Wael Ibrahim – Harms of Masturbation & Pornography

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the benefits of mails and their potential to motivate people towards Masonry, but also highlights the harms of mails and their potential to reduce mental and physical health. They also discuss the potential negative effects of bedroom sex and the importance of avoiding sexual accidents, which could lead to mental and physical health problems. The speaker provides three possible solutions to combat bedroom sex, including reducing Regina levels and quit pornography, staying at home, and being oneself in the generation before sexual addiction.
AI: Transcript ©
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After the release of my latest two videos, comments on Dr. Zack and I can check here so are these views on * and seven tips to quit *. So many people have contacted me asking for another video to explain the damage that * could lead a person to Well, this video is for you. Before we get started, I want you to remember that there are a lot of research out there that says * is healthy. Yes, you heard it right. There are a lot of studies a lot of research that says * can become healthy. But if you really pay close attention to these studies, you'll notice that these researchers are not talking about the act of * itself

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or self stimulation. They are talking about * or reaching that climax to release the substances from that perspective. I agree that it is healthy, it is something necessary it helps you relax it helps you sleep better at a times it relieves you from stress and anxiety it reduces blood pressure and improve blood flow in the body. So after learning about all these benefits, should we masturbate now the answer is absolutely not. Because if you're unmarried meaning you didn't experience sexual intimacy yet or you do not masturbate your body will release the substance naturally through wet dreams or as it's called nocturnal emission so why should you force it through * almost

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the opposite of the Allah Anwar law when he so one of the companions desiring to purchase a piece of meat halaal meat, he told him our color match the hightest Alright, is it every time you design something, you go for it, you purchase it? Similarly, you shouldn't just relieve yourself every time you get aroused sexually. Now, what are the harms or the damage that * could lead a person to before getting into that? Let me be very, very clear. As I said in the previous videos, * definitely, definitely, definitely is better than zero. If you're caught in a situation where you are about to commit the act, then * would be much better exit from this major

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sin. However, it's not okay. If it's compulsive, addictive and interfering in your day to day activities. It's not okay if it's affecting or your studies, if it's affecting on your relationships. If it's affecting your health, the only Okay, time for *, as I mentioned earlier, is saving you from falling into that major sin of Zin * could lead to devastating mental and physical illnesses. For example, men in their 20s 30s and 40s may suffer from prostate cancer. Who are these men? Those who masturbate regularly Yes, I know the same study said men above 5050 to 60 years who masturbate also may reduce the risk of prostate prostate cancer. But

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what are the chances will you take a chance what else * could lead to men who masturbate regularly are less sensitive during sexual intimacy leading to what difficulty in reaching climax or premature *? What else? Men who masturbate regularly may suffer from erectile dysfunction inability to function sexually with a real life partner and those who are able to continue the sexual act, they may experience less firmness in the private part. Women two are not excluded from the harms of * they also experienced what is known as situational and * or difficulty to reach climax with real life partners. There are also a lot of neurological changes

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that take place in one's brain as a result of *, especially to *. And this is the reality most people masturbate to * today. So what happens when the masturbate to * overproduction of the pleasurable hormone known as dopamine in one's brain leading to what reduction of the sensitivity in the dopamine receptors, which is the exact situation that cocaine addicts experience? And what does that lead to needing and wanting more escalation of the activity to * *, leading to what lack of interest in real life partners? What else happened when you masturbate to * regularly, that reduction of testosterone hormone, the hormone that

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regulates your sexual drive or libido However, when you attain your sexual pleasure through screens, like * and *, testosterone level decreases, and when that happened, it leads to so many illnesses like loss of muscles, depression, mood swings, aging and lots of erectile issues. Now how about experiencing * through * with one spouse will that lead to the same problems that we just listed? Interestingly not why so because during *, we go through completely different experience. We are not dealing with pixels and imagery anymore. We are dealing with real life partner

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We have communications, eye contact exchange of sweet words, the touch all these experiences are real they're not fake anymore and that leads to beneficial changes hormonal changes in your brain which leads to completely different results. So what is the solution brother you make it so difficult for us here are three possible solutions. And Charla, according to Dr. Sam Robbins, he said, reduce * as much as you can. He's a non Muslim. He's actually advising these patients to sometimes masturbate, but we're Muslims we say what? Quit once and for all and leave it only for your partners or when you are at the edge of committing Zina. Number two, quit *,

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cold turkey once and for all, no negotiation about this point, it will increase your chances if you're single, to experience pleasurable sexual * with your inshallah future wife or if you're married and addicted to *, it will also enhance your sexual skills in sha Allah once you get rid of your addiction number three and most importantly, make sure to live a meaningful life a life with a purpose. Be yourself in the sense that if you slip if you relapse if you are experiencing a serious problem when it comes to * and * addiction, to seek help, be yourself be natural. the companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salah moody and find a

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problem in telling him and telling other people in the community about the problems that they are going through in order to find a solution. So don't be ashamed to reach out people knowledge people have experience to help you out with your problems. Be humble enough to admit that your addiction has overpowered you and you can do anything about it have the lightheadedness, old, rather long war law, may Allah be pleased with him talking about the Sahaba he said man kanima Stan and filius standing among God met whoever wanted to follow a path let him follow the path of those who passed away he was referring to the companions of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he

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said Can one lie higher until they were by a lot the best of this generation confirming what the prophet sallallahu wasallam said, Hi, Ron as corny thermal Latina Luna home thermal Lavina Luna home the best of all people is my generation, then the one that followed, and then the one that follows and Abdullah have numerous hold may Allah be pleased with him went on to describe their virtues. And one of the points that I wanted to highlight is he said about them that they weren't the least superficial, they were real. They were honest to themselves. So be honest with yourself and go on find the necessary solution to end this disease. once and for all. May Allah protect us all in sha

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Allah to Allah If you found this video beneficial, inshallah share it with others the second law here As salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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