Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P25 256C Tafsir Al-Zukhruf 66-73
![Taimiyyah Zubair](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/taimiyyah-zubair-150x150.jpg)
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The speakers discuss the meaning behind "IT" and how it can turn into enemies. They stress the importance of avoiding friendships that lead to disaster and bringing in friends for a healthy social life. The speakers also emphasize the need to stay close together and avoid harming others, and to be aware of one's friend's decisions to avoid wasting time and effort. They also touch on the concept of "Grind" and its use in relation to meal prep.
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How are young Toluna? Are they waiting? Are they waiting in the PSA except the hour and TR one that it should come to them both and suddenly, we're home Laya Sharon, while they do not perceive meaning those who are lost in their loom, in their oppression, their injustice against humanity, or the loom of Schick, or the loom of Cofer of denial, do they not know that one day they will die? What brings them the confidence to persist on these ways? Are they waiting for the hour to come upon them? Are they waiting for death to come to them? Until when will they continue in these wrong ways? And Allah Oh, Allah warns us, Allah, Oh, close, best friends, Yo Ma, even that day, bow to whom some of them
li Baba and for others, I do one enemy. When the Hour will come, then what will happen? Best friends will turn into enemies in LaMotta keen, except for those who have Taqwa. Those who live with taqwa, then yes, they will not become enemies to their friends. But those who live without Taqwa. Then what will happen to such best friends on the Day of Judgment, they will turn into the worst enemies. Allahu Allah. Oh is the plural of the word Khaleel and Helene from Holla Holla. Amla and hola is to pierce through, you know, to basically make a hole in something to pierce through it making a hole in it. This is the meaning of the word Kala and it also has other meanings.
Helene is someone whose friendship has, you know, entered into the heart, it's made its way into the heart. You know, just like a bullet goes through a wall, or a door. It's gone in, it's inside. Now. This is how I mean bullet is not really a good example for friendship. But you get what I mean, right? Something going in, you know, it's just, it's settled. So Khalil is someone whose friendship has settled in your heart. You see, we have many acquaintances, many people who we claim to know, many people, when we claim to be friends with somebody asks you how many friends have you got on Facebook? And you're like, you know, what, how many? What's the maximum number that you can have?
Okay, let's say 1500, for example, but really, either actually friends, or they're just random people you saw and you asked them to friend you, and they friended you, and now they're your friends.
Colleen is not any random person whom you call your friend, Helene is someone whose friendship has become a part of your life, meaning you accept them as your friend, it's been yours, or you are miles apart, you're in one country, they're in a different country, but you're still friends, that friendship, it has a place in your heart. It has a place in your heart. And you see, there will be many people in your life. You know, for example, you knew them many years ago, but now you have no idea where they are.
But then there are some other people whom you knew five years ago, or 10 years ago, and you know them today also, maybe you haven't spoken to them for a whole year, but every time you think of them, fond memories, you know, that feeling of joy and happiness, this is clearly you know, best friends.
All right, best friends. BFFs This is Holly. Allah says,
Allah, all those who claim to be BFFs what will happen to them Yoma even that day, bogglingly Maldonado.
They claim to be best friends forever. But will they be friends forever? No, because that friendship will turn into enmity. Why? How could such deep strong friendship turn into enmity? When is it that friends become enemies when when they realize that the person whom they loved or whom they considered to be their friend was not really their friend?
Why? Because they put them in danger. They brought them harm. They ruin their life.
And as a result, they don't view them as a friend anymore. You know, so many times it happens that friends when they're together, they ended up doing lots of foolish things. This is part of growing up this is part of life. And what happens and eventually when you think back and you say yeah, that person you
used to be my friend. But every time now you think of them, you become angry in sight. Because they made you feel like Yeah, you were the cool dude, you were the cool girl. And so that's why you could have a bad tongue and you could be arrogant, you could be rude and have that attitude. And now you look back and you have so many regrets.
Or that you picked up on certain bad habits because of them. And yes, both of you wore necklaces that had BFFs. But now you don't view them as a friend anymore. You view them as an enemy because they affected your grades, which affected your studies which affected your career, which will affect your marriage and which will affect so much more for the rest of your life? So when you think of that person, you don't view them as a friend anymore.
So when is it that friends turn into enemies when they realize that befriending a certain individual was the wrong choice? Why? Because they brought them harm. On the Day of Judgment. All friends will see each other as who enemies.
You see, at the beginning of the lesson, we learned about how the machine one guy, he presented that question to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam about resources. So now, everybody started clapping, everybody started laughing. Friends, you see how one person encouraged everyone to do?
One person
and so many times it happens that we make the wrong choices because of who our friends. So this friendship will turn into enmity.
In London Mata keen, except for those friends who live with taqwa, what is the core, a state of wakefulness, a state of alertness, when you see the dangers, when you see what is harmful, and you don't just see it, but you protect yourself from it. Remember the example of Taqwa that the Sahaba gave
that it's like you're passing through a pathway that is surrounded on both sides of which are thorny bushes. How would you walk, you would gather up your clothes, you'd be careful about every branch, every Thorn that's in your path, isn't it? You will take each step carefully. This is the Aqua. So in LaMotta, again, except for those friends who see right as right and wrong as wrong. And even if their friend tells them this Wrong is Right, or that right is wrong. They say no, wrong is wrong and right is right. How many times it happens with us. That is because our friends say You know what, this is cool. Let's try it.
And we would fall into that mistake out of peer pressure. How often does it happen that, you know, people will try drugs, you know, because their friend encouraged them? I'm not just talking about guys, boys, even girls. Just try it. Give it a try. It's cool. We're being so silly.
It's fun to be silly, right? Just try it once.
This has the effect of friends. Not all friends, but many friends. They make you see wrong as right and right as wrong.
Again, or those who will see wrong as wrong and right is right, even if their friends tell them otherwise. And there will be times when your friends will tell you otherwise. You know, the example of fasting was given that how if all your friends decide they're not fasting because of exams, you might be affected. Also, you might also tell your mom you know what, it's too difficult.
You see, so inland monoterpene. Such fans will not turn into enemies, they will remain BFFs. Who
those with the core.
We don't live consciously. We don't make conscious decisions. Taqwa is what making conscious decisions. Seeing the reality of things as that reality is right. We'll wear something, we'll get something we'll buy something. We'll even study something just because our friends are studying and then after a whole semester, big regrets, not a good idea.
So Allah Who Yama Eden Babu hyung Lee Baldon or do Ellen Mata clean so what does this teach us? What does this ayah teach us that we should leave our friends?
Bring the qua in our friendship. If we really want to be friends, with our friends forever, then what is necessary in our friendship? What ingredient is essential for an everlasting for an eternal friendship? What ingredient is essential Dakwah if there is more than that friendship will last. And if Taqwa is not there, fear of God is not there then that friend
Ship is not going to last. And we see this even in the world, it's not going to last.
Now what happens is that sometimes we think that if we bring taqwa in our friendship, it will damage the friendship. You know, for instance, we see our friend doing something wrong. Or we're doing something wrong, and our friend corrects us, we get offended. I don't think she's really a true friend as she claims she is. Because she's looking for faults in me. And then we become distant, or like, you know what, I get really annoyed by the fact that she's always picking on me. She is trying to correct me. It is our fear of Allah, that she is correcting me. And if she's correcting me, I should be happy that Alhamdulillah a friend of mine is correcting me. So that is what is going to
keep friendship together. And the lack of taco. What does that mean? That friendship is going to finish with time it's going to expire. Hola, hola, yo, ma Aidan Bow Bow homely bow DiNardo inland with the pain. A lot of schools, there was the whole custom of going to prom. And especially for someone that's like, you take pride in being involved in school activities. You're on Student Council or the school newspaper. If you are a leader at school, they'll all be wanting to see you at prom. And they'll be asking why you're not there. I handle at my school, there was an MSA and we got together with other MSCs just the sisters because it's a milestone in our lives and we want to
celebrate yes, we want to celebrate it. Maybe I should have won it. Maybe
I I know there's a lot of parties.
Go ahead. I want to just encourage the sisters to not give in you know, you don't have to have a whole MSA get together you can get together with your other Muslim sisters do celebrate it because it's important. But um, just do it in a way especially because it's during Ramadan. You know, graduation and prom, do it in a way that you won't regret later. And I know some sisters that did attend prom at my high school, like the school prom. And they did end up regretting it, they felt bad and they felt ashamed like afterwards. And that's not something you want to remember leaving high school. You know, you don't want to be ashamed of how you ended it. Yes. That, you know,
throughout those years, you were so careful. And then you ended it with certain things that you shouldn't have done. Did you read that article about that girl in the States about how she was made the prom queen and was some girl
and you know, I saw the picture and I was amazed at mashallah, how nice. They she was wearing her hijab and her dress and everything. I'm not talking about what exactly happened. But the fact that she observed her modest gear, I mean, her hijab and everything so well. was really beautiful.
And again, you know what, what is right? For one person is not right for another, okay? So don't take that as an example. See, she's doing so much Dawa by going to the prom. Let me also go, No, it's a different situation. Okay, what is right for one person is not necessarily right for another. Okay? The reason why I'm bringing her example is because this is also a level of Taqwa that you are observing your dress your hijab, even though the whole world is doing something else.
I remember reading in the article about how she was told about Let's go buy a dress, and she said, No, the girl herself. I mean, this is a teenager, High School grad. She's saying no, there is no point going to buy a dress because it's not going to be appropriate. And she borrowed the Avaya dress from one of her relatives. Because it was very beautiful and it covered her properly. This is also a level of Taqwa because we forget this Dukla at times of weddings, parties celebrations, we forget it.
We don't want to offend certain relatives. We don't want to offend certain friends. And this is why we will do what they want us to do. But we forget that when we're making that decision, it's neither in our best interest nor in theirs. When we bring taqwa in our wedding parties, and in our eat parties, and in all our occasions, that is what is in the best interest of everybody. It's advice which I always apply to myself. When we have friends, either we get influenced or we influenced other people. So when we see if we are getting influenced with the good qualities, and the person is making us closer to Allah suada, that's a good sign of having a good friend. But on the other side,
if we are being influenced by other person, have like bad habits and things like that. That's a warning sign for us that we should step away and we should make Allah will bless with or will have to leave. We have to be proactive over there. You know, sometimes we think I have
to move away from this person, because they're a bad influence, before you do that think, what are you doing to influence them?
What are you doing? Why do you always have to be in the passenger seat? Why can you take the driver's seat? Right? We have to try to do that. If they're influencing us, we have to somehow influence them also.
I mean, hearing all of these things, I was just thinking that another sign of a strong friendship is that they respect your decisions and opinions at the end of the day, no matter how many things they asked you to do, do it when you say that, no, this is what I want to do. And they respect you. That's a really important sign of friendship. So if you see that after they tell you whatever it is, they tell you when you tell them that no, this is my final decision. And they still do not respect that, that I don't think that really is a friendship, you might want to reconsider Exactly. Now, what we learned from this is, is that the basis of friendship or a very important ingredient in our
friendships should be the Aqua. Otherwise, our friendships will be short lived, they will not continue in the hereafter. I see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam five days before his death. Five days before his death, he said, I stand innocent before Allah, that I took any one of you as Helene
for Allah has taken me as his Helene as he took Ibrahim as his colleague. Had I taken any one of my OMA as a Helene, I would have taken Abu Bakr as a holly. What this hadith is teaching us is first of all,
you know, this level of friendship, you know, that level way that we described as best friends forever? You know, like, I'm with this person and whatever this and I love them. And, you know, they're very important to me. This, you know, the highest level of friendship is something that should be reserved for who Allah alone, because even the prophets of Allah who already was salam did not take any human being as a holy. Imagine the friendship that existed between the prophets of Allah as an Abu Bakr, could there be a friendship more beautiful than that? A human friendship. I mean, the prophets analyze him is going for Hitler, the journey of Hitler, and Abu Bakr is asked to
come along. It's the most dangerous journey and Abu Bakr, he cries out of joy, I can go with you, I can go with you.
Imagine the love and the friendship that was there between the Prophet sallallahu Abu Bakr, and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, that if I were to take any person as Holly, it would have been Abu Bakr. But no, Allah is my Hadith. And this is something that should again, remind us that all of our friends, no matter how important they are, to us, more important will always be who? Allah subhanaw taala All right. And among people, of course, there will be friendship, but remember that friendship is at a lower level, the highest level is only for Allah.
And those who do have this friendship with Dakwah, than that is of course, known as friendship for the sake of Allah. Right? Because Dakhla is there, the fear of Allah is there, that alertness is there, that realization is there that Allah is more important. I love you. However, Allah is more important. I'd love to sit in chat However, Allah is more important. So when people do have this friendship, where the Taqwa of Allah is the main ingredient than this friendship is friendship for the sake of Allah. This is a whole Wafula hope villa. And about this, we learned that on the Day of Judgment, Allah who will say, where are those who loved each other, for my sake, from my glory sake
be Jalali.
Because of me because of my grandeur because of my greatness. They loved each other meaning they came together, they work together, they helped each other. They spend time together for whose sake for the sake of Allah, Allah who will say, today, I shall shelter them in my shade. I will give them my shade when there is no other shade, but mine.
Yo Mala Willa loverly. So we have to see that those whom we do love and those whom we describe as our friends, why do we love them?
Why is someone my friend? What makes them my friend? How am I benefiting them and how are they benefiting me?
Are they really helping me draw closer to Allah? Or are they a means of taking me away from Allah making me forget Allah? What kind of friendship is this? Because it's only the friendship of the pain that will be everlasting. Allah says yeah, a birdie. All my servants lay their hands on I lay come look at the address. Yeah, everybody. You are friends for my sake. You were together for my sake. Let's
Come on Eileen Corleone, no fear will there be upon you today? Well, Trump doesn't own nor will you ever grieve now, no fear and no grief. Because you see friendship as for the sake of Allah, let me tell you, there's a lot of fear and a lot of grief. Because when you come together with people for the sake of Allah, for the cause of Allah for the religion of Allah, then you will be tested.
You're working for the deen of Allah, there will be a lot of hope. Just remember the journey of Hijra when Abu Bakr and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam were in the cave. Remember the whole that all came Abu Bakr Radi Allahu anhu, the fear and the husband that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, let that son in the Lucha Marana.
So really, friendship for the sake of Allah, you know, it brings fear, fear, what kind of fear fear for your safety, fear of losing your good reputation? Because together you're working for the sake of Allah? This is why that person matters to you Otherwise, why would they? You know, there are certain people whom we affiliate with, or we don't want to be affiliated with out of fear that you know, if their name will go bad, I will also fall into that I will also be affected. So, you know, I have to be very careful, distance myself away.
Because everybody wants to be on the winning team, isn't it? Everybody wants to be on the winning team. But when it's time to struggle, then people just want to play it safe. So Allah says that yeah, rebel de la Hovind is a commonly on one or uncontested unknown. Who doesn't did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and Abu Bakar Lauren, who did they experience it? Because of the religion of Allah, definitely so much lost, they experienced in the way of Allah, but the state together, what happens is that as friends, when we make friends, in the way of Allah, we experience some kind of Horizon or some hope we think, you know what, it's too difficult. I can't take it anymore. And we
move away we distance ourselves. We're depriving ourselves in this world. We will experience hope and housing in the hereafter in Jana. There is no more grief. Alina Am I know, who are these people? Allah says there are those who believe be a attina in our verses. What can I honestly mean? And they were Muslim, they surrendered to Allah. They had Eman on the inside. And Islam. On the outside. Outwardly also they surrendered. They submitted to Allah together they did it.
And yes, it was a difficult journey, full of hope and housing, but in the Hereafter, no hope and Herzen Allah says, hola, hola. Hola, Jana, they will be told, enter Jannah unto you, was why'd you come and your spouse's or your kinds as wedge clone of Zote Remember, it's used for spouse and it's also used for type kind, meaning together as families you enter or until what as why'd you come you and your friends together entered in now to balloon you will be delighted you will be made truly happy. The bottom half about how hard it is to take on adornment to take on Xena. And how good is also when the signs of happiness are visible on a person. Because, you see, when a person is happy,
the signs of happiness are visible, they look beautiful, just as when a person adorns themselves, they look beautiful. So to burden you will be made truly happy, gladdened such that the traces of that pleasure and happiness will be visible on you. The balloon all of you will be made joyful because in the world for the sake of Allah, they shared many tears.
Together they shared many tears many moments of grief many moments of loss and pain and episodes of fear. But in Jana
Barone intro to seen I have 55 Allah says in the US herbal genital yo Murphy surely in Feki Hoon. Home was wide you will feel the LAL in idle AHA icky mood tech on so they will have no fear nor any grief you will travel it will be circulated throughout welfare to go in circles. It will be circulated I lay him on them meaning among them basically half in plates, platters mean they have been off gold we're acquiring and also vessels meaning of gold. So we haven't acquired them I mean the hub so
Half is the plan of the word cipher. Cipher tune. And cipher is used for a dish or a bowl or a platter. From which at least five people can eat. So it's a platter that can hold at least five servings. So you're talking about not just a plate but a big one. Right? So say half of gold now what is on that say half what kind of food is being served on those the half
that's not described, because even if it's described we won't get it
meaning we won't understand it. May Allah give us you'll talk for I lay him basically half in min there had been a co op acquire was deployed of the word coop and code is used for a wide mouth drinking vessel. You see, sometimes certain cups are such that you're drinking farm but you really have to lift it high. And it's so awkward. Or sometimes a bowl you know some bolts are so wide that it looks weird that you're drinking from it. Curb is a cup that is for drinking, it doesn't have a handle and it's wide mouthed. So basically you can drink from any site that you want.
So these acquire will also be of gold earlier in the Surah we learned about the Zohar of the dunya that how it doesn't have any worth near Allah and Allah would give so much to those who deny even because it doesn't have any worth near Allah. But the real real Xena is of Jana real luxury and pleasure is of Jana. Allah says we're fee her mad dash the heel unforced and in it will be whatever the souls desire this the he is the HA Yes, the heat desire, unforced plural of naps, meaning whatever, any maps desires, they'll get it. And what happened in this world every Knox has a different desire, isn't it? But everyone has to compromise. You know, for instance, you don't like
corn. But somebody else in your family loves corn. So your mom has to cook something with corn in it. You don't like it, you're compromising. You love spicy food. Somebody else in the family does not like spicy food at all. So one day your mom cooks spicy food, you enjoy it, somebody else doesn't. And another day she makes bland food. You don't enjoy it. Somebody else does. This is the reality of this world isn't it? I remember reading somewhere once. It was an art piece for the kitchen. I'm really bad at remembering quote. So please forgive me I'm gonna butcher it. But the message was something like you wanted something else. This is not a restaurant.
This is not a restaurant, it's a kitchen. Because what happens is that when you come to the dinner table, everybody has a different desire different wish, isn't it? Why did you put the dressing in the salad? Why are there nuts in the salad? Why is it like this and why is it like that everybody has a problem in Jannah is when wishes will be fulfilled. What he has managed to hear and first What level are you in? Tell us do lamb Val Val let the dad is pleasure. Are you I mean what will please the eyes because sometimes certain foods could be super delicious. And they could be super foods. But when you look at it just doesn't look pleasing. But in general, there is pleasure at every
single level. From the look of it from its appearance to its test to its aftermath, every level there is only pleasure. Well uncomfy her Holly dune and doom and you
well Anton fie her Holly dune you will abide in it eternally. You look at it. It's not bad to you. Who the MATA clean. May Allah grant us taqwa? What uncomfy ha Holly don't you will abide in it eternally. Because what happens in this world, no matter what you start enjoying. It expires there is an end to it. in Jannah is where the party doesn't stop. It just does not stop the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said that the utensils of the people of Jannah will be of gold. The utensils they use will be of gold. Even their combs will be of gold and silver. Insert firstly that I owe 31. Allah says well a comfy hermitage that he and for sukham whether comfy her met at their
own, every kind of wish, every kind of desire, every kind of indulgence in total in Chicago. I have 25 Lahoma edge Chromolaena Mamnoon for them as a reward that's uninterrupted one to be Holly
Don't interrupt sada 54 In a hurdler is gonna Mala Humann Nefab I'll talk later on magic booth incertitude I have 108 It's a stall that is uninterrupted. What typical Jana and this is Jana allottee which refers to Moo ha You have been made to inherit it. Bheema quantum come along because of what you used to do. This is what the people of Jana will be told when they will enter Jana, this is Jana, what you have been given why? Because of what you did look comfy her for you in it are faqih Hutton. cathedra. much fruit abundant fruit abundant as an in quantity, as well as in variety, Manhattan color from which you will eat. You see, because sometimes, there could be a lot of good
food but it's just for looking. Alright, just for looking. Why? Because there's one ingredient that's not halal. Or there's something in it that bothers you that doesn't suit your health. It's very good to look at, but you can't eat it. Or there's food there. You see it. You can't eat it because you're full.
I mean, how many times does it happen we see good food but we're not able to eat it. We see pictures of it, we see videos of it. We see reviews of it and we can just look we can actually eat Allah says Manhattan Kowloon you won't just look at it you eat it let's listen to the recitation of these verses
home don't feel
lonely down
13 Yeah, the last hole so gnarly.
will be
mostly me or the whole origin
two more as we talk about hone your ball Florida.
Basically half
of you
will feel
the heat he
falls what? Our noon we're
What you can imagine Atleti already do more. be magical. Toon
lagoon fina King