Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P26 269C Tafsir Al-Zariyaat 15-23
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The speakers discuss the importance of giving gifts and finding one's strength and weaknesses in life. They touch on the concept of the Hedgehog and the Hedgehog's use of the word "has" to describe wealth and property. The speakers emphasize the importance of staying true to Islam and finding ways to connect with one's body and oneself. They also touch on the topic of "uns formal" and how it relates to one's body and personality.
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On the other hand, Allah says in the loop de cana, indeed the muda cane, the people who lived with the Aqua, they will be feed Jannette in in gardens. What will Yunnan and springs Jannette Flora love Jana literally a garden, room floor left rain, a source of water and the word rain is also used for our eyes. Why?
Because water comes out of there too. Alright. So, in water cleaner fija natten What will you own those who live with taqwa, on the day of judgment in the Hereafter, they will be amidst gardens and springs springs of different types. If he Bina ones who will take who will receive ones who will accept plural of the word acid, who is actually the one who are the one who takes what do you take,
when something is given to you. So if he Bina they will be taking, accepting, receiving, what will they receive matter home, whatever he will give them, who will give them or boom their Lord, whatever their Lord will give them, they will take it, they will accept it. Notice how the word Fe viene is used.
And ma da hombre boom.
Here what we see is that the month again, those who observe the core and out of Taqwa they did ama they did something.
In this world, they were army lien. So on the Day of Judgment, they will be Fe been
in this world, they worked. So tomorrow they shall receive, they shall receive what their Lord will give them and they will take what ever their Lord will give them how, happily with gratitude. Because you see, sometimes somebody gives us a gift, but we don't take it happily.
Or out of pretense we say, or you don't have to. There's
there was no need for this. And please don't say such statements. Right? If somebody gives you something, take it happily. somebody's giving you something, don't refuse it. It's hurtful. Alright. And this is all pretense, pretense, Oh, you don't have to really, you know, it was unnecessary, really, my entire effort of going firstly thinking about what to get you and then going and getting it and then my bringing it to you, it was unnecessary.
It's not fair. So we see the quality of the people of Jannah heavin. Whatever their Lord will give them, they will take it, they will accept it happily, gracefully.
And why will they take whatever their Lord will give them because whatever their Lord Gibbs is worth taking. Anything that comes from Allah is worth taking. Now, of course, this is Jana. Alright, so in Jana, everything is good. But just to extend this concept, anything that comes to us from Allah, remember, it's worth taking, whatever it is, whether it comes in the form of hardship, or it comes in the form of ease, it comes in the form of something apparently very beautiful, or something that appears to be very insignificant. What comes from Allah is worth taking.
I remember once my mother, she was giving something to some of the students, right, they had done something amazing. So she was giving them some, you know, in class, she was recognized their efforts and giving them so one of the students she felt shy, and for some reason, she said it was not necessary, that gift should be given. And sometimes we do these things, you know, we say things like we did this for Allah, I'm never going to accept it. In our heart, perhaps we want it. But you know, on the apparent we're saying we don't need it.
And then my mother, she said that,
you know, if somebody is giving you something, you should take it. And she said that her teacher would say that if your teacher gives you even a stick, it's worth taking. If your teacher gives you even a stick, it's worth taking. Because don't look at the stick. Look at the fact that it's coming from WHO? From your teacher. Right? So some people they view, things that come to them in their lives as gifts from who from Allah. This is something that my Lord has sent my way. So whatever it is Alhamdulillah why because who sent it? Who sent it? Allah did and if it's coming from ALLAH, whether it appears to be easy or difficult, it's good for me because it's coming from WHO? Allah
That's it. That's enough of a reason for me to take it happily and
And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that amazing is the case of the believer. Right? What's amazing that whatever happens to him, it's good for him. If there's something that a blessing is a gift that he receives, he is grateful and his gratitude is good for him. And if there's some hardship, he is patient and his patience is good for him. Alright. Jebin it's amazing, amazing as the case of the believer, right? And this is why we see that, you know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam loved rain.
Right? Even our basketball de la one who also loved rain. It is said that even our basketball, Dylan Warren, who, at one occasion, you know, it was raining and he asked his servant to take out his clothes for him, you know, fresh clothes so that he could change them. And of course, you would need to change them when your clothes are wet or something. So basically, he went out in the rain got wet, right? And then he was going to change. So why did he go out in the rain to get wet? I mean, yes, children do that they like to play in the rain. These days. They don't for some reason, but an adult. Can you imagine an adult?
Why? Because this rain has just come from who from up above? Right? This has been sent by who? By Allah. What unzila Amina sama Eman, mobile rockin a you Bernie Sam, Allah subhanaw taala sent down a rain of locusts that were of gold, gold locusts. All right, so a YouTuber listener, he took off his shawl right away, he spread it out. And he started collecting all those golf locusts, he started collecting them gathering them.
And Allah subhanaw taala asked him that have I not made you free of need, meaning you went through such a long trial. Alright, so have I not made you free of need of all of these things. And a YouTube URL as Sam said that whatever comes from you or Allah, I take it, whatever it is.
So he Lena, man Tahoma boom, we have to develop this in our lives also in this world, also, that whatever comes to us from Allah Alhamdulillah
Alhamdulillah. And remember that Allah subhanaw taala says that I am as my servant thinks I am. So no matter what happens, I think this game by who's in Allah even. And if he allowed it, that means it's good for me. So I welcome it. I accept it. And you know what, when you approach difficulties in life with this attitude, then there's really no regrets. Because even the most painful situations will bring you the best gifts. They will bring you the best strengths.
This is true. You know, Tony Robbins, right. You're familiar with him? We heard his name.
Who is he?
He's a life coach. Right? Tony Robbins, right? That's his name. Is it? You're looking at me as if you've never heard of this guy? Okay, guys, he's not an actor. All right, I get it. He's not an actor. And he's not a sports, man. Right? He's a life coach. He talks about, you know, basically practical psychology. All right, healing and finding your best strengths and whatnot. So there's this new documentary about him, basically a six day seminar that he conducts, and the whole thing is filmed. And in that, you know, there's different types of people, you know, people who've gone through so much in their lives, and, you know, they're suicidal, some of them. Some people are
filled with anger, some people are filled with pain, different bandages. And if you think about it, all of us are like that. But a theme that I saw consistently is that no matter what a person had gone through, what he would tell them is that this is what has made you a good person today. Right? Your strength has come from what, from the difficulties that you have experienced.
If you didn't go through those trials, you wouldn't be what you are today, you wouldn't have the drive that you have today.
You wouldn't have the motivation and the strength that you have today. And this is true. So when we receive whatever Allah decrees for us,
whatever He decrees for us, whatever he sends our way, we are doing ourselves a huge favor. Right? Because nothing that Allah has decreed is unfair. Nothing at all. Your most difficult trials can be in your favor, if you want them to be in your favor. So Fe Dena, Mata hombre boom. You know, when something goes wrong, we wonder what happened. Why did I do this? Why did this happen to me? Well, you know what? It happened to you for a reason. This was meant to make you stronger.
If this was meant to make you better, so learn from it, take from it. AFI Bina Mata hombre boom. So those who take happily what Allah gives them today will take happily with Allah who will give them tomorrow in the home. Indeed they can. Well, they were Ebola Delica before that before what that is referring to their state in Jannah. They're receiving rewards from Allah in Gemina. Allah says before that they were more sinning. They did their son. They were excellent. They did good.
What your son did they do, Ken who they were, firstly, a de la mina Layli, Maya Joan or Leland, little Mina Layli of the night, meaning a little portion of the night. Maya Jerome mad that the Jerome they sleep, meaning they would sleep very little in the night. Yeah, their own is from her jaw. And her jaw is to sleep by night. It is not that long nap that you take during the day. And you wake up upset that your sleep was constantly disturbed. No, this is not Hydra. Hydra is when you sleep at night. Because the sleep of night cannot be compared to the sleep of day, isn't it? It's completely different. Her job is to sleep at night and the Hedgehog is used for deep sleep heavy
All right. So Kano, Alina Mina Layli manager own the first meaning of this idea is that they used to sleep
level in the night.
Why? Because part of their night was spent awake. Why were they awake?
Eating watching movies. eating popcorn. Yeah. Can Oh Polly La Mina Layli Mayor Jerry goon, spending their night worshiping Allah making time for themselves to talk to Allah when in the night Kano kalila Mina Layli made your own.
Another meaning of this ayah is man over here may add your own math is understood as not.
Right? It's understood as not. So, Kano, Alina Mina Layli may have your own, meaning they didn't sleep very little. It's the exact opposite meaning
they didn't sleep very little.
In the night.
What does it mean? This slept for most of the night.
Notice it's not all it is most, which means that a small part of the night they spent awake. So the first interpretation is what a very long part of the night they would spend awake. The second meeting is that a very small portion of the night, they would spend awake,
you understand? So Ken will kalila Mina Layli Maya Gerawan. Matt as in that the second meaning is Matt as a not and not here is negating kalila. Right? They didn't sleep very little. They slept most of the night. Meaning they weren't like, because when we think about people who do air sun or people who do good, we think it's an impossible level that I can never attain. Right? It's the Height of Perfection, which I can never reach. There's no way but this description, what does it teach us? It's doable. It's practical. A third of the night is not all of the night. 10 minutes before budget is not all of the night it's possible. Right? The 10 minutes before Fajr or 15 minutes before Fajr
we can wake up and spend at least a few moments worshiping Allah will build us hurry. And in the hours before dawn us how is the plural of the word Sahel and Sahara is last part of the night hours before daybreak will us hurry home homea stuffy room they would seek forgiveness.
This is what they did in their nights. Especially at the end of the night. Before the morning came. They would spend seeking forgiveness from Allah panel data. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah subhanaw taala waits when the third of the night is over, when 1/3 of the first part of the night is over, he descends to the lowest heaven and says is there any sub applicator? Is there anyone who wants forgiveness? Is there anyone who wants to repent? Is there anyone who wants something who has any drop and he can
keeps asking until the morning comes in. In another Hadith we learned there is an hour during the night, during the night, in which no Muslim will ask Allah for good in this world and the next except that ALLAH who will give it to him.
There is an hour in the night. And notice it's not set in Ramadan only. What is it? Night? Any night?
That a person asks Allah for something in dunya or something in the hereafter except that Allah will give it to him. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this applies to every night. We learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that the closest that the Lord is to a worshiper is during the last part of the night. This is when you will find Allah nearest. So if you are able to be of those who remember Allah in that our than do so.
Will be us hurry home. Yes, Delphi, Rouen, Wolfie and Wiley him and in their properties, and while plural of Mal, whatever wealth they possess, whatever property they own, Allah says there is often a right abortion, for who Alyssa ill, for the petitioner, will my room and the deprived? Who was sat in silence someone who does soil who asks, who begs, who asks you for a favor, and my home from huduma huduma to deprive my home, someone who's deprived someone who's incurred some loss.
So we're fee I'm wiling him, how can in their wealth is a right? Meaning some people have a right over their wealth. This is how they deal with their wealth, who has a right over their wealth? Who the cycle and the mushroom? Meaning they don't just spend on themselves.
They don't just spend on themselves, they also spend on who, those who ask them and those who are deprived. And in their state of deprivation, they will not even ask.
Right? Because there's some people who will ask for help. And then there are others who will not ask for help. You see the word Hacohen is very interesting. When we look at our things, our money, how do we view it, I have a right over this, right? I can use it, I can spend it however I want. Because it's mine. Allah says, in their money in their wealth, the cycle and the maroon has a help. Meaning they don't just keep their money for themselves. They keep their money, they keep their things as if they have a right over it. And the needy also have a right over it.
So they don't use 100% of their money for themselves only rather than spend on others too. And this is something that we all need to think about. Because sometimes we think yeah, I gave the cat, right? And yes, the cat is the hawk of the needy. Definitely it is. But it doesn't stop at the cat. It doesn't stop there. There are some other co also. And you see how can Wi Fi and while you can Alyssa 11 My room, this is their lifestyle, an overview of their life has been given. So it's not that once a year, they gives a cut. And then for the rest of the year there forgot about the needy and the poor. No, regularly, just as regularly we spend on ourselves, they spent regularly on the
needy also.
And this is something that we need to develop a habit of and it doesn't cost a lot. I mean, if you think about it, don't we regularly go buy food for ourselves? Do we?
do or you don't? Right? We do, right? We go buy food for ourselves on a regular basis. Whether you you know as a mother, you go for groceries or let's say you go to buy your lunch at school, right or at work, whatever it is, in whatever way you buy a food for yourself.
But should all of our money go into just spending on ourselves? Can we now dedicate a small portion may be at least a little bit on a consistent basis for those who are in need.
We don't have to wait for a food drive to feed those who are hungry. Correct? Because those who are hungry will be hungry whether there is a food drive where there is no food drive. So Wi Fi I'm wiling in Hong Kong. Alyssa Ely well my room. So here are the qualities of the Marcin are mentioned what qualities are mentioned. Who are the marks any look at the verses and tell me the first qualities what?
Yes, praying in the night.
Either a lot or a little but there's something
Secondly, seeking forgiveness, especially at the time of Sahara.
And thirdly, spending on the needy, wha fill early and in the earth, there are a ton. There are signs for who little more conine for those who are certain for those who have yet been more pain is someone who has yet been in the earth are signs. Signs that prove the existence the oneness, the power of Allah. Signs that proof, the coming of the resurrection will fill all the atoms but these ayat will benefit only who those who have your clean, Wi Fi unfussy come and in yourselves also. Meaning there are signs all around you and within you. I found out too soon. Do you then not see? Don't you see the signs? What are the signs in the earth around us in sort of the rod I have for
Allah's pounds artist says we'll have the guitar on muda Jaya will often in the earth or portions of land that are neighboring, meaning their neighboring one next to the other. But each is different. All right, different in color, different in terms of how the soil is different in terms of what's growing on it.
What your natten mean, or Navin was around one of Heelan and gardens orchards, of grape vines and dead palms. And these are Aslan one woolly Rosaleen one and trees that are of one stem or multiple stems.
So, so many sides, in so many ways, were filled out the idea to lean Moroccan in and not just in the earth but with the unfussy come in yourselves also, in yourselves, what kind of science firstly in your bodies,
in your body's how in the way they develop, and how they grow
in their composition.
Right and how they function.
The different aspects of our bodies are different senses, our hearing our seeing our touch our brain, it's amazing. Wi Fi and fussy, calm so many sides. So much is going on so quickly. But it's difficult to even comprehend,
isn't it, it's so difficult to understand how the brain works, and how the whole body works. So well he unphysical in your own bodies, there are signs your physical bodies. Then Wolfie unfussy calm also means in yourselves as in in your lives. And each and every one of us experiences amazing events in our lives by amazing I don't mean like something you know, that you see on TV happens. But something amazing, that's amazing for you could be a small thing, even you need something, you're thinking about something, you step out and you find it right away. You're thinking about someone and you see them the next day, right? You have a wish and it comes through right away, you make a draw
and it happens. You are in need of something and you get it. You want something to go away and it's gone. So these events that happen in our lives, what are they I Earth, signs and signs remember they point towards something. So these events, incidents that are happening in our lives, they're not happening at random. Therefore reason there are no accidents in life. Remember that no coincidences, everything is planned. And everything is meant to lead us to our Lord, direct our attention to who? Allah subhanaw taala then we're fee unphysical. Another meaning is that in yourselves meaning in you or people that how you differ in terms of your color, you differ in terms of the languages that you
speak the variation of your colors and forms will be unphysical one is short and other install. Each person has a different unique physique, Wi Fi unfussy calm AlFalah Taapsee rune Will you not see? Do you not see signs or proves that should tell you that Allah is your Lord, and you must surrender to Him. But Tada. He said that whoever contemplates on his creation, meaning on his body, will come to realize that he was created for the worship of Allah,
even your physical body. How and why? Because if you think about it, our body was made in such a way that we can perform worship.
We can perform such
we can perform little cooler, we can perform Salah we can recite Quran, we can do VIXX compare your body with the body of some other creatures, some other animal
can that animal do Sagitta the way you can
I mean, if you think about it, monkey very close, but can it? No, it's not the same. Can it recite the Quran? Animals? They have beautiful voices beautiful sounds that they make, but can they read Quran? No, they cannot. If we reflect on our bodies, they're created in such a way that they proved to us that we were created for the worship of Allah. We're fee unfussy come AlFalah tipsy Rune wharfage sama II and in the sky is the disco comb your provision, meaning your provision comes from where? From the sky how
in the form of rain in the form of sunlight, right and as a result, things grow and then we have stuff to eat what is summer it is Wukong
another way that we can understand this is that our provision whatever we're going to use and consume in our lives isn't recorded somewhere where is it recorded in the low hun muffles and where is that the Preserved Tablet is where up there somewhere up above us. So what is summer it is Skookum in the sky is your provision see it again this is been mentioned one man two I dune and whatever that you are promised,
whatever is it that you are promised. What does it mean by this? Firstly, we can understand this as the opposite of risk. Meaning, the deprivation of risk.
We get risk we get provision. When it comes down from the sky in the form of rain in the form of water. We get deprived of it how when rain is withheld
when there's drought and what happens I mean even in this century, in this day and age if there is drought somewhere life is impossible
isn't it people relocate
it's not possible to continue with businesses and whatnot because lack of water means things will be very very expensive it's not affordable anymore. So with this summer it is Oklahoma to are doing that which you are warned as in punishment consequences of your sins as in deprivation of risk. That is also from their math to our dune meaning what you are warned off what you were punished. Basically whatever you are warned off that is also recorded where in the lower levels all decrees are written up there. Good or bad. What's the meaning? You don't control it?
It's where for some it's beyond your reach. Allah controls it. He decides whether you get something or you don't get something for a while rob this summer II for so well. By Robbie summer II, the Lord of the sky will only and the earth by the Lord of the sky and be Earth. Allah is taking an oath by himself in the hula hoop can indeed it is truth, what is truth? Whatever you have been promised over here regarding the hereafter, it is real. It is true. How true Mithila similar to mad that under come you dump the comb you speak. Meaning just as you're speaking is real, is a fact. Just like that the coming of the Hereafter is real. It's a fact there is no doubt about it.
Myth lemma under Content the cone, can we deny someone speech? I mean, someone's talking in front of us. Can we say no? No, they're not talking? No, we can't say that. Because they're talking they're talking. And just like that is a fact the coming of the Hereafter is also a fact an undeniable reality. We listen to the recitation of these
boom in whom can oh
come see me Gan Oh Polly La Mina Layli. Maya Zhao
will be us hiring me as don't feel
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moodini any green Wi Fi
to go zero
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