Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P09 098C Tafsir Al-Anfal 5-6

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The history of the previous battle between the Prophet and the army is discussed, including the loss of many people and businesses, the dismantling of the caravan, and the need for a plan B to avoid falling apart. The importance of learning to deal with people and working with them is emphasized, as well as the need to stay focused on important things and not give up on others. The speaker emphasizes the need to deal with problems and communicate them to avoid causing problems, and the split between the Muslim and Christian communities is discussed.

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			Come on Just as a hijacker, he brought you out Rob Booker your Lord membayar DECA from your house
bill help me with the truth we're in and indeed for real con a group mineral mock me Nina from the
believers law caddy Hoon? Surely ones who dislike surely ones who were unwilling. Now the vs does
speak about the Battle of better remember that the battle of better was not planned from before. It
wasn't that the Prophet saw a lot of them decided one fine day that Okay, let's go fight them we
should we came and they made preparations for war and the Muslims together left from Medina, you
know with a strong army, and then they went to face the machete King in order to battle them. No.
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			Notice the words over here, comma, a Harada rabuka Your Lord brought you out from your house,
meaning the circumstances were created, that you came out of the house seeking something else but
Allah subhanaw taala put you in that situation where you were facing the army, Allah subhanaw taala
created such circumstances that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came out of Medina with a group of
companions. And what happened? They ended up fighting the enemy. They ended up in a battle. It
wasn't pre planned, it wasn't decided from before. Now, what is it that led to this battle? What
happened exactly what is this I are talking about? Remember that when the Prophet saw a lot of sort
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			of migrated from Mecca to Medina, in that period of time, a little over a year, in that whole period
of time, there were many, many times that the mannequins, they sent their spies, the center
horsemen, in order to observe the whereabouts of the Muslims in order to see their activities in
order to harm the property of the Muslims, and also to cause damage to their lives. Which is why we
see that multiple times it happened that a group of them wished he Kane came in contact with a group
of Muslims outside of Medina, or someone from Makkah, came very close to Medina and what happened,
they caused great loss to the lives and properties of the Muslims. And this is the reason why what
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			happened was that the Prophet salallahu Salam regularly sent groups of companions in order to check
if there was any, you know, group of Moshe Cain coming in order to harm the Muslims. So where the
witch seeking were active in harming the Muslims, the Prophet saw a lot of them also became very
active in checking in making sure that there was no danger coming in. All right.
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			Now, what happened that in Shaban the second year after hijra, the Prophet saw a lot of sin and
learned that a trade caravan of the Moroccans was on its way back from Syria to Makkah, remember
that the people of Makkah had to trade caravans annual, every year, they had two trips, and one of
them was to Syria, right. And this trade caravan was very, very important to the people of Makkah.
Why? Because not every person could travel for the purpose of business. So what they would do is
they would invest in that trade caravan, they would put in their share, people would go a trade, the
profits would come back and they would be distributed amongst the people. And if somebody had not
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			invested in that trade caravan, at least they were expecting that soon this caravan would return and
we'd be able to buy food, we'd be able to buy grain for ourselves because remember that nothing grew
in Morocco. Morocco was is a barren Valley. All right. So this trade caravan was on its way to
Makkah, and the route was such that it was going to pass near Medina. When the prophets of Allah
Salam learned about this caravan. He decided that with a group of companions, they would go together
and attack the caravan. Why? As revenge against the Mushrikeen some scholars, what they've said is
that this caravan in particular, was of what that the property that the Muslims had left behind in
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			Makkah. Okay. The machete keen, they had taken over it. And then Abu Sufyan took a trade caravan to
Syria with the property of the Muslims. Okay. belongings of the Muslims, and then with trade, he was
bringing in profits back were to Makkah, remember one of the companions when he was leaving Makkah
to migrate, the machine stopped him and they said there's no way you're going
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			From here with all of this money, either you leave all this money behind, or you die here, or you
don't go. So basically what did he do? He said, Fine, take everything. And he went empty handed to
Medina. He was someone who possessed a lot of money, but he had to leave everything behind in order
to do hijra, and he wasn't the only person who had to sacrifice all of his wealth. There were many,
many people who left their houses, everything within their houses in order to do Hijra to Medina.
All right, so the wishes again, when they lay their hands on the empty houses of the Muslims, they
took everything, and put everything together, sent a trade caravan to Syria, and all the prophets
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			are returning and the original money, Who does it belong to? The Muslims? All right. And even if
everything did not belong to the Muslims, still, if you think about it, the Muslims and Michigan
were at war. All right. And in war, what happens is that sometimes you're defending yourself, and
sometimes you are attacking the enemy. And if the Muslims were attacking their trade caravan of the
machine, it was basically to inflict revenge on them. Think about how much the Muslims had suffered
at the hands of them wish to gain in all these years, so much. So the Muslims had all the right to
attack the trade caravan, because some people they object or why did the prophets of Allah Saddam do
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			that? They had all the right to do that. So anyway, when the Prophet said a lot is on the Muslims,
they left an Abu Sufyan. He heard about that there's a group of Muslims coming to attack the
caravan. He sent word to Makkah. He said, I fear that the Muslims are going to attack me. So you
please send some, you know, group of men in order to protect the caravan. Now, the people of Makkah,
they all got flared up on hearing this news. Because remember, they had invested their money or they
were expecting the profits, or they were expecting goods to come to Makkah so that they could buy
food for themselves. So what happened? Every single person of Makkah was agitated. Many people,
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			either they went themselves or they sent somebody else. So 1000 People imagine an army of 1000 men,
heavily equipped. They're sat out from Makkah in order to guard the caravan. But what happened at
Abu Sufyan he was a very clever man. What did he do? He changed the route. When he changed the
route, he managed to escape the Muslims safely. So he sent were to the army, the 1000 men who had
set out that go back, I'm okay, we're safe now go back. There's no need to defend us. But Abuja
Hill, who was one of those 1000 men who had come to fight the Muslims? He said, No way. We've come
out. And now we're going to fight the Muslims. We're not going back. So he was determined. And so
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			his people, they stayed along with him, and they camped at Budish. But there is a place that is
somewhere between Mecca and Medina. And he camped at butter, but that is basically the name of a
well over there, so they can get better. And now the Muslims were stuck. The 300 Muslims who had
come out to attack the caravan. Now, they had an army of 1000 men to face 1000 men who were heavily
equipped and here are 300 men, without even enough horses and camels to write on without equipment
without any weapons. So these 300 Men, what happened? Some of them, they weren't very confident. And
this is what Allah subhanaw taala describes over here. Allah brought you out of your house in truth
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			for a reason. But a group of the believers they were catty Hoon. They weren't too happy about how
the events changed. They were hoping to make money. But what happened? Now they had to face an army
and probably lose their lives and the little that they possessed, so they were not in favor of
fighting the enemy. What do we learn over here before we continue that many times it happens that we
want something but Allah subhanaw taala has a completely different plan. You set out of your house
in order to go grocery shopping. But what happens? Something else comes up something else that's far
more urgent, far more important. And then the whole plan changes. You went out in order to spend a
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			peaceful, relaxing, happy, fun day with your family. And it turns into some
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			Think completely different.
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			But remember that even though it was not planned, Allah subhanaw taala created those circumstances,
you were put in that situation for a reason. So what should be done? You get upset, you get grumpy,
you grumble about it, and you get annoyed and irritated and frustrated and show anger? No, what
should you do? Accept it, and think about what you can do in your situation. Let me give you an
example. When we were traveling back, this past break coming back from England, we get to the
airport, and we find out that the flight is delayed by five hours. Okay? Now, when you have two
little kids with you,
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			and you realize that you're going to be stuck at an airport for the next five hours, trust me, it's
not easy. It's a very terrifying thought. Okay. At that time, one reaction is that you start getting
upset that Why did this have to happen? And what are we supposed to do now? And you start freaking
out. And because of that your patience level goes down and you start getting irritated, every little
thing that your kids do. Okay? Are you think about okay, now this has happened? What can we do? What
do you do? How do you spend this time in the most productive way? So what happened? We thought that
okay, we'll leave the airport, we'll come back. But then we realized that no, the airport is very
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			far from where we were living. And there's no way that we can make it back in time, we might get
stuck in traffic, and miss our flight. So we said it's best to stay at the airport.
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			And we didn't want to go through security because we had a feeling that if we go through security,
we're going to be stuck inside and the children gonna go crazy. So we said, okay, might as well
spend as much time outside as possible. And then we asked somebody and they said, no, no, you go
through security. And inside, there's a lot of stuff to do. Or like, really, how's it possible. But
we said clad in sha Allah doesn't matter. We had our breakfast, and we went in, went through
security. And when we get there, we see there's a huge play area for the kids. Okay. And there's
comfy chairs for the parents, okay to sit around that play area. And we said, Okay, fine. We'll just
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			go there. So the kids played and played and played, it was early morning, by the way, and then they
were tired. So we went, got some lunch, we ate everybody together. And then there was a lounge over
there. complete privacy, there was a room that had curtains imagine. So we went there, there's
beanbags on the floor. And there's nobody, nobody in that lounge. And imagine I couldn't sit there
without my no club, you know, eating there. And the kids got to rest because they were exhausted.
And then finally, when we boarded the plane, they slept.
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			Alhamdulillah. And you know, what, if we got onto the plane first thing in the morning, and the kids
are stuck in the airplane for seven hours, and they're full of energy, you can imagine
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			the noise level. And you can imagine the frustration level. Right? So this is just a small example.
Many, many times it happens in our lives that things don't go as planned.
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			And we generally get upset, and it's not gonna get you anywhere. What's the best way?
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			What's the best way you say, Okay, this has happened now what can we do? Should we sit on a lake
home? Sometimes we think we will make good plans. I'm telling my wants three, the first week of
January. In the workplace there is very hot, take vacation or take off. So I booked my vacation for
the second week of January. I booked my vacation once almost three months before and I have one
class which is I was waiting for almost four months to take the class so I registered for this class
I pay everything. So I take my vacation one week before I talk here with the school I said I'm not
going to come for the class. Everything's going so smooth. Everything's perfectly fine. The whole
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			plan is set all plan is set the way I want it. So what happened guess what happened? So I came out
and slip on the highs and I fall off and I hurt my back on my hips. So I was slipped all this one
week I take vacation I was under my bed. I cannot move I cannot do any things I cannot even go
except go washroom make you do and come pray. That's all my life. In my situation for myself. I did
perfect to plan but after that I realized Allah is the greater plan. Maybe whatever I plan it wasn't
good for me. So Allah knows what is best for me. So they gave me this my vacation. I didn't even
think I spend my vacation because I never have a vacation for a long time. I never even think my
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			vacation will be on my back. So so we have to accept it. Whatever is our last plan. Yes. So is the
great planner. Well, I think I need the rest for all this. Yes. So Allah Yeah, I was gonna say that
because what happens is many women is that as soon as they
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			Their breakups, they start working even more. Right, they start working even more like for example,
I know that when I have a day off, what I do is I clean and I do all the laundry and the vacuum and
everything. And by the end of the day, I'm exhausted. But what happens is that sometimes Allah
subhanaw taala creates such circumstances that you're not able to do anything that you had planned.
And something different that happens was what you actually needed, what you actually needed. So at
that time, perhaps you needed that rest,
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			which you weren't going to let yourself have otherwise. So the best thing to do in these situations
is that we accept the plan of Allah subhanaw taala. You know, this is what it means by literally to
biller here. We're Bill Islami, Dena Wahby, Mohammed and sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Obeah I'm
happy with Allah is my Lord, he decided this for me, in sha Allah, there is going to be hired in
this. Now think about it. If the Muslims managed to attack the caravan, okay, you think a machete
king would ever spare the Muslims? If 1000 of them instantly got up equipped, fully equipped to
fight the Muslims? Can you imagine what disaster would have happened if the Muslims actually got the
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			caravan? How many Mushrikeen would have come? And would they just battle them in the desert, or were
they going Medina in Medina and attacked the Muslims in their houses, that would not spare the
Muslims at all. And the Muslims at that time did not have the strength to fight the enemy. They
didn't have that much resources, that many numbers they lacked the resources. So sometimes we have
our eyes set on a particular goal. But Allah subhanaw taala knows whether or not we are ready for
it, we are not ready for it. And Allah subhanaw taala does not enable us to achieve that goal.
Rather, he puts us in a situation where we are dealing with something completely different. But you
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			know what, that is a training for future in sha Allah. That is what you need most at that point in
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			Also, what we see here is that the Wilsons they came out of Medina, hoping to get the caravan and
the caravan was easy. Okay, as opposed to the army. So they wanted to continue, you know, towards
the caravan. They don't want to fight the army. But Allah subhanaw taala wanted them to fight the
army. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, forget the caravan, we're going to go deal with this
army now with the enemy that has come to fight us. And some Muslims, they were hesitant. They were
Catty, Honda said, No, we don't want to go there. This is not what we planned. We should go for the
caravan, not the army. Now sometimes it happens that you're in a situation where you have a choice,
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			either between something easy or something difficult, something fun or something boring. Like for
example, you have an assignment, do you have a test, you have your lesson. And then there's also a
party. There's also our TV program coming up. There's also this movie three hour long movie that's
going on the television for free come on Saturday night. And you also have your test to study for.
So the heart it is pulled towards what what is easy. But many times what is necessary is that we
focus on what is more important, even if it's difficult, because it will pay off, it will pay off
right now you will have some fun for three hours. But then you know what you will have to study for
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			perhaps 510 hours later to make up for that test. If you studied now and passed it, it will be much
easier. And if you defer it for later, you say no, no, I'll give it later. I'll give it later, then
you have 510 tests to make up.
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			So the knifes pulled towards what is easy, but you have to control it and do that which is more
important. So when you go in regards to retest, it's actually funny that the retest are a lot harder
than the tests we do on the day of I missed one for emergency ones. And I remember when I came back
to do it, I was so lost because I had been so long since I had one finished the GES, like this was
the sixth just test. And I was doing it a few months later. And it was like I really want hard to
remember it after everything else has gone by and tell the group and tries harder, harder verses and
the harder words on it. So it's just so much more difficult to the first something that it is right
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			then in there. So we have to suffer one of two pains, right, either the pain of discipline or the
pain of regret. Either discipline yourself now or regret forever afterwards. So hold yourself,
control yourself, do what is important. And realize that in sha Allah there will be played in that.
Allah says you Jad the Luna, aka they were
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			fighting with you arguing with you. Imagine these will Sahaba arguing with who the Prophet salallahu
Salam, some of them that no we're not supposed to go and fight the enemy, how can we fight them,
we're only a few there are 1000 We're not strong enough and we didn't come out of Medina for this
purpose, we should be going to face the caravan. So you already know NACA Philhealth P concerning
the truth because the command had come from Allah, there was the truth. Bar Dhamma. After that
debate unit, it had become clear, meaning the Command of Allah had become clear. Because the caravan
had escaped, it was not possible to go and reach it and attack it. Now what lay in front of them was
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			the enemy. So you already know NACA Philhealth a burden Matoba Jana, and many times it happens that
when we don't want to accept our situation,
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			even though it's very clear, then who are we harming ourselves, the best thing for the serpent is to
accept the reality. Accept the reality when you will accept it, you will be able to move forward.
And if you don't accept it, you're keeping yourself behind you Jad the Luna Cafe will help the
burden meta Bayona can undermine as if it was that you saw Hakuna, they were being driven from
seeing well off, or senior POF siapa is to drive as if they were being driven Elon mode to death.
wahome young little while they were looking, being there were so upset, they were so afraid. It was
as though they were being led towards their death. And this is why they were not happy going with
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			the Prophet salallahu salam to face the enemy. They were reluctant gonna use Hakuna in an Moti Wahoo
me alone. Now what do we see here that there are matters which are pre planned, decided from before.
And when the whole planning is done, then everyone is on the same page. everyone cooperates with
you. But sometimes things are not in your control. And no matter how much planning you've done, your
plan fails, it falls apart. So at that time, the person in charge has to take some decision. And he
has to come up with some plan B, or he has to change the strategy, change the plan completely. Why
because things are not in his control. He is in that situation. And the only option that he has is
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			to change the plan. Now, at this time, there are some people who cooperate. And there are others who
say no, this is not what we agreed with. So we're not coming along with you. We're not going to
continue with you. They say either it's my way. Or it's the highway. Either you listen to me, or I'm
not coming along with you. And they continue to argue they continue to fight. But the thing is that
when people are working together, and the leader, he decides that we have to change our plan, then
what should be the reaction of the followers of summer and power of hearing and obeying? Because the
thing is that when people are working together, there will be times when you will think differently
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			from those who are with you. Right? Even in a family, a husband and wife, they agreed to marry each
other, which is why they got married, right? But then what happens after some time, the husband says
something different. And the wife says something completely different. And if they say, Well, we
think so differently. And this is a reason why we cannot get along anymore. And this is why we have
to go our separate ways. Then what is this going to result in? The woman has to deal with the
children all by herself, and she's not capable of doing that. Or the man has to deal with the
children. Because he gets the kids all by himself. And he's not capable of doing that.
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			I'm not saying the divorce should not be an option at all. That isn't serious cases. But
unfortunately over petty issues these days, people are walking out of their marriages, people are
quitting their work. Why? Because I don't get along with this person. I don't get along with this
person. But remember that we have to learn to live with people and work with people despite our
differences. Because if we don't develop the skill in life, remember we can never ever go far
nothing will work out. Neither a marriage, nor a friendship, nor a household nor a workplace.
Nothing at all can work out if we don't learn to live with differences. Everybody is not the same.
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			Everybody does not think in the same way. So
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			Sometimes you will be heard, and sometimes somebody else will be heard. Sometimes your suggestion
will be accepted. Other times somebody else suggestion will be accepted. Sometimes you go along
happily. And sometimes we'll go along with difficulty. But if you keep going, move past the
differences, eventually you'll get somewhere. But if you get stuck and say, Oh, no, they don't have
any respect for me. You know, I'm just a pushover here. I have no value here, then you're not gonna
go any far. Yes.
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			Yes, exactly. When you agree to disagree, then you find the middle ground, then you find a way in
which you can work out in which you can stay on the same page and solve your problems. So this is a
very, very important skill. But unfortunately, we become stubborn in our ways. And we say no, it's
only this way. And this is why we see so much disunity amongst the Muslims, an organization has
started. And then people split away, they start their own thing. And then that splits further. And,
you know, they start their own thing, division, division, division, resources are divided, people
are divided, which is why our efforts are so scattered, and the harder you produce any positive
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			So I rarely go. And English class, my teacher mentioned to us that many people would go to court to
seek a divorce. But when they took 70% of those people and had a workshop with them to talk about
their problems, 70% of them decide not to get a divorce after that. So it's just about learning to
deal with other people, solving the problems. But that can only be possible if people agree to
speak. You're like what's happening in Syria. Finally, they've managed to make the two sides sit
together and talk about the problems so that we can come to a solution because imagine all these
years, they haven't had even a single proper discussion. And so many people have suffered. Now this
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			is at such a large scale. But sometimes within our families, even what happens is that we don't
communicate the problems. We don't discuss them. When we don't discuss them, how can we solve them,
we keep graduates in our hearts, we show anger, we become moody, and the other person has no idea
what we're going through. And luckily, Muslim communities are divided. And the Sikh community in
Chinese communities, they are so strong, my daughter is working in a daycare, she told me that they
are allowing one they are the daycare teacher to read the rhymes in Chinese language, and the Sikh
community they are having all the language permission from the board to teach them in the school.
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			Their language, I have been teaching in Canada, and we, we are divided every year. We're just
saying, We're Pakistani, and we're Arab. And we're this kind of Arab. And we're this kind of
Pakistani, we're Indian. And we're either about the and we're this and we're that we're so divided.
So divided, we don't know how to work together. Each person is stubborn on his ways. It's
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			I agree to the part that we should discuss problems and everything. But then I don't like the fact
that sometimes people because of that nature, that they don't want to keep grudges, they pinpoint
every single little things. So where does our food come then? Exactly? You know, it's not necessary
that if something is you're bothered about, you have to say, oh, you know why you did this, I really
didn't appreciate I don't like that person. Which is why we see that it's only the major major
issues which have to be discussed. If you don't discuss it, you're not going to solve the problem
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			of Islam. Many of my people I know who are divorced many years down the road, if you ask them. Most
of them will regret the hasty decision that they took, because it affects the children's
personality. And the woman battles it all alone. And she says, I would have just taken that and got
on with it. If I hadn't let my ego come in the way. Yes. Recently, somebody asked me that their son
divorced his wife, how many times three times in one setting. But what he did was that each divorce
paper he filled it out three times. So you see a total of nine times. Okay, so that you would say
no, no, I gave Pollock three times and each the luck was three times. And now he's looking for
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			fatawa that somehow he can take his wife back.
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			Can you imagine?
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			It's so common unfortunately. People give divorce divorce divorce one after the other. And sometimes
it's not the man sometimes it's also the woman who insists on getting divorced. And when she's given
that divorce, then she sits there crying? What's going to happen to me and my children? What about
my future my whole life is ruined. So really, it's about learning to live with differences. Life is
not perfect. In your house. Aren't there times when
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			You don't agree with your parents? Aren't there times when you don't agree with your brother with
your sister? Do you say, Mom, I'm never going to talk to you again. And my brother, I'm never going
to talk to you again. If you start doing that, then you are not going to have a family, you're not
going to be left with a family. Why is it that when it comes to marriage, unfortunately, people
think of divorce instantly, immediately.
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			Some people, they look at problems as signs, you know, we should split up, and other people that
say, okay, problems have come up, how can we solve them? Agree to disagree, and we'll find the
middle ground. So we see that many Sahaba they did not want to go along. They were reluctant. They
were even arguing with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And they felt as though they were being
taken to their death. But there were others who remained firm who supported the Prophet sallallahu
sallam, and because of their support, what happened, the others also agreed, for example, we learn
that when the prophets of Allah doesn't realize that now they have to face the enemy. He asked him
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			why during the install, who were with him, that what do you think what should we do? And he kept
asking, he kept asking, and then started meanwhile, eventually he got up and he said, Oh prophet of
Allah, it appears that the question is directed to us and you want to have our answer the insult. He
said, Perhaps you think, oh prophet of Allah that the Assad have offered to help you on their own
territory only meaning only in Medina, I want to tell you on behalf of the unsought that you may
lead us wherever you like, align with whom you may desire or break relations with whom you may think
fit, meaning, make alliances, whichever tribe break those alliances within any tribe. You decide
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			whatever you want. You may take whatever you desire from our property and give us as much as you
want for whatever you would take from our property would be dear to us than what you would leave for
us. He said we will follow whatever you command us to do. By Allah. If you go ahead until you reach
Burke, Linden, we will accompany you. And by Allah, if you march into the sea, we will also do it
with you. They showed their utmost support, utmost cooperation. Also, we learn and we must routes
that I was a witness to something that mucked up in a sweat did that I would like more than almost
anything else to have been the one who did it meaning I wish it was I who did it. myth that came to
00:32:38 --> 00:33:22
			the Prophet sallallahu sunnah. Well, the Prophet said Allah was making dua against them, we should
he came. And he said, We will not say as the people of Musa said for the Andorra, Buka for Katella
in Hoonah car you don't, we're not going to say to you, that you on your Lord, go fight and we're
sitting here. No, we are with you. We are with you. We will support you, we will go along with you.
And this is the attitude of who those people who take ownership of the work that they're doing.
Those people who take their families seriously, who take the matter of their children seriously, who
take their work seriously, who don't view the work as somebody else's who don't view their children
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			as the husband's children who don't view their house as the husband's problem. No, it's my husband's
problem. And my problem, it's our work. And when a person takes his work like this, it's my work,
then he will get along even with the differences even if it's very, very difficult, less common.
Yes. I would
00:33:48 --> 00:33:52
			like a comment. He said, He likes everything.
00:33:57 --> 00:34:21
			That many women, they love what's with their husbands, which is why they want all the money and all
the favors. But when it comes to his Jana, meaning somehow he can make his mom happy and enter
Jannah then the women don't like that. Right? That is where they say it has problem, not my problem.
But the thing is that if you're married to him, it's your problem. Well, so both of you should be
working together.
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			Let's listen to the recitation of these verses Gumma.
00:34:27 --> 00:34:29
			For Junko Mogami.
00:34:31 --> 00:34:31
			Do Gabi
00:34:33 --> 00:34:35
			in a 30
00:34:36 --> 00:34:38
			minute, mini Nanaka
00:34:41 --> 00:34:46
			Yuja de Luna caffeine will help tiba Benny Anika
00:34:47 --> 00:34:51
			nama himself una Elan Mountie. Whoa boom