Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P28 280C Tafsir Al-Mumtahinah 4-9
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The speakers discuss the importance of following the actions of others to avoid harming them and achieve success in the future. They stress the need to be patient and fair to people, show disputing one's religion and show love for their mother. The importance of showing one's love for their mother and not being harmed by others is emphasized. The need for people to show their love for their mother and not be harmed by others is emphasized.
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Let's look at the following verses Allah subhanaw. Taala says all the catacomb certainly there is for you will sweat on Hassan and excellent pattern and excellent example to follow the word wasswa We did this word earlier and Zab also remember that it's used for an example that is followed whether it is good or bad. Basically, the word is from Assa. Hamza seen. Yeah. Or well, and so is to dress a wound. Okay, just imagine a wound and then you're addressing it, you're cleaning it up. And then you're putting bandage around it. This is to console someone. All right. And it is at the Asahi meeting, he was patient. How, by taking an example, from someone,
if you are ever comforting a child, all right, when they have gotten injured, how do you comfort them? How? By telling them about how you got injured? Correct. So when you tell them about how you got injured when you were a kid, and how your injury was much worse, you even had to get stitches, or you got a fracture or whatnot. And there was so much blood that when you tell them that story, do they relax? Yes, they relaxed because what do they feel that I'm not the only one suffering from this?
Isn't it and they feel that worse things have happened to other people. This is the Asahi that define comfort. Regarding your situation. How? By looking at the example of others,
this is the Assa and from this is wasswa was WA is an object of imitation, an example meaning something you can take as an example, so that you will find comfort.
This was a very painful situation.
You see for the more hygienic this was what going to Maka possibly engaging in a battle and fighting who your own family members putting their lives in danger. This was very painful, this was very difficult. So Allah subhanaw taala reminds them that they are not alone in their suffering. They are others before them who suffered much more who were in a similar situation. So what did they do? Take their example. Allah says God cannot look on us what on Hassan atone fee Ibrahim Ibrahim Ali Sinha, what Lavina Mara who and also those who were with him, who was with him, those who believed in him, and who believed in Ibrahim alayhis salam, a lot of people know, when he left his hometown, there
were only two people that left with him. Only two people who had believed in him the great Prophet of Allah, Ibrahim Al escena, Khalid Allah had only two people who believed in Him and who were they saw his cousin, who became his wife, and Luth or his son and his nephew, who later became a Prophet also. So Allah says there is an example for you a beautiful example for you and Ibrahim and those who believed in him, meaning Saara and Lou is called Holy Cow me him when they start to their people, which people Ibrahim on is sometimes family, their hometown, alright. So this up to them that in that indeed we Bura women come plural of the word buddy, who is buddy one who is dissociated
from someone has nothing to do with the other. We are completely dissociated from you. Meaning there is no relationship now between us and you.
When we met our Buddha medulla, and also from that which you worship besides Allah, meaning we take no responsibility for it. We have no affection for it. We don't agree with it.
At all gefallen now become, we reject you, we reject you, as in your false beliefs, your actions, your manners, your way your lifestyle, we rejected completely Wahba and it has become apparent it has appeared bein Anna between us will be no come and between you either were too well Bangla, enmity and hatred, or that were is the opposite of friendship. There is no friendship now. Boba is the opposite of love. There's no love between us and you. Abaddon, forever had that until to me no Billa he was the who, until you believe in Allah Alone, Ibrahim or a Salam and those who believed in him said this to their people. Now this is a very big statement. And this is from where the concept
of Al Walla well Barack has
Have you heard of it? Love and hate for the sake of Allah? This is where it stems from. It has basically taken from the surah from these verses in particular
that you declare your love and affection and friendship to someone. Why not because you like who they are. You like the way they speak you like their family? No, because of their religion, because of their belief in Allah and that You declare dissociation from someone and hatred for them. Why? Because of their rejection of Allah subhanaw taala So, the concept of Al Walla Walla Bara what does it mean? Love and hate, for the sake of who? For the sake of Allah, that you love someone why? Because of Allah and you hate someone why? Because of Allah, there is no other standard. So Ibrahim or his sunnah, and those who believed in him made this declaration. But Allah subhanaw taala says in
a cola Ibrahim, except for the statement of Ibrahim li ve to his father, that I still feel Anelka I will surely seek forgiveness for you. Ibrahima, listen, I made this promise to his father, right? That I will seek forgiveness for you. Woman Emily Kula come in Allah Himanshi but I do not possess for you. Meaning I do not have any power for you meaning to benefit you when Allah against Allah men, Shane, anything, meaning even if I seek forgiveness for you, I cannot protect you from Allah's decision. At the end of the day, if you don't have your mattress fixed with Allah, I am of no use.
And when they made this declaration of dissociation, what did that mean Ibrahim Rn is Salaam and the two who are with him were basically on their own. So they said a burner I like it our Kana Oh our Lord upon you we have relied what a Laker and abita and to you we have returned what illegal mislead and to you is the destination. Our total reliance for our safety well being future is on who on you, Oh Allah, we trust on you.
And we turn to you, meaning in repentance and in seeking help, and to you is the destination, meaning in the Hereafter, we're coming back to you. So we leave all of our affairs to you We surrender all of our affairs to you.
Now remember that this declaration of baraka of dissociation was not on the first day.
Okay. Many times what happens is that some Muslims, they think that if there's a person who's a non Muslim, that I'm supposed to hate them. And if I'm supposed to hate them, it means that I should not show any respect to them, I cannot talk to them. I cannot treat them well. You know, their life, their property is not safe from me. This is what they think the concept of Bharat amines. And this is not the correct understanding. Ibrahim er and his son M did not make this declaration on the first day. When did he make this declaration when his people had thrown him in the fire?
And that was also not on day two. It was after a long time that they decided to burn him. Correct. And when he came out, saved from the fire, he went back and when he went back, his father said that if you do not go away, because we tried to get rid of you. It didn't work. So if you don't leave, we are going to dig a hole in the ground, put you in it, and then we're going to stone you to death. He said I am going to stone you to death personally Meaning I'm not going to leave you until you are dead.
Ibrahim Al isms own father said this. So when he was showing so much enmity, do you think it would be wise for Ibrahima Lisanna and those who believed in him to take the protection of that nation know if his own father had turned against him? Who do you think would shelter him? Nobody would.
So Ibrahim run is sunnah he made this declaration and he left and remember leaving was not easy. Because what place was it that Ibrahim Arliss and I went to and he said, Okay, this is my home? No, this is where I'm going to settle. This is where I'm going to stay. Ibrahim Ron escena. From there, he went to Egypt. What happened in Egypt, remember the king over there? He captured Saddam, and he wanted to do something evil. Right? And then basically he left from there. He goes to a sham and then from there, he's asked to take his job, and his son is married. Leave him in Makkah. Salah isn't a shell and hydro and Ismail. Where are they? in Makkah? And how many times Ibrahim is I'm
traveled back and forth back and forth. He was a traveler, isn't it? So Ibrahim for his son when he left remember leaving was not easy at all. This was not easy at all. And this is why he says over here are a banner alayka what color what you like I never know what you may call mislead. So did Allah subhanaw taala
To help him Yes he did. Did Allah subhanaw taala grant him success? Yes he did. Did he need to rely upon his father? No, not anymore. We turned into with Miriam I have 46 that Ibrahim and his son when he left,
we learned that his father he said color on Alibaba Anton Alia Dr. Ibrahim la Lambton. Tehila human Nikka Hua Jun Emilija if you don't stop, I'm going to stone you to death. So leave me go away. So Ibrahim already sent me he said Carla Salam o Nora lake, a stone fear hula carob be peace be on your meaning I'm going and I will seek forgiveness for you from my Lord. And this is also something we need to remember that even though Ibrahim or listen I'm declared dissociation
he still wanted good
for his father, for his people. And he said I will seek forgiveness for you. And did he? Yes, he did. As we learned in the Quran that finally, when he brought him around, his father died like that. Then Ibrahim Al Islam was forbidden from seeking forgiveness for his father, Falun Mata yen Allah Who intro to Toba i 114. This has mentioned that Ibrahim right Islam would seek forgiveness for his father why because of the promise that He had made. But when it was evident to him, that his father was an enemy to Allah. That's it, he stopped. Now, the thing is that there are two options. Either you leave the dunya for Allah. And by dunya. I don't mean the things of this world, but also
sometimes people, you have to leave them for Allah. Because your deen and those people or that dunya cannot coexist? It cannot. You have to make that decision. What are you going to leave?
In order to be at peace? Either you can leave dunya for the sake of Allah. Or you can leave Allah for the dunya you can make that decision.
You have the choice. Here, Ibrahim, listen, and What decision did he make? He left dunya for Allah, because who is Allah he is ever living. And what is the dunya? And its contents? And its people? What is their reality? What is it? It's temporary, and it's of no value? You know, you wouldn't so much hard work. You spent so much time making something fixing it. And what is its end?
Finished? You know, just yesterday, my son, he wanted to make this puzzle 1000 piece puzzle. All right. And he knew he couldn't do it on his own. And he wanted everybody's help the whole families help. So we're like, okay, the whole family set, we started working on it, it was extremely difficult. Right. So that's what the we've done only a 10th of it probably by now. Because tiny pieces, all right, weirdly shaped. And on top of that the picture is also extremely detailed, right? It's a picture of fall. So you can imagine all the leaves in the water and everything. So as we're working on it, somebody threw something in the air. And it landed straight on the puzzle. And it
fell on the ground.
It fell on the ground.
And I was just thinking about how long as a family we spent working on it, looking at each and every piece trying to fix one with the other. Right firstly, taking out all the pieces and putting them all out straight and then you know, grouping them and then you know working on it and it all fell apart in just one moment. That's it one moment isn't worth it.
It's not worth it. No matter how precious no matter how valuable it may seem. It's really not worth it. So these are two decisions that we can make. We have to make a choice either
leave the dunya for Allah or leave Allah for the dunya be wise. Ibrahim listen, I made the wise decision. And Allah subhanaw taala says over here that you have an excellent example in Ibrahim and Assam to follow Ibrahim or listen as he left he made dua Robina him and those were with him they made their audit. Oh our Lord, let the Giardina do not make us fit nuttin a fitna, Lila Dina. Cafaro. For those who deny do not make us a fitna for those who deny what is fitna. What is Fitna
means two things, basically, one either torment. Secondly, trial test.
All right. So torment persecution. Remember while fitna to Asha do menial potluck. So persecution, torment, torture, because remember the basic meaning of the word fitna to burn something. All right. We learned that the people in * will also be told though COVID Netta Come taste your fitna meaning your punishment your torture.
All right. So firstly, do not make us a fitna for those who disbelieve, meaning do not make us objects of torment for them, that they torture us, and they persecute us. Do not destroy us at their hands. Do not give them power over us so that we are subjected to their, you know, before them and they torture us and they humiliate us and they hurt us and they harass us, and they continue to do that. Well, Allah. Don't let that happen. But I've been Aletheia Allah fitna, Lilina Kafo don't allow us to suffer at the hands of those who deny.
You see because this is a time of extreme fear. Remember the Muslims in Medina, this was a very frightening situation for them.
So Rabbana La Jolla, fitna Lilina Cafaro and ever if a person finds himself weak before those who oppose him for his Deen, this is what he should say that oh Allah don't let me suffer at the hands of these deniers. Don't let them have fun harming me. Don't let them have the opportunity to hurt me. Regarding my well being my dunya my safety, my wealth, my life. Don't let them hurt me. Secondly, let the journal know fitna Lilla, Nina Cafaro. Don't make us a test for the disbelievers it test. Now, what is a test? A test is basically a difficult situation that makes you wonder, What if what you're doing is right or not. So don't make us a fitna for them, meaning an object of trial
for them. That if they prevail over us, they begin to think that they are right and we are wrong. So we would be a trial for them. In the sense that we would become a means our failure would become a means for them to think that Islam is wrong.
You understand, when they will see that the Muslims are weak,
then they will think that they are right and the Muslims are wrong. So Robina Latha Jana, fitna, Lilina Cafaro, one Filipina or banana, and pardon us, oh our Lord, forgive us. Because this is true. We are not innocent of our mistakes. We have made our mistakes and if you do put us in some hardship, in some difficulty in some fitna in this world, then yes, we are worthy of it because we have made many mistakes. We have committed many sins many offenses, but you can also pardon us our Lord will fit Lenna Robina in Naka uncle Aziz al Hakim Indeed you are it is you who is allowed Aziz al Hakim and RZ is the one over is the one of might and honor and Al Hakim, the one who's Hurrican
prevails in the QAT until our Xizor Hakeem Laqad cannot come certainly there is for you. Fee him in them will sweat on Hassan atone and excellent pattern, meaning follow them. Follow the example of Ibrahim Rn is salaam, Jews choose Allah. Lehmann Khanna Yom joola. But this example is for who who will follow it. The one who hopes the one who has hope and who Allah the one who wants Allah, will Yama Al Asad and the Last Day
whoever it is that wants to draw even closer to Allah, whoever it is, that wants to be successful in the Hereafter, then what should they follow the example of Ibrahim Ali Salam, well, my Yatala and whoever turns away for in Allah who will only your Hamid then remember that indeed Allah He is free of need praiseworthy, meaning Allah is not in need of that person anyway. If someone compromises on their religion, on their faith, sells it, for the sake of worldly benefits, Has Allah suffered any loss not at all he is Gunny he is rich and his Hamid always praiseworthy
is Allah who I saw it is hoped meaning perhaps it is possible that Allah will a ninja Allah Bina calm that he will make between you ouabain and Medina datum, and between those people whom you have enmity towards meaning your enemies basically men home from them from the Merkins it is quite possible that Allah will make between you and your enemies. My Word, love.
Because you see, this was a very difficult lesson being taught over here that do not take the machete keen as your protectors do not do that. But remember that many of these people were blood relatives. And right now there were enemies
And Allah subhanaw taala saying over here don't compromise on your religion in order to please these enemies. Well, then you feel like you've lost so much. Allah subhanaw taala gives us hope over here, that yesterday These people are your enemies. But it's quite possible that tomorrow, Allah who will put love in their hearts for you.
The same people who hate you. Tomorrow, they become your best friends. Because hearts can change, right?
Can they? Do feelings change? Yes. This is why are you left alone one who said that when you hate someone hate them moderately. And when you love someone love them moderately. When it comes to people, right when you love people love them moderately. Because it's quite possible that the one whom you love today becomes your enemy tomorrow.
You understand? And the one whom you hate today. It's possible that in your hatred, you do such crazy things and tomorrow they become your friend. And then you're embarrassed over what you did and said, you understand. So Allah subhanaw taala is saying over here that it's quite possible that these people, they'll become your friends tomorrow. Well no, Cadiz have open Allah, Allah is capable. He can do it. He's all April he can change hearts will Lola for Rahim and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful, forgiving for what? For what they may have done in their ignorance. He is Rahim He is merciful. What does this mean then? That your losses in the way of Allah? What are the
temporary, anything that you give up in the way of Allah? Remember, it's just temporary loss. It's not even loss actually. It's just temporary separation. That's it. Because whatever you gave up in the way of Allah, either Allah subhanaw taala will give you something else in its place or Allah who will bring that same thing back to you. He will. He can. Well Allah Who Cadiz
Ibrahim are at his center. He was ordered to slaughter his son.
Right. And he attempted to do that.
This would be a huge loss, something very difficult and very painful emotionally. For Ibrahim Arneson. Remember how badly he wanted a child
finally had a child he was told to leave him. And then when he grew up, he was able to run around Ibrahim Arliss I was told that he had to slaughter the child. And he was about to, but what happened? Did Allah subhanaw taala replace that child with something else to slaughter? Yes. So this is, you know, whenever we are put in a difficult situation where we have to choose between Allah or something of this dunya
this is just a temporary condition, it's going to pass very quickly. Very quickly, it's just a few moments.
If you choose Allah, you're never going to lose.
Never. Because whatever it is that you're going to leave right now, Allah will give you something better in its place. Allah will repay you sooner or later in this dunya and if not in this dunya definitely in the outcome. And if you choose the dunya then you have suffered, you have deprived yourself.
So wala who Kadeem you know just underline these words will love Cadiz.
He's capable. You doubt his power. You doubt his order. Now think about it. I will Sufian at this time, he was a mushrik. Right. When the Muslims made their way to Makkah conquest of Makkah happened. And Abu Sufian he embraced Islam, didn't he? He did. The same people who hated the Muslims now became Muslims. They had love for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam. So it's just about being patient for some time and having hope in Allah. Then Allah says Lyon halcomb Allahu Allah does not forbid you for video from what from being kind to words and from being good to words who are in in Medina, with those people who, meaning those disbelievers who love me you ought to confit Dean
those disbelievers who have not fought you concerning your religion. And this is important fifth D they may have fought you for other reasons. There may have been some family feuds and whatnot, but they don't have a problem with your religion. All right, well, um You did you come and they did not expel human dare come from your homes. So Allah does not forbid you unterberg Rule home that you be good towards them. What took Seto lay him and that you act justly towards them. Allah does not forbid you from being good to such non Muslims
From being fair to such non Muslims,
because in the previous is where we see that the concept of Baraka is mentioned, the declaration of dissociation is mentioned, it can be very easily generalized and many people make that mistake.
They view every non Muslim as someone whom they should hit.
Right, someone whom they should not trust someone whom they should not be at good terms with. And Allah subhanaw taala makes it clear over here that this should not be generalized, every non Muslim is not your enemy. Who is your enemy? The one who shows animosity to you, that is your enemy. And don't be naive concerning that individual.
And the person who doesn't have a problem with your religion, then then what should you do? You should be good to them. And you should be fair with them. Don't settle into him, you should be fair to them. Why? Because in Allah your hibel Monkseaton Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. So be just with them. So what does this mean? And Mati is for those who show enmity to you? Don't consider those people as your friends. But those who don't show enmity to you concerning your religion, then be fair to them and be good to them. A smart little deal on one her, she said that her mother was in worse shape at that time, she came to visit a smuggler below on her in Medina.
All right, she came to visit her and a smile. I'll do one more on how I got worried. She said, My mother is much Rica. How can I let her in my house? Should I let her and she's asked, she's coming to visit me because she wants some help. financial help, should I help her? Can I do that? So she asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam can I? And the Prophet sallallahu lucidum said, now I'm slinging omake. Yes. Join ties with your mother, she is your mother. Why was this permission given because her mother was not hostile towards her with regards to her religion?
You understand? So then, as a mother, what was fair that the daughter take care of her that the daughter should help her support her. And the Prophet sallallahu lucidum ordered her to do that. We see on the other hand, I will Sophia. At this time when he had come to Medina. He was not a Muslim. He was a mushrik. And he was someone who had shown enmity to the prophets of Allah who already was on them for a very long time. But most of yawns own daughter own Habiba de la hora anha. Who was she married to? The prophets of Allah who already was salah. Alright, so remember, I was a peon, he went to the Prophet salallahu Salam went to Abu Bakar, went to Oman, went to early, nothing worked out,
went to the masjid nobody, you know, cared about him. So he thought, might as well go visit my daughter. Right? Because he hadn't met her for almost a decade.
So he went to visit her. And when he went to visit her, he tried to sit on this mat, blanket or pillow or something. He tried to sit on it. And as he was about to sit on it on Habiba, just fold it away. She didn't let him sit on it. So he asked her, Are you saving me from this? Or are you saving this pillow from me? Because it's just a pillow. I don't get it. Either. I'm too good for it. Or it's too good for me what's going on here? And she said, this belongs to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, it's not for you to sit on. Now this is ohm Habib has own father. Why is she being like that to him?
Why? Because he was someone who had shown enmity to the Muslims over and over again. But we see even over here oh, have you ever let him in? She met him. Correct. She met him. But yes, she wasn't extra nice with him, because he was an enemy. So further clarification is given over here but in the Mayan how Kamala who, indeed Allah only forbids you and in less than a quarter no confidence. Allah forbids you from being good towards who? Good as in that you do favors to them, who those who have fought you concerning your religion, meaning those who are clearly your enemy will encourage you to come in the recon, and those who have expelled you from your homes. And they didn't just sit there
they weren't just happy with the fact that they had expelled you from your homes. But while la hudl and Waheguru they aid one another Isla ecological in your expulsion meeting, they didn't just make life difficult for you and expel you rather they came together in order to expel you from Makkah, in order to harm you. And this is true. How often did them wish to Cain come together in order to harm the Muslims many times? So such people Allah forbids you under the low home that you make allies of them. So don't offer
such favors and help them against your own brothers woman yet our law home and whoever makes allies of them for Hola, ecomo Volley Moon than it is those who are the wrong doers? How are they wrongdoers? Because they have their priorities messed up. They're being loyal to their enemies by being disloyal to Allah. So we see that there are three types of people.
There are three types of people three categories.
First, the believers,
believers, that when a person has Iman, then what does it mean? You should help them, support them, unite with them work with them, regardless of their race, regardless of their ethnicity, regardless of their financial status, whoever they are, you should love them for the sake of Allah.
The second group is off the Alladhina Cafaro, those who deny those who reject, but specifically, those who oppose you and hate you. So then what should you do? Offer your other cheek to them? No, you are going to defend yourself from them. You're not going to be deceived by them. Don't be naive in dealing with them. Don't expect that if you do them a favor, they're going to come help you know, they're never going to help you. The third group is off those disbelievers who live in peace with you. They don't oppose you by their words or their actions. So what should you do? Be just with them, which means that you'll be likewise
that you should be good to them also. Because you see unto ballroom or tuxedo Illa you do things are mentioned, you'll be kind and generous to them. And secondly, you'll be fair to them, you'll be fair to them. So if they have shown a favor to you, you should show a favor to them. If they have supported you, you support them. You understand and waging war against such people would be foolish. Because if they have sheltered you not expelled you, and you turn against them, are you doing something wise or foolish? completely foolish, you're disobeying Allah. So be fair to such people return their son. So you see over here, clearly, the three categories are elaborated, right,
especially when it comes to the non Muslims too. There are two distinct groups of people. And you know, our behavior towards them should not be generalized.
We should be careful. And we see the justice of our dean, how just and fair and balanced our dean is that how we are being taught over here to discipline our feelings.
You see, you might dislike someone for their faith. But they have never opposed you in your faith. You might dislike them for their actions, but they have never opposed you concerning your religion, and they're at peace with you. So what should you do, you should be good to them also. It is wrong.
It is wrong, that we think we can do harm to non Muslims just because they are non Muslim, that we can cheat them and we can lie to them. And we can put their lives in danger and harm their property just because of the fact that they are careful. This is wrong. It goes against the spirit of the Quran. It goes against the teachings that Our Lord has given us.
I remember a person that was telling some stories about how these Muslim kids they went to the States in order to study and they were really, they just hated non Muslims. Basically, they were studying their their parents had sent them to study but they hated non Muslims. But because they couldn't really do or say anything. One of them he used to work at Baskin Robbins.
And he would say that, you know, today, I spat in the servings of these many people. I mean, that's gross. And he will say that so proudly.
He will say that as I'm serving them, you know, as I turn around to do whatever, I just fit into it, because I hate these people. They're this and they're this and they're this and they're This is horrible.
This is horrible. Here you are living in a country.
Right benefiting from their education. Yes, you're paying for it. But you've been employed and you're being treated respectfully. You've been given your rights and this is how you deal with others.
Yeah, yeah. Many times it happens that you know, normal some neighbors, right. You have something that you could share with them. A kind word, a greeting, you know, something, but no, no. GFI, GFI, GFI right. wishy washy. And I think they're this and I think they're that. I mean, Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that if they are at peace with you, I mean, yes, I understand someone, you know, they treat you bad because of your faith, then you can ignore them. But if someone is living
at peace with you for the past 10 years and they have never harmed you in fact many times they bring your garbage can from the street right and they bring it to your driveway many times they do this favor to you what should you do? return the favor. You must do that for the sake of Allah let's listen to the recitation of these verses are the qanat Latin has no
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to move on.