Tawfique Chowdhury – Never Have Bad Thoughts Of Allah

Tawfique Chowdhury
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the history of Islam, including the shooter's death of the Prophet salluaal and the shooter's actions of killing people and causing harm. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a strong mindset and not being afraid of one's opinion, as well as the need for more understanding between good and evil thoughts. The segment also touches on the importance of being a Muslim person in Islam, with a discussion of the Prophet's statement about the importance of increasing one's behavior and the importance of being a Muslim person in religious branches.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers my sisters in Islam in the authentic hadith in the sooner it was reported that once I shot the Allahu taala and her came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said yeah Rasul Allah make dua to Allah for me. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam raised up his hands turn towards the Qibla. And he said, Yeah, Allah forgive Ayesha, forgive all her sins, what she has done in the past and what she will do in the future, what she has done openly and what she has done secretly, and with that Asia smile radio louder than her she laughed, and she smiled, and she put her head down on the lap of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam very happy with what the prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam had said, at that point, our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam turned towards Ayesha and said, Are you happy with my daughter? Are you happy with my daughter? She said, yes, you're Rasulullah and how can I not be happy with your daughter? So he said, What la isla de la ilaha illa who I swear by Allah, in whose hands is my soul. This is my for my oma in every Sunnah. Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed Camacho later Abraham Ronnie Brahim Phil alameen in the Camino de Mogi don't ever become behave my brothers and sisters for making the offer our profit. This is the man who made the out for us more than he made out for his children. This is the

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man who loved us remembered us perhaps more than he remembered his own children and his own family Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah bellami Radha to Bella horrobin were bill Islami Dean and Wahby Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the de la sala, my brothers and sisters Islam, we have seen a atrocity that has been perpetrated on the Muslim lands like the examples of which we have not seen for many, many years, we have seen what greed and desire for power and authority has given to one man and that trust is that he has committed in Aleppo, the likes of which we have not seen for generations upon Allah, the way he killed his people the way he shed blood on the streets, the way he allowed the

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enemies of Islam to come. Will law he reminds me what what Tamia Rahim Allah had said, he said, I must say react phenomenal Yehuda nesara. He said the new Syria these people are more worse in the Cooper, then even though you're holding the nesara for indeed I've seen the Jews fighting the Muslims in Palestine. And I've seen or heard about how the Crusaders killed the Muslims in Palestine. But I have not seen that trustees like the way Bashar has killed his people. I have not seen the examples of this perpetrated like the way he has had a follow up follow Minh whom will lie. So the question really is why does Allah subhanho wa Taala wait?

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Why does Allah subhanho wa Taala wait? Or another question that comes to mind is why Allah subhanho wa Taala does not act and perhaps it may happen in our minds that we have bad thoughts about Rabbul aalameen perhaps if your family died in that atrocity, or you are from the refugees that have been thrown out of your country, or away from your home or you are a little child, it is entirely possible and plausible that you have bad thoughts about Allah subhanho wa Taala but I want to tell you what he never think back about Allah subhanho wa Taala never think bad about Allah subhana wa Tada. There is a reason and a hikma behind every single thing that Allah subhanho wa Taala does.

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There is a wisdom behind each one of them the least of which is Allah subhanho wa Taala wanting to take more and more Shahada Have you not seen how once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to his Sahaba and he said Who are the sharks who are the Shahe who had the shell he and so in that Hadith, the Sahaba said the rasulillah the one who dies in the path of Allah fighting in his causes a Shaheed so he said only then only then are the Shaheed rather, the one who dies in drowning because a Shaheed the de The one who dies being crushed to death is a Shaheed The one who dies being burnt alive is a Shaheed The one who dies delivering his or her babies Shaheed The one who dies

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fighting to defend his wealth when someone attacks His house is a Shaheed The one who dies from stomach cancer is a Shaheed What did the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tell us in this Hadith, he showed us that Allah azza wa jal wanted to increase the number of Shahada. He wants to increase the number of Shahada. So he did not want to leave it only to a few people. He wanted to increase the number of Shahada in this oma and that is one of the hikma why Allah subhanho wa Taala allows some of his enemies and our enemies to wreak havoc in our lands. It is to take as a Shahada so that Allah azza wa jal removes all our sins and gives us that entry into Jannah in the bodies of green birds, so that we have a life after this life, the same life about which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had said, while law he might

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hope from Allah is that I die as a Shaheed and be raised up again. And then I die again as a shahidan be raised up again. And then I die as a shahidan be raised up again only for it to repeat again and again. This he said, because of there is the honor by which Allah subhana wa Taala accepts the Shahada into his fold. My brothers and sisters Islam, never have bad thoughts about Allah The one thing that will save us of the Day of Judgment more than anything else is host novan Bella, it was reported that Malik bin dinar radi Allahu Allah and who when he passed away, it was reported Malik bien dinero de la jolla and when he passed away, his students saw him in their in their dream,

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and they said yada yada yada later, Shadi, mother in law who because he said Oh,

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woe to me telling me what has Allah done with you? So abaya, who was who was Malik been dinar? He said, per diem to Illallah he my guru because he Rafa Maha who's not vanilla. He said I came to Allah with all of my sins, and Malik when dinar used to be a thief before he became a great scholar. He was a thief, he used to steal. And so he said, I came to Allah subhanho wa Taala with so many sins, but all of this was removed due to my good thoughts about Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is why in the authentic hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, he said, Let no one die except that you have good thoughts about Allah do not meet Allah except that you have good thoughts

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about him. In other authentic hadith, he came upon a young Sahaba who was passing away, he said key forward key for agito How do I find your meaning? How are you feeling right now? He said, Well, La Jolla Rasul Allah, I am between hoping from Allah for mercy and fearing for my sins. So what did the prophet SAW Selim say? He said these two things don't come in the heart of a slave, except that Allah subhana wa Taala saves the person for what he fears and gives him what he hopes for. My brothers and sisters in Islam have total hope from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah have total hope from Allah will remove every worry every concern, every issue. It was reported that Zubaydah now our radi

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Allahu Allah who used to take money from people and Zubaydah was a very strong man. So people used to keep their wealth in his house and he would dig up the ground and he would store it there sometimes are many times the wealth became so much that he would then ask the people can I use it as a loan, then he would take that money and he would invest with it. So like any businessman, when he would invest your money, sometimes the creditors would come for their money and then he would not have any money to give. He would have cashflow problems. So he used to tell his son, Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Zubaydah, so he would tell you set up the lesson. Oh, my son, when anyone comes to you

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asking for money. When anyone comes to you asking for money asked my Mola asked my mother in law. And so Abdullah used to say who is Molas bear who is more or less to bear? Then he understood who Mola Zubair is, it is Allah, it is Allah. So he used to say whenever the people used to come to ask money from Tibet, he used to say Yama Buddha's obey aka Dr. Edward de Yama yamamah. Super day, oh the lord of Seville pay his debt for him. Oh the lord of severe pay his debt for him. My brothers and sisters Islam, you all know you all know that Riba is haram ripplefold which is the rate of increase that I give you 100,000 you give me back 200,000 this is haram is that not the case? But

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Allah has made Riba for him. Allah has made rubber halaal for him, woman,

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Hashanah for you.

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Have you not seen how Allah made Reba halaal for him? He said who will give a lot of good loan so Allah will return it back to him of the orphan Cassio

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multiplied, multiplied, Glory be to Allah who made Riba halaal upon his harem upon his slaves, but made it halaal upon Him, because He is a Lord of all wealth, never have that thoughts about Allah never think that about Allah I have gathered for you here. Approximately 25 Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, about how Allah subhanho wa Taala has made our path to gender easy for us in the authentic hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and Buhari whoever meets Allah without ascribing anyone in partners with him without committing any shit with him will enter agenda number two in the authentic hadith in Bukhari, the prophet SAW Selim said Whoever believes

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has Imani Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam establishes the prayer faster month of Ramadan is waje boon Allah, Allah has made it upon himself to enter that person into Jannah number three, whoever says whoever says the following though, in the authentic hadith in Surah, Nabi Tao the Prophet system said Whoever says Ravi to be law he Robin Robin Islami Dena Wahby Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Nabi Anwar asuna then john has become obligatory for him. Number four in the authentic hadith and Sunnah tirmidhi the prophet SAW Selim said whoever asks Allah for Jana three times, Allah gives Allah makes Janina say Oh Allah let him into gentle let him enter gentle

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let him enter Jannah number five in the student in the Hadith, intermediate and authentic hadith intermediate. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever says Subhana Allah He will be humbly he Subhana Allah Allah de that indeed a date palm tree will be planted for him in Jana. How are you going to enjoy the date palm tree if you can't enter Jana, so it is as easy as saying Subhana Allah He will be humbly he Subhana Allah Allah the in the authentic hadith in Sahih Bukhari the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah has 99 names 100 minus one, whoever learns them and acts according to him will enter Jannah in the authentic hadith in Bukhari, the Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam said, Indeed, truthfulness really leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to another authentic hadith the prophet SAW Selim said whoever builds a mustard seeking buy it the pleasure of Allah, Allah will build for him a similar place in Jannah. In the ninth Hadith the prophet SAW Selim said, Whoever repeats after the more of them from his heart sincerely, more adventures Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Then you say Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Then Moses says, Hey, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah quwata illa Billah you repeat after them, whatever he says, from your heart, then the authentic hadith incident and the sorry, the Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam said, Allah will allow him to enter Jannah inshallah, in that in the 10th edition sooner even magic, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, whoever gives athon for 12 years, Allah will make Jannah obligatory for him in the authentic hadith in Sahih al Bukhari the professor Sallam said, Whoever praised the two cold prayers, the two cold prayers What are they the acid and the fudger then Indeed Allah will make gender obligatory for him. In the 12th Hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Allah will prepare for the one who goes to the masjid every morning, and every afternoon, a honorable place in Geneva with good hospitality because of him praying his fudger

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and his answer prayer, and also the authentic hadith in Abu Dhabi. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever makes you do perfectly, and offers to record a prayer concentrating on them with his heart, and with his face, then Jana will become obligatory for him. In the 14th Hadith, the Prophet salla seldom said whoever prays 12 Raka extra on top of the 17 record that he normally prays in his day to day prayers, then a house in general will be built for him. In the 15th Hadith the prophet SAW Selim said Whoever takes a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make his path to gender easy for him. In the 16th Hadith the prophet SAW Selim said in authentic hadith in Sahih,

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Muslim I saw a man walking in Jannah because of the reward of cutting a single branch of a tree that had fallen on the road, that he removed it because he thought it would cause inconvenience to the Muslim in in the 17 Hadith. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Whoever can guarantee his tongue and his private parts, then gender is obligatory for him. In the authentic hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Do you know what will cause people to enter Jannah more than others? He said, No, your rasulillah he said, Every soft heart in every sweet tongue ever

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Christof Koch in every sweet tongue. In the authentic hadith incident even murder the prophet SAW Selim said, anyone who saw leaves his body and is free of free things will enter Jannah arrogance stealing from the spoils of war and death. Number 19. The Prophet says Adam says whoever had two girls and he raised them up to be good Muslims, then I will be like this with him in general to girls. And Mashallah, how many of us is how many children in the authentic hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, whenever someone visits someone that is sick, a Muslim that is sick. When a caller calls out from Jana, may you be happy, may your walking be blessed and may you

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be rewarded with a dignified position in Jannah. In the 21st ad, the professor seldom said Allah guarantees for the one who strives and struggles for his cause, that he will enter him into Jana Huffman meaning of a surety who will enter him into Jannah in the 22nd Hades incident even merger the Prophet salla Sallam said via your nurse or mankind spread the salam, feed people food spread the solemn prayer the depths of night when people are asleep, you will enter Jannah in peace in the 23rd Hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, ombre is an expiation for the sins committed in between and there is no reward for Hajj that is accepted except Jana. In the 24th Hadith the Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam said Whoever can make his last words La ilaha illa Allah the agenda is obligatory for him. And in the 25th Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said Whoever says whoever says the ayatul kursi after every Salah after every obligatory Salah says the ayatul kursi there is nothing left between him and Jenna except to die except to die. How many Hadith are there of how easy has Allah made it to enter Jannah How can we have bad thoughts about a rough man? How can we think bad about Allah? How easy has he made it for us to enter Jannah and to save us from Johanna by Allah? This is Allah subhanho wa Taala our hammer Rahimi in a Croma Accra mean how can we ever go to bed

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thinking bad about Allah subhanho wa Taala Indeed Allah muscle is Karim Allah help is near Allah He job off is the alpha is near. All good things is near. Verily Allah subhanho wa Taala tells our prophets a lot of them to say in the Quran. wabasha Mini be an Allah hamina Allah He fought one Kabira and give glad tidings to the believers or prophet of God for them with Allah is amazing, amazing plenty and bounty and grace, my brothers and sisters in Islam. There is a difference between thinking good about Allah having good thoughts about Allah and having a sense of security that is misplaced a sense of security thinking that it's okay Allah have a photo Rahim you'll forgive us. So

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therefore I don't have to worry about doing good deeds. I don't have to worry about doing what Allah has said. There is a difference between the two. And the difference between the two is good deeds. The difference between the two is good action. This is why mukti em Rahim Allah says Alpher, by nervousness, one Billa will guru the difference between having good thoughts about Allah and guru which is deception, deceptive thoughts about Allah, thinking that Allah will just forgive thinking that Allah will overlook the difference between the two is action, the fact that you hear and you know that Allah loves and that Allah subhana wa Tada. So Justin, so Kareem. And so you bow your

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heads down out of pleasure of Allah, you give your sadaqa out of the love of Allah, you feed people out of His love, you do good deeds out of Allah subhanho wa Taala has mercy. My brothers and sisters, Islam the difference between someone who has good thoughts in truth and good thoughts in wrong, his actions. So watch yourselves and ask yourselves knowing this, this knowledge that Allah azza wa jal is good with us. Does it take you to good deeds and make you do more good? Or does it take you away from good deeds and that is the criteria between you having personal one, which is what Allah wants you to have, and having guru which is deceptive thoughts about Allah subhanho wa

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Taala my brothers and sister Islam, I urge you all to think good about Allah subhanho wa Taala. For Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala has said in the authentic hadith upon the tongue of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that 70,000 of this oma will enter Jannah without any his 70,000 will enter Jannah without any hisab in another authentic hadith in necessity, it was reported that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said I asked Allah to increase that number

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I asked Allah to increase that number. So in that authentic hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah told me with every person of the 70,000 another 70,000 with another with every person of the 70,000 another 70,000 Have you done the sums it comes close to 4.9 billion people comes close to 4.9 billion people that may enter agenda without his May Allah subhanho wa Taala make me a new from it. My brothers and sisters never ever make a dough except that you are mocking a Java that you know and ask Oh Allah you answer it era you answer it upon me is that the upon you is a Java horrible anime you have told us to ask Allah so we asked you and so your Apple me Don't let our

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dog go away in habit and Mathura accepted your apology let me make me and my brothers and sisters in this in this mosquito Allah from those people who enter Jannah without hisab Yara bellami from Allah un Muslim on anila Morocco and Kareem call in Angela jalota a smell a smell in Allah Hamada ekata who's on Luna Island maybe? Yeah, you hola Dena amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam with us Lima Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam Allah homochiral Muslim Nina one Muslim at me Nina one minute

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amin who will and what? Allah whom and so Dena wakita was Sunita NaVi castle Allahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah Houma in Nakata, Allah ma de Maharajah Tina Allahumma Nakata dama de Mahajan, Latina Allahumma Nakata, Alma de Maharaja Tina Allahumma da da da dee da OBJ add him will be will be him well fuckery him Joe to Haruka what to cottonelle Masada fee nominal Muslim fee Aleppo

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historia Wolfie kahina llama Mr Kenyatta. palani Allahu

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Allahu Masha Allah home one must Gemma home Allah Marina de magia quadratic Marina fee him Selena Cassini Joseph Jacobi coffee you

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tuck it in, tuck him in humara Bellamy Nakamura Bellamy for

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me to malama Muslim on Amara combi Alexa ye tidal kotoba wion ha.

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Man curry well, Bevy calm La La Quinta de Caro

Jumuah Khutbah by Sh Tawfique on January 13, 2017.

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