Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-009C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 40
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The book "The Paragon of Jerusalem" is a series of verses that serve as a reminder that people of privilege are not the same as those who don't have them. The history of Islam is discussed, including a warning given in the Bible about a woman who settled in Kiberin and later settled in Kiberin as well as a woman named Sir Ben Haynor who settled in Kiberin but later settled in Kiberin as well. The segment also touches on the historical significance of the Bani Israel II, the historical significance of the cover of the mask, and the historical significance of the cover of the mask in the East. The importance of faith and embracing his commandments is emphasized.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim ye Bani Israel eel or children of Israel eel, with Kuru near Marathi. Remember my fever, and Lottie anon to our Aleikum which I have bestowed upon you. What Oh phobia D and fulfill My covenant, goofy br decom that I will fulfill your covenant. What a YAY or follow her boon and be afraid of only me. After the story of other Marilla his salaam Now begins the story of Bani Israel. And what I mean by the story of Bani Israel is that in these verses we will not only learn about the history of Bani Israel I yield the favors that Allah subhanaw taala bestowed upon them, but also a special address a special invitation that Allah subhanaw taala is giving to the
Bani Israel eel to believe in His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and to believe in this book, the Quran and the Bani Israel eel will basically be mentioned now almost until the end of the first Jesus. And you know, some people when they look at these verses, immediately their conclusion is the Quran is anti semitic. But remember that the Quran is for all people. And Allah subhanaw taala has sent guidance from the beginning we learned in the previous idea that when Adam and howa Allah subhanaw taala forgave them. And then Allah subhanaw taala sent them to the world. And Allah subhanaw taala promised that he would send guidance. So whoever follows that guidance, then there
will be no fear and no grief upon them, meaning they will be the inhabitants of paradise and those who disbelieved and I the verses of Allah, then there will be severe consequences for them. So the guidance that Allah subhanaw taala sent from the time of Adam already salaam was in the form of different books that Allah revealed, different scriptures that Allah subhanaw taala revealed to different messengers over time. So remember that after either Rene Salam we learned that 1000 years after Adam Rene Salam came new Alayhis Salam and know how to use Salam It is said that he was the first Rasul first messenger because up until the time of no holidays and and people were mainly upon
guidance, all right, and the first time that people began worshipping idols, Allah subhanaw taala center messenger, in order to bring them out of darkness into light. So know how to use them came 1000 years after the Malays, salam, and then many years after no honey Salam was Ibrahim alayhis salam, right. And Ibrahim already has Salam remember that his grandson was your coop or the his sunnah. Okay, he or Kobani has Salam is who is Israa eel. So bunny is Surah eel are technically who the descendants of your kooberi His Salam, who are also technically the descendants of Ibrahim alayhis salam. So Benny is Surah eel or who Bani Israel you are people. Remember they're the
descendants of the prophets of Allah basically there are people whom Allah subhanaw taala sent many prophets too many books were given to them, many special blessings of Allah were bestowed upon them. They were people of Scripture, people of knowledge people of guidance, Allah subhanaw taala chose them above the people of the worlds so many prophets were from among them we have you know Sulayman or any of us salaam that would early his Salam. We have LDS early his Salam Yunus early his Salam, so many prophets from among them. Finally we have at the end rissalah His Salam before him. Yeah, he really has Salam Zakaria Alayhis Salam, and he so many prophets were from Bani Israel and the total
arts the Injeel the Cebu were revealed to the prophets from among Bani Israel. So the Bani Israel eel, he, they deserve a special invitation because they are the people who were recipients of guidance previously. They are the ones from among whom ALLAH chose prophets. And they are the ones whom Allah subhanaw taala sent his books to. So with the revelation of the Quran, they deserve a special invitation. And along with that special invitation there is also a warning and exclusive warning. Because remember that people who know are not the same as people who don't know, people of privilege are not the same as people who don't have that privilege. So with privilege comes
responsibility. And with responsibility also comes account
to build it. So these verses that we're going to read from now on are not, you know, verses that are showing hatred for certain people. No, they are a special invitation and also a reprimand. And to be fair, you know, when you compare the warnings and even, you know the messages that are given in these verses, they're far more mild compared to the warnings that are given within the tunnel, the Old Testament, the toll dot, any the toll dots, it's far more harsh in its reprimand in its warning, compared to the warning that is given in the Quran. So look at these verses, first of all, as a special invitation a special warning. And these verses then also serve as a reminder a lesson for
the rest of the people. Because yes, the bunny is slow eel are being addressed. But there's also something that you and I can learn. Even though we're not from the bunny is slightly at least I'm not any, there's still something that we can learn from these verses that are addressed to them. So Allah subhanaw taala says here Yeah, Bani Israel or children of Israel eel, any look at the address, first of all that you are children, you are descendants of Israel eel, it could have been said, Yeah, Bernie our coop. Right but instead of your coop, the title of your coop or his salon has been used here. You know, for example, in the Quran, no la Salam is described as in the hookah hub within
shockula. Indeed, he was a very grateful servant to Allah, a very grateful sermon. What's the message here? The message is, aren't you going to be grateful? So yeah, Bunny is Surah eel or children of Israel, in your ancestor was a worshipper of God. Your ancestor was a soldier of God, what are you doing? You also must show servitude to Allah subhanaw taala. So all children of Israel eel on Kuru near Mati, remember, my blessing remember My favor. And one thing you should know about Bani Israel I mentioned to you that Bani Israel are the descendants of who Jakob early his Salam, and Iacobelli is Sena, remember, he had 12 sons, one of whom was Yusuf Ali Hassan. Okay, so Yusuf
Ali Hassan, remember that he ended up in Egypt, right as a slave. And then eventually when there was that famine, and his brothers came to buy food, and, you know, he revealed his identity to them. So what happened? He told his brothers that, you know, bring your families over here. So his parents, his family, everyone came to Egypt and settled over there. Okay, so jacobellis is Salam. He was where he was in Quran. Quran canon, the land of Canaan is where basically Palestine and Ibrahim alayhis salam, remember that when his father said to him, Ibrahim, Arizona, now think about the grandfather of your Kubernetes. Sam, how did he end up in Palestine? It well, he ran his son was
actually from Iraq. Okay. And what happened when his father, you know, tried to burn him, along with his people that threw him in the fire didn't work out. His father eventually said to him that leave or I'm going to stone you to death. throwing you in the fire didn't work. So I'm going to throw stones at you until you die. So Ibrahim alayhis salam said in Nemo had your own Isla Robbie, I am going to emigrate to my Lord, right? I'm going to make hijra, meaning I'm going to leave and I'm going to go wherever Allah subhanaw taala orders me to go. So eventually, where did he settle? He settled in Kanaan which is Palestine okay. And there Jacoba Are you salaam his grandson? He settled
in Quran? On the other hand, Ibrahim alayhis salam, other sudden, okay, it's mareel or the salon. Where was he settled in Makkah? Okay. So Bani Israel, even now, the children of jacobellis Salam, technically their home is Quran, but they ended up in Egypt because of the famine. And now in Egypt, what happened? That is basically where their population grew where they turned into a nation. Okay, because at the time of Iacobelli, Sam, they were just, you know, just a small clan, his 12 sons, you know, and their children, their spouses, etc, a small clan, but then over the years, that clan turned into what into an entire nation into an entire people. And what did fit our own do fit our
own enslaved them, and Musa alayhis salam was sent to rescue the Bani Israel right
So remember the cross the sea, the sea was split, they crossed it, and then they were in the desert for so long and eventually, you know, after Musa alayhis salam, they entered Quran again. Okay, so now they're not just a small clan, they are an entire nation, they're an entire people. And after most artists and I'm under the leadership of Yasha, early, he's Salam. When they entered Quran, they established themselves over there, the Bani Israel, that is when they were given many commands. Okay, the book of Deuteronomy in the Torah is filled with the commands that there were given, which there were to observe and uphold as they lived in this land. What happened many years later, and
remember that soon, there was, you know, Sulaiman or his Sam Solomon artists and I'm built the temple, the temple as in the beta Noctus. And the people used to, you know, that basically became the Qibla they used to worship. Now what happened much after Sulayman early Salam in 597 BCE, the Buka nazzer, he attacked this area and he basically destroyed the first temple and sent the Bani Israel into exile. They were sent into what is called the Babylonian exile, they were enslaved, they were no longer able to live in this land. Eventually, some people were able to return somebody is what you were able to return. And then what happened in 70 ad, Titus destroyed the temple and again
the Bani Israel were sent into exile. So what happened in order to save their lives? Basically the Bani Israel you were now scattered okay in the surrounding areas. So you had some tribes of Bani Israel in Egypt, you know, some in Yemen, some even in the hijas hijas as in the area where Mecca and Medina is. So at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. There were three Jewish tribes okay three tribes of Bani Islam II, that actually lived in Medina.
This is very important. Make sure you write this down that there were three tribes off the Bani Israel that lived in Medina and these tribes are been okay no car, been on the lead and bunu kuruva Okay, so Surah Baqarah is a Madani surah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had now migrated to Medina. So these ayat are what they are a special invitation to these three tribes. Firstly, that remember Allah spavor Fulfill your covenant with Allah and believe in what Allah subhanaw taala has revealed. And then beyond those three tribes, this address Yeah, Bani Israel eel isn't addressed to who all of the Bani Israel until the end of time, okay? All of the Bani Israel until the end of
time. So this shows us that Bani Israel eel, this is a race these are a people, okay, not just the people of a religion, but there are people who are related through blood. Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala is especially addressing them, that ye bunny is saw eel or the Kuru Nirma T. Three things are mentioned in this ayah three commands are being given to them. The first command is, remember My favor which I have bestowed upon you. And I mentioned to you that favor here does not mean just one blessing, but many blessings, many favors. So the first thing is remember the blessings of Allah upon you, which Allah subhanaw taala exclusively bestowed upon you Allah T and arm to Aleikum. This
means that I only bestowed these blessings upon you and not on anyone else. Any these blessings were exclusively for you. So what are these exclusive blessings that Allah subhanaw taala bestowed upon them? These blessings are blessings of Deen. Okay religious blessings and blessings of dunya worldly blessings. And then some special favors also that Allah subhanaw taala bestowed upon them. So what are the religious blessings that they were given, especially given? This is the blessing of guidance that Allah subhanaw taala sent among them so many prophets, spiritual guides, right and then along with that scripture, and then along with that, any guidance, knowledge, awareness, when the people
around them were only human, right? They were unlettered, they did not have revealed scripture. They were not upon guidance, any what a huge blessing. This is the course of hundreds of years. Right? These people they know who Allah is, right? They have the book of Allah. They
Have the teachings of the prophets with them. So with Kuru near Marathi remember this blessing which I have especially bestowed upon you. And then secondly, the Nirmal over here also refers to worldly blessings. What are the worldly blessings? Worldly blessings are many. First of all the fact that they survived and thrived through so many ups and downs. Any think about it you know when Vulcan desert when he attacked the Bani Israel eel and when Titus attacked the Bani Israel 1000s and 1000s of Bani Israel were killed. 1000s of them were killed, they were sent into exile, any there was extreme hatred for this particular nation. And yet this nation was not eliminated Allah subhanaw
taala enabled them to live on and then Allah subhanaw taala also gave them you know, kings like slay man early his sinner who was not just a king, but a prophet as well. Kings like the wolf or a Salam again, not just a king, but a prophet as well. Any there were people of civilization, people of knowledge, other nations would look up to them. So they might already his salon. He he had so much power and so much wealth at his disposal. And you know that other kingdoms the surrounding kingdoms were basically subservient to him. You know, for example, we learn about how the Queen of Sheba in she had a great kingdom she had a huge throne. And her and her people came in submission to Solomon
early sent him in the sense that they agreed to be not only did the Queen of Sheba embrace Islam, but they also accepted the superiority of Solomon early slams kingdom. So, these are worldly blessings, you know, just some worldly blessings which Allah subhanaw taala bestowed upon them in slaughter man either is number 20 You know, the bunny is slightly ill or addressed and it said is Darla fie come Ambia wa Jalla como Luca, that look at the blessing of Allah upon you when Allah made among you many prophets, and he also made you kings, which are hola como, Luca, were utter Kamal, um, you had a mineral alameen and he gave you what he did not give to anyone among the people of the
worlds. So on Kuru near Mati, remember my favors, and then besides the religious and worldly blessings, there were also some special favors that were bestowed upon Bani Israel. Think about how they were saved from fit our own, fit our own head enslaved them, you know, he was basically doing a genocide or there was literally ethnic cleansing when the males of the Bani Israel eel the male children were being killed. What was the purpose over here the purpose was to finish the Bani Israel to eliminate them. Allah subhanaw taala save them. Right? And then in order to save them, the sea was parted Allahu Akbar, and then in the desert clouds in order to provide them shade, and special
food is coming down from the skies. And then later on also when they're in Quran, there is a prophet among them at all times, who provides them spiritual leadership, you know, this spiritual guidance. So with Kuru Nero, Mattia Leti an arm to our lay calm, why, why were all of these special blessings bestowed upon them? Because Allah subhanaw taala chose them for a certain reason that you will be not only the recipients of guidance, but also a source of guidance for the rest of humanity. Right, this is Allah's promise that Allah is going to send guidance. So guidance is going to come through who it's not going to randomly appear to different people, it's going to come through other people.
Right, so this was a nation that Allah chose. And among them, many prophets, Allah sent ye in order to be an example for the rest of people, in order to be a source of guidance for the rest of mankind. So remember, the favors of Allah. Now the question is, how do you remember the favours of Allah remembering the favors of Allah doesn't just mean that you acknowledge with the heart? Absolutely. It includes acknowledgement with the heart, that you acknowledge that yes, Allah has given me this blessing. Allah has given us that blessing. But along with that, it also means that you talk about the blessings that Allah has bestowed with your tongue. Right? So, vicar is with the
heart and vicar is with the tongue, that you openly talk about the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon you because when you talk about the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon you, then this, you know, breeds gratitude, not just in you, but also in the people around you. And then remembering the favors of Allah also includes remembering the favors of Allah through your limbs.
What does that mean? How do you remember the favours of Allah through your limbs? Meaning what you do with your limbs, the actions that you perform, they show that you are a grateful servant to Allah, that you remember you acknowledge the blessings that Allah has given you. And how do you do that? What kind of actions are these these are actions which are in obedience to Allah. So all guru near Mati doesn't just mean think about it, but also show gratitude. Acknowledge these blessings, show gratitude, talk about them, and short obedience to Allah be more obedient to Allah. So with Kuru near Mattia, Letty and arm to our lako, the second command that is given to the Bani Israel in
what oh phobia is the goofy bearer, the can you fulfill My covenant meaning the covenant that you have made with me, and what will happen OVR DICOM I will fulfill your covenant meaning the covenant that I have made with you. So in other words, fulfill your promises with Allah fulfill your covenant with God. Now, this tells us two things, first of all, the fact that they promised Allah to do something. And secondly, Allah subhanaw taala promised them something in return. Now what is it that they said they would do? What did they make with Allah? We learned intuitively that either ie number 12, Allah subhanaw taala says what occurred occurred Allahu Meetha thakar Bani Israel and certainly,
Allah took the covenant of Bani Israel. What was that covenant? Later on? It is said in the idea that let in a con to masala atta what Tatum was Xia Katha what man tongue Bureau SULI wiser to move who occurred to Mala Kardon Hassan, that if you establish Salah and you give him a cat, and you believe in my messengers, and you respect them, you honor them and you lend Allah a good loan meaning you spend in the Cause of Allah. So this is what was required of the Bani Israel II. That what should they do? They should establish prayer they should give the cat they should believe in the messengers of Allah, they should honor and respect the messengers of Allah and they should spend
in the Cause of Allah and elsewhere also insulted earlier Milan is 187 we learn what is a hot Allahu Misa Kalinina O'Toole Kitab one Allah took the covenant from the people who are given the book and in Surah Baqarah. In the upcoming verses also we will learn about, you know, different commands that Allah subhanaw taala gave to the Bani Israel. And these commands were not just given do this do that, rather, a covenant was taken from them, that you give your word to Allah that you will do this, okay? That you will follow. And when we look at the Bible, in the book of Deuteronomy, there are so many, you know, commandments that are given. And even before the book of Deuteronomy, there
is, you know, many commandments that are given related to worship related to ritual purity, sacrifice, even, you know, slavery, you know, trade, et cetera. There's commands of all types that are given. And in the book of Deuteronomy, it is said, specifically in chapter 18, verse 15, that the Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet from among your people, Him you shall heed in Deuteronomy 18, verses 18 to 19, it is said I will raise up a prophet for them from among their own people, I will put my words in his mouth, and He will speak to them all that I commend him. And if anybody fails to heed the word he speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account. So among the
things that they were obligated to do, was to believe in the prophets of Allah. Right to believe in the prophets of Allah. You know, there are interpretations Some say that it's referring to the Christians, of course, will say it's referring to rissalah his Salam, but you know, this phrase from among their own people, like yourself, that you know, a human being like you, the prophets, Allah who were isms description in the Quran is what that meant unfussy him that he is from among them. It's the exact same description and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi. wa salam, what did he recite? He recited the Quran, right? The Quran is what it is the words of Allah, it is the speech of Allah
Kalam Allah, the Bible is not considered the speech of God. Okay? It's not considered even, you know, within this concept of the Bible is the Word of God is actually a newer concept. Anyway, of course, you know, we believe that this is a foretelling of the coming of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But the main thing is
They were instructed that they must believe in the Prophet of Allah. Right the prophet that Allah sense, they should believe in Him. And if anybody failed to heed the words he speaks, I myself will call that person to account. Right? So there is a threat that is given. Besides that also, like I mentioned, there's many commands that are given, okay? So the point is, fulfill your promise with Allah, meaning, fulfill your duty to Allah, whatever that Allah has imposed upon you, whatever that Allah commanded you to do, do that. Okay? The laws that he revealed, observe them the pledge that you have given him of obedience, then show obedience to Allah. Okay, and then what will happen all
fibia decom I will fulfill your promise, meaning Allah subhanaw taala promise them something in return. So we learn in total Matt, either I or 12, same verse that I mentioned earlier, that you know, where they were told, if you establish Salah gives a cat believe in my messengers, honor them and lend Allah a good loan, then what will Allah do in return for you? Little Calphalon neuron come say you take on I will remove your sins from you, while he Lana can genetic engineering tactical and how and I will certainly admit you into gardens, beneath which reverse flow, meaning I will admit you into paradise. So all the big calm, I will fulfill your covenant, meaning I will give you what I
promised you. Right, I will give you what I promised you. So the promise is what that you will get gender and you will get forgiveness. And in the book of Deuteronomy, in chapter seven, verse 12, it says, And if you do obey these rules and observe them carefully, the Lord your God will maintain faithfully for you the covenant that he made on Earth with your fathers, and what is that he will favor you and bless you and multiply you. You know many other promises are given and Deuteronomy 28 is literally chapter 28 is all about what God promised them in return. So it says, now if you obey the Lord your God, to observe faithfully all His commandments, which I am enjoying upon you, the
state of the Lord, your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and take effect. And what are these blessings? Blessings are the blessings show up in the city and bless it shall you be in the country meaning wherever you are blessed it shall be the issue of your womb, the produce of your soil and the offspring of your cattle the calving of your herd and the lambing of your flock. Blessings shall be your basket and you're needing bull LeSage shall you be in your comings and blessings? shall you be in your goings? Basically, Allah will bless you in everything you do and in your dunya and if this is the reward in
the dunya, then what do you think the reward will be in the hereafter? So oh phobia de ofI Barra Tico what a yay for HUBZone the third thing is fear only me be afraid of only me. And I mentioned this to earlier that year yeah, the addition of a year you know, when a year comes with this pronoun, it gives a meaning of if the sauce any only meat and it could have been said simply follow her Boonie or what her Boonie and just be afraid of me. Alright, but the object has been mentioned separately. And first what a Yeah, yeah, for a baboon, and any fear only Allah, only Allah should you fear. Why? Because the fear of people inhibits you from obeying Allah. Right? The fear of people
does not let you live freely does not let you do what you believe in. And when you have fear of Allah and only Allah, then this fear is what prompts you to do the right thing. So you cannot fulfill the covenant you have made with Allah unless and until you have fear of Allah alone. Right? So this is the cause this is what will become the reason for you're fulfilling the covenant with Allah. So often it happens with people that they know what the right thing to do is, but they're not able to do it because of the fear of people. Right. And we experienced this on a daily basis. That how because of the fear of shame or fear of what people will say, or what people might do, you know,
people are making poor choices on a daily basis. So what a year for Harpoon and drop, as I mentioned is shit that will hold off right which makes a person vigilant any the fear of God is not just something that you say you had you claim you have. It's genuine fear that makes you vigilant and careful that you are in all
Have Allah and so you are careful no matter where you are and no matter what you're doing so fear only me