Waleed Basyouni – Violence In The Name Of God

Waleed Basyouni
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The speakers discuss the importance of acknowledging the "verbal, extremist, and shia groups" in the context of terrorism and their actions. They emphasize caution and educating others about the danger of terrorist groups and the need for global awareness and caution. The discussion also touches on the impact of "opportunities of the world" on the community and the potential for negative consequences if people continue to use them. The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting one's health and safety and the need for protecting one's heart and mind. They also discuss the use of language in religion and the shift in the way people act. Finally, they emphasize the importance of protecting one's religion and the need for evidence to support their claims.

AI: Summary ©

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			Today I will talk about our kind of sensitive topic a little bit.
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			But I believe it's one of them important
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			topics that we should feel fairly to address and to talk about it openly, which is talking about
violence in the name of God. Or if you want to say, talking about terrorism, talking about
extremism. And I'll be very frank and honest from the beginning. I'm here not to talk about any
generally just to talk generally about that violence, which is taken aim on Earth, by name of God,
or by name of any religion. I'm not just here to talk about very general
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			general talk, or talking about all kinds of terrorist exists out there in the world. And there are
so many of them, as you will see earlier here in Charlotte today, that terrorism has nothing to do
with a particular it's not only related to particular religion, or a particular race, or a
particular country. Terrorism is something exists in every religion, and every community and every
it could be exists in every community, and every religion, and every race or ethnic group. So it's
not only exists in the Muslims or the non Muslims or the Christian or the Jews, or in America or
overseas or in a Weinstein or an era. Now it could be exist in every country, actually.
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			That's why I'm not going to be talking about terrorism in general and extremism in general, I will
be very specific from the beginning. And I want you to understand this because it's a, it's a key
point to my speech. Today, I'm only going to talk about terrorism, which is or active violence,
which is done by the hand of Sunni Muslims, of Sunni Muslims. So I'm not even talking about the
extreme groups among the Shia, or the terrorists group among the Shia, or the extremist among the
Shia, or the disease, or the Eloise or any group like that. I'm only concentrating about those. Yes,
there are minority, yes, they are not the mainstream Muslims at all. There are a small portion of
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			the Sydney Muslim group who have taken that route, the route of extremism. And as for us, as a
singer, we call those people who goes to that direction, and innovators even we don't give them the
title, Sydney in a term, which it means that people who follow the Sunnah, now, we will always refer
to them through the history of Islam, as alhadeff, or the innovators are the people of the use to
call them the people off the sword, hello, save, hello, save. And the amount was very
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			worried about this group, to the extent you will see commonly said by the early Muslim generation,
so I'm so person have came up with a lot of innovations. But whenever he start calling people to the
sword, you need to carry weapons to start transfair, that person will be transferred from just a
theologian or a person who, who promote maybe innovations and wrong ideas. And he stopped carrying
weapons to support this idea. And he started carrying arms and recruiting people to bring violence
and disturbing to the community. They said whenever he said that, that the moment we have no more
tolerant to those people, we mean, who could lash a hat and a be safe dijanna be safe?
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			Also, I will, I'm not going to talk about the definition of terrorism and what how we define it. And
I'm sure you all know about all the debates about how exactly we define terrorism, because that's
not what I'm interested in today to spend the whole lecture about. What is the best definition and
how much accurate This is? And is this fact every group who carry for example, armor weapon for
liberation or for their? We'll call them a freedom fighters? Is this terrorism applied to them? How
can we find a perfect definition? I'm not going to go through that. For me, for me, Terrorism Act of
violence, which is illegal, which is basically it's not legal or it's not held on by the rules.
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			of Islam, anybody transgress or anybody cross the limit of the Sharia or carry any act of violence,
which is considered an Islamic law. It is a forbidden app. Those people we call them the people who
spread corruption and earth that people who are tense aggressor volley mean or Parveen, Allah
subhana wa tada said one taco don't cross the limit Don't break the rules of the shittier by doing
things against others, Allah Subhana Allah also said, while acted, belittled facade fill in law,
your hipbone muscadine don't wish to spread corruption in earth. Indeed, a lot of very Allah
subhanaw taala doesn't love that one who those who spread corruption in earth, and corruption here
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			in this earth in this in this verse means
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			corruption here in this verse means that those who will spread disturbing well not allowed love to
be in order in cities, they will take the lives of innocent people they will destroy urban areas and
attacking being basically the communities
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			and taking their destroying their wealth and their civilization if you want to say that or
destroying their cities and their governments.
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			If it's done
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			islamically if it's done, understand if it had been done to an innocent people. Also in Islam, Allah
subhanaw taala is another word which is interesting words is the word that's called Lulu extremism.
Allah subhanaw taala said oh the people of birth of book Don't be extreme in your views. Don't be
extreme in your religion. And in Ibiza Sallam told his own mother Omar, Mohammed Salim, Yakumo Hulu
be aware of extremism, be aware of extremism, and inhibit sallallahu alayhi wasallam helical,
helical, Mouton, Oprah Winfrey time, those are extreme, will never achieve success and live actually
halakhah It's a prayer again, it's such people, and no Rahim Allah said, animatronics are the
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			extreme one, the one who will cross the line who will do what is not lawful and Sharia.
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			So basically, I'm talking about the extreme group, about those who will break the law of Islam,
those who will attack and kill innocent people, and those who will not hesitate also to bring
disturbance to the communities to the communities, regardless if it was done against Muslims, or
against non Muslims as well, as well, because all human that live is sacred, and their life is
protected, and their blood should be
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			saved, not to be spilled or to kill. And we will come shala to talk more about this issue
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			him before I go even deeper to my topic today, I always hear this question.
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			Why do you talk about such things which is not popular? I lived all my life I've been Muslim a lot
the only terrorist I have seen what Fox News bring on their news or what I see in the in the media
and mainstream media or even the
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			media in general, all the talk about the Muslim extreme and extremism among the slab. And even
people say not all Muslims are extremists or terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims, and things
like that. They said, Chad, are you influenced by these ideas? Why would you waste your time and
waste our time to talk about such topic? as they are minority? Why we are bothering ourselves with
why we are talking about them? I'll tell you the truth. Yes, they are minority. Yes, they are a
small portion of the Muslim community in general, and anywhere in the world. They don't represent
the mainstream Muslim. They don't represent the mainstream scholars in Islam. They don't represent
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			most of the Muslims and
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			in anywhere in this world, they don't represent any mainstream dour group, or movement in the
Islamic world, in the past or in the present, but they are exist. The whole point is if you agree
with me that they are exist, and they have influence and then a message coming across through
internet, through books through tapes, and also it is one of the tricks of the devil to mislead so
many young people.
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			showing me young brothers and sisters as well as sisters as well. And we have seen in the recent
days, increasing in number in this area, not only in the militant group, but also to those who have
kind of support emotionally to such group. And me, maybe you will find that there is so many people
might agree with the terms, groups, ideologies, and ideas, and what is the calling for, even if they
disagree with them, and how to represent or how to, for example, to, they don't agree with them in
the way that they carry their ideas out through violence, but even this area that you agree with
them, agree in there with them and their ideas and their ideologies, some of it can be very
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			dangerous, because this is the first step to be an extremist, this is the taking the first step to
go to that route. And the person if you enter, God forbid, there is no stop, there is no break. It's
like going downhill. So that's why I think awareness. It's very important. Taking caution is very
important. Educating the Muslims about this is a very important issue. Especially I'm saying in
these modern days, I mean, by modern days, this few years back, we have seen increasing in numbers,
and the message been sent influenced heavily towards the Muslims everywhere in the world to support
or at least to be sympathizer with the terrorist group wherever,
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			whatever name they might take, or extreme ideas and views. I don't believe that small portion means
nothing. Sometimes when people said, Oh, I'm fine with 90% you know what's 10% front of 9% 99% or
90%, even 99% sometimes not good enough. Sometimes I'm not a perfect trying to make everybody here
perfect. But I mean, don't ever underestimate a small number, a small number can have a great impact
or a great effect. I would like to ask you a question. What do you think of 99.9 that sounds very
good number to you. For said you, I will do this job all day. 99% point nine.
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			That get Yes, it says sounds good. But I'll tell you that if it's 99.9% is good enough, then 12
newspaper 12 newborns in America 12 new boys in America will be giving to their own parents daily.
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			If 99.9 good enough that what it will lead to 114 5500 mismatched pairs of shoes will be shipped
each year.
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			If 99.9 is good enough. 2 million documents will be lost and the IRS every year. Oh that's good.
Bye. Then it's 99.9% all be good enough. It will be 18,322 pieces of mail of mail won't be Miss hand
handling every day 2.5 million book will be shipped to the wrong covers. two planes and Chicago
O'Hare Airport will be unsafe. They will make unsafe landing every day in Chicago O'Hare Airport. If
99.9 is good enough 20,000 incorrect drug prescription will be written to the wrong person every
year in this country. If 99.9 is good enough 880,000 credit card in in circulation will be turned
out to have incorrect cardholder information or the wrong magnets trip on it, but will not be given
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			to the right persons as well.
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			If 99.9% point nine is good enough, you will have 5.5 million cases of soft drink produce will be
flat. Wow.
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			99.9% if it's good enough, do you know that 291 Peacemaker operations will be performed incorrectly.
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			99.9% if it's good enough, you will have 300-300-3000
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			56 copies of tomorrow's Wall Street Journal will be Miss missing one of the one of one of their
sections, one of their sections.
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			Anyway, so basically, I believe, even if they are minority, I believe even if they're not
mainstream, they're not so popular. But still the other problem we need to deal with
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			terrorism and extremism became a global issue. Everybody talks about it. Every even president wants
to be elected, he needs to show how tough he is against terrorism, unfortunately, talking only about
the muslim terrorist group. But we know that terrorism is not as I said, related to only one
religion, one ethnic groups or one
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			community, it's exists in every community exists in every basically, it's it could be exist in every
country could be exist in every religion, and carry by various different kind of people. So, as I
said, again, and again, my talk today only to concentrate on one specific group, because I'm talking
to Muslims, I'm talking to Sydney Muslims. I'm one of the Muslims of Sunni Muslim. I'm one of the
mainstream, who cares so much about my brothers and sisters, that they will be going towards that
direction, and to be influenced by the ideologies of these extreme groups. This extreme group, I
believe, as the Muslim jurists said early in the days of Assetto, minahasa. And we hire to hire
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			Romanian a large, it is very good to be safe, better than being Sorry, it's very important for you
to prevent prevention is much better than cure to prevent yourself from being sick. It's much better
than having the medicine to cure yourself with later on. So if we can prevent ourselves, educate
ourselves, protect ourselves from this and ideologies. So if we're ever I come across somebody who
carrying it, or while I'm surfing the Internet, and I come across anyone of any website promotes
such things, I got an email talking about things like that. I know how to protect myself, I know
that this is not the right people to listen to, they're not the right
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			websites to be visiting, and to look at not because you're afraid that your IP address will be
picked up by the FBI. No, because you want to protect yourself, you want to protect your heart, you
want to protect your mind from being among the extreme ones. And in the B cell allies, lm said
myself am I interested intercession in the day of judgment will not be given to two kinds of people
one, the hammer or on the one who decided that and he or she are extreme, extreme, in their view,
extreme in their practice extreme in their judgment, basically, Lani Fie, they are extremists, and
the dictators, rulers and the dictators, rulers.
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			I'm talking about this subject, because it's very much related to my specialty, my specialty in
Islamic theology. And we have through the history of Islam, studying the history of the sect, a lot
of movement to carry the same exact idea. And I was very shocked when I do my own research that I
found this extreme group is still sometimes using the exact same evidence that people used 1000
years ago,
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			the exact evidence the exact versus the exact Hadith that they used 1000 years ago, to promote their
false ideas. It's been also re used in modern days by these extreme groups. They are just extinct
for them.
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			seeing so many incidents happen in the world, while I'm growing up, starting from the incident off
and head on, and Mackey, when a group of extremist group extreme group took over Mecca, and locked
the door of Canada. We're watching this on TV, we were living in this in these days, seeing some of
the people that they used to come with our massage, and all of a sudden they disappear. And we hear
that the automatica locking the door of Canada hijacking of Canada, basically the mustard of Mecca
and claiming that they have a mandate, and they did not hesitate to kill hundreds of people,
hundreds of soldiers, and they will open fire on anyone who opposes them in that time. Not only
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			Mecca that movement, by the way took place. It was a plot to be happening in different cities in the
same times and Arabia in that time, seeing what happened in the jihad in Afghanistan. And how that
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			concept of Islam, which is helping your Muslim brothers in Afghanistan to free their country that
freedom fighters, as they call them, that Jihad that have
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			absolutely attract a lot of young Muslims, a lot of young Muslims, you might so many of you don't
know that, that so many are Muslim used to fly and to go from New York from the Muslim country, they
will even be giving a free tickets to go to fight there. But unfortunately, so many of those who we
have seen, after the came back, they came back to our communities to the society and a witness that
myself with some weird ideas after that, there is something happened over there to so many of them
have shifted so many of their ideas that they came back, and they stood up coming back, some of them
the vast majority of hamdulillah. They don't carry that. But some of them came back with a very
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			weird ideas that we never heard of before some extreme views, so much hate toward the society,
toward the community, toward the scholars towards the governments that they live in toward the
society, towards their families. And I have witnessed 10s of stories of people that I have seen how
they change
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			in a very weird way in a very short time, and start carrying all these extreme views and ideas. We
have seen the Gulf War, and how it's one and two, and how it also helped raise that tone of
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			this extreme group and movement to justify some of their violence actions. Also, the war that taking
place today took place in Bosnia, in Bosnia, took place in Somalia, it took place in Sudan with the
movement, what's happened in Sudan, and how this impact also
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			some of those groups that they loved for a while in such area, and how it became another shelter for
another group who instead of going full on Stan, and started going to Sudan and coming back to us
with some views and some ideas, and even it was reached the peak in Afghanistan lately. And now in
Iraq, you see it growing every basically in Nigeria. And the moment that what happened in Algeria,
all these incident that happened, some might a few, some have seen have loved have Watch carefully,
or you even heard about it now in the news.
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			All these incident, the tabbing around me and the people my age and older, we saw how this impact
and shade all these extreme views through the last 30 years, at least 30 years or 20 years.
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			Anyway, and I believe that I will share some of the points that I think it will help to give type of
protection to us against such views and ideas. I'll talk about several areas, and I will just pick
some points in each area. First, I would like to say that
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			tourism and extreme some facts about terrorism, one terrorism or extreme views. An extreme it means
when you go beyond the limit of the Sharia.
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			beyond the limit of the Sharia, the kuffaar are the number the number some general they cannot draw
the line where to stop
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			the use common sense, which is fine in some area. But for us as Muslims, we use something beside
what we call common sense, because the word common sense is very hard to define as well. As you
might agree with me the word default common sense. Yes, he can bring 123 examples, but to define
what is common sense. It's also something might not agree with, we might not agree with for us as
Muslims we know that the Sharia have given us limit borders we cannot cross that. So when you cross
it you became a transgressor you became an extreme you became a person who committed active without
or innovations or ascent. So tourism is something hot I'm forbidden in Islam. You see how the Muslim
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			talk so strongly against the the most clear.
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			sects in the history of Islam represent the extreme views who openly said that they allowed
themselves to kill innocent people and righteous people such as we thought about the law and law to
the extent
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			One of them said, when I remember the killer of alley, in Nila Kuru, who Yeoman for several alpha
Albury yoshiyama chiamata mehsana. When I remember the one who killed nabee moodgym, the one who
killed Daddy, I would assume that in the gift judgment, he will be the best human, he will reward
the higher place in paradise.
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			The Killers of Annie.
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			That's how he think of him that he is the most righteous the best believer ever exist after Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wasallam
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			they killed the man or the alarm Anwar and the thing that when they carry weapons against Earth,
man, they were changing the evil they were making.
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			Those group that's how these look at themselves, what the companions of Mohammed Salim said about
them, how they treated them. They fought them as the leader of the dead, and the rest of the Sahaba
and the companions and the successors. And until the modern days, they have issue hundreds and tons
of Fatah our head was at brought so many books against such views and such extreme idea.
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			Just to give you an an example from modern days, more than 30 years ago, because they always hear in
the news, all Muslim scholars, they don't denounce terrorism enough. That's a myth. That's a myth,
though the wahabis or the Salafi or the group all these people that are allied with the church, they
don't denounce them. That's absolutely false. And that's how that people who have special interest
they come in the middle to use this incident to promote their special interest or hate against a
certain group or against the Muslim in general, more than 30 years ago. Share on the shelf
Ambassador Rahim Allah Masha Rahim Allah have issued a fatwa about hijacking airport airplanes more
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			than 30 years ago, not after 911 that's 30 years ago, he has issued a fatwa, it is forbidden to
carry any act of violence against Muslims or non Muslims by hijacking airplanes or kidnapping
citizen or individuals blowing Urban's areas, like buses, or like trains or like airplanes or
buildings. And these fatawa came out also in Egypt, from the 80s against the German army Islamia,
and against extreme group, the jihad is so known known as the jihadist group, at that time, at that
time, or the fear when Hey, john,
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			we have to differentiate between two things. Islam do not promote terrorism. Islam is not a religion
of extreme. It's not a religion of terrorism. But we might have some Muslims who are extremist, we
might have a Muslim who is who happened to be an extremist or happened to be a terrorist person.
Yes, they all exist and you should not feel offended by saying that or hearing that I feel offended
if somebody said this religion is the religion of terrorism, but I don't feel offended at all. When
they know that there are some Muslim they are terrorists are they are extreme. I know that there is
always be misguided people there will be always bad people out there. I remember. One person asked
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			me a reporter, she said or he I don't remember now asked me. What do you feel about? How do you
feel? When you heard about the sniper in Washington? You remember that sniper who used to kill
people said How do you feel now that he's a Muslim? His name is Mohammed.
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			I said, I feel happy that he was caught. She said but then being a name is Mohammed I said so what
do you think all Muslims are perfect. Among the Muslims, the gangs and the thugs and the thieves and
among them the doctors and the engineers and the students. It's the unlike any other community,
among them, the good and the bad and the ugly. That's the reality. Yes, our role as a community we
try to eliminate this group I try to find them as much as we can, and we isolate them protect
ourselves from ideas, but you know what, I believe this extreme views will exist until the day of
judgment, it will never end and this is a point I will mention later inshallah. Because it is done
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			and run in the thoughts of in the hedge by the devil by the shape on it's one of the shape ons trick
that how we mislead people, as long as the shape on exists as long as you will have extreme group
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			That's why the profits are Southern said alcohol outage those extreme groups will remain in my Ummah
until the fall Messiah appear and they will follow Him, as reported by a Muslim Rahim Allah to
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			As it said, tourism is not related to certain country or race or gender or even to any social
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			level like for example, extremely outlaw only appear as soon as appear only among poor people.
That's not true. You might find an extreme people who are very rich people have millions of dollars,
and they turned to be an extremist turn to carry act of violence against others. Yes, it is commonly
spread among poor communities, unemployed.
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			People, also among youth, men more than women, but you might find you might find woman and you might
find rich people and you might people have very good jobs, older people will purchase a bit and such
things like that. For example, one of the great leaders, one of the famous leader of the holidays, a
woman Her name is Laila, Laila. And she interoil coup for carrying her sword, killing the Muslim of
Kufa and she called the lead the salon and she was the first woman in the history of Islam to give
hope bottle Juma.
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			And after that, I mean I will do it carry or follow her footsteps.
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			But as a historical
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			fact, at least known for the Muslim she was the first one to pray Juma and mustard, alcova, in
mustard, and Coco, but I'm not sure if she led the pair or not. But I'm sure now that she gives the
hope. She gives the hope about why there are so many terrorist groups or extreme groups or
terrorism, it became today, we have this problem in the Muslim world, we have beautiful religion
share why we have this exist. One that is so many wars going on in our countries. And the Muslims
were so many words taking place in this time in the Muslim world, and words is a very good
environment for such group to grow and to be exist to there's so much injustice in the Middle East,
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			in general, so much at social injustice, so much.
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			injustice happened to the public, by the hand of their rulers, there's a dictatorship taking place,
and so many of the Muslims country, and that have create a reactions towards that injustice, to find
this injustice by taking sometimes the wrong means. Also, our Islamic heritage is so rich, so rich,
and so wide. And that gives opportunity for people to take from that inherits from this culture,
from this history, from this materials can create from it some material to justify their action to
justify their actions of violence, their actions of violence.
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			It's not a new issue. It's not a new
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			group in the Muslim world, as I said they are exist before but I think what is very interesting,
which is need more study, it is for the first time, as far as I know, in the history of Islam, that
this violence would be taking this shape against the non Muslims against the the me against the
Kitab, the people who live in the Muslim world, usually even in the time of the Crusaders, even in
the time of a war between Muslims, even in modern days that when the avant war was exist against the
Russian, we do not use to hear that people will carry operation against Russia in Moscow, or the
Russian in Europe or places like that. That shift by declaring war against the whole Western world,
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			for example, is something new, and it's something it's shifting from its original from what we used
to hear before. And I think that part it's a new thing. And it's a new movement and new ideas need
to be studied more and analyze more.
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			Turns tourism could be came as a form of free actions, which is most of the cases but also tourism
can happen not as a form of reaction. Somebody initiate that and it gives you
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			and I can give you for that example, somebody will be taken to jail will be torture in his jail on a
tablet and so many incident. That person his wife was beat in front of him, his children beat in
front of him.
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			He was humiliated, even to the extent that I can say sexually can be assaulted. And to him or member
of his family, he will be very frustrated, very angry, come out of jail or start leaving and
formulating group. And in no time, it just no taking, it's not only about taking revenge that will
be developed to develop a whole entire movement or a group, like what we see happen from the jails
in Egypt comes out to group like dramatic theater on hedgerow, or Jemaah Islamiyah and other It
started in the jail started in the jail. And it came out to carry weapons against the government
against those who support the government, against even the society some time some times.
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			But some other that's one way for extreme group to be formulate, but it's another example. Somebody
will be very convinced that if you commit openly major sins, you became not Muslim, you became a
person who deserved to be killed. Because you have said something publicly not correct. So it's not
just the reaction, something wrong happened to me, I had wrong ideas. I thought that Allah if you
order me to fight, it means anybody that I see no Muslim, I can fight, and it can just carry weapon
against. So I did this because I have misunderstood the verse of the Quran or the Hadith, or I've
been misled by some Sheriff or some clerk that they have taught me wrong information, then recruited
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			on our wall be basically or the person will be member of an extreme movement. So it can be a
reaction, and it also extremists, extreme movements or terrorist group can come as the initiate the
action themselves.
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			Five, or the number five, the other factor would like to say or to mention here, that terrorism can
be done by the hands of individuals, and can be had done by the hand of organization, and can be
done by the hands of governments. So not because I'm wearing the official
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			or the suit of the army, or the suits of the police. It gives me a protection and it means I'm not
terrorist anymore. Not because I am a leader of a country or a minister of government, it means I'm
not a terrorist anymore, no terrorism can be done by the hands of governments can be done by the
hand of individuals or organizations or organizations, you see how terrorist act took place took
place by the hands of individuals, groups and countries.
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00:38:00 --> 00:38:39
			I seen in in regard to the terrorism that so many people always try to say, tried to say terrorism,
something foreigner is not from us. Any, for example, Muslim community, sometimes leader of the
Muslim community always say, there is no muslim terrorist among the Muslim community in America. We
don't have all these extreme art from outside, they are visitors, they are students, and they think
they are safe by that that's not true. It's very possible to have extreme group and terrorist group
from the Muslim community. And I mean by that from individual living in America, that's not that's
not impossible. Likewise, in Saudi Arabia detail, all these terms group in the beginning, they are
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			coming from Yemen, they coming from Egypt, they are not Saudis, but all of a sudden, they would have
to add the fact that they offset is the killing Saudi citizen ship, they carry the Saudi
citizenship, somebody might say, Oh, they are all for example, foreigner or you may drop the
citizenship of that person. And you think that you're free from responsibility. No, terrorism can be
can grow in your own backyard and you don't know about it, unless you really pay attention to it on
the floor, pay attention to these ideas.
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			Always tourism based in two things, those who supported with ideology with idea with supported their
ideologies, justify that for them by textual evidence from Quran and Sunnah and also would be
supported by those who give them the money and the weapon. So that's why I think fighting terrorism
should take should cover these two areas together cover these two areas together. Terrorism usually
terrorist group, usually they got their
00:39:49 --> 00:39:54
			support from any community by the reaction of the government.
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			It's a very tricky game. They start something the governor
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			reply with irresponsible, sometimes reply. And they will be very harsh, unfair, unjust the way they
treat the wrong action take place by the wrong group. So what happened, everybody else started being
sympathizer with the group who've been hit hard, who'd been put in jail been torture, and what's
happened, the original case will be forgotten, the original case will be forgotten. And this why the
government's has to be smart in the way the tree or deal with any terrorist acts take place. For
example, people they don't talk about 911, as much as they talk about how horrible America is by
bombing the innocent people in Staten Island, which is absolutely true, killing hundreds and 1000s
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			of people in
00:40:51 --> 00:41:34
			it just how long it is not right and just not fair. That's what happened. And now the issue of 911
forgotten, but all the talk will be going towards how the reaction of the government, the
government, they kill the president of Egypt, for example, so that people take him to jail, torture
in the jail, people, they don't talk anymore about the assassination of the president, he will start
talking about how those people were tortured in the jail, which is absolutely fact absolutely true.
That not allowed, this will not justify doing that. But the problem during this Miss people miss the
point, people forget about what's originally initiate all of that all of this. And this has happened
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			so many times in the history of the Muslim country, that always people take their support from the
public by the reaction of the government. That's why the reaction of the government must be very
wise. And as much as as much as I may be. This is totally against some of the view of politician
today. But that's what I believe in as much as the confrontation take more the shape of current
confrontation between terrorist group and any government and any society, take towards the militant
way carry weapons fighting one another, I think that make the target group grow stronger and
stronger and stronger. And as much as we stop that, and we start opening more doors for dialogue,
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			more doors for discussion, more doors to see what they have, what the point that they have, what's
the justification that they have against to allow them to do such things and we bring them to the
table to more discussion. I think as much as we can control violence act of violence, in general, in
00:42:45 --> 00:42:57
			As I said, tourism is always based on just Yanni. Most of the cases it based on just case.
Originally, it's adjust case, fair case. But you take this first fair cares,
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			as the reason for you to reach that goal. Good goal with the wrong means, for example, abortion is
something terrible. We don't like that, but blowing up abortion clinic to kill the nurses and the
doctors and the people in the person clinic. It's not the right to me. It's not right. It's not
correct. Yes, occupation is something wrong, but killing the innocent people killing the average
person blowing up people in the street is not the right way to fight occupation.
00:43:30 --> 00:44:09
			Yes, winning the election was right. And this is something good. But after that a government come
and say you know what, that election that you went is canceled? You're out taking you to jail? Yes,
it is something not right. yet. So just case you have that this is not fair. But to use this, to
allow yourself to go and to start killing people in villages and to start spreading this the
distractions in the country is not also right is not right. A man came to the prophet SAW Selim
said, you have a Salalah if I see my wife sleeping with a man and I kill her, you would kill me.
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			It just case she's fornicator. She is a protect. She's a woman who has a husband, and it's now she
deserved to be killed. For example. That's how he looked at it. What the Navy saw Salim said, he
said yes, I will kill you. If you do it. You will be killed if you do, because it's not up to you to
carry the rules with your own hand. You have to bring it to the court. Otherwise everybody will kill
everybody who said oh, I found her sleeping with somebody. I found him sleeping with my wife. No,
it's not up to you anymore. It has to be through the right and the right channel, the right channel.
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			I think the most difficult and the most dangerous period in the life of any extreme person
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			When that person decided to transfer him so from a civil person, to a soldier from just a citizen to
became a soldier, that period of time is the most critical period. And I think it's our role as
Muslims is always try because whenever a person transferred to be a warrior or a soldier, it's very
hard to convince that person to go back. But I think the work has to be mostly done, at least in the
level of us as a, as a student of knowledge and shoe advisor, and a community level in the area when
a person not yet a soldier, when a person is still thinking and still analyzing. So thinking about
it, that's why I've been a bass when he debated the Hawaiians, when they line up together against
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			daddy had been my best friend and debated them, half of them, 5000 of them came back to the center.
But after they started the fight, we never heard that that event, after they became soldier and
carry a weapon and start fighting, we'd never heard that he debated them again, and they come back
to the sooner
00:46:07 --> 00:46:12
			also, when a person terrorism in general terms group in general,
00:46:13 --> 00:47:01
			they develop their case very, very fast. Scala, it starts something small, and it became very big.
For example, a start as, Oh, this is wrong, then is this is q4, then this person needs to be killed.
See how it goes from 123 to jump and very fast in no time you reach that conclusion. They start, for
example, we fight for our rights, then we fight for independence, then we fight against the other
identity. So it's not we're the only one exists. So we'll be the only one exists. It developed from
something small to became something big. Like for example, they said, We fight the government, then
we fight everybody work for the government, then we fight everybody who agree with the government,
00:47:02 --> 00:47:05
			the collage what they did, we fight to Annie. And
00:47:06 --> 00:47:30
			then they said we fight, everybody fought with more our or fought with the army, then after a while,
everybody agree with them, then everybody did not line with us against them, see how to develop. And
that's how it is this ideas and these ideologies, it's just grown this way. It's very hard to be
controlled afterwards.
00:47:32 --> 00:47:58
			Also, there is so much contradiction in their and their views in general. If you look closely, you
will see that the US people to promote Islam, and that's the reason that we are fighting and carry
weapons to spread justice. Where's the justice and killing innocent people? children's? Where's
justice in killing woman's elderly citizen, where justice and killing people who have nothing to do
with your violence?
00:48:00 --> 00:48:36
			What is justice when we know for a fact that some Muslim were killed by the hands of other Muslims
in some times in Afghanistan, and their wives and their daughter were taken as slaves, whereas
justice in this whereas justice in blowing up a Masjid in Sudan for unsalted sin and mohammedia were
over 30 Muslims praying fetcher by RB GS and by the hand of this terrorist group, where's justice?
And what is Islam and such things? Worse, they said, contradiction they always got bin Baz Eben
Tamia Hashem.
00:48:38 --> 00:49:25
			But in the same terms, they consider them the PAHO the gypped they are very extreme about they are
just a lie to the government. They are just puppets in the hands of the government why using their
fatawa and you say I go to see me and I made sure they mean then we'll show them that the mean said
that this is how this is not allowed. Now you put x on him why there is so much contradiction and
their ideologies or their basically approach to people because they don't they're not consistent and
their message. Also terrorist group. What's really control them not be beside the wrong and
understanding is the love for revenge. It's something personal. So many times it's a revenge as this
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			man when he killed the metal the alarm he stabbed him nine times. He said three, four Allah and six
for what I have in my heart against you.
00:49:37 --> 00:49:59
			That's why when you hear somebody saying, Oh, we still thirsty for your blood don't draw from Iraq.
It's the language that you hear. It's the language of somebody is not about fighting occupation.
It's about just the love for revenge, the love for revenge. It's became more of a personal thing.
It's it's like that's why it's
00:50:00 --> 00:50:31
			Some of them we've talked about two rules, even if he's a male as part of a guide, this don't pray
for him. He doesn't want him to be even guided. He doesn't want him to be guided tours group in
general, they are very affected by their leaves from the early times. That's why in Islam, you will
always see that the terrorist group in the history is now named after the leaders, as I recall about
a year after the leaders and that's a very smart way. Because that means to show you those people
follower of that person not of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
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			They don't belong to any country, they don't like to be a citizen of any country, they like to free
themselves from any national identity, which is something also interesting to know.
00:50:48 --> 00:51:31
			One of the things that you notice clearly about terrorist groups when it comes to their methods of
methods of using the evidence the following one, they will not collect all the related evidence to
discuss one issue, the only pick and choose and this is very shows you that whoever did that their
leaders either they are very ignorant, or they are doing this intentionally, that the pick and
choose the evidence only support their ideas, and they will ignore totally any evidence go against
their ideas go against their ideas. I don't have time for examples. That's why I will just mention
the points in general. Also they would like to leave the clear evidence in Quran and Sunnah and to
00:51:31 --> 00:51:48
			pick and to choose the evidence, the textual evidence, which is not clear, which is not clear. For
example, there was said Allah said in the Quran wakatobi Mashallah kina katha, fight the mushrikeen
fight all the disbelievers but
00:51:49 --> 00:52:32
			they will not for example, look to the other verses of Pilbara wakulla DNA tokachi Luna come fight
those who are fighting you fight those who are fighting you. They will for example, take the Hadith
the prophet SAW Selim said everyone should be killed until he or she c'est la ilaha illAllah
Muhammad Rasul Allah. Okay, what about how the prophets of Salaam dealt with that kofod of Mecca
when he conquered Mecca? Did he kill them all, how the process Salaam dealt with the Jewish of
Medina, how the president with the Christians of Nigeria and South neutron, how the purpose of why
you leave also these very clear evidence and you take one text one Howdy, and the owner have
00:52:32 --> 00:53:14
			understood it in different ways. And to pick and choose based on what also it's very interesting
that you see that they are very when you deal with text evidence, they take it very literally
sometimes. And they don't try to understand the meanings of it. The meanings are of this textual
evidence. Also, they don't look, they don't care about the understanding of the companions of the
scholars of the early Muslim generations. And this is a clear sign to differentiate between our way
as mainstream Muslim and their way. And to give you an example, which is very popular today, they
use the Hadith and I'm sure all of you heard that they use the argument the prophets of Salaam said,
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			our move the mushrikeen, the disbeliever from the Arab peninsula.
00:53:20 --> 00:53:59
			All the non Muslims should be taken out of the Arab peninsula. You see this heading has been used as
justification to fight westerns in Saudi Arabia, or in Arabia in general. And they said that's the
rules. That's what the prophets of Salaam ordered us to do. That's why we are fighting them to kick
them out of Arabia. Okay. And he said this hadith is something the process I've said before before
his death, but did Abu Bakar and Roman on earth man understood this understanding? Is this how they
understand the how they did it, himself. He's the one when the Jewish of Hiva broke the rules, broke
the rules.
00:54:01 --> 00:54:07
			What he did, he asked him to move to Taiwan, or China, which is still in the Arab peninsula. They
00:54:08 --> 00:54:53
			allow the Christian to stay in the john and allow them to settle in Arabia, didn't the companions of
Mohammed Salah Musa have servant who are not Muslim living in Medina, and they did not kick them
out. And they did not understand from this hadith that they all must be not exist in Arabia. They
understood from this hadith that they not allowed, not allowed in Arabia to have to religion
dominate or to religion rules. But that doesn't mean more than one religion exists. No, that's not
what the Hadith ever meant. And that's not what the companions of Mohammed Salim have understood it.
Also, they never tell you what the meaning of the otter Peninsula is it mean Mecca and Medina only.
00:54:54 --> 00:54:59
			It means Mecca and Yemen and shujaaz only. It means the whole entire out of penance.
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00:55:01 --> 00:55:14
			As you know, most of the scholars that I can imagine that said it is Medina and the villages around
Medina that what the Hadith meant, and Shafi said it is la jazz, it is a jazz.
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			We know that even the scholars allowed some of the scholars any follow him Allah allowed non Muslim
to visit Mecca and Medina, allow them as a visitor to enter it to enter. So all these opinions, all
these difference of
00:55:33 --> 00:55:41
			opinions, and understanding of the skeleton, sexual evidence, something will be hidden from the
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			Anyone of all socially, they don't differentiate between what is considered a goal and means in
Islam. They think, for example, jihad is a goal, it's a meme, to establish something, it's not a
goal for itself. It's not a goal, it has to be exist, they will allow themselves to kill people just
because they are not Muslims, they are not Muslim, and no doubt that Muslim or non Muslims alike,
their blood is protected, a secret is not allowed to be spilled unless the break the law which is
deserved, with which, by this crime that they committed, like killing an innocent person, they will
deserve the capital punishment, the capital punishment. And in the end, also, one of the most
00:56:29 --> 00:56:53
			important point here that they felt that she had applying the punishment can be done by the hands of
individuals. Now. It's only by as an immigrant martial law said, by the consensus of the Muslim
scholars, the only one has the right to declare jihad is the ruler is the ruler, not anybody else,
unless you protect your own home, somebody's attacking you.
00:56:56 --> 00:57:05
			And there's so other few points. And I think I have to conclude here by saying this some just few
points as an advice.
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			How can we basically what is our role? Or how can we win this war against terrorism? I think one of
the things that we have to know what have triggered this in the Muslim community, we see the reasons
for some people to be misled, like sample, we have to be very blunt and clear about declaring our
position from any extreme group exists or individuals, or any doubt been raised by these groups, we
talk about it openly, we bring the evidence to against it, and to debate it, and to show the Muslims
clearly as a form of nausea for them why this is not allowed, why this is how long I think the media
has to hold us on this and not to promote or to deal with this issue of terrorism, to use it against
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			Islam or to get a Muslim or I guess, some particular group and the Muslims or for political reasons.
I think we have to fight terrorism for no personal interest, not because I have companies of
security that I want to promote, not because of political game that I want to get out of playing war
against terrorism, we should have war against terrorism because we believe it's wrong. We believe
it's not right. And for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah, at least us as a Muslim, when I talk about
war, I don't mean literally carrying weapon, I think our role is in ideologies in area, we have to
bring that to add the scholars more into the field in this area, they know them better than anybody
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			else, they know their ideologies and to fight their ideologies, because before somebody adopted
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			I think we have we need more books to be written in this area showing as I said, the evidence
related to the doubts that they raised regard to Jihad regard to
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			killing or justifying killing Western in general in our country or in the Muslim country, and
refuting these doubts in different languages in Arabic and English and Urdu and Persian and so on.
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			Also, we have to be fair and just when we talk about terrorism, we should not
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			only we should not also be extremely our views like some people said those terrorist group or non
Muslim or kofod Dean, and also some people are not consistent. For example, He will say he will feel
so mad against terrorist activity take place and rehab, but he will not feel the same thing if it
took place in London, or it took place and it was in America or New York I feel so mad but if take
place in Egypt or in Palestine, he will not feel the same thing.
01:00:00 --> 01:00:27
			Dealing I think it is hard no matter where it will take place, no matter what will take place by any
hand. And as you see, there's so many details related to the subject. But I hope that through these
words I raise some awareness among my Muslim brothers and sisters about this topic, and to be very
careful in what materials that you're reading, what materials that you are seeing in the internet.
And Allah Allah knows best or Salalah, cinnamon and IBM