Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-014B Word Analysis Al-Baqarah 83-91
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The concept of a HUD contract is discussed, including the meaning behind certain words and phrases used in the contract, and the significance of "airson" and "air sleep." The speakers also discuss various myths and concepts related to " misusing words" and "will" in relation to various events, including "air sand" and "airlocks". The transcript also touches on various topics related to Islam, including laws, religion, and culture. The segment concludes with a discussion of "has been" and its history, including its origin and its use in various language.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim I am number 83 What if and when a hadith now we took now Masha Allah, you were familiar with the words What if y means and and it means when. So this is for the purpose of recalling an incident that has happened before. So what if and recall when a HUD now we took now the word a HUD the net is from the root letters, Hamza Ha, then and a whole other is to take something. All right, so a HUD now we took what did we take Meetha binding covenant, meaning Allah subhanaw taala took the Mesa and this Meetha this covenant was with who? Bani Israel in children of Israel. Now the word mythique is from the root letters. Wow, theropod off, okay. Well, sir, off, and
the word without which is from the same root is used for ropes, all right ropes with which prisoners are tied, for example, and Meetha. Elk is a covenant. But it's not just you know, any promise or any commitment, it is a formal contract, all right. And it is called a me fell because a person is bound to it, they are tied to it, they're no longer free to do whatever they want, they have to abide by that covenant. And in this covenant, there are, you know, responsibilities, certain obligations that a person is tied to, they're not free from those obligations, and a person is bound to these obligations, how through olts meaning, this is a covenant that is fortified that is strengthened
how, by the taking of oaths by the presence of witnesses, you know, for example, one is that you give your word to someone that okay, I am giving you this property. All right. And the other is that no, you go to the lawyer, there is a legal document, you know, there are witnesses present, and then there are signatures that are taken. And that is an evidence that yes, the property was handed over. Right. So there's a level of formality. So Misa is not just any promise or any commitment. This is a formal contract that lays responsibility on a person and it is made binding how, through the presence of witnesses and by the taking of oaths. So we took the binding covenant of the children of
Israel, any this was not just any instruction that was given to them. They were made to pledge they were made to promise that they will abide by the instructions that were given to them. So what if a hudna mythical bunny saw in and what was this Meetha some of the details are mentioned over here, not all of them, some of them are mentioned over here. And these details are first of all that let our buena that naughty you all will worship, meaning you all will not worship ill Allah except Allah. And what is meant is that you will not worship You shall not worship anyone but Allah. And the word thar Buddha is from the root letters. Alright, bear that rabada to worship Darboux Luna you
all will worship. So this is the first part of the contract that you will not worship anyone but Allah. Secondly, what Bill Whalley they need Santa and with the two parents you will do your son, you will do good with excellence. Now what Bill Whalley they need let's look at this word word means and B means with a wildly Daini and wildly Daini the okay this is L means the and Wiley deign to parents. How do we know it's two? Because if Wiley they need the yanwen at the end. Okay, so the singular of the word is well ID, who is wedded one who begets one who has a child or wedded is the father while he is the mother. And when the dual off? Well, it is used, it refers to the mother and
the father. Okay? So it doesn't mean the two fathers it means the two parents, the mother and the father. So with the two parents, what are you going to do your son good with excellence. Now your son is a very beautiful concept which really cannot be translated in a word or two. And basically the word airson is from the root letters have seen noon. Okay. Her son means beauty. All right. And a son is to do that which is beautiful, to do that, which is good to do that which is excellent. So it's not just hate. It's not just good it is to do good with excellence. So it's not just the action that matters. It's also the manner in which you are doing that action. For example, Salah is an act
One that is good in and of itself, right? But seven in worshipping Allah is that you pray as though you can see Allah, meaning you are praying salah, but you pray in a beautiful way in an excellent way. Alright, so we're Bill Wiley, Dany Arizona with the two parents you should do your son, you should do good with excellence. Now what does that mean? Inshallah we'll talk about what it means to do your son with the parents, but you can just write the definition of Ersan as to do that, which is excellent in a way that is excellent. So with the two parents do Ersan, where they will CORBA and the close relatives meaning and also do air San with the close relatives, and they'll Cordoba, V,
okay, in Arabic means possessor one who possesses something. And sometimes you see the form though, sometimes you see the form there. Here, you see the form the Okay, so the they're the same thing, it just depends on what the word is grammatically in the sentence. So the possessor a quarterback CORBA means close relationship, okay. And it's from the root letters off raw bat, or closeness. So quarterback close relationship. So who is Ville koruba, the one who has a close relationship with you, meaning the close relative, of course, each person doesn't just have one close relative, there are close relatives. So what is meant is that do Ersan with each of the close relatives, and also do
exam with who will utama and the orphans. Yeah, Tama is the plural of the word he a team. And your team is an orphan child. Okay. And it's from the root letters. Yeah. I mean, yeah, Team technically is used to refer to a child whose father has passed away, okay. Some folks say that it also applies to a child whose mother has passed away or both the parents have passed away. However, the majority of the opinion that a your team is a child whose father has passed away, okay, because it is the father's responsibility to provide for the child to even provide food and clothing and shelter etc, to the mother of his child. And this is even after divorce. So, if the father is gone, father is no
longer alive, that means that the child is vulnerable, right? So do extend to the orphans, when Messiah keen and the persons in need meaning do their son to the persons in need. Messiah, Cain is a plural of the word miskeen and miskeen is from the root letters seen calf noon, and second is to be still and miskeen is a person who because of the fact that their needs are unfulfilled, they are not very mobile, okay? Meaning they don't have the money to go around, or they don't have anything to do and you know, to buy to go around freely. So miskeen is a person with unfulfilled needs. Okay. Misaki and miskeen is different from the word for Pete for Pete is also commonly known, it's used
for a poor person, but for key it it is said to someone who has nothing, they are experiencing absolute poverty. miskeen is a person who may have something, but not enough to fulfill their needs with so do SN to who to the Messiah keen, will call you. So now you can see over here, if you look at the IO, we're Bill Wiley, Dany Aksana, Weddell Kaurava well your timer will Misaki and this is one clause okay. Do air sand to the parents and also to the close relatives the orphans and the persons in need. The next clause is what colo and you all speak from the root letters cough Wow lamb Okay. Paula your colo you know this word it means to speak Oh Lou is a feral Amer and imperative you
all speak Lynn nasty to the people who snack good words or beautifully. So, this means that say words that a person that are good and speak to the people in a way that is Hossen meaning in a way that is beautiful. So, the content good words and the style the manner which is beautiful from the root letters has seen noon will chemo and He will establish and this is again Alhamdulillah very familiar word off while meme is the route it karma to establish establish what a salata de Sala what to and he will give, Hamza is the root, what should you give as a cat as a cat? So, these are some parts of that Meetha that are mentioned over here. And then Allah subhanaw taala says Summa, then,
meaning after taking that MISA WHAT DID YOU DO the will lay
He told me you all turned away while lamb yeah inlet except a Leland a few min calm among you all were untung while you all more ideal balloon are ones who turn away in a version more A delune is a plural of the word Morefield. All right more I did. This is the singular. And Morial is one who turns away in aversion. This is from the letters ion robot. And you see, two words are used over here for turning away. One is the word later. And the other is more at Elune. Okay, now to what Lee is used for turning away from something physically, meaning you physically distance yourself from it, you leave you turn away, you go away. All right, and airlock is the aversion of the heart, that
you are no longer interested you detach yourself from it completely. So what did they do so much? Oh, well, later on, you turn away from that knee sock, meaning you actually left those actions that you were required to do, and you were more Elune you were also averse to it, you also did not like it. Because you see sometimes, you know there are things that you know you're supposed to do, and you want to do them. But because of your weakness or because of your current situation, you don't find the strength in yourself to do it. But at least in your heart you have that desire that willingness that I know I should do it and I want to do it. But then another situation is that a
person does not do what they should do and then they're not even interested in doing they dislike doing it. So you turn away meaning you abandon that myself and then you were also detached from it in your hearts you turned away in aversion in luckily none except a few were if and when this is another mythique that is mentioned now and when a HUD now we took me Falco comb your binding covenant and come here is referring to bani Israel and what was this binding covenant that land not the speaker gonna you all will shed the speak on it is from the root letters seen for calf remember the story of Adam early his center where the angel said way us we could Dima that this Khalifa on
the earth is going to shed blood right? So to speak Kona you all will shed Dima a comb your blood. Now demand as you know is the plural of the word dumb. Okay, that means blood and the map means Bloods. So, what is meant is you all will not shut the blood off one another, meaning you will not kill each other and your blood meaning your own people. The bunny is slightly Wella and Nora Daugherty Juna you all will expel and Fusa comb your people, Mindy Addy come from your homes and first is the plural of the word NAPS. Okay, and naps means self unforce selves. So unfussy. Rockin yourselves. So you will not expel yourself yourselves from your homes the ad is the plural of the
word doubt thou means home. So if you notice over here first of all it is said you will not shut your blood and then it is said you will not expel yourselves. Of course you can take the literal meaning first that you will not kill yourself meaning you will not commit suicide but what is meant here is that you will not kill your own people because remember that a community and OMA is like what like one body? So if you shed the blood of someone from your own ma then what are you doing? You are shedding your own blood and you will not expel yourselves meaning your own people The bunny is sloth II mean daddy come from your homes. So my then occurred to him you all accepted a crock
Thomas from the root letters coff rah rah Okay, and curar is to be stable. Okay. And it could or is to accept something. Okay, you may have heard of Sonata Korea, okay, which is the silent approvals of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning something happened in front of him and he did not criticize it and he silently approved of it. Okay, so it Claude is to accept something. So you accepted the covenant that okay, we will not kill each other we will not expel one another what untung while you Tasha, don't you all bear witness meaning you were present over there. You witnessed it? And you bear witness can also be understood as you bore testimony. Right Shane had
that is the route summer then and Tom you all how old are you are these meaning same people who? So first of all, you are acknowledged. All right. That yes
You will abide by that covenant and you bore witness yet you are those same people who Dakota Luna you will kill after lamb cotton you will kill and forsaken your people were totally Juna and you are expelled for econ a party men calm Have you all mean deatta him from their homes? The same Florida of the word doubt. So you weren't supposed to kill each other yet you kill each other. You weren't supposed to expel each other from your homes yet you expel a party of you from their homes. And then what do you do to law Haruna I lay him you all join to back one another I lay him against them. De la Haruna is from the root letters of law hat rock, okay. And love literally is used for the back of
a person and the verb to La Hutta Okay, means a number of things. First of all to law Hello means to r1 Okay, it means Darwin. And what does Darwin mean? It means to assist and help each other to cooperate with one another. Okay. Secondly, the word de la hora also means that our Ilona de Allah, okay, there is the ollie over here. So, meaning you try to rise over each other, okay? Because the word the huddle, okay, it gives the meaning of helping one another and also to ascend over another to rise over another. So if you think about it, the name of Allah subhanaw taala Allah hit from the same root right Allah hit, what does that mean? Allah hid means the dominant and it also means the
one who is manifest, okay? So the dominant any he has Ascendance over his creation, so de la Haruna what does it mean over here it means that first of all, you will cooperate with one another against your own people. And secondly, it means that you fight and gain victory over your own people. Okay? You seek dominance over your own people to law Haruna or lay him and inshallah as we will read, intercede, some tribes of Bani Israel would come together to fight against other tribes of Bani Israel. And sometimes they would cooperate with other nations against their own tribes or against the other tribes of Bani Israel. So de la Hoon RLA him and when you do that, you do that bill is me
in the sin world or Duan and the transgression. Okay, ism means sin. And you can think of Islam as a sin against Allah meaning clear disobedience of the commands of Allah and or Duan is transgression This is also a sin or in dalawa was the route this is also a sin but route one is when there's transgression against other people. So when you join to back one another against your own people, what are you doing on the one hand you are disobeying Allah so you are committing isn't and on the other hand, you are committing transgression against your own people, so that is or the one okay and the third one is that what was the root we have done a word that is similar earlier we're in and if
you to come they come to you all meaning your own people, people of Bani Israel, even if they come to you or Salah as prisoners plural of the word a seed, a seed is prisoner, Hamza seen WA is the root if they come to you as prisoners meaning after a battle, what do you do to fall to whom you all ransom them for that year is the root fifth year is the word fifth year is ransom. So to Fado, whom you will ransom them, you pay the ransom, and you set them free? Well, while while it Maha Ramon is one that was made unlawful from their letters, how, I mean, meaning it was made haram or they come upon you while it's lodged on their expulsion, meaning, when they come to you as prisoners, you set
them free. Well, the question is, why did they come to you as prisoners, that means you fought against them, and you expel them from their homes and you weren't supposed to do that in the first place. You weren't supposed to fight against your own people and expel them from their homes in the first place. So what were they doing over here? They were following one part of the me Selke which was that they would ransom their people. They would set them free if they found them as prisoners. And on the other hand, another part of the meetup which was to not fight against your own people, they did not abide by that. So it is said if I took me No, no then do you all believe uh, this is
the question do fermions then took me No, now you all believe Hamza meme known as the root. So do you all believe be barley
Some al Kitabi of the book what tech Fortuna and you will disbelieve be Barbin in some tech Faloona from CAFA are covered meaning some parts of the book some instructions you believe you follow them and other parts of the book. You don't follow them. You actually disbelieve in them from us so there is not just that Oh, recompense. Does that is from the root letters James ze. Yeah, man for whoever Yeah, for Louie does that he could that mean come among you all, meaning there is no recompense for someone who does this does what believes in part of the book and this believes in another part INLA except his Yun disgrace, meaning the only recompense for a person who does this is that he should
have disgrace filha to dunya in the worldly life, his yong ha ze yet is the root and adhere to dunya worldly life with Elmo piano and on the Day of Judgment, you are doona they will be returned. Raw doll doll is the root Illa a shot deal or dab to the most intense punishment. A shed is from the root letter sheen doll that so in this life, there's disgrace humiliation, and in the hereafter there is punishment that is most intense meaning more intense than the punishment of the world. And I want you to look at the word weigh almost piano and on the Day of Judgment held means day I'll Pm is from the root letters off well meme, okay. And the Day of Judgment is called piano because
literally piano means standing. Okay. And it is the day when witnesses will stand when people will stand. And it is the day when judgment will stand as in judgment will happen. So, on the Day of Judgment, they will be returned to the most intense of the punishment wama and not Allahu Allah be Laughlin is at all unaware I'm matar Malone about what you all do, often is from the letters Lane fat learn, to be unaware to be negligent to be heedless. Allah is not unaware or matter maroon and remember a man is two words on meaning about and MA meaning what Hola. Iike those who the people who believe in part of the book and disbelieve in another part, those are Alladhina dos who is Thoreau
who they have purchased sheen raw. Yeah, they have purchased meaning they have taken the benefit of a higher to dunya the worldly life but when you purchase something you pay a price so what's the price that they're paying bill after the hereafter, so in exchange for the hereafter, so they have given preference to worldly life over the hereafter Folau so not you have for food it will be lightened haul fat, fat is the root Duffy is to lighten something the intensity the duration, so it will not be lightened on home from them Allah Daboo the punishment while homie on saloon and nor will they be helped you in saloon is from noon solid rock Nussle to help Walcott and surely indeed
la means surely, and Claude means indeed, so surely indeed. attina We gave Musa Musa alayhis salam al Kitab, the Book, Allah subhanaw taala gave Musar this Ananda book. The Talat and what happened after Mousavi Salah was a failure and we made to follow mimbar the after him. Bill Russell, the messengers are the word of Fina is very interesting. It's from the root letters off file. Well, okay, off fat well, and awful, is basically the backbone, okay, and you know that the backbone is not one solid bone. There's tiny, tiny bones one on top of the other the vertebrates right in the spine. So, alpha, the verb golfer is to follow someone's tracks. Okay, to go on someone's footsteps.
Now, think about it in the spine, if there's a gap, what would happen that you know a person would not be able to move easily. Even if there is one of the disks it slips, what happens a person is not able to move properly. So a fella Okay, a finer means we sent consecutively and he immediately one after the other mimbar the after him Bill Russell, the messengers, meaning after musante Sinha, there was never a time except that the Bani Israel eel had a prophet among them. Okay, a final mimbar the Hebrew Rusu messengers were sent to Bani Israel iya how consecutively they were made to follow after Musa listen and one after the other
And of whistle is a plural of the word Rasul. What are tainer and we gave Risa re sarnies Salam and who is Risa ignor. Miriam son of Maria. You will notice that for each Alison and this description that He is a son of William is almost always mentioned along with him right that he is the son of money and, and this is to, first of all negate the false concept that he is the Son of God no he's not the Son of God he is the son of Maria. And secondly, it shows us that he was born of a mother only So His birth was a miracle. So we gave Risa the son of Madame Alba Hina to clear proofs of the unit is a plural of the word by Hina. Okay. And Veena is from the root letters back. Yeah, noon.
Okay. Which is to be clear, so by Hina is that which clarifies meaning a clear proof of clear evidence. So we gave him clear proofs what I hear the Navajo and we aided him from the root letters, Hamza? Yeah, done. Okay. Hamza? Yeah, then aid. Aid is a strength. A Yoda is to aid someone with strength. So essentially Sam Allah subhanaw taala aided him with whom Bureau Hill cudos with the rule means spirit I'll produce means purity. So ru Hilco the spirit of purity. What is the spirit of purity the pure Spirit and who is that? It is God. Okay, so in the Quran Jibreel are the username sometimes he's mentioned as Gibreel sometimes rural coders Why is he called Rural coders because the
rule meaning that spirit that creation of Allah that brought that which purifies people, meaning revelation. Okay, so Jibreel is called Rural POTUS because he brought revelation at the command of Allah. And another reason why he's called the pure Spirit is because this refers to his sincerity and purity with which he worships Allah subhanaw taala have a cool lemma then did whenever color means every Okay, so Calama everyone meaning whenever, every single time, Joe Nakamura Sulan. A messenger came to you be MA with what and Jarabe remember the verb jet or when it comes with B it gives the meaning of bringing something so every time a messenger brought you what led the hula
unfussy comb your souls did not desire the Hawaii is from the letters how well yeah, howa is desire unfocus you know this is the Florida of the word nups We that this word earlier. So every time a messenger brought something that you did not desire your souls did not desire you did not like what was your response is that bottom you all displayed arrogance calf about Rob, meaning you were arrogant to words the messenger towards the truth. And remember that the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam described arrogance as rejecting the truth and belittling others. So you displayed arrogance and you rejected the truth. And as a result for fatigue Condon a party can debitum you belied
meaning some of the messengers you belied and took Veep calf that bat is the route to cleave is to call someone a liar. Basically, Kevin is lie technique is to call someone a liar mean to say that what they're saying is false. So cadaver told me you all belied what ferrea conducted on and a party you will kill. So some messengers, you completely rejected them, you call them liars, and other messengers, you kill them, we'll call you and they said, meaning the bunny Israa eel, they said Kalapana our hearts globe is a plural of the word club. Our hearts or holes are ones that are wrapped up. Now the word Wolf is the plural of the word of love. Okay? And our love is something
that is completely wrapped up. Okay? A whole Love is something that is completely wrapped up from the root letters, ln lamb for any completely, enveloped, completely closed, because li laugh is a covering. So Allah is something that is a completely covered up. So if it's completely covered up, it means that nothing's going in. So they said Our hearts are ones that are wrapped up Allah subhanaw taala responds by rather learner whom Allah Allah has cursed them. Lamb I known is the root. Allah has cursed them. Why because we him because of their disbelief for kalila muscle very little amount over here is giving the meaning of very, you know, they believe, well I met and when
Joe Hamid came to them Kitab on a book and this is referring to the Quran. Men are in the law he from Allah. And this book is Musa Deacon saw
dal cough, one that confirms the truth Lima of what Mara home is with them, meaning the Quran does not reject the Talat or the Injeel it confirms that yes the lot indeed are from Allah. And there you know many contents in the Quran that confirm what the total says. So it confirms what is with them what candle and they use to men called Blue before yesterday Hona they seek victory for the HA Fatah is victory is stiff da seek victory. You see the scene and seek victory. So before the book came, they used to seek victory on AlLadhina kifaru over those who disbelieved. Okay, so now fella then when Jaya whom it came to them, what the book and this book is such that Mao Watch out all fu they
recognized arain law firm, meaning they recognize this book to be the book of Allah. They recognize the messenger to be the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what did they do? kuffaar OBE they disbelieved in it fillerina To Allah He so curse of Allah Allah al caffeine is upon those who disbelieved caffeine in Florida of the word can fit one who disbelieves bit summer how evil is what Bitsa means it was evil, okay, and my means what together be summer how evil is what and how terrible is what is that all they have bartered Biggie in exchange for it and for so hung themselves? And what is that a yak Furu that they disbelieved? Bhima? In what unza Allah Allah sent
down? So they gave preference to disbelief, all right, and they were willing to lose themselves over it. But why did they do this Boolean due to bully? Bullying is from the root letters bow line. Yeah. And literally it means desire, okay to like something to want something. And it's not just any kind of wish or desire, it is the blind following of a wrong desire, it is the blind pursuit of a wrong desire. And what happens in the process is that a person transgresses bounce, right? outrageous behavior. So they disbelieve in what Allah has sent down. Why because of buddy. Okay, and why are they behaving outrageously? What's the reason? A tuna Zilla hoomin fugly heat for the reason that
you know zit Allahu Allah sends down known ze lamb Tenzin to send down Allah sends down and fugly of his favor Allah upon my Yeshua or whomever he wills mean everybody among his slaves and he they're upset about the fact that Allah sent down revelation on an Arab okay on Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is why they rejected him for about also they incurred battle from the root letters Bow Wow Hamza, Baba is to return and a beat, to return with meaning to incur to end up with, so they have incurred they have ended up with love of in Wrath or allow huddled upon wrath, whose wrath, the origin of the wrath is not mentioned over here. It can be Allah azza wa jal, it can be the wrath of
the angels, it can be the wrath of people. So they incurred wrath upon wrath, and the root is ln BOD Val will caffeine and for those who disbelieve or that one is a punishment mohey known one that is humiliating how well known
what either and when killer it is said now killer literally is it was said but because of either the tense is changing, so when it is Sadler whom to them to who to the bunny saw eel that AMI know you all believe Bhima in what unsaid Allah Allah sent down. When you believe in the Quran, Allah has sent it down. Although they say no, we know we believe Bhima in what on Zilla, Elena, it was sent down upon us and you We only believe in that which was sent down to our people were Corona and the disbelieve Bhima and what what Allah who is beyond it, meaning anything that Allah has sent down to any other prophet from other nations they rejected they don't believe in it. And this is, for
example, the Quran Wahoo a while it meaning that revelation this Quran is a Haku is the truth and it is musante Kalima, Mara whom it confirms the truth of what is with them. It's not talking about a completely different world you know, it's not preaching something completely different. No, it confirms the contents are similar, the teachings are the same, called say, family mud. So why meaning if you say that you believe in what was sent down to you, then why is it that taka to Luna you will kill Ambia? Allah prophets of Allah and BIA is the plural of the word Nabhi. Why did you kill the prophets of Allah min Kaaba
Before in quantum I mean if you're truly are ones who believe meaning if you say that you believe in what was sent down to you then why did you kill the prophets of Allah before? So the fact is that you don't truly believe you follow your desire, right? So Hamdulillah we have completed the word analysis, please stand up where you are take a stretch, and then we will begin to see if anyone has a question they can ask right now regarding the word analysis.
Okay, the plural is dal Wilder. Okay, dal while Ra is the root for the and the singular of the word DR is de
de la Haruna. The singular is not given. It's not a noun. Okay, it's a verb. I just mentioned to the two meanings of the word Tila have only one is that you cooperate with each other. And the other is that you seek dominance over each other. All right.