Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P18 171A Translation Al-Muminun 1-22
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The transcript describes a group of speakers discussing various topics, including a variety of personal and professional topics. The speakers mention various people, their relationships, and their potential outcomes. They also mention a hidden cause and a person named Malone.
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mother who on a cellular level Sunil, Kareem and Nevada are with a bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. That's the number 172 surah. Talmud, Menon is number one to 22.
Translation. Odd. In fact, indeed, a fella, he has succeeded, I mean on the believers, a Levina those who whom they are fee in Salah to him, their prayer, harsh your own wound, ones who are humbly submissive or Lavina and those who home they are on from a love with the ill speech, more alone, ones who turn away,
one Lavina and those who home they are Alyssa Kathy for the Zika fairy alone, ones who do want to observe one Latina and those who whom they are live for Rudy him for their private parts, have you learned ones who guard Illa except Allah upon as well as you him their wives? Oh, or MA what Malekith eight possessed a man whom their right hands for in the home, then indeed they are Euro not Malou mean? Ones who are blamed famine, but whoever if the law he sought, he desired whare beyond Velyka that for hola Erica than those whom they are allowed Dune, the transgressors
while Lavina and those who whom they are li Amana to him, for their trusts. Why are they him and their promises for our own ones who guard ones who are attentive one Levina and those who home they are Allah upon Salah to him their prayers, you have you learn the guard,
Allah Iike those whom they are aware the throne the inheritors. Alladhina those who URI Thorner they will inherit elfia dosa the fear those home the fee her in it, Holly don't want to abide eternally.
While oh god and certainly holla corner we have created a URL inside the human being men from sulla tin and extract men from cleaning clay sama then jar Allah who we made him not fatten a sperm drop fee in karar in a lodging, McKeen, one firm. Some then Hala Kona recreated a note for the sperm drop. Isla cotton, a clinging clot for her lacuna. Then we created Allah Allah aka the Klingon clot mobile into a lump of flesh for Hakuna. Then we created Al Mustafa the lump of flesh or lawman bones, focus on winner then we closed Allama the bones lemon flesh some then uncheck now who we made him, we produced him How can a creation hot another fat about okay. So he is blessed it Allah who
Allah accent best a highly clean of the creators some then in the come indeed you bother after Velika that lemma you don't surely want to die so much then in a coma indeed you Yoma on the lpm the standing to birthstone you all will be resurrected
while uncertainly holla corner we created folk icon above you suburb seven thorough but ways warmer and not good now we were on from a hug the creation or Filene ones who are unaware
what Angela and we sent down men from a summer the sky man water because the rain in a measured amount for Eska. Now who then we settled it fee in and out the earth. Were ena and indeed we Allah upon the hub in
Taking away b He have it Laqad rune surely once able
for an Chetna then we produced lecan for you be here with it Jana gardens men from nothing alien date bombs. What are now and grapevines Lancome for you all fee her in it for wacky fruits cathedra many women her and from it that could own you all eat washer gelatin and a tree dahulu it comes out men from toe Mount Sinai of Sinai. Dumbo to a producer's bid Dagny with the oil will say billing and food lil Killeen for those who eat what in and indeed la come for you fee in oil and the grazing livestock. Larry brah surely a lesson mistaken? We give you to drink mimma from what fee is in Bocconi here, it's Belize. Welcome and for you fee here in it, my nephew benefits cathedra don't
many women her and from it that gewoon y'all eat
while I lay her and upon it, why Allah and upon al Falk the ships to Cameroon, y'all are carried
recitation of these
Al Rahman v is the hidden cause.
Or lady you know who Moroni love me more audience
are leadin Zanka Antifa Are you
Allah was watching him
then I need to tell on rica hola eco moolah
lady in a homely
all lady
eager Humala Oh
those are homes we have
a lot of audio
please clean
murky clean
water along
the hall up on water he logs
back so
that law who is and who caught anything
in Kedah ye
What are you gonna
law feeding
feeling of well
being enough all the Hone
Fi has our funky we'll get on to I mean.
you saying
to me do me honestly believe
Lila and Katie are in
New SCI.
Fi if you don't
know Wylie
full ketose Malone