact with. And with this you will find that a lot of pinata Allah will bless you. But I'll also panel tag will make things easy for you. And those people that lie that only those people will find that difficulty comes one after the other. So I asked Allah subhanaw taala to allow us to follow the example of cabbage new Malika rhodiola who and and they ask Allah subhana wa Tada. He allows us to be truthful people and
that he protects us from those people who fall into the fog hypocrisy and lies. A lot of them I mean barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh