Waseem Hendricks – Gems From The Quran. Juz 25

Waseem Hendricks
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The importance of gaining bounties and favors of Islam is emphasized in the upcoming weekend of the 21st. A woman and provisioning are also discussed, as well as the need for finding guidance in difficult situations. The speaker emphasizes the importance of showing gratitude towards Allah for his success and the potential for blessings to increase chances of success. The speaker also discusses the importance of Allah's control of everything, including his wealth, and the potential for empowerment in the face of failure. The speaker also addresses the importance of knowing the weaknesses of the Prophet sall capable of causing failure to Islam.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:20 --> 00:00:24
			Subhanallah team, I greet everyone
with the most beautiful greeting,
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			the greeting of Islam, as well as
the greeting of Jannah, as
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			salaamu, alaykum, warahmatullahi,
taala, rakatu, Alhamdulillah, once
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			again, Allah subhanahu wa taala is
favored as that we could fast
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			another day of Ramadan and Masha
Allah. How grateful we should be
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			to Allah subhanho wa Taala that
tonight, being one of the adna is
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			the 21st night of the month of
Ramadan, we have this opportunity
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			to gain the Night of Power, the
Night of Decree Layla to qadal.
00:00:51 --> 00:00:54
			May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant
the entire Ummah to gain this
00:00:54 --> 00:00:58
			beautiful night in sha Allah and
to be in ELI Subhan wa taala, with
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			Allah's permission, be forgiven
and may Allah grant us the rewards
00:01:01 --> 00:01:06
			of more than 1000 months. Amin ya
Rameen, this is a night break
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			yourself. Go broken in front of
Allah subhanahu wa, raise your
00:01:09 --> 00:01:13
			hands to Allah subhanahu wa and
cry as this is favors, all favors
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			in Allah subhanahu wa, just just
to be here during this month of
00:01:18 --> 00:01:22
			Ramadan already is a favor. And
Allah subhanahu wa says wainta u
00:01:22 --> 00:01:26
			near mat Allah Suha that if you
try to count the blessings and the
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			favors of Allah subhanahu wa will
never be able to count the
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			blessings. And ironically,
tonight, one of the ayah, Allah
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			subhanahu wa speaks about His
favors and how the believers and
00:01:36 --> 00:01:39
			how humankind will react to that
favors. And Allah subhanahu wa
00:01:39 --> 00:01:45
			says, waida and Amna al insanity.
Allah Subhanallah, Allah.
00:01:47 --> 00:01:53
			Subhanahu wa says that when we
bestow favor upon man, he turns
00:01:53 --> 00:01:56
			away and distances himself. When
we are in a good state, when
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			everything goes beautiful in our
lives, we forget about Allah. We
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			forget about the one who who
decrees for us to be lucky and to
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			be happy, and mashallah to have
all these bounties and favors, the
00:02:08 --> 00:02:14
			bounty of health, the bounty of
gaining financially, how, whatever
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			way we possibly can think of and
Fandom of that comes from Allah,
00:02:18 --> 00:02:21
			Subhanahu wa but look what Allah
says when we favor them with these
00:02:21 --> 00:02:26
			bounties, they turn away. We don't
turn and run
00:02:27 --> 00:02:31
			to Allah subhanahu wa. This is
what we should do and Allah
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			subhanahu wa, and if we show this
gratitude to Allah subhanahu wa,
00:02:38 --> 00:02:41
			what is it for Allah subhanahu wa
to increase us in that and
00:02:41 --> 00:02:45
			multiply our blessings. And may
Allah multiply our blessings. But
00:02:45 --> 00:02:49
			Allah, subhanaw taala says, But
when evil touches them, then he is
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			full of extensive supplication,
when, whenever a calamity befalls
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			us, and somehow we must think
about this, we are in a state. And
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			what are we doing? Everybody is
begging Allah. Everybody is crying
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			and turning to Allah. Is it only
when the situations occurs that we
00:03:04 --> 00:03:09
			think about our Lord Allahu AK,
Allah subhanahu wa, teaching us
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			something we must really ponder
about the SubhanAllah. For indeed,
00:03:13 --> 00:03:17
			Who is Allah subhanahu wa taala to
his slaves, who is Allah subhanahu
00:03:17 --> 00:03:18
00:03:19 --> 00:03:20
			the ones who worship
00:03:21 --> 00:03:24
			Allah subhanahu wa says
beautifully, inshallah to Shu ra
00:03:24 --> 00:03:32
			ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala says Allahu
Lati from the ibadihi Aziz. This
00:03:32 --> 00:03:36
			is almighty Lord Allah subhanahu
wa is settled with with his
00:03:36 --> 00:03:40
			servants. Allah subhanahu wa knows
that he created us week. He He
00:03:40 --> 00:03:44
			knows that we run to him when we
when in a state where calamity has
00:03:44 --> 00:03:47
			befallen us. Prior to this, we
might have been heedless of Allah
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			subhanahu wa, Allah still
encourages us and telling us,
00:03:51 --> 00:03:55
			Allah will not leave whom be a
lady. Allah subhanahu wa, subtle
00:03:55 --> 00:03:59
			and most kind to his servants,
what the rock we have, what the
00:03:59 --> 00:04:02
			Creator we have. He's still
waiting for us to come to Him.
00:04:02 --> 00:04:07
			Subhanahu wa taala, he gives
provisions to whom he rolls. And
00:04:07 --> 00:04:11
			we see some of us we have today.
What are we doing with our
00:04:11 --> 00:04:14
			provisions? Are we only thinking
about ourselves and being selfish?
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			The poor, the destitute, are out
there. The month of Ramadan is
00:04:17 --> 00:04:20
			upon us. Look how beautiful ALLAH
SubhanA wa Taala makes it we need
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			to pay our zakat al fitr or
sadaqat al fita. We know that.
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			Know it as fitrah. What is that in
AD to aid and assess those who
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			don't have Allah Akbar, the
bounties in Allah bestow upon us.
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			What do we do with the bounties?
Do we hold on to it and think that
00:04:34 --> 00:04:38
			we are the owners of it? We need
to dispatch it, dispatch it in the
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			right channels, Inshallah, to
Allah, and if we help Allah
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			subhanho wa increase for us, that
is what we need to understand.
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			Provisions comes from Allah, from
Allah subhanahu wa gives to he
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			will to whom he wants, and he is
the powerful, the exalt in might
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			Allah subhanho wa Taala can give
us today, and may Allah give
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			continuously, continuously give us
and not * it away from us.
00:04:59 --> 00:04:59
			Jamaican speak.
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			Because Allah subhanahu
00:05:05 --> 00:05:10
			wa speaks about reason. Allah
subhanaw taala says, Allah risk
00:05:10 --> 00:05:19
			Alibaba he lab a whole fill of the
wanaki unit who Allah subhanahu wa
00:05:19 --> 00:05:24
			speaks about the risk with Allah
subhanahu wa, and if Allah had
00:05:24 --> 00:05:28
			extended excessive provisions for
His servants, they would have
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			committed tyranny throughout the
earth. Allah subhanahu wa could
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			have dispatched ample amount of
risk of sustenance upon us. But
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			what is Allah subhanahu wa, if
this had to happen, we would have
00:05:39 --> 00:05:42
			been tyrants. If we look at the
life of your aunt, he was wealthy
00:05:42 --> 00:05:46
			and rich. What did he think? What
did his wealth do to him, his
00:05:46 --> 00:05:50
			spiritual state, his frame of
mind. He thought that he was
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			higher than Allah
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			subhanahu wa, dispatching the
wealth in bits and pieces to us
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			daily. We depend on Allah
subhanahu wa, what does that do?
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			It makes us depend and know that
it comes from a higher being, and
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			that is Allah, Subhanahu wa
Indeed, Allah knows the weakness
00:06:09 --> 00:06:12
			of man and the Hadith of the
Prophet sallallahu, sallam, it
00:06:12 --> 00:06:16
			mentions that the what, what the
Prophet sallallahu feared for his
00:06:16 --> 00:06:19
			ummah. It was not for them to be
tariful salah, people that leave
00:06:19 --> 00:06:24
			Salah intentionally. It was not
for people that's not fasting and
00:06:24 --> 00:06:28
			pay their zakat. It was the wealth
of this world, because we all
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			running after the wealth. What is
the concern now? What am I going
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			to eat? How is things going to
play out? Look at our economical
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			state. Why is our why are we not
turning to Allah? Why are we not
00:06:38 --> 00:06:41
			saying, Yeah, Allah, take us out
of this calamity, because we are
00:06:41 --> 00:06:44
			all dependent on you. Everything
that happens is by your decree, Ya
00:06:44 --> 00:06:47
			Allah, that is extremely
important. And Allah Gail is
00:06:47 --> 00:06:48
			inshaAllah. Allah
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			subhanahu wa then says, But he
send it down in an amount which he
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			wills Allah subhanahu wa
dispatched the way Allah subhanahu
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			Wald, and he is the all Knower. He
knows what is going to happen when
00:07:00 --> 00:07:03
			he dispatched his wealth to us.
Indeed, He is of His servants
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			Acquainted and Seeing. Allah knows
exactly how we're going to deal
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			with the SubhanAllah. And Allah
protect us that we should not be
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			the tyrants if we have but a
little because if we think that we
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			have Allah, that is not even a
drop in the ocean, you can put a
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			needle pin into the ocean, take it
out, whatever is the remnants on
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			the the head of the of the pimp
that is not even close Subhanallah
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			to what Allah subhanaw taala is
dispatch of his treasures upon us.
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			And Allah protect us, I mean. And
Allah subhana wa Taala says, and
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			you will not cause failure to
Allah upon the earth. And you have
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			not, besides Allah, any protector
or helper. How can we SubhanAllah?
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			Even think, indeed we can be
greatly empowered in Allah
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			subhanahu wa in control of this
earth. Allah subhanahu is in
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			control of everything that we can
think of and what we don't know
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			of, as well Allah guide us in sha
Allah upon the true path. For
00:07:55 --> 00:07:58
			indeed we are only but the
creation of Allah subhanahu wa
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			Subhana wa Taala is the Overseer
and the protector of Allah, guide
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			as well. Abu na Rabi, araw bin Abu
Asmaa, waktu, Allah, hita Wakanda,
00:08:12 --> 00:08:12