Wahaj Tarin – Seerah Episode 9 – The oldest living companion

Wahaj Tarin
AI: Summary © The Prophet Muhammad sallama used his children to feed him and his children to support him. He used them as sources of support for others, and the concept of "hasling" is discussed. The speakers emphasize protecting animals from harm and being careful with behavior, while also discussing the importance of narrating and bringing up specific instances of the story. The dispute between the Prophet sallama and the Unionized Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia was a conflict between the two kingdoms, leading to battles and deaths. The speakers emphasize supporting initiatives that do not require religion to align with Islam, such as supporting noble causes and helping people out, and encourage others to join the gathering of the Prophet's followers.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam ala rasulillah. So six years old,

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Amina died. And now Baraka brings him back

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And the elderly man takes charge of him, the grandfather. And we heard that, you know, he had a platform next to the Kaaba used to sit under a shade. You know, because when the sun comes from the other side, the wall of the Kaabah gives the shade, and no one would sit there, his children would sit in front of him, they were all adults and leaders in their own rights, and no grandchild guest, you know,

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delegation wherever allowed to sit where he sits, except for Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he used to come and sit on the, you know, on the place next to his granddad, and he's not he's not the baby, baby. He's He's eight years old. 767 moving towards eight years old.

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And when the uncles used to give him the stare, or tell him to you know, Mohamad move, the granddad said, No leave with great things are in store for the son of mine. Again, the scholars of Sierra mentioned, mentioned another, a dream of Abdulmutallab that he had a dream.

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And the dream parts of it was that a tree, strong solid tree rises, that goes up, up up to the heavens, and its branches extend across East and West. So he might he went towards one of these wise women, you know, this, aka Hina, or, you know, soothsayer. What's the interpretation of this dream, she said, from you will come, you know, like, after you in your project, you will come one

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who will be adored and held on to buy east and west. So he thought, This is my son, Abdullah, this is my son, Abu Talib.

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Mohammed was only eight years old, he doesn't know it's this one. So he was thinking that, yes, so but the Prophet Solomon but he was good to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam quote, this was the only sign of his

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of his son left, and at the same time he had hoped for, for goodness, he must have seen other signs about him. And then Subhanallah the big hill makadi the Prophet is with Abdulmutallab, two years intimately closely.

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And after two years, at the age of eight, Abdulmutallab dice,

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Abdul Mutallab dies. So they say we saw him his hand on to on the coffin of Abdulmutallab in tears rolling the blessed advice of of the young boy, but before his death upon his deathbed Abdulmutallab called Abu Talib

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and he put the prophet in his care for two reasons. One is a boo Talib and Abdullah shed the same mother bonded to Sanjay because they had many wives. The only two sons that shared the same mother was Abdullah and

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Abu Talib and at the same time they were very close to each other. You know, there was the older brother younger brother, love between them. So he gave his son back to his brother look at look after him. Now he's in you okay as I am going, and Abdulmutallab passed away. So the Prophet went to the house of Abu Talib, at this stage is eight years old.

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And Abu Talib was a loving uncle. And my a lot of bluster give each one of us the capacity to become people who bear the heart of relationships.

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So this he will, the Prophet says about him, he says, He used to feed me and preference to his own children.

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You know, if there was limited food, he'd make sure I get to eat first before his children.

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And he stood behind the prophet like a mountain. You know, the whole of Arabia turned against him. Abu Talib wasn't budging.

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So the Prophet stayed in the house of Abu Talib. Abu Talib had children. And he was he had aged financially he wasn't Wow. So he realized that I need to carry my own load. I can't be a burden to someone else. And in his teens, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam started

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looking after sheep,

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I want to stop here. And it is desirable for us, as humans and then as Muslims to aim to become self sufficient,

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you know to and risk has written by the large majority at the end of the day you will get what Allah has written but so far as your aim is concerned, to work towards becoming self sufficient, which means to have enough for yourself and your family.

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And then go a little higher, where you can become a source of support for other people, whether you employ them, or whether you help them out. That's what grant and diverse alludes to it will live in a home. Lisa, Kathy

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fairyloot Elune. Those almost, you know, one one of the translations, those who work for soccer, meaning what they work to have enough for themselves, and then some extra so they could play soccer.

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One on one of the meanings or the you know, the other upwards with regards, but my point is, we reach the level of self sufficiency, and then where we can extend the help to the needy, near or far. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam started to work as a shepherd. And he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a hadith says, He goes, there is not a prophet, that was not a shepherd. So they say even you, he said, Even me, I was a shepherd, I used to look after the sheep of the kurush for a few coins.

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For a few coins, and the life of shepherds have things that the lifes of non shepherds don't have, you know,

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number one,

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they have time to reflect.

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You know how I said, everyone's so busy, no one's got time to think the greatest learning happens on reflection on thinking, discoveries happen like that, I remember the word of Isaac Newton, he was trying to figure out the gravitational force between planets and you know, the sun, the moon and this, and he says, I, I thought about it, until sleep perish in my head began to ache.

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You see, it's thinking.

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It's thinking that comes out with new ideas with with with lessons, so the shepherd has time to think.

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And that's one. Secondly,

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for those of you that have livestock, you know, whether that's a cattle, sheep, or whatever, you've been blessed to be with them for a little while, and in another country or so on, you will see that each animal has its own distinct character.

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You know, one of them is violent, he will come and hit you with his homes when you're not watching. The other one is shy, he stays away. Other ones very loving, he wants to be petted, and through it, you're not being part of that community. Like if you're not cheap, you're at the higher level of the food chain, you get to look at it from outside, and kind of appreciate these different personalities and learn different ways of dealing with with them, you know, for the harsh one, you might scold for the nice one you might hold

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that you like, The Rime of that one was,

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it was it was unintentional.

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So point is that

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you get to learn personalities,

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and to deal with them in a way without it affecting you too much. And then

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dealing with sheep, gives other characteristics according to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam. You know, shepherds, they're dealing with relatively gentle creatures, sheep.

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And sheep are pretty simple as well. So they can fall prey to I was reading a report on BBC, I think it was in Turkey.

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There was a cliff, you know, what the cliff is, like a straight thing and then down, like the table down there. So she put grazing up here. And then one of them decided he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna commit suicide, you know, he jumped down from here.

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And then the rest of them saw and tooth to tooth. And I think 1500 of them had jumped down to his death down the bottom before they stopped dying, because you know, they started to cushion one another, they would fall down.

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But so you realize that they're pretty simple creatures. And if you're not careful, protective alert away.

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protecting them, they could fall in harm. And that's an important

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Feeling to learn when you're dealing with with your flock later on when you're a prophet, you know to protect them from harm to look for hired for them find greener pastures for them, think out and so on and so forth. And, and that, you know, working with different animals changes your character a little bit too. So the prophets, Allah wa salam told us, that those that work with with camels usually have stubbornness and arrogance. You know, because a camel doesn't listen to nice things, you know, sweetheart can be a camel, so you have to be hard and harsh and cocky to go and deal with a camel. And those that work with sheep usually have a very good you know, inside if you like good

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hearts, because sheep require goodness and, and, and gentleness and so on. So, for these reasons, and for people management, crowd management, whatever profits are exposed to shepherding. So initially, his first job was he was a shepherd salallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And then, in these times, so some way before going on shepherding or after that, or in the middle, he is around, we will ruin and shall we're finished with this story. He is some scholars say he's nine, and some say he's 12 or he could be between nine and 12. His uncle Abu Talib was due to go on a trip to Shanghai to the Levant, you know, towards Syria area, to the Roman Empire, you know, the Empire was there and they used to go and sell them and buy and so on. And he's on his way or his preparing to go and you know, whenever you want to go somewhere, young ones want to go with you, especially when you go in some way. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to go, so, Abu

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Talib decided to take him

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with himself

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on the strip. Now, again Babel amanatullah elmia. With this with this narration or with this story, some scholars in the Islamic tradition have raised questions with regards to certain occurrences on it and others have fine in support of it.

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But so far as I am concerned and we are concerned this is a story narrated by many of the scholars and there is you know, alternative evidences that kind of support what had happened so

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Alhamdulillah towards us, we will have no difficulties with it and it is it is, it is okay to narrate. Again, I reiterate my initial point, there is a difference between the criterion required for Hadith. And there's a difference between the criterion required for Sierra and Sierra and history and biographies. There's a degree of Saturn is so long as it's not matters of arcada and it does not matter as of Sharia, and so on and so forth.

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So the story goes, Abu Talib got the caravan organized. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became part of this and they're going towards sham.

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So the Rasool went and as you reach Basra, this is somewhere in modern Jordan.

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It is where the, the road of the Romans used to kind of dwindle off finish off as it came towards these lands. And there was a little monastery and a place where water used to gather water body used to collect especially in the rainy seasons. So they used to call this era, you know, a little water body. And there was a monk that used to live in this monastery, who they used to call the monk of the Baha'i era, over time, he became the hero the monk, but this means the the monk living near that water body. So the story is, the monk is sitting in his meditation or in his worship in his in his in his monastery or temple or whatever was there as a structure. And he looks out towards

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in that direction, and he notices a caravan coming group of travelers coming which was ordinary it would happen from time to time travelers used to come businessmen used to come, which was ordinary to him. And then he noticed something somewhat strange. He noticed that there is a low lying cloud over this group

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which again happens clouds go with clouds go.

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But did it you know he did have a more intense look at it. And then he noticed that the caravan went to the right. The cloud went to the right and of the caravan went to the left. The crowd went to the left so Bahia.

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All the monk,

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you know, being a person busy and spiritual worship, you know, thinking of spirituality and some sight. And well, there is enough evidence to believe that the Christians were waiting for the coming of the next Prophet, and they knew he's coming from that direction. And you can stablish this from the story of salmonella piracy. So he set up straight to kind of see, you know, focus on this. And he watched them come to

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near the water body near the Oasis, and they camped, or they put their luggage down near the tree there. And

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when they sat under the tree, the tree he noticed, lowered its branches over them.

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So by here, I realized that whoever sitting there is a person of spiritual significance.

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So he looked in his ministry, and he found that, you know, he has some provisions, so he sent word, or men of courage, you're invited

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to eat, break bread with me, and the young and old and free men and bondsman must come. So they said, We will come at my day went, and bahir has provided the food

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and is scanning the faces, you know, which face here would warrant this extra ordinary conduct of

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you know, of what's happening, what of this witness? And he saw all ordinary people, so he turned to them and he said, Man, Have you broken your word?

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They said, why he said, You everyone was supposed to come young and old and Freeman and bondsman. someone's not here. So they look and they go, Oh,

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Mohammed, we've left them with the luggage. And they felt bad to themselves, especially Abu Talib. You know, this is the son of my brother. And I have left him there. So he goes, sent for him and, and, you know, sent for him to bring him to the gathering. And as he comes Salalah Toby was Allahu LA, this is the one you know you. So

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the monk talk to him, ask them certain questions

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about you know, what he sees and, and he actually gave him an oath I give I swear, you know, I give you an oath by Latin Jose he goes on give me an oath by that I don't like Latin aza, you know, but irrespective the story, and then he saw the seal of prophethood between the shoulders of the law school. So, up between the shoulders of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a mark foretold in the books of the past, that this would be one of the signs of the Prophet. And according to the Hadith that is a little lump slightly

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pulled up like slightly above the level of normal skin.

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Like Like you've selected with a suction cup

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and color, slightly pale and there was a few strands of hair on it. And this was the seal of prophethood between the shoulder blades of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So when he saw this, he told Abu Talib it says, Where are you going? He said towards Sham he said go back, take the child back for others see in him what I have seen that could harm him or they will harm him. So Abu Talib sent the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam back

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and sapan Allah.

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The tree on which he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reclined is still there.

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Part of the national collection of artifacts or treasury of the Jordan kingdom, United Kingdom of Jordan. And I saw it huge thing.

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They have tried to seal it off. And it's on YouTube, it's called the oldest Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And the people around have stories with regards to it. But then I say, you know, certain evidence to support the other

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item but you know, if a government invests in it and calls it, you know, it's part of its national artifacts, then

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we will give it a degree of weight and shallow Todd,

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you know, to kind of establish that This story happened.

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Others critique the story, critique the story, saying things like, you know, why would the branches come down if there was a cloud already there?

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and others. You know, if Abu Talib had heard he was saying he would be a prophet. Why didn't he accept

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you know,

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Later on,

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but all of these for for those who kind of study this euro will understand that these are not

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you know tangible points.

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You will see rock speaking to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you can ask why they're in every rock speak so hard on this one did for whatever reason, a lot of ways the guy with the permission to do and have the branches of tree wish to do their part and protecting the profit and the clouds do it at the same time, you know Alhamdulillah they've both done it. These are not tangible

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rebuttals to the notion

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nor his nor his other issues like why did Abu Talib not acceptable even at his deathbed sighs that are you know, people will say are left the religion of of Abdulmutallab. And that's what's keeping Mr. lanata was the fact this self evident that his little suit he told his son listen to what Muhammad says

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so

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I have quoted it. And again, the scholars of sera quoted, so this is the story of Waheguru obihiro, the monk as they say, in English, and at this instance, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is around nine to 12 years old. So this is his, his young age, I'll just go to his to his teen, I just saw that in his teens, he is a shepherd for for most of the times.

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And then there was a battle

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that took place.

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at the time, he's probably in his latter teens, or probably 17 ish, I would say probably 17.

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It's when one of the Confederates of the parish, one of the Confederates of the kurush, killed some men from another tribe.

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And the tribes name is

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Ty Cylon.

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So and then there was these battles that took place between the kurush in this Confederates of another tribe, the problem with the battles were, they took place in the sacred months.

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They took place and the sacred months. And these, if you like, are called the unholy walls, you know, or sinful battles. I mean, all but you understand what it is. And this battle the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is recorded to have brought back arrows and spears to his ankles for them to throw back so he took part in his teens in this battle. And then the other significant thing, this is when he's 20 years old, and we'll stop with this in sha Allah, Allah. At the time he is 20, a merchant from Yemen came into Makkah

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came into Makkah and trying to sell his

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his goods, he did a deal with one of the mccanns with one of the poorest sites. Us Ivanova Illa Sammy and us took the the goods and didn't give any payment

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so this man understand there's no law there's no police to go to his in another people's land their tribe realize that there's no way I'm going to recover my and and you know that the man can have me killed there could be so his only hope was he went up to to the mountaintop, you know the local mountain in Makkah, nearby the heroine, and then he shouted out an Arab poetry

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basically saying, I have come to your to your land away from my people. You have wronged me taken my, my my property and between the Hydra last word and the stone like this is a sacred place and you are people held in high esteem by the Arabs. So when he said this, the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard this

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one of his uncles heard this, and he said well, why he this cannot go like this It can't like imagine and poetry used to go like fire from Arabia, you know, like you have Facebook and this and that they poetry. Every child, you start saying it here and there and people and they suggest go around. So the end it ended last. Today, the one of the Arabs, the history of the Arabs, his poetry is what that's where everything is recorded. So

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he gathered a gathering of the nobles of the kurush. And they reach this agreement that we will stand to support them of loom doesn't matter who the volume is, which was a very noble oath to take. And they had a gathering in the house of one of the leaders of one of the prominent men of the kurush

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Abdullah in Jordan, and in this gathering park of taking this allegiance swearing this oath was Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. At this stage he is

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20 years old. But in the gathering there is another young men, two and a half years younger than him, and they would become

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partners for life,

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you know, friends besties, comrades

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for life, and that was Abu Bakr Siddiq. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that was a noble cause. And if they asked me to respond to it, I would even respond to it today. And he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I wouldn't give up sitting in that gathering, for a herd of red camels, like doesn't matter. And you notice from this you should learn from tonight, let's learn a few things. Number one, we'll start here is that we as Muslims must be at the forefront of supporting good causes doesn't matter what who we don't need to align. If I did justice, righteousness, goodness, as being supported, we should be part and parcel of that, irrespective of

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their Muslim not Muslim, we must we should support noble initiatives because that's what we are. And another point to pick up you will notice that long before Tao was started the first thing that happened, the heart of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam any little traces of

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you know, the touch of shaitan was removed from it. For my brothers and sisters here who want to do some hire, before anything else remove, remove the darkness from the hearts first from your own hearts. So we all have illnesses of heart for example, envy, jealousy, arrogance, pride, all these things are defects of the heart. And long before you come out and try to you know, help people out and try to tell people to stand like this and salah and do sell and so on and so forth before it becomes physical. Get the get the internal and intrinsic right first my a lot of will

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support you and guide you and guide you so next week in sha Allah Allah.

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We will start past the 20 of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and discuss his marriage to our mother.

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Khadija Robledo Allahu taala Anna and his family they, for fulldome, Appleton taco Hassan and Femina La Hoya intercoast, a town from enough to shaytan was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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