Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-053F Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 196-200
![Taimiyyah Zubair](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/taimiyyah-zubair-150x150.jpg)
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The speakers discuss the negative impact of sh matter on people's health and wealth and the importance of respecting one's Lord LA home. They stress the benefits of dams as a mirror in the sky and the importance of belief in Allah's teachings and actions in relation to one's actions. The speakers also emphasize the need for patient behavior and striving towards patients in need of effort, as well as the importance of visa expiration and staying connected with people.
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Then Allah subhanaw taala consoled the believers that lay your whole run Naka, the Colombo Latina Cafaro fell below. Be not deceived by the uninhibited movement of the disbelievers throughout the land. Leia who run NACA, this is from Laurel line rah rah, it should not deceive you, let it not deceive you at all. Indeed, it should not deceive you, what should not deceive you the colop, the constant movement of Lamba, the constant movement of who Alladhina Cafaro, those who disbelieve were the constantly moving around Phil beloved in the city's beloved plural of ballad city. So there are constant movement throughout the cities and you from one city to another and then from there to
another place, this should not deceive you. Now, here are the prophets of Allah who are using them as being addressed. And after him. Anyone you know whom this if it's in every believer is being addressed, that that the elope of those who disbelieve in various parts of the world should not deceive you. Now being able to travel constantly from city to city, within cities. What does that mean? This means that a person is first of all able to travel freely, because they have no fear in the world. They have no fear of, you know, long questioning and interrogation at the borders. And, you know, they have no fear like that. They have safety, they have power, they have authority.
Secondly, they're able to travel freely because they can afford to, to have wealth, or they're traveling for the purpose of business for the purpose of their duniya. Right. Thirdly, they travel freely because they have health and free time. They're freedom from responsibility. They're easily able to just pick up and go and have fun here and then have fun, they're constantly travel. And then fourthly, this can also mean they're traveling for the purpose of war. So when they travel freely like this, even though they're nonbelievers, this should not deceive you almost slim, because a person can wonder that How come these people who disbelieve can traveled so easily? How come? They
can travel freely, even though they're pressed the believers even when they do so many wrong things? How can they go about freely, so secure, so happy in safety, in health, in comfort? And without any guilt without any heaviness of heart? How come Allah lets them how can we did not punish them? So these questions can come into our minds? And sometimes we wonder, you know, at a smaller level, that how can this person who abused me go about so freely, without any remorse without any guilt, they experience no hardship in life and with their charisma, you know, they're able to attract so many friendships. How? And, you know, the Companions wondered the same Omar Abdullah, who aren't who he
wants as the prophets of Allah, who are yo Salam, O Messenger of Allah made God to Allah that he should extend sustenance for us as he has done so for the Persians and the Romans. And the Persians and the Romans, they worship other than Allah, Yet Allah has given them so much so ask Allah to give us as well. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if he shakin, Antonia didn't look at Bob, are you in doubt, it will pop up. These are people for whom good things have come quickly in their worldly life. So don't be deceived. The thing is, we are human right. So we do fall into such thoughts. We have such questions. When we see that those who disbelieve or those who are doing wrong
things are living so comfortably in this dunya. Alright. And shaitan also uses this as a means to hurt us. So Shaitan says things like, Oh, you're so poor. You're sitting here and look at all these people. They're living such happy, successful lives, they're living their dreams, they must be doing something right. And Jadon tells you that if you were worthy before Allah, He would have honored you in some way as he is honored these people, Allah would have given you something at least that you wish for. But Allah has not favored you. He has not given you the things that you like, because you're not worthy, which is why you don't have health or wealth. And every day you have a different
new problem to deal with. So sometimes shaitan you know, makes us compare our lives with those who are living comfortable lives in disbelief. And he makes us think that the little Cofer are fortunate. And Uncle Iman are unfortunate. So layer who run beware, don't get deceived by this because wealth and ease in life are not a sign of God's love for a person and poverty is not a sign of God's wrath. This is the thinking of the ignorant
So the fetcher I have 15 Allah's Panatela says for Amal Insano either mother Tala who remove a chroma who wanna imma who for your call Robbie a common and as for men, when his Lord tries him and is generous to him and favors him he says My Lord has honored me. But when he tries him and restricts His provision, he says My Lord has humiliated me. So don't think like this. Never think that if someone is able to travel freely in the land to have all of this wealth and power and security, then they must be doing something right or it is a sign that Allah has honored them. No, it is not a sign that Allah has honored them because matar own Khaleel it is an enjoyment that is
little it is little enjoyment. It is matar being able to travel freely having security, safety, health, wealth, power. All of this is matar but it is allele, it is little no matter how much they attained. Eventually, it's going to run out because it is an allele, it is little in time. It is allele in cave in its nature. It is allele in its quantity, it is allele in every way. So do not get deceived by their wealth and freedom. All of this dunya will come to an end. In surah sharara i A 205 Allah's parents Allah says Allah ATIA in materna whom sin, then have you considered if we gave them enjoyment for years, so Majah Houma can who you are, I don't and then there came to them that
which they were promised. And even if they enjoyed, you know, worldly life, and all that we have given them for many years. And then after that there is death, ma Alana and Huma can we Uma Thurman, they would not be availed by the enjoyment with which they were provided any if they get every enjoyment in the world. So they wore what they desired. They ate, what they desired, they lived where they desired, they had whatever that they desired, they have it all perfect and life and death comes to them, then what it's all over, write, all that they enjoyed is not going to remove the painful experience of death, and it's not going to avert what is coming after death. So dunya is
methodically compared to the reward of the Hereafter. And this is very important to remember. Because over and over again, we get deceived. Right? We think that because I don't have this, Allah must be upset with me. That person has this. Allah must be very pleased with them. No worldly ease is not a reward. Except with Eman. Remember this? Any worldly things? Were the ease and the blessings of this life. They're not a reward. Except with iman, when a person has Iman, then okay, the things of this world. Yes, they are Bushra Ardila you know, good news that has come quickly. And it's just the beginning of what is coming ahead later. But without Iman without our milk, Sonya
worthy ease is not reward. So Mama well home Jahannam then their final refuge as * will be sent me heard and wretched is the resting place. This is those who disbelieve and who have it very easy in this life, that Allah subhanaw taala says what they have right now is a little enjoyment. And then eventually they're what is Jahannam so then, which matar of the world should be celebrated if the outcome is Jahannam because we learned in Hadith that one moment and Jahannam one dip in Johanna will erase all the ease of the world, the prophets of Allah who said I mentioned that a person who will be destined for Jahannam, who had led a life of ease and plenty in the world. Imagine a person
who has lived a life of ease and plenty in the world, they have only experienced ease and plenty, this person will be made to dip in Jahannam only once, only once, and then he will be asked or son of Adam, did you find any comfort? And he did you ever find? Did you ever experience any comfort? Did you ever happen to receive any material blessing? And he will say by Allah? No, my lord, I have never experienced any good thing. One moment in * will make him forget all the ease and enjoyment he ever experienced in the world. This is who this is the person who is UNAMI Lithonia who had it the best in the world. So is dunya not methodically, it is so anything of this world, wealth,
health, children, nice fancy houses, fame, whatever cars, all of this is what it is.
Tonia, and it is Khalil, so don't give it greater merit than it actually has. And if you think about it, and he, no matter how long a person lives no matter how long they enjoy the things of the world, eventually there is death. And even in that life, the days of health and safety or even more colleagues, and you don't get to enjoy everything that you have every single day, right? So remember the worth of this life mataram Khalil and Paradise In contrast, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a place the size of a whip in Paradise is better than the world and everything in it. How long is a whip? A meter and a half? No, why does it maybe half an inch, one inch, that place
in Jannah imagine is better than the world and whatever that is in it. So this dunya is metallic colleague. And no matter how much you enjoy in the world, you know it's going to end and you are sometimes afraid that you might get sick and no longer be able to enjoy what you have, that you might lose it someone might steal it. And sometimes because of these fears, you're not able to enjoy what you have. Sometimes people save and save for a day when they can enjoy but that day never comes. So then having dunya is the same as not having it would you do her? God me and he whether they have it or they don't it's the same they don't get to enjoy it. So Allah subhanaw taala is
telling us about the reality of this world that it is methodically and material happy at the real benefit the real enjoyment is in paradise. So don't get deceived by the people who enjoy all of the scimitar with comfort with disbelief. Don't get deceived by them because their final outcome is Johanna and Jana was one of the names of health will be selling me had and what a terrible we had it is Mahad is the place where one rests, where one sleeps any like a bed. Why do you go on your bed to rest there? So Jahannam is a terrible resting place they will rest in * will be sent me had llama Jimena, not lacking Alladhina taco robber home, but those who feared their Lord. So after mentioning
the state of those whose abode will be * and there are those who disbelieve Allah Subhana Allah mentions the outcome of those who fear their Lord Alladhina Dakota boom and Allah subhanaw taala says lacking but those who fear their Lord, their matter is different. And this shows us that this is talking about those who enjoy good things in life with the COA, okay, because Allah Santos says lacking there is an exception, any from those who enjoy the good things in life. So even if they enjoy in dunya, right, but they have Taqwa of Allah they have the fear of Allah. Then what will they have? low hum Genet on 30 Min 30 Hill and they will have gardens beneath which rivers flow and this
means that not every person who enjoys the world will end up in * no, it is possible for a person to enjoy the world and Paradise as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Nirmal Merlo slyly hate little more slowly. Good wealth is excellent for the righteous person to righteousness does not mean poverty, okay, with righteousness there can be wealth. And if there is wealth and other good things of life with righteousness, then look at the outcome. It is genets Subhan Allah, so those who fear their Lord LA home Jannette and you think about Earth, Manuel de la hora knew how wealthy he was, and how much he gave in the way of Allah. Look at today man, Ali Salam, a prophet of Allah Dawa
the artisan I'm a prophet of Allah, how much they had. They had power. They had well, they had so much, but they used it. They enjoyed it with the Taqwa of Allah. So when you enjoy good things of this life with the fear of Allah, then the reward is Jana. And those who fear their Lord Laham Janet even more than what they enjoyed in the world, any Allah subhanaw taala will give them even greater enjoyment than what they had in the world. And here Alladhina dako are those who are grateful to Allah and 30 Min 30 al and hull Gardens underneath which rivers flow and Holly Lena Fie, her abiding bearing eternally. And every time you hear the description of paradise, that it is hardly been a fee
her. Any people in Paradise will remain eternally this should really comfort you, because in Jannah is endless life. There is no death. There's endless youth, there is no aging, endless health, no illness, endless union, no separation from loved ones.
In the world hold eternity is impossible. Impossible. And even if somehow we try to extend our lives or extend, you know anything, the things get unbearable Subhan Allah Newsela Minar in de la nozel is hospitality or accommodation, and everything that is prepared for a guest upon their arrival. So think about it. If you have a guest coming then what do you do? You especially if that guest is going to stay, you prepare food, you welcome them, you prepare in a place where they're going to rest, the place where they're going to hang their clothes, you put soap you pay attention to so much detail, food, snacks, water, you know different levels of comfort, basically you want to provide for
them. This is all noozle right? So what happens in this dunya the first day when you have a guest you serve them a feast, but then what happens after that you feed them home food, and if they stay even longer, you feed them leftovers with you. Right They eat leftovers with you, but Jana is what they will remain there and eternally. And throughout there is nosal throughout there is generous, welcoming hospitality, Allahu Akbar, any everyday in Jana will be as if the first day and Jen and this is Minar in the law, especially from Allah. You know, if you are the guest of a generous person, you're very lucky. If you are the guest of a wealthy person. Again, you're lucky if you're
the guest of a very loving and friendly person. Again, you're lucky. So here you are the guest of who Allah Newsela Minar in de la SubhanAllah. Honey, depending on who your host is, the quality of the hospitality that you're given, it increases or decreases, and based on that your enjoyment also increases your honor also increases Missoula Minar in the law, and men are in the law. This means that it is huge. It is amazing. It is perfect woman in the law hyrulean abroad and what is with Allah is best for those who are righteous. It is better for those who are righteous better than what better than Metatron Colleen that disbelievers enjoy in the world. So are you going to be deceived
by that? No, you're not going to you're going to strive towards marrying the law, what is with Allah, but it is for who live abroad and abroad are those who attain bit those who do good deeds to draw close to Allah. Like, for example, in total insan i a seven, Allah Subhana Allah mentions some of the actions of abroad, that the righteous will be in paradise and what do they do in the world? What are their actions like, they feed other people, they give food in spite of love for that food, and they feed it to who those in need, and the orphan and also the prisoner, and they fulfill their vows. So Allah subhanaw taala mentioned their deeds in total Bukhara, Iowan, 77 Allah subhanaw taala
gives us a whole list of what bit is, what righteousness is, is that righteousness is not that you turn towards the east or the west, but it is in the one who believes in Allah and the Last Day, and believes in the angels and the books and the prophets, and the one who gives his wealth in spite of love for it to the relative to the orphans, to those in need, and to the traveller, those who ask, and in the freeing of the slaves, and think about it when it comes to spending on people. We don't know any giving charity, it's easy, but giving to relatives, somehow the heart feels very constricted over there. So true righteousness is that you give in spite of love for the things that
you have you give them for the sake of Allah. And then other good deeds are also mentioned in that if so when we are in the LA hyrulean abroad, so Jana is for who it is for Alladhina taco, those who adopt taco it is for abroad in throught Maria Maya 63 also Allah subhanaw taala says Tilka Jana to Latino ready to marry buddy, no man, Canada, Korea, the agenda is for those who have the core, then Allah subhanaw taala says we're in them in a halal Kitabi and indeed, among the People of the Scripture lemma you may know Billahi or surely those who believe in Allah will mount on de la la Khan. And they also believe in what was sent to you. So belief in Allah doesn't just mean that a
person believes in the existence of Allah IBLEES also believes in that. To believe in Allah means to worship Him alone, to surrender to him to accept every command that comes from Him. And the one who believes in Allah believes in the religion of Allah believes in the messengers of Allah, right. So this is why among the People of the Scripture, those who believe in Allah, and they also believe in what was sent to you, I need to believe in the Quran on my own Zillah l
him and what was sent to them meaning they believe in the tau.so. Those who properly believe in Allah, what happens to them when they hear the Quran, they believe in total man that is number 83. Allah's Prophet Allah mentions that when they hear what has been revealed to the messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears, because they recognize the truth. So these are those among the People of the Book who believe in the Prophet sallallahu early he was like an A Joshi, alright, our beloved Salam, Salam al Farsi radula, horn home, and after them any among the Jews and the Christians who converts to Islam, and they have joined to good things, they believe in what was sent
down to you. And also it was sent down to them being they believe in the Torah and in the Quran. And the Prophet sallallahu earlier said, I mentioned that three people will have a double reward. And all of them is who are one of the People of the Book who believes in his prophet and then believes in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So they are harsher in Allah. They're ones who are humbly submissive to Allah ha sheer crushing I mean, who sure is to humble oneself before Allah you need to obey Allah to not be arrogant before Allah. They are humble before Allah. So Allah yesh, Taruna, VI. Atilla he Thurman and kalila they do not purchase with the verses of Allah, something of little
value. They don't give up the verses of Allah in order to take worldly gain any they don't sell their religion for worldly gain, they do not conceal the description of the prophets of Allah who are lucidum that they know. So Allah eCola, whom, to whom are in therapy him, those will have the reward with their Lord in the law city or in ERISA Indeed, Allah is Swift and account. So they will have their reward with their Lord and their reward is double. And since this reward is in Darby him, it is truly great. And the one who has prepared this reward is a generous Lord. So Allah eikelboom original entropy in the LA City are very sad indeed Allah is Swift in account. And he that day is
not far when he will give them their reward. Then Allah subhanaw taala says in the last idea of sort of earlier Imran that yeah, uh, you had Ladino Manu, or you who have believed is Spirou Be patient, persevere, will Saburo and endure what I've been through and remain stationed what the Kula And fear Allah La La come to flee home so that you all are successful. The Surah ends with a NIDA with a call to all believers to all who believe Yeah, uh, you had Latina omen or you who have believed and it ends with what lar la come to flee home in order that you may be successful. So, we are being taught four keys to success, that as a group as a community, because you remember in solid earlier one, we
learned that contemplado OMA welcome income OMA, that you are the best nation and there should be a community among you who is calling people to good. So as a group collectively, in order to be successful, four things you must do, what are they first of all is Biru Be patient, have suburb and this is have suburb at individual level. And each person should observe suburb, suburb over what be patient over what everything that you find hard, everything that requires suburb, all the trials of this life, any whether it is the decrees of Allah that you find difficult that you find painful, or it could be the ignorance of people and their mistreatment, alright, summer over things that you
have to do but you find hard sub over staying away from sins that you find so tempting. So it's below this includes all types of sub. Now what does someone look like somebody's in the heart, somebody has done by the heart somebody has done by the tongue and somebody has also done by the limbs. Somebody that you do with the heart is what that you do not despair of Allah's mercy, that in hardship, you are patient, that you bear it, you wait out the storm, you hold on and you know that the storm will pass. Allah is there, that in your heart you have your pain, you believe in Allah's mercy, you believe in relief from Allah, then southern with your tongue, what does that look like?
That you don't complain about Allah. You don't say bad things about Allah wrong things about Allah. You don't invoke evil upon yourself. And then southern with your body is what with your limbs is that you don't act in disobedience. You don't do anything that Allah subhanaw taala disapproves of. So it's better to be patient than Allah subhanaw taala says wasabi Rue sabe
means a number of things. First of all, it means to strive towards patients in need to exert effort in order to be patient. And sometimes it's like that subber doesn't come easy. You really, really, really, really have to work hard. You really have to work hard, you really have to make yourself have some need soul saw, there's like negative things coming into your head and you want to see them you want to see them, but you just bite your tongue. Alright, you just bite your tongue, you bite your lip, you're like, No, I'm not going to say, I'm not going to say I'm not going to say I'm not going to say these negative thoughts are coming in your head and you constantly fight them with
positive ones Saburo. Secondly, Sadhguru also means to be patient in response to people, and he be patient over what reaches you from people. Basically, in this form saw Biru you see, it's different from espiral saw below there is competition over here. So when someone bothers you, okay, then you do something in response when someone hurts you, you do something in response, when someone is unfair to you picks on you to submit in response. So this is somebody in dealings with people solve it also means that you compete in being patient, and a you be more patient than others. And you see that so many people are patient, they work hard in order to reach their goals. You know, they're
very patient. They're so determined they're so resilient. So you as Muslims should compete in being patient and you should have more sub ridden them. Because if you suffer they to suffer but you expect reward from Allah for what you endure. And Sadhguru also means that you urge one another to be patient, because while also in Santa Fe, Hosur, Elon, Madina, Munawwara, middle, Salah, hot water, wasabi, hot cocoa sob, sob. Sometimes when you're going through a hard time, you have somebody you can manage on your own. But sometimes you need someone to come and help you. You need someone to come and lift you to give you a hand. So when someone comes to give you a hand, someone
comes to lift, you don't push them away, because it is their duty to encourage you to have supper. So when they're encouraging you welcome that help. And when you see someone struggling, don't just leave them in their struggle. You help them have Sabra sabe Rue, and then Robbie to the third thing is Robin. Robin will remain stationed, Roberto, Roberto, Roberto is to try to bind to tie up an animal so that it does not run away. And rebelled is basically when two hostile parties tie their horses at their borders. Okay, I'm from Pakistan and Pakistan, India are well known. They've been enemies for a very long time. And there are parts of the border where every evening I believe that
there were marches and whatnot, where they show their soldiers and their horses at their station. Otherwise, also, it's well known that when there are two neighboring countries, or nations that are hostile to one another, than each will have their soldiers stationed right at the frontiers. Why are they constantly there? Why, in order to ensure that just in case there's a sudden attack, we are prepared, we are ready from before, right. So rabito means remain stationed in order to defend any be ready before the enemy arrives. Expect the battle anytime remained stationed. And this is specifically in regard to jihad, Roberto, and Roberto armour need to constantly do something to not
leave it. Because there's always you know, some part of the army that's there at the frontiers, right? It's constantly guarded, it's not left, it's not abandoned. So, rebirth is also understood as committing any remain committed and bind yourself. So station yourself, bind yourself, to what to good actions to good people, you need to stay connected with them to good places, stay connected with them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that performing will do properly even when it is inconvenient. Okay and taking a lot of steps to the masjid and going to the masjid even if it means walking along distance and waiting for one Salah after another. This is a revolt. This
is a rebirth why? Because you are committed to making will do so you will make it even when it's inconvenient. You are committed to go to the masjid so you will go even if it's a long walk, right? You are committed to Salah so you will wait for the next Salah in you're not going to get busy
See in other things because of your commitment. So this is a robot that you stay connected, committed to good deeds good people good places and you don't be alone. Don't do nothing rob you to stay connected with one another what the cola and fear Allah that's the fourth thing that fear Allah in all of your matters in all of your situations that shield yourself from the fire and shield yourself from the anger of Allah in all of your situations Lara Allah come to flee Hoon in order that you may be successful. And if you see somebody and the poor mentioned here and there mentioned together in many places in the Quran, summer is over what is difficult and Taqwa is to remain firm
over obedience in difficult situations. And suburban Taqwa both are necessary. Right? Some people have only suburb no Taqwa. Other people have Taqwa but no suburb. And some people have none. And some people have both. So those who have suburban Taqwa both they're the ones who are successful, may Allah subhanaw taala make us among them roughly Hain May Allah subhanaw taala accept this from us and may Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to learn what we have missed to reflect on these verses to remember them to recite them in the night and your last panel try to forgive us for any misunderstanding for any shortcoming on our part of Salah humo salam ala Nabina Muhammad Ali he was
worthy he worldly by a Salam already caught up with Allah Who brachetto Subhana Allah whom will be handed a shadow Allah Illa Illa Stouffville cover to the lake in
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