Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P25 251B Tafsir Al-Shura 1-9

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the importance of understanding and embracing differences among people when calling on behalf of others. They stress the significance of avoiding confusion and criticizing one's opinion, as well as the significance of "immediate" in the title of the book. They also touch on the history of Islam, including its rise in India and the United States, and the importance of forgiveness and mercy in achieving health and wealth. The message is for everyone to be aware of the Quran and to change one's life to improve their lives, and to deliver the message of the Quran to people in a language that they can understand.

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			So what the shooter
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			so that the shooter
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			not sure at all. Okay, many people may confuse the two names, as sure are our bullets hamdulillah
we've studied that sword already. This is a shoot off. What does shoot Amin? Consultation, mutual
consultation, so that the shoulder is a murky surah and it belongs to the group of the how I mean
sutras that begin with the hook Nakata Tamim and the main theme of one I mean is Dawa it Allah
calling people to Allah and interrupt facilite we learned that the best speech is of the one who
calls to Allah, woman accent or colon Mandara it Allah. And when a person does that he calls people
to Allah then he faces various forms of hardship off them is loneliness. And we learned that in the
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			medina cholera, Boone, Allah Mr. Como, then such people are not lonely, right? When a person has is
still calmer when a person tries to be fun than Allah gives him firmness. And Allah replaces what
the servant lost with what is much better than Allah and Allah calling people to Allah also brings
differences in a differences between people, that is also a form of hardship, that when people
cannot agree upon one matter,
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			and this happens amongst people who are working together. So we see for example, in the time of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, at one occasion when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked the
people that an army is coming to fight us, how do we defend ourselves from the city? Or should we go
outside a group of the Muslim said, we should stay here and just defend the city and the other side
that no we should go outside and this is the battle of right. So differences happen amongst the
people who are working together. And these differences you come across, when you do call them to
Allah, you say one thing, and they say something else, you say, God is One this No, God has a child,
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			for example, right. So this surah guides us as to what we should do in times of such differences.
You know, when people have different beliefs, different religions, different opinions, different
ideas, how should you deal with those differences? So how to solve those differences? And then how
to deal with those differences meaning how one should agree to disagree, what is the etiquette?
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			And then, with all the differences that exist between people, what are those firm truths that we
cannot change that are eternal? What are those eternal truths that we have to live by, no matter how
much people differ concerning them. So let's begin to sudo Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, hammy mine
scene cough Rupa Katara. Gallica. Thus likewise, you he alayka he inspires to you. He has revealed
to you you as an old Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam Gallica, Gallica like that. Like how it's
not mentioned over here, but it's understood that just as Allah revealed to previous prophets, and
he revealed to them books, containing messages after he'd have resurrection of hereafter, thus has
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			Allah revealed to you What 11am in public and to those before you meeting the prophets who came
before you, and who is it that has revealed this message, Allah Aziz the Exalted in Might, Al Hakim,
the most wise, Allah is the One who has revealed this Quran to you. And Allah is the One who
revealed scriptures to the prophets before you also containing the same message, the same eternal
truths. And who is Allah, He is Allah Xizor Hakeem, be exalted in mind before whom everyone is
powerless, and Al Hakim, the one who decrees with perfection, and the one in whose decisions is
perfection, meaning his decisions are most perfect, most wise, for he places everything where it
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			belongs, as it should be. What do we learn in this ayah that revelation is not something that began
with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam where he is not something new. It was sent to the previous
prophets also in Surah Nisa i 163. We learn in now Hanaa ileka, Ghana, Ohana Illa knew when one of
the human body we have sent revelation to you, just as we send revelation to newer and the prophets
that came after him
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			And the one who has revealed it is the one who is with there is meaning the Lord of all might, the
one who is deserving of all honor, and the one who does things with hikmah. So, no objection or
criticism at the words of Allah holds any ground. Because the Quran is from who Allah resists. And
Hakeem people can deny all the one object all they want, criticize all they want, but all that
criticism, has no basis it has no ground. Because the Quran is from Allah Aziz. And Hakeem, who is
he, LA who do him meaning To Him belongs maphis somehow wacky woman fill up, whatever that is in the
skies, and whatever that is in the earth. The owner of all Wahoo and he is Ally Lee, the most high
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			allow leave the Most Great, He is the Most High in his position, in his status, He is above all
creation, and He is allowing him the most great, so none is greater than Him. He is the greatest,
just as it is said was the article to say you will somehow it will, his kursi it encompasses the
skies and the earth. And we learned that Allah's is above the creation. So this book is from him. So
trust His words, trust his orders, Intro to jatiya 37 Allah says, well, a whole Kibriya fish somehow
it will all To Him belongs all greatness were in the skies and in the earth. Well, when I was Ezel,
Hakeem, he is the Mighty, the most wise, how great is Allah so great, he is that the cat who somehow
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			were to the caribou, it is near, it would almost be that a summer wall to the skies, the skies,
almost yet of fauna, they would break asunder.
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			The skies would almost break asunder.
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			Yet thomna Minh, Fawlty Hiner, from above them, the word yet of our founder is from de facto foul
rah and Fatah it means to break something right to split or to tear it apart, right felted from the
same root as creation creator fabulous sama Allah to Allah the Creator of the heavens and the earth.
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			Likewise, you see the word photonic gives the meaning of breaking splitting
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			from the same root is
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			breaking your fast also, if Bob right if thought breaking your fast, okay. So far better to to break
to split to tear apart, it gives that meaning, but the form the factor from which is yet a factor,
the factor as opposed to factor, the factor denotes frequency, it denotes repetition muchness.
Alright, and application to many subjects. So yet, foreigner, men folk beginner, these guys because
there isn't just one sky seven, all of them on would almost shatter split, they would almost break
over and over again, one after the other. Men follow up enough from above them Hiner, meaning the
skies from above the skies, meaning from above one another, each sky torn because of the one above
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			it, meaning they're breaking their shattering, beginning from above, from the highest sky, all the
way down. Why? Because of what is above them, and that is the Throne of Allah. The closer they are
to Allah, the more afraid the skies are. And out of that fear, they will just break apart, starting
from the highest menfolk in to the lowest. This is similar to how when Allah cast his light, just a
little bit of it on the mountain at Masada Sam's request. What happened to the mountain? What
happened to it? It shattered fella Mirtha JELA Rabu lil jubbly. Gianna, who? The
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			it shattered. So the skies are in so much all of Allah, that they would almost rupture. They would
almost break apart one after the other. And I want you to think about just the sky that is above us,
how massive it is, and what all is contained within it. And we know that within the space, even
though there isn't anything, you know, physical that we see holding
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			While the planets and the stars together, we know there's lots of forces up there, that is keeping
everything in its place. Right? That is keeping everything on its orbit, so that one would not
collide with the other one would not crash into the other. And if it wasn't for this, you know,
forces that Allah has created, what would happen to the skies, what would happen to everything that
is within the sky, it would be a disaster, they would cease to exist. So imagine how massive the sky
is that we see. And this is the lowest sky, the lowest heaven. In fact, scholars say that all of the
space that we know of, right, that all is somewhat of duniya. So the space as we know it, with all
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			of its vastness and magnitude, the light years that we cannot even comprehend. You know, it takes a
few minutes to comprehend how big a lightyear is, and what that means, like yours actually distance,
and how many 1000s and billions of light years it would take for us to travel from Earth to a
certain point in this universe. So this entire universe that we know of that we have discovered, or
that we think is out there, this is all just the first sky summit dunya because Allah subhanaw taala
says that if you want, if you can, then try to escape the sky, but you will never be able to. So our
maximum reach is within what the summer of dunya and above it or six more.
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			And what is up there, only Allah knows, but all of them would just shatter. Why? Out of fear of
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			Also, they would shatter because of the sins of mankind into the medium i A 90 We learned that the
care do similar work to yet thomna Minho, what then shocked what the Hilde ballew has undoubtedly
more money well other than when people say
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			God has a son, this statement is so serious, that the skies would almost rupture because of that
they will almost break apart because of that. What would happen to the earth and and what would
happen to the mountains then because of the sins of mankind? This would happen that the Katha summer
were to yet have upon them in folding in one Mala eager to and the angels What are they doing? You
saw behind the behind the lobby him they're constantly engaged in the Spear of their Lord, and that
the spear that glorification is behind it is with praise. So this is Subhan Allah he will be handy
he and its various forms which is you could say the sustenance of the angels. That is how they live.
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			They glorify and praise Allah. Because at one point the prophets Allah Lawson was asked about a
certain time when the believers will be in extreme difficulty that how will they survive? And he
said, with the same that the angel survive off, meaning if they're trapped, if the believers are
trapped, where are they going to eat from what are they going to eat? How will they live, and the
Prophet sallallahu sallam said the same sustenance that the angels have and that is the vicar of
Allah. That is the spear that is hummed. So while Mala HCA to you sir behind behind the rubbing him
just as we spend our time eating, or making money so that we can buy food, we think about our entire
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			life is about what feeding ourselves
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			isn't it? We go to school so that we can go to university, we can get a particular degree and a
certification so that we can get a particular job so that we can have enough money.
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			So that we can
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			so that we can eat, right? Yes, it's not just food, but also other needs. But if you think about it
in a month, right? Besides your rent, right, your accommodation? Where does the bulk of your money
go? Food, isn't it? Mainly it's the food. So just as we spend our lives chasing food, preparing food
and eating it,
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			the angels what do they do?
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			The spear
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			that is what they live for. While Mala Iike to you, sir be who's gonna be handy robbing him,
constantly engaged in the glorification of Allah. Why? Because Allah is most worthy of it, that even
if a person would spend his entire life in the worship of Allah, He would know that that this is not
enough on the Day of Judgment, when the scales will be set up in order to weigh the deeds of
mankind. such huge scales on which even the skies and the earth could be placed. The angels will ask
that Oh Allah, what will be weighed in the scales.
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			The meaning these are so huge what will be weighed in the scales? And Allah subhanaw taala will say
that whatever I wish and the angels will say Subhana QCCA ma I bet the NACA haka Riba, the DECA, All
glory be to you, we have not worshipped you the way you deserve to be worshipped. Well Mullah Iike
to you, sir be gonna be hamdulillah being the angels existed before otherwise Cena was created,
isn't it? So?
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			Imagine from that time until the end, constantly worshiping glorifying Allah. And on the Day of
Judgment, they will say, we haven't done enough because Allah is worthy of even more and better way
us don't feel alone. And the angels beg for forgiveness. For who Lehmann for the one who meaning for
those who are Phil Albie in the earth. The angels ask Allah, Oh Allah forgive those who are on earth
meaning people.
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			Even though the angels are not our relatives, they're not related to us, in the sense that they're
not our cousins or our grandparents or somehow, somehow that they will benefit from us. No, yes.
Don't feel Runa Lehmann. Phil. Why? Because man has the ability to disobey Allah. And when man
disobeys Allah.
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			It says as if the angels they cannot tolerate it. They see they know how wrong it is. Because Allah
is Allah Ali Allah when the most high the Most Great Allah Aziz al Hakim, and here's this little
person daring to disobey Allah.
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			It's just not correct, until the angels are overcome with fear and they start seeking forgiveness
for those upon Earth, specifically the believers because they recognize the greatness of Allah, they
seek forgiveness for those who have done wrong. Like we learned in the Quran, that the angel safe
fall fair Lilla Dina taboo with terbaru Sabina waka Hemara Double dream. So were stolen Fiona Lehman
fill out. Ella unquestionably, in Allah indeed Allah who Allah food or Rahim, he is the most
forgiving and the Most Merciful, meaning the skies would almost nearly rupture. This whole universe
would be destroyed. And yes, the angels are constantly glorifying and praising Allah, and they're
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			seeking forgiveness for those who sin. But you know why? The sky does not rupture. Why? Because
Allah is a photo Rahim.
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			Because Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. If our sins are listed, if our transgressions are
enumerated, this earth would be ruined.
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			Meaning if we were to go for justice, yes, this earth would be ruined, because we are not deserving
of life. If you think about it, what have we done to earn it? To be worthy of it to say that yes, we
deserve it. Compare the blessings we enjoy with the sins that we commit, do we deserve any of these
blessings? No, not at all.
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			So how is it that man is not just surviving but thriving in this world? How and why? Because Allah
in the Lucha who Allah folder right Rahim. It is Allah who is Forgiving and Merciful. It is
ultimately because of his forgiveness and mercy. That man is surviving. Well Lavina and those who in
the huddle they have taken min Dooney besides Him, only
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			protectors floral of the word Wali, people who have taken the creation as Olia instead of taking a
law as their Wali.
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			They take others as their Olia.
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			And when they take them as their only what do they do they worship them. They seek their closeness
and their approval. Whatever throughout they ask them, Allah says, Allah who have fields on I lay
him. It is actually Allah, Who is her field, who is protector, or lay him on them over them. What
does this mean? Firstly, this means that he is Hatfield over them, meaning he's keeping count of
their deeds. He knows exactly what they're doing. They are made by him living on the earth that he
has created, enjoying the blessings that He has given and then they associate partners with Allah.
These people are not hidden from Allah. He knows what they're doing.
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			He is watching them.
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			He's watching them he's keeping count of their deeds.
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			And this is a threat, Allah who have field on our lay him.
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			Secondly, what this means is that Allah who have fields in our land him, meaning, even though they
worship others besides Allah, who is really protecting them?
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			Who is it? It is actually Allah, Allah is their real protector. And notice the words over here, they
have taken only and Allah is their Hatfield, because who is when he when he is someone who offers
protection and support and who is happy one who really guards and protects. Right? So they associate
partners with Allah, but who is actually protecting them and providing them and guarding them? Who
is Allah? Because even though they worship others, whose servants are they really Allah servants,
who is their real master, it is Allah
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			wama entirely him be working and you are Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are not at all over
these people. IT manager meaning your duty is to deliver in nama antennae, the Allahu Allah Khalifa
in Joaquin surah. Today at 12, your job is to convey and then Allah will deal with them. We see that
sometimes a person commits an act of shake, right? Like for example, they need something, they go to
a grave and they ask the person in the grave, please provide me with this and this, and they get it.
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			They get it. And you'll come across people who will say I got this child because I went to that
grave, or I did this. And you're like, I thought that was schicke. Right? Or you hear stories of
people worshipping someone other than Allah. And then they have all these beautiful stories of
prayer and faith and you know, their prayers being answered, and they're finding so much joy in
their lives and peace in their lives. You wonder what's going on? If they're doing shit, how come
their ship is working? Their ship is not working. The thing is that even though they associate
partners with Allah, Allah is still there, Lord, he is still there, Malik there Razzak. So he still
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			provides them with what they asked for and also what they don't ask for. So in reality, it is Allah
who is Hatfield and Arlene, him. Allah is a guardian over them into the six Wheeler in woman in
depth but infill early Allah and Allah it is for her. There is no creature on the earth, except that
it's this is on who Allah, Allah provides it from the end to the disbelieving. Mushrik even Allah
provides everybody. And what does this tell us about Allah?
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			What does this tell us about Allah?
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			Hmm, his mercy, his hand, his tolerance. You know? Have you heard stories of parents kicking their
children out of their houses? Right, or saying that leave this house, you've got nothing to do with
this anymore? We don't want you and don't you dare step inside this house again, because you have
disobeyed me. You didn't go into the program that I wanted you to go into. So therefore, I don't
know you anymore. It's like a threat. Right? And the son says, Okay, well, I'll leave my girlfriend,
you know, I don't have a place to go to. So I'll just stay here, or I will go to that program. This
is how people are. Somebody doesn't listen to us. We abuse our power, and we say will deprive you of
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			everything until you listen to me.
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			Until you accept me as your boss.
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			And if you don't do that, then you see what I deprive you off. Allah is Hatfield, even over those
who don't acknowledge his existence, who worship others besides Allah. And we know that Schilke is a
very serious offense. Very serious offense. Allah does not like it at all. But still Allah provides
to the machete Cain, Allah who have field on our lay him in solitude I have 57 we learn in the rugby
coalition in Hatfield. Indeed, my Lord is over all things. A guardian woman entirely him be working,
you owe profit Your job is to convey you're not a manager over these people to make sure they don't
do shit. No, your job is to convey and then leave their matter to Allah. You see, anything that is
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			worshipped besides Allah.
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			A person views it as wellI like that, this is my friend. This is my protector. This will help me
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			but in reality is it well, you know, it's actually I do it's enemy. In truth CalFire 50 Allah says
we're it Kunal Mala egotist
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			Juliana Mufasa Jeju Illa Iblees can Amina Jimmy for faster con Omri Robbie shaitan has mentioned
effort that Turkey Luna who will do the Yetta who only Yeah, I mean Dooney wahome la kumara do? Do
you take shaitan as your friend, whereas in reality, he is your enemy?
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			What are you doing? Because anyone who takes you away from Allah is not actually a friend. What are
they in reality and enemy, so they view them as friends. But in reality, there are enemies and who
is really taking care of them. It is hola waka valleca And thus, a Hanaa ileka We have revealed to
you will add in our OB GYN an Arabic Quran or Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, we've given you an
Arabic Quran, meaning Quran that isn't the Arabic language. And this is why a translation can never
be Quran.
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			You understand? A translation can never be Quran, because Quran is what it's the kalam of Allah,
it's the speech of Allah, and it is Arabic.
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			And translation is not even a translation. In reality, it is just interpretation of the meaning of
the Quran in a different language. Because the Quran, it's not possible to translate it.
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			You can convey its meaning in a different language, but you cannot translate it because the words of
the Quran don't just convey or don't just contain messages. All right, but it's the words of the
Quran, which are also a miracle of the Quran.
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			So for example, as Rupa, you can recite the more aware that Allah has called out with a bit of a
follow up and as you read them, right for the purpose of protection, and you have to read those
words. You can't just say the English you say I could see
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			not the audio of it. Okay? Or not another language of it. You have to read the words of the Quran
because Quran is Arabic. So what can I make Oh hyena illegal Quran, Allah begin, we have revealed to
you in Arabic Quran clear, eloquent, so that people may understand Leeton lira so that you may want
a Malcorra the mother of all cities, mother of all cities, which city is that? The city of Makkah.
And why is it called amalco? Terracotta plural of the word Korea, Korea is a place where a
population lives big or small. Okay. It's from Karaca is to gather together assemble. Right So Korea
is, you know, a city. All right, where people are living, and Omar are all the mother of all cities.
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			Makkah, why is Makkah, the mother of all cities, because it is central, not just geographically. But
even otherwise, if you think about it in Arabia, at the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam
people would come from everywhere, all the way to Makkah.
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			Right. There's similar to how if a mother has five children, it's possible that those five kids
hardly communicate with each other because one is in one country, the others in another country, but
then they're always communicating with who?
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			The mom, the mother, right? She's connected with everybody. So Tara, maca, woman, Howler her and
also those who are around it, those who are around the city of Mecca and the circle.
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			You know, it just grows wider and wider, bigger and bigger, until it covers the entire world. The
warning of the Quran the message of the Quran is for who just the people of Africa know, not just
Americans, but all people of Arabia, not just people of Arabia, but all of that continent and not
just our continent, but the entire world. As we learn one that also NACA Illa calf bottlenose we
have sent you to all of mankind. What tunes era so the message of the Quran is for everybody. Why?
What is the message that tunes era you warn? Meaning people about yomo Jamari the day of assembly?
What is the Day of Gathering the day of assembly the day of jammer, Lara Buffy there's no doubt in
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			it, meaning it's certainly coming. It is definitely coming. It's unavoidable. And what is the day of
judgment the Day of Gathering, meaning when everyone shall be present.
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			There are many gatherings where people are required to come. But do they all show up? No. Don't you
see those important meetings on TV and half the seats are empty. Right or somebody's name is there
but the person is not there.
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			happens for different reasons. All people are not able to make it to a certain meeting. One person,
two people three, they're missing. They're not able to make it. But the day of judgment is the day
of assembly. It's the greatest gathering where all creation will be present without exception
loughrea Buffy and have no doubt about the coming of this day it's definitely going to happen and on
this day what's going to happen for you can fill Jana for you can a group fill Jana in Jana Wafaa
Yukon and another group for sorry, in the blaze. That is the day when all people will be assembled.
And then there'll be permanently divided, permanently separated. So the responsibility of the
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			messenger and his people is to warn people of that day when we shall all gather before our Lord into
the welfare I have 49 Allah says fully in Halloween well if he didn't say indeed the first ones
being the first generations and the later generations law much more own. All will be gathered until
the top and I anime yo maya Jim Maruchan Liam will jammer The Day when He will gather you for the
day of assembly into it more salata 38 had a young will firstly Jamar now calm while a willing, this
is the day of decision when we've gathered you and the first people in sort of recap, I have 47
Allah says what has shown now home phenom NUHA, their main home, a Harada, we will gather all of
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			them, and we will not leave out even a single person.
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			This is the day when every person will be present.
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			So then, this is a day about which every person should be warned.
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			Every person should be informed. It's injustice, it's unfair, that a person is not told about the
Day of Judgment, whether they believe or they're disbelieve, what are they prepared, they don't
prepare, that's their responsibility. But as we see that in this I have the prophets responsibility
is to warn and after the Prophet, it's the responsibility of his nation to inform others. And if we
don't tell people about this, this is politeness
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			because sometimes we don't tell people about these things. Because we're being too polite, we're
being too nice. Is this real? niceness? No, this is one, it's injustice. We see in this ayah Allah
says at the beginning, that we revealed an Arabic Quran, why? So that people can understand the
warning, the warning, the message is to be done in a language that people can understand. Allah sent
messengers who spoke the language of the people.
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			Right. And then he sent Scripture also that was in the same language that this book so that the
people could understand the message. So what is necessary, then, that this book must be conveyed to
people in a language that they can understand?
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			The message of the Quran must be delivered to people in a language in an expression that they can
00:33:26 --> 00:33:49
			They should not be deprived of it, just because they cannot understand the Arabic the message of the
Quran should be made accessible to people. And there's two ways to that other you teach everybody
Arabic, which is not going to be possible. Or you conveyed the message of the Quran to people, which
is possible, and it's easy, and it must be done.
00:33:51 --> 00:34:12
			But we just got lost in learning Arabic, and mastering the Arabic language, which was our goal like
10 years ago, and it still is our goal, and perhaps it will be even later. And we forget that
learning Arabic is not a goal. It's a means a means to understand the Quran. And if we're lost in
the Arabic and the grammar.
00:34:13 --> 00:34:16
			And we don't reach the Quran and we've missed the point.
00:34:17 --> 00:34:27
			Because so many people, so many people, they forget about why they're learning Arabic to understand
the Quran, why understand the Quran? Why?
00:34:28 --> 00:34:59
			Just as a mental exercise? If that is the case, then go study something else. Right? Why? Why are we
learning the Quran? To understand its message, to change our lives to improve our lives, and if
we're not doing that, then all of the studying Arabic and grammar and all of that is useless. It's
pointless. Because if a means is not taking you to a goal, and that means was a waste of time. It
was a waste of energy. Well there yeah the villa Wallah
00:35:00 --> 00:35:43
			sha Allah Who And if Allah wanted La Jolla home shortly he could have made them on mutton Wahida one
nation meaning if Allah wanted, he could have made all of mankind upon one religion, how? That just
as the skies and the trees and the birds, they have one religion and what is that our Lord is Allah
and we do what He has decreed for us what he has ordered us to do, right? The same way. People could
have been given one religion. In other words, they could have been deprived of freewill if Allah
wanted, isn't that possible? Is that possible for most parents? It is, if Allah wanted, he could
have done that, that people would be living on this planet without any choice. Just like the trees
00:35:43 --> 00:36:01
			and the birds that just do what they're supposed to. One I can but he has given this choice to
people. So that you the fellow he may admit, May a shot whoever he wants, whoever Allah wants feel
mighty into his mercy
00:36:02 --> 00:36:11
			by giving people free will, what has he done? He has allowed people to make that choice of
00:36:12 --> 00:36:14
			entry into Allah's mercy.
00:36:15 --> 00:36:25
			You see, it's like, there's a beautiful, beautiful palace. All right. And you have the option of
going in.
00:36:26 --> 00:36:33
			Everybody has the option of going in. But we know that everybody will not go in. Some people will go
and some people will choose to stay outside
00:36:34 --> 00:36:41
			those who go in their good fortune and those who refuse and stay outside
00:36:43 --> 00:37:24
			their loss. You understand? So likewise, Allah has given this choice to people so that some because
of of their effort, because of their sincerity with their striving, they are admitted into Allah's
mercy and what is Allah's Mercy here? It's referring to Deen, it's referring to Eman, it's referring
to Jana. Well, Ronnie mon and the wrongdoers meaning those who refuse to come into Allah's mercy,
man at home, they shall not have meanwhile Legion, any friend while asleep nor any helper, no one
can protect them, and no one can help them. Because if you don't enter that palace,
00:37:25 --> 00:37:32
			you're in danger zone. And when you're in danger zone, there is no one who's going to come and
protect you. No one who's going to come and help you.
00:37:33 --> 00:38:26
			Man or woman Mulligan Well honestly, Allah says omit the huddle or have the taken mean Dooney
besides her meaning besides Allah, Olia protectors, what are they doing? They are taking allies
besides Allah seeking their help seeking their protection seeking their approval. The reality is
that for Allah who, so Allah who actually he is the real protector, the real Welly will hula, you
heal Mota, and he is the one who gives life to the dead ones plural of the word my hits, Oahu Isla
Cooney che encoded and he is over all things competent. So the true protector is who? Allah and if a
person does not analogy that I gave you, the person does not enter that palace. Then where is he in
00:38:26 --> 00:38:54
			danger? If he thinks that somebody else is going to come and rescue him and protect him, he's
deceiving himself, he's harming himself. So the fact is that Allah is the One who is the Willie,
What's the proof of that? Who are your heel moto? He gives life to the dead Wahoo Allah, Felicia
encoded and he is over all things competent. So what is the first eternal truth that we learn from
these verses? What is that?
00:38:55 --> 00:38:56
			Who is the real Wali?
00:38:57 --> 00:39:05
			Who is the one deserving of worship always? Allah? Even if people take others as their only
00:39:07 --> 00:39:24
			steal? Who is the real Wali? Allah is? So what do we learn from this? That even if all people or if
majority of people if many people choose to stay outside that palace, please don't stay with them?
Do what is right, not what is common.
00:39:26 --> 00:39:28
			Do what is right, not what everybody is doing?
00:39:30 --> 00:39:36
			Because the truth is that Allah is the real wali the real Hatfield let's listen to the recitation of
these verses.
00:39:38 --> 00:39:39
			This mean
00:39:40 --> 00:39:42
			man you're walking
00:39:54 --> 00:39:54
00:40:00 --> 00:40:09
			all off. Can Ernie Can you see Elan, Elan
00:40:10 --> 00:40:18
			Albany come along Ozzy's hacking low mass is summer
00:40:25 --> 00:40:27
			new Santa our Toyota fell
00:40:32 --> 00:40:34
			while we may Allah
00:40:35 --> 00:40:40
			be Hohner be handy being in Moya still feel worn
00:40:42 --> 00:40:42
00:40:45 --> 00:40:47
			in a long
00:40:49 --> 00:40:52
			walk he was
00:40:53 --> 00:40:53
00:40:55 --> 00:40:58
			dude dually only
00:41:00 --> 00:41:03
			along Hatfield will gnarling
00:41:09 --> 00:41:13
			be wanting what can Nika?
00:41:18 --> 00:41:19
00:41:26 --> 00:41:26
00:41:30 --> 00:41:31
			How old
00:41:35 --> 00:41:47
			are you Betsy 3131 31
00:41:50 --> 00:41:51
			along with John
00:41:54 --> 00:41:55
			he that
00:41:56 --> 00:41:59
			it wouldn't feel me
00:42:02 --> 00:42:05
			meeting Wally Moon
00:42:13 --> 00:42:14
			amigos de Haan
00:42:16 --> 00:42:18
00:42:21 --> 00:42:28
			law one 1d Your while you're in the Moto Hawala colletion
00:42:29 --> 00:42:32