Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P10 100D Tafsir Al-Anfal 45-48

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The importance of respecting boundaries and not giving up on one's opinion when dealing with difficult situations. The success of Islam in shaping society and bringing people to their hearts is highlighted. The negative behavior of people who are too busy to do anything is also highlighted, along with the importance of learning not to turn away from others. The segment also touches on the negative reactions of people who do not follow the Islam values and do not follow the values of others.

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			yeah you have ladina Avenue or you have believed either lucky Tom, when you meet fee attend a group
first Butoh then stand firm remain firm, what could allah and You all remember Allah the field on
much y, la la come to flee Hoon so that you can be successful in this idea. And in the following If
Allah subhanaw taala tells the believers certain rules, which rules for battle, that what things
should the believers pay attention to? What should they do? What should they observe in order to be
victorious? Because whenever you're successful at something you should always reflect what was the
positive? What was the negative? What worked? What didn't work? And what are the next steps? What is
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			it that we learned from that we should continue to do? What is it that didn't go well, so that we
can improve it? And what are we going to do in the future in order to improve our situation in
general? So over here, Allah subhanaw taala is directing our attention to what we need to do in
future in order to be successful.
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			So all believers whenever you meet a fear, fear from the root letters via Hamza group, meaning when
you face an enemy, then what should you do? The first rule is faith butuh, then become firm, become
firm Sebata, to remain firm, meaning once you've come to this point, then don't say, we change our
mind. I'm going back. Once you see the test paper, don't say, I don't want to do it. No. Once you
have started, then just do it. Once you are there, then just do it for blue, then become firm.
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			Don't become weak at that time and turn away. Just calm down, keep calm and carry on. So what do we
see at the beginning? We need endurance when meeting the challenge, and when you're working on it
while fighting then what is necessary patience, so Fatboy to become firm. The Prophet sallallahu
Sallam at the Battle of button at the beginning, addressed the believers and he said, oh, people do
not wish to face the enemy in battle. Meaning don't make dua to Allah, let them take place a battle
so that we can participate. No, don't wish for that. And ask Allah subhanaw taala for Aafia, meaning
for safety, to keep you safe from difficulty. But if you should face the enemy, you didn't want
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			that, but you are in that situation you've been brought to that point, then be patient, and let it
be known to you that paradise is under the shadows of the swords. So what does this address tell us?
That you shouldn't ask Allah subhanaw taala to give you a difficult test to give you a difficult
challenge, that Oh, Allah made me very sick so that I can be very patient and earn your great
reward. No, don't do that. Don't ask Allah subhanaw taala for difficulties, any kind of
difficulties. rather ask Allah for raffia. But if you are ever in some great difficulty,
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			despite your not wanting it, you're put in that situation and it happens.
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			So for example, don't ask that I should have a car accident so that I can also experience what it is
like no, may Allah keep you safe. But if you ever happen to be in that situation, then what is
necessary patience, and firmness, right? Patience and firmness. Don't just start screaming over
there and shouting at the top of your voice and crying hysterically. No. Be patient be calm. First
Butoh then remain firm, and realize that paradox is only achieved through difficulty the path to
Jannah is not easy. So if you are brought in a difficult situation, then be firm over there, don't
quit, don't escape. Don't think about how you can get out of that situation. resolve it. And as
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			difficult as it will be, realize that this is the way to Jannah because in every sort of what do we
ask Allah subhanaw taala for a dinner sit all boil? Most likely, the right path is a boo, slaughter
Latina and Anjali. Who are Alladhina unarmed darling him the prophets. Right. The Cydia teen that
you heard that the salah Hain the prophets were their lives easy. Ibrahim wrote us and I was thrown
in the fire, wasn't he? So when a person is going through difficulty in life, especially in his
religion, then that is a sign that inshallah he is on the right path. Because the right path is a
bath of the prophets before and the prophets they endured a lot of difficulty. So first of all,
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			don't ask for difficulty but if you are in difficulty, then be firm, don't give up and try to run
away from there.
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			First Butoh
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			and secondly, what could Allah cathedra and remember Allah much instead of remembering your
difficulties, and talking about the problems and discussing your weakness, what should you do?
Remember Allah much instead of talking about if only and why, and you should have an I should have
done such and such instead of talking about such things, which will further demoralize you what
should you do? Busy yourself into the grove Hola. In any situation where things don't go as planned?
Typically, what do people talk about?
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			If we had done this, we wouldn't have been here. If you listen to me, by the way. I told you deny,
okay, what is this going to do now? Is it gonna solve the problem? Is it gonna change situation? No.
If you start crying over there, if you start getting angry with each other is that going to solve
the problem? What is going to solve the problem if you stay calm, and just focus on what you have to
do? What will help you stay calm and focus on your work the vicar of Allah, because Allah basically
Lehi chochmah in Gulu, it is only with the Dhikr of Allah that the hearts find peace and
contentment. So busy yourself in the Dhikr of Allah, you know, like, for example, a family, you go
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			somewhere and total failure. Okay, you go to a park to have some fun, and what happens? Heavy rain,
and then you're upset at your father and your brother? Why didn't you check the weather and they're
like, You should have checked it don't have a phone. Why did we get you a phone don't have internet?
Why are you blaming me? Right? These are typical arguments that happen. So instead of doing that,
what should you do? What could Allah Huck Thielen? Just start doing the crab Allah start saying
Subhanallah he will be humble he Subhanallah hit or leave and say it 100 times before you yell at
somebody. And I guarantee you by the time you finish, you forget about your problem. Right? So first
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			Butoh what could Allah hackathon Allah Allah come to flee Hoon? In another Hadith we learn which is
in sunnah datamine. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, do not wish to face the enemy in battle and
ask Allah to save you from calamities. But if you should face the enemy, and stand firm, and
remember a lot much, and if they make loud noise, who the enemy and scream, then upon you is
silence, meaning you should be silent and do the Krav Allah in your heart or quietly in your mouth.
But don't start screaming like others are. Typically what happens if there is an accident? Or, you
know, somebody's extremely sick, they fall unconscious? What happens? Everybody starts making noise.
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			What happened? And oh, come here, and come there. noise noise noise, panic? Isn't that what we
typically do?
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			Panic noise. But what do we learn here? We should be silent. And do they could at that time.
Remember Allah? Because that is the best use of time. And that is the best way of dealing with that
situation. Because you know, when there's noise and clamor, people can't focus people can't work.
Which is why if there's ever an emergency, and there is, let's say, paramedics, what do they do? One
of the first things they do is that whoever is not supposed to be here, please go away. Right? If
you are the relative of this person, or the friend of that person, then you stay here. But all these
50 people, please go back to your work. Correct? Why? Because if there's more people watching
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			panicking, screaming than what will happen, the situation will get even more tense and difficult. So
for you to do your work calmly, what's the first thing that you need to do? Silence silence, which
is why in test papers, what is necessary when the test is going on? Everybody should be quiet. And
if you're done your test paper, then you should you start talking and complaining, or it was so
difficult. And the poor person who's still working on their tests, they hear oh, it was so difficult
to like, really? I'm going to fail.
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			So these comments, what do they do? They discourage you, they discourage others. But if you remain
silent and engage in the vicar of Allah, then you're calm, others are calm, and people can focus on
their work.
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			So forth Butoh, what could Allah hackathon la Lacan to flee home? What are clear Allah and obey
Allah wa Sula, who and his messenger before we continue, if you think about it, we as Muslims are
trained to adopt silence in our prayers, when the event is being pronounced, right. When the comma
is said between then and if
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			Come instead of talking make dua.
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			Right? When somebody is reciting the Quran be silent. But if there's one thing that we don't know
how to do, what is that remain silent, we don't know, which is why Juma what was going on? And what
are the women doing behind the barriers?
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			Talking away. So Motorola, the whole team has to sometimes yell at the winner, please adopt silence,
you're not supposed to be talking.
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			If a lecture is going on, what's happening, talking, people are taking their tests inside and what's
happening in the cafeteria. Many times people are just talking making noise. It's understandable
that people need a break during break time talk. But if it's not break time, then what is necessary,
we adopt silence.
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			There's one muscle in our mouth.
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			Tongue, which we don't get much rescue.
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			We don't get much rest do it. And if we gave this much if we worked our brain muscles more our ears
more than we would be in a much better state. So it's important that we learn to be silent also,
when it is necessary. Be calm and focus on the work well to your Allah and obey Allah wa Sula, who
and His Messenger, even the battlefield obey Allah and His Messenger than outside of the
battlefield, should we obey Allah and His messenger? Yes, if in such difficult times, we are
required to obey Allah and the messenger. Then when things are easy, then we are more required to
obey Allah and the messenger will attend as and do not dispute. Do not fight with one another. Do
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			not argue with one another, do not dispute with one another focus on the work, not how she's
sitting, and how she's looking.
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			No for focus on your work, do not fight and argue and dispute why. Because if you do that FATF
shallow, then you will lose heart, you will lose strength, you will be discouraged. And whatever,
however you can end your rear would go away. What is the
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			What is the winds? Right? So do you is when this is basically referring to your good impression, and
your courage? Okay? Because wind comes with what storm? When the wind is coming, that means there's
a storm coming, something major is coming. All right. So when someone important someone major is
coming, then along with them, what comes their impression, their good impression. So, if you fight,
then what will happen, you will become weak and your rear meaning your strength would depart. In
other words, you yourself would not feel that strong. And secondly, your enemy will not be as afraid
of you anymore. Think about it. If there's a couple, a husband and wife and you see them arguing,
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			you respect to that individual a lot before but then you see them arguing with their husband? Do you
have any respect for them?
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			Do you any person in fact, if you see them arguing with someone, if you see that they fight with
others, and they lash out like anything? If you see them angry, then a you lose respect for them.
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			And B, you realize how weak they are? Because if they don't have the strength to control themselves,
then do they have the strength to face an enemy? They don't? In the Hadith? What do we learn? Who
was the strong person? Who was the strong person? The one who can control his anger, not the one who
can lash out on others, right. So when people fight with one another, then what happens? Their
strength, it goes away, their good impression gone, and even their enemy does not have any fear of
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			And you know what? Unity, what is that strength. And this unity, division is what the greatest
weakness. This is why they say, united we stand and divided we fall.
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			Right? Division leads to complete destruction. It destroys you. Because then your foundations become
weak, you are internally weak. And when you're internally weak, one external blow is sufficient to
finish you off. Right? Like for example, if a person's immune system is weak, it's very weak, then
what will happen? They'll catch one flu, one infection and call us. Correct. But if a person's
immune system is strong, then their body is strong enough to fight infections and they can recover
much faster. So this is true with respect to an individual
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			A family, an organization, a group of people, that when they fight with one another, they become
internally weak when they're internally weak, then their good impression is gone. And what will
happen? The enemy will take advantage of that. This is why we see that if you study Muslim history,
then we learned this, that when the muscles were disunited, that is when they became weak, and that
is when they lost their power.
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			The lecture that I mentioned to you yesterday, my shift has occurred. Again, I tell you go listen to
it, please. Because really it'll open up your mind. He talks about how the Khalifa ended,
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			the Khilafah how it ended, because the Muslim leaders What did they want, there should be made the
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			there was era of Makkah Medina, he wanted that he should become the Khalifa. So he helped the
British against the Turks. Imagine, he fought with others against Muslims. Why? So that their power
is broken, and I am made the Khalifa. And what happened, his sons were made the Califa different
different places, but the people didn't accept them. And within a couple of years, they were
finished. So what do we have left? Nothing.
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			Nothing. So internal disputes. Remember, this is what causes downfall. This is what leads people to
failure. Even in a family, if a husband and wife fight, if the parents argue a lot than what happens
the children, they have the confidence to yell at their mother. If the father can humiliate the
mother in public, then the son can also answer back and the daughter can also answer back and then
who has respect for any individual nobody? How do you teach your children to respect your husband?
How do you teach your children to respect their father, by respecting your husband, if you respect
him, the children will also learn to respect him. And if you don't, they will never respect him. And
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			if they don't respect their father, you think they will become responsible fathers themselves, they
will become responsible husbands Never. You think they will respect any kind of authority. If they
cannot respect the authority of the Father, you think they will ever, ever respect the authority of
an email
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			of a leader of a boss never have the police never? This is why we see that our Muslim youth what's
happening with them?
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			arrogant and no respect for anybody breaking the rule to your piano, they're tough. They're getting
into trouble with the police here. Why? Because the homes the families are weak. The families are
weak. So we're Latin as Fatah. Shalu, what does have a year come? And your these disputes, they keep
a so preoccupied, especially women, that we can't think about anything else. Right? Somebody said
something was a week ago, and we're still crying. Because of that, we're still upset because of that
we're still depressed. So please keep away from fighting. And you know what, many times you just
have to forgive a person and ignore what they've said, for a little while, and they'll become fine.
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			Somebody was telling me that there is a teenager, whom they have known for many years, and the skin
was really good. And as soon as they've hit the 16, they've changed completely. And they were
telling me that this teenager, you know, they were very rude one day, and they were very rude
another day. So they were hurt, obviously, and they wanted to show it to them. But they're like, You
know what, I don't care. It's okay. They're young. They're, you know, realizing their limits. So
they ignored them, give them their space, didn't fight, didn't argue, didn't yell at them. Nothing,
gave them their space. And you know what? Not, they're perfectly fine.
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			They're perfectly fine, exactly as they were several months ago, no fights took place. No distance
came in the middle. You have to forgive and let go be patient and tolerant, and things will be fine.
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			Said I'm on a
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			one time I was between two people that I really do respect. And they had differences and they start
arguing to each other. So what I did was, I didn't want to get involved in between them. So I walked
away. And one of the ladies told me that Why are you walking away you need to be here, you can get
out. So I sat down for a while to listen to what they have to say to each other. But I kept my
distance because it wasn't about me. And then after a while they were screaming and yelling at each
other. The other one told me that Why are you so silent? Why did you get involved with what's
happening? So, after a while I said to them, you need to sit down if you want me to
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			To get involved in this, you need to sit down and you need to listen to each other because what they
were doing was they were both shouting loud, and none of them can hear each other. So I said,
Listen, why don't you just sit down both of you literally have to take them to their seats and make
them sit down. So they can, you know, exchange what they have each other. So I said to them, you
know, if you don't be silent, one of you, nothing's going to be solved. So at the end, like what you
just said, none of them were listening to each other. They were all shouting at the same time and
didn't get what they were talking about. But then when they sat down, and they explain the problems,
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			they had each other, it was solved. And I said, because of that reason, because you kept silent and
this person spoke is the reason why you could solve the problems now. So silence. Again, it's true,
it's very important. Sometimes you need to listen rather than talk. Yes, unity, doesn't mean that we
won't have differences. Unity doesn't mean that we all will be on the same page, we all will think
in the same way, there will be differences, because when there's creativity, there will be different
ideas. And when there are different ideas, there are going to be differences. You like something
somebody else doesn't like it. You like pink, they like beige, you like this shade of green, they
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			like another shade of green. You like something to be curvy. They like something to be pointy, it's
normal. It's going to happen. But what is necessary, that don't make a fight out of everything.
Don't get offended just because somebody differs from you. Be patient, be tolerant, sometimes you're
hurt. Other times they're hurt. Sometimes your idea is accepted. Sometimes their ideas accepted,
there has to be communication. But our problem is our arrogance comes in the middle. We get upset
and offended that they differed from me. They said something different from what I believe. How dare
they this has disrespect. I don't get along with this person. And why did you say that in a fight
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			and argument. All that is needed is holding our four pick up our fork you don't want to pick it up.
Just pick it up. Because when you'll forgive others only then you can carry on so what I'll do your
hola hola sunnah who will attend as a rule for Deaf shallow? What does anybody who come while Spirou
what is necessary, patience, patience, when you are dealing with others and also when you are facing
the enemy in Allahumma Savarin Indeed, Allah is with those who are patient, he supports the patient,
not the impatient ones. And if you try to be patient, you will have patients what are the Kuno and
do not be Kalinina like those who 100 You mean deatta him who left from their homes batata
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			incidentally, arrogantly, but from the root efforts bail for raw butter is basically the Cabo and
Hyla pride and paella is basically when someone thinks very highly of themselves. Okay, Kayla is
from Korea, which is thought, okay, so Kayla is when a person just thinks that they are the best. So
Baba, pride, arrogance, haughtiness, thinking that I'm the best and we are going to win. And yes, we
are going to be victorious. This is what butter is. So don't go out from your houses, when you're
going to face the enemy, like those who left their houses. Batara incidentally, arrogantly proudly
thinking very highly of themselves, when he as a nurse, and to be seen by the people that he are
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			from, same word as Ria, from the route that has put all Hamza Tian which is to see Sorry to make
other see, who do they want, should see them, the people. So they want to be seen by others. We're
also doing arencibia Allah and the stop people from the way of Allah will Allah who will be my Yama,
Luna, Mohit and Allah is encompassing of whatever they do. This is basically talking about the
Moroccan army, because when they left Makkah, it wasn't just the soldiers who left they brought with
them alcohol, extra food, many many camels to feed the army, and also entertainment What was that
entertainment, singing and dancing girls musical instruments, which is why when Abuja *, he was
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			told by Abu Sufyan, I was a fan sent word that I'm safe, go back home, Abuja when he was told he
said no, by Allah, we will not go back until we proceed to the well of brother. We are going to go
to brother, we're gonna march all the way. We have to impress all of these tribes that are going to
see us and we're going to go there slaughter our camels, drink alcohol and female singers will sing
to us
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			See this way the Arabs will always talk about our position and what we did on that day, meaning it
will become a part of history. And yes, it did, but not in their favor in the exact opposite way.
Right? So Allah subhanaw taala discourages us from such pride and vanity and such showing off know,
when a person goes out in the way of Allah, he should be humble, like the Prophet sallallahu sallam,
when he went as a victor to Mecca, he was humble, because Allah loves humility, you and Hadees, we
learned that an angel, that in every person, there is Hikmah wisdom that is controlled by an angel.
When a person is humble, the angel is stalled, increase his wisdom. And when a person is arrogant,
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			the angel just told, decrease his wisdom.
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			So when a person is humble, his wisdom, His intelligence it grows, he can see things he can see
clearly. But when a person is arrogant, that he can't even think rationally. Sometimes you see
people on the television or outside and they're walking like, Oh, they're something that as if
they're walking on the moon, literally. And if you just analyze the way they're standing, and the
way they're walking, and the way they're talking, and the way they're eating, and the way they're
showing off, it's so ridiculous. But in their hearts, what do they think I'm the best. And in
reality, people are looking down on them, because they look like fools. Right? dressed up in that
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			way talking in that manner. They look like fools. So humanity increases wisdom and pride, it
decreases your wisdom and intelligence. So Allah subhanaw taala discourages the believers from being
arrogant. When they go out in the way of Allah.
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			Whoever becomes humble Allah subhanaw taala will elevate him. What Itza Jana Lahoma che upon who
atma Allah home and recall when ze Yena he adorned he beautified the home for them, who beautified
for them a shaytaan wishing upon what did he beautify for them Armada home their deeds? What were
their deeds horrible, going out to fight the Prophet of Allah going out? Even though there is no
need with all of these dancing women and alcohol, but all of their deeds, they were beautified for
them by the Shavon will call her and he said Shavon encourage them learn not long live anyone to
overcome. Look on for you Aloma to them in a NAS from the people, meaning Shavon told them that
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			today no one can defeat you. mean look at your army, look at your weaponry. Look at all the supplies
you have. You're definitely going to win. So he made them overconfident. And Shavon said what in the
end indeed, I juggled local. I'm your neighbor. Joe is neighbor from Gene Wilder. I'm your neighbor.
And I am also here to help you I'm here to offer you my full support. We learned that IBLEES on the
day of better, he appeared in the form of Soraka ibn Malik, who was the chief of the tribe of Banu
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			so at least came in the form of this man. And he said these words do the Mushrikeen Nam can defeat
you today. I am your neighbor, I'm here to help you. But then what happened Philomathean went
through it saw one another who Alfie attend the two groups, meaning the Mushrikeen and the Muslims,
the two armies they saw one another. What did you please do continue to encourage them and said I'm
here to support you know, NACA Allah RPV. NACA saw he turned or LA RP on his two hills. NACA is from
the root letters noon calf sod and it is to turn away, especially when a person is about to do
something. Instead of doing it, what does he do? He just turns away and runs off. So he's there to
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			fight along with the machete keen, advancing against the Muslims, but all of a sudden, what happens?
He just turns away and speeds off why?
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			We'll call and he said, in the very Amen calm. Indeed, I am absolved from you, meaning I am
disassociated from you. I have nothing to do with you. I'm not your friend anymore. In the indeed
IRR I see mellette around that which you do not see. What is it that Lisa debri he saw Gibreel we
learned that when the two armies stood face to face, the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam took a
handful of sand and he threw it at the faces of the machine causing them to retreat, and Gibreel and
the angels that were there, they advanced and they advanced towards a bliss. And when bliss he was
holding the hand of a mistake, man he saw he just withdrew and he ran away. And that man he turned
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			and he said, Aren't you my neighbor? What happened to you?
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			Why are you going away?
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			And the bliss was in the form of Soraka. And at least at that time anybody human come in the
Ramallah Quran, I see what you don't see, I see all these angels in the half Allah, it believes is
saying, Indeed I fear Allah
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			can you imagine? Even IBLEES says, I fear Allah. I'm afraid that I remain here. I'm going to be
severely caught and hurt. Well Allah Who should either a club and Allah is Severe in penalty. But
imagine the stubbornness of bliss. He fears Allah He knows how powerful Allah is. He knows Allah can
punish him. He knows he only has some time left. Yet he doesn't repent. How stubborn Iblees is, he
still does not repent. And there are people who walk on the same footsteps of Iblees who Mark about
Hellfire who say that? Yes, definitely going there. So I might as well have some fun right now. This
is what seemed like bliss and I just will have some fun right now because I know I'm destined to
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			hellfire. He said, I fear Allah. Allah is Severe and penalty. What do we see that IBLEES he deceived
his friends on the day of bother. He encouraged them, go, go go, I'm with you. You're the best you
can do it. And what happened? Right when they were facing the challenge, he ran away, he abandoned
them. And this is something that at least does with many people. He promises them do it, do it, do
it, I'll save you. And when the person is in trouble, he abandons him, when in fact he will say this
to every person who suffers punishment on the Day of Judgment. We learn Yari the humble human need
him shaytaan He promises them he gives them false hopes. Well, now you're either mache Pano, Illa,
00:31:48 --> 00:32:27
			hoorah and promises of Shavonne are nothing but deception. in Surat Ibrahim i A 22 Wheeler will call
the Shavon hula microbiol shiping. We'll see when the matter is concluded people Jana Aryan Jana,
people of * are in * shaitan will speak at that time. He will say in Allahu Akbar the Cardinal
Health, Allah promised you the promise of truth. Well, we're about to come and I also promised you
but for off left to come, I broke my promise when I can only our local mental THON. I had no power
over you Illa and TAO to confess that you have to me I just called you and you responded to me.
Falletta Lu Mooney Don't blame me today. Well, Lou and Fusa can blame yourselves. Imagine IBLEES
00:32:27 --> 00:33:13
			will say this are the people of hellfire on the Day of Judgment. I don't have any power over you. I
just told you, you responded. So don't blame me. Blame yourself. I can't save you right now. So stop
screaming. Basically, this is what he will say, Man, it'd be mostly free comma and to be Muslim
faith. I can't help you. Even when you scream and you can't help me when I'm screaming. So there is
no point stop blaming me blame yourselves. So Chopin, he is the greatest deceiver. He deceives
people today, and he will abandon all those who befriend him. He makes false promises. Imagine the
shayateen so many Shayateen that he has, you know, sent after people in order to misguide them? What
00:33:13 --> 00:34:01
			do you think you stole them? false promises that you listen to me, you do this, and I will give this
to you, you will be happy you will have this you will have this. But in reality, it's a false
promise. Right? And many times it happens and when we're doing something wrong, we see the evil
consequences. But yet we deceive ourselves. It's okay no big deal. Like for example, when we are not
taking our test, for instance, what happens we say next week, okay, next week, and then what
happens? Keeps getting deferred and deferred, right. So shaytaan makes us procrastinate. shaytaan
makes us commit sins. Because with every person, there is a Karine from the Shavon. And there is a
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			Korean meaning a companion from among the angels. Every morning when a person wakes up the ship and
says to him, start your day with something bad.
00:34:11 --> 00:34:50
			And the angel says to him, start your day with something good. So if a person listens to Shavon
Shavon will have a hold on him. And if a person listens to the angel, and does something good, and
one of the first things is that he remembers Allah thanks Allah Alhamdulillah Hillary or he and
Obama methanolic Lee initial, he remembers Allah that what will happen, the angel will have more
control over the person in the sense that he will encourage them to do good and the person will be
able to respond him even more. When a person goes to bed. Both the angel and the chiffon run to him.
She Athan says End your day with something bad. The angel says End your day with something good. And
00:34:50 --> 00:34:59
			if a person listens to the angel remembers Allah until he falls asleep. Then that angel expels the
ship and says go away. You can't stay here.
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			And then he spends the night watching that person and Chidlom cannot hurt him at all. So that
person, he cannot have a bad dream where she alone can scare him and frightened him. He cannot get
hurt from Shaytaan. So it's so necessary that we adopt these ways to protect ourselves. Every time
there's a desire to do evil. There's also that voice that tells us don't do it. So respond to that
voice. Don't listen to Chopin because if you listen, what will happen, he's going to leave you. He's
never going to protect you. He's never going to save you. And there are many stories in the Quran
and Sunnah that give us this lesson. May Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to benefit.
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			Let's listen to the recitation.
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00:35:47 --> 00:35:47
			Uh, you
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			know, either allottee tunefully At
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			first of all to go to Goro law how Kathy
00:36:00 --> 00:36:01
			Kuhn to flush
00:36:04 --> 00:36:05
			out long
00:36:09 --> 00:36:21
			shallow water Hi Barry. How cool was Bill in long for BD What
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			can levena for our job
00:36:33 --> 00:36:34
			do now
00:36:38 --> 00:36:40
			one long beam
00:36:44 --> 00:36:48
			what is the shape on
00:36:49 --> 00:36:53
			ball Lalibela como el Amin
00:36:56 --> 00:37:00
			new Joe left home felon
00:37:01 --> 00:37:05
			all the attorney in
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			the bank won't bother
00:37:09 --> 00:37:13
			me buddy. Walk on
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			me buddy.
00:37:20 --> 00:37:22
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			dollar owner me
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			on one Allahu shaadi.org