Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-035F Tafsir Al-Baqarah 265-266

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The transcript describes the meaning of "medicals in the Quran and how they can be used to ensure a person is giving in the most beneficial way. faith is a reflection of actions and actions can be measured. The importance of giving sada 49% with confidence and being generous is discussed, along with the benefits of garden beds for crops. The speakers emphasize the need for individuals to give their donation in a timely fashion to avoid wasting their time and improve their financial outcomes. The loss of wealth due to health or financial hardship is also discussed, and small steps can be taken to improve one's financial.

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			Then another example is given where Martha Lu and example a Latina of those who yearn for Hakuna um
while at home they spent their wealth, why do they spend their wealth ibbity ha a mobility law in
order to seek the pleasure of Allah, Allah Who occurred. So, the goal is to please Allah subhanaw
taala the intention is sincere. So now in this ayah we have the third example in regard to in
Phalke, and this is the example of those people who spend with sincerity with proper etiquette
without money other so you see the contrast over here from the previous example. And this is how the
Quran is it shows you both sides, so you can choose what you want. One group is of those who spend
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			an order to show off or they spend and then they do Minh and other. And now this group is of those
people who spend properly correctly, and they get generous rewards. So the example of Alladhina Yun
Falconer and welcome First of all, I want you to appreciate the word unicorn, a unicorn is fairmile
daughter, meaning it's a verb that shows present and future tense. And sometimes variable data is
used to show the meaning of estimator or of continuity. It hasn't been said the example of those
people who spent their wealth know the example of those people who spend their wealth meaning this
is their state that they continue to spend their wealth in the way of Allah. Okay. So this is a
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			habit. How do they spend firstly, EBIT de la Amala Tila, the reason why they give to seek the
pleasure of Allah IP Tila from belvane yet to seek Melotte is the plural of the word MALBA. From
Rado idea, because it's really your dA. So if the hammer Bartylla MATA is approval, right? Pleasure,
so they're spending in order to seek the approval of Allah, they want Allah to be pleased with them,
okay? And what Allah is also means to please, okay, meaning they are finding means of pleasing Allah
subhanaw taala, which means that otherwise, not the only good thing that they do in order to please
Allah subhanaw taala they also do other good deeds in order to please Allah, because some people,
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			you know, they're not consistent with their prayers, they're not, you know, careful about their
speech, they're not careful about maintaining ties of kinship, you know, they're o'clock, they're
not very careful when it comes to their money, for example, when it comes to their income, or where
they spend, how they spend, you know, on their needs, etc. They're not very careful, but they make
sure that they give big donations, that's good that you're giving a lot of sadaqa Allah subhanaw
taala has given you the means, but sadaqa should not be the only thing only good deed that you do.
It's one of the things all right, it's one of the things so, if it's the law Amaravati law, they
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			spend seeking the means to please Allah subhanaw taala and secondly, what does betta mean and fusi
him how do they give what's the manner they gave death beat them in unfussy him assuring themselves
okay or like I said, in the translation, firmness, okay. within themselves or from themselves. Now
the word that beat them in unforseen The reason why I want to translate it as firmness and not
certainty is because certainty is just one interpretation. That beats is from the root letters
Sebata. Okay, and sub betta is to make something continue. Okay to make something continue to make
something remain fixed, okay to make something become constant, to make something settled and
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			established endure. This is the meaning of Tabatha. So does betta mean unfussy him has been
understood in a number of ways. And this shows us the beauty of the Quran. How comprehensive it is
that one word can include such an ocean of meaning. First of all, this has been interpreted as while
they spend while their souls are steadfast, upright, meaning they have striven against themselves.
Okay men and force him against themselves, taming their souls, disciplining their souls until
they're able to firmly obey Allah
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			because you see the disposition of the soul is that it urges a person to do wrong a mountain Bisou.
But these people have striven against themselves and tamed themselves. So their souls have become
stable, stable in what in good deeds in obeying Allah subhanaw taala. Okay, yeah, like we discussed
earlier, sometimes you want to do something good and chatline stops you from the beginning, right?
Don't do it, you will be poor, you overcome that feeling. Then Chopin tries to ruin your intention
you overcome that shaitan tries to waste your reward by making you you know, show off and things
like that. So that betta min unfussy him means that they have tamed themselves and made themselves
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			constant and firm and fixed and settled in doing good deeds. All right. So sometimes, you know, you
don't want to give sadaqa but here is the description of those people who make themselves give
sadaqa the no you have to you have to, you know, for example, you get some money, okay? And you
think that oh, I can buy this I can buy that I will do this with that money. And then you tell
yourself, yes, you can. But you also have to give some sadaqa you have to so that betta min unfussy
him, they make themselves firm in obeying Allah subhanaw taala. This is the first interpretation.
Secondly, this means that they assure any they investigate where they should spend, they don't just
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			randomly give, but they check what is the best place? What is the most beneficial? So
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			it's difficult to talk over the sound of the rain SubhanAllah.
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			Yes, this is why bill more than why bill actually, way more than love it. Now imagine in such rain,
would dust on a smooth rock remain?
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			Would it remain? Well, it would be completely washed off.
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			Right? Clean Slate Exactly. Especially after a rain like this, you see, everything seems to be
clean. This is pressure washing, pressure wash, literally everything gets washed up. And if there's
any debris anywhere, sometimes even heavy objects, they get washed off.
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			a person could be giving any a lot of sadaqa but you know sometimes the words of man and other they
fall like this, like such heavy rain that it washes away any good that you have done. And
subhanAllah you know your own children even if you keep reminding them of the favors that you have
done them. They don't know effect of your kindness remains. They don't feel grateful anymore. They
increase and they're ill feeling towards you. Subhan Allah
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			Bismillah so does betta mean unforeseen the second meaning is that faith means that the boots, okay,
the third boots and to submit this to any ensure that something is being done correctly. Okay. So
they give sadaqa after investigation, meaning they check, what is the best place to give what will
you know, be more beneficial? You know, for example, if you have to invest your money, you don't
just invest randomly you check first. Alright, so likewise, when you're giving sadaqa Yes, you
should, you know, be generous, but being generous does not mean that you don't investigate and
investigating does not mean that now you go and ask the poor person, well show me your bank
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			statement, show me your tax returns, show me your this and that, only then I will give you
something. No, you do your part in checking where you can give. So for example, you try to find out
someone who is really in need. One is a person who is just asking for more cash so that they can
live a more comfortable life. And then there is another person who is a single mom who has little
children whose husband has abandoned her maybe who still does not have you know, proper housing. So
if you give her it's more beneficial, so to speak to men and foresee him, you have to do your part,
right so they do their part in checking in ensuring that they're giving in the right place in the
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			best place. And part of this checking ensuring is that you check you
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			yourself, right? You check yourself. So, Hasan Basri. You know, he mentioned about how this person
checks his intention. Okay, so one is that you check the beggar is he really in need? Alright? The
other is that you check yourself your intention, am I really sincere? What's the state of my heart
in sort of promote me know nya 60 We then were Lilina you tuna Otto were kuruva wodgina Those who
give what they give Well, their hearts are afraid and either terrified inside. And when you are
checking your intention, then, you know, you make sure you give it in the most secretive way. For
example, you don't want people to find out you give a secret sadaqa you know, like the example of
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			the man who went out in the night in order to give sadaqa and he ended up giving sadaqa to you know,
a thief. And then the next day he ended up giving for the car to a prostitute and then the following
day he ended up giving sadaqa to a rich person and he why was he doing that he went out in the night
in order to make sure that his intention would be sincere. So this is this beat him in unfrozen
assuring any sincerity on their part. Thirdly, the speed to min unfussy him has been interpreted as
certainty. Does the Conway opinion
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			any with conviction with certainty that this is not a waste of my money? I'm not making a mistake
over here. They're giving sadaqa with confidence that this is Allah's promise that you give an Allah
will give you right so they give without any hesitation. They're not hesitating inside Should I give
her not know there's stability, there's firmness, there's assurance that Allah gives back he gives
more. All right, so they believe in the promise of reward. And they give with confidence they give
with sharp solder. They give with intimate Nan they give happily and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam instructed us to give charity even the cat how while our hearts are happy, me any wild
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			enough is the Yerba, the Yuba tambien of Su This is how we should give the cat and others are the
cod happily, that be confident that you're doing the right thing. Don't hesitate in giving sadaqa
and give happily with confidence that Allah subhanaw taala will compensate any with expectation of
reward. And then fourthly, some orlimar also interpret this beat as steadfastness meaning they
continue to give habitually All right. So, the example of those people who give their wealth meaning
who spent in charity, first of all with sincerity, secondly, they give with confidence, they give a
continually, they give happily, they give with conviction, they give with a correctness of
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			intention, and they give while making themselves obey Allah and such people assure reward for
themselves. Then their example is Kamath le Jana tin be Rubble, like that of a garden. On a raised
ground. Jana is a garden and Rob law is from the root letters. Rob bow well and Rob Wah is basically
a raised ground, okay? Raised ground can be in different ways. It could be literally, you know, on
the side of a hill, for example, okay, or like a raised plateau could even be a raised garden bed.
Okay, the point is that this garden, whether it's a small garden or like a garden bed, whatever it
is, it is on a raised ground. Okay. So this garden when it's on a raised ground, what's the benefit,
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			some say that Rabwah is ground that is slightly raised above its surrounding area. Okay. So when it
is raised, this means that it gets full sun. Secondly, it means that it has very good drainage
because the ground will not get flooded, it rains or when there's water, then it will take whatever
water it needs and the rest will get in a washed off. And this means that even little water is
sufficient. When it's raised ground the air is pure, so naturally the harvest will be excellent. And
you know, they say that if you want to plant vegetables or even flowers raised garden beds are far
better. They give higher yields because the ground is softer. You know you protected against any
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			pests. There's many benefits. It's gardening
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			season now so Subhan Allah Quran teaches us so many things. Anyway come with an agenda timbira
buatan so this garden which is on a raised ground, a Saba how why billion, there are faults on it
heavy rain and when heavy rain falls on it, that heavy rain does not damage this garden. Why?
Because like I said, there is better drainage so there is no flooding. And because the footing is
good, the soil is deep. It does not get washed away by the heavy rain. The garden takes the water
that it needs and the remainder gets washed down. So with heavy rain what happens for at Akula held
there Fein for added so it gives Akula its fruit there Fein double oh cool, is from Hamza calf lamb
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			and Oakley is the edible part of the produce, whether it's fruit or vegetable or leaf or grain,
whatever it may be. So it produces its oql They're fine. No, they're fine is the dual of thereof.
Okay. And Lear Fein has been understood in a number of ways. Some say that clarified means double
quantity. So for example, if there's a garden on you know, just the ground ground level, okay. Yes,
it will have some produce but the produce that you will harvest from the raised garden bed, for
example, that produce will be double. Okay, any double in quantity, the yields are higher, double.
Secondly, some early muscle they're fine means twice. Okay? Meaning you harvest once but because the
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			soil is good, the air is good. There's better sunlight better drainage, what's going to happen you
get a second harvest Subhan Allah for added Akula held their final their fame double in quantity at
once. Better harvest higher yields because the plants are healthier, so the produce will be more and
secondly it means twice. Okay, two times in the same season. Other alumni say the clarifying doesn't
just mean double or twice it means more similar to how the 700 times is not just limited to 700 but
will Allah who will dari fully Manisha it can be even more and double reward? Some alumni say what
this means is that the person gets reward in the world and also gets reward in the hereafter. Isn't
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			this amazing? Any, how does a person get reward in the world for their charity when they give it
sincerely and when they give it continuously recall to mind the different meanings of this beat that
Allah subhanaw taala compensates them in this life. Allah subhanaw taala benefits them in this world
because of their charity. Right? Like for example, a person is protected from harm. A person has
blessing in their wealth, a person has increase in their wealth, right? The person earns a good name
even even though that's not the goal, that's a side benefit but Allah subhanaw taala benefits them
in this life for their charity and also again in the hereafter for added Akula healthcare fine, and
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			then it is said for Illa muesli bahawa belong felt I fell in then if Lemieux sleep haha, it does not
reach it why build a heavy rain, if a heavy rain does not fall on this raised garden, then fertile,
then it is also sufficient. Fall will also do now what is fall fall is from the root letters for
lamb lamb and Paul is fine rain. Okay, so this is less than a wobble. Okay. And really when it comes
to a raised garden bed, you know a little bit water is even sufficient. You don't have to heavily
water a little bit water is also sufficient. So the point is that whether it's a little bit of water
or a lot of water, the harvest is still great, the yields are still abundant. Why? Because the manna
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			is good, the men are giving so the cut the intention behind this other call. All of that is good.
Well Allah will be my dharma Luna bursledon. Allah is of whatever you do, seeing. This is a warning.
And it's also a promise, a warning for those who show off or for those who give charity with money
and other and a promise of reward for those who spend with sincerity that Allah is watching what you
were doing, and Allah will ensure that you get your reward. Now in this example, we see that the
person is the garden, okay? The location of the garden. And the fact that it's raised means that the
soil is more fertile. That is the sincerity and the rain is the charity. So whether a person gives a
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			lot of charity Wabun or a person gives a little bit of
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			charity fun, okay, the harvest is good, meaning the reward is good the harvest is the reward. So,
when the soil is good location is good, whether the rain is little or a lot, the harvest will still
be good, all right. And sometimes even when there is not a lot of rain, the moisture in the air is
sufficient, alright. So, what do we learn from this example, the importance of sincerity, and the
importance of giving sadaqa correctly and properly and the importance of giving sadaqa consistently,
because the theta man was him also means that they give consistently. So, when you have a lot, then
give a lot. And when you have little than give something, but do not stop giving, do not stop giving
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			when you continue to give your written among those who give. And then your reward is consistent,
whether you give a little or a lot. And we learned in the Hadith that the wealthy persons will have
little reward on the Day of Judgment, except those who spend from it to the right, they're left in
front behind any who give continuously. And don't hesitate giving something small even because
mammoth beat them in and for him also means that they give without hesitation. So don't just wait to
give something huge, or something that is significant. Don't hesitate to give something small, like
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam encouraged us to give even a piece of date. Right, or the hoofs
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			of a goat any if that is all you have, then give that and we learned that the Sahaba they were so
eager to spend in the way of Allah. You know, there were among the Sahaba those were wealthy, and
they were among the Sahaba those who were not wealthy who did not have a lot. So they would
literally as we learned almost rude Rhodiola horn who said that when the if so the call was
revealed, Conan Muhammad, any we would go and work as laborers. Okay, basically, carrying people
with luggage. All right. Why so that we would make some money in order to give sadaqa firm so we
should all be those people who give continuously for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and don't wait
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			to get a job. Don't wait to get a high paying job. Don't wait to pay off this or pay off that. When
Allah subhanaw taala gives you something, anything, whatever it may be, give from it. You can give
from your food you can give from your groceries. You know, for example, you go buy groceries, when
you reach the door, you know you're leaving the grocery store. A lot of times you don't they have a
food bin for a local food bank. Give something from what you bought for yourself. Okay, you can put
a box of cereal, you can put a can of chickpeas. You can no you know any non perishable food you can
put that. So yes, that means that maybe you will have one less thing to eat, but it's okay. Look at
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			the reward. So be of those who give consistently and even the women any at the time of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we learn in Sahih Muslim about housing and Rhodiola horn her she would
work Kenneth Thurman Obeah de * with the Sadhak and he she would work with her hand she would
make things with her hand and she would give sadaqa from it. So we should be of those people who
spend consistently that Allah subhanaw taala asks us AOA do a Hadoken would yoga do he loves meaning
would he love a how to come one of you Would one of you love your what do is from wild dal dal Would
one of you love Anta Cornella who that he has Janet on a garden when the feeling of date palms will
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			are napping and great blinds and our NAB is a plural of rain up. And no heel is the plural of
Nicola. So a garden of trees, date palms. Okay. And grapevines. So there is dates, there's grapes.
And this means that there are trees and there are vines different types of fruits. And then this
garden also has 30 Min 30 And how 30 it flows Min 30 here under it meaning under its date palms and
how rivers so there isn't just one river, but multiple rivers. And the fact that there is water
going through the garden, alright, this means that the garden is kind of self sustaining. Okay, so
imagine you have a garden like this, would you like to have a garden like this? Allah is asking us a
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			question. Would you like to have a garden like this? And the answer is, yes, of course. We would
love to own property like this. That is huge. There's date palms, there's grapevines.
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			There's rivers, and then LA who he has FIFA in it meaning in the garden, Min Kohli Thammarat. All
types of fruits. Thammarat is a Florida camera, he all types of fruits. So everyone would love to
own such property. Because now you have the harvest from date palms and the harvest from grape
vines, multiple sources of benefit, right multiple sources of profit. This garden sustains you. And
you can also earn a lot of income by selling the fruit that you obtained from this property. And you
don't have to spend a lot because you mainly need water and the water is there. And date palms are
not such that you have to grow them every year. You just plant them once and once they reach such
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			age where they are producing fruit, then you have very little work to do. So everyone would love to
have such a garden like that. But there is a catch over here. We'll solve the whole Cuba will Osama
who and it has reached him meaning the owner of this garden, he has al Cuba, Cuba is old age. So the
man is old, the owner of this garden is old. How is that a problem? Well, it's risky because any,
you really depend on your garden. Now you're at the end of your life, where you don't have the
ability, the strength to rebuild the garden, or to you know, do something else to have a source of
income. And now we'll uh who and he has the RIA tindora for children who are Darfur weak? Bertha is
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			the Florida Larry, if any weak children, why are they weak, because they're very little in age. So
they're completely dependent on him. Right. So they cannot fend for themselves. They need their
father to provide for them. And they cannot help their father either. They cannot help their father
either because they're little. Alright, so they're kind of a burden on him a liability. They're
dependent on him. So imagine this person is in such a vulnerable state. Yes, they're fortunate that
they have this garden, but at the same time, they're at huge risk. Because first of all, they're old
and secondly, they have weak children. Now what happens for all Saba Aerosoft on there reaches the
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			garden aerosol. What is aerosol aerosol is from the root letters I installed the RA and there are
several literally means to squeeze. By the way. an aerosol is a storm. You know how there's wind,
whirlwind or tornado, a twister. So imagine such a twister goes through a garden. Okay. And fee in
it is fire now don't. So what's going to be left of that garden? That Twister first of all, it's
going to uproot the trees and the grape lines. Grape vines are so delicate, and then that fire is
going to burn anything that remains first of all, if the rocket from her little cough, hurry is
fire. So that whole garden is burnt up. So imagine the desperate state of this man. Imagine what a
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			huge loss he has sustained. And what is he supposed to do? How was he supposed to get back on his
feet? That garden now is worthless. He doesn't have a source of income source of food for himself or
his family. His children are not able to help him and his children are in need of food themselves.
Can I Luca Ubay in Hola Hola, como Aya dusters Hola. clarify for you the vs La La Quinta for Quran
so that you will give thought, so think reflect FACA fry is the root. Now this is the fourth example
in regard to spending. And this example is a huge warning to remember that the example that Allah
subhanaw taala gives us in the Quran are for us to reflect and to take lesson from. So would you
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			like to be the person who is described over here? No, you wouldn't you would like to have that
garden but you don't want to be that person who sustained such a huge loss. Such a huge loss, that
at the end of his life, when he's well settled, he has a flourishing garden. He has, you know, his
food, his business. He's entirely dependent on this garden, but he can't do anything else now for
his income. So this fire ruins his wealth, his life's effort, and he's in a situation where he's not
able to help himself nor can his children help him. So react wastes deeds like this, when a person
is in most need of them. Now, the reason I say that this is the example of the one who shows off
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			that his charity will not benefit him on the day of judgment when he will be in most need of it. You
know his whole life this person is spending
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			In charity, presumably growing a garden for himself, only to find out on the day of judgment that
his old garden is burnt up. There is no yield. There is no reward for his charities because he gave
them with insincerity, whether he had the villa or their autumn I say that this example is of the
manaan the one who reminds a favours because he does good when he gives charity and charities
accepted, right like the gardener who plants a garden he sees the plants growing there is fruit. But
then comes the twister the whirlwind of money and other and a fire that burns that garden that
destroys the reward of his sadaqa.
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			Thirdly, some are anima say that this is the example of the mufaddal Meaning the one who is
negligent in regard to obeying Allah subhanaw taala. He pursues the pleasures of this world and
neglects obedience to Allah. So he will be immense regret on the Day of Judgment. Fourthly, the rule
of mercy that this is the person who ends his life on a bad deed, stuff that Allah there is a Hadith
in which we learned that or model de la Horne, who was once sitting with the companions of the
Prophet sallallahu already who was in love. And he asked them that, what is this idea about Iowa? Do
I had to come into Cornella? Who Jana? Who is this ayah talking about? So the people who are with
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			him? They said, Allahu Arlin, Allah knows best, so we're not alone. We're and who got upset. He
said, Kulu narla mu o lanolin? would say, we know or we don't know. And what kind of an answer is
this Allah or them? Of course, Allah knows. But I'm asking you, if you know, then say something, if
you don't know them say you don't know. So even our Vasco de la Horne who he spoke, he said that
this is about the person who is rich, and who works in his lifetime, and he does a lot of good
deeds. But then at the end of his life, Shavon comes to him, and he does deeds which are so wrong,
that they eat up and destroy all the good deeds that he has ever done. And you understand that all
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			his life, this person is doing different kinds of good deeds, building a garden, or building a
paradise for himself. But then at the end of his life, he ends up committing such sins that waste
and ruin, burn all the good deeds that he has done. So on the Day of Judgment, he will come with
nothing. What is this teaching us Don't be satisfied with what you have done so far.
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			Don't be content with what you did 10 years ago, 15 years ago, five years ago, don't assume that
that is enough. As long as you live, you need to continue to increase in your good deeds, and you
need to be careful in preserving the good that you have done. Ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept it,
and to preserve it, and to give you the ability to continue to do more good deeds. So sometimes a
person thinks you know, I did a lot of good deeds and Ramadan. Now let me take a break. Yes, okay.
The rest of the year is not like Ramadan. But it doesn't mean that the rest of the year you take a
break from being a Muslim, or from worshipping Allah subhanaw taala, from doing good deeds, and
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			especially at the end of one's life. Subhan Allah, you see, we need to increase in our obedience to
Allah, not decrease. So compare yourself to 10 years ago, how was your Salah? How was your hijab?
How was your recitation of the Quran? How was your, you know, the, what were your habits like? And
now what are they like? Is there improvement? Is there an increase or is there a decrease? Which way
are we headed to? So we have to be careful. May Allah subhanaw taala protect us? Inshallah we'll
conclude over here Subhan Allah humo be Hamdi a shadow Allah Illa. Illa. Anta as the Heruka to Tobu
lake was salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh