Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-031G Tafsir Al-Baqarah 230-231

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The United States has a restriction on marriage and divorce due to the lack of privacy and desire for women to have a good life. The restriction is not just a matter of privacy, but also the desire for women to have a good life. The speakers stress the importance of following proper rules and avoiding words like "opportunities" in communication. The conversation also touches on the negative impact of giving a divorce and the importance of following proper rules and behaviors.

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			For Inverloch AHA next day for Intel, aka filata Hey Lulu home embargo, and if he divorces her, now
this is the third time, then she is no longer lawful to him afterward. So what does this mean? The
first two divorces are revocable and the third is irrevocable no more chances now. So this means
that when a man gives a third divorce to his wife, he cannot do to draw her in the waiting period.
Okay, and the waiting period again is three filata, the Kuru, okay. And also for Inverloch Afula,
the handler whom embargo she is not lawful to him. This means that if, for example, the man gives
the third divorce to his wife, all right, and she goes to her family's house, and he realizes it was
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			a mistake. And he proposes to her can the two get married? No, they cannot fill out the hill Lulu
whom embargo she is no longer lawful to him. Okay, so there is no getting back together, not in
there in the through to Jour and not after there is the through Nikka she's no longer lawful to him.
Third Strike and it's over. The two cannot ever get back together, had the 10 key has zolgensma Euro
until after she marries a husband other than Him. And why did she marry someone else with the
intention to stay in that marriage for in palapa, then if he divorces her, meaning the second
husband divorces her fella, Gina Hurley, you met a Roger then there is no blame upon them, if they
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			to return to each other through a new Nikka. But this should only be in one na up ma who do the law
if they think that they can keep within the limits of law. Now, some people think that, you know,
for example, a husband gives a third divorce to his wife, and now they realize this was wrong. He
wants to take her back. So, you know, she marries someone else, okay, and they just do a Nikka like
a marriage contract like on paper. Okay. And then, immediately after that, there's divorce. So
there's paperwork, all right of divorce. And then she goes and marries a first husband. This is not
what this either means. Remember that turnkey her Nikka in Arabic means the marriage contract. And
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			it also means consummation of marriage. Okay, sexual * had that Tenki has originally you
know, we learned a hadith about how a woman came to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and
basically she wanted to end her second marriage and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
basically said that law had De Luca wrote a letter, and you cannot get back with your first husband.
Until you enjoy your second husband sexually, and he enjoys you sexually. Why has this been said?
Why is this very you're basically been placed, because this has to protect the woman. Okay? If the
husband divorced her once, and then the second time. And then the third time. This is not a joke,
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			going through divorce for a woman to note that her husband has divorced her. This is very difficult,
very emotionally painful. Okay, so when she is not allowed to marry that man again, what does this
mean? That he's not the right person for you? He's not the right person for you. Okay, because the
thing with women is that for the sake of their children, and sometimes for the sake of their ex
husband, they feel bad for the person who has been abusing them, who has been harsh to them, okay,
women are very soft hearted, and sometimes they will come under pressure. Alright. So they will go
back to the same abusive men. Okay. So, here it is made clear that no, if he divorces a third time,
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			that's it, this person is not the right person for you, you have to move on. Alright. So this
restriction has been placed. Why in order to prevent abuse from happening over and over again. Okay.
Now, some people what they do is they do heilala or tallien, which is like I mentioned is to have a
marriage contract with another man and it and then get back to with your first husband, this is
wrong. You cannot just do paperwork, it has to be a proper marriage. However, if coincidentally, it
so happens, okay, that after three divorces, she marries someone else and then that marriage comes
to an end because of divorce or death, then she can get back with her first husband. Why now why is
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			it allowed because a long time has gone by all right. Life teaches you you grow over time. So now
yes, another chance is given. Okay, and this is a fresh start. So now the husband again has three
strikes and out. Okay, so two revocable divorces and the third irrevocable divorce. Okay, so for
Inverloch AHA
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			fella Jenna Hurley humor, aka Terada in Lana, ARP, mahalo de la. What Tilka Hulu Billahi you obey,
you know, Halia comi Arla moon. These are the limits of Allah which He makes clear to people who
know who have knowledge. And he only those who have knowledge can benefit from these laws. Were
either locked on Nyssa for the Lagna Angela Hoonah for M SQL wannabe Mara rufen. Oh Saturday who who
Nabil Murad off and when you divorce women, now this is referring to the first or the second
fallout. Okay, the lack of luxury, and they have nearly fulfilled their term here for bologna means
they have almost reached okay, just as we say, the comma to Salah, which literally means Salah has
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			been established while it hasn't actually begun, but what it means is it's about to begin. So just
like that for Bologna, Angela Hoonah. They have almost reached the end of their term for M SQL will
not be my roofing Oh, sorry, who will not be my roof, then either retain them according to
acceptable terms or release them according to acceptable terms. So now remember, they're agile,
they're waiting period. This could be either Thalassa to Kuru or the end of pregnancy or three lunar
months, right? When it's about to end the man has to decide either he does exactly Maroof how that
he does Rujuta in order to live in a good way. All right. And also, what this means is that he calls
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			witnesses for reviewer, so that it is known that he has reconciled with his wife he has taken her
back. Okay, into the Talaq ie number two Allah subhanaw taala says for either Bulaga Angela Hoonah
for MC ko wanna be ma rufen olfactive gonna be Mara roofingwhat Ash he do the way I didn't mean Come
call witnesses any for example, if a man decides that he's going to take his wife back, he should
let people know. Okay, why? So that it is known that okay, this was the first divorce and he has
taken her back or this was a second divorce and now he has taken her back because it's possible that
over time he says that no, no, no, no, that was only one divorce. I did not give her divorce two
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			times. But the witnesses will say not you did you know give her a second divorce and you did redo I
remember I was there two witnesses. Okay. So remember it is from the sunnah to call witnesses, and
the three be maruf surgery who's gonna be my roof. What does this mean? He waits till the end of the
term does not do to do or during it. This is the correct way. While Tom Seco Hoonah bra Ron Lita
artha do and by the way, the city we maruf also means that if you're letting her go, then during the
waiting period, she remains in his house. He continues to provide for her this is my roof. And when
she leaves at the end of the waiting period, she takes her mother and her belongings. This is my
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			roof. And if she has children now with him and the children are going with her, then he has to give
Mithra he has to give financial support. Okay, that is altered the city who remodeled? Well I don't
see Colin coordinadora Lita do and do not keep them intending harm to transgress against them will
may if our valleca faqad, Lola and upset and whoever does that has certainly wronged himself,
meaning do not do to joueur in order to harm her. So for example, a man says you know what, if I let
the waiting period come to an end, and she's free, she's gonna go marry someone else, and I cannot
bear that. So I'm just going to do to her and disappear from her life. This is wrong. This is abuse
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			will mania for I rarely go forward Solomon EFSA and whoever does that, then he is wrong himself. Or
sometimes, you know, a man will do to draw only so that he can take out his anger on her he can beat
her he can emotionally abused her financially drain her and things like that whoever does this is
only wronging himself. Okay, how is he wronging himself, because first of all, he is sinful by
transgressing against her, okay, he has acquired sin, and by acquiring sin, he's wronging himself.
Secondly, he's wronging himself by depriving himself of the reward of living in a good way with his
wife, you know, a man is rewarded for the bite a food he puts in the mouth of his wife. When he
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			lives in a good way with his wife, he has the opportunity to earn so much reward. But when he is not
good to her, he is depriving himself of all of that reward. And thirdly, he's wronging himself by
earning a bad reputation among the people when he beats his wife, for example, now he's a wife
beater. That's how he will be known. When he doesn't spend on his wife when he doesn't give money to
her. When he doesn't give her any food or anything. He disappears on her. What kind of reputation
does he have among his people, even among his own family? So he's wronging himself? What at that?
Does he do I Atilla he who's who and do not take the verses of Allah ingest? How there are many
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			forms of this, by the way versus over here means the commands that are given
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			We're here. So how could a person take them in just by denying them? By rejecting them by saying no
way, there is no way I can do this, or by literally laughing at them, believing them to be outdated
and misusing them, and also giving divorce as a joke. So in a hadith, we learned that there was a
man who gave divorce. All right, and after some time, he said, come to LA ribbon. I was joking. I
was playing around. I wasn't serious. Okay, so this idea was revealed and the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said that whoever gives divorce or sets a slave free or marries, okay, and then he
says, later on, I was only joking. I wasn't serious, that divorce is effective, that marriage is
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			effective, it's valid. Okay, so it is not correct for a person to make fun of the verses of Allah in
this way. And also letter W i Atilla whose words do not take them in just means giving divorce more
than once in one sitting. Okay, we learned that a man said Doctor and his wife more than once the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was informed he got angry. I mentioned this Hadees to you
earlier he said is the book of Allah being toyed with while I'm still among you? Are you playing?
Okay. In an Irishman, we learned that a man came to even our basketball de la Mourinho and he said I
gave divorce to my wife 1000 times okay. And there are different expressions in different languages
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			that people come up with. Okay. So even our bass rod the Longhorn, who said that you know the three
divorces okay, you know that have caused the divorce to happen and the remainder are a sin on you.
The remainder are a sin on you. And then he read this idea that you have taken the verses of Allah
in mockery ingest. So do not do that what guru near Matala here la calm and remember the favor of
Allah upon you, meaning blessings of Allah upon you, all right, the blessings which cannot be
counted, Allah gave you a spouse, Allah gave you sustenance, Allah blessed you remember those
things? Wama nzlr Li Camila Kitabi will Hekmatyar Illa Combi and what has been revealed to you of
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			the book and wisdom by which he instructs you what the Kula Hawala Mo and Allah be cliche in our
Elohim and fear Allah and you should know that Allah is Knowing of all things. So these laws are a
blessing. They're not to be used as a means of oppression. And then there's a warning here, what the
Kulla follow the laws properly. And remember that Allah is our lien. He knows you, he knows what
you're doing, and he knows the reason why you're doing something. So for example, if a man doesn't
majeure, Allah knows why he did it to harm his wife or to live with her in peace or either one La
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			Nabil now
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			do one
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			man epsa What
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			you use
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			with Google? A long URL
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			be what?
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			Oh, hello hubby Felicia in Cali.
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			Inshallah we'll review verse 231. What eval Paluch to Manisa and when you divorce women Ferber
Laguna jolla Hoonah. And then they reach their term for MC Cohoon Albemarle roofing oh sorry hoo hoo
Nabi Merle roof, then either retain them according to acceptable terms or release them according to
acceptable terms. Now, what about the look to Nyssa over here, the men are addressed because bollock
was in the hands of the men. So this is not the case of Hola, but the case of Fallout. So when a man
gives Talaq to his wife, and by Aneesa what is meant is wives, because if a man says to a random
woman, that he is not married to that I divorced you, then these words mean nothing. Or if a man
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			says to a woman that he is not married to that if I marry you, you are divorced. Again, these words
don't mean anything. Talaq is only possible where there is Nika where there is marriage. Now, I
mentioned to you earlier that Pollock takes place when a man intends to give divorce, regardless of
the wording or the medium that he uses. Right. So a man could say the words of divorce in writing,
he could text them he could send papers, you know, documents he could say to himself, so
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			When there is intention, then divorce takes effect. Now the words of Dr aroma said they are of two
kinds, okay the first type of words are those which are explicit any very clear. So for example, a
man uses the word bollock or its equivalent as such as the English word divorce, okay? He uses that
word. And he says it to his wife. So for example, he says in Arabic until colic that you are
divorced or in English, he says, I divorced you. Okay? So when a man says these words, which are
very clear words to his wife, okay, whether he says them or he writes them, or he sends, you know,
court documents in which this word has been used, for lack or it's equivalent, then divorce takes
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			place. All right. And if after a few minutes, he says, I didn't mean it, it doesn't matter, because
the word Pollak, and its equivalent means divorce, if later on, he says, no, no, I was just joking.
I was really angry. And so that's why I said these words, but you know, I don't really mean it, it
doesn't matter, saying the words of Pollock, their equivalent, such as divorce in the English
language, then it means that the law has taken place, unless and until the only exception is that a
person was not in his senses, such as a person is under the influence of some drugs or something.
He's literally not in his senses. And as a result of that, he says things, those words will not mean
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			anything. But otherwise, when a person when a man uses the explicit words of Pollock, then Pollock
has taken place. Okay. The second type of wording is that which is ambiguous. So for example, a man
says words that indicate that he wants to end the marriage, okay? Such as he says, in Arabic,
satellite Turkey, I'm sending you away, or in English, he says, pack your things and leave. All
right. Now, these words will only result in Pollock when the man has the intention to divorce, okay,
when he has the intention to divorce, so for example, the husband and wife are having an argument,
and the man says to his wife, just leave go away. All right. And he says, I don't want to ever see
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			you again. And he says things like that, but he does not say the word divorce or Talak okay, but he
says words such as leave, go away, pack your things and leave things like that. Now, if he has the
intention to divorce, all right, then Tala has taken place. But if he does not have the intention to
divorce, than Talak has not taken place. So basically, the man will be asked about what his
intention was. All right. Now, this shows us that the word Pollak or divorce is a very big word. So
a person must be very careful, especially men should be very careful that when they're angry, they
shouldn't act on impulse. They shouldn't say things such as the word divorce or Talaq any in anger
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			at that time, because these words have consequences. Right, say something else say anything else.
But don't say the word Pollak or divorce. And otherwise, also, If a man says in anger, things like,
just go away, I'm sending you away. I don't want to ever see you again, any he should be very
careful. Because if he has the intention of divorce at the time, then divorce has taken place. And
it is very humiliating for a woman, you know, to hear such words from her husband, if he is
constantly threatening her, that I will divorce you, I will divorce you. Or he says, you know, as if
indicating that he's just going to say the word divorce, he's just going to say the word Talaq, or
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			he says, words such as go away to his wife, it's very humiliating, and incredibly hurtful. And it's
very difficult for a woman to live in fear of divorce, you know, day in and day out that every time
there's an argument, and the husband threatens, or he uses such heavy words, so men should be
careful. And women should also be careful that when there is an argument that is escalating, okay?
And you know that your husband is short tempered, I mean, you know, his nature, then be careful, you
know, be quiet over there, go in the other room, you know, give your husband space to calm down.
This doesn't mean that the responsibilities on the Woman No, it is not each person is responsible
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			for what they say and what they do. But when you see that, you know, his anger is getting out of
control, then maybe it's a good idea to be quiet and not let the argument continue. You know, calm
things down. Don't escalate the situation. So we're either outta luck to Manisa when you divorce
women Ferber Laguna Agila Hoonah and then they fulfill their term. And over here, I mentioned to you
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			Earlier that Ferber Laguna Agila Hoonah does not mean that they have reached the end of the term.
Rather what this means is that orrible agent that the end of the term is near, alright. And over
here, the divorce is the first or the second one because that is the one which is revocable. So what
should the men do at this point for MC Cohoon, Nabi Ma, rufen, oh Saturday who wouldn't be my roof
any when the reader the waiting period is about to end then the man should decide that if he wants
to keep her then he has to for MC Cohoon Albemarle roof he has to do to joueur right, he has to take
her back and remember that a man can take back his wife either in wording All right through words,
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			and he could say them to her he could say them to her family, he could send them in writing, but it
has to be within the waiting period or if you do or can take place also with an act of intimacy. So,
either the man will keep her before the ADA reaches its end or somebody who will not be maruf he
will send her away in a way that is appropriate, meaning he will wait until the end of the term he
will not do to George during their Ada and remember that during their Ada, a woman stays in the
house of the husband I mentioned to you earlier that during the waiting period of divorce, the woman
stays in the house of the husband and she continues to remain his wife and he continues to remain
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			her husband. What does that mean? It means that they both live in the same house, it means that she
does not wear hijab okay, it means that he has to continue to spend on her and so on and so forth.
He and He they continue to live as a husband and wife do but if an act of intimacy takes place or if
he says that I take you back then the waiting period comes to an end. This can happen a day after
divorce after he pronounces the words of divorce this can happen a week after that this could happen
after one menstrual cycle, as long as it happens within the waiting period, then the wrongdoer has
taken place, all right, and suddenly who wanna be my roof, if a man decides that he is not going to
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			keep her at he wants the divorce the waiting period to come to an end and he does not do to joueur
then this means that when she leaves she takes her Mahal and her belongings All right, and if she
has children with him and the children go with her, then he is responsible to provide child support,
okay, this is all sorry, who would not be my roof released them in a way that is appropriate. And
then it is said well, Item C coordinadora. Lita do and do not keep them intending harm to transgress
against them. And he do not do to draw in order to make things difficult for her so that she will
now beg for an hola and in that case, she will have to return the mahute Right. So well let them see
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			coordinadora Licata do remember that prior to the revelation of these verses, a man would wait until
almost the end of their ADA. All right. And would he do he would do to Jour and then she would be
his wife. Right? Then after some time, he will pronounce divorce again. And as soon as the waiting
period reached its end just before it reached its end he would do to do and he would continue to do
this to her. So this was incredibly hurtful for women, and also very difficult because she's in
limbo, right? She's living her life into basically where she doesn't know if her marriage is going
to last or not. And the whole purpose of this was to prevent the women from marrying someone else,
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			and to kind of torture them because some people their hearts are so hard, they find joy in hurting
others, they find joy in having complete control over the lives of other people. So welcome Seco
Hoonah Raja Lita artha, do any if you take her back, you should have the intention to live in peace
to make amends. And then it is said that we may have our valleca faqad Solomon epsa whoever does
that is actually wronging himself and I mentioned to you how a person is actually wronging himself
by wronging the woman in this situation now, in Surah, Nisa ayah number 19. Allah subhanaw taala
mentions that well at our Lulu Hoonah Lita, Habibi, baldy ma Tito Hoonah, that do not harm the women
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			in you do not make their lives difficult for them in order to take away what you have given them.
Meaning a man says you know, he thinks to himself that if I give follow up, then she will take them
ahead with her. So you know what I'm going to do to George so she will continue to live with me, but
I will not give her any of her rights. And I will be very harsh with her. I will give her the cold
shoulder and things like that. Why? So that she wants to get out of the marriage
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			And when she will want to get out of the marriage and she will take holer she will have to return
the MaHA. Right. So there's clear prohibition of this that will add our Gulu Hoonah Lee turn the
herbal do not do that, in order that you may take away some of that which You have given them,
meaning the intention is to take the MaHA back from the woman. All right. In LA and yet, Tina before
he shot him MOBA Hina. except in the case where they commit fascia, MOBA, Yuna, clear immorality. So
for example, if the man finds out, and he has clear evidence that his wife is having an affair with
another men, okay? And he doesn't want to just give her a lock now, because if he gives the lock,
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			yes, of course, he has lost his wife already. But if he gives the lock, he's also going to lose the
money. You know, this has serious consequences, especially in the West, you know, for example, where
the property is divided into half, I don't know about the country that you're from, but at least
where I live, you know, for example, if the house is in the name of the couple, that even if the
husband paid for the house, the wife will take 50% of it, right? So the man will have a huge
financial loss. Okay. So in different situations, the consequences are different. Earlier, I gave
you the example of there are things that have sentimental value. So for example, the grandmother's
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			gold jewelry was given to the woman as my her and she's gonna take it away, okay, fine, it may not
have a lot of worth, but you know, people have a lot of feelings attached to it. So if she's going
to take it away, and she is the one who has harmed the marriage by having an affair, then the man is
losing a great deal basically. So in this case, what can he do he can do to joueur All right, and
then he can make her life difficult in some way. So that she seeks Hooda because then when she will
see cooler, then she will have to return them out. So at least he will not lose financially. Okay,
but making her life difficult does not mean that he's beating her up. And that he is, you know,
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			greatly harming her. No, he can do whatever will work basically, without committing oppression.
Okay, Illa Tina, before he shot him over here, while at the tofu ayatullah he who's who and do not
take the verses of Allah ingest? Do not take them in mockery, any all of these commands that are
revealed over here, they're supposed to be followed. All right, they're supposed to be observed. So
don't take them in mockery by denying them or by rejecting them by misusing them by ignoring them
living your life as if they don't even exist, or believing that they are outdated. Okay? Do not do
that. You know, subhanAllah when people ask questions, such as What if a man gives divorce to his
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			wife? And then she's in Florida, and then he does not do to joueur but then he gives the lock again?
So is that second divorce going to be a second divorce? Or it's not going to count because she was
still in her in though or what if a man gives talk to his wife, you know, five times seven times
three times in one sitting is that one divorce or three divorces and Subhanallah any these actions
what are they they are a clear mockery of the verses of Allah. Because think about how many verses
have been dedicated to the process of Tala peony, how talaaq should take place. Right there, it has
been clarified the waiting period, the details have been given how many times the love should be how
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			it should be any verse after verse has been dedicated, there is an entire Sudha Sudha falak, which
has been dedicated to the subject. So when people don't follow the proper way of giving follow up,
then what are they doing? They are ridiculing all have these verses of Allah, right because they are
opposing them. They're seeking a solution for a situation that clearly opposes and contradicts all
of these verses that have been revealed. So while at the Hebrew ayatullah, he has well, you know,
have some level of self control and do not act on impulse. Be aware of your situation and take
action properly. Any it's not that divorce is forbidden, divorce is not forbidden, it is
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			permissible, but there is a way of giving divorce, there is a proper procedure that should be
followed. And if a person opposes that, then they're mocking the verses of Allah. So while at the
Hebrew I Atilla who's who, and this is why, you know, I mentioned to you earlier there is going up a
Sunni and then there's what are called Bidri. Right Paula called bathery Is that Paluch which
contradicts the proper way of giving divorce in any way whatsoever. So for example, if a man gives
divorce to his wife and then in their into he gives a second divorce, or he gives a divorce one day
and he says
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			First divorce the second day he comes in, he's a second divorce. Third day he comes in says third
divorce, all right and there was no doer in the middle. Then this is a clear mockery of the verses
of Allah. Because this is not how it should be. So while at the Hebrew ayatullah huzefa, and
especially if a man says I give thought up, all right, and then few minutes later, he says, I was
only joking. And he says, Just kidding, this bollock will take place all right, there is a nourish
and in which we learned that there are three things which even if they're undertaken, ingest, they
will be treated as serious. What are these three things Marriage Divorce, and taking back a wife
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			after divorce, which is not final or in another nation, we learned a lot, which is to set a slave
free. So all of these things even if person says them while joking, all right, they will still take
place. So a person must be very careful with Kudo near Matala. Here Aleikum, wa nzlr alaykum middle
Kitabi will Hekmati URI Lacombe and remember the favor of Allah upon you and what has been revealed
to you of the book and wisdom by which he instructs you any the book the Quran and the hikma which
refers to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Allah subhanaw taala has sent them to
you reveal them to you why for your instruction, your ELO Combi This is Mo Allah this has
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			instruction for you, this is what you're supposed to follow. So don't ignore it and don't oppose it.
And you see it has been said remember the blessing of Allah and the word Nirma is is some gents
Okay, which means that it can apply to singular and plural. So even though the word appears to be a
singular, it includes any multiple blessings and the blessings of Allah are such that they cannot be
counted anything about it if we were Jehan unaware, ignorant completely and Allah subhanaw taala is
the one who has given us a lot of his laws of his book. We didn't know what Eman was. We couldn't
have known what Eman is Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has given it to us. We were lost and
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			Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has guided us to the Quran. Before Islam before the revelation
of the Quran. We did not have a law and Allah subhanaw taala has given this beautiful perfect
Shakira. So what Quran near Matala, here Aleikum, Allah has given you religious blessings and
worldly blessings. So be grateful for them. So religious blessings, such as sacred knowledge, this
beautiful Shakira he Daya guidance, the Quran, the Sunnah, these are all blessings, and then worldly
blessings such as marriage, spouse, sustenance, and the way out of a marriage that is not working,
that is also a blessing. So remember, these blessings these laws are a blessing, which means that we
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			have to use them properly, we should not use them as a means of oppression and we should not use
them, you know, half half so that you know we are making a mockery of the laws of Allah. So when
Kuru near Metalla here alikhan Now remember that the vicar of a blessing means sugar. Basically,
remembering a blessing means that you are showing gratitude for it. You are being grateful for it.
And when it comes to sugar when it comes to being grateful to Allah. Remember, there are six pillars
of sugar. Okay, what are they? The first pillar of sugar is earthy raw food neuroma, which is to
acknowledge a blessing to acknowledge that yes, this is a blessing. So for example, yes, this
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			marriage is a blessing. Okay, marriage itself is a blessing. If that marriage was not working out,
then the way of Talaq Talaq way out of a marriage that is not working out, that is a blessing.
Right? Then these laws are a blessing. Okay, so era for Nirma This is the first pillar of sugar. The
second pillar of sugar is to praise the one who has given you the blessing who has given you the
gift. So we acknowledge that yes, all of these things are a blessing. But then we should also praise
Allah, we should also say things like Alhamdulillah and Hamlet Alhamdulillah Allah for Islam
Alhamdulillah for Quran Alhamdulillah that marriage exists Alhamdulillah that divorce exists
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			Alhamdulillah that Allah has legislated Mahesh, or that Allah has legislated there into the waiting
period and things like that. Alhamdulillah any praise Allah subhanaw taala All right, the third
pillar of Shaka is Hodor. Guinea to express humility. Okay, so don't arrogantly say yeah, and
hamdulillah No, no, say it with humility. And he really feel that Allah has bestowed a huge favor on
you. You know when someone does you a huge favor, you feel little before them. Right? Not in a bad
way. But you feel
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			You're like, yes, you know they have done something huge for you. Okay, so you show that smallness,
that humility. So hold on. The third pillar is Hodor. The fourth pillar off Shaka is herb, love, any
love for the moon, or for the one who has bestowed the blessing. You also love the one who has given
you a gift, you're not resentful, rather you adore the one who has blessed you. Okay, then the fifth
pillar of chakra is that you use the blessing, you use the gift in the way that the mooner Aim wants
you to use it. Okay? So for example, if your mother gives you money, okay, that use this money to
get someone to come and clean your house, because you know, you need a break, for example. And what
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			do you do with that money? You go and buy a bag. Okay? So that's not why your mother gave it to you.
And if you show her that, Mom, you gave me the money for this purpose, but I used it for this. I
mean, she's not going to be happy. She's going to be like, I wanted you to use this money for this
purpose. Not for that purpose. Right. So Allah subhanaw taala has given us these blessings, such as
the Quran, the Sunnah, these laws over here, why? So that we use them in the proper way? Not that we
misuse them. Right? So this is the fifth pillar of sugar. And the sixth pillar of sugar is that you
do not use the blessing in a way that the money dislikes. Okay. So for example, if someone gives
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			you, let's say, a decoration piece, okay? And you know, of course, they want you to put that
somewhere in your house so that your living room for example, looks nice, but what do you do with
that decoration pieces that you put it in a closet, okay? And when they come, and you show them
that, oh, it's just in the closet? Are they going to be happy? No, because they don't want you to
put it in the closet, they want you to display it right they want you to put it somewhere where it
can be seen. So when Allah subhanaw taala has given us this shittier he has also clearly told us
what not to do, right. So for example, do not take the verses of Allah in mockery. So if a person
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			says blocked, blocked up to his wife, and then he says not I was joking, this is what this is using
the blessing of Talaq in a way that Allah subhanaw taala dislikes, right. So, do not use the
blessing in a way that the moon or M dislikes. So these are six pillars of sugar. So with Kuru
Niramit, Allah here alaykum remember the blessing of Allah, and specifically remember the fact
remember what Allah subhanaw taala has revealed to you of the book of the wisdom by which he
admonishes you what the Kula And fear Allah, this is a warning, fear Allah, any follow these laws
properly or there will be consequences there will be a punishment. What the Kula any safeguard
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			yourself from what from the punishment of Allah, any if you don't use these laws properly, if you
use them to commit oppression, then you are inviting the punishment of Allah and then Warlow more
and Allah be cliche in our limb and know that Allah is Knowing of all things, you should realize
that Allah is aware of everything so he knows your intention. So for example, if a man does ru
joueur, right after giving the lock to his wife, Allah knows why he made ritual for the purpose of
harm or for the purpose of making the marriage work. So nothing of ours is hidden from Allah, our
intentions are also known to Allah. So Allah is Aleem of what you're doing and your intentions