Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P24 246B Tafsir Al-Mumin 23-28
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The transcript discusses various examples of people's authority and their history, including the history of the Bani Israel and its men, the King of India and its successes, and the use of deadly drugs to obtain success. The segment also touches on the history of the Islamist movement, including its use of deadly drugs and the use of deadly drugs to obtain success. The segment also touches on the origins of the attack on Musar L grill and the importance of protecting oneself from hateful threats. The segment also discusses the history of the Prophet sallavi and his protecting Musar's faith, as well as the potential consequences of not believing in religion.
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I in number 23. Now an example from history is given. Right? And this is the example of the people of Musa alayhis salam.
Allah subhanaw taala says what occurred and certainly I will sell now We sent Musa Musa alayhis salam Biya Tina with our signs were so drawn in and an authority that was moving, that was clear. We sent Musa alayhis salam with two things. I Athena was Soltani mobian I act as a plural of Aya, Musa alayhis. Salam was sent equipped with verses, as well as miracles in total Islam is number 101. We learn while Taina Musa this our 18 beginner We gave Musa alayhis, salam, nine clear miracles, nine clear proofs he was sent with. And then in addition to that, so quantum will be in a clear authority. The word Symfon is used in many different ways. It means power, it means authority, it
means proof evidence, Musa Sam was given some time that was morphine. Morphine is that which is clear, meaning too evident. It's just too obvious. It's undeniable. And the word morphine is also used for that, which makes something clear. So morphine is what is clear in itself undeniable. And also it clarifies. So Musa alayhis. Salam was given Soltani movie, what does this mean? He was given such authority, such strength, such power, meaning such courage, that was evident, no ordinary person could address fit our own, the way Musa alayhis salam did. No average person could go in the court of in our own and challenge him. Say something that fit our own, didn't like to hear. No
person could do that. The courage of Musa al Hassan was very evident. The courage of Musa alayhis salam, the Sultan, the power, the strength that he was given. It made his prophethood very clear. Because you see fit. ARLEN was a very, very arrogant man, so arrogant that he had claimed to be God. And he had demanded that people worship him.
Just imagine who could contradict him. And this was a man who was wealthy. This was a man who was extremely powerful. Previously, he had the children of Bani Israel killed. Can you imagine the kind of power he had over his people that if he told him go kill babies, they actually went and did that? I want you to think about the power of frown, who could go and speak to fit our own? No ordinary person could do that. And then challenge him say something to frown the frown did not agree with so So Don and Moby Musa alayhis salaam was really given clear authority, clear courage, and that courage and authority and power, it clarified his truthfulness. Then, so Tom also means proof. So
Musa and Hassan was given clear proofs, meaning such proofs that clarified his truthfulness. And this is referring to the arguments, the evidences that Musar listen, I'm presented in the court of Finneran. And we have read these earlier in various parts of the Quran. So for example, in one Surah in one place, we learn about how Busan isn't and went to fit our own and he told him that he was the Messenger of Allah, and frown asked, Who is this Lord of yours? And Musa alayhis salam, he explained who Allah is in Surah Fatiha, this has mentioned very beautifully each time for our own asked him a question in order to divert the attention of people from the real message Mossad is that I'm had a
response. Right. So this was so fun and movie. Some have said that Sultana mobian refers to the staff in particular the stick of Musar the sandwich turned into a snake. So regardless of what exactly it is, it's evident moosari Saddam was sent equipped with proofs, evidences miracles, strength and courage. And he was sent Isla Farah owner to fit our own, who was fit around the king of ancient Egypt and Iran was his title waha man and also Herman Hillman was the minister, the right hand of fit our own or his advisor, will call rune, who was our own, the Treasurer of our own, and we have learned the story of karoun earlier into the process. Remember that karoun was actually from
the Bani Israel. Right? He was not from the Egyptian people. He was from the Bani Israel. We learned until it costs us is 76 in the Karuna Cana mimco. Me Musa that indeed karoun was from the people of
Musa Elisa meaning from bunny saw eel Fabula I lay him but he turned against them. So he was the treasurer of fit our own for Kalu but they all said when Musa Salam came with a bath with Sultani Moby what was the response of Finn our own and his men? This ad Saharan magician, meaning Musar is same as a magician. Why did they call him a magician because of his miracles? And they said can allow a great liar, not just gathered, but can
you see Kevin, a person who lies but can that someone who's known for lying or someone who says serious lies, big lies, great lies. A big liar, a great liar. Why did they call Him a liar? Because of his message. Musa Allison was sent with a double mission. He was sent to rescue the Bani Israel he was a prophet to the Bani Israel. But he was also sent as a prophet to fit our own and his people. And he presented the most clear proofs, convincing arguments and he showed undeniable miracles. Yet the response from our own and his men was off denial and mockery radio que phala muscle when Jha whom he came to them Bill happy with the truth Minar Indiana from us from who, from
Allah, when he brought the truth to them from Allah, and from us, what does that show this was a divine message. This was from Allah. And Allah calls it Unhak the truth, undeniable, clear truth. What did throne and his men say? Kalu. They said, in their pride, and when they said oak to kill a banana sons, meaning newborns, a banana is a plural of the word even of who Alladhina amanu those who believed Mara who with him, meaning in him in who, in Musar de Sena, any person who has believed in Musa alayhis salam, then kill their sons was that you and you keep alive meaning spare the lives of who? Nisa home of their women. Keep the women alive, and with regards to their sons with regards
to their boys, kill them. Warmer, Allah says warmer and not Kadal caffeine, the plot of the deniers inlife Ebola except in error.
Why is it that frown and his men found him and karoun They said that kill the children. The boys of those who have believed in Musashi salaam
wasn't the something that was done before masayoshi son was born? Yes. This is something that was done before Mussolini's son was born. And that was, some scholars have said an attempt to eliminate the race of Bani Israel. It was basically a genocide. It was an attempt to finish the Bani Israel how by killing their boys because of the boys are killed. Women are alive within a few generations what's going to happen? No man is going to be there so that the lineage of the Bani Israel would continue. So this was an attempt to eradicate Bani Israel. But what happened? Allah subhanaw taala saved the Bani Israel.
However, we see that when Musa alayhis salam came as a prophet fit on our own, he revived this torture, the structure, this persecution that happened years before, over 40 years ago. Now what happened? This was revived again. But the reason was different this time. And what was it the reason was to oppress those who had believed in Musa alayhis salam in particular, to oppress them, to persecute them, in order to make sure that they would give up their faith, and also to deter others from believing in Musar de Sena. So it was as if believing in Musa alayhis salam was a crime. It was a criminal offense, such a criminal offense, that meant that your children's life would be in
danger, they would be killed. The punishment for this crime of believing and Musa Lisanna was what? Murder? This was the punishment
and fit our own over here used extreme violence in order to deter people from believing.
And you see any child whether he's your own child or the child of your enemy, a child is a child, isn't it? Because children are innocent? I mean, you could argue that adults okay for their crimes, they're guilty and they should be treated in a certain way. Okay, that's understandable. However, children are children. They
They are innocent. But if such violence is being committed against children, even the life of children is not spared. What does this show? What does this show that really the lives of Bani Israel of those who believed had no value in front of it our own? You could say that Muslim blood was extremely cheap at that time. extremely cheap. There was no respect whatsoever for Muslim life.
You see Musa Hassan was sent in order to reform the condition of Bani Israel, wasn't it? We learn elsewhere in the Quran. That frown had oppressed the Bani Israel. He had divided his nation and he was oppressing one group of his nation and that was the Bani Israel you and Allah subhanaw taala wanted to show favor to them and save them and this is the reason why he sent Musar Lisanna. But we see that when Musa alayhis salam came,
the condition of the Bani Israel became,
became what? Worse worse than before. And this is something that's mentioned elsewhere in the Quran also in Arafa 129 that the Bani Israel they said Kalu Oh Lena Min khopoli and Tatiana woman bar the magic Diana, we were hurt we were harmed before you came to us. And we are being harmed even after you have come to us.
This is something that happened before you came and this is something that's happening to us even after you have come what does this teach us that before the condition of a person is improved?
Is there any hardship is there any hardship definitely there is. What happens is that when we are expecting improvement or reformation, we are hoping that our condition will improve. We want everything to work according to how we want we want everything to improve but realize that before reform, there is decline.
Before success, there is some failure. Before again there is loss, there is pain, it's part of the process.
And this is why every time things go bad, we should increase in our hope. Not that we begin to despair. Every time things go against our desires. They get harder, they get more difficult. Realize that in sha Allah success is near. The harder it gets, the tougher it gets. That means that the journey is going to end very soon. Things are going to change very soon. Allah says over here one man que dual Katharina elaphe. Ebola Al, the plot of the deniers is not except in error fee Bala What does Golan mean by that is when something is lost by Allah, Allah is error. misguidance right, it's the opposite of Hoda, what is Houda guidance that you reach your destination. And what is that
you don't reach your destination you get lost. So feel volatile in error, meaning that which does not reach its goal. So fit our own had this whole plot this terrible plot to deter people from believing. But did his plot work? Did it really stop people from believing? Not at all, in fact, his own wife believed. And as we see in the story over here, a person from his close family, he also believed this plot this plan, it really didn't work. He wanted to harm the deen of Allah, and he couldn't. And this is a fact each time a person targets the religion of Allah in order to harm the people of Allah, then he can never ever be successful. This is affect look at the life of any
profit. Look at the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where there are so many plots that the machine of Makkah came up with, to harm the Muslims, torture, abuse, persecution, boycott, name it anything. They tried it, but did any of it work? No, it didn't. So what am I can do Kathy Medina Illa field Allah never ever gets scared. Never get scared when we see that Muslims are the target of oppression or abuse. Right? We should not get scared. Yes, it's frightening, but realize that this is never ever going to extinguish the religion of Allah. Like we learn in Surah, two Toba that they tried to extinguish the religion of Allah how the FYE him
right? But can they do that? They cannot. With their mouths they tried to extinguish the light of Allah, the deen of Allah but they will never be successful will call us in our own no and fit around said the Rooney leave me all of you the rule.
The rule is from the root letters well that whether a yeah the rule which
to leave something. So the rule it's a plural word. All of you leave me. Leave me as in let me Don't stop me. Don't disagree with me. Don't prevent me. Leave me to octal Musa Actel I kill Musa Musa alayhis salam meaning Let me kill Musa don't prevent me don't disagree with me while the other crew and he should call upon or a boy who his Lord. I want to kill Musa and Musa should call upon his god to protect him. And why is it that frown wanted to kill Musa alayhis salam he said in the a harmful indeed I am afraid. Interesting he claims to be God still he is afraid. He says I am afraid uh, you bet dilla Dena calm that he will change your religion. I am worried that he is going to change your
religion. As we learn elsewhere in the Quran. wayah hubba be buddy Kati, Komal Mithila, right, that I'm afraid that Musa and Perun both of these men, they're going to take away your exemplary lifestyle, your exemplary tradition and your culture and your civilization. They're going to destroy it. I'm afraid that he's going to change your religion. Or on that you'll Hera, he will make a parent meaning he will cause to spread from the letters La Habra, la hora is to become visible to become apparent or to prevail to become dominant. So he will spread as and he will cause to appear fill all the in the land and facade corruption. I'm afraid that if I let Musa live, he was going to
cause a lot of corruption in the land. What does this show the statement of brown it shows how desperate he was to get rid of Mozart eSATA. But it was as if something was stopping him something was preventing him despite claiming to be God, he was asking his people for approval and permission. He's telling them let me kill Musa the Rooney Let me kill Musa it as if he wanted their approval. He wanted their permission.
Because there was something preventing him from taking this action. And what was that? You see? It was politically incorrect to kill Musa alayhis salam. How and why
the people have their own the clip please the clip the Egyptians, they hated the Bani Israel for their own hate to the Bani Israel. All right, that hatred was there.
And that hatred was so severe that they had killed the sons of Bani Israel before and they were killing them now.
Now wasn't Musa alayhis salam from the Bani Israel? Wasn't he from the Bani Israel? He was? So why was it so hard to kill Musa Anissa? Because Musar Lisanna was different from the Bani Israel in the sense that he was from the Bani Israel. But where was he raised in the house of our own,
who had adopted Musala cinemas his own son, who frown and his wife, you understand? Musa Sinha was raised in the house of your own, even though they knew that he was an Israeli. So you see, the status of mozzarella was very unique, it was very different. And this is what it did not allow fit our own to kill Musar listen, because it would be like killing your own son, or killing one of your own.
It just didn't make sense. It was just politically incorrect.
So he couldn't take action against Musab de Sena.
You see how Allah subhanaw taala protected his prophets,
even Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was from which tribe? Which tribe of Quraysh. And from within the Quran, also, which clan which sub tribe of Banu Hashim. He was the grandson of Abdul Muttalib and who was Abdulmutallab? A legend. In that tradition, he was a legend. He was one of their pioneers. He was the person who had rediscovered the well of zamzam.
All right. He had rediscovered the wealth of some some of the most but it was no ordinary man.
But who Hashem had their highest status in Arab society, in Makkah, within the Quraysh also. And so, we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam lived in Makkah for 13 years, but throughout that time, they couldn't kill him, even though they desperately want to do but they couldn't. Allah protected his prophets and this way, Allah protected Musar the Sunnah, similarly, and Allah protects his believing servants in similar ways.
Now we see over here, the justification that our own is giving. Why does he want to kill more scientists and um, he says,
I'm afraid that he's going to change your religion, or I'm afraid that he's going to spread a lot of corruption in the land.
Musa SNM the prophets of Allah, they were sent in order to promote peace or violence, peace. They were sent as reformers not as corrupters they were sent to do is La not to spread facade. But we see here that fit our own is accusing Musashi salaam of spreading facade because near deniers, Islam is facade and facade is Islam, as we learned in total Bacara is 11 were either Akela hula hoop Sidhu, Phil, early Carlo International, mostly when they're told stops spreading corruption in the land. They say no, no, we're not spreading any corruption. We're actually promoting a lot of peace. That's what we're doing. What color Musa and Musa alayhis salam said, when frown is so angry, he wants to
kill Masada sound, and he's bringing this up amongst his closest people and he's discussing it and he wants their approval. Musa alayhis salam What did he say? He said, In Nero's to, indeed I have sought refuge be Rob be in my Rob, my protector, what have become and also your rob the one who has power over you.
I am seeking refuge in my protector, my Lord and your Lord the one who also has power over you. Men against Kali Mata Kabir, every arrogant person who lie you may know who does not believe be yo mil himself hisab in the Day of Account,
I have sought the refuge of ALLAH against every arrogant person who does not believe in the Day of Account, for own is described over here as moussaka bit who is with UK a bit, one who's too proud to accept the truth. And in his pride, he is rebellious and oppressive, was our own behaving in that way. Definitely. So proud he was so arrogant he was that he had justified the killing of the sons of Bani Israel L.
Ly, you may know Bo will hisab he does not believe in the Day of Account. Because if a person believes in account that I will be questioned about my deeds, then he will use reason he will use his mind.
Arrogance is something that makes a person irrational.
Arrogance is something that makes a person blind to the reality of his deeds, or his words. He doesn't see what he's actually doing.
Like for example, when a person is arrogant towards their, let's say, relative, for instance, their parent, right? Or a certain relative, a woman is like that with her husband, for instance, or husband is like that with his wife extremely arrogant, then what happens when one of them is upset or angry?
What kind of words does a person utter? Are they justified? No. What kind of threats does a person give? Are they justified? What kind of accusations does a person hurl at another? Are they justified? No.
It says if at that time a person has to be told. Do you listen to yourself? Do you even hear yourself? Do you realize what you're saying? Do you realize what you're doing? Because arrogance blinds a person who becomes completely irrational? And such an irrational, blind hater? How do you protect yourself from him? Through logic and argument through discussion? No, it's not gonna work. Because he's too arrogant to even lend an ear to listen to what you have to say. So then what option do you have? The only option you have is to give yourself in the protection of Allah. This is the response to blind hate. When someone hates you for the sake of hating you, they have no idea about
who you are what you are, but they just hate you. What should you do in Nero's to be Rob be what are become minquan limita kabillion ly you may know Bo mill, he said, This is a very, very important door.
A very important door that anyone you find is being very unfair to you because of let's say the fact that you are Muslim or the fact that you're a woman or the fact that you have a certain race because of your color, whatever it may be. You feel that somebody is being unfair to you, and they're down to harm you. This is what you do. You give yourself in the protection of Allah
when there is a threat to yours
In your life your honor your property your family. Then you say this with full faith in the earth to be rock be want to become mean couldn't live without Kabila you mean OBO mille hisab. So what happened? Allah subhanaw taala answered the prayer of Masada, his sunnah. And Allah indeed protected him from the plot of fit our own. What did fit our own want to do? He wanted to kill Musa alayhis salam, and we see that fit our own he challenged Musa alayhis salam, that familia de Rudaba right he should call upon his Lord and Musa lesson and did exactly that. He made dua to Allah. So how did Allah protect Musa al Hassan
Wirkkala Raju loon walk Allah and he said who said Raju lon, amen. Which man minion, a believer. A believing man spoke up.
Who was this believing man? He was Minh Le fit our own. He was from the family of in our own men and if in our own what does it show he was not from the Bani Israel.
But he was from the relatives off in our own.
It is sad that this man was actually a paternal cousin to film
and not just his cousin, but also the heir to the throne. Meeting if Iran were to die, who would take his throne? It was this man. Why because when our own had no children of his own, he had no children. So he had no heir to his throne. So therefore the kingship would go to his closest heir and his closest heir was this paternal cousin of his but this paternal cousin what happened? He actually believed in musataha Sinha.
So we'll call around to learn more men on men Alif in our own but this man this believing man so far, he had been young to me. He was hiding Eman who his Eman yet to Katana. What does karma mean to conceal? Up until this point, this man had been concealing his Iman. Why do you think he was concealing his email and why was he hiding it?
Out of fear off FOR Alan's persecution, because remember that fit our own had said kill the children of who?
A levena M and Omar who he didn't say of Bani Israel.
He said Alladhina amanu ma who?
This was religious persecution. This was now a step further hating somebody, not because of their race, but hating somebody because of their faith because of their religion. So even if someone was from the family of our own, if he believed in Musa Arneson on his end would be the same as that off the Bani Israel. So this man had been hiding his faith so far, because it was dangerous to reveal it. But this man, at this point, he revealed his faith. Why did he reveal his faith in order to protect Musa alayhis salam? Because somebody had to defend Musar listener? Somebody had to be the voice of reason over there. And this believing man happened to be in that gathering where for our
own was discussing the murder of Masada husana
So this man, he couldn't hide his faith anymore. Now he revealed it and he defended musante Salah How did he defend him? He said a taco to Luna, would you kill a rod Julen a man and that you're cooler. He says, a lot be Allah, my Lord is Allah. Would you kill a man? Merely because he says, My Lord is Allah? Is that really a crime? How is that a crime? Why would you kill Musa? What justification do you have for killing Musa? What crime did he commit? All he's saying is or be Allah, what a Jacome and in fact, he has come to you build by unity with the clear proofs middle of be come from your Lord.
So firstly, he's just saying that my Lord is Allah. And secondly, he has brought you some clear proofs. What Caja Campbell by Hina Timmy robic and what were the clear proofs that Musa is and I'm had brought, it was a miracles remember for our own demanded for Musala center. Okay, show me some miracles. And most artists and I'm sure, and then frown accused him of magic. And then he said if you perform this magic, we can also show you magic and then he called all the magicians remember, he called all the magicians and Musar is undefeated all the magicians all the magicians believed in Musashi Sinha. All those magicians were killed by federal meaning the proofs were established. The
truth of Musa Lisanna was established. So this man
Missing waka Gerakan biloba United Mera Kaam. How could you deny him we're in an F Jaco, he is Caliban a liar. If he is a liar, file he then on him meaning against him is Kathy boo his lie.
If musanze Time is lying, then you don't need to worry about it. You don't need to turn violent. You don't need to kill him. Because you know what liars never succeed. If he's lying, he is going to suffer the consequences of his line sooner or later. So you don't need to bother you know destroying your image your reputation by killing someone while in and if Yakko he is meaning Musan s&m is saw the controllable, if he is truthful, then what will happen you'll see become it will reach you what will reach you Barbu some of Allah the that which URI do come he threatens you with?
Meaning Musa has warned you if you don't believe that there are consequences. Right? So if you deny him and he happens to be truthful than who's at a loss, you are at a loss in Allah halaya D indeed Allah does not guide man who who are he is most ref most ref who is most ref and extravagant person transgressor the one who exceeds the proper bounds and cut that an extreme liar. Allah does not guide such people. We see over here that this man is very sincerely advising in our own and his people
that do not commit a Seraph in your action against him. You don't need to exceed the bounds of decency in taking action against Musa. Why? Because if he is lying, then you don't need to worry. And if he is truthful, then you're in trouble. Right? So why should you commit a Seraph in taking action against him? And if he's that, then really you don't need to worry about him.
Now in defending Musa alayhis salam, what was he doing? He was revealing his faith in who Sarnia Sana, he was putting his life in danger.
And we see that a similar story is found in the spirit of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Also, we learned for example, there is a Hadith in Bukhari that one of the companions was asked that what was the worst thing the Mushrikeen did to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the worst thing that the Mushrikeen did, and he said, that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was praying in the courtyard of the Kaaba, near the Kaaba, he was praying there. And replevin Abbey Murray came and grabbed the shoulder of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and started twisting his garment. So the shawl that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had around himself on his shoulders,
wrapping him, he grabbed that shawl, and he started twisting it. And on the one hand, he was holding his shoulder. And so with the garment, he was strangling the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam.
At this time, Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah and who came, and he grabbed the shoulder of Earl Kuba and he pushed him away from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said a duck to Luna Raj Jhulan an Akula Robbie Allah. How dare you kill a man who simply says that my Lord is Allah? What a jerk humbled by Unity mill Rubicon. Well, he has brought you clear proofs from your Lord. Why would you do that? And we see that at such occasions when people came to defend the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or when people recited the Quran publicly, even Abu Bakar of the Longhorn, who was beaten. He was beaten by his own people, beaten to almost the point of death. So we're told that he
was unconscious for a long time. And then when he gained consciousness, the first thing he asked was, where's the Prophet? sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how is he? Where is he? His family thought Abubakar Abdullah Warren who was going to die. But what was his concern? How is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?