Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P12 120C Tafsir Hud 89-95
![Taimiyyah Zubair](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/taimiyyah-zubair-150x150.jpg)
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The Chicagoian political system can lead to chaos and confusion, but it's important to be mindful of one's actions and not just for their own sake. The speaker advises parents to not let their differences create confusion and apologize for their mistakes. The importance of Islam and its importance in shaping one's life is also discussed. The speaker emphasizes the need to be more aware of one's family and its powerful influence on one's health and mental well-being, as well as the importance of letting people know when doing one's part in business and disemphasizing one's actions.
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chatango rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
welcome me and all my people. Lao Yejide mana calm. Do not let it cause you lay Yejide mana come from the root letters Jeem ra me What is Jordan? Crime? And remember we learned this word earlier in total Magadha when I had remonda Come Shanna annual Coleman, and don't let the enmity of people make you transgress. So Landry Minako, what does it mean? Don't let it urge you. Don't let it cause you cause you to do something bad. Don't let one urge you Shikakai my dissension. What is Chicago, a rift division. So Chicago's from Chicago, and Shaka is what to split. So for example, you have a plate, the dish, it's together, it's one round circle plate. But if it falls on the table, it falls
on the ground, what's going to happen, it's going to split and sometimes it will split into two pieces. Now something that was one. Now with a rift with a separation, what happened, it turned into two, this is what Chicago is division difference, when there's a difference of opinion amongst people such that the two are on the opposite ends of the spectrum completely. They have completely different viewpoints. So over here, he says that just because you think differently for me, or just because you don't like me, just because you hate me, don't let this hatred, don't let this difference make you so stubborn, that you don't even listen to what I have to tell you. And you just
oppose me for the sake of opposing me.
You see, when we don't like somebody, think about someone whom you don't like, I mean, whom you don't really get along with 100% or all the time you don't get along with them? What happens if they tell you something? Do you always welcome their feedback? Or do you hear it with caution? with caution? And your first reaction is always no, they're not right? I am, right, they're wrong. And even if they are right, even if what they're saying make sense, you will find an excuse or a reason to defend yourself and to negate them. Does it happen with us? Or no, you guys are too good.
I mean, it happens all the time. That just because we have a bias towards somebody, we don't get along with them. 100% We just differ from them for the sake of different from them. We differ from them just because we don't like them.
And this is something really, really sad, because who's suffering? We are suffering then? Because the other person might be telling us something. That's right. So for example, there might be a teacher whom you don't get along with from the first day of class, you've always disliked her.
So what happens? She tells you that you know what, you better do your readings. Otherwise, you're not going to do that well on your test. So what do you say you're like, in your heart? You're right. I never do my readings. I know what to do. I know how to pass a test and she always has a problem against me. Of course, I never do anything right and you grumble on. But then if you think about it, analyze what she said, Do your readings does not make sense. Isn't that a good piece of advice? Isn't that a good thing to say? Of course, isn't it beneficial for you? But if you don't do your readings, just in opposition to your teacher, tell me who's going to suffer? Is she going to be
fired? No. Who's going to suffer? You're going to suffer? So sure I said I'm he advises the people that lie and remain calm Shikakai don't let your dissension from me cause you to uh you see back on that it reaches you Miss Lou similar to mad that which I'll Saba it reached out Menuhin, the people of no comma, who then are the people of who I will call masala are the people of solid one are karmaloop. And men can be varied. And the people of loot are not at all far from you. Meaning don't oppose me for the sake of opposing me. Because this might make you end up in a similar situation, as the people have knew the people of who the people of silence that people have looked because look at
what happened to them. They oppose their messengers, and what happened what was the result? They were punished. So in other words, he's telling them that don't do me a favor, do a favor to yourself.
Listen to my message, not for my benefit, but for your own good
Do yourself a favor do good to yourself was tough era back home and seek forgiveness from your Lord. So material Eli he then repent to Him in Europe be Rahim on Well, dude, indeed my Lord is merciful and loving. He is merciful. And he is one dude who is what dude, what do this one who loves from wood and what is love what kind of love is this deep love intense love more than hope? Hope is love and what is more than just love? Now why is this name of Allah subhanaw taala mentioned here that my Lord is loving?
Have you ever disobeyed? Let's say your mom, and I'm sure you have everyone does it? Everyone makes mistakes. But then what happens when you go and apologize to her? Sincerely you apologize to her? Does she say to you know, get away from me? I'm not going to listen to you. I don't accept this apology. What's the reaction of a loving mother? What does she do? It's okay, come here, my love, right? And she'll give you a hug and she'll comfort you and both of you are just crying and crying. Right? Who accepts your apology? Who someone who loves you. Someone who loves you will accept your apology will accept you. Even if you've done the worst, the worst mistakes, even if you have hurt
them, even if you have insulted them and humiliated them and embarrassed them. But because they love you, they will always receive you with open arms. You go to them in a desperate situation in a desperate state. They're not going to refuse you. And this is an evidence that they truly love you.
They truly love you.
Allah subhanaw taala he is what he is one who loves a lot. Who does he love his servants? Which is why if there is a person who's been committing the worst crime of associating partners with Allah, if He goes to Allah and He says, Yeah, Allah, I'm sorry, he does is too far he does Tober in his life, then what will happen with Allah not accept him? He will. Because he is. Well, dude, he is loving, and he forgives his servants when they're sincere in their repentance. Think about the story of that man who committed 100 murders. I mean, that story just blows your mind 100 murders. I mean, if we find out about somebody who has killed 100 cats, what will we think? Killed 100 cats?
Seriously. I don't even want to know who that person is. If they come in front of you're gonna like do something to them. Even if they apologize. People are not that forgiving. But that person committed 100 murders. He went to Allah doing Toba and what did he find? forgiveness and acceptance, forgiveness and acceptance. Look at people like Abu Sufian Khalid Ibn Walid Radi Allahu Anhu amazing. Look at the kinds of things that they didn't drag in the butt when they went to their Lord, seeking His forgiveness doing Tober they found Allah to be merciful and loving Allah subhanaw taala accepted them, forgive them their sins. And look at this beautiful introduction of Allah subhanaw
taala the tribalism is giving to his people. Unfortunately, when we tell people about Allah subhanaw taala what is one of the first things that we mentioned hellfire and justice? And are these Allah subhanaw taala is very mighty. These are all very true facts. They're 100% accurate, but someone who has been doing something wrong, you don't keep threatening them because they're going to not listen to you anymore. What is necessary that you encourage them? And how do you encourage someone by giving them hope? And these names of Allah subhanaw taala that he is Rahim he is what do they give a lot of hope to a servant, then it doesn't matter what you've done. It doesn't matter how your life
has been. You know that you will be accepted. You have the guts to go and seek forgiveness. So he says in Nairobi, or Haman. Well, dude, Paulo they said yes, you're able, oh, sure. A man of color who we don't understand. Let's go from fifth. What is fifth? Understanding this head or shy? We don't understand cathedra on a lot much mimma of that which the Hulu you say a lot of things that you say we really don't understand them. We really don't get them. We don't get it. What are you saying? What are you trying to tell us?
We don't see the logic in it. We don't see how it makes sense. We don't see how this is practical. You were telling us to be fair in Al Mikelle. In reason. It wasn't an all of that. How's that possible? We don't understand you.
Now, the things that you read over here that you're able to send untold, his people are they're really difficult to understand. Or they're difficult to understand, or they're simple, clear statements. They're simple and clear. I mean, these concepts are very simple, very basic. Even a child will understand that if you're supposed to measure something you're supposed to measure to the full to the top, not half, not three quarters, but talk full, even little children will understand this concept.
But they said, Oh, sure. I we do not understand what you say, What are you talking about? We don't get you. We don't understand you. Sure, anybody? Cena is known as huddly. Will Ambia, who is hopefully
someone who gives a hotbar. A lecture, hopefully will Ambia he was the best. He was the best of the Prophets when it came to speech when it came to hotbar. How clear to the point wouldn't give up, firm, consistent. So Srebrenica was hopefully will Umbria and his message if that is not being understood. I mean, that kind of doesn't make sense. So what's going on here? Sure. Every time was really telling him about complicated concepts. That didn't make sense. No, he was telling them things that did make sense. So what was the problem here?
The thing is that when someone thinks very differently from you,
okay, when someone thinks very, very differently from you, then there develops a distance between you and them. There is a gap.
And because of that, what happens is that they're talking about one thing, and you misunderstand, you tell them something, and they misunderstand you. Has it ever happened with you, that you're talking to somebody who speaks a different language, they understand a little bit of yours, and you understand their language, because that's your mother tongue. And you're talking to them, you're telling them and they completely misunderstand what you've said. They misunderstand your tone of voice. And they represent it completely differently. And you're like, No, that's not what I meant. I meant something completely different.
Why this big misunderstanding, because of the gap, made times it happens, parents and children.
Parents are on one planet and children are on another planet. Or let me give you another example. Women come from Mars and men from Venus, or vice versa, I don't remember. But anyway, what does that mean that both are very different, they think differently, their minds work differently, their goals are different.
And when there's so much difference in people, it kind of gets difficult to be on the same page. Even communication becomes challenging.
So over a year, sure, everyone was talking about something very simple, very basic, clear to the point. But because these people, their focus was the dunya. And you're able to listen to him. He was calling them to a hero. What he was telling them didn't make sense to them at all. What he was telling them did not make sense to them at all that What do you mean, how can we leave this? How can we not do this anymore? If we change our ways, we're going to suffer so much financially.
You understand?
And many times it happens these days. Also, when you tell somebody that no, this is a part of my religion.
Or this is something that I'm not allowed to do in my religion. They look at you strange. They're like, how's that possible? What are you talking about?
Like, I remember once my husband and I, we went somewhere. And there's this lady, and she's looking at us. She's like, you guys look really young. And you guys are Muslim. And what's going on here? So she's like, are you guys married? And we're like, Yeah. And she's like, well, you guys are so young. Why are you married already? Enjoy your life. You guys are so young. She could not understand why we got married early. She couldn't comprehend it. She just couldn't. It didn't make sense to her.
We learned about homosexuality earlier. And someone who strongly believes in it that no, this is my natural way. This is how I am. This is who I am. This is what defines me. This is how I feel happy.
mean you tell them that? No, it's not allowed in Islam? Will it make sense to them?
You didn't give them every logical evidence, will they get it? They don't get it. They don't understand why. Because their focus is what duniya. Their focus is, I want to have fun. Now. I want to do what I feel like doing. Nobody restrict me. Nobody tells me that I'm not allowed to do this. And I'm not allowed to do that. Whereas in our religion, Islam, what is the first thing?
submission to Allah subhanaw taala. Because when you submit to Allah, then everything makes sense. When you realize this dunya is temporary, this dunya is a place of test. Africa is the home of SHA weft. Jana is the home of pleasures, then everything makes sense to you. So these people, they couldn't comprehend what you're able SLM was telling them, they could not see the logic of what he was telling them to do.
And they threatened him then we're in Ireland, Urraca, phenol berry for and indeed, we see you amongst us as weak, we see that you're very weak. We don't see you as someone who's got a lot of power in society, you're not that well off compared to us, you don't have that much power compared to us.
Well, hola Toluca. And if it was not for your route, la Rajim NACA, surely we would have stoned to death mean, we would have finished you, we would have gotten rid of you long time ago. But we only spare you today out of respect for your Rob. What is your family, the clan of a person. So remember that a tribe is like a big, big family. A subsection of that is a clan, many clans make up a tribe. So they said if it was not for your loved your clan, your family, we would have gotten rid of you a long time ago. And the sad woman, anti Lena via Aziz, and you are not at all near us, as is who is ours is someone who's powerful. Meaning we can still get rid of you. We don't find it difficult, but
we're only sparing you out of respect for your family. And our disease also means powerful, so you're not at all powerful compared to us. We can easily finish you off.
Now you see, sure everyone is Salam. He had something that the prophets of Allah sent him also had and what was that a strong family support? There was a strong family support the Prophet Coronavirus, and I'm also had that support from his family. So for example, Abu Talib, his uncle, he was one of the chiefs of Quraysh even though he didn't believe in Muhammad Salah Islam as a messenger, but yet we see that he supported him. And because of his support the machine they weren't able to touch the prophets on a lot of time with any harm. They were always fearful.
There these verses of portrait that Abu Talib said, he said to the prophets of Allah wa salam, O Allah, He Neha su la kabhi jamboree him had was said the fit to lobby the Fein and foster be Unbreak Malaika hobo that on what should be their co worker, Roman, who are Yuna. He said by Allah, they will never be able to harm you. Even with their great numbers, there are so many still they will never be able to harm you until I am buried under the soil.
Meaning as long as I'm walking on the earth, as long as I'm alive, I will not let them touch you with any harm.
And he said, So proclaim your message. Go ahead and carry on your work, do it openly, and give good news to the people and also satisfy their eyes, meaning make them happy, deliver this message to whoever you want, and Whoever accepts it good for them. But basically, from these verses, what are we learning that I will call him? He gave his full support to the Prophet sallallahu sunnah.
And because of that support, the machine could not harm him. Likewise, you're able to sin I'm also he had the support of his family, and his people didn't dare harm him out of respect for his family.
Now, if you had such backing such support, what would you think that yes, my family is so important. They're everything to me. But what is the response of Srebrenica? Caller He said he'll call me or my people or Lee is my family or zoo Aleikum, more respected to you? Meaning you have more respect for my family, man, Allah He then Allah,
you won't harm me because you have respect for my family. But think about it. Whose messenger am I? Whose message am I conveying to you? Who should you be more conscious of? You don't care about Allah. You care about people. What the husband woohoo and
You have taken him meaning Allah subhanaw taala what? What rank do you give Him? Meaning? How do you think about Allah subhanaw taala that you have put him wha come behind yourself really? Yeah. In neglect where he yeah is from the root letters, La Habra.
What is the back and Lee is that which is put behind your back?
When you put something behind your back? Are you going to see it? Are you going to remember it? No. What is in front of you, you will remember, you will be able to do it. So what he means over here is that you have neglected and forgotten Allah subhanaw taala you don't give importance to him.
Rather you give importance to people. But remember that interrupt be be mata maluna Mohave indeed my Lord is with whatever that you're doing more hate all encompassing. What power do people have my family, all of them can die, what strength do they have, but Allah subhanaw taala he can encompass all of you. In fact, he does encompass you with whatever that you do, meaning you are fully in his control.
Way I call me and all my people, airmen who are non mechanical, go ahead and work on your position McCanna position, meaning Go ahead, carry on, do what you want. I've done my part in near IML. Indeed, I am also I'm in meaning I am also working, I will continue to deliver the message. And you will continue to disbelieve and you can continue to oppose me. And you can continue to carry on in your unfair ways of business. Go ahead. You know, it's like if you tell somebody to do something, they don't listen, you tell them again, they don't listen, you try and in another way you try in a different way. They don't get it. So what do you do at the end?
What do you do?
Now we'll be fine. Do whatever you want. Do whatever you want. And then we'll see what happens.
Because many times when you're advising somebody, what do you do? You give them your own example. You give them other people's examples, learn a lesson, learn a lesson. But when they're not willing to accept your advice, what do you say to them that fine, don't learn a lesson from other people's examples. Go ahead, suffer yourself, and then you will realize, but in this dunya you see if you suffer, then there's always a chance to make up for it. But with respect to the matter of the kettle, you cannot experiment. You can't say, okay, when I die, then I'll see. No, no. Once you die, you're not coming back.
With respect to your exams in this dunya you can say okay, I'll see how the test is. And if I fail, you know what, I'll try it again. But you cannot do this with respect to the era. So he said, we have called me airman Juana McKenna to come in here. I will say for Darla Munna soon you will know my tea here are W z he man to whom ye D it will come are there been a punishment yo z that will disgrace him?
Woman Who occurred and who is the liar? Time will tell the future will show us who the real liar is. And who is it that will be disgraced by a humiliating punishment. Because you see, they look down on Srebrenica. Now, they said we don't think you're a man of any nobility. We don't think that your disease you're not respectable to us at all. We don't give any importance to you. So you're able to sit down said okay, fine. Let's see what happens to whom the punishment that is distressing and humiliating will come up on
what table and wait in the American rocky indeed I am with you waiting, meaning let's see and wait what happens when a major on Bruna? Then when our command came which command of punishment that Jaina show or even we rescue cherry or the Salem when Lavina Ave Maria who and those people who believed with him Bureau Mateen Mina with special mercy from Us. We're a harlot in Edina varnamo and it seized who those people who did what seize them or say her to what is a say her? The loud scream the loud blast. And sometimes this word is also used for an earthquake because you see when there's an earthquake a tremor, then there is a lot of screaming there's a lot of noise.
So a sleigh half sees them for us but who so they became in the morning Vdn here in their homes Jesse mean, as one's fallen prone. That's how they were in the morning fallen on their faces, motionless, dead.
They had previously inhabited that
place and they considered that it was theirs. But that same earth it shook them off that same earth it shook and they died. alum yo no fee her as if they had never dwelt there in y'all know from millennia. millennia means to be rich and also unable McCann means to inhabit a place to live in a place to stay in a place for a long time. So for example, your home where you live, what are you doing over there? This is one year bill McCann. Okay, so can I let me know fi here, as if they had never lived there, meaning there was no trace of life, no trace of life. Everything got ruined in a way as if those people never existed before.
And unquestionably better than the meridian away with muddy and meaning may they be away far removed from Allah's Mercy can bury that same old just as ThermoWood were far removed from Allah's mercy.
Meaning their end was similar to the end of the people have settled their fate, their result was the same. Why? Because they oppose their messengers in the same way.
You see over here, sure, a bonus and I'm warn them that Be careful, you might have the same result as if people have new as the people of the mood and loot, and so on and so forth. So every messenger, He warned his people by reminding them by telling them of the past nations, and you see this nation, the people of Medina, they were near to the people of the mood in place and also in time,
meaning the people of the mood had been destroyed just a little while before them. So they were familiar with the destruction of the people of the moon.
Let's listen to the recitation.
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