Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P20 204C Tafsir Al-Ankabut 23-26
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The history of Islam has caused people to feel uncomfortable and fearful, with the use of deadly weapons and the potential consequences of not wanting to be the "the" (the one who fired Ali Ali Ali Ali's fire). The Prophet Muhammad Ali Islam's actions have caused harm to people, including his son's death and the potential consequences of not wanting to be the "the" (the one who fired Ali Ali Ali Ali's fire). Dunya is important in society, and individuals should consider the reasons behind their actions.
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One Lavina Cafaro and those who disbelieve BIA Atilla he in the signs in the verses of Allah while your call he and his meeting hola Iike those year is Su Mira Hemmati they have despaired from My Mercy yet you sue from yes, yeah Hamza seen to give up hope to not have any hope. So those who reject
those who reject Allah as if those who reject the meeting with Allah basically the hereafter. Such people have disparate from Allah's Mercy meaning they'll never attain Allah's mercy. They'll never attain it. Why? Because they're not striving for it.
And through their disbelief they have basically shown that they don't want Allah they don't want Allah's mercy. And when is it that you say you don't want something anymore when you've basically given up? So hola Erica. Yeah is Sunil Rama t. Well, Hola, Erica Lahoma either one Aleem and those for them is a painful punishment.
In Hadith, we learned that Allah subhanaw taala has divided his mercy into how many parts
100 parts.
One part of His mercy, Allah subhanaw taala has descended where
in this world, one part and who is Allah, Allah.
So just 1% of Allah's mercy,
its effects we see in this world.
It's because of that mercy, that people that creatures have affection for one another. It's because of that mercy, that even those who disbelieve in Allah are given air to breathe, are given opportunities where they can have fun and they can enjoy life, that 1% of Allah's mercy. Just imagine how vast that is.
99 parts of Allah's mercy are reserved for the hereafter. So if a person rejects the hereafter, hasn't he deprived himself of Allah's mercy?
Hasn't he deprived himself what a huge deprivation? I mean, how unfair could a person be with himself that he's depriving himself of 99% of Allah's mercy 1% of Allah's Mercy right now, because of that we get deceived.
Because of that, we get deceived that just because we did something wrong, nothing happened. We think, Oh, it's okay for me to do it.
99% of Allah's Mercy is reserved for the hereafter. And when a person has rejected Allah, when a person has rejected the meeting with Allah, then he has really deprived himself and none is to blame except him.
Now what happened Ibrahima is Salam. He addressed his people, what was the response of his people from Arkana from us or not? Canada? It was Joab hakomi. He the response of his people in LA except on Carlu that they said, Oh Cthulhu who just kill him? Oh, Henry goo or burn him. Look at this angry response. That they didn't even think about what Ibrahim Hassan was telling them. They got so overcome by their anger, by their bias, by their love for their idolatry, for their culture for their society, that they were blinded by it and they said just kill him or burn him. What an irrational response, kill him or burn him. But we'll do our Henrico Henrico HELOC off the hook the
idea is to set something on fire. That's that burn him. And that's one of the worst ways of killing somebody
by burning them that when they're alive, set them on fire. This is cruelty. How did you go who they said. But what happened for Angela who, but Allah saved him Mina now from the fire, meaning when they threw him in the fire. Allah saved him from the fire in NiFi Valley Kala is indeed in that or shortly signs live call me you may know him for people who believe the people of Ibrahim Al Islam they built a huge fire. And it was so huge that they couldn't really push him into the fire. They actually had to launch him into the fire from a catapult. Just imagine they built a catapult and they hurled him into the fire from a distance because that fire was so huge because they wanted to
make sure that they finished him they killed him completely. And they won't see any traces of him when he's burned when he's dead. But what happened that threw him intro to soft fat I 9798 we learn pallulah Who banana and for our Google filter him they said construct for him a furnace and throw him into the burning fire for a rod up Caden.
Federal law homeless family, they intended for him a plan, but we made them the most debased because what happened? They threw him in the fire. But did the fire burn him? No, I didn't. Allah told the fire. Cooney Belden wasallam you should be, but coolness and safety for Ibrahim Ali Salam.
They couldn't harm him. Why? Because Allah saved him.
They couldn't burn him, because Allah saved him. They couldn't take his life away. Because Allah didn't take his life away. They couldn't cause him to die, because Allah decided that Ibrahim should not die at that time.
So what does this show to us? People can do whatever they want to harm us to threaten us. Right? But they can't harm us. Until and unless Allah subhanaw taala allows,
didn't the Prophet sallallahu Sallam say that if the entire nation were to gather together to benefit you, they would not benefit you except with something that Allah has already decreed for you.
And if they were to gather together to harm you, they would not harm you except with something that Allah had already decreed for you. So they couldn't burn him. Because Allah decided that Ibrahim should not be burnt. They couldn't kill him because Allah decided that Ibrahim should not die at that point. What does this show to us Allahumma lair man your Lima out later or Allah, no one can prevent what you give. Well are more clear Lima, Managua. And no one can give what you withhold. No one can give us something that Allah decides we should not have. Do we believe in this? Do you believe in this?
Do you then stop fearing people.
stop fearing the creation. stop fearing that because of your hijab, you'll never get married. Stop fearing that because of your hijab, you'll never, ever get into a school or you'll never get a job or you'll never have a career or you'll never have a happy life. No, stop thinking like that. Because who is the giver of provision? Allah, it's not people. It's not things they can give only when Allah gives. They can take something away only when Allah decrees something should be prevented from us. So it's ultimately Allah's decision that prevails. We have to stop fearing people, and we have to start fearing Allah.
Allah saved Ibrahim earlier Salam o. Allah helped Ibrahim on his sunnah because Ibrahim Ali Salam proved his sincerity to Allah. He proved it that he was willing to even be thrown into the fire for the sake of Allah.
And we see that Ibrahim has Salam. He was so firm upon the truth, but not once do we find he was harsh with his father, not even once. So he was sincere to Allah. And he was also someone who wanted good for the people who were around him. He wanted the best for them. What happens is that we start playing victim. We always view ourselves as victims. That I'm the victim and my family. I'm the victim at my workplace. I'm the victim at my school. Ibrahim Arneson. Look at the strength that he has. He is calling His people to though he
and then while he's calling the people to throw hate not even once do we find him being harsh with the people or being harsh with his father? We learned in the Quran how harshly Ibrahim Al isms father addressed him what harsh words he said to him such rude words, but Ibrahim our listener What was his response always salaam salaam salaam peaceful words respectful words, He still made the offer his father. Such are the people who receive Allah's help
those who are sincere to Allah and those who also want best for people. And so they will sacrifice themselves their rights. They're willing to suffer themselves, but they will not ever neglect the right of Allah nor will they neglect the right of people.
And such are the people who receive the help of Allah walk on and he said Ibrahim alayhis salam said in nama indeed only it the husband you have taken min Dhoni Allah He besides Allah O Sana, idols, these idols that you have taken besides Allah, why have you taken them? You have taken them as my word database and EECOM Phil higher to dunya my word, love affection by Nick come between you Phil hire to do
Yeah, in worldly life, meaning you have taken these idols as gods. Why? Because of the mawatha the love that you have for each other, meaning because of your love for each other. Meaning you don't worship these idols because you really believe in them. No, Your Worship is quite hollow, actually, you're worshiping these idols, just because this idol worship brings all of you together. It keeps all of you united. It lets you celebrate, it lets you have fun, right? It lets you enjoy worldly benefits. Your community life, your social life revolves around this idol worship, this idol worship is the center of your life. So with this shared Arpita, this shared belief, your mutual love, and
your friendship, it increases. So basically, for good relationships. That is why you worship these idols, otherwise, you don't really believe in it.
You understand? You understand the point over here, then many times people hold on to certain cultural practices, or they do certain things, not because those things, those actions, those practices are really meaningful.
They actually help them know they're doing it just because when they will do it, they have an opportunity to do it with somebody else. Right, they'll fit in,
they'll fit in the crowd. And if they don't do it, they won't fit in the crowd. So basically, they're doing those things, not because those things are important, they're doing it just to be accepted by others.
Just for the purpose of good public relations, you understand, like, for example, one individual goes to school, not because education is important to them, they're going to school because everybody's supposed to if I don't, then all my friends will be at school, and I won't be in school.
You understand? So my what data by Unicom, Phil highlighted dunya. And so many times, we see that, you know, many things that people are so apparently attached to, they hardly have any impact in their lives. Hardly. But why is it that they give so much importance to them, because it's important, it's necessary for their social life. It's necessary for their community life for their community involvement, just to be accepted by the people who are around them. So it's basically you fear for your friendships falling apart.
Right? You really want that your friendships, your love for each other, it should continue. And this is a reason why you cling to this idol worship out of love and adoration for each other, not for the love of these gods.
You're continuing with this idol worship in love and respect of your ancestors, not for these idols. I mean, think about the people of Makkah, why is it that they held on so strongly to idol worship? Is it because they believed in it really? Did they actually think that it was those idols who provided that? No, they knew it was false. I will tell you a prime example. Why did he claim to idolatry? What was the reason?
Hmm, in his love for his forefathers? Wasn't it to be accepted by the people of his time?
So here, we need to think about something. And what is that? We need to think about our relationships, our friendships? Also?
What is it that has brought me and my loved ones together?
Is it just some worldly gain? Or is it something that is going to be a means to Allah subhanaw taala? If it's anything of this dunya then remember that that friendship, that relationship will end. But if the goal is Allah subhanaw taala then what does it mean, then that friendship, that relationship will be everlasting? Think about it if a person gets married to another.
And their criteria is, oh, this woman is very beautiful.
And that is the reason why they get married. Now what will happen? As the beauty goes away, as the beauty deteriorates, will there be love in that marriage? Not necessarily. People who marry for the sake of money,
people who marry for the sake of money, or just for the sake of being married? Is that really a good solid reason to choose somebody or to get married? No. such marriages fall apart very quickly,
very quickly, because a person was seeking money through that marriage. A person was seeking, you know, something material through that marriage, and when they didn't get it, that marriage wasn't important to them anymore. You understand? Likewise, if there's two
Business partners that come together for the purpose of making profits together, right, then what will happen as long as they have their profits, their business will continue their partnership will continue. But as soon as the profits decline, then what will happen? You go your way i go my way.
So remember, that when, whenever we join people, in any relationship in any form of friendship, if it is something material, if the cause is something material, if it is worldly, then remember, it will come to an end very quickly, sooner or later. But if the basis the foundation is been, then what will happen, that relationship will be eternal, that friendship will be eternal, then it doesn't matter whether those two people are on the opposite sides of the world. It doesn't matter if one is alive or the other is dead. No, it doesn't matter, that relationship will be everlasting. Remember, when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed away? What did Abu Bakar blow on who say that
whoever used to worship Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam should know that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam has died?
But whoever used to worship Allah, then remember that Allah is eternal. So whether the prophets of Allah Islam is alive or not, we will still worship Allah.
Because the goal is not the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the goal is who? Allah subhanho wa taala. You understand?
So really, we need to think about it that our friendships, our relationships, what are they founded upon? What is the basis what is the foundation of these relationships? Is a dean or is it something else if it's anything else, it's going to fall apart seriously, if you show love to your father, just so that you can get money from him.
Then the moment he loses his job, you're gonna say, forget it.
But if you love your father, because Allah made him your father, and Allah made you his daughter, then you will love him whether he gives you money or not, whether he has a job or not, whether he has an income or not, because you love him simply because Allah made him your father, you love him for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala.
Another important thing that we learned over here is that these people, they worshipped their idols, for what reason? for social reasons, for political reasons, not because they really believed in idolatry. They knew that these idols, we make them ourselves, they saw from their own eyes, that when idols were broken, right, it was proven to them that these idols cannot even protect themselves, how can they protect us? They cannot even speak. Right? So it proved to them that idolatry was wrong. But still, they held on to it strong, why, for political for social reasons. And here, we need to check our intentions also, that why am I religious? Why am I observing religion? Is
it really a personal choice? Or is it just so that I can fit in the community? Is it just so that my family is happy with me? My friends are okay with me, the social circle that I have, you know, my friends are okay with me. You know, for example, if I'm wearing the hijab, why is just because all my friends were, what am I doing this for the sake of Allah? Because if the intention is not correct, remember that action will also go away very quickly. He said, You worship these idols simply my word database Unicom, Phil higher to dunya. It's only in this worldly life through male multi Amity. Then on the Day of Judgment, Yak full rubato can be borrowed. Some of you are going to
deny others were yella I know bah, bah, bah, bah. And some of you are going to curse others. You're going to curse each other will not welcome one now and your abode all of you together will be hellfire woman, a common NurseLine and you will have no helpers into the Zakharova 67. Allah says Allah Allah Uyama involved only Baldon are though best friends will be enemies to each other on the Day of Judgment. In total Arafa 37 wieder and column adhaalath or mutton Lana Doctor each time and Omaha community will be entered into the Hellfire it will curse it sister nation. Its sister nation meaning the one preceding it for Manila Hulu. So what happened? Ibrahim alayhis salam he gave such a
powerful message all alone. How many people believed in Him? Allah says for am and Allah Hulu salute believed in him and this is what happens sometimes
that only one person. Only one person will agree with you for Amendola, Hulu from the entire nation one
Individual while Carla and Ibrahim alayhis salam said in ni muhajir on ilaro B indeed I will emigrate to my Lord. I'm leaving all of this I'm going to do Hijra to my Lord.
What does it mean by this? I'm going to go to my Lord meaning I'm gonna kill myself and
go up there in the muhajir on ilaro be meeting I'm doing Hijra Mohajer one who does Angel, meaning I'm leaving all of this.
I'm leaving my nation I'm leaving the city. I'm leaving my land in Arabi to my Lord, meaning to a place where I can worship my Lord.
Because was he able to worship Allah? subhanaw taala in that land anymore? No, he wasn't. They threw him in the fire. They wanted to kill him. They didn't want to see him. His father said that if I see you again, I'm gonna stone you to death. Could he stay there anymore? No, he couldn't. So sometimes this also happens.
The price that a person has to pay for holding on to the truth is this that a person has to leave everything has to leave everyone.
Sometimes that also happens Ibrahima, listen, I'm sorry, I accept it. Because if we have everything in this world, but we don't have Allah's pleasure, than are we successful?
And if we have nothing of this world,
but at the end, we have Allah's pleasure, then are we successful? Yes, we are.
Remember, the most the most important thing in our lives is Allah's pleasure. That is what matters. It's not people's approval. It's not money. It's not career. All of these things. Yes, they're good. They're part of life. Allah is the One who has given them to us, but they're not everything. You can still live without them, you can still survive without them. But one thing that we cannot survive without is the pleasure of Allah subhanho
wa Taala in Nemo Haroon ala B, he said, I will emigrate to my Lord, I am ready to leave this place to go where I can worship my lord, a place where my Lord will come at me to go in now who will Aziz will Hakeem. Indeed, He is the Exalted in Might the wise. So what happened, Ibrahim our listener, he left Iraq and he emigrated to a sham and Lutheranism also he left it off, and he went to the greater Syria. Basically, he went to the city of Sedona to do Dawa over there. All right. Let's listen to the recitation. Well levy Naka phobia you all knew for me
it was
can follow me
kami you mean
walk all in don't
Phil hire
be bom
bom bom
well in that boy
won't bother
who was nozze Halki